Trader's Shopper's Guide - 100722

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Classifieds TYRRELL WILL DONATE $50 For every vehicle sold in the month of Oc tober to the local American Cancer Society! *$0 D own , B iweekly payment s fo r 8 4 m onths , WAC . * *$0 D own , B iweekly Payment s fo r 7 2 m onths , WAC ***$0 D own , B iweekly payment s fo r 60 m onths , WAC Payment s D o N ot I nclud e Tax , Ta g a n d D ea le r Fees . O er s Valid t hroug h 1 0/ 13/2 2 . Pic ture M ay N ot R epresen t Actua l Vehicle . See Our Entire Inventory at 1919 WESTLA ND RD. 307-634-1924 2142 W. LINCOLNWAY 307-634-2540 • AWD #P12 321 2019 HONDA CR-V EX-L • FWD #CT 2204H 2012 C HEVROLET SONIC 1LT • AWD #P12 373 2018 CHEVROLET EQ UINOX LT • 4-DOOR • FWD #CT 2204A 2019 HYUN DAI ELANTR A #HT2171A 2014 MA ZDA 6 i TOURIN G #P12 383 2018 HONDA ACCORD LX • FWD #TCT2203H 2011 KIA SOUL PLUS • SUPE R CREW • 4X4 #TCT2203A 2012 FO RD F-150 XLT • AWD #P12 384 2014 HYUN DAI TUCSON LIMITE D • CREW CA B • 4X4 #P12 380 2019 TOYOTA TU NDRA TR D- PRO #HT2142A 2019 HONDA ACCORD EX • NAV #P12 379 2018 HONDA CIVIC EX-L TR UN K OR TR EAT JOIN US FOR OP EN TO TH E PU BLIC SAT. , OC T. 29 • 4PM- 6P M Week of October 7, 2022BUSINESS TO BUSINESS EXPO PAGES 11-14


24m/ 2000h, Aug 31,


AFFLERBACH ELE MENTARY CRAFT AND Vendor Show Oct 15 9am 3pm, 400 W Wallick Rd Sponsored by Simplicity 306 Vendor and Events

A NEW METAL ROOF, THE CURE FOR THE shingles! Installation av ailable New and im proved panel 26 and 29 gauge, standing seam now available in 1" and 1 1/2 SnapLock 40 year paint guarantee, multiple colors, matching color fasteners, trim built to your specifications, full trim package available TAG Roofing, 805 E Fox Farm Rd 307 640 5822

A1 STUMP GRINDING: FREE ESTIMATES, High impact and low impact stump grinding, fully in sured We grind deeper and cheaper! 307 399 3012, aonestumpgrinding @yahoo com

BACA AND SON CONCRETE: Specializing in all types of flatwork, residential and commercial, no job too small, 50 years experience, free estimates, licensed and insured 307 421 7214 or 307 286 1561

BART'S FLEA MARKET: ANTIQUES AND collect ibles, furniture, mid century, pottery and glassware, books, comics, vinyl records, license plates and a whole lot more! Cheyenne's oldest and largest flea market!

Open 7 days a week, Mon Sat 10am 6pm, Sun 12pm 5pm 307 632 0004, 415 W Lincolnway

BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR WE WANT to read your book! Dor rance Publishing trusted since 1920 Consultation, production, promotion and distribution Call for free author s guide, 1 877 729 4998 or visit dorranceinfo com/ads




Fair Silent auction, raffle, entertainment and con cessions, Fri, Nov 4, from 2pm 7pm and Sat, Nov 5 from 9am 4pm

BIG OR SMALL WE DO IT ALL! PARTS AND ser vice: Trailer parts, hitches, welding supplies, bearings and axles, tires, wheels, wiring, orna mental iron hand railings security window guards, commercial or residential steel pipe and tube Welding Shop and Mfg , LLC made in Wyoming by Wyomingites, 508 E 1st St, 307 632 3294

CAPITOL CITY THRIFT STORE: FURNITURE, collectibles and more! New inventory daily! We buy vintage items, estates and garage sale leftovers! Huge selection, great quality great prices! 611 Crook Ave #9, 307 275 6891, open 7 days a week, 9am 5pm

CHEYENNE'S LARGEST SELECTION OF land scaping rock and sup plies, residential and com mercial Delivery available Mountain Stone Land scape Supply, 1413 E Fox Farm Rd M F 8am 4:30pm, 307 433 9515, landscapesupply com


FLEA MARKET'S NEW New Hours: Open Tues Sat 10am 4pm, Sun 12pm 4pm, closed Mon Great selection and wide variety of unique items Antiques jewelry collect ibles, vintage, large vari ety, new items weekly Christine & Co, formerly Rummage & Rags, 617 W Lincolnway, 307 631 0195

CHIMNEY AND STOVE CLEANING, GENERAL carpentry and repair res idential maintenance, li censed and insured Jeff Hoyt Cheyenne Handy man LLC, 307 286 1183, no job too small

CLOSE OUT SALE, 40 50% OFF EVERYTHING in the store! Discount World, Mon Sat, 11:30am 5pm, 3151 Nationway #K1, located by Ashley Furniture

FOR ALL OF YOUR HVAC NEEDS, MISTER B's Heating and Cooling, misterBHVAC com, 307 634 4822

STORM DAMAGE Roofing, all kinds of shingles, includes: Arch itectural, Cedar shakes and shingles, steel Tuff Rib and Pro Panel In surance welcome, free estimates and inspec tions, licensed and insured, serving South east WY and NE Buckskin Builders, LLC, Rawhide Log Homes, 307 631 7697

Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Wednesday • 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Ad Deadline is Wednesday by 4:00 p.m. for Friday’s Edition. Community Profile Deadline is Tuesday by 12:00 Noon.

All phone numbers in Trader’s with no area code can be prefixed with the Wyoming 307 area code.


Walk-in Personal Prepaid: $4.00 min. (20 words). 10¢ per word thereafter.

Phone-in Personal: $5.00 min. (20 words). 10¢ per word thereafter. Business: $5.00 min. (20 words). 10¢ per word thereafter.

Trader’s Shopper’s Guide is published weekly by Trader’s Publishing.




Page 2 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ALONG OTHER LINES AY, OCTOBE R 8, 2022 DOORS OPE N 8:00AM — REFRESHME NTS — MEET AND GRE ET 11TH AFRICA MA AFA RE MEMBRANCE DAY CONFERENCE Public Education and the Great Divide: Race – Culture – White Except ionalism FREE ADMISSION - DONATIONS APPRECIATED Contact, Jill Zarend 307- 635-7094 LCCC Studen t Engagement & Dive rsit y presents: NK African Heritage Inc. Principal Spea sembly Chairman Dr. Frederick Douglass Dixon Black Studies Depart ment Head, Universi ty of Wyoming Deconstruc ting the Negro Question in the Age of Rising American Nationalism Laramie Count y Communit y College Union Pacific Rooms for Conferences and Institutes 140 0 E . College Dr., Cheyenne, W Y James Peebles D., Founder Sankofa African Heritage, Inc. Notorious Negrophobic Books That Escaped Public Banning Why? Former oming Stat Cheyenne Public Schools vs New Charter Schools Hillsdale College Tie- In 2021 Warren Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82001 634-8895 or Outside Cheyenne Phone Toll Free 1-800-634-8895 E-Mail - FAX - 634-8530 Trader’s Online - Serving Southeast Wyoming and Southwest Nebraska Since January 1973 Circulation (Audited) Over 17,500 Weekly Serving: Cheyenne, Laramie, Wheatland, Pine Bluffs, Torrington, WY. Also Kimball, Sidney, Scottsbluff, Gering, NE.
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2023, lim ited basic,
Aug 29, 2027, MFWD, load er, hydro, $16,200 Call Adam at John Deere 4Rivers Equipment at 307 274 5694 or see at 7917 Hutchins Dr, Cheyenne
Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 3 Visit • A OK MARZEN • PETRO CLUB PILSNE R • DEVI LITO BE LG IAN • SALT CREEK CITR A IPA ENJOY $1 .00 OF F ALL 6 PACKS! PAIITRCKRCTAS• L EE RACI DT’S LIQUOR MART MON- SAT: 8AM-11PM • SUNDAY: 10 AM -10P M TUSK ER BA R MON-T HUR S: 2P M-MIDNIGH T FRI & SAT: 2P M-2A M • SUNDAY: 10 AM -10P M 3310 RIDGE RD. 63 4- 333 4 DT’S PACK AGE LIQUOR MON-T HUR : 8AM-M IDNIGH T FRI- SAT: 8AM-2A M • SUNDAY: 10 AM -10P M DT’S SP OR TS BA R MON-T HUR S: 2P M-MIDNIGH T FRI & SAT: 2P M-2A M • SUNDAY: 10 AM -10P M 2121 E. LINCOL NWAY 632- 34 58Specials ex pire Oc tober 13 , 2022 Pabst b lue Ribbon $1749 24 pack 12 oz. cans Coo R s o R Coo R s l ight $2289 24 pack of 12 oz. bottles or cans b ud o R b ud l ight $2579 24 pack of 16 oz. cans n atu R al l ight o R iC e $2189 30 pack of 12 oz. cans Midnight Moon Moonshine all flavors $2139 750 Ml. t ulla M o R e d ew Caribbean ruM Cask Xo Whiskey $2939 750 Ml. ull R PePPerMint CinnaMon sChnaPPs $1729 750 Ml. Casa n oble tequila blanco reposado $4189 $4349 750 M l PinnaC le Vodka original, Whipped cream, cake $1149 750 Ml. e&J Vs b randy $2279 1.75 l iter aviation aMeriCan Gin $2659 750 Ml. s outhe R n Co M fo R t 100 Proof $1599 750 Ml. Ca P tain Mo R gan sPiCed ruM $2829 1.75 l iter s kinnygi R l MarGarita $1209 750 Ml. e li Jah C R aig sMall batCh bourbon $2919 750 Ml. k et e l o ne Vodka $4139 1.75 l iter t ito’s handMade Vodka $2159 750 Ml. C R own Royal Canadian Whisky Vanilla & apple $2469 750 Ml. h igh w est barreled old fashioned CoCktails $4129 750 Ml. Monkey s houlde R sCotCh $2849 750 Ml. Mille R l ite $2519 24 pack 16 oz. cans Mi C helob u lt R a $2139 18 pack of 12 oz. cans






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*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Stated APR assumes 80% loan-to-value and credit score of 720 or above. We have more great low rates for other credit scores, di erent model years, and LTV. Please ask us! Rates shown are e ective as of 09/19/2022 and are dependent on creditworthiness, age of vehicle, and loan-to-value. This promotion cannot be combined with any other o er or promotion. Age 18 or older, membership and credit qualification required. Standard underwriting and credit policies apply. This promotion is available for all new loans, including refinancing of existing loans held elsewhere. Loans for vehicles with model year 2021-2023 earns you $200 CASH BACK at closing with loan terms up to 84 months. To qualify for the cash back, loan amount must be $5,000 or more. Make no payments for 2 months. Current loans at Meridian Trust Federal Credit Union are NOT ELIGIBLE for this loan rate special Commercial vehicles excluded from this promotion. Rates subject to change without notice.

No more wasteful rental fees! 24/7 access with 13 security cameras, all steel construction, 12'x14' insu lated doors, completely insulated, 110v, 220v, with 60 amp panel, bathrooms and hose bibs on site, unit sizes: 14'x25' 14'x50' 20 x45 , member s only clubhouse with 3 patios The Cubby Hole, LLC corner of Dell Range and Haunted Rd, 307 634 4923, 307 314 9610, cheyennecubbyhole com

HAVE A GREAT HUNT ING SEASON! Need winches, tow ropes, hitches, grille guards, bumper replacements push bars, Weathertech floor mats? Get them at D's 4 Wheel Drive 210 E 15th St, 307 634 1736 ds4wheeldrive com

KEEP IT COOL! 20LB BAGS AND 10LB blocks of ice to keep your game meat cool and chopped to keep your beverages cold Self serve 24 hour card swipe, no contact outside vending machine Checks Ice, 820 E 1st St, 307 637 7829


Triumph High School News

Brought to you by: Trader’s Shopper’s GuideTriumph ArT Show

Triumph High School’s, quarterly parent teacher confer ences, were held September 22nd and students presented their artwork in the art show. Art teacher, Sara Wilson, and students of Triumph high presented their art projects. Parents and students had the opportunity to vote for their favorite art piece throughout the evening. The purpose of this art show is to give parents and students a chance to judge and admire art projects while selecting the “best” one. Remember that everyone is a winner, and every art piece is special and unique. Triumph

Collectible coins gold and silver, compare our pricing to what others are paying, you'll be glad you did! Buying and selling since 1982 The Coin Shop, 510 W 16th St, 307 778 7196, find us behind Eagles Lodge Tues Fri, 9am 5pm



we can deliver Get meals volunteer, donate 307 635 5542 or mealson wheelsofcheyenne com

HIGH SPIRIT HOLISTIC SHOW, OCT 8 9, 10am 5pm, Red Lion Hotel, 204 W Fox Farm Rd Shoshone and Laramie Rooms Hol istic living, readers and vis ionaries relaxation meta physical shopping $5 per adult or 5 non perishable food products or personal hygiene items, kids 12 and under free with adult Food donations benefit the Sal vation Army For more info please email Angie at angiefarnum@yahoo com

LANDLORDS, HOME OWNERS, are you look ing for a handyman for your properties? I m a local handyman with 6+ years of experience with a general contractor Professional and trust worthy Text or call Nick at 307 287 6471 to schedule a free quote please leave a voicemail

LG DRYER, BRAND NEW IN CARTON, TOP rated consumer reports was $1050, now $750 307 220 8446


Record collections, large and small purchased Downtown Vinyl, 1612 Capitol Ave 307 632 3476


Players, Sept 23 Oct 9, Dinner Theatre on select evenings at the Historic Atlas Theatre, 211 W Lin colnway, Cheyenne, WY 82001 Order tickets at 307 638 6543 or chey ennelittletheatre org

NEW GALVANIZED WA TER TROUGH, 8 dia meter x 2' depth $400

Many tube type radios, 70+ years, some working, some rebuilt, some have beautiful wood finished cabinets, best offer on ra dios 1945 Ford Luverne

Fire Truck, 11,000 miles, many new and rebuilt fea tures, $17,000 307 634 2589 after 5 rings if no answer, please leave msg

LOOKING FOR SOME THING SPECIFIC? If you did not find what you're looking for, place a wanted ad for those items Only $5 for 20 words, $0 10 per word after 20 If you come in and prepay you'll get a $1 discount Trader s Shopper's Guide, 2021 Warren Ave, 307 634 8895 Cheyenne s best classifieds


TIQUE AND collect ables Join Cheyenne


art teacher Sara Wilson states, “I love seeing all the solutions when it comes to art and the continual creativity with students.” Art shows at Triumph High are the student’s big assignments. Every student is required to give an artist statement. An artist statement is text that goes along with the art that explains the meaning and purpose. Wilson also states, “I am excited to get art into the community; I know it is hard to share your art sometimes.” Wilson announced the winner for People’s Choice Award as Destinie Garcia. Art student Raiden Spangler states,

“To enter art into the art show can be very intimidating, but it is a happy feeling to have people see something that they can connect to and make them happy.” Span gler also added, “My thought process when creating art is what does it mean to me and what will it represent? What will it say to others? Is it just for me or is it getting ex pressed to other as well?” Triumph students will continue to showcase their art during quarterly parent teacher conferences.

NhS STudeNTS ViSiT ViTAlANT Blood SerViceS

Four members (Owen Gross, Tom Kunz, Cam Elliot, Alexyss Ingelby) of Triumph’s National Honor Society and Amy Schick, chapter adviser went to the Vitalant Blood Services center in Cheyenne for a High School Blood Drive Work shop. Triumph joined students and staff from South and East High Schools. The purpose of the workshop was to prepare high school students to host a suc cessful blood drive at their school. Students learned about the need for blood products, how the collection process works, and how the products are used by local hospitals. They also learned about advertising and encouraging potential donors. The group is excited

Laramie County Community College News East High School News Central High School News South High School News Public Schools Chronicle

to host the Triumph Blood Drive in 2023; this will be held at Triumph in February. Triumph staff, students, families, and local community members can all participle and donate.

Auctioneers LLC on Sat, Oct 22 at 2pm, online only view auction and get registered at https:// cheyenneauctioneers hibid com

Ted Hanlon for

Repair, chinking, stain, caulking, roofing Raw hide Log Homes/Buck skin Builders, 307 631 7697, buckskin3902@ yahoo com

TeAm BuildiNg AT Triumph

Throughout the last week of September, Triumph High School staff and students went to the ropes course at Youth Al ternatives. Triumph High School’s Discovery Program has been utilizing this ropes course for 12 years and currently have eleven Triumph staff members who are course certified. The purpose of students going to the ropes course after they have Discovery and have joined the dominate culture of Triumph is to build a com munity that fosters trust, team building skills, communication, and par ticipation.

Student Aspen Apodaca shared about her experi


“Everyone was hyping each other up and being really support ive.” The course benefits Triumph in several ways. It provides an area that promotes teamwork, communication, problem-solving, negotiating, adventure, and reflection. The staff and students get to interact with each other in an environment outside of a typical classroom. Certified ropes course facilitator, Brett Tyrrell states, “My favorite part of the ropes course is facilitating elements that require problem-solving and watching how students think about an activity negotiating with each other. I also enjoy watching students overcome and exceed personal doubts on elements such as the leap of faith.” Another rope’s course participant, Camren Galvan, agreed with Tyrrell adding, “I like how most people were inspired to try new elements from seeing other people’s bravery and successful completion of an element.” As Triumph continues to build a family-like culture, Triumph students will continue to take students to the ropes course to deepen their positive interac tions with other students and staff in and outside of school.

I'm running to protect


The freedom for students to read what they want in school and public libraries.

The freedom for women and all people to make their own healthcare decisions.

The freedom to access public lands.

The freedom for entrepreneurs to open businesses without facing outdated restrictions.

The freedom to live free of discrimination.

Page 4 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ALONG OTHER LINES his information brought to you as a public service of Trader’s Shopper’s Guide
Learn more at Paid for by the Committee to Elect Ted Hanlon
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4 5'Lx2'W, cast iron, USA made, $400 OBO 307 401 3439



Will sell complete rock col lection for $18,000, retail approximately $36,000 or will

pieces 307 631 9933


The 11th Africa MAAFA Remembrance Day Con ference, Saturday, Oct 8, 2022, doors open at 8:00am for refreshments and meet and greet at the LCCC's Union Pacific Rooms for Conferences and Institutes, 1400 E College Dr, featuring: Dr Frederick Douglass Dix on, Principal Speaker and Assembly Chairman Nate Breen, Educator and James Peebles, PH D Founder of Sankofa African Herit age, Inc Free admission, donations appreciated Contact Jill Zarend at 307 635 7094 for more information

LOWER YOUR VEHICLE PAYMENT, MOVE your current car, truck or SUV loan to Meridian Trust and we'll beat your current rate, and you'll make no payments for 2 months!

Restrictions apply, scan the QR code in our ad to learn more Meridian Trust Federal Credit Union

MOSS ROCK, $150 PER TON, DELIVERY avail able 970 222 2095

OUT OF THIS WORLD COLLECTIBLES, OCT 14 16 9am 5pm Star Wars galore, 1977 2005 figures, pocket dragons, statues, metal work, kit chen items, cookware, antique bed and dress ers, tools, canning items, outdoor furniture, large dining table several glass cases Eclectic Estates, eclecticestates307 com

IF YOUR BUSINESS IS: FENCES AND DECKS, home repairs, sprinklers, sod and trees, concrete, aerations, painting or anything related to home improvement advertise in Trader's Home and Garden Directory! Reserve your spot now! Call for more details! 307 634 8895


2022 23 season presents Todd Dereemer and Friends, Sat ,Oct 15, start ing at 7:30pm in the Cent ral Highschool Auditorium, 5500 Education Dr Find out about our 2022 23 season tickets, 5 great concerts, 1 great price $20 60 140 season tick ets online and $5 20 50 singles Tickets at sewyo concerts org

NEW ARRIVALS! FALL DECOR AND WINTER clothing $5 off $25 pur chase before tax, can not combine with any other offer, must have coupon pictured in our ad, ex pires 10/31/2022 The Mall of SVdP Thrift Store, 2112


COME SEE US FOR YOUR LAST MINUTE archery hunting needs! Bullseye Archery: sales, service and supplies Adult and child classes available 917 E Lincoln way, 307 637 7498, Mon Fri 10am 7pm, Sat 10am 5pm bullseyearchery wyoming


Font is Honda

Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 5ALONG OTHER LINES Cheyenne’s Oldest & Largest Flea Market! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MON.-SAT. 10-6 • SUNDAY 12-5 307-632-0004 415 W. LINCOLNWAY BART’s FLEA MARKET Antiques & Collectibles. Furniture, Mid-Century, Pottery & Glassware, Books, Comics, Vinyl Records, DVD’s–VHS, License Plates & a Whole Lot More! Small Oriental Chest $48 Small Locking Cabinet $80 COLORING CONTEST COLOR AND ENTER TO WIN A MASTERCARD GIFT CARD $50 AWARDS GIVEN TO 3 AGE GROUPS • Age 4 & Under • Ages 5-7 • Ages 8-10 First Name: Age: Par ent or Guar dian: Phone: * Centur y 21 Bell Real Estate Agents, staff and immediate family are not eligible to participate. Brought To You By: Century 21 Bell Real Estate 307-632-BELL 2103 Warren Ave. Cheyenne, Wyoming CENTURY 21® Bell Real Estate Color the Picture above and bring to Century 21 Bell Real Estate office at 2103 Warren Ave. Coloring contest entries must be received by Noon on Mo nday, October 31st. Winners will be notified by phone Friday, November 4th. One entr y per person plea se (307) 632-6842 “The Original” Dan Dillinger Owner/Operator Since 1978 hi il
S E AS O N W I N T E R R E N TA L S : A L P I N E , snowboards, skate, Nor dic youth adults Certi fied mechanics, ski and cycle rentals Rock on Wheels, 307 637 0020, 900 E Lincolnway, www rockonwheels net
sell single
Snyder Ave, 307 514 0365, Tue Sat, 10am 5pm
LIKE new 70 1 /4 H x 3 5 3 /4 Wx 3 9 1 /8 D, $ 1 20 0 3 0 3 8 81 3 1 62
VINTAGE AUDIO GEAR, book and comic collec tions, vinyl record and CD collections, cassette tapes and old vintage paper items Bizarre Bazaar Books & Music Buy, sell, trade and repair 1014 S College Ave, Ft Collins, CO 970 484 1699 www fortcollinsbazaar com WINTER IS COMING! GET YOUR SNOW blower tuned up now! Also, small and medium tree trimming and remov al Kin's Repair Lawn and Garden Equipment Re pair, 3903 Cheyenne St, STE A, one block north of the College and Per shing intersection 307 635 5280 F R U ST R AT E D A N D STRESSED ABOUT find ing the right staff? From start to finish, we work with you to hire qualified and reliable employees Express Employment Professionals, ex p re s s p ro s c o m /c h eyennewy, 307 632 0567, 2205 E Pershing Blvd Cheyenne WY 82001 SELF STORAGE: 5'X5', $30 5'X10', $45 10'x10' $75 10 x20 , $105 All per month Open every day, military and pay ahead discounts, security fenc ing and gates lighting camera and daily patrols, A&A Stor Inns, 3559 Cleveland Ave 307 634 7867, aastorinns@wyo 2u com CHEYENNE'S 45TH ANNUAL TOY RUN, Saturday, Oct 8, all bikes welcome, registration at 9am, lunch by G Licious BBQ, Music by DJ45ive Thank you to our current sponsors! Scan the code in t h i s w e e ks p u z z l e p a g e ads for details or go to www highcountrycheyenne com AFFORDABLE POLE BARN BUILDINGS, ex cellent quality, fast reli able service Please call for an estimate, 307 214 1295 A 5 star com pany ROOFING AND GUTTERS All types of shingles, storm damage and insurance welcome 5 and 6 inch seamless gutters Free estimates and inspections Lic ensed and insured Buckskin Builders, LLC, Rawhide Log Homes, 307 631 7697







CONCRETE CONCRETE Cisneros Concrete spe cializes in: Patios, drive ways, garages, side walks, curbs Licensed and insured Call Fred for all your concrete work 307 214 7651, cell 307 630 3498

CUSTOM HANDRAILS, ORNAMENTAL IRON, security window guards, commercial or residential steel pipe and tube Welding Shop, 508 E 1st St, 307 632 3294

PUMPKINS, STRAW, CORN STALKS, gourds pie pumpkins, Amish goods, fall and Halloween gift decor Gift cards available Riverbend Nurs ery 8908 Yellowstone Rd Open Mon Fri 9am 5pm, Sat 9am 4pm 307 638 0147

USA TAX, OPEN YEAR ROUND: PAYROLL and bookkeeping IRS letters small business Mon Thur 9am 5pm, Fri 9am 12pm, see us today for details, 1805 Warren Ave, USA taxwyo com

PAYING TOP DOLLAR FOR SCRAP METALS! Aluminum, steel, brass, copper, scrap iron, batter ies, aluminum cans Large scales for big loads, convenient drive through cash paid for your ferrous and non ferrous metals Cheyenne Auto and Metal, 3001 S Greeley Hwy, please enter from Nation Rd, 307 634 5859


We pay closing costs, no commissions, no re pairs we buy in as is condition, we close on the date of your choice, get a cash offer it's easy! Call 307 414 1990, sellwyohouse com

$20 OFF $100 IN

STORE OR ONLINE pur chase Must present coupon found in this week's Hunting Pages Expires 11/15/22 Not re deemable for cash, li cense or gift card One certificate per customer per day must present at time of purchase, cannot be combined with any other discount Sports man s Warehouse, 2115 E Lincolnway, 307 635 4500

1988 LANCE PICKUP CAMPER, NEW refriger ator and water heater, on board generator, gas range, AC and heater, $7000 Call 307 331 1185

5HP BIRO MEAT GRINDER, GREAT con dition with attachments, $5000 OBO 970 222 2095

AR 15 WITH 16" CAR BINE, 5 56MM, SCOPE and Magpul furniture,


000 for all 970 324 5869

WYOMING SPORTS MAN'S GUN SHOW! Buy, sell, trade Douglas, WY, Fairgrounds, Ft Caspar Building, Sat, Oct 8, 9am 5pm and Sun, Oct 9, 9am 2pm $7 admission fee For table reservations and info call 307 761 5145



R E N TA L S : A L P I N E , snowboards, skate, Nor dic youth adults Certi fied mechanics, ski and cycle rentals Rock on Wheels, 307 637 0020, 900 E Lincolnway, www rockonwheels net

PIT BOSS VERTICAL SMOKER, Sportsman's Series, Louisiana Found er Series and Black Label grills, while quantities last Best brands, hometown service B&B Appliance & TV, 714 Central Ave, 307 638 6468, www bapplian ce com

Page 6 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ALONG OTHER LINES Lincolnway Liquor Don’t Start The Party Without Us! 2825 E. Lincolnway, Unit B I smoke, BUT I still want to get the best deal I can on cigarettes! AND, Believe it or not; that is at Lincolnway Liquor! COMPARE OUR PRICES! PLUS, We offer these extras: -2% discount with cash -Lower price per pack on cartons -2% credit on future purchases -FREE ICE w/ purchases over $10.00 We absolutely see tobacco products as loss leaders! -If we can get you in our store to purchase your tobacco, we know you’ll occasionally buy our other products! HOW CAN WE DO THIS? OUTDOOR LIFE 2007 KEYSTONE COUGAR 5TH WHEEL , 31', 8800lbs, double slides, fully wired, heavy duty tandem pull hitch system on back, other up grades, beautifully main tained must see $13 000 970 324 5869, located in Cheyenne NEW SMITH AND WESSON 9MM, M&P M2 0, includes foam case, holster, extra grips, 3 mags, 50 rounds of am mo $500 970 759 5343 YOUR LIBERTY SAFE HEADQUARTERS, many in stock models to choose from Hunting season is here! Rifles, shotguns and ammo in stock! Rocky Mountain Gun Trader 2470 Dell Range Blvd, 307 632 5133 YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! THIS D A V needs to purchase a reasonably priced excel lent, mechanical sound, 20'+/ motorhome for my memorial trip to NW Montana and long range camping Call John, Kim ball, NE, 970 250 7189
GUN SHOW! Buy, sell, trade Laramie, WY, Al bany County Fairgrounds, Sat, Oct 15, 9am 5pm and Sun, Oct 16, 9am 2pm, $7 admission fee For table reservations and info call 307 761 5145
Sport Wave Runners with trailer $10
$550 307 286 6688 leave msg COME SEE US FOR YOUR LAST MINUTE archery hunting needs! Bullseye Archery: sales, service and supplies Adult and child classes available 917 E Lincoln way, 307 637 7498, Mon Fri 10am 7pm, Sat 10am 5pm bullseyearchery wyoming com COME VISIT YOUR SHOOTING RANGE! Indoor and outdoor shoot ing facilities Give it a shot! Try our 4 D Archery Cine ma Hourly shooting mem berships available Laramie County Shooting Sports Complex, 13802 Bullseye Blvd, just east of Cheyenne off the Archer Exit Tues Fri 10am 8pm, Sat 10am 6pm, Sunday 10am 4pm, closed Monday 307 775 7484, www laramiecounty com FOR SALE: JUST IN TIME FOR HUNTING Thunderbird Meat Grinder, can also make sausages, $300 OBO Call 307 421 8798 KEEP IT COOL! 20LB BAGS AND 10LB blocks of ice to keep your game meat cool and chopped to keep your beverages cold Self serve 24 hour card swipe, no contact, outside vending machine Checks Ice, 820 E 1st St, 307 637 7829 LEUPOLD MARK AR, MOD 1 RIFLE SCOPE, 1 5 4x, with Firedot illu minated mil dot reticle very clear glass, comes with LaRue quick detach mount, $710 Call or text 307 421 0382 RV STORAGE RV trailers and camper storage with security gate and fence Call 307 630 5645 in a picture ad Amana Refrigerator Black, side-by-side, ice maker. $600 OBO (307) 401-3439 Roper Washing Machine By Whirlpool. Top load. $400 OBO (307) 401-3439 LOCAL BEEF FOR SALE! NATURAL , grass fed quarters or halves delivered to you End of Season! Last group, ea rly Oct delivery, custom cut to your specifications Call now to reserve yours now! High Plains Beef, 307 287 1102, highplains beefllc com PIT BOSS VERTICAL SMOKER, Sportsman's Series Louisiana Found er Series and Black La bel grills, while quantities last Best brands, home town service, B&B Appliance & TV, 714 Central Ave, 307 638 6468, www bappliance com PURCELL WOOD PEL LETS, $399 FOR 50 bag pallets of 40lb bags Delivery available, not included in price We take cash, credit cards and checks Dooley Oil Inc, 1807 E Fox Farm Rd, Cheyenne, 307 632 7616 or 720 Skyline Rd, Laramie 307 742 5667 CHEYENNE'S 45TH AN NUAL TOY RUN, Saturday, Oct 8 at High Country Harley Davidson of Cheyenne, all bikes welcome Thank you to our current 2022 spon sers! Scan the code in this weeks issue for de tails www highcountrych eyenne com
whatever your home de
shop Antiques Cent
LLC, first! www ant i q u e s c e nt ra l o n l i n e c o m ,
Tue Sat,
4pm, 307 638 6181









Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 7ALONG OTHER LINES Appliances A+ Charlie’s Appliances 634-5145 415 W. Lincolnway with Bart’s Flea Market LIKE NEW APPLIANCES 90 Day Warranty Delivery Available SERVICE In-Home Repair PARTS New & Used PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK SPACE AVAILABLE for your business Call Today! • 12-Week Program • Affordab e Rates • Good Results 634-8895 PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Hardwoods • Oak • Ash • Maple • Poplar • Walnut • Hickor y • Wormy Soft Maple Specializing In: Oak • Waln • Sycamore • Cherry • Sassafras RATTLESNAKE HARDWOODS ut George Hoff (307) 214-4328 5604 Smokebr ush Dr. ghoff Hardwood ATTLESNAKE H Specia • • • • • Wo ghof ww w. Ra 5604 ( PRO SERVICE PRO WEEK Excavation Kauf fman Contracting LLC 307-630-6435 WAKAUFFM AN @GMAIL.COM • Custom Site Work • Sept ic Systems • Dig Basements • Fix Drainage Issues • Small Concrete Projec ts • Retaining Wall s • Waterline Repairs • Create Dr iveways • Haul Gravel & Dirt KAUFFM AN CONTRACT ING LLC 307-630-6435 WAKAUFFM AN @GMAIL.COM • Custom Site Work • Sept ic Sy stems • Dig Basements • Fix Drainage Issues • Small Concrete Projec ts • Retaining Wall s • Waterline Repairs • Create Dr iveways • Haul Gr avel & Dirt SERVICE WEEK Chimney Cleaning Mon.-Fri. 7:30am -5pm Cheyenne Handyman LLC Handyman LLC 307-286-1183 small Jeff Hoyt 307-286-1183 No job too small • Chimney & Stove Cleaning • General Carpentry & Repair • Residential Maintenance • Licensed & Insured Residential Maintenance Licensed & Insured PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Concrete Rising Force Concrete Contractors • Af fordable • Stamped • Decorative • Colored Licensed & Insured Call Dan: 30 7-220- 8565 All Ty pe s Of Concrete & Epox y Floor Coatings Now Of fering: FOUNDATIONS Residential • Commercial elite crete Systems Epox y Flooring & Microfinishing “Best Deal In Town” R F H Rising Force Concrete Contractors All Types Of Concrete Flatwork • Foundations • Driveways, Sidewalks, Porches & Patios • Garage Floors • Fireplace Pits Call Dan: 307-220-8565Licensed & Insured • Affordable • Stamped • Decorative • Colored “Best Deal In Town” PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Fencing • RESIDENTIAL • RANCH • COMMERCIAL Dale Hill - Owner Ser ving Cheyenne for Over 20 Year s Licensed & Insured The Residential Specialist FREE ESTIMATESBIG FENCING & POLE BARNS D‘S BIG FENCING & POLE BARNS D‘S CALL TODAY! 307-274-5902 CALL TODAY! 307-274-5902 Secure Your Property! We Offer Western Rail Wire & Split Rail • RESIDENTIAL • RANCH • COMMERCIAL Dale Hill - Owner Licensed & Insured Ser ving Cheyenne for Over 20 Year s The Residential Specialist All Types Of Fencing & Pole Barns TIME TO GET READ Y FOR FA LL GIVE US A CALL! PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Fencing FREE Estimate Licensed & Insured (307) 365-0498 • Cedar • Chain Link • Vinyl • Livestock • Repair Corner Fence Corner to Corner Fence Corner to • Cedar • Chain Link • Vinyl • Livestock • Repair FREE Estimate Licensed & Insured 365-0498 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! Cabinetry 637-5204 FREE Estimates COUNTERTOP, CABINET & DESIGN PROFESSIONALS Laminate, Solid Surface and Stone Countertops and Cabinetry Fabrication to Installation SERVICE WEEK Concrete & COMMERCIAL Estimates • Licensed & Insured 286-1561 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL No Job Too Small! 50 Years Experience Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured (307) 421-7214 (307) 286-1561 Baca & SonB& S Concrete Baca & Son Concrete & Son oncrete & Son Concrete Specializing in all types of flatwork:types of flatwork: PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Drywall/Painting Estimates ~ Licensed & Insured ~ Free Estimates ~ • Interior & Exterior Painting • Drywall Installation & Finishing • Drywall Repairs • Texturing 307-286-7482 Licensed & Insured ~ Free Estimates ~ • Interior & Exterior Painting • Drywall Installation & Finishing • Drywall Repairs • Texturing 307-286-7482 & Insured 307-286-7482 • Interior & Exterior Painting • Drywall Installation & Finishing • Drywall Repairs • Texturing Your PHeadline RO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK SPACE AVAILABLE for your business Call Today! • 12-Week Program • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 DOES YOUR BUSINESS OFFER Professional Services Call Today! • 12-Week Program • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 Your Headline PRO SERVICE DIRECTORY 12-Week Program • A ordable Rates • Good Results Call Today 634-8895 FUNDRAISER OF COMMUNITY ACTION OF LARAMIE COUNTY Winter is coming! Come join us for the final market of the 2022 season. Get everything you need to can, dehydrate and preserve for the winter on October 8th. Frontier Park • CFD Parking Lot B off 8th Avenue • Free Parking in Lot C off of Carey Avenue We acc ept EBT & Credit/D ebit Cards! VERY SA URDA AUGUST 13 - OC TOBER 8 7:00 am - 1:00 pm SPECIAL THANKS! 5’x10’ $45/month 10’x20’ $105/month 3559 Cleveland Ave. • Cheyenne, 307- 634-STOR (7867) • aastorinns@w 0’ Cheyenne, WY 82001 • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • MILITARY DISCOUNTS • PAYAHEAD DISCOUNTS • SECURITY: Fencing & Gates Lighting - Camera - Daily Patrols 5’x5’ $30/month 10’x10’ $75/month October 14th-16th • 9 am-5 pm Pocket Dragons • Statues • Metal Work • Kitchen Items • Cookware Antique Bed and Dressers • Tools • Canning Items Outdoor Furniture • Large Dining Table • Several Glass Cases Star Wars Galore! 1977-2005 figures S P R I N K L E R B LOW OUTS, POWER RAKING, aerating fall clean ups Lightning Lawn Care, call Keith at 307 287 1374
SD 5, I'M RUNNING TO pro tect personal freedoms Find me on social media at Hanlon4Wyoming, learn more at hanlon4wyom ing com, 307 228 4542 Paid for by the Commitee to Elect Ted Hanlon
ALL TREATS AT GOODWILL Goodwill Wyoming, two convenient locations in Cheyenne 3301 E Na tionway and 2131 Mason Way, by Converse, across from the Post Office open Mon Sat 9am 7pm, Sun 10am 6pm VISIT OUR SHOW ROOM OR CALL today! Seamless siding seam less gutters, soffit/fascia, metal roofing, leaf relief for gutters, replacement windows, free estimates! ABC Seamless, 1212 Ridge Rd, 307 634 5700 www abccheyenne com
24/7! We're committed to excellence in serving our community! Domestic and residential, stock wells, pressure tanks, constant and standard pressure systems, solar well systems Locally owned and operated, licensed and insured Adam 307 996 7110 LGDrilling com, office@ LGDrilling com WIN T E R IZ E YOUR S PR IN KL E R SYST E M ! C al l e ar l y to s c h e d u l e an ap p o i nt m e nt ! Qu al i t y s p r i n k l e r s i n C h eye n n e fo r 25 ye ar s , l i c e n s e d an d i n s u re d , we war rant y al l of o u r wo r k ! G re e n Ag ai n S p r i n k l e r s , 3 07 6 3 4 270 0
HOUSEHOLD furniture, 20 years experience Call Frank Jr at 307 634 3915, 1103 Monroe Ave, Mon Fri 9am 5pm, Sat 9am noon, Sun by appointment only
SPORTS MAN'S GUN SHOW! Buy, sell, trade Laramie, WY, Al bany County Fairgrounds, Sat, Oct 15, 9am 5pm and Sun, Oct 16, 9am 2pm, $7 admission fee For table reservations and info call 307 761 5145
FOR YOUR HOME improve ment needs 1222 Dunn Ave, Cheyenne, store hours: Mon Fri 7am 5pm Sat 8am 3pm, 307 634 4471
150 left, Behr and Val spar 1216 W 31st St 307 220 8446

$20 OFF $100 IN STORE OR ONLINE pur chase Must present coupon found in this week s Hunting Pages Expires 11/15/22 Not

per customer



NEED EXPERIENCED OFFICE ASSISTANT, part time, must have references Call after 10am, 307


Page 8 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ALONG OTHER LINES PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Hauling/Clean Up M& M EnterprisesDriveway Leveling /Resurfacing • Ac wing rt Work, Prep Building Site s • Tree & Post Hole Granite Boulders for Sale • Trash/ va & Barn Cleaning • Contra ct Hauling/ y Dump ASPHALT PATC Dump Trailer Available • Reason Rate Residential/Rural/ Commercial Estimates Call Mike • 13 • Contract Hauling/ Belly Dump ASPHALT PATCHWORK! ! Dump Trailer Available Re sidential/ Rural/ Commercial Reasona ble Rate s FREE Estimates 631-9313 PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Fencing • RESIDENTIAL • RANCH • COMMERCIAL Dale Hill - Owner Ser ving Cheyenne for Over 20 Year s Licensed & Insured The Residential Specialist BIG FENCING & POLE BARNS D‘S BIG FENCING & POLE BARNS D‘S CALL TODAY! 307-274-5902 CALL TODAY! 307-274-5902 Secure Your Property! We Offer Western Rail Wire & Split Rail • RESIDENTIAL • RANCH • COMMERCIAL Dale Hill - Owner Licensed & Insured Ser ving Cheyenne for Over 20 Year s The Residential Specialist Types ncing ole Barns TIME TO GET READ Y FOR FA LL GIVE US A CALL! PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Landscaping/Excavating Demolition Work Available HUTCHINSON CONSTRUCTION, INC LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATING 632-5615 • 631-1478 • Snow Removal • Parking Lot Cleaning • Landscaping • Excavating • Gravel Hauling • Post Holes (up to 36 ) • Parking Lot Sweeping • Acreage Mowing • Clean Up • Drainage Problems • Loader Work • Dairy Manure • Tree Planting • Rock/Gravel • Back Hoe • Small Dozer Work • Mowing HUTCHINSON CONSTRUCTION, INC LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATING Demolition Work Available • Snow Removal • Clean Up • Parking Lot Cleaning • Landscaping • Drainage Problems • Excavating • Gravel Hauling • Post Holes (up to 36˝) • Parking Lot Sweeping • Acreage Mowing • Loader Work • Dairy Manure • Tree Planting • Rock/Gravel • Back Hoe • Small Dozer Work • Mowing 632-5615 • 631-1478 Your PHeadline RO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK SPACE AVAILABLE for your business Call Today! • 12-Week Program e Rates • Good Results 634-8895 SERVICE WEEK Handyman Services T&L HANDYM AN SERVICES LLC ONE STOP SHOP, 30+ YEARS EXPERIENCE! • Interior & Exterior • Carpentr y • Dr all FIRST RESPONDER, & SENIOR DISCOUNTS Schedule No 307.275.1931 , ow! 93 RVICES LLC all val Repair OUNTS 5.199331 1 RIENCE! PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Home Improvement 5 & 6 Inch er s 5 & 6 Inch Gutters A+ Gutters SE AMLESS GUTTERS IN CHEYENNE Get It Done Now, Not Later! IMMEDI ATE OPENINGS IMMEDI ATE OPENINGS! • ROOF REPAIR • SIDING • DOORS • WINDOWS • FRENCH DR AINS • ALUMINUM/COPPER • LEAF GUARD • SOFFIT & FASCIA Jamie 307-631-8263Call Jamie 307-631-8263 • APLUSGUTTERSWYO.COM Cleaning & Repairs 20 Year Warranty Cleaning & Repairs 20 Year Warranty FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED APLUSGUT TERSWYO.COM A+ Gutters SE AMLESS GU Get It Do • ROOF REPAIR • SIDING • DOORS • • FRENCH DR AINS • ALUMINUM/COPPER • LEAF GUARD • SOFFIT & FASCIA PRO SERVICE PRO WEEK Home Improvement s REMODELING SPECIALISTS FREE Estimates 25 years experience with references Licensed & Insured Local • 256-8576 REMODELING SPECIALISTS ★ Custom Decks ★ Siding ★ Additions ★ Bathrooms ★ Ceramic ★ Flooring ★ Drywall ★ Painting ★ Egress Windows Free Estimates 25 years experience with references Licensed & Insured Local 256-8576 ★ Custom Deck ★ Siding ★ Bathrooms ★ Ceramic ★ Drywall Painting ★ Egress Windows SERVICE WEEK Hardwoods ATTLESNAKE ARDWOODS LLC George Hoff (307) 214-4328 5604 Smokebr ush Dr. ghoff Hardwood Specia li zi ng In : • Oa k • Hickor • Cherry • Mapl • Poplar • Wa lnut • Syca more • Sassa fras • As • Wormy Soft Ma RATTLESNAKE HARDWOODS LLC ghof f9358@msn .c om ww w. Ra tt lesnak eHardw oods 5604 Smokebrush Dr George Ho ff (307) 214-4328 ry l ut s a L LL h Dr 8 ATTLESN A LESNAK N ATTLESNAKE HA LLC Specia li zi ng In : • Oa k • Hickor y • Cherry • Maple • Poplar • Wa lnut • Syca more • Sassa fras • Ash • Wormy Soft Maple ghof f9358@msn .c om ww w. Ra tt lesnak eHardw oods .c om 5604 Smokebrush Dr George Ho ff (307) 214-4328 Gutters ALUMINUM AND STEEL SEAMLESS GUTTERS FLO-TEK Gutters NEW CONSTRUCTION REPLACE | REPAIRS JALON YODER 307-287-2762 PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Roll-Off Dumpsters Prompt and Dependable Serving Southeast Wyoming 1413 E. Fox Farm Rd. 638-8500 Ram Waste Ser vices Residential & Commercial with 10 to 30 Yard Roll-Off ContainersRam Waste Ser vices Residential & Commercial with 10 to 30 Yard Rolloff Containers Prompt and Dependable Serving Southeast Wyoming 1413 E. Fox Farm Rd. • 638-8500 PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Your Headline PRO SERVICE DIRECTORY 12-Week Program • A ordable Rates • Good Results Call Today 634-8895 Your Headline SPACE AVAILABLE for your business Call Today! • 12-Week Program • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 DOES YOUR BUSINESS OFFER Professional Services Call Today! • 12-Week Program • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 Handyman Handyman Sunny Days General Carpentry and Exterior Painting Experienced & Insured 307-365-9347 FREE Quotes! scottjohndickins 307-632-7616 1807 E. Fox Farm Rd. Cheyenne 720 Skyline Rd., Laramie • 307-742-5667 $399 50-Bag Pallets Delivery Available (Not Included in Price) Cash, Checks and Credit Cards Accepted (40 lb. bags) WE WANT TO BE YOUR HEALTH CARE HOME Financial Assistance is available! Call Today to Schedule! 25 08 E. Fox Fa rm Rd., #1A • 307- 63 5-3618 As Same Day Appointments Available, Cbl ., #1A • PR IM ARY CARE • ME DI CARE ANNUAL WELLNE SS • PE DIATRI C & ADOLESCE NCE CARE • BE HAVI OR AL HE ALTH • PRESCR IPTION SAVI NGS (O N-SITE PHAR MACY ) • COVI D-19 VACCINAT IONS AND TE STING We Buy Vintage Items, Estates, Garage Sale Left Overs 611 Crook Ave. Unit #9 • 307-275-6891 • HUGE SELECTION • GREAT QUALIT Y • GREAT PRICES NEW INVENTORY DAILY! COUNTRY LAND AND HOMES MODULAR homes manufactured homes, tiny homes and storage buildings 1 888 321 1537 www country landhome com GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS: SALES, ser vice and installation The original Dan Dillinger, owner and operator since 1978 Call Doors and More, 307 632 6842 PIANO TUNING AND RESTORATIONS, 40+ years experience Chey enne s quality music center, Niemann & Sons Music, 1609 Central Ave, 307 637 5222 YOUR LIBERTY SAFE HEADQUARTERS, many in stock models to choose from Hunting season is here! Rifles, shotguns and ammo in stock! Rocky Mountain Gun Trader, 2470 Dell Range Blvd, 307 632 5133
re deemable for cash, li cense or gift card One certificate
per day,
present at time of purchase, cannot be combined with any other discount Sports man's Warehouse, 2115 E
307 635 4500
HUNT? FREE SAFETY inspection! Come get your tune ups, align ments, brake service, computer diagnostics and complete line of tires for light trucks and cars Tom the Tireman, 920 E 16th St, Lincolnway and Morrie 307 632 4835 THE GENERAC PWR CELL SOLAR PLUS battery storage system Save money, reduce reliance on grid, prepare for outages and power your home Full install ation services $0 down financing option Request free no obligation quote 1 877 539 0299 LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? PREVIEW Real Estate Guide published every month for more than 30 years and available free at more than 80 locations or online at www wyopre view com, read the leading real estate magazine in Southeast Wyoming 307 634 8895
634 2523
Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 9ALONG OTHER LINES PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Waste Services RAM Waste transfer station 1413 Fox Farm Rd. (307)632-3256arm Rd. • (307)632-3256 ste Services 07) H Solid waste transfer station Clean out your garage, sheds, yard or remodel! Open to the Public Take the Hassle out of trash disposal! PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Gutters ALUMINUM AND STEEL SEAMLESS GUTTERS FLO-TEK Gutters NEW CONSTRUCTION REPLACE | REPAIRS JALON YODER 307-287-2762 ALUMINUM AND STEEL SEAMLESS GUTTERS FLO-TEK Gutters NEW CONSTRUCTION REPLACE | REPAIRS JALON YODER 307-287-2762 PRO SERVICE Blue Skies Well Serv ice, LLC L J EFF 307- 631-2101 TER SURGING? UP AND DOWN PRESSURE? OR PRESSURE? CYCLING OF TEN? HIGHER ELEC TR IC AL BILL? ec tions • Disinfection of Water Wells IS YOUR: PRO OF THE WEEK Well Service Blue Skie s Well Service Call for All Your Water Well Needs! Also Tanks, Filters, Windmi lls & Solar Stock Wells Ow ner Service B W C Y W i Blue Skies Well Service Call for All Well Needs! 7- 631-2101 ff Schumm Fi Your Water ll Also Tanks, Filters, Windmi lls & Solar Stock Wells 307- 631-2101 Jeff Schumm Ow ner Your PHeadline RO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK SPACE AVAILABLE for your business Call Today! • 12-Week Program • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Tax Returns Mon.-Thurs. 9am-5pm Fri. 9am-Noon 1805 Warren Ave. 307-514-5888 All Returns Insured! See Us Today for Details! Over 65 Years Experience Open Year Round See Us Today for Details! Over 65 Years Experience Mon.-Thur. 9am-5pm Fri. 9am-Noon 1805 Warren Ave. 307-514-5888 • Payroll & Bookkeeping • Small Business • IRS Letters OPEN YEAR ROUND •Payroll & Bookkeeping •IRS Letters •Small Business SERVICE WEEK Auto GlassStump Grinding We Grind Deeper and Cheaper! 307-399-3012 307-399-3012 • FREE Estimates • High Impact/Low Impact Stump Grinding • Fully Insured • FREE Estimates • High Impact/Low Impact Stump Grinding • Fully Insured STUMP GRINDING MENTION THIS AD 20% OFF Septic Pumping Septic Pumping Excludes 108” Backing Fabric All Bolted Fabric4 0% OF F•Snake Lines With Camera Available •Septic Tanks • Cesspools •Sand & Grease Traps •Portable Restroom Rental • Contaminated Water •RV Water Delivery and Sewer Pickup WYOMING NATIVES Quality Service Reasonable Rates Licensed &Insured for septic installation and repairs WE ACCEPT VISA & MASTERCARD Excludes 108” Backing Fabric All Bolted Fabric4 0% OF FExcludes 108” Backing Fabric All Bolted Fabric4 0% OF F WYOMING NATIVES Quality Service Reasonable Rates Licensed &Insured for septic installation and repairs WE ACCEPT VISA & MASTERCARD •Septic Tanks Cesspools •Sand & Grease Traps •Portable Restroom Rental Contaminated Water •RV Water Delivery and Sewer Pickup •Snake Lines With Camera Available Remodel T olman Construction 30 7- 214-0598 ww Quality Work With 27 + ye ars of experience in new, remodel, & light commercial construction! Free Estimates Licensed & Insured OurSpecialty, Kitchens&Bathrooms PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Waste Removal Celebrating 33 Year s of Service 635- 0184 $ 5 of Fi t Bill Ye e 84 1st time customers only Please submit coupon with first bill payment. SANITATION Flyte Waste Removal Trash Removal Meeting All Your Waste Removal Needs with Reliable Se rvice. We ekly Residential & Dumpster Trash Pick-up. SANITATION Flyte 635-018 4 Residential & Commercial We ekly • Bi-Monthly • Mont hl y “Ser vice Is The Only Thing We Sell” Reliable Timely Service PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Tree Service • Certified • Licensed • Insured • Arborist Doug Thies RM-7763A FREE ESTIMATES 307- 631- 0078 Owners Doug & Melanie Thies, SERVICES OFFERED • Tree/shrub trimming & removal • Stump Grinding CRANE Specializing in Large Tree Removals BIG PAWS FREE ESTIMATES 307- 631- 0078 Doug & Melanie Thies, SERVICES OFFERED • Tree/Shrub Trimming & Removal • Stump Grinding CRANE Specializing in Large Tree Removal PAWS RM-7763A Celebrating 10 Years ofCheyennServing e Celebrating 10 Years of Serving Cheyenne Your PHeadline RO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK SPACE AVAILABLE for your business Call Today! • 12-Week Program • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 DOES YOUR BUSINESS OFFER Professional Services Call Today! • 12-Week Program • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 Roofing 307-631-7697 SERVICE WEEK Small Engine Repair Get Your Snow Blower Tuned-Up NOW! Get Your ow Blower Up NOW! (307)635-5280 Winter is Coming!er Is Coming ! 3903 Cheyenne St., St e A (307)635-5280 3903 Cheyenne St., St e A One block North of the College & Pershing Intersection Faith United Methodist Church is Celebrating 100 Years FAITH UMC We walk by faith... 522 East 6th Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82007 Sunday October 9, 2022 Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Reception and Open House from noon to 3:00 p.m. Join us as we celebrate the history of our church in the community I t’s St ar t ing to Get Get your furnace check ed now bef ore you’re ou t! Cooler Weat her is coming so be read y wi th t he hea t ing exper ts! ww w.Mis t erBHVAC .com Call Today For A FREE EST IMATE 610 W. 15th St reet 634-HVAC (4822)634-HVAC Ask Abou t 12 Mont hs Same As Cash w.a.c. Chilly! Cl W WhC l h YOU AND YOUR BUSI NESS! TAX PLANNING, tax preparation strategic planning Ask us about our litigation, blockchain and cryptocurrency con sulting services DAPCPA 1712 Carey Ave, STE 100, Cheyenne, WY 82001 307 638 3170 or 5920 Yellowstone Rd STE 1 Cheyenne, WY 82009 307 778 9933 or email info@dapcpa org MERIDIAN TRUST FEDERAL CREDIT Union Car truck and SUV loans rates as low as 2 99% APR on newer vehicles 2021 2023 and make no payments for the first 2 months! Learn more today by scanning our QR code in our ad Restric tions apply see our ad BIG D'S FENCING, ALL TYPES OF FENCING, we build pole barns! Resi dential, ranch and com mercial Serving Cheyenne for over 20 years, licensed and insured Call today, 307 274 5902 KIA OF CHEYENNE IS HIRING: ACCOUNTING and Titles automobile experience would be a plus, Mon Fri, 8am 5pm Call or come in for an in terview, 307 775 0123, 2999 Nationway FLO TEK SEAMLESS GUTTERS, ALUMINUM and steel seamless gut ters, new construction replace, repairs Local Cheyenne based com pany Jalon Yoder, 307 287 2762





Antiques Central, LLC

TARY CRAFT AND Ven dor Show Oct 15 9am 3pm, 400 W Wallick Rd Sponsord by Simplicity 307 Vendor and Events


CHURCH CRAFT Bazaar and Bake Sale, Saturday, Oct 15, 8am 5pm, 320 W 23rd St, Cheyenne, WY, free admission

HALLOWEEN HARVEST MARKET, OCT 22, 9am 3pm at the Event Center at Archer 100+ vendors Hal loween Carnival presented by The One and Only, con cessions Alpacaglobo Bal loons, free face painting, trunk or treat A portion of the proceeds benefit Cheyenne Shrine Club


COME JOIN US FOR the final market of the 2022 season Get everything you need to can, dehyd rate and preserve for the winter on Oct 8 from 7am 1pm Bring your mug for free coffee cocoa or cider and enjoy a leisurely stroll in the last of the fall weather at Frontier Park

CFD Parking Lot B off 8th Ave, free parking in Lot C off of Carey Ave, we ac cept EBT and Credit/Debit Card! The Cheyenne Farmer s Market, fun draiser of Community Ac tion of Laramie County


BE CLOSED OCT 15 31 Collectible coins, gold and silver, compare our pricing to what others are paying you'll be glad you did! Buying and selling since 1982 The Coin Shop, 510 W 16th St, 307 778 7196, find us behind Eagles Lodge, Tues Fri, 9am 5pm

KAUFFMAN CONTRACT ING LLC, CUSTOM site work, septic systems, dig basements, fix drainage issues, small concrete projects retaining walls waterline repairs, create driveways, haul gravel and dirt 307 630 6435


HealthWorks where health happens Primary care, Medicare annual wellness, pediatric and adolescence care, behavioral health, prescription savings, on site pharmacy, COVID 19 vaccinations and testing Same day appointments available Financial as sistance is available, call today to schedule! 307 635 3618, 2508 E Fox Farm Rd #1A

TOPSOIL AND FILL DIRT FOR SALE, WE also deliver to you Grader also available for road work Will do septics and basements 307 630 3025

with a Generac home standby generator $0 down + low monthly payment, re quest a free quote Call before the next power outage: 1 855 948 6176

WYOMING SPORTS MAN'S GUN SHOW! Buy, sell, trade Douglas, WY, Fairgrounds Ft Caspar Building, Sat, Oct 8, 9am 5pm and Sun, Oct 9, 9am 2pm, $7 admission fee For table reservations and info call 307 761 5145

WINTER WONDER LAND HOLIDAY Craft Fair Silent auction raffle entertainment and con cessions, Fri, Nov 4, from 2pm 7pm and Sat Nov 5, from 9am 4pm

Page 10 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ALONG OTHER LINES Holiday Craft Directory Saturday, Oct. 15 Family Harvest Church Craft Bazaar and Bake Sale 320 W. 23rd St. 8-5 Afflerbach Elementary Craft and Vendor Show 400 W. Wallick Rd 9-3 Saturday, Oct. 22 Halloween Harvest Market Event Center at Archer, 3801 Archer Pkwy. 9-3 Friday-Saturday, Nov. 4-5 Winter Wonderland Holiday Craft Fair 100 D St., LaGrange. 2-7/9-4 Directory Cost: Free with purchase of a Holiday Open House or Craft Show display ad. $2.00 with purchase of classified ad. EZSHED WE WILL MEET OR BE AT ANYONE’S WRITTEN PRIC E ON LIKE PRODUCTS. MAKE YOUR BE ST DEAL & MAKE EZ SHED YO UR LAST ST OP! Rent-To-Own, Purchase or Save Hundreds with our Ready-to-Assemble & Kit Sheds 2x 4 Co nstruction Includes Floor & Shingle s From This To This ww 634-EASY(3279) 2410 E. Lincolnway (Next To KFC) CONTRACTORS The TRUE treasures of life are found ONLY in Christ and His salvation alone. Acts 4:12 JB The Don Sands Hot Rod Reunion Committee, at their 4th Annual Car Show held August 27, 2022 at Uncle Charlie’s in Cheyenne, raised $3,500 to be donated to the Comea Shelter’s “Stages” Projec t. Pic tured left to right at the presentation are: Jack Smith, Jim Haefele, Robin Bocanegra Executive Director of the Comea Shelter, Fred Williams, Bob Cropper and Ron Watkins The Sands Reunion Committee would like to thank the many car enthusiasts that participated in this year ’s event. The Reunion Committee would like to remind everyone that the 5th Annual Don Sands Hot Rod Reunion is scheduled for August 26, 2023. 2311 Reed Ave. • 638-6181 Tuesday-Saturday • 10am-4pm 2311 Reed Ave. • 638-6181 Tuesday-Saturday • 10am-4pm CHEYENNE'S ORIGINAL STEAK HOUSE! Tues Thur 4pm 9pm Fri Sat 4pm 10pm Brand Bar, Tues Sat, 3pm 11pm, Limited menu, package liquor available Thur, 1/2 price appetizers T bone Tues Reservations al ways appreciated Little Bear Inn 1700 Little Bear Rd, www littlebearinn com, 307 634 3684 ATTENTION HUNTERS! PERFECT UTILITY t rai l e r to h au l yo u r g e ar ! 6 0 x 1 4 , re ar an d s i d e ram p s , 3 5 ax l e s , D r i n g s , re ad y to ro l l ! K s Trai l e r Par t s an d S e r v i c e, L LC, N ew l o c at i o n ! 41 9 4 W 5 t h S t , C h eye n n e, W yo m i n g 8 20 07 3 07 6 3 2 0 6 0 0 N AT DA M e m b e r, M o n Fr i , 7: 3 0 am 5 p m
CAR PE T L AY E R N E E DE D, M UST HAV E ex p e r i e n c e 3 07 6 3 4 25 23 , c al l afte r 1 0 am


from Chamber

It’s time for a new Game Plan to tackle our economy. Join us this October for our 2022 Business Month Activities as we make game time decisions that’ll take Cheyenne all-the-way.

Get ready to tackle our economy at the Economic Forecast Breakfast on October 7th. Join economists from the Federal Reserve, University of Wyoming, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce over breakfast as they present the Economic Forecast for the upcoming year. Registration is Required, so don’t scramble for tickets! Visit BizMonth today.

Come celebrate as we induct Dr. Sandra Surbrugg and Dr. Robert Prentice as Circle of Champions honorees during our Tuesday, October 11, Lunch and Fireside Chat. Sandra and Robert have been outstanding members of the Cheyenne

President, Dale Steenbergen

community for almost 50 years, and they have dedicated their lives to working in and improving the healthcare industry in Cheyenne, both in practice and in leadership. We can all learn from their stellar example of community stewardship and strive to achieve the same success.

Score big at the Business Expo on October 11th at Little America. We’ll be tailgating for business from 4 pm to 7 pm with 75 local businesses. Get your Game Plan ready to shop local this year by speaking with the people behind your local businesses both large and small.

Business Month is brought to you by the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce and DAPCPA. Learn more about Chamber events and community activities by visiting ■

DON’T SCRAMBLEJoin amazing economists over breakfast as they present the Economic Forecast for the upcoming year! Oct. 7 • 8 a.m. • Blue Headquarters • Registration Required We get a kick out of ‘emCome celebrate the outstanding Dr. Surbrugg and Dr. Prentice on their continuous generosity of building up our community! Oct. 11 • 11:30 a.m. • Little America • Registration Required
Big at Biz Expo Connect with your local businesses and promote your brandCompete in our bracket for a chance to win our Grand Prize! Oct. 11 • 4 - 7 pm. • Little America • Open to the Public J p O C TRADER’S Business to Business Expo Page 11Week of October 7, 2022 We've got you covered from electricity to connectivity by offering energy, wiring and information technology. Call us today to see how we can better serve you! (307) 245-3261

Circle of Champions Luncheon

Honoring Dr. Sandra Surbrugg and Dr. Robert Prentice

Dr. Sandra Surbrugg and Dr. Robert Prentice have been outstanding members of the Cheyenne community for almost 50 years, earning them the title of the newest inductees into the Circle of Champions.They have dedicated their lives to working in and improving the healthcare industry in Cheyenne, both in practice and in leadership.

Dr. Prentice came to Cheyenne in 1973 and Dr. Surbrugg moved in 1975. Since then, they have been very active in the healthcare community.They met while working at the Cheyenne Children’s clinic and they have since married, having two children, Reid and Ricarda, and three grandchildren; Ryder, Greg, and Evelyn.

Over the years, the two have accumulated several titles and accolades, both in the healthcare industry and the Cheyenne community. Dr. Surbrugg started out her career as a child health associate, a physician’s assistant, working at the Cheyenne Children’s Clinic and the health unit. At the same time, Dr. Prentice was working as a pediatrician at the Cheyenne Children’s Clinic. He then joined the executive committee for medical staff at the hospital, followed by becoming the chief of staff. In addition to these impressive titles, Dr. Prentice was representing the American Academy of Pediatrics as the Wyoming chapter chairman.

Around that time, Dr. Surbrugg decided to apply to medical school to be a physician and did a dermatology residency at the University of

Colorado. After her residency was completed, Dr. Prentice took a job with the American Academy of Pediatrics, moving them to Chicago.

Living in Chicago gave them an appreciation for the Cheyenne area. Although they decided that living in Chicago was not for them, they are both grateful for the experience.“I know that there are a lot of people who live in Cheyenne that think that the grass is greener in other places, and it’s not true,” Dr. Surbrugg said. Living in a big city renewed their appreciation for life in a smaller community like Cheyenne.“The place where you live is really important, and it’s only as good as you make it,” shared Dr. Prentice.

After returning to Cheyenne, Dr. Surbrugg began working with the Cheyenne Skin Clinic,

and has been there since 1988. Since then, Dr. Surbrugg has worked hard to improve it and is very proud of the advancements made.They have implemented a 401K plan, dental and life insurance, as well as other benefits that were not available to employees when Dr. Surbrugg started.

Dr. Prentice and Dr. Surbrugg have been on a multitude of boards between them, even serving as cochairmen of United Way together. Dr. Prentice served in the air force before coming to Cheyenne and was the president of the board of health, as well as being involved in several other committees and groups. Dr. Surbrugg still serves on both the LCCC and hospital foundation boards. Out of all the work she and Dr. Prentice have done in the community, Dr. Surbrugg says her work at the clinic is her proudest work.

In parting, they gave some advice for the leaders of tomorrow.“Pick a community and live and work where you are,” said Dr. Surbrugg. Dr. Prentice offered a few pieces of advice, saying, “Find out who you are, do the best job you can, and take advantage of what’s already here to make it better.”

These two outstanding community members are extremely deserving of their place in the Circle of Champions for all that they have done for Cheyenne.The community will feel the positive impacts of their work for years to come and will forever be grateful to them. ■

Week of October 7, 2022Page 12 TRADER’S Business to Business Expo 2100 Westland Rd. WW W. HALL ADAYMOTORS .COM 307.634.1511 Frustrated and stressed about finding the right sta ? From start to finish, we work with you to hire qualified and reliable employees. (307)-632-0567 2205 E. Pershing Blvd. Cheyenne, WY 82001
Buy tickets under the events tab at Friday, December 2, 2022 • 6:00pm - 10:00pm Little America Hotel & Resort 2800 W. Lincolnway Cheyenne, WY 82009 “Candy Christmas”Cane Magic City Enterprises’ 2022 Festival of Trees
TRADER’S Business to Business Expo Page 13Week of October 7, 2022 Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Expo Prizes - Games - Giveaways Tuesday, October 11th – 4:00-7:00 p.m. Little America – 2800 W. Lincolnway Attendees who collect all of the Business Bracket Signatures enter for their chance to win 2 tickets to the Arizona Cardinals vs Denver Broncos game on December 18th -Section 134. OPEN TO THE PUBLICOPEN TO PUBLIC
Week of October 7, 2022Page 14 TRADER’S Business to Business Expo OUR BUSINESS CARDREGISTER TOWIN! *Winner Will Be Drawn At Random And Contacte By Friday, Oct. 14th. Need Not Be Present 2021 Warren Ave. • 634-8895 wyotrader s.comC Contacted To Win $75 21202 GIFT CARD TO DURING N G F OR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A S I N E SS C AE NT E R YO U R B U R THE BUSINESS TO BUSINESS EXPO D UR I O URYOU R R T D AT FO RY RXP O OUR BO OT H These events are being sponsored by the following supporters Bronze Sponsors: ANB Bank • Motel 6 • RMI • Capitol Roofing • Express Employment Professionals Riverstone Bank • Walmart • CellOnly – Verizon • Wyoming Capital Access Cheyenne Regional Medical Center • Mountain Health Coop • RLR, LLP


BIG PAWS TREE SERVICE, OFFERING tree and shrub trimming as well as removal, stump grinding, crane specializing in large tree removals, certified, licensed, insured, arborist, free estimates 307 631 0078, bigpaws lawncare@gmail com

FREE REMOVAL OF ALL APPLIANCES WITHIN city limits, must be outside A+ Charlies Appliances, 415 W Lincolnway 307 634 5145


Services for best pricing on domestic & internat ional flights inside & from the US Serving United, Delta, American & South west & many more Free quote! Have travel dates ready! 844 951 2014



Cap ital Lumber Co 1222 Dunn Ave, 307 634 4471



Free ice with purchase, free slushee to first time visitors, check us out and don't start the party without us 2825B E Lincolnway, 307 634 1502


Indoor and outdoor shoot ing facilities Give it a shot! Try our 4 D Archery Cine ma Hourly shooting mem berships available Laramie County Shooting Sports Complex, 13802 Bullseye Blvd, just east of Cheyenne off the Archer Exit, Tues Fri 10am 8pm, Sat 10am 6pm, Sunday 10am 4pm, closed Monday 307 775 7484 www laramiecounty

CDL TRAINING! LARA MIE COUNTY Com munity College, training future drivers of the Cowboy State Day and evening classes available, meets all FMSCA re quirements all results are uploaded into the TPR, CDL Class A, B, C and Hot Shot training are available, third party ex aminers on staff Call 307 778 4381 or cdl@l ccc wy edu, www facebo ok com/LCCC CDL, Lara mie County Community College, Cheyenne, Lara mie, online

Black Angus beef, dry aged 14 21 days to ensure tenderness and flavor, no hormones or antibiotics are given to our cattle, raised in Laramie County Whole, half and quarters avail able, butcher dates throughout Nov, limited quantities available, re serve yours now! ELT Livestock 307 214 3797


Administrative, Industrial, Skilled Trades Express Employment Profession als, call, come in or go online to learn more, 307 632 0567, 2205 E Persh ing Blvd, Cheyenne, WY 82001 expresspros com

IF YOU HAVE LOST FOUND OR NEED TO give something away, advertise it FREE in Trader's, 307 634 8895 by 4:00pm on Wednesdays

LANDSCAPING, DRAIN AGE PROBLEMS, exca vating, gravel hauling, post holes up to 36", parking lot sweeping, acreage mowing, loader work, parking lot cleaning dairy manure, tree planting, rock and gravel, back hoe, small dozer work, mowing, snow removal, clean up and demo work available, Hutchinson Construction, Inc Landscaping and Excavating 307 632 5615 or 307 631 1478


2500 Road


north, northeast 6/10ths of a mile.


north, northwest 4/10ths of a mile to the sale site. (For most accurate GPS directions use 2500 Road 86, Fort Laramie, WY) Watch for the signs Slide-In Pickup Camper, Tires, Vehicle Misc. * 1996 Lance 8’6” slide-in camper for full-sized bed. ID # 131728. Functional bathroom, stove refrigera tor, microwave. 1 side awning, manual jacks, solar panel on top. Camper is in good shape & ready to use. * Swiss fiberglass pickup topper Gun Safe, Firearms, Ammunition, & Misc. Safe & Rifles * Liberty Safes Model D-23, 25 gun manual combination safe. SN L001563431. 30 Minute fire certified @ 1200 degrees* Ruger M77 .308 Win. w/ a Burris 4.5X14X42MM scope. SN 7334980* Browning Arms LA .22 S,L, LR. SN 01459RR12 * .30-06 BA. SN 5781 w/ a Weaver scope (maker unknown) * Inter Arms Amadeo Rossi Model 52SA stainless pump .22LR. SN G433492 * Marlin Model 1894M LA .22 WMRF w/ micro grooved barrel. SN 16040221 * Ruger Model 10/22 carbine .22LR. SN 235-84077 * Marlin Model 25N .22 BA w/ micro grooved barrel & a clip. SN 06427396 * Marlin Glenfield Model 60 .22LR w/ scope * Remington Arms Mod el 514, .22 S,L,LR (stamped PE4) * Beeman .17 cal. Shotguns* Pardner Model SB1, .20ga. chambered 3”. SN NF277388 * Lanber Arms Model 844ST O/U 12 ga. Chambered 3”. * Winchester Model 37 Steel-Built SS 12 ga. Chambered 2 ¾ * CZ Model HUGLU Ringneck side-by-side .410 chambered 3”. * JC Higgins Model 20 Proof Tested 12 ga. Chambered 2 ¾” w/ scope. SN * Stevens Arms Model 58 .410 * CDC Imported by Mag Tec single shot .410. SN 1595416MT151

* Browning Magnum Auto 5 12 ga. Chambered 3”. SN 43023PN151 * Stevens Arms Model 58 .410 * Savage Model 24S-E, BO .20 ga. Chambered 2 ¾ 3” & .22 LR. SN PO83680 * ammunition: 9MM, shotgun incl. 12 ga. -28 ga., .22 LR, .45-70, ..257 WMM, .30-06, .348 Win., .30-30, Pistols * Smith & Wesson 96 Brigadier .40 cal. SN BER094754 * Jennings Firearms Bryco 59 Model 9MM. SN 865216 * Lorcin .32 Auto. SN 011762 w/ 2 magazines Gun Misc. * gun cases: both leather & soft cases along w/ several gun sleeves by Cabelas & some hard gun cases * leather gun scabbords * asst. reloading equipment * mult. Gun cleaning kits * offering of clay pigeons Saddles, Tack, Outdoors & Hunting Misc. * saddle list: Action Company w/ a 15” seat: Courts synthetic w/ 14” seat: Billy Royal for 3 Bars Saddlery w 16” seat: Tex-Tan Buckaroo w/ 16.5” seat – nice saddle: maker unknown w/ 15.5” seat, canvas saddle bags: fully tooled VANCO w/ 15” seat: Longhorn w/ 15” padded seat, newer saddle: New, 16” seat. Silver Dollars for hardware & a very nice saddle * (2) 3 saddle saddle racks * set of 7 portable horse panels 12’ long along w/ other asst. panels from 8’-12’ * 2 metal w/ wood stall fronts that include both sides of sliding doors (missing one track for sliding door), panel w/ opening for feed manger * extensive offering of tack incl. bridles, halters, saddle & stable blankets, etc. * 2 trolling motors: Minn-Kota 12 volt & a Power Drive 36 volt * Stealth Model 34STX gas powered ice auger. SN 3736122 * 4, American Hunter Out door Products wild game feeders * 2 pairs of snowshoes* approx. 1 dozen tree stands. Some are climber stands & some are tree mount* mult. Bows incl. both compound & re-curve along w/ an offering of arrows* buffalo robe & steer hides * offering of knives incl. pocket & hunting knives by Schrade, Imperial, Buck, Old Timer* 12’ X 14’ Canvas wall tent that is complete, has been stored inside, in good shape along w/ a smaller 2 man tent* packing items that will include 4 Pack saddles that are complete, hard (by Outfitters) & canvas panniers, saddle panniers Shop, Lawn & Garden, Misc. * Yard Man 900 Auto Drive Series riding mower w/ 46” deck & a 22 HP Kohler eng..* Husqvarna YTH20K46 riding mower w/ 46” deck & a 20 HP Kohler eng. * Griz zley Model G0555, 14” band saw w/ several spare blades* DeWalt DW 706 12” double bevel compound miter saw* Delta table saw w/ 1.5 HP elect. Motor. SN 36-472* Ridgid DP15501 variable speed

Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 15ALONG OTHER LINES Lawn & Tree EVERGREEN LAWN & TREE CARE • Lawn Care Specialists • Tree Removal & Trimming • Disease & Insect Contro l for Trees & Shrubs Certified Arborists Licensed & Insured Schedule Your Deep Root Fertilizing = Healthier, Greener, Taller Trees 24 Hour Emergency Tree Service Nate 307-214-2875 Mitch 307-286-0320 Seamless Gutters ALUMINUM AND STEEL SEAMLESS GUTTERS FLO-TEK Gutters NEW CONSTRUCTION REPLACE | REPAIRS JALON YODER 307-287-2762 Licensed & Insured We Warranty All Of Our Work 634-2700 Sprinklers all Earlly To Schheddule An Appointment! WINTERIZE YOUR SPRINKLER SYSTEM! Qualit y Sprinklers In Cheyenne For 25 Year s! Your Headline SPACE AVAILABLE for your business Call Today! • 3 Month Program • Free Classified Ad • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 Yard Work A NOTCH ABOVE YARD WORX EAGLE SCOUT BR ANDON NOTCH OW NER HAVE OTHER WORK CALL UP CA LL BOB 307 6313255 FR EE ESTI MATE S FA LL YA RD CL EA NUP HEDG E & SH RU B TRIMMI NG SM AL L TREE REM OVAL RE SI DE NT IA L SN OW REM OVAL 307.275.4965 Residential • Commercial • Contractor or Private RIVERA owner 25 years of experience Professional Painting Lawn Care SPRINK LE R BL OW-OUT S 30 7-28 7-13 74 Call Keith C ll Lightning Lawn Care • POWE R RA KING • AE RATING • FA LL CL EA N-UP S Ray & Jennifer Bouissey Firearms, Ammunition, & Outdoorsman Auction Saturday, October 22nd
@ 10 AM
86, Lingle, WY
of Lingle 6 miles to road 86. Turn and go
Take a left turn and follow the road
drill press on a stand* 5 HD metal welding tables. Dimensions approx.. 4’X5’* Draggin Wagon 2 wheeled pipe carrying cart* shop sized industrial fan by County Line* Mi-T-M pressure washer w/ a Honda GX200 gas eng* Craftsman 2800, 2.2 gpm psi pressure washer w/ Honda GC 190 gas eng.* Model ETQ-80B, 110 powered arc welder* 6’ bucket mount magnet* Pallet jack* 10.5’ brake for forming tin/alum.* 2 Werner alum. Extension ladders 40’&48’* asst. gas bottles for oxygen, acety lene, (3) 100# propane Antiques, Collectibles & Household Misc. * (2) 2 man saws* metal implement wheels* elect. pottery wheel w/ splash table* box of license plates from different states McNAMee AuctiON cO, LLc 307-532-4976 or 307-534-5156 Adam 307-996-7110 • Of • DOMESTIC & RESIDENTIAL • STOCKWELLS • PRESSURE TANKS • CONS TANT/S TANDARD PRESSURE SYSTEMS • SOLAR WELL SYSTEMS WE’RE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENC E IN SERVING OUR COMMUNIT Y! LOCALLY OWNED & OPER ATED LICENSED & INSURE D WELL PROBLEMS? WE CAN HELP! CALL US 24/7! NATIONWIDE WAR RANTY ON PARTS AND labor! We honor most war ranty companies AAMCO Transmission Total Car Care of Cheyenne, under new local ownership, 1625 Dell Range Blvd, 307 635 8435 All past and present military members honored with a military discount YO U R O N E STO P S H O P FO R B R A K E S ! Fre e b ra ke i n s p e c t i o n s l i fe t i m e wa r ra nt y, b e st b ra ke s , b e st s e r v i c e s , b e st p r i c e s N o w o ffe r i n g f re e a l i g n m e nt c h e c ks ! T h e B ra ke S t o p, 1 6 2 2 E L i n c o l nway, 3 07 51 4 6 2 3 1 , b ra ke st o p c e nt ra l c o m PURCELL WOOD PEL LETS, $399 FOR 50 bag pallets of 40lb bags Delivery available, not included in price We take cash, credit cards and checks Dooley Oil Inc, 1807 E Fox Farm Rd, Cheyenne, 307 632 7616 or 720 Skyline Rd, Laramie 307 742 5667 SOUTHEAST WYOMING CONCERT SERIES 2022 23 season tickets on sale now! 5 great con certs, 1 great price, plus 20 reciprocal concerts, $60 adults, $140 family and $20 students Tickets at sewyoconcerts org
FOR SALE, TABLE with 6 chairs, 2 extra exten sions for table, china hutch, side buffet, re duced to $1100 OBO Call 307 632 6220 to see or can email photos
ZOMBIE HEADS, $35 EACH 5' ZOMBIE GIRL, $50 3 zombie children $25 each 5' zombie body, $25 Skeleton $25 Six 14' deck support beams, $15 each 307 638 1085

Trader’s Office Hours





pay more,


Unlimited data is here Stream video Bundle TV and internet Free instal lation Call 866 499 0141

Trader’s office hours are 8:00am-3:00pm, Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are open Wednesday from 8:00am-4:00pm. If you would like to place an ad outside these hours you may phone in your ad to 307-634-8895 and leave your ad, con tact name and phone number on our voicemail. You may also place your ad online at The deadline for classified advertising is 4:00pm Wednesday.

Cheyenne Dance Club Big Band Dance

The Cheyenne Dance Club will host a Big Band Dance on Saturday, October 8, 7:00pm-10:00pm, Little America Hotel and Resort, 2800 West Lin colnway. The theme of the dance will be A Taste of Fall. Not sure how to dance, take advantage of this month’s pre-dance class offering in Basic Mambo for Beginner Ballroom Dancer with David Urqui dez from 5:00pm-6:00pm. For more information, contact David Urquidez at 307-630-6093 or email or Dusty7hr@gmail. com

Cheyenne Audubon Field

Trip to CSU

The public is welcome to join Cheyenne Audu bon members for a free bird walk on Saturday, October 15, at Colorado State University’s Envi ronmental Learning Center in Fort Collins, CO. Participants will leave at 8:00am from the Lions Park parking lot South Lions Park Drive, between the Children’s Village and the picnic shelter. Bring water and dress for variable weather. Return is ex pected about noon. See https://warnercnr.colostate. edu/elc/ for information about the center. Contact Mark Gorges, 307-287-4953, if you plan to partici pate, so that you can be notified of any changes in plans such as bad weather. For more about Chey enne Audubon, see

and get

cash Lincolnway Super Pawn, 2825 E Lincolnway, 307 632


car deserves the best! We are your full service auto repair specialist! ARS, 305 E Fox Farm Rd, 307 635 2886

WOODS LLC specializes in oak ash maple poplar walnut, sycamore, cherry, sassafras, hickory, and wormy soft maple George Hoff 307 214 4328, 5604 Smokebrush Dr ghoff9358@msn com, rattlesnakehardwoods com

WAREHOUSE DELIVERY POSITION: Person is responsible for delivering office products, to include cases of 50lb paper and may have to put some furniture together and deliver, position is part time, flexible schedule, must have clean driving record and be reliable Email Dee at deanna lies@indoff com or call 307 399 0609 for an employment application


WHIRLPOOL SXS WITH ICE AND WATER black refrigerator white GE re frigerator, white Fridgi daire chest freezer, white Kenmore washer and dryer set, white Kenmore washer, white Whirlpool dryer, white Hotpoint gas range, stainless steel and black Kenmore gas range 307 634 5145

LANDLORDS, HOME OWNERS, ARE YOU looking for a handyman for your properties? I m a local handyman with 6+ years of experience with a general contractor Professional and trust worthy Text or call Nick at 307 287 6471 to schedule a free quote please leave a voicemail

St. Joseph’s Fall Festival

St. Joseph’s First Annual Fall Festival is Sat urday, October 8, from 11:00am-4:00pm. Activities will included games, pinatas, water balloon toss, chili cook-off, cornhole tournaments, great food and prizes. Chili cook-off entry form can be obtained from the office at St. Joseph, 314 East 16th Street.

Cheyenne Women Newcomers and Friends

Cheyenne Women Newcomers and Friends will be meeting Monday, October 10, at 11:00am, for games and a no-host lunch at Perkins, 1730 Dell Range. They meet every 2nd and 4th Monday. If interested, contact Jean at 307-634-1843. They will also be meeting for Bunko on Tuesday, October 11, at 1:00pm, at Grace United Methodist Hall, 2950 Spruce Drive. They meet every 2nd Tuesday. If interested, contact Linda at 307-287-8724. If you would like to learn to play Mahjong, contact Dana at 307-757-7157.

MAAFA Remembrance Day Conference

Sankofa African Heritage Inc. presents the 11th MAAFA Education Conference: Public Edu cation and the Great Divide–Race–Culture–White Supremacy. Dr. Frederick Douglass Dixon, head of the Black Studies Department at the University of Wyoming, will speak on “Deconstructing the Ne gro Question in the Age of Rising American Na tionalism,” as well as chair other presenters: Nate Breen: Charter School Premise–Hillsdale College’s Academies, James Peebles: “Notorious Negropho bic Books that Escaped Public Banning.” The con ference will be held from 8:30am-noon, Saturday, October 8, at Laramie County Community College, Union Pacific Room, 1400 East College Drive. Con tact Jill Zarend at 307-635-7094 for information or special ADA arrangements. Donations accepted.

Faith United Methodist Church 100th Anniversary

Faith United Methodist Church is celebrating 100 years of history in the community. Please join them on Sunday, October 9, 522 East 6th Street. The celebration will start with a special service of worship at 10:30am and will be followed by an Open House from 12:00pm-3:00pm. All are welcome.

Bingo Night FUNdraiser

The Bingo Night FUNdraiser is back, with a Halloween twist! Join the fun of Costume Bingo on Thursday, October 13, 6:00pm-8:30pm, at the Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Old West Museum, 4610 Carey Avenue, for a night of costumes, games, prizes, drinks and snacks. Reservations are rec ommended! Admission tickets may be purchased online at costume-bingo or contact Jean Krause, Educa tion Coordinator, at 307-778-7202 or email: jean.

Western Frontier Traders

Accepting Applications

Western Frontier Traders is accepting applica tions for their fall craft show in Burns, Wyoming. This show will be held on November 12. For an ap plication, please contact Toni at 307-630-5557 or

Historic Preservation Board Meeting

The Cheyenne Historic Preservation Board will hold its regular meeting for August on Tues day, October 11, starting at 6:00pm. The meeting will be held in Council Chambers at 2101 O’Neil Avenue, with an option to join via Zoom. If you have questions about joining the meeting, please call 307-637-6307 or email lolson@cheyennecity. org. For more information about the Cheyenne His toric Preservation Board, visit the City’s website at or on Facebook.

Nightmare on 17th Street

Haunted House

The Knights of Pythias annual Nightmare on 17th Street Haunted House, 312-1/2 West 17th Street, will run from 7:00pm-11:00pm, October 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29 and Halloween, the 31st. Tick ets are $15 at the door, military discount with mili tary ID. October 1, only $10 if you come in costume. Back by popular demand, Monday, October 31, will be Blackout Night. Groups will be given glow sticks to navigate their way through the dark. Please, no one under 8 years of age, pregnant ladies or anyone with heart problems for their safety! Call Brian at 307-214-0322

Page 16 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ALONG OTHER LINES
for more information. C OMMUNIT Y OUR WW W.W YOTRADERS.COM Continued on Page: 26 Mon.-Fri.: 8am-4:30pm Mountain Stone — Landscape Supply 1413 E. Fox Farm Rd. • 433-9515 Save Money Save Water Save Time Cheyenne’s Largest Selection of Landscaping Rock & Supplies • Residential • Commercial • Delivery Available Store Hours: Monday-Friday 7 to 5 Saturday 8 to 3 57 1965-2022 Years 1222 Dunn Ave. Cheyenne, WY 82001WYOMING SPORTSMAN’S Laramie, WY ALBANY COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS SAT. 9AM -5PM • SUN. 9AM -2PM OCT. 15TH & 16TH For Table Reservation & Info Call 307-761-5145 • $7 ADMISSION • GUN SHOW! BUY • SELL • TRADE The Mall Of SVdP Thrift Store 2112 S NYDE R AVE . • 307-514- 03 65 TUE S .-SAT. • 10 AM -5 PM 25-50% OFF Select Items NEW ARRIVALS! Fall Decor and Winter Clothing $5 OFF $25 Purchase before tax (Can not combine with any other offer) MUST HAVE COUPON Expires: 10/31/2022
PROFES SIONAL PAINTING with a personal touch! Resid ential, commercial, con tractor or private Chris Rivera Owner, 25 years of experience 307 275 4965 HUGHESNET FINALLY, SUPER FAST internet no matter where you live 25 Mbps just $59 99/mo!
our offer on
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Hunting Guide

Inspire a Kid... Change a Life

If you’ve been a long-time reader of Wyoming Wildlife, it’s not a surprise the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is passionate about inspiring kids to love Wyoming’s outdoors, wildlife and recreation. We believe investing time in youth and sharing excitement for the outdoors is worth it for the future of conservation. That’s why the department has prioritized connecting with kids and families in classrooms and at events as one of its top initiatives.

Over the last three years Game and Fish facilitated 778 education and outreach programs, reaching more than 50,000 people. That’s a lot of inspiration to explore the outdoors in Wyoming! Those programs ranged from bringing furs, pelts, antlers and tracks to a kindergarten classroom, overnight camps at Whiskey Mountain Conservation Camp near Dubois and the Wyoming Outdoor Expo.

Game and Fish believes so much in education that not even the pandemic stopped our outreach. In 2020 our department pivoted from in-person to online and still managed to host 151 education and outreach programs and reached 9,722 people. While COVID-19 presented some big challenges, it was our duty as a department to help families get outside, pick up new hobbies and develop a reverence for the resource.

All of us at Game and Fish are invested in this mission. You’ll see everyone in our agency lending a hand to help kids learn — from wardens to office managers to biologists to education staff. We also have a hearty group of volunteers that believe in the Game and Fish mission as well as the future of our legacy. This commitment to inspiring kids is how we’re able to host large, in-person events with lots of hands-on fun.

One example is Free Fishing Day. Annually on the first Saturday in June anyone can fish without a license in Wyoming. Game and Fish will take advantage of the holiday to host events to teach kids, families and adults how to fish to kick off the season. This year the department will host kids and family fishing days across the state — including a large event in Cheyenne thanks to the generous support of Wyoming philanthropist Maury Brown and support from the WYldlife Fund. Look for details on the Game and Fish website and plan to join us.

The chance to meet a member of Game and Fish can change a kid’s life. It did mine. I tell the story often of meeting a game warden on a hunt with family and friends as a boy. The impression stuck with me, and I became a Wyoming warden. Today there are a number of diverse jobs with the department that we want youth to aspire to fill. We have computer programmers, engineers, habitat biologists, videographers,

Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 17
IN-STORE & ONLINE 3745 E . LINCOLNWAY, CHEYENNE , license or gif t card. O ne cer tif icate per customer per day. Must present at t ime of s ale. Cannot b e combined wit h any other discount. GIVE IT A SHOT! INDOOR & OUTDOOR SHOOTING RANGES INDOOR RANGES • 25 Yard Pistol Range • 60 Yd. Outdoor Archer y Field • 2 Trap Fields HOURS OF OPERATION Tuesday-Friday: 10-8 Sat: 10-6 • Sun: 10-4 —Closed Monday Laramie County Shooting Sports Complex CtL Li i C t 13802 Bullseye Blvd. 775-7484 Just East of Cheyenne Off the Archer Exit NT OT O OO OSO OO O DO DT UT UO I • 50 Meter Pistol/Rifle Range Yd Pi lR OUTDOOR RANGES PARTS & SERVICE BIG OR SMALL WE DO IT ALL! • Trailer Par ts • Hitc hes • Welding Supplies• Bearings & Axles • Tires, Wheels, Wiring Made in Wyoming by Wyomingites 508 E. 1st Street • 632-3294 • Ornamental Iron Hand Railings • Security Window Guards • Commercial or Residential • Steel Pipe & Tube Welding Shop & Mfg. LLC For more information on applications, fees, the 2022 Statewide Hunting Season Forecast and deadlines contact: Wyoming Game & Fish Department Headquarters 5400 Bishop Boulevard Cheyenne, WY 82006 (307) 777-4600 • fish culturists, accountants, graphic designers and large carnivore biologists. The people who fill these roles are just as different as the jobs themselves, but we all have one thing in common. People who work at Game and Fish love Wyoming, the outdoors and wildlife. If we can inspire kids to do those things, Wyoming’s conservation future will be bright.

Sight In on

2022 Hunting Season

Cheyenne - The anticipation for hunters has been building for months, but the time has come as seasons for big and small game are about to open across Wyoming. Some trends — good and bad — figure to hold true once again in 2022. Mother Nature will play a role in hunter success and animal survival, but how much?

Whether you are after pronghorn along the plains, deer or elk in the mountains, bighorn sheep high in the mountains or birds along the flatlands and wetlands, check out the 2022 Wyoming Game and Fish Department hunting forecast from eight regions around the state. The forecasts from each region are based on data and observations from the field by department biologists.

A few reminders:

Before heading out be sure to review the 2022 hunting regulations for any season changes.

Hunters who harvest a deer or elk in any of the state’s chronic wasting disease focus areas are encouraged to get it tested. The information is incredibly valuable and will help Game and Fish’s long-term monitoring and management efforts.

Hunters and recreationists are reminded to be mindful of the spread of invasive plant species and to report locations of cheatgrass to the county Weed and Pest District. If drought conditions persist, this could affect daily patterns of big game and may require hunters to devote additional effort to locating animals.

As always, big game hunters are reminded that hunt areas denoted with an asterisk (*) have limited public hunting access and are largely comprised of private lands. In these areas, hunters should get permission to hunt private land before applying for a license, or at least recognize that hunting small isolated parcels of public land can be difficult and frustrating at times.

Country-Style Venison Sausage Gravy

like Grandma fixed it, this country-style venison sausage gravy is an easy ground venison recipe that’s rich and delicious. Made with venison breakfast sausage and perfect for a morning plate of biscuits and gravy.

don’t know about you, but when it comes to making homemade gravy I. Was. Terrible.

could never get it right – it was either too salty, too flavorless, lumpy, or just


after much practicing and testing, I finally mastered an EASY country-style


ground venison breakfast sausage.

Page 18 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022
sausage gravy made
Instructions 1. In a large skillet, add the ground venison breakfast sausage and cook over medium heat until fully cooked through. 2. While the sausage is cooking, melt the butter in a microwave-safe bowl or measuring cup. Add in the flour and stir to make a roux. 3. Once the sausage has fully cooked, add in the roux and stir to combine. 4. Slowly add in the milk, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook until thickened, stirring frequently. Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately. Ingredients 1 pound ground venison breakfast sausage 2 Tbsp. unsalted butter 2 Tbsp. flour 2 cups whole milk cracked black pepper salt to taste AVAILABLE COME SEE US FOR YOUR LAST MINUTE E RANGE IS OPEN ULT & CHILD CLASSES Sales Serv ice Supplies SE TH AD 917 E. LINCOLNWAY • 307-637-74 98 10-7 MON.-FRI. • 10-5 SAT. BULL SEYE ARCHERY WYOMING.COM Available Models PB5000SP [SHOWN] & PBV7P1 Sportsman’s Series Best Brands Hometown Service FOUNDER SERIES & BLA LABEL 714 Central • 638-6468 • While Quantities Last VERTICAL SMOKER town UN R BL AB w bappliance com DER IES LACK BEL FREE SAFETY INSPECTION • Tune-ups • Alignments • Brake Service • Computer Diagnostics Complete Line of Tires for Light Trucks And Cars 920 E. 16th St. • Cheyenne (Lincolnway & Morrie) 632-4835 thheTireman R E A D Y D’s 4 WHEEL DRIVE 210 E. 15th St. • 634-1736 HAVE A GREAT HUNTING SEASON! • Winches • Tow Ropes • Hitches • Grille Guards • Bumper Replacements • Push Bars • Weathertech Floor Mats

Elk Swedish Meatballs

These Elk Swedish Meatballs are an easy ground elk recipe that’s full of flavor. They have all the traditional flavors of Swedish meatballs but using fresh ground elk meat. Serve these over egg noodles or mashed potatoes for a winning elk recipe!

Ground elk recipes are some of the easiest to have on hand, but how about we elevate our harvest with more tasty recipes, like these Elk Swedish Meatballs. Just like with our Elk Bolognese Sauce, it’s time to take our ground elk meat and create a delicious new recipe that’s not your traditional homestyle dish.



1. In a large skillet, melt 1 Tbsp. unsalted butter over medium heat. Once melted, add in the chopped onion and minced garlic and sauté until soft.

2. In a large mixing bowl, add the ground elk meat, cooked onions and garlic, bread crumbs, egg, nutmeg, Allspice, salt, and pepper. Use your hands to thoroughly combine, but don’t overwork the meat.

3. Add 1 Tbsp. olive oil, and 1 Tbsp. unsalted butter to the skillet and melt over medium heat. Using your hands, roll the ground elk meatball mixture into about 1-inch meatballs and place them into the skillet with the heated oil and butter. Cook on medium and continually rotate until fully cooked

No Fluorescent

Orange/Pink Clothing

Edible portions of big game

Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 19
through. Don’t overcrowd the skillet. If they seem to be cooking too fast, reduce heat down to medium-low. Remove from skillet once they have cooked, place them onto a plate, and set aside. 4. Add 3 Tbsp. of unsalted butter to the skillet and melt. Sprinkle in the flour and whisk to combine. Slowing pour in the broth, continuously whisking. Then whisk in the sour cream, mustard, and Worcestershire sauce. Cook on low until thick, about 5-10 minutes, occasionally whisking as it simmers. 5. Add the meatballs back in and let cook for 3-5 minutes. 6. Serve over egg noodles or mashed potatoes.
1/2 tsp. minced garlic 1/2 white onion – chopped 5 Tbsp. unsalted butter – divided 1 pound ground elk meat 1/4 cup plain bread crumbs 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 tsp. Allspice 1 egg 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. black pepper 1 Tbsp. olive oil 2 Tbsp. flour 1 3/4 cup beef broth 1/2 cup sour cream 1/2 tsp. dijon mustard 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce egg noodles or mashed potatoes RIFLES, SHOTGUNS AND AMMO IN ST HUNTING SEASON IS HERE! 2470 Dell Range Blvd. 632-5133 YOUR LIBERTY SAFE SEASO N Many In Stock Models To Choose From DON BUDD SERVING YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS IN WYOMING AND COLORADO DBUDD@ALLSTATE.COM • 635-6266 • AUTO • LIFE • HOME • RENTERS For a quote. 4194 W. 5th St. • Cheyenne, WY 82007 307- 632- 0600 PE RFE CT UTILITY TRAI LE R TO HAUL YOUR GE AR ! NATDA Member AT TE NTION HUNTERS! M- F: 7:30AM-5:00 PM K’S TRAILER PARTS & SERVICE,LLC NE W LOCATION! #N 6026 14 READY TO ROLL! • 60X14 • REAR & SIDE RAMPS • 3.5 AXLES • D-RINGS 820 E. 1st St. 637-7829 20lb Bags and 10lb Blocks Self Serve 24 Hour Card Swipe • No Contact Outside Vending Machine BLOCK ICE To Keep Your Game Meat Cool & Chopped To Keep Your Beverages Cool 820 E. 1st St. 637-7829 BLOCK ICE To Keep Your Game Meat Cool & Chopped To Keep Your Beverages Cool 20lb Bags and 10lb Blocks Self Serve 24 Hour Card Swipe • No Contact Outside Vending Machine a Great Deal! “Edible portion of big game animal” means meat from the front quarters as far down as the knees, meat from the hindquarters as far down as the hocks, and the meat along the backbone between the neck and hindquarters including the loins and tenderloins, excluding meat on the ribs and neck. 1. Front quarter – meat from the front quarters as far down as the knees 2. Hind quarter – meat from the hindquarters as far down as the hocks 3. Backstrap – meat along the backbone between the neck and hindquarter 4. Tenderloins – tenderloins are located inside body cavity Hocks Knees Animal on its back • COMMON VIOLATION •
Big game and trophy game rifle and muzzleloader hunters are required to wear one exterior garment of fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink. This also applies to archery hunters hunting during the rifle season. This could be a hat, shirt, jacket, coat, vest or sweater. Fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink camouflage is legal.

2022 Bird Forecast

Migratory Game Birds – Statewide

Much of Wyoming continues to be in moderate to severe drought. Precipitation in spring and early summer helped conditions in parts of the state, including the Wind River Basin, but some of Wyoming’s biggest waterfowl hunting areas like Goshen and Platte counties remain very dry. There could be belowaverage success for local broods and reduced habitat to pull in migrants in the fall and winter. Conditions in the Prairie Potholes of the U.S. and Canada are variable but below average. This area breeds the bulk of ducks harvested in Wyoming. Migration chronology and weather, as well as hunter efforts of scouting for birds and obtaining permission to hunt private land when necessary, will influence the success of migratory bird hunters throughout the state.

Before heading out be sure to review the 2022 hunting regulations for any season changes.


Most of Wyoming’s migrating ducks come from the U.S. and Canadian prairies. Initial reports indicate dry conditions in southern Alberta, eastern Montana and parts of the Dakotas. Prairies in North Dakota and

parts of South Dakota are holding significant amounts of water, but overall habitat conditions do not look favorable for duck production. Lower than average duck numbers can be expected.

Dark Geese

Canada geese harvested in the state come from two populations. The Rocky Mountain Population can be found west of the Continental Divide in the Wind River and Bighorn River basins and in western Carbon and Natrona counties. Large geese found in eastern Wyoming belong to the Hi-Line Population. Goose numbers in recent years have been consistently high. Canada goose numbers during hunting season are usually driven by winter conditions and there should be plenty of geese present should the weather cooperate.

Mourning doves

Production within Wyoming in 2022 was average to below-average based on anecdotal reports. The majority of doves will migrate out of the state with the first cold snap, which usually occurs between late-August and mid-September. Doves from northern areas do migrate through the state in midSeptember and good hunting can still be found after the first few days of the season.

Page 20 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 1622 E. Lincolnway • 307-514- 6231 Your One Stop Shop For Brakes ! • Free Brake Inspections • Lifetime Warranty • Best Brakes • Best Services • Best Price NOW OFFERING FREE ALIGNMENT CHECKS! We Have All Of Your Favorites Ready To Go! Please Celebrate Responsibly. Also See Us for Coolers • Ice • Snacks & More 516 South Greeley Hwy. • Cheyenne • 632-8735 Pepsi Products $949 24 Pack of 12 oz. Cans PICK UP EVERY FRIDAY



THAT YOU investigate companies which require you to send money for your information or pro ducts advertised in this publication Be aware that anything other than "800 " "866 " "877 " and 888 numbers including "900" numbers will be charged to your phone bill Seek information from the company before you invest your money You may contact the Attorney General's Off ice, Consumer Affairs at 123 Capitol Bldg, Cheyenne, WY, 82002, 307 777 7874 for more information



cedar antique chest, Norman Rockwell single, sets

Christmas plates 307

BIRCH 3/4" PLYWOOD, CABINET GRADE, 21 sheets $60

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! THIS D A V needs to purchase a reasonably priced excel lent, mechanical sound, 20'+/ motorhome for my memorial trip to NW Montana and long range camping Call John, Kim ball, NE, 970 250 7189



Sterling turquoise jew elry, cash paid Bohemian Metals, 314 W 17th St, 307 778 8782


Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery Only 2 8 pounds Free info kit Call 877 929 9587

DIRT WORK, DRIVE WAY LEVELING, resurfa cing, prep building sites, trash and debris removal, pen and barn cleaning acreage mowing, granite boulders for sale, tree and post holes, asphalt patchwork, dump and belly dump trailer avail able, contract hauling, residential, rural, com mercial free estimates reasonable rates M&M Enterprises LLC, 307 631 9313

FREE: QUEEN MAT TRESS, FOAM, USED once Also Queen mat tress inner spring, used, good shape 307 214 0940


TROY BILT, $50 Vocopro UHF 5800 4/4 $50 Contico storage bin, $20 Elk double wheel cart, $25 307 460 8830

CASH Paying top dollar for all coins, currency, gold and silver, we can come to you Call 307 630 9975

GOT MEDICAID? GOT MEDICARE? Get more benefits at no extra cost $0 copay for covered network dental such as exams, X rays and routine cleanings, $0 copay for virtual provider visits for medical or general mental health help $50 a month on a prepaid card for OTC and covered groceries in store or online, no copay on covered generic and brand name prescrip tions including home delivery There s more for you Call today 1 844 252 2230, TTY 711 United Healthcare Dual Complete, uhccp com WYdual New for 2022

AUTO INSURANCE SR22 PAYMENT PLANS avail able Call: Hi Country In surance, 307 632 0576, www hicountryinsurance com

FLYTE SANITATION, RESIDENTIAL and com mercial, reliable, timely service Weekly, bimonth ly or monthly service is the only thing we sell 307 635 0184

$20 OFF $100 IN STORE OR ONLINE pur chase Must present coupon found in this weeks Hunting Pages Expires 11/15/22 Not re deemable for cash li cense or gift card One certificate per customer per day, must present at time of purchase, cannot be combined with any other discount Sports man's Warehouse, 2115 E Lincolnway, 307 635 4500

PIT BOSS VERTICAL SMOKER, Sportsman s Series, Louisiana Found er Series and Black La bel grills, while quantities last Best brands home town service, B&B Appliance & TV, 714 Central Ave, 307 638 6468, www bappliance com

LG DRILLING, LLC, WELLS DRILLED WELL: We're committed to excellence in our com munity! Water well drilling and pump installation, agriculture, domestic and stock well drilling pump service and repair, solar wells, warranties! Locally owned and operated, licensed and insured, contact us today for a free estimate and con sultation! Clayton 307 214 2206 Lance 307 214 9969, LGDrilling com, office@LGDrillin g com

BLACK AMANA SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERATOR, ice maker $600 OBO 307 401 3439

MISTER B'S HEATING AND COOLING, CALL us for all your HVAC needs 307 634 4822, 610 W 15th St

FIREWOOD FOR SALE, $250 PER CORD, small quantities available, deliv ery charge after 20 miles No Sunday sales 307 274 1073 Carpenter

H A L L E R ' S R E PA I R, FOREIGN AND Domes tic Auto and Motorhome Service Do you want better diesel perform ance? Injector cleaning EGR system cleaning, diagnostics, turbo up grades, diesel engine repairs Alignment now available Dyno services for all cars and trucks! w w w h a l l e r s r e p a i r c o m , 521 W Lincolnway 307 778 8880

HILLSDALE HAY FARM: ROUND BALES, square bales, small bales Please leave a message, 307 632 0134

A NOTCH ABOVE YARD WORK, EAGLE SCOUT Brandon Notch owner Fall yard clean up, hedge and shrub trimming, small tree removal residential snow removal Have other work call us! Free estim ates Call Bob 307 631 3255

COME SEE US FOR YOUR LAST MINUTE archery hunting needs! Bullseye Archery: sales, service and supplies Adult and child classes available 917 E Lincoln way, 307 637 7498, Mon Fri 10am 7pm, Sat 10am 5pm bullseyearchery wyoming com

UPRIGHT FREEZER FOR SALE, 19 CU FT , WORKS nicely, professionally ser viced several months ago $950 new, asking $300 Call Tom 307 214 8287

HELP WANTED: WE ARE LOOKING FOR A quality ASE Certified brake and alignment technician Part time or full time, room for growth, applicant should have reliable means of transportation and supply their own tools, pay DOE and certifications the right applicant could receive a job offer of $25 per hour, please apply in person at The Brake Stop, 1622 E Lincolnway, Cheyenne, Wy 82001, interviews will be scheduled in the order of application received

SAFE STEP. NORTH AMERICA'S #1 Walk in tub Comprehensive life time warranty Top of the line installation and service Now featuring our free shower package and $1600 off limited time! Financing available 1 855 417 1306

IF THE SON SHALL MAKE YOU FREE, ye shall be free indeed!

High Prairie Mennonite Church, Sunday worship, 10am, Pastor James Rhodes, 307 365 4622

WOULD LIKE TO TALK WITH ANYONE WHO has undergone foot sur gery for hammer toe and bunions 307 637 1044 PUMPKINS, STRAW, CORN STALKS, gourds pie pumpkins, Amish goods, fall and Halloween gift decor Gift cards available Riverbend Nurs ery 8908 Yellowstone Rd Open Mon Fri 9am 5pm, Sat 9am 4pm 307 638 0147

LITTLE GIANT LADDER WITH EXTENDABLE scaffolding includes at tachments, $350 cash only 307 421 2315

FLO TEK SEAMLESS GUTTERS, ALUMINUM and steel seamless gut ters, new construction replace, repairs Local Cheyenne based com pany Jalon Yoder, 307 287 2762

307 638 6497

A NOTCH ABOVE YARD WORX, EAGLE SCOUT Brandon Notch, Owner Fall yard cleanup, hedge and shrub trimming, small tree removal, residential snow removal Have


Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 21ALONG OTHER LINES Mon.-Fri.: 8AM-4:30PM Saturday: 8AM-2:30PM Visit our Premier You-Pull-It Auto Parts Yard! E. Nation Rd. S. Greeley Hwy Drive Through Paying Top Dollar fo r Scrap Metals • Aluminum • Steel • Bras s • Coppe r • Scrap Iron • Batteries • Aluminium Cans: 40¢/lb * • 45¢/lb Over 100lbs* *Prices are subject to change without notice (Please Ent er Fr om Nation Rd.) • Large Scales for Big Loads • Co nve nient Drive Through C ash Paid For Your Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals WEEKLY DEADLINE IS 4: 00PM WEDNESDAY Thank You for Supporting Your Locally Owned Publication OFFICE HOURS: 8:00AM TO 3:00PM • MON. & TUES. 8:00AM TO 4:00PM • WEDNESDAY 8:00AM TO 3:00PM • THURS. & FRI. If you would like to place an ad outside these hours, you may phone in your ad by calling 307.634.8895 and leaving your ad, contact name and phone number on our voicemail. You may also place your ad online at A NEW Metal Roof! 805 E. FOX FARM RD. 307- 640-5822 The Cure for the Shingles! STANDING SEAM NOW AVA IN 1” & 1½” SNAPLOCK New Improved Pa nel 26 & 29 Gauge • 40 Year Paint Guarantee • Multiple Colors Available • Full Trim Package Availabl • Trim Built To Your Specif • Matching Color Fastener • Installation Available ROOFING Season Winter Rent als • Cycles • Certified Mechanic s • Ski Rentals • Nordic • Youth & Adul ts Junior Performance S nowboard Packa ge (All Ages) rd $20 0 A dul t Performance Packa ge rformance m ance formancance e $ 35 0 Junior Ski & Snowboard Pa ckag e Yo uth 12 & Under •Cyc 2 UndeY 2&U nd e&U nhtou r $14 0 Plus Tax Adult Ski Package ki iSkorni rinJu i& Pa k PackagS aPack ki Packa $24 0 Plus Tax www.roc ko nwhe 637- 0020 90 0 E. Lincolnway • Alpine • Snowboar ds • Skate Prices good 10/15-11/30 Junior Performance S nowboard Packa ge (All Ages) rd $20 0 A dul t Performance Packa ge rmance mance rfance o formance $ 35 0 Junior Ski & Snowboard Pa ckag e Yo uth 12 & Under Unde2utY &U nd enhtou r $14 0 Plus Tax Adult Ski Package kiSko orni riu Ju J i Packa Packaag gS acka cP kk aki $24 0 Plus Tax Prices good 10/15-11/30 • Cycles • Certified Mechanics • Sk i Ren tals • Nordic • Youth & Adults www.roc ko nwhe 637- 0020 90 0 E. Lincolnway • Alpine • Snow boards • Skatene •Snowboards•Se••A S bdA k ti lpin rds•Skate Season Winter Rent als CYCLE, SKI, & MORE! CYCLE, SKI, & MORE! Locally Raised Beef High-Quality, Black Angus Beef Dry-Aged 14-21 Days to Ensure Tenderness & Flavor. No Hormones or Antibiotics are given to our Cattle. Raised in Laramie County. Whole, Half, & Quarters available. Butcher dates throughout November. Limited Quantities available. Reserve yours now! (307) 214-3797 DISCOUNT WORLD CLOSE OUT SALE 40 -50% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE! 3151 NATIONWAY #K1 LOCATED BY ASHLEY FURNITURE MON.-SAT 11:30AM-5PM 36" PARAGON GLASS KILN, 220V, computer controller $300 307 631 9420 MODEL "A" FORD COUPE & PARTS Professionally restored Model A engine $5000 Used pickup bed, $800 1928 1929 Coupe, needs restored, $4500 307 631 9933 ROPER TOP LOAD WASHING MACHINE BY Whirlpool, $400 OBO 307 401 3439 PROTECT YOUR MOST VALUABLE possession your home! Good Knight Roofing: Free roof inspec tions, we work with all insurance companies, we offer insurance claim as sistance, free 5 year roof certification for realtors, licensed and insured, Cheyenne, Wyoming na tive, A+ BBB rating! Don Nath, dnath@gkr email, 1 866 366 6284 direct, 307 638 2000 office 1217 S Greeley Hwy #G, g o o d k n i g ht ro o fi n g c o m Insurance claim specialist for roofing
TV, 1950s
hope chest
638 6794
per sheet 307 632 7087
THREE BURNER GRILL WITH A BUTANE TANK, o n l y u s e d t w i c e $ 6 5 Jeff,
other work call up! Free estim ates Call Bob 307 631 3255 PROTECT YOUR VALU ABLES, ORDER YOUR shed now Teton Struc tures 307 634 9620 1954 FORD TRACTOR MODEL 600, RUNS good new rubber $6000 303 881 3162 TWIN BED SET, GREAT FOR GIRL'S OR GUEST room, white traditional h e ad b o ard , S i m m o n s mattress, box springs and frame, $75 Dorm room compact fridge 2 7 cu ft used 1 semester $60 307 275 0477
SOMEONE WITH A 4X8 enclosed trailer, I would like to rent it for 2 1/2 to 3 weeks in Nov 307 634 9176 Jim WE BUY WYOMING LICENSE PLATES, 1913 1976, top dollar paid, we ask you to compare Lincolnway Super Pawn, 2825 E Lincolnway, 307 632 3820 NEEDED: SOMEONE TO REPAIR, CLEAN and detail RVs, Some experience necessary Please call after 10am, 307 634 2523

BLACK AND WHITE BOSTON TERRIERS, shots, dew claws, vet checked, rolly polly boys 308 352 4154, 308 352 6250


4 males, 2 females, need to rehome 307 634 6186


AKC WIRE FOX TERRI ERS, SHOTS, dew claws, vet checked, ready Nov 1 308 352 4154, 308 352 6250

IF YOU'VE LOST OR FOUND AN ANIMAL , please contact The Cheyenne Animal Shelter 800 Southwest Dr, 307 632 6655, if after hours call 307 214 5779 or check cheyenneanimalshelter org/ animals/lost and found/



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decks, siding, drywall, ceramic bathrooms pow er washing, painting and Egress windows! 25 years experience with refer ences, local, licensed and insured Free estimates 307 256 8576

TRADER'S SHOPPER'S GUIDE IS MOBILE! You can search classifieds, open houses and garage sales whenever you choose on the conven ience of your phone tablet or computer at www wyotraders com

SWANNY'S WINDOW TINTING AND AUTO Detail We specialize in commercial and auto window tinting, pro fessional detailing and vinyl graphics 212 W 5th St 307 221 0687

INTERIOR AND EXT ERIOR PAINTING, dry wall installation and finishing dry wall repairs and texturing Call today for a free estimate Superior Painting and Remodeling 307 286 7482, licensed and insured

Page 22 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ALONG OTHER LINES REAL ESTATEREAL ESTATE RENTALS AVAILABLE THIS WEEK 1621 Evans Ave. Studio $525 307-286-2659 408 S. 3rd St., Saratoga 1 br, 1 ba $750 307-742-6321 3324 Frontier St., #8 1 br, 1 ba $800 307-635-0338 2419 E. 12th St., #2 1 br, 1 ba $800 307-634-9219 513 E. 9th St. 1 br, 1 ba $870 307-630-1070 808 E. 18th St., #5 1 br, 1 ba $1,150 307-635-0338 808 E. 18th St., #1 1 br, 1 ba $1,350 307-635-0338 1823 Fremont Ave., #2 2 br, 1 ba $800 307-635-0338 2326 E. B St. #B, Torrington 2 br, 1 ba $800 307-634-9219 914 Hot Springs Ave., #A 2 br, 1 ba $895 307-635-0338 402 Miller Ln., #5A 2 br, 1 ba $900 307-634-9219 1007 W. 29th St., #B 2 br, 1 ba $1,100 307-635-0338 2520 Deming Blvd., #B-201 2 br, 1 ba $1,175 307-634-9219 2030 E. B St., Torrington 2 br, 1.5 ba $750 307-634-9219 330 Hunters Way, #A 2 br, 1.5 ba $950 307-635-0338 1633 E. C St., #1, Torrington 3 br, 2 ba $775 307-634-9219 3238 Old Faithful Rd. 3 br, 2 ba $1,225 307-635-0338 7604 Ridge Rd. 3 br, 2 ba $1,500 307-630-1070 4512 Ocean Lp. 3 br, 2 ba $1,650 307-630-1070 3023 Pioneer Ave. 3 br, 2 ba $1,700 307-635-0338 222 E. 25th St. 3 br, 2 ba $1,900 307-634-9219 1005 Whispering Hills 3 br, 2 ba $2,100 307-635-0338 307 Annie Morgan Ct. 3 br, 2.5 ba $1,425 307-635-0338 5678 Remington Dr. 4 br, 3 ba $1,700 307-635-0338 2502 W. C St., #A, Torrington Commercial $550 307-634-9219 Address Bedrooms Rent Contact Preview REAL ESTATE GUIDE Southeast Wyoming’s Leader in Real Estate Information. Mobile Optimized for Phone & Tablets! Rental Directory Sponsored by: 1612 Central ave. #1 Remodeled Studio ApARtment. $700 1006 e. Jefferson rd. #301 2 Bd., 1 BA. ApARtment. HeAt included. $875 4812 e. 14th st. #a 2 Bd., 1 BA ApARtment $875 717B W. 2nd st. 2 Bd., 1.5 BA. ApARtment, 1 dog <30 lBS negotiABle $1075 3800 GreGG Way #d 3 Bd., 2 BA ApARtment, fiReplAce, w/d $1200 2528 e. 10th st. 2+ Bd., 1 BA. HouSe, 1 pet <40 lBS. negotiABle. $1300 3501 storey Blvd. #a new conStRuction 3 Bd., 2 BA., w/d HookupS, A/c $1450 635-5303 | 2727 O’Neil Ave | Cheyenne, WY View our website for additional upcoming listings: WWW.reNtCheYeNNe.COm RENTAL UNITS 2008 SKYLINE 16'X70', 3 BED, PARK restrictions required No dealers 520 578 7000 COUNTRY LAND AND HOMES MODULAR homes, manufactured homes, tiny homes and storage buildings 1 888 321 1537 www country landhome com NICE 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATHROOM MOBILE home in south Cheyenne new upgrades, fenced yard, quiet neighborhood, $30,000 307 637 3739 ALLSTATE YOU'RE IN GOOD HANDS. DON Budd, serving your insur ance needs in Wyoming and Colorado, Auto, home, life, renters Dbudd@all state com, 307 635 6266 HOUSE FOR SALE: PANHANDLE OF NE, Harrisburg, 5 bedroom, 5+ acres Call for details, 307 640 4675 This publicaT ion will noT know ingly accept any ad vertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimina tion, call HUD toll free at 800-669-9777. The toll free number for the hearing impaired is 800-927-9275. APARTMENT FOR RENT 2419 Pattison Ave. 1 Bedroom Apar tment No Smoking CHEYENNE HOUSING AUTHORIT Y OPPORTUNITY $618/mo. PLUS ELEC TRIC 307-633-8323 APARTMENT FOR RENT 5406 Weaver Rd. Upstairs Unit 3 Bedroo m $975/mo. Plus electric & gas CHEYENNE HOUSING AUTHORIT Y OPPORTUNITY 307-633-8323 “I Save Money every Month plus moved my stu home” 307-634-9620 Own Your Storage Unit! • When the rental is finished you own the building. • Stop throwing your money down the drain. • Keep your stuff right at home- Convenient, Yeah! • Free Delivery to your own backyard. (within 30 miles of lot) • Quick and Easy Rent-to-Own application. 4060 I-80 Service Rd. Burns (Just east of TA Truck Stop ) Sales Lot and Production Facility) 615 South Greeley Hwy, Cheyenne (Sales Lot) • Yellowstone Rd. Cheyenne Saddle Tramp (Sales Lot) NATION WI DE WARRANTY ON PARTS AN D LABO R! We Ho no r Most Wa rran ty Co mpan ies AAMCO Transmission Total Car Care of Cheyenne & Present Milita ry Members Honored with a Military Dit&Pa stl All P Past Pr P i Discount scount UNDER NEW LOC AL OWNERSHIP 162 5 DELL R ANGE BLVD. • 307-635-8435 Non-Perishable FoodProducts or PersonalHygiene Items12 & under FREE with adult. $5 per adult or For more informatio n please email Angie at angiefarnum@ya 5 N 5N P • Holistic Living • Readers/Visionaries • Relaxation • Metaphysical Shopping Food Donations Benefi t Salvatio n Army Red Lion Hotel • 204 W. Fox Farm Rd . Shoshone/Laramie Rooms Hi Treasures Second Hand Store Tues/W / ed/S / at a • 9am-6pm Juanita & Rich Benson 109 Elm Street Pine Bluffs, Wyoming 82082 (307) 245-3133 Hidden es Find Your Treasure at CRITTER CORNER
Australian Cattle Dog, aka Blue Heeler puppies! Also, Heeler/Border Col lie cross! Stunning reds and blues male and fe male, vet checked, shots, dewormed, farm raised, excellent working stock dogs or perfect family pets and awesome com
1960'S SILVER JET AMS BICYCLE, GOOD condition $300 OBO 970 222 2095 FOR ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENTS, Cap ital Lumber Co 1222 Dunn Ave, 307 634 4471


We pay

RENT TO OWN, PUR CHASE OR SAVE hun dreds with our Ready to assemble and kit sheds, 2x4 construction in cludes floor and shingles, we will meet or beat anyone's written price on like products E Z Shed, 2410 E Lincolnway, www ezshedinfo com 307 634 3279

YOUR COUNTERTOP, CABINET AND DESIGN professionals Laminate, solid surface and stone countertops and cabine try Fabrication to instal lation, free estimates Ultimate In Counters, Inc, 307 637 5204, ultimatein counters com


GUTTERS, ALUMINUM and steel seamless gut ters, new construction replace, repairs Local Cheyenne based com pany Jalon Yoder, 307 287 2762



No more wasteful rental fees! 24/7 access with 13 security cameras, all steel construction, 14x14 insulated doors, com pletely insulated, 110v, 220v, with 60 amp panel, bathrooms and hose bibs on site unit sizes: 5x25 14x50, 20x45, members only clubhouse with 3 patios The Cubby Hole, corner of Dell Range and Haunted Rd, 307 634 4923, 307 314 9610, cheyennecubbyhole com


4017 Gunsmoke Rd, main floor master bedroom, 2 bedrooms upstairs plus office or study, 3 5 oak flooring, living room, mas ter, 3086 sq ft , smoke and pet free, built in 2011, many extras, $489,000 By appointment only, 1 509 554 7519

INTERIOR AND EXT ERIOR PAINTING, dry wall installation and finishing, dry wall repairs and texturing Call today for a free estimate Superior Painting and Remodeling 307 286 7482, licensed and insured CUSTOM


3+ bedroom, 2 bath, 2564 sq ft , original hardwood floors, spacious bedrooms and closets, built in cabin ets and drawers, covered patio detached 1 car gar age with parking pads, $373,000 Open house: Sat, 1pm 4pm, 3911 Crib bon Ave Text or call 386 546 9372

PROTECT YOUR MOST VALUABLE possession, your home! Good Knight Roofing: Free roof inspec tions, we work with all insurance companies, we offer insurance claim as sistance, free 5 year roof certification for realtors, licensed and insured, Cheyenne, Wyoming na tive A+ BBB rating! Don Nath, dnath@gkr email, 1 866 366 6284 direct, 307 638 2000 office, 1217 S Greeley Hwy #G, g o o d k n i g ht ro o fi n g c o m Insurance claim specialist for roofing and

REMODELING SPE CIALISTS, CUSTOM decks, siding, drywall, ceramic, bathrooms, pow er washing, painting and Egress windows! 25 years experience with references, local, licensed

insured Free esti

307 256 8576


All types of shingles, storm damage and insurance

and 6





ESTATE AUCTION, AN TIQUE AND collect ables Join Cheyenne Auctioneers LLC


Trader’s shopper’s Guide is mobile! You can search classifieds, open houses and ga rage sales whenever you choose on the conve nience of your phone, tab let or computer at www.


FOR RENT: 2 BED, 1 BATH GARDEN LEVEL apartment, nice fenced yard, no pets, no smoking, between the Capitol and FE Warren AFB $750 per month, $750 deposit 307 630 7464


Country Land and Homes


Weekend Of October 8-9

For Sale by Owner

Cribbon Ave. - $373,000

Century 21 Bell

Table Mountain Lp. - $594,600

E. Iowa St. - $439,000

Table Mountain Lp. - $594,600

Coldwell Banker TPE

Sioux Dr. - $449,000






Holland Ct. - $375,000 Sat. 10:30-12

Deming Blvd. - $400,000 Sat. 11-1

Farthing Rd. - $753,700 Sat. 11-2

W. 5th Ave. - $519,800 Sat. 12:30-2

Easy St. - $335,000 Sat. 12:30-2

Ledoux Dr. Sat. 2-4

Ledoux Dr. - $599,600 Sat. 2-4

Ledoux Dr. - $545,400 Sat. 2-4

Ledoux Dr. - $534,600 Sat. 2-4

Ledoux Dr. - $534,400 Sat. 2-4

Ledoux Dr. - $528,000 Sat. 2-4

North Carolina - $681,600 Sat. 2-4

Bentley Rd. - $664,900 Sat. 2-4

Bentley Rd. - $654,100 Sat. 2-4

North Carolina - $590,900 Sat. 2-4

Bentley Rd. - $616,500 Sat. 2-4

Brianna Ct. - $395,000 Sat. 2:30-3:30

Vera Ln. -$710,000 Sat. 2:30-4

Jaymers Ln. - $649,000 Sat. 2:30-4:30

Corbin James Trl. - $610,000 Sat. 2:30-4:30

Corbin James Trl. - $630,000 Sat. 2:30-4:30

Road 141 - $595,000 Sat. 5-6:30






- $545,400

Glencoe Rd. - $675,000 Sat. 10-11:30

Draw Dr. - $615,000 Sat. 10-11:30

Wendy Ln. - $527,00 Sat. 10-11:30

Sage Rd. - $785,000 Sat. 10-12

Espen Trl. - $740,000 Sat. 10:30-12

1686 Nita Ct. - $793,500 Sat. 11-1

1251 Tomahawk Rd. - $850,000 Sat. 11-12:30

10849 Red Sky Lp. - $730,000 Sat. 11-12:30

1513 Plum St. - $336,000 Sat. 11-12:30

5126 Carla Dr. - $686,000 Sat. 11:15-12:45

4112 Sage Dr. - $695,000 Sat. 12-1:30

4120 Sage Rd. - $659,900 Sat. 12-1:30

1218 Marie Ln. - $539,900 Sat. 12-1:30

1821 Spruce Dr. - $399,000 Sat. 12-1:30

6818 Windsor Blvd. - $329,500 Sat. 12-1:30

1212 W. 31st St. - $255,000 Sat. 12-1:30

3624 Red Feather Trl. - $555,000 Sat. 12:30-2

1624 Danny Pl. - $364,900 Sat. 12:30-2

5609 Opal Dr. - $599,750 Sat. 12:30-2:30

2369 Foothills Rd. - $659,900 Sat. 1-2:30

3934 Parkview Dr. - $400,000 Sat. 1-2:30

1518 Oak Ct. - $285,000 Sat. 1-2:30

87 E. Idaho St. - $525,000 Sat. 1-3

4616 E. 17th St. - $320,000 Sat. 1-3

2617 E. 9th St. - $265,000 Sat. 2:30-4

5126 Carla Dr. - $686,000 Sun. 10:30-12

Warren Ave. - $339,900 Sun. 11-12:30

Park Pl. - $292,500 Sun. 11-12:30

Tomahawk Rd. - $850,000 Sun. 11:30-1

Red Feather Trl. - $555,000 Sun. 12-1:30

Nita Ct. - $793,500 Sun. 1-2:30

Sage Rd. - $695,000 Sun. 1:30-3

Sage Rd. - $659,900 Sun. 1:30-3

Pine Rock Realty

Capitol Properties


Sun. 1-2

Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 23REAL ESTATE Serving Cheyenne, Laramie & Torrington, Wyoming Ever ything Under One Roof TD REAL ESTATEHOMES FOR SALE AVAILABLE RENTALS 222 E. 25th St., Cheyenne, WY 3 Bd., 2 Ba., Beautifully Restored Victorian Home, Washer/Dryer Included, 2 Master Bedrooms, No Smoking or Pets, Available Now $1,900 402 Miller Ln., #5A, Cheyenne, WY 2 Bd., 1 Ba. Condo, Laundry Hook-Ups in Unit, Fireplace, Pay Gas and Electric. No Pets, Available 10/28. $900 2520 Deming Blvd. #B-201, Cheyenne, WY 2 Bd., 1 Ba., A/C, Laundry Hook-Ups, Pay Electric Only, No Pets, Available Now $1,175 2419 E. 12th St. #2, Cheyenne, WY 1 Bd., 1 Ba., No Pets Utilites Included. Available Now. $800 1633 E. C St., #1, Torrington, WY 3 Bd., 2 Ba., Available Now $775 2030 E. B St., #B, Torrington, WY 2 Bd., 1-1/2 Ba. Apartment, Available Now. $750 2326 E. B St., Torrington, WY 2 Bd., 1 Ba., Cute Home, No Pets, Available Now. $800 2502 W. C St., #A, Torrington, WY Commercial Property. Available Now. $550 408 S. 3rd St., Saratoga, WY 1 Bd., 1 Ba. Duplex with Small Balcony, Pay Gas & Electric, Washer/Dryer in Unit, Small Dog Allowed, Available Now. $750 Professional Property Management Experience We are a full service Real Estate Company that offers “Everything Under One Roof.” We are licensed in Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska to serve a wide client base. (307) 635-0338 2103 Warren Ave. • Cheyenne, WY 82001 CENTURY 21® Bell Real Estate 2103 Warren Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82001 (307) 635-0338 CENTUR Bell Real Estate RENTAL RENTS! AL S! (307) 635-0338 2103 Warren Ave. • Cheyenne, WY 82001 CENTURY 21® Bell Real Estate 2103 Warren Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82001 (307) 635-0338 CENTURY 21® Bell Real Estate RENTAL RENTS! AL S! ApArtments 3324 Frontier St., #8 1 Bd., 1 Ba., No Pets, Plus Electric. Available Now $800 1823 Fremont Ave. #2 2 Bd., 1 Ba., No Pets, Plus Gas and Electric, Available Now $800 914 Hot Springs #A 2 Bd., 1 Ba., Garage, No Pets, Plus Gas and Electric, Available Now $895 330 Hunters Way #A 2 Bd., 1.5 Ba., No Pets, Plus Gas and Electric, Available 11/10 $950 1007 W. 29th St. #B 2 Bd., 1 Ba., No Pets, Plus Gas and Electric, Available Now $1,100808 E. 18th #1 1 Bd., 1 Ba., Fully Furnished, Short-Term Until June 30. $1,350808 E. 18th #5 1 Bd., 1 Ba., Fully Furnished, Short-Term Until June 30. $1,150 Houses 3238 Old Faithful 3 Bd., 2 Ba., No Pets, Plus Gas and Electric, Available Now $1,225 307 Annie Morgan Ct. 3 Bd., 2.5 Ba., 2-Car Garage, No Pets, Plus All Utilities, Available 10/1 $1,425 3023 Pioneer Ave. 3 Bd., 2 Ba., Garage, No Pets, Plus All Utilities, Available Now $1,700 5678 Remington Dr. 4 Bd., 3 Ba., 2-Car Garage, No Pets, Plus All Utilities, Available 10/13 $1,700 1005 Whispering Hills 3 Bd., 2 Ba., Garage, Pets Accepted, Plus All Utilities, Available 10/26 $2,100 Check With Us For Upcoming Rentals Too New To Be Advertised. CHEYENNE HOUSING AUTHORIT Y OPPORTUNITY Indian Hills Manor Taking applications for 1 bedroom, 62+ or disabled Based on income Apply online at Questions, call (307) 633-8313
AUTHORIT Y OPPORTUNITY Cheyenne Housing Author it y is accepting applic ations for Public Housing units in Laramie, WY. Rent based on income. Apply online at Questions, call (307) 633-8323
730 N.
730 N.
2005 Eagle Dr.
$610,000 Sun. 11-1 4004 Farthing Rd.
$753,700 Sun. 11-2 1723 Road 136 - $579,500 Sun. 1-3 1729 Road 136 - $599,000 Sun. 1-3 1733 Road 136
$579,500 Sun. 1-3 1741 Road 136
$579,500 Sun. 1-3 2201 Ledoux Dr. Sun. 2-4 2245 Ledoux Dr.
$599,600 Sun. 2-4 2211 Ledoux Dr.
Sun. 2-4 2225 Ledoux Dr. - $534,600 Sun. 2-4 2328 Ledoux Dr. - $534,400 Sun. 2-4 2237 Ledoux Dr. - $528,000 Sun. 2-4 1271 North Carolina - $681,600 Sun. 2-4 1264 Bentley Rd. - $664,900 Sun. 2-4 1252 Bentley Rd. - $654,100 Sun. 2-4 1237 N. Carolina - $590,900 Sun. 2-4 1295 Bentley Rd. - $616,500 Sun. 2-4 #1 Properties 6013 Blue Bluff - $400,000 Sat. 9:30-11 911 O’Neil Ave. - $229,300 Sat. 9:30-11 11602
1532 Andover Dr. - $370,000 Sun. 1:30-3
3627 Sky Ridge Sat. 10-12 6611 Wilderness Trl. Sat. 1-3 RE/MAX
4906 Connie Dr. - $490,000 Sat. 10-11 4519 E. 11th St. - $345,000 Sat. 10-12 2216 Ledoux Dr. - $411,000 Sat. 10:30-12 2222 Ledoux Dr. - $409,000 Sat. 10:30-12 2230 Ledoux Dr. - $409,000 Sat. 10:30-12 2107 Doran Ln. - $400,000 Sat. 11-12 419 Sierra Dr. - $458,000 Sat. 11-12:30 4815 Kester St. - $415,000 Sat. 11-12:30 2769 Olive Dr. - $445,000 Sat. 12:30-1:30 4701 Craigy J Dr. - $999,900 Sun. 11:30-12:30 1215 Alyssa Way - $410,000 Sun. 11-12 8543 Firethorn Ln.
4518 Ontario Dr. - $325,000 Sun. 2-4 Landmar k Gr and 2.1 IRC Modular– Sale Price $282,900.00 This home is open and spacious with a updated farm house feel. Host your family and friends in the gorgeous country kitchen with a huge island for entertaining. Abundant cabinet space and countertops. Upgraded Stainless steel appliance package. The Great Room features a weathered wood accent wall and an entertainment center that includes a cozy LED fireplace. The Master Bedroom has a double sliding barn door leading into the master bath. The 4 x 6 tiled shower has multiple shower heads including the ceiling. This model is 1,716 Square Feet with 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Construction Features Include: 7/12 saddleback roof with a 40lb roof load and R 50 insulation. 2x6 wall construction , 9 ft flat ceilings, Textured drywall throughout, white 6 panel solid core doors, Upgrade carpet in bedrooms and great room, plank tile in kitchen, dining and entry and linoleum in bathrooms and utility. Craneboard insulated lap siding, High efficiency gas furnace, 50 gallon electric water heater. White triple pane double hung argon gas windows. Front porch is gray composite decking. COME AND SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME TODAY!!
1701 East Mulberry St Fort Collins CO 80524 970 221 1537 OPEN HOUSE Mon,Wed,Thur 9am 5pm Friday 9am 3pm Saturday 10am 3pm WWW.COUNTRYLANDHOME.COM S P R I N K L E R B LOW OUTS, POWER RAKING, aerating fall clean ups Lightning Lawn Care, call Keith at 307 287 1374
ABLE! VIEW OUR web site for upcoming listings www rentcheyenne com Crown Property Manage ment, 307 635 5303, 2727 O Neil Ave, Chey enne, WY
ABLES, ORDER YOUR shed now Teton Struc tures, 307 634 9620 KAUFFMAN CONTRACT ING LLC, CUSTOM site work, septic systems, dig basements, fix drainage issues, small concrete projects, retaining walls, waterline repairs, create driveways, haul gravel and dirt 307 630 6435 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, DETACHED GARAGE, n o s m o k i n g , p e t n e g o t i a b l e , wat e r p a i d , $ 1 8 0 0 m o nt h l y p l u s d e p o s i t 3 07 2 75 1 6 07
Evans Ave, $525 monthly, $525 deposit John 307 286 2659
on Sat Oct 22 at 2pm, online only, view auction and get registered at https://
hi bid com
welcome 5
inch seamless gutters Free estimates
inspections Li censed
insured Buckskin Builders, LLC, Rawhide Log Homes, 307 631 7697
closing costs no commissions, no re pairs, we buy in as is condition, we close on the date of your choice, get a cash offer it's easy! Call 307 414 1990, sellwyohouse com
CounTry l and & homes. CusTom built modular. 888-321-1537 www.CountryLandHome. com

Gallo family vineyards

Page 24 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 516 South Greeley Hwy. Cheyenne • 632-8735 • Gift CertifiCates available • shop WyominG’s larGest for best priCe, seleCtion & serviCe *Prices good through October 13, 2022 larGest Whiskey seleCtion in WyominG! red taG sales on hundreds of items throuGhout the store! Pepsi Products $9 49 24 Pack of 12 oz. Cans tanqueray Dry Gin $ 3789 1.75 Liter tito’s Handmade Vodka $ 33 99 1.75 Liter knob Creek Straight Bourbon Whiskey Original or Rye $ 3199 750 Ml. fleischmann’s Vodka $ 859 1.75 Liter black velvet Canadian Whisky $13 49 1.75 Liter shop WyominG’s larGest for the best priCe, seleCtion & serviCe Pendleton Canadian Whisky $ 40 99 1.75 Liter Super buy! Super buy! bud, bud light, miller lite or Coors light $24 99 24 Pack of 16 oz. Cans Corona, Corona light, Corona premier, Corona familiar, pacifico, modelo especial or negra modelo $1699 12 Pack of 12 oz. Bottles or Cans Jägermeister Liqueur $ 36 89 1.75 Liter Jameson Irish Whiskey $16 99 750 Ml. evan Williams Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey $ 25 49 1.75 Liter Platinum 10X Vodka $ 2299 1.75 Liter sugarland shine Banana Pudding or Peppermint Moonshine $19 99 750 Ml. merry’s Irish Cream Liqueurs All Available Varieties $12 99 750 Ml. blue moon brewing All Available Varieties $15 99 12 Pack of 12 oz. Bottles or Cans bud light Seltzers All Available Varieties $15 99 12 Pack of 12 oz. Cans texas ranch Water Variety Pack $17 99 12 Pack of 12 oz. Cans sam adams All Available Varieties $1549 12 Pack of 12 oz. Bottles or Cans high noon Seltzers All Available Varieties $16 99 8 Pack of 12 oz. Cans Upslope Mix Pack $16 49 12 Pack of 12 oz. Cans Mikes Hard beverages All Available Varieties $15 99 12 Pack of 12 oz. Bottles or Cans breckenridge brewing Variety Pack or Avalanche Amber Ale $16 99 15 Pack of 12 oz. Cans Super buy!
Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, Moscato, Pink Moscato, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Red Moscato, Sauvignon Blanc, Sweet Berry, Sweet Peach, Sweet Pineapple, Sweet Red, Sweet Apple, Sweet Grapefruit Rosé or White Zinfandel 3 $1000 California • 750 Ml bota box Merlot, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Nighthawk Black Cabernet Sauvignon, Nighthawk Black, Old Vine Zinfandel, Redvolution, Sauvignon Blanc or Shiraz – 87 Pts WE $1699 California • 3 Liter Box liberty Creek All Available Varieties $6 99 California • 1.5 Liter baywood Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Old Vine Zinfandel, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir or Shenandoah Vine Zinfandel $799 California • 750 Ml. Chaucers Mead Pomegranate or Raspberry $1199 California • 750 Ml. Soleil Mimosas Classic, Mango, Pineapple or Pomegranate $1249 California • 750 Ml. barefoot vineyards All Available Varieties $16 99 California • 3 Liter redwood Creek Chardonnay, Pinot Noir or Cabernet Sauvignon $1149 California • 1.5 Liter the prisoner Cabernet Sauvignon $4399 Chardonnay Sauvignon $3499 California • 750 Ml. fisheye Pinot Grigio or Shiraz $13 99 California • 3 Liter Chateau St Jean Chardonnay or Pinot Noir $10 99 California • 750 Ml. franzia Cabernet Sauvignon, Dark Red Blend, Rich & Buttery Chardonnay, Merlot, Chardonnay, Chianti, Pinot Noir/Carmenere or White Zinfandel $1799 Sunset Blush, Crisp White, Chillable Red or Fruity Red Sangria $1499 California • 5 Liter Box Ck mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, Moscato, Pinot Grigio, Pritz Rosé Moscato, Red Blend or Sauvignon Blanc $499 California • 750 Ml. it’s a Head Snapper Chardonnay or Prosecco $749 California • 750 Ml. toast sparkling Wine $1599 California • 750 Ml. bailey’s Irish Cream Liqueur $ 44 99 1.75 Liter dented brick disco-nut Coconut Rum $ 20 99 750 Ml. Johnnie Walker Black Label Scotch Whiskey $ 54 99 1.75 Liter 99 Schnapps All Available Varieties $1149 750 Ml. Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum $ 2599 1.75 Liter José Cuervo Especial Gold or Silver Tequila $16 49 750 Ml. koloa Gold or White Hawaiian Rum $ 2499 750 Ml. underground Herbal Liqueur $1699 750 Ml. Umiki Japanese Ocean Whiskey $ 4999 750 Ml. midnight moon Apple Pie or Watermelon Moonshine $ 2799 1.75 Liter Bag/Box bloW out! Super buy! Super Suits F o r apothic blends Inferno $1249 Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Crush, Rosé, Dark, Red or White $999 California • 750 Ml. Super buy! Super buy! Super buy! Super buy! Super buy! Super buy!

made by the







a much



a type of book

the first

are very

of a page in a book

of the

Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 25 *Difficulty Level Medium. See page 26 for answers. Word of the Week - Y is for YWis YWIS, or IWIS, is Olde English for “certainly.” It was probably used
the last time by Shakespeare in
play Richard III, in 1594. Some
Shakespeare’s plays were printed
booklets called QUARTOS. Others
printed in FOLIOS, which is
larger page size. The earliest
book printed in Europe was printed
Romans in
century AD.
valuable. The front
is called the RECTO, the reverse
page is the VERSO Word of the Week Provided by Barbara Peterson Barbara Peterson is the President of the Scrabble Club. “Please join us every Wednesday night at the Laramie County Library.” We Deliver to Laramie! • 5 Days a Week • Call for Estimate C&D Courier Service Charlie & Dixie Pierce 307-630-8484 or 307-630-4843 Let Us: Pack it. Ship it. • UPS Shipping & Receiving Outlet • US Mail • Fed Ex • Mail Box Rentals • Mail Forwarding • Custom Packaging • New & Used Boxes • Moving Supplies O ce Hours: Mon. – Sat. • 8:30 am – 6 pm 1903 S. Greeley Hwy. • 635-9335 Fax 635-9129 Let Us Box It Up American Storage & Postal Service Mail Box • US Mail • UPS • Fed Ex • Copies • Fax • Notary • Packing Check Our Full Page Ad In This Issue Featuring: Liquor & Beer Specials and Beer of the Month Gruner Brothers Brewing! 3310 RIDGE ROAD 2121 E. LINCOLNWAY Mail Box • US Mail • UPS • Fed Ex • Copies • Fax • Notary • Packing 5 x 10 — $57 per month 10 x 10 — $90 per month 10 x 15 — $105 per month 12 x 20 has electric — $130 per month 12 x 30 has electric — $215 per month 12 x 42 has electric — $250 per month 12 x 42 shop unit, 220 & heat — $285 per month FREE Truck with Move-In! 1903 S. Greeley Hwy. 635-9335 • Fax 635-9129 O ce Hours: Monday–Saturday 8:30 am – 6 pm Military Discount Available American Storage & Postal Service Brand Bar - Tues-Sat • 3pm-11pm Limited Menu • Package Liquor Available Thurs - 1/2 Price Appetizers T-Bone Tuesdays Reservations Always Appreciated OPEN TUES.-THURS 4PM-9PM • FRI.-SAT 4PM-10PM 634-36841700 Little Bear Rd. Cheyenne’s Original Steak House! Tues-Thurs • 4pm-9pm Fri-Sat • 4pm-10pm THANKFUL Th sday SUPPORT YO UR COMMUNIT Y ONE CHAR IT Y AT A TIME! FREE AD MISSION! 50/50 Ra e • Card Games • Live Auctio n A Chance To Win $$$$ Lincolnway Event Hall | 3839 E. Lincolnway Come Out Thursday & Support Your Community! DOORS OPEN AT 4PM • DRAWINGS AT 5PM LIVE AUCTION AT 6PM ALL MONEY RAISED GO ES DIR ECTLY TO TH E CHARIT Y! This ad provided by a grant from Trader’s Publishing Oct. 13 Special Olympics Wyoming: Provide year-round partici pation in sports training and athletic competition in a variety of well-coached Olympic-Type sports for individuals with intellectual disabilities by providing athletes with continu ing opportunities to develop physical fitness skills, express courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of talents, skills and friendship with their families, friends, other Special Olympic athletes and the community. 3 6 4 8 9 9 8 2 9 5 8 1 7 4 1 2 3 8 9 7 7 1 6 5 7 2 7 4 9 1 Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.57) Generated by on Tue Oct 4 20:13:48 2022 GMT. Enjoy!

OctO ber - N Ovember cale N dar

Oct. 13 Special Olympics Wyoming: Provide year-round participation in sports training and athletic competition in a variety of well-coached Olympic-Type sports for individuals with intellectual disabilities by providing athletes with continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness skills, express courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of talents, skills and friendship with their families, friends, other Special Olympic athletes and the community.

Oct. 20 Cheyenne Kiwanis Club: Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children.

Oct. 27 ASK (After School for Kids): Supports academic enrichment, nutrition and recreation for elementary kids in Cheyenne. ASK provides access for Cheyenne families to quality afterschool programs while giving kids a chance to explore, create and learn through science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) activities. Their mission is to provide a safe, effective and enriching afterschool program and they strive to inspire and empower youth, while also aligning with the school day, supporting families and strengthening our community.

Nov. 3 GI Gold: Specific focus of educating veterans about gold prospecting and putting that education into practice in the field.

PINE FIREWOOD, $175 A CORD PICKUP loads, $100 Delivery charge in Cheyenne, $25 Call 307 214 0783

IF YOU VE LOST OR FOUND AN ANIMAL, please contact The Cheyenne Animal Shelter, 800 Southwest Dr, 307 632 6655, if after hours call 307 214 5779 or check cheyenneanimalshelter org/ animals/lost and found/

SEPTIC TANKS, SAND AND GREASE TRAPS, cesspools, portable bath room rentals Triple J Pumping, 307 632 6476

PROTECT YOUR HOME FROM PESTS SAFELY and affordably Pest, rodent termite and mosquito control Call for a quote or inspection today 844 394 9278

A NEW METAL ROOF, THE CURE FOR THE shingles! Installation av ailable New and im proved panel 26 and 29 gauge, standing seam now available in 1" and 1 1/2" SnapLock 40 year paint guarantee, multiple colors matching color fasteners, trim built to your specifications, full trim package available TAG Roofing, 805 E Fox Farm Rd 307 640 5822

BATH AND SHOWER UPDATES IN AS LITTLE as one day! Affordable prices no payments for 18 months! Lifetime war ranty and professional in stalls Senior and military discounts available Call 855 761 1725

YOUR COUNTERTOP, CABINET AND DESIGN professionals Laminate solid surface and stone countertops and cabine try Fabrication to instal lation, free estimates

Ultimate In Counters, Inc, 307 637 5204, ultimatein counters com

MISTER B'S HEATING AND COOLING, CALL us for all your HVAC needs 307 634 4822, 610 W 15th St

2017 JOHN DEERE XUV 825I GATOR: 2017 JOHN Deere XUV825i in good condition, unit has been very well taken care of and maintained, unit has 4257 miles and 864 hours, this unit has a hy draulic tilt bed and 4WD, the glass doors will come with the unit, $17,400 Call Adam at John Deere

4Rivers Equipment at 307 274 5694 or see at 7917 Hutchins Dr Cheyenne


New inventory daily! We buy vintage items, estates and garage sale leftovers!

Huge selection, great quality, great prices! 611 Crook Ave #9 307 275 6891, open 7 days a week, 9am 5pm

WO U L D YO U L I K E TO H AV E T H E D I G I TA L version of Trader's Shop per s Guide delivered to your inbox every Friday morning? If so, send your email address to Arts@wyo traders com and enter "Free Subscription" in the email subject line Starting the following Friday you'll have a direct link to the latest issue with easy page flip technology for you to read at your convenience Thank you for reading Trader's Shopper's Guide

Community Health Talk

CRMC Amy Spieker will talk about commu nity health at Foxcrest Community Center, 4125 Cox Court, on Wednesday, October 12, at 12:30pm. Sponsored by AARP.

CFD™ Old West Museum Paranormal Tours

Registration for Youth Basketball League

Registration is open for the City of Cheyenne’s Co-Rec K-2 Youth Basketball League. Registration runs through October 20. Registration forms and information can be found online at www.cheyenne or in person at the Kiwanis Community House, 4603 Lions Park Drive. Contact David Con treras at 307-637-6425 or dcontreras@cheyenne with any questions.

Church Craft Bazaar and Bake Sale

Come shop the Women of Light Craft Bazaar and Bake Sale on Saturday, October 15, 8:00am5:00pm, Family Harvest Church, 320 West 23rd Street. Enter through the main front door on 23rd Street or the side door on Pioneer Avenue. Parking is available on the street and in the government parking lot across the street from the church on 23rd. There will be crafts, gifts, art, home decor, jewelry, baked goods and so much more. Stop at one of the food trucks on site as well to get some lunch. Admission is free but they are collecting canned goods at the door to donate to the local food banks but it is not required to come in and shop. All proceeds from the Women of Light team’s craft booth and their bake sale will go to Cheyenne Fos ter Closet. Have more questions? Call Pastor Linda Kibben in the church office at 307-638-8880 Mon day-Thursday, 9:00am-3:30pm.


TOPS 0117 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets each Thursday at the VFW Post 1881, 2816 East 7th Street, Nationway Frontage Road. Weigh-ins are from 8:00am-8:45am and meetings are from 9:00am-10:00am. TOPS provides tools, informa tion and support to be successful in losing weight. The program focuses on health as well as weight loss. For more information, email Pam, the leader, at

The CFD™ Old West Museum is pleased to announce Paranormal Tours of the Museum with Haunting Across America. There are 2 opportuni ties to say hello to their spooky spectres, October 14 and 28, tours begin at 6:30pm. See what’s lurk ing within their walls this October! Tickets are $20/person and are limited. Visit the event calen dar at: to get tickets and find out more information.

Children’s Photo Fundraiser

Family Harvest Church Unashamed Youth will be selling $10 Antiquities coupons for a free photo session and a 10x13 children’s portrait. Coupons will be available until Wednesday, October 26. Por traits will be taken November 11 and 12 and avail able for pick up first week in December. All clothing and props are provided, you just show up! All pro ceeds benefit FHC Youth Missions Trip! To reserve your portrait coupon or find out more, text or call Lesa Statham at 307-630-2777.

St. Paul’s Fall Turkey Dinner

2022 St. Paul’s Fall Turkey dinner will take place on Sunday, October 23, 11:00am-1:00pm, at the Pine Bluffs Community Center, 708 Lawson. Cost $15 for adults, $5 children 6-10, children 5 and under are free. Proceeds benefit scholarship fund and other charitable works.

Laramie County Toys for Tots Registration

Registration will be held every Wednesday in October at VFW 1881, just off Nationway, lower ballroom, from 12:00pm-6:00pm. Date and time for toy shopping will be on a first come basis, so register early! For further information, contact Wendi Henderson, Laramie County Toys for Tots Coordinator, at 678-215-7584. Every child deserves a little Christmas.

CLOSE OUT SALE, 40 50% OFF EVERYTHING in the store! Discount World, Mon Sat, 11:30am 5pm, 3151 Nationway #K1, located by Ashley Furniture

BACA AND SON CONCRETE: Specializing in all types of flatwork, residential and commercial, no job too small, 50 years experience, free estimates, licensed and insured 307 421 7214 or 307 286 1561

CHIMNEY AND STOVE CLEANING, GENERAL carpentry and repair, res idential maintenance, li censed and insured Jeff Hoyt, Cheyenne Handy man LLC, 307 286 1183, no job too small

CHEYENNE'S HANDY MAN, HERE TO give you a helping hand with your project needs and wants in updating your home, business or property Get a new place at the old address Free estimates 307 275 1931

A1 STUMP GRINDING: FREE ESTIMATES, High impact and low impact stump grinding, fully in sured We grind deeper and cheaper! 307 399 3012, aonestumpgrinding @aol com

BART'S FLEA MARKET: ANTIQUES AND collect ibles, furniture, mid century pottery and glass ware, books, comics, vinyl records, license plates and a whole lot more! Cheyenne s oldest and largest flea market! Open 7 days a week, Mon Sat 10am 6pm, Sun 12pm 5pm 307 632 0004 415 W Lincolnway

COME SEE US FOR YOUR LAST MINUTE archery hunting needs! Bullseye Archery: sales, service and supplies

Adult and child classes available 917 E Lincoln way, 307 637 7498, Mon Fri 10am 7pm, Sat 10am 5pm, bullseyearchery wyoming com

Fall Festival

Family Harvest Church is hosting their annu al Fall Festival on Saturday, October 22, 1:00pm3:00pm, 320 West 23rd Street, across from the Library and next to Epic Egg. This fall event is geared towards K-6th graders. Family friendly, free, fun and open to the public. Fall themed games with candy, prizes, crafts and more. For informa tion, contact Alicia Smith at 307-638-8880.

Vendor Space Available for Cheyenne Elks Craft Sale

The Cheyenne Elks Club is hosting its second annual Winter Holiday Craft Sale on Saturday, November 26. They are looking for vendors who wish to participate in this event. The sale will take place from 9:00am-3:30pm at the Cheyenne Elks Lodge #660, 100 East 17th Street. They are look ing for artisans, crafters and vendors who wish to sell their products or services. If you would like to participate as a vendor in this event, or if you have questions, please contact Denise Parrish at par

Our Community Article


Does your not-for-profit organization or club have an event coming up that you would like publi cized? Submit a paragraph with who, what, when, where and contact information and we’ll put it in Trader’s “Our Community” section at no charge on a space available basis. The deadline is Tuesday at noon. For more information, call 307-634-8895.

Page 26 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ALONG OTHER LINES
C OMMUNIT Y OUR WW W.W YOTRADERS.COM Preview review REAL ESTATE GUIDE Preview review REAL ESTATE GUIDE Preview REAL ESTATE GUIDE Southeast Wyoming’s Leader in Real Estate Information. 307.634.8895 Sudoku Answers!Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.57) 3 6 4 2 8 5 1 7 9 5 7 9 6 3 1 2 8 4 1 8 2 7 4 9 3 6 5 6 2 3 9 5 4 8 1 7 4 1 5 8 6 7 9 2 3 8 9 7 3 1 2 5 4 6 7 4 8 1 9 3 6 5 2 9 5 1 4 2 6 7 3 8 2 3 6 5 7 8 4 9 1 THANKFUL Th sday SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNIT Y ONE CHARIT Y AT A TIME! FREE ADMISSION! 50/50 Ra e • Card Games • Live Auction A Chance To Win $$$$ Lincolnway Event Hall | 3839 E. Lincolnway Come Out Thursday & Support Your Community! DOORS OPEN AT 4PM • DRAWINGS AT 5PM LIVE AUCTION AT 6PM ALL MONEY RAISED GOES DIRECTLY TO TH E CHARIT Y! This ad provided by a grant from Trader’s Publishing
CONCRETE PADS UP TO 10'X16' INCLUDES set, labor and concrete for patios, sheds, dog runs $1100 307 409 1405

BIG OR SMALL WE DO IT ALL! PARTS AND ser vice:Trailer parts hitches welding supplies, bear ings and axles, tires, wheels, wiring, orna mental iron hand railings, security window guards commercial or residential steel pipe and tube Welding Shop and Mfg LLC, made in Wyoming by Wyomingites, 508 E 1st St, 307 632 3294

HORSE BOARDING Commercial zoned, indi vidual stalls, covered, full care We also have horse trailer storage, corral cleaning, manure spread ing Call for information 307 630 3025

BORDER COLLIE PUPS WITH 1/4 AUSSIE, black and white and tri colored, out of working parents 1st shots, $300 307 421 0818

HIGH SPIRIT HOLISTIC SHOW, OCT 8 9, 10am 5pm Red Lion Hotel 204 W Fox Farm Rd, Shoshone and Laramie Rooms Hol istic living, readers and vis ionaries, relaxation, meta physical shopping $5 per adult or 5 non perishable food products or personal hygiene items kids 12 and under free with adult Food donations benefit the Sal vation Army For more info please email Angie at angiefarnum@yahoo com

TRADER'S SHOPPER'S GUIDE IS MOBILE! You can search classifieds, open houses and garage sales whenever you choose on the conven ience of your phone tablet or computer at www wyotraders com


FLEA MARKET'S New Hours: Open Tues Sat 10am 4pm, Sun 12pm 4pm, closed Mon Great selection and wide variety of unique items Antiques, jewelry, collectibles, vin tage, large variety, new items weekly Christine & Co formerly Rummage & Rags, 617 W Lincolnway, 307 631 0195

THE COIN SHOP WILL BE CLOSED OCT 15 31 Collectible coins, gold and silver, compare our pricing to what others are paying, you'll be glad you did! Buying and selling since 1982 The Coin Shop, 510 W 16th St, 307 778 7196, find us behind Eagles Lodge, Tues Fri, 9am 5pm


winches tow ropes hitches, grille guards, bumper replacements, push bars, Weathertech floor mats? Get them at D's 4 Wheel Drive, 210 E 15th St, 307 634 1736 ds4wheeldrive com


2022 23 season presents Todd Dereemer and Friends, Sat ,Oct 15, start ing at 7:30pm in the Cent ral High School Auditorium, 5500 Education Dr Find out about our 2022 23 season tickets 5 great concerts, 1 great price $20 60 140 season tickets online and $5 20 50 sing les Tickets at: sewyocon certs org

Ears Original originally $129 95 now with this special offer only $59 95 with code MCB59! 1 888 805 0840

2311 Reed Ave, Tue Sat, 10am 4pm, 307 638 6181

BUCKSKIN BUILDERS, LLC, RAWHIDE LOG Homes: All types of shingles including: Ar chitectural, Cedar shakes and shingles and steel Tuff Rib and Pro Panel Steel buildings: Metal siding and roofing Log homes: Roofing and repair 10 year warranty, free estimates, licensed and insured Insurance and damage welcome! 307 631 7697, buckskin 3902@yahoo com

DIRT WORK, DRIVE WAY LEVELING resur facing, prep building sites, trash and debris removal, pen and barn cleaning, acreage mowing, granite boulders for sale, tree and post holes, asphalt patch work, dump and belly dump trailer available contract hauling, res idential, rural, commercial, free estimates, reasonable rates M&M Enterprises LLC, 307 631 9313


Do you need trailer parts? Or are you in the market for a new trailer? Call K's Trailer Parts and Service at 307 632 0600 for all your trailer needs Available Mon Fri, 7:30am 5pm and Sat by appointment K's Trailer Parts and Services, 307 632 0600 to schedule your trailer

HILLSDALE HAY FARM: ROUND BALES, square bales, small bales Please leave a message, 307 632 0134


Water softeners, whole house filters, RO water systems LG Drilling LLC wells drilled well, locally owned and operated, licensed and insured Adam 307 996 7110, Lance 307 214 9969, LGDrilling com, office@ LGDrilling com


UNWANTED ITEMS into cash Trader's brings 1000s of buyers and sellers together every week Reach over 18,000 buyers for your items for only $5, if you come in and prepay for a personal ad, it's only $4 for your 20 word ad Call 307 634 8895 or visit us at 2021 Warren Ave www wyotraders com

HILLSDALE HAY FARM: ROUND BALES, square bales small bales Please leave a message, 307 632 0134


Small squares, grass and alfalfa grass mix, round bales grass We deliver! Hay is located near Hillsdale 303 579 5700

WE'RE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN OUR community! Water well drilling and pump instal lation, agriculture, domes tic and stock well drilling pump service and repair, solar wells, warranties!

Locally owned and oper ated, licensed and insured, contact us today for a free estimate and consulta tion! Clayton: 307 214 2206 Lance: 307 214 9969, LGDrilling com, office@LGDrilling com

LOCAL BEEF FOR SALE! NATURAL , grass fed quarters or halves delivered to you End of Season! Last group, ea rly Oct delivery, custom cut to your specifications Call to reserve yours now! High Plains Beef, 307 287 1102, highplainsbeef llc com


Black Angus beef, dry aged 14 21 days to ensure tenderness and flavor no hormones or antibiotics are given to our cattle, raised in Laramie County Whole half and quarters avail able, butcher dates throughout Nov, limited quantities available, re serve yours now! ELT Livestock, 307 214 3797


TER TROUGH, 8' Dia meter x 2' Depth, $400

Many tube type radios, 70+ years, some working, some rebuilt, some have beautiful wood finished cabinets, best offer on ra dios 1945 Ford Luverne

Fire Truck, 11,000 miles, many new and rebuilt fea tures $17,000 307 634 2589 if no answer after 5 rings leave message

NEW SMALL SQUARE BALES OF STRAW, raised organically, $7 00 per bale 307 547 3430

WELL PROBLEMS? WE CAN HELP! CALL US 24/7! We're committed to excellence in serving our community! Domestic and residential stock wells, pressure tanks, constant and standard pressure systems solar well systems Locally owned and operated, licensed and insured Adam 307 996 7110, LGDrilling com office@ LGDrilling com


Australian cattle dog, aka Blue Heeler, puppies! Also, Heeler/Border Collie cross! Stunning reds and blues, Male and female, vet checked, de wormed, shots farm raised excel lent working stock dogs or perfect for family pets and

ions Happy, healthy, smart and loyal great with kids, cats, etc A steal at

Pics and

PROTECT YOUR MOST VALUABLE possession, your home! Good Knight Roofing: Free roof inspec tions, we work with all insurance companies we offer insurance claim as sistance,

5 year roof


Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 27ALONG OTHER LINES FARM AND RANCHFARM AND RANCH 2017 John Deere XUV 825I Gator: In good condition, unit has been very well taken care of and maintained. Unit has 4,257 miles and 864 hours. This unit has a hydraulic tilt bed and 4WD. The glass doors will come with the unit. $17,400 2021 John Deere 1023E Compact Tractor: 1023E Tractor MFWD W-LDR, Basic warranty (24m/2000h 31 Aug. 2023), Limited Basic (72m/2000h 29 Aug 2027), MFWD, Loader, Hydro. $16,200 7917 Hutchins Drive Call Adam (307) 274-5694 FOR SALEHillsdale Hay Farm Please Leave A Message (307) 632- 0134 Round Bales, Square Bales & Sm all Bales Clayton 307-214-2206 • Lance 307-214-9969 • Of LOCALLY OWNED & OPER ATED LICENSED & INSURE D • WATER WELL DRILLING & PUMP INSTALLATION • AGRICULTUR AL , DOMESTIC & STOCK WELL DRILLING • PUMP SE RVICE /REPAIR • SOLAR WELL S • WARR ANTIES Contact Us Today for a FREE Estimate & Consultation! WE’RE COMMITTED TO EXCELLE NCE IN SERVING OUR COMMUNIT Y! in a picture ad 1941 John Deere LA Excellent condition. $4,500 OBO (307) 638-8003 TRAILER PARTS & SERVICE WELDING SHOP & MFG. LLC 508 E. 1st St. • 632-3294 • Axles • Springs • Tires • Wheels • LED Lights • Fenders • Jacks • Hitches B&W, Reese & Custom 9 AND 7 MONTH OLD CALVES, READY TO GO, all shots, pasture raised 307 631 0268 L EG ACY T R ACTO R SALES AND SERVICE, 1845 N College, Fort Collins, CO, 970 482 4803 ALLSTATE. YOU'RE IN GOOD HANDS DON Budd, serving your insur ance needs in Wyoming and Colorado, Auto, home, life renters Dbudd@all state com, 307 635 6266 WYOMING SPORTS MAN'S GUN SHOW! Buy sell, trade Laramie, WY, Al bany County Fairgrounds, Sat, Oct 15, 9am 5pm and Sun, Oct 16, 9am 2pm, $7 admission fee For table reservations and info call 307 761 5145 ATTENTION HUNTERS! PERFECT UTILITY t rail e r to hau l you r ge ar ! 6 0 x 14, re ar and side ram ps, 3 5 ax l e s, D r ings re ady to rol l ! K' s Trail e r Par t s and Se r v ice, LLC, new l oca t ion! 41 9 4 W 5 t h St C heye nne, W yom ing 8 20 07, 3 07 6 3 2 0 6 0 0, N AT DA M e m be r, M on Fr i, 7:3 0 am 5 pm
1941 JOHN DEERE LA, E XC E L L E N T c o n d i t i o n , $ 4 5 0 0 O B O 3 07 6 3 8 8003 ESTATE AUCTION, AN TIQUE AND collect ables Join Cheyenne Auctioneers LLC on Sat, Oct 22 at 2pm, online only view auction and get registered at https:// cheyenneauctioneers hi bid com
awesome compan
only $800!
videos available call or text 970 690 6608
realtors licensed and insured, Cheyenne, Wyoming nat ive, A+ BBB rating! Don Nath, dnath@gkr email, 1 866 366 6284 direct 307 638 2000 office, 1217 S Greeley Highway #G, g o o d k n i g ht ro ofi n g c o m Insurance claim specialist for roofing and gutters WYOMING SPORTS MAN'S GUN SHOW! Buy, sell trade Douglas WY Fairgrounds, Ft Caspar Building, Sat, Oct 8, 9am 5pm and Sun Oct 9 9am 2pm, $7 admission fee For table reservations and info call 307 761 5145 9 AND 7 MONTH OLD CALVES, READY TO GO, all shots, pasture raised 307 631 0268 WYOMING SPORTSMAN’S GUN SHOW! BUY • SELL • TRADE Fairgrounds, Ft. Caspar Building For Table Re serv ation & In fo Call 307-761- 51 45 Douglas, WY Saturday 9AM -5PM Sunday 9AM -2PM OCT. 8TH & 9TH • $7 ADMISSION • PLAINSH IGH NATURAL GRASS FED QUARTERS OR HALVES DELIVERED TO YOU September & October Deliver y Available. Custom Cut To Your Specifications. WWW.HIGHPLAINSBEEFLLC.COM LOCAL BEEF FOR SALE Call Now To Reserve Yours 307-287-1102
PUT ON YOUR TV EARS AND HEAR TV with unmatched clarity TV
TRENDY AND CHIC OR TRADITIONAL CHARM, whatever your home de cor, shop Antiques Cent ral, LLC, first! www ant i q u e s c e nt ra l o n l i n e c o m ,



