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A festulolium is a cross between meadow fescues or tall fescues (Festucas) and Italian ryegrasses or perennials (Lolium). This creates a combination of the best characteristics from each type of grass species. For example, fescue grasses are valued for their improved stress tolerance but their yields and quality are well below ryegrass. • Growth at lower temperatures – early and late in the year extending the growing season • Improved drought tolerance • High quality • Good winter hardiness and persistency • High stress tolerance • Responds well to N
Aberniche (meadow fescue x italian-type ryegrass)
AberNiche is the first festulolium to be added to the Grass and Clover Recommended List (it is listed in the hybrid ryegrass section). AberNiche demonstrates that the transfer of the more stress resistant fescue genes into ryegrass can be achieved without negatively affecting the yield or quality characteristics of the grass. The improved stress tolerance means that it is ideal for drought prone areas. Recent trials have shown that its winter hardiness is like other Italian ryegrass and the same, if not better, than some hybrid ryegrass varieties. AberNiche is suited to short to medium-term silage mixtures. The mixes that AberNiche would most suit are Squire and Fortress.
Lofa is known to perform particularly well when conditions are sub-optimal due to different stress factors. This “wide” resistance is exactly what breeders and users are aiming for to secure forage production and quality. Lofa has good agronomics and excellent resistance to crown rust. The early spring growth allows a very large “spring window” with superb forage quality. The mixtures that Lofa would most suit are Shield and Sovereign.