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Long-term dairy pasture Grazing Silage Hay
Average Heading Date: 1st June
Majestic is designed for rotational dairy grazing, rather than set stocking, for maximum performance. The tetraploid content increases cattle grazing potential due to its upright growth habit. The mix provides quality feed, with high sugar content – helping to increase milk production. Majestic’s seed rate is higher to allow for the larger size of tetraploid seed.
No Clover available Chicory available Plantain available
All Recommended List Grass Varieties
3.00kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG 3.00kg AberChoice Late Diploid PRG 5.00kg AberGain Late Tetraploid PRG 5.00kg Bijou Late Tetraploid PRG 1.00kg Aran White Clover (Large Leaf)
Second highest grazing yield • Second highest ME yield • Joint highest total mean cutting yield Joint second highest winter hardiness score
Joint second highest grazing yield • Very high ME yield The highest mildew score • High Sugar Grass – more efficient meat and milk production
Highest grazing yield • Highest grazing D-value • Highest ME yield Highest early, spring and autumn grazing yields • High Sugar Grass – more efficient meat and milk production
Second highest crown rust score • Solid disease resistance • Good all-round variety
Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2020/21 (by species & ploidy group)