Cindy Upholstery


Shopper's Guide! Just $5 for 20 words, $1 discount if prepaid personal ad and your item will be in front of 18,000 buyers Turn that clutter into cash! Phone 307 634 8895

WILL DO CLEANING, ODD JOBS, non smoking, excellent references

Please call 307 632 0859 leave message


Will sell complete rock col lection for $18 000 retail approximately $36,000 or will sell single pieces 307 631 9933

NEW ARRIVALS! FALL DECOR AND WINTER clothing $5 off $25 pur chase before tax, can not combine with any other offer, must have coupon pictured in our ad ex pires 10/31/2022 The Mall of SVdP Thrift Store, 2112 Snyder Ave 307 514 0365 Tue Sat, 10am 5pm


Aluminum, steel, brass, copper, scrap iron, batter ies, aluminum cans Large scales for big loads, con venient drive through cash paid for your ferrous and non ferrous metals Cheyenne Auto and Metal, 3001 S Greeley Hwy, please enter from Nation Rd, 307 634 5859

LITTLE SHOP OF HOR RORS, PRESENTED by Cheyenne Little Theatre Players, Sept 23 Oct 9, Dinner Theatre on select evenings, at the Historic Atlas Theatre, 211 W Lin colnway, Cheyenne, WY 82001 Order tickets at 307 638 6543 or chey ennelittletheatre org


Goodwill Wyoming two convenient locations in Cheyenne, 3301 E Na tionway and 2131 Mason Way, by Converse across from the Post Office, open Mon Sat 9am 7pm, Sun 10am 6pm

D I S H T V $ 6 4 9 9 FO R 1 9 0 C H A N N E L S + $14 95 High Speed In ternet Free installation, Smart HD DVR included, Free Voice Remote Some restrictions apply Promo expires 01/21/23 1 866 479 1516


Water softeners, whole house filters, RO water systems LG Drilling, LLC, wells drilled well, locally owned and operated licensed and insured Adam 307 996 7110, Lance 307 214 9969, LGDrilling com, office@ LGDrilling com

FOR ALL OF YOUR HVAC NEEDS, MISTER B's Heating and Cooling, misterBHVAC com, 307 634 4822

IF YOUR BUSINESS IS: FENCES AND DECKS, home repairs, sprinklers, sod and trees, concrete, aerations painting or anything related to home improvement advertise in Trader's Home and Garden Directory! Reserve your spot now! Call for more details! 307 634 8895



KEEP IT COOL! 20LB BAGS AND 10LB blocks of ice to keep your game meat cool and chopped to keep your beverages cold Self serve 24 hour card swipe, no contact outside vending machine Checks Ice, 820 E 1st St, 307 637 7829

RECONDITIONED APP LIANCES: WASHER and dryer sets, as well as refrigerators, washers, dryers, dishwashers and ranges, 90 day warranty, delivery available excel lent sales and service, come check out our store A+ Charlie's Ap pliances, 415 W Lincoln way, 307 634 5145

BIG D'S FENCING, ALL TYPES OF FENCING, we build pole barns! Resi dential, ranch and com mercial Serving Cheyenne for over 20 years, licensed and insured Call today, 307 274 5902

CAPITAL LUMBER, FOR YOUR HOME improve ment needs 1222 Dunn Ave, Cheyenne, store hours: Mon Fri 7am 5pm, Sat 8am 3pm, 307 634 4471

PIT BOSS VERTICAL SMOKER, Sportsman's Series, Louisiana Found er Series and Black La bel grills, while quantities last Best brands, home town service B&B Appliance & TV, 714 Central Ave 307 638 6468, www bappliance com

RENT TO OWN, PUR CHASE OR SAVE hun dreds with our Ready to assemble and kit sheds, 2x4 construction in cludes floor and shingles we will meet or beat anyone's written price on like products E Z Shed, 2410 E Lincolnway, www ezshedinfo com, 307 634 3279

MAYTAG WASHER TOP LOAD, BRAND NEW in carton Consumer Re ports most reliable wash er, was $800, now $450 307 220 8446

PUMPKINS, STRAW, CORN STALKS, gourds, pie pumpkins Amish goods, fall and Halloween gift decor Gift cards available Riverbend Nurs ery 8908 Yellowstone Rd Open Mon Fri 9am 5pm Sat 9am 4pm 307 638 0147

PURCELL WOOD PEL LETS, $399 FOR 50 bag pallets of 40lb bags Delivery available, not included in price We take cash, credit cards and checks Dooley Oil Inc, 1807 E Fox Farm Rd, Cheyenne 307 632 7616 or 720 Skyline Rd, Laramie, 307 742 5667

SANKOFA AFRICAN HERITAGE INC presents: The 11th Africa MAAFA Remembrance Day Con ference Saturday Oct 8 2022, doors open at 8:00am for refreshments and meet and greet at the LCCC s Union Pacific Rooms for Conferences and Institutes, 1400 E College Dr, featuring: Dr Frederick Douglass Dix on, Principal Speaker and Assembly Chairman, Nate Breen, Educator and James Peebles, PH D , Founder of Sankofa African Herit age, Inc Free admission, donations appreciated Contact Jill Zarend at 307 635 7094 for more information

PHONE IN YOUR AD, ONLY $5 FOR THE 1ST 20 words and $0 10 per word thereafter, deadlines are Wednesdays, 4:00pm Call Trader's, 307 634 8895 You may be billed or use Visa MasterCard or Discover Cheyenne s best classifieds!

Page 28 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ALONG OTHER LINES School Lunch Menus — Week of October 10-14 Senior Citizen Lunch Menu — Week of October 10-16Must be 60 or over Served at 2101 Thomes Avenue Monday, October 10 Tuesday, October 11 Wednesday, October 12 Thursday, October 13 Friday, October 14 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS No School Mini Corn Dogs Bean and Cheese Burrito Cheesy Broccoli Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread Choice of Fruit Mac and Cheese Pepperoni Pizza Pocket Fresh Veggie Patch Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread Choice of Fruit Beef Walking Taco Fruit, Yogurt and Cheese Plate Mexicali Corn Shredded Lettuce Frozen Fruit Cup Homemade Chili with Cinnamon Roll Fresh Veggie Patch Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread Choice of Fruit Ham Sweet Potatoes Green Beans Mixed Fruit Garden Salad Bread Beef Stew Peas and Carrots Pears Corn Bread Garden Salad Chicken Fried Steak Mashed Potatoes Corn Plums Garden Salad Bread Lasagna Peas Apple Crisp Garlic Bread Garden Salad Beef Burrito Beans Lettuce Tomato Apples Grilled Cheese Sandwich Tomato Soup Pears Garden Salad Cheese Omelet Sausage Toast Banana Garden Salad Monday, October 10 Tuesday, October 11 Wednesday, October 12 Thursday, October 13 Friday, October 14 Saturday, October 15 Sunday, October 16 No School Mini Corn Dogs Cheesy Broccoli Chicken Patty on a Bun Assorted Salads Deli Sandwiches Pepperoni Pizza Mac and Cheese Fresh Veggie Patch All Beef Cheeseburger Cheddar Baked Potato Salad Shakers Cheese Pizza Beef Walking Taco Mexicali Corn Shredded Lettuce Diced Tomatoes Frozen Fruit Cup Pepperoni Pizza Homemade Chili and Cinnamon Roll Fresh Veggie Patch Spicy Chicken Patty Deli Wraps Cheese Pizza
Every Friday, the Directory will be published in Trader’s Shopper’s Guide listing days, times and locations of shows and open houses in Cheyenne. 2021 Warren Ave. • (307) 634-8895 and Craft Show Directory 12/1 & 2 - Christmas Craft Show 1234 Main Street . . .9-6/9-4 11/18 & 19 - Artsy Art Show • 9:30-5 4321 Main Street . . . . . . .9-6 HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE and CRAFT SHOW Free directory listing with purchase of display ad or $2.00 with purchase of classified ad of ad ad Deadline Wednesday - 4:00pm for Friday’s issue Adam 307-996-7110 • Lance 307-214-9969 • Of EXPERIENCING HARD WATER? GET YOUR WATER TE STED TODAY! LOCALLY OWNE D & OPER ATED • LICENSED & INSURED • WATER SOFTENERS • WHOLE HOUSE FILTERS • RO WATER SYSTEMS
Upholstery 1103 Monroe Ave. • Cheyenne, WY Mo n.-Fri. 9a m- 5p m Sat. 9a m- Noon Sun. Appo intment Only Contact Frank Jr at: HO US EHOLD FU RN ITU RE 20 Years Experience 307- 634-3915
Contact Frank Jr at: HO US EHOLD FU RN ITU RE 20 Years Experience 307- 634-3915 1103 Monroe Ave. • Cheyenne, WY Mo n.-Fri. 9a m- 5p m Sat. 9a m- Noon Sun. Appo intment Only
CHEYENNE, TOGETHER we can deliver Get meals, volunteer, donate 307 635 5542 or mealsonwh eelsofcheyenne com
in Trader's
Mail Box • US Mail • UPS • Fed Ex • Copies • Fax • Notary • Packing 5 x 10 — $57 per month 10 x 10 — $90 per month 10 x 15 — $105 per month 12 x 20 has electric — $130 per month 12 x 30 has electric — $215 per month 12 x 42 has electric — $250 per month 12 x 42 shop unit, 220 & heat — $285 per month FREE Truck with Move-In! 1903 S. Greeley Hwy 635-9335 • Fax 635-9129 O ce Hours: Monday–Saturday 8:30 am – 6 pm Military Discount Available American Storage & Postal Service


WYOMING SPORTS MAN'S GUN SHOW! Buy, sell, trade Laramie, WY, Al bany County Fairgrounds, Sat Oct 15 9am 5pm and Sun, Oct 16, 9am 2pm, $7 admission fee For table reservations and info call 307 761 5145

for 30 years with an excellent reputation can easily be expanded for other auto repair work, owners are retiring, bus iness, inventory and equip ment only, no real estate Serious inquires only, please call

HELP WANTED: WE ARE LOOKING FOR A quality, ASE Certified brake and alignment technician Part time or full time, room for growth applicant should have reliable means of transportation and supply their own tools, pay DOE and certifications, the right applicant could receive a job offer of $25 per hour please apply in person at The Brake Stop, 1622 E Lincolnway, Cheyenne, Wy 82001, interviews will be scheduled in the order of application received

KIA OF CHEYENNE IS HIRING: ACCOUNTING and Titles, automobile experience would be a plus, Mon Fri, 8am 5pm Call or come in for an in terview, 307 775 0123, 2999 Nationway

LOOKING FOR A CAR PENTER OR LABORER to do all kinds of work, from framing to trim work for a remodeling contractor Will have a chance for advancement based on work, know ledge and skill Must have own vehicle and tools Pay will start at $14 per hour or more based on experience Please call 307 640 2297, leave a message if I don't answer


STRESSED ABOUT find ing the right staff? From start to finish, we work with you to hire qualified employees Express Em ployment Professionals ex pre sspros com /cheye nnew y, 307 632 0567, 2205 E Pershing Blvd, Cheyenne, WY 82001


Administrative, Industrial, Skilled Trades Express Employment Profession

als, call, come in or go online to learn more 307 632 0567, 2205 E Persh ing Blvd, Cheyenne, WY 82001 expresspros com

you are reading the most effective ad vertising in the area. When you have something to sell or tell, phone 307-6348895 and get results with Trader’s Shopper’s Guide.


POSITION: Person is responsible for delivering office products, to include cases of 50lb paper and may have to put some furniture together and deliver, position is part time, flexible schedule, must have clean driving record and be reliable Email Dee at deanna lies@indoff com or call 307 399 0609 for an employment application

CHILD AND YOUTH JOB OPPORTUNITIES Apply at USAJobs gov! Hiring Wage at $16 70 hr, up to $18 76 hr DOE, at the FE Warren AFB Child De velopment Center, Youth Center and Teen Center Military affiliation or Base access is NOT required

Are you looking for a new employment opportunity?

Are you enthusiastic flex ible, dedicated and love working with children? If this sounds like you we want you to be part of our NAF Child and Youth Pro gram team! NAF em ployees enjoy benefits of being employed on base and have many opportun ities for professional ca reer growth and promo tion within the first year Must be able to success fully complete a back ground investigation and other pre employment mandates Interested ap plicants should apply at www USAJobs gov Other jobs are also available, so check us out! For more information, check us out on Facebook at 90th FSS NAF Human Re sources Offices" or call: NAF Human Resources 307 773 2097 EOE

Place your ads over the Phone by calling 307-634-8895.


Seamless siding seam less gutters, soffit/fascia, metal roofing, leaf relief for gutters, replacement windows, free estimates! ABC Seamless 1212 Ridge Rd, 307 634 5700 www abccheyenne com


WOULD LIKE TO TALK WITH ANY CHEYENNE classical music lovers who attend the



TED HANLON FOR SD 5, I M RUNNING TO pro tect personal

Hanlon4Wyoming, learn more at hanlon4wyoming com, 307 228 4542 Paid for by the Commitee to Elect Ted Hanlon

USA TAX, OPEN YEAR ROUND: PAYROLL and bookkeeping IRS letters small business Mon Thur 9am 5pm, Fri 9am 12pm, see us today for details, 1805 Warren Ave, USAtaxwyo com

S P R I N K L E R B LOW OUTS, POWER RAKING, aerating, fall clean ups Lightning Lawn Care call Keith at 307 287 1374

WE WANT TO BE YOUR HEALTH CARE HOME! HealthWorks, where health happens Primary care Medicare annual wellness, pediatric and adolescence care, behavioral health, prescription savings, on site pharmacy, COVID 19 vaccinations and testing Same day appointments available Financial as sistance is available, call today to schedule! 307 635 3618, 2508 E Fox Farm Rd #1A


COME JOIN US FOR the final market of the 2022 season Get everything you need to can, dehyd rate and preserve for the winter on Oct 8 from 7am 1pm Bring your mug for free coffee cocoa or cider and enjoy a leisurely stroll in the last of the fall weather at Frontier Park CFD Parking Lot B off 8th Ave free parking in Lot C off of Carey Ave, we ac cept EBT and Credit/Debit Card! The Cheyenne Farmer s Market, fun draiser of Community Ac tion of Laramie County




VIVINT SMART SECUR ITY PROFESSIONALLY installed One connected system for total peace of mind Free professional in stallation! Four

ths of



YOUR LIBERTY SAFE HEADQUARTERS, many in stock models to choose from Hunting season is here! Rifles, shotguns and ammo in stock! Rocky Mountain Gun Trader 2470 Dell Range Blvd, 307 632 5133

FOR ALL OF YOUR HVAC NEEDS, MISTER B's Heating and Cooling, misterBHVAC com, 307 634 4822

$20 OFF $100 IN STORE OR ONLINE pur chase Must present coupon found in this week's Hunting Pages Expires 11/15/22 Not re deemable for cash, li cense or gift card One certificate per customer per day must present at time of purchase, cannot be combined with any other discount Sports man s Warehouse, 2115 E Lincolnway, 307 635 4500



Matty Joe

Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 29EMPLOYMENT & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ALONG OTHER LINESALONG OTHER LINES We Deliver to Laramie! • 5 Days a Week • Call for Estimate C&D Courier Service Charlie & Dixie Pierce 307-630-8484 or 307-630-4843 Do n’t need a full-t ime bookkeeper on staff? CALL US TO DAY! We are your trusted source for full-ser vice bookkeeping and tax preparation. Refere nces Available YOUR OFFICE OR MINE ACCOUNTING Text or Call Laurie 307. 214.9183 YourOf OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN CHEYENNE! SAVE TIME, MONEY AND HEADACHES Administrative: • Admin Asst • Teller • Clerical Support • Office Clerk • Accounting Clerk • Program Coord • Scheduling Coord. Industrial: • Production • Assembly • Property Cleanup • Packaging • Delivery Driver Skilled Trades • Drywall • CNC Operator • Low Voltage Tech • Auto Tech • Maint. Tech Call, come in, or go online to learn more. (307 ) 632- 0567 2205 E. Pe rshing Blvd Cheye nne, WY 82001 Fall Into a New Career with BUSINESS FOR SALE: SMALL SPECIALTY exhaust and automotive repair business, well estab lished
307 214 4046
LOST, FOUND and FREE Check us out on Facebook for more event information! All Pet Adoptions Include: • Spay/Neuter • One FREE Vet Visit 800 Southwest Drive 632-6655 Shelter Open • Noon-5:30pm Mon.-Sat. Sponsored by Just Call 634-4471 LUMBER COMPANY 1222 Dunn Avenue • Cheyenne STORE HOURS: Monday-Friday: 7am-5pm After Hours Lost & Found Hotline at 307-214-5779
CHALLENGE! Join in the Return to Home Challenge! Through the month of October, the Shelter will be focusing on keeping pets safe with microchip promotions and discounted collars and tags. Visit to learn more!
This beautiful girl is Claire! She is very sweet and will never turn down some good pets and loving. Claire is super energetic and absolutely cannot get enough of going outside for walks.
Matty Joe is ready for a new home. He can be a bit shy at first and will need a good diet to help him shed some extra weight. He is otherwise a quiet cat that mostly keeps to himself. He has lived with dogs before but may take a while to make new friends. He has never lived with other cats. Like us on Facebook and receive regular updates! Trader’s Shop per’s Guide. support your LocaL animaL sheLter. FREE BOXES FOR PACKING, WE HAVE them almost every week Golden Dragon Grocery, 307 634 1686 FREE: QUEEN MAT TRESS, FOAM, USED once And Queen mat tress inner spring, used, good shape 307 214 0940 HAVE YOU LOST OR FOUND SOMETHING? Do you have something to give away? Advertise it FREE in Trader's, 307 634 8895 by 4pm on WednesdaysIF YOU' V E LOST OR FOUN D AN AN IM AL , please contact The Cheyenne Animal Shelter, 800 Southwest Dr, 307 632 6655, if after hours call 307 214 5779 or check cheyenneanimalshelter org/ animals/lost and found/ LOST: SET OF KEYS, HAS BOTTLE OPENER, finger nail clippers and 3 keys Lost at King Soopers, Walmart or Dell Range Dollar Store 307 637 3430 Nov. 11th 2022 5:30 - VIP Tasting ($70) 6:30 - General Admissions ($50) Little America Grand Ballroom The 21st Annual Friday Nov Presented By Town and Country Supermarket Liquors & Uncle Charlie ' s Grill and Tavern Da te Time Loc at ion For More Information, Call Beth at 638-9268 AskAbout Corporate Tables WE
CASH FOR: VINTAGE AUDIO GEAR, book and comic collec tions, vinyl record and CD collections, cassette tapes and old vintage paper items Bizarre Bazaar Books & Music Buy sell trade and repair 1014 S College Ave, Ft Collins, CO, 970 484 1699 www fort collinsbazaar com
freedoms Find me on social media at
T E R IZ E YOUR S PR IN KL E R SYST E M ! C al l e ar l y to s c h e d u l e an ap p o i nt m e nt ! Qu al i t y s p r i n k l e r s i n C h eye n n e fo r 25 ye ar s , l i c e n s e d an d i n s u re d , we war rant y al l of o u r wo r k ! G re e n Ag ai n S p r i n k l e r s , 3 07 6 3 4 270 0
classifieds! Trader's
634 8895, www wyo traders com
or Aspen Music
307 637 1044
free mon
monitoring! Call to
your system 1
841 0737

1930 E RIDING CLUB RD, IN THE MORTON building in back of house

Fri Sat, 9am 4pm Gar age sale: Household goods, some tools, yard equipment and other misc 2n

1413 ORION DR, NORTH CHEYENNE, FRI SUN, 10am 4pm Garage sale: Chuck wagon hunting and camping gear, antiques, kit chenware, household, two 13' long log benches, 50 steel fence posts, ladders, tools, toys, misc lumber, teepee and poles, etc 3n


4916 PHOENIX DR, SAT SUN, OCT 15 16, 7:30am 4pm Garage sale: Women s clothes, shoes, purses, kids clothes, exer cise equipment, cooking items, so much more 96e


Sale, Fri Sat, 8am 3pm Cabin decor, designer bags, new Carhart coats, ammo pistols rifles curtains, garden, vintage hot wheels, so much more 2n


garage sale: All things kitchen, vacuum, air con ditioners, patio furniture, umbrella, cross country skis childrens table and chairs, 80 Beanie Babies, all conditions, some with tag errors, dog kennel 5n

108 E 18TH ST, FIRST


Church, Allison Hall, will host our Annual Rum mage Sale after a 2 year hiatus on Fri Oct 7 7:30am 3:30pm Annual PEO Chapter AD Sisterhood rummage sale: All proceeds benefit educational projects for women 1c

OUT OF THIS WORLD COLLECTIBLES, OCT 14 16, 9am 5pm Star Wars galore, 1977 2005 figures pocket dragons statues, metal work, kit chen items, cookware, antique bed and dressers, tools, canning items, out door furniture large din ing table, several glass cases Eclectic Estates, eclecticestates307 com

3437 FOXCROFT RD, BEHIND IN THE ALLEY, Fri 10am 5pm, Sat 10am 5pm, Sun 1pm 5pm, what is left will be 50% off!

Garage sale: Christmas snowmen, wreaths, Santa, St Pats, Easter, fall, materi al, wedding dress, power scrubber, German steins, Craftsman vacuum, new Copper Chef cookware 3c


200 Hynds Ave, Sat Sun, 9am 2pm Nascar diecast and memorab ilia, new Pampered Chef quick cooker and other items, Wizard of Oz items, antique silvertone stereo, VHS, DVD movies, music CDs, new wed ding slip and veil, wo men's size XL 2XL clothing, Rocky Moun tain jeans, Halloween and Christmas items old homemade quilts with covers, Franklin Heirloom Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Ann and An dy dolls Mrs Beasley doll old bride doll, twin mat tress, box spring and frame new redwood gate, Columbia vests, plants, ceramic planters, name brand purses, wood coffee table, older dresser with mirror, 100th Cheyenne Fron tier Day coats, Merle Haggard Garth Brooks clothing, old Fisher Price toys, pictures, old Barbie doll cases, men's Brook sprint track shoes, Mary Moo items, nice jewelry, l ots of other items, everything must go! 6s

1720 MILTON DR, FRI SAT 7AM 6PM, SUN 8am 2pm Multi family gar age sale: Big ticket items, two 2012 Yamaha Wave Runners with double trail er, 2007 Keystone Cougar 5th wheel with 2 slides, loaded with upgrades, 6' pickup bed cover, Broyhill round dining table solid oak wood with leaf and 5 chairs, Broyhill oak and glass coffee and end tables, solid wood white double bottom, single top bunkbeds, NordicTrack commercial size elliptical, NordicTrack commercial size treadmill, misc house hold items, decor, kitchen wares, curtains, baby items, clothing, bicycles, collectible POP figures, RC car parts, much more! 3c

MASSIVE ESTATE SALE: SAT, 8AM 12PM AT full price, Sun 8am 11am at half price Most items free Sun after 3pm 747 E Laughlin Rd, corner lot, but the sale is just down the hill on Susan Trl Di verse eclectic and nu merous items ranging from antique furniture to comic books Christmas and Halloween decora tions to home goods and books, furniture includes old steamer trunkers, wooden desks Bombe chests and antiques, au thors include Brown, Ann Rule, Creighton and many others as well as pristine comic books from the 80s and 90s This is a must see! 6n

LOCAL BEEF FOR SALE! NATURAL , grass fed, quarters or halves delivered to you End of Season! Last group, ea rly Oct delivery, custom cut to your specifications Call to reserve yours now! High Plains Beef, 307 287 1102 highplainsbeef llc com


8212 Yarina Way, Fri, 9am ? $300 takes all in shop except a very few items I m keeping, large variety of items, hand tools, books, camping gear, pots and pans, pic tures, etc, 20 years of collecting, must take all! 303 882 7466 1ne


GET YOUR SNOW blower tuned up now! Also small and medium tree trimming and removal, Kin's Repair Lawn and Garden Equipment Repair, 3903 Cheyenne St, STE A, one block north of the College and Pershing in tersection 307 635 5280

BIG PAWS TREE SERVICE, OFFERING tree and shrub trimming as well as removal, stump grinding crane specializing in large tree removals, certified, licensed, insured, arborist, free estimates 307 631 0078, bigpaws lawncare@gmail com


Page 30 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ALONG OTHER LINES LARAMIE COUNTY 2022 KICKOFF Chili Supper Red & Green Chili / Hot Dogs / Nachos • Raffles • Live Auction • 50/50 Raffle Friday, Oct. 7th 6 PM New Unwrapped Toy Donations Accepted VFW Post #1881 2816 E. 7th Street O Nationway next to Kia of Cheyenne Cost: Donation Sponsored by: Fleet Reserve Association Wyoming Branch – Unit 59 Win a NEW Cadillac XT4 Luxur y AWD *3-Year Pre-Paid Lease Including Maintenance & Wyoming Sales Tax • New Cadillac XT4 Luxury AWD 3-Year Pre-Paid Lease (valued at $25,000) • Including Maintenance & Wyoming Sales Tax or Winner may apply this value to any new vehicle at Halladay Motors or Choose $15,000 Cash in lieu of Pre-Paid Lease. • Maximum of 1,500 tickets will be sold • $100 per ticket or 3 tickets for $200 • Drawing Nov. 19, 2022 • Drawing held at Halladay Cadillac showroom • Weekly Drawings Beginning Sept. 2022 for $100 Cash! Holder retains ticket for Cadillac Chance • For Tickets and Information Contact: Holy Apostles OCCC Church Office at 307-514-5347, St. Joseph’s Food Pantry at 307-275-0567 or visit: • Proceeds to benefit: Holy Apostles Orthodox Christian Church of Cheyenne Land & Building Fund and St. Joseph’s Food Pantry
(C) Between Dell Range, Campstool, Ridge Rd and I-25 (E) East of Ridge Road (N) North of Dell Range (S) South of 15th St and Campstool (W) West of I-25 (NE) North of Dell Range and East of Ridge Road (NW) North of Central Avenue and Ridge Road (SE) South of I-80 and East of Ridge Road (SW) South of I-80 and West of I-25 Friday, October 7 108 E. 18th St. C 7:30-3:30 8212 Yarina Way NE 9-? Friday-Saturday, October 7-8 5427 Sunrise Hills Dr. N 8-3 1930 E Riding Club Rd, in back N 9-4 Friday-Sunday, October 7-9 1720 Milton Dr. C 7-6/7-6/8-2 3437 Foxcroft Rd., in alley C 10-5 1413 Orion Dr. N 10-4 Saturday-Sunday, October 8-9 747 E. Laughlin Rd. N 8-12/8-3 200 Hynds Ave. S 9-2 3026 S. Ave. B-6 S 9-6/9-3 Saturday, October 8 906 Prairie Ave. N 8-4 Saturday-Sunday, October 15-16 4916 Phoenix Dr. Be a Kind Garage Seller. Remove Your Garage Sale Signs. Hi Treasures Second Hand Store Tues/W / ed/S / at a • 9am-6pm Juanita & Rich Benson 109 Elm Street Pine Bluffs, Wyoming 82082 (307) 245-3133 Hidden es Find Your Treasure at Book and Lyrics by Howard As an st 1 W Li Cheyenne, Wy 82001 ryStudents (13+) - $1 r) - $1 Oc bl By Al ea “ Little Shop of Horrors” is presented by special arrangement with Music Theat International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by M YOU AND YOUR BUSI NESS! TAX PLANNING, tax preparation strategic planning Ask us about our litigation, blockchain and cryptocurrency con sulting services DAPCPA 1712 Carey Ave, STE 100, Cheyenne, WY 82001, 307 638 3170 or 5920 Yellowstone Rd STE 1 Cheyenne, WY 82009 307 778 9933 or email info@dapcpa org
YO U R O N E STO P S H O P FO R B R A K E S ! Fre e b ra ke i n s p e c t i o n s l i fe t i m e wa r ra nt y, b e st b ra ke s , b e st s e r v i c e s , b e st p r i c e s N o w o ffe r i n g f re e a l i g n m e nt c h e c ks ! T h e B ra ke S t o p, 1 6 2 2 E L i n c o l nway, 3 07 51 4 6 2 3 1 , b ra ke st o p c e nt ra l c o m ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING FOREVER! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris blocking gutter protection Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today 20% off entire purchase 10% senior and military discounts Call 1 833 610 1936 ESTATE AUCTION, AN TIQUE AND collect ables Join Cheyenne Auctioneers LLC on Sat, Oct 22 at 2pm, online only, view auction and get registered at https:// cheyenneauctioneers hibid com 3026 S AVE B 6
FAMILY Garage sale: Sat 9am 6pm, Sun 9am 3pm Tools clothes kitchen items, generators, music instruments, furntiure, lots of miscellaneous 6s


furniture, 20 years experience


Jr at 307



RATTLESNAKE HARD WOODS LLC specializes in oak, ash, maple, poplar, walnut sycamore cherry sassafras, hickory, and wormy soft maple George Hoff 307 214 4328, 5604 Smokebrush Dr ghoff 9358@msn com rattle snakehardwoods com

NATIONWIDE WAR RANTY ON PARTS AND labor! We honor most warranty companies Meineke Car Care Center of Cheyenne, local family owned, 1627 Dell Range Blvd 307 224 6569 All past and present military members honored with a military discount

CDL TRAINING! LARA MIE COUNTY Com munity College training future drivers of the Cowboy State Day and evening classes available, meets all FMSCA re quirements, all results are uploaded into the TPR, CDL Class A, B, C and Hot Shot training are available, third party ex aminers on staff Call 307 778 4381 or cdl@l ccc wy edu, www facebo ok com/LCCC CDL, Lara mie County Community College, Cheyenne, Lara mie online

READY FOR THE HUNT? FREE SAFETY inspection! Come get your tune ups, alignments, brake service, computer diagnostics and complete line of tires for light trucks and cars Tom the Tireman, 920 E 16th St, Lincolnway and Morrie, 307 632 4835

GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS: SALES, ser vice and installation

The original Dan Dillinger, owner and operator since 1978 Call Doors and More, 307 632 6842

HAVE GRADER FOR EXCAVATING AND dirt work basements roads building pads, backhoe and dump trucks Call 307 630 3025


AGE PROBLEMS, exca vating, gravel hauling, post holes up to 36", parking lot sweeping, acreage mowing loader work parking lot cleaning, dairy manure, tree planting, rock and gravel, back hoe, small dozer work, mowing, snow removal, clean up and demo work available, Hutchinson Construction, Inc Landscaping and Excavating, 307 632 5615 or 307 631 1478


You tow it but we keep it rolling! K s Trailer Parts & Services, LLC 4194 W 5th St, 307 632 0600

PIANO TUNING AND RESTORATIONS, 40+ years experience Chey enne s quality music center, Niemann & Sons Music, 1609 Central Ave, 307 637 5222


MAN'S GUN SHOW! Buy, sell, trade Douglas, WY, Fairgrounds, Ft Caspar Building, Sat, Oct 8, 9am 5pm and Sun, Oct 9, 9am 2pm, $7 admission fee For table reservations and info call 307 761 5145

KIA OF CHEYENNE IS HIRING: ACCOUNTING and Titles, automobile experience would be a plus, Mon Fri, 8am 5pm Call or come in for an in terview, 307 775 0123, 2999 Nationway

1928 CLAW FOOT TUB, MISSING TWO FEET, 4 5'Lx2'W, cast iron, USA made, $400 OBO 307


GUTTERS, ALUMINUM and steel seamless gut ters, new construction replace, repairs Local Cheyenne based com pany Jalon Yoder, 307 287 2762

WET PAINT: PROFES SIONAL PAINTING with a personal touch! Resid ential, commercial, con tractor or private Chris Rivera Owner 25 years of experience 307 275 4965

SELF STORAGE: 5'X5', $30 5'X10', $45 10 x10 , $75 10'x20', $105 All per month Open every day, military and pay ahead discounts security fenc ing and gates, lighting, camera and daily patrols, A&A Stor Inns, 3559 Cleveland Ave, 307 634 7867, aastorinns@wyo2u com

LOG HOME RESTORATION Repair, chinking, stain, caulking roofing Raw hide Log Homes/Buck skin Builders, 307 631 7697, buckskin3902@ yahoo com



Black Angus beef dry aged 14 21 days to ensure tenderness and flavor, no hormones or antibiotics are given to our cattle, raised in Laramie County Whole, half and quarters avail able butcher dates throughout Nov, limited quantities available, re serve yours now! ELT Livestock, 307 214 3797


Cheyenne s only in house Master jewelry artisan, custom jewelry design and all repairs on gold and silver jewelry Bohemian Metals, 314 W 17th St, 307 778 8782

PROTECT YOUR MOST VALUABLE possession, your home! Good Knight Roofing: Free roof inspec tions, we work with all insurance companies, we offer insurance claim as sistance, free 5 year roof certification for realtors, licensed and insured, Cheyenne Wyoming na tive, A+ BBB rating! Don Nath, dnath@gkr email, 1 866 366 6284 direct, 307 638 2000 office, 1217 S Greeley Hwy #G, g o o d k n i g ht ro o fi n g c o m Insurance claim specialist for roofing and gutters

LG DRYER, BRAND NEW IN CARTON, TOP rated consumer reports, was $1050, now $750 307 220 8446

Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 31ALONG OTHER LINES ON THE ROADON THE ROAD Monday-Friday: 8AM-5PM • Saturday: 8AM-3PM BRING US YOUR SCRAP METALS - WE PAY TOP DOLLAR! • Organized Inve ntory • Over 900 Ve hicle s Cheyenne’s Premier Used $$ WE BUY $$ CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! TOMAYCHANGE STORECREDIT*ON MOST PARTS 2022 DE LCO 6½ x14 UTILIT Y TR AILE R 4194 W. 5TH ST. • 307- 632- 0600 K’S TRAILER PARTS & SERVICE,LLC 00 26116 0 #N6 26 • Treated Pinewood Floor • D- Rings Included • Side Load Ramps Lee’s RV & Auto sALes Open 7 Days a Week 2215 S. Greeley Hwy. Cheyenne (307) 634-2523 H Many More to Choose From H H Great Fall SavinGS H 2008 R Vision Trail Lite Crossover A/C, Furnace, Sleeps 4, Nice! Model TLX189QB $8,500 2010 Keystone Cougar 36’, 4 Slides, 2 A/C’s, Awning, 4 Season, Extra Nice! Model 326MKS $19,500 2007 Starcraft Travel Star A/C, Furnace, Awning, Sleeps 8, Extra Nice! Model 21SD $9,750 2019 Keystone Passport Ultra Lite Small Slide, A/C, Awning, Furnace, Extra Nice! Model 153ML $17,500 We Deliver to Laramie! • 5 Days a Week • Call for Estimate C&D Courier Service Charlie & Dixie Pierce 307-630-8484 or 307-630-4843 PERFECTION MUFFLER AND EXHAUST Custom performance, 3" and 4" systems, stainless steel, classics street rods trucks cars, pipe fabrication available Perfection Muf fler, 616 Crook Ave #3, 307 634 6510 AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT DUTY DIESEL 4x 4, spe cial izing in classics, inspections and maintenance, quick check inspection, diagnostics and repair, fleet discounts, ASE certified, locally owned Jasper Engines 3 year warranty and Napa Auto Service Center 2 year, 24k nationwide war ranty Four Mile Garage, 10500 E Four Mile Rd, 307 256 9224 Open: Mon Fri 7am 5:30pm and Sat 9am 3pm BIG OR SMALL WE DO IT ALL! PARTS AND ser vice: Trailer parts, hitches welding supplies bearings and axles, tires, wheels, wiring, ornamen tal iron hand railings se curity window guards, commercial or residential steel pipe and tube Welding Shop and Mfg , LLC made in Wyoming by Wyomingites, 508 E 1st St, 307 632 3294 ANDERS AUTO GLASS, WINDSHIELDS, DOOR glasses, quarter glasses, back glasses 307 514 0901 AndersAutoGlass com L EG ACY T R ACTO R SALES AND SERVICE, 1845 N College, Fort Collins, CO, 970 482 4803 2000 HONDA CRV, RUNS BUT BAD trans mission, $1200 OBO 307 920 0799 LOGAN RANCH MOBILE TRUCK AND heavy equipment repair, wytruckwrench@icloud com, 970 420 4832 or 970 222 2095 Hydraulic and electrical repair computer diagnostics, emissions systems re pair, fuel systems repair, full mechanical repair, emergency service HAVE A GREAT HUNT ING SEASON! Need winches, tow ropes, hitches, grille guards, bumper replacements push bars, Weathertech floor mats? Get them at D's 4 Wheel Drive, 210 E 15th St, 307 634 1736 ds4wheeldrive com LARAMIE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE CDL TrainingTraining Future Truck Drivers of the Cowboy State • Day and evening classes available • Meets all FMCSA requirements • All results uploaded into the TPR • CDL - Class A, B, C, & Hot Shot training available • Third party examiners on staff Call 307.778.4381 for more information! TOGETHER, WE CAN DELIVER.© GET MEALS • VOLUNTEER • DONATE (307 ) 635-554 2 MEALSONWHEELSOFCHEYENNE .COM Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-517-1892 SPECIALOFFER
Call Frank
1103 Monroe
Mon Fri 9am
Sat 9am noon, Sun by appointment only
401 3439



No more wasteful rental fees! 24/7 access with 13 security cameras, all steel construction, 12'x14' insu lated doors, completely insulated, 110v, 220v, with 60 amp panel, bathrooms and hose bibs on site, unit sizes: 14'x25', 14'x50', 20'x45' member's only club house with 3 patios

The Cubby Hole, LLC corner of Dell Range and Haunted Rd, 307 634 4923, 307 314 9610, cheyennecubbyhole com

WE DO AUTO PAWN LOANS! WE LOAN more, compare our rates and terms Lincolnway Super Pawn, 2825 E Lincolnway, 307 632 3820


AND GASES available at Welding Shop and Man ufacturing LLC 508 E 1st St, 307 632 3294





CDL TRAINING! LARA MIE COUNTY Com munity College training future drivers of the Cowboy State Day and evening classes available, meets all FMSCA re quirements, all results are uploaded into the TPR, CDL Class A, B, C and Hot Shot training are available, third party ex aminers on staff Call 307 778 4381 or cdl@l ccc wy edu, www facebo ok com/LCCC CDL, Lara mie County Community College, Cheyenne, Lara mie online



AAMCO Transmission Total Car Care of Cheyenne,



PRECISION DRIVELINE AND FABRICATION, Cheyenne's only driveline shop! 13 years of exper ience! Locally owned and operated, servicing all kinds of vehicles! 307 634 5044 3903 Chey enne St Suite B

307 635 8435 All past and present military members honored with a military discount 18X8 CARGO TRAILER, PERFECT CONDITION, less than 200 miles pur chased new in 2021, one owner, rear ramp, many extras included, GVW 9900, located in Cheyen ne $11 500 OBO 303

2000 CHEVY PICKUP, 4X4, PS, PB, HEATER, AC, fully lined long bed, 6 0L, trailer tow package, gooseneck and bumper pull, can be seen by ap pointment only, $8999 307 631 0268

Page 32 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ON THE ROAD PRO SERVIC PRO OF THE WEEK Repair Complete Auto Repair Center Diesel Repair 5 Star Muffler Center Foreign and Domestic Cars & Light Trucks BUCK’S AUTO REPAIR 638-3538 2016 E. Lincolnway2016 East Lincolnway Phone 638-3538 BUCKS AUTO REPAIR Complete Auto Repair Center FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARS AND LIGHT TRUCKS Specializing in Jeeps, 4x4’s and Classics Auto Body • Free Estimates • Major Collision Repair • Paintless Dent Repair • All Makes & Models • Insurance Work Welcome Committed to Customer Satisfaction Since 1944 1608 Maxwell • Cheyenne, WY 634-1511 • 1-888-HALLADAY PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Driveline Precision Driveline & Fabrication Cheyenne’s Only Driveline Shop! Using market leading Axiline brand balancer and press welder equipment Servicing any type from small vehicle, heavy equipment, agricultural vehicles to large trucks. Balance 1, 2 and 3 piece drivelines, shorten, retube, build new shaft, rebuild C/V. Locally owned & operated Mark Chisholm 634-5044 3903 Cheyenne St. • Ste. B Next to Western Drywall North of Pershing off College Dr Driveline & Fabrication CHEYENNE’S ONLY DRIVELINE SHOP! Locally owned & operated • Mark Chisholm 634-5044 • 3903 Cheyenne St. • Ste. B Next to Western Drywall • North of Pershing off College Dr. market leading Axiline brand balancer and press welder equipment any type from small vehicle, heavy equipment, agricultural vehicles to large trucks. Balance 1, 2 and 3 piece drivelines shorten, retube, build new shaft, rebuild C/V. 13 Years experience 13 Years experience PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Exhaust Shop 34 YEARS AND STILL GOING STRONG! Here For All of Your Exhaust Needs A+ Rated Custom Exhaust for Street Rods and Hot Rods Open Mon.-Thurs. 7:30am-5:30pm 616 Crook Ave. Unit #3 634-6510 Domestic • Import • Auto • Truck Stock / Performance / Gas / Diesel • Stocking 4”, 5” and 6” Hard/Flex Pipe • Clamps and Elbows Available Open Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 616 Crook Ave., #3 634-6510 PERFECTION MUFFLER & EXHAUST BEST VALUE • Custom • Performance • 3” & 4” Systems • Stainless Steel • Classics • Street Rods • Trucks • Cars • Pipe Fabrication Available PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Radiator LARAMIE RADIATOR WORKSLARAMIE RADIATOR WORKS 307-632-2136Service Since 1947 801 W. 19th • Cheyenne Hablamos Español RADIATOR SERVICE & REPAIR • American, Foreign, Commercial • Heater Cores & Gas Trucks Cleaned & Repaired Now Cleaning Diesel Particulate Filters For Semis & Light Trucks LARAMIE RADIATOR WORKS LARAMIE RADIATOR WORKS 1947 th 307-632-2136 w Cleaning Diesel Particulate ucks Keep Your Classic Car Classic! Rebuild the Original! • Used Auto Parts • American, Foreign & Commercial • Heater Cores & Gas Tanks Cleaned & Repaired • New & Used Radiators • Plastic & Aluminum • Radiator Repairs • Charged Air Coolers Keep Your Classic Car Classic! Rebuild The Original! NOW OFFERING: USED AUTO PARTS Engine, Transmissions & Au For Cars & Light T PRO SERVIC PRO OF THE WEEK Repair Complete Auto Repair Center Diesel Repair 5 Star Muffler Center Foreign and Domestic Cars & Light Trucks BUCK’S AUTO REPAIR 638-3538 2016 E. Lincolnway2016 East Lincolnway Phone 638-3538 BUCKS AUTO REPAIR Complete Auto Repair Center FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARS AND LIGHT TRUCKS Specializing in Jeeps, 4x4’s and Classics Auto Glass ANDERS AUTO GLASS TH ROWBACK TH U RSDAY $99 Auto Glass w/Tips For Labor Last Thursday Of Every Month Call To Schedule Your Appointment! 307-514-0901 • Windshields Auto Parts Auto Parts YOU PULL-IT AUTO PARTS SELF-SERVICE • Organized Inventory • Over 900 Vehicles Cheyenne’s Premier Used $$ We Buy $$ Cars & Trucks Running or Not! M-F: 8am-4:30pm Sat: 8am-3:00pm CHEYENNE AUTO & METAL 3001 S. Greeley Hwy. 307-634-5859 METALS RECYCLING CENTER • Large Scales for Big Loads • Convenient Drive Thru Top Dollar for Scrap Metals • Aluminum • Steel • Brass • Copper • Scrap Iron • Batteries • Aluminum Cans M-F: 8am-4:00pm Sat: 8am-2:30pm CHEYENNE AUTO & METAL 3001 S. Greeley Hwy. 307-634-5859 PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Trailer Service 4194 W. 5th St Cheyenne, WY 82007 632-0600 YOU TOW IT BUT WE KEEP IT ROLLING! K’S TRAILER PARTS & SERVICE,LLC Servicing all types of trailers. Your Diamond C, Delco, WW & Cargo Express Dealer! Licensed AndInsured Monday-Friday • 7:30am -5:0 0pm Mon.-Fri 7:30am -5pm 419 4 W. 5th St. • 3 07-632-0 60 0 • “I F YOU TOW IT, WE KE EP IT ROLL ING! ” New Location NEW LOCATION TO SERVE YOU BETTER SERVICE WEEK Auto Repair Specia lizing in Ga s an d D iesel En gine Replacements JA SPER ENGINES 3 Ye ar Nati onwide Wa rranty NA PA AU TO SE RVICE CE NTER 2 Ye ar 24k Nati onwide Wa rranty FO URMI LEGA RAGE@G MAIL .COM WW W. FO URMI LEGA RAGE .COM Au tomotive & Li gh t Duty Diesel 4x4 307-256- 9224 Locally Owned M- F: 7- 5:30 • Sat. : 9-3 10500 E. Fo ur Mi le Rd . SPECIALIZI NG IN CLASSICS Locally Owned M- F: 7-5:30 • Sat. : 9-3 FO URMILEGARAGE@G MAIL .COM ght Duty Diesel 4x4 ZING IN CLASSICS Rd. • (307) 256-9224 PRO SERVICE PRO OF TH E WEEK Wi ndow Ti nting 307-221-0687 212 W. 5th St. WINDOW TINTING AND DETAIL 212 W. 5th St. • 307-221-0687 • Commercial & Auto Window Tinting • Professional Detailing • Vinyl Graphics WINDOW TINTING AND DETAIL • Commercial & Auto Window Tinting • Professional Detailing • Vinyl Graphics SERVICE WEEK Auto Repair p Auto Elec tric Service & Supply arging System s • Trailer Wiring ndow, Motors, Door Locks, Lighting Control System s 30AM-5 :3 0PM HOUR S: MONDAY-FRIDAY 7: 30AM-5 :3 0PM a rging Syste m • Traile r Wiring Auto Elec tric ice & Supply 30 7.632.5511 60 0 E. 19 th St. WWW.A ECHEY.COM COM • 307.632.5511 • Tune-U ps • Fuel & Emis sion s Syst em s • St ar ting & C har ging Syst em s • Elec tr ic al Pa rt s & Repair On : Sw itch es, Wipers, Window, Mo to rs, Door Locks, Ligh ting • Tr aile r Wiring • Air Conditioning /H eati ng • Computeriz ed Co ntrol Syst em s Your PHeadline RO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK SPACE AVAILABLE for your business Call Today! • 12-Week Program • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 “Wanted: Dead or Alive - Cars & Trucks” Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 307-632-0309 7508 Tate Rd. Cheyenne, Wy QUALITY USED PARTS PLUS D& H FE ES 2606 E. LINCOLNWAY • 514-1141 $ 6,50 0 $2,99 9 $ 3,45 0 $ 4,888 $ 4,888 REDUCE D $ 5,48 8 $ 5,50 0 $ 5,98 8 $ 8,888 2006 Chev y 25 00 1999 Dodge Dakota 2000 Honda Accord 2011 Chrysler 20 0 20 05 GMC Yukon XL 20 01 Lincoln Continental 2010 Honda Odyssey 2009 Mini Cooper 2008 Chev y 15 00 Crew Since ‘88 4408 Woodhouse Rd. • 307- 634-8134 • Boat Interiors • Conver tible Tops • Motorcyc le & AT V Seats • Handcraf ted with Pride • Reasonable Rates Small Repa irs To Complete Restoration Quality Auto Repair You Can TRUST! • Mufflers • Exhaust • Auto Repair Auto & Exhaust 6526 U.S. 30 Service Road 637-8955 CHEYENNE'S 45TH AN NUAL TOY RUN, Saturday, Oct 8 at High Country Harley Davidson of Cheyenne, all bikes welcome Thank you to our current 2022 spon sors Scan the code in this weeks issue for de tails www highcountry cheyenne com LOWER YOUR VEHICLE PAYMENT, MOVE your current car truck or SUV loan to Meridian Trust and we'll beat your current rate, and you'll make no payments for 2 months! Restrictions apply, scan the QR code in our ad to learn more Meridian Trust Federal Credit Union CHEYENNE AUTO & METAL , WE BUY CARS and trucks running or not! Organized inventory, over 900 vehicles 3001 S Greeley Hwy, 307 634 5859 WE SERVICE ALL TYPES OF TRAILERS You tow it but we keep it rolling! K s Trailer Parts & Services, LLC 4194 W 5th St, 307 632 0600
your car deserves the best! We are your full service auto repair specialist! ARS, 305 E Fox Farm Rd, 307 635 2886
2019 DODGE RAM DU ALLY, BLACK, 160K, de leted has a 50gal external fuel tank, set up for goose neck tow, runs great, lots of power, $55,000 OBO 307 287 6953
Professionally restored Model A engine, $5000 Used pickup bed $800 1928 1929 Coupe, needs restored, $4500 307 631 9933
t rai l e r to h au l yo u r g e ar ! 6 0 x 1 4 , re ar an d s i d e ram p s , 3 5 ax l e s , D r i n g s , re ad y to ro l l ! K' s Trai l e r Par t s an d S e r v i c e, L LC , N ew l o c at i o n ! 41 9 4 W 5 t h S t C h eye n n e, W yo m i n g 8 20 07, 3 07 6 3 2 0 6 0 0, N AT DA M e m b e r, M o n Fr i , 7: 3 0 am 5 p m
Tune ups, fuel and emission systems, starting and charging systems, electrical parts and repair on switches wipers wind ow motors, door locks and lighting, trailer wiring, air conditioning and heating computerized control sys tems 600 E 19th St, www aechey com, 307 632 5511 M E R I D I A N T R U ST FEDERAL CREDIT Union Car truck and SUV loans rates as low as 2 99% APR on newer vehicles 2021 2023, and make no payments for the first 2 months! Learn more today by scanning our QR code in our ad Restric tions apply see our ad
honor most war ranty companies
under new local ownership 1625 Dell Range Blvd,
229 6616

renters Dbudd@all state com, 307 635 6266


TO US! ALL MAKES and models, including gasoline Do you want the best diesel performance? Factory trained technicians Give us a try, you won't be disap pointed! Mon Fri, 7:30am 5:30pm, Sat by appt 2518 S Greeley Hwy 307 637 4000, www mrdieselshop com

DONATE YOUR CAR TO V E T E R A N S TO DAY ! Help and support our veterans Fast FREE pick up 100% tax deductible Call 1 800 245 0398

1968 INTERNATIONAL 1200, CAMPER special, 304 V8, 4 speed, 100k ac tual miles new rear tires $5000 OBO or trade 308 252 8315 call for more info 1987 1995 GM 5 7 TBI, 170K MILES, RUNS great, includes Edelbrock performer cam, double roller chain all gaskets and break in oil, $450 cash 307 214 7831

2000 HONDA CRV, RUNS BUT BAD trans mission, $1200 OBO 307 920 0799

BUSINESS FOR SALE: SMALL SPECIALTY exhaust and automotive repair business, well estab lished for 30 years with an excellent reputation, can easily be expanded for other auto repair work owners are retiring, busi ness, inventory and equip ment only, no real estate Serious inquires only, please call 307 214 4046

2003 HUMMER H2, 76,300 ORIGINAL miles excellent shape inside and out, remote start, asking $19,000 307 286 7319

2007 CHEVY SUBURB AN, RUNS GOOD! $3800 High Country Truck and Auto, 215 S Greeley Hwy, 307 637 5845 or 307 630 6545


2002 KING RANCH F 150

2003 BUICK REGAL , 90,000 MILES,







Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 33ON THE ROAD American Storage & Postal Service Mail Box • US Mail • UPS • Fed Ex Copies • Fax • Notary • Packing 5 x 10 — $57 per month 10 x 10 — $90 per month 10 x 15 — $105 per month 12 x 20 has electric — $130 per month 12 x 30 has electric — $215 per month 12 x 42 has electric — $250 per month 12 x 42 shop unit, 220 & heat — $285 per month FREE Truck with Move-In! 1903 S. Greeley Hwy. 635-9335 • Fax 635-9129 O ce Hours: Monday–Saturday 8:30 am – 6 pm Military Discount Available Let Us: Pack it. Ship it. • UPS Shipping & Receiving Outlet • US Mail • Fed Ex • Mail Box Rentals • Mail Forwarding • Custom Packaging • New & Used Boxes • Moving Supplies O ce Hours: Monday – Saturday 8:30 am – 6 pm 1903 S. Greeley Hwy. • 635-9335 Fax 635-9129 Let Us Box It Up American Storage & Postal Service Mail Box • US Mail • UPS • Fed Ex Copies • Fax • Notary • Packing MotoAdventure Kawasaki Loveland — Ft. Collins 970/669-5377 CREATE YOUR DEAL ONLINE! SALE HOURS: Mon.-Sat . 8:30am -6pm 307.634.1511HalladayMotors .com Se Habla Españo l HUGE SAVINGS THROUGHOUT THE LOT! GUAR ANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL WE BUY CARS ! TOP DOLLAR PAID ! Conveniently located at Hallad ay Nissan, Subaru and GM on Westland Road $18,9 95$18,9 95WAS $21,99 5 #S 462363A $18,9 95$18,9 95WAS $22,9 95 #P 16 23 0 $ 52,9 95$ 52,9 95WAS $59,9 95 #G 636488 A 2003 BM W 76 0LI $7,99 5$7,99 5WAS $ 9,9 95 #G 18 56 16 C 2020 Ch ry sler Pacifica To urin g L $ 31,9 95$ 31,9 95WAS $33,99 5 #P 16 490 2020 Ford Expedition Limited $ 53,9 95$ 53,9 95WAS $59,9 95 #P 16 800 2 022 Ford Bronco Oute r Bank s $ 61,9 95$ 61,9 95WAS $68,99 5 #B 0166 31A 2021 Honda Civic Spor t $ 30,9 95$ 30,9 95WAS $33,99 5 #N 677906A $ 25,9 95$ 25,9 95WAS $3 0,99 5 #G 635804A 2 022 Jeep Gladia tor Rubicon $ 53,9 95$ 53,9 95WAS $57,99 5 #G 13 6772 B 2021 Kia Spor t age LX $ 26,9 95$ 26,9 95WAS $28,99 5 #P 16 63 0 2010 Lincoln Navigator $12,9 95$12,9 95WAS $18,99 5 #G 119446 B $ 29,9 95$ 29,9 95WAS $32,9 95 #P 16 62 0 $ 30,9 95$ 30,9 95WAS $32,9 95 #P 16 75 0 $ 27,9 95$ 27,9 95WAS $32,9 95 #P 16060 2020 Ram 2500 Laramie $ 63,9 95$ 63,9 95WAS $71,99 5 #G 330220B for CLEA N, QUALIT Y, USED VEHICLES $$ WE PAY CA SH $$ Call 632-2722 YO U R O N E STO P S H O P FO R B R A K E S ! Fre e b ra ke i n s p e c t i o n s l i fe t i m e wa r ra nt y, b e st b ra ke s , b e st s e r v i c e s , b e st p r i c e s N o w o ffe r i n g f re e a l i g n m e nt c h e c ks ! T h e B ra ke S t o p, 1 6 2 2 E L i n c o l nway, 3 07 51 4 6 2 3 1 , b ra ke st o p c e nt ra l c o m READY FOR THE HUNT? FREE SAFETY inspection! Come get your tune ups, align ments, brake service, computer diagnostics, complete line of tires for light trucks and cars at Tom the Tireman, 920 E 16th St, Lincolnway and Morrie