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The tops of the fodder beet can be utilised if required to boost the total fodder output further. The roots tend to be lifted and stored. Some farmers have strip grazed low-medium DM types with sheep and cattle successfully.
Brick (white skin) is a high DM type at 23.6% DM content. It is a true fodder beet and therefore produces cleaner roots which sit 75% in the ground. It is best fed to dairy or beef stock and also has AD potential. Best suited for lifting.
Blizzard (white skin) produces a very palatable feed and has particularly high DM content at 22.4%. It sits deeper in the soil, with 72.3% of the root in the ground. It is best fed to dairy or beef stock. AD potential. Best suited for lifting.
Magnum (white/yellow skin) produces excellent yields of quality feed and has a high DM content (20.8%). A high proportion of the root sits in the ground (65.1%), therefore it is hardier than traditional beets. Best suited for lifting.
Alpes, (yellow skin), 107% DM yield, medium DM Type 17.3%, 67% of root in the ground. Can be grazed or lifted.
Robbos (yellow skin) is a medium DM type, with 19.9% DM content. It has 60% of its root in the ground and has very clean roots. Robbos is ideal for sheep, beef and dairy production as it produces high quality feed. Can be grazed in situ or lifted.
Jamon (orange skin) is a medium DM type with 18% DM content and sits with 57% of its roots in the ground. It has good resistance to leaf disease and bolting. Jamon is highly palatable and can be fed to livestock whole or chopped. Can be grazed in situ or lifted.
Blaze (Red Skin) , 96% DM yield, Medium DM Type 18.8%, 57.1% in the ground can be grazed or lifted.
Feldherr (orange skin) is a low DM type, with 15.9% DM content and sits with 49.6% of its roots in the ground – which makes it very suitable for livestock grazing. Feldherr will not withstand severe frosts.
Data source: Limagrain UK trials 1998-2018 Other varieties available
Pierina KWS
Keep it cleaner with PIERINA KWS
Pierina KWS offers a low dirt tare along with excellent dry matter content. Best suited for drilling from mid-March, Pierina KWS will appeal to growers looking to gain high DM yields and reduce cleaning costs before using their beet.
Gerty KWS The consistent performer Gerty KWS is the best established Energy Beet in the UK and is grown from Inverness to Cornwall. Introduced nine years ago, Gerty KWS combines high DM yields with low dirt tares and on the back of its consistency over contrasting seasons it has been widely adopted on farm. Gerty KWS sits slightly higher out of the ground than other varieties and this, combined with its smooth skin, will help to minimise dirt tares on farm. The corner-stone variety for all UK growers.
Alisha KWS
For great yields and good disease resistance
Alisha KWS offers excellent dry matter yields to deliver high gas yield per hectare. Delivering its best performance from mid- March drilling onwards and with good performance against rust and powdery mildew, Alisha KWS will tick many boxes for UK energy beet growers.
Eloquenta KWS
The next generation
Eloquenta KWS is the next step from KWS breeding programme designed to bring high dry matter yields which in turn bring high gas yields per ha. Where the biogas operator wants high DM content, high yields and low dirt tare then Eloquenta KWS can offer it all.
For a bespoke beet fertiliser programme, speak to your Wynnstay Specialist. Or call the Fertiliser Team on 01939 211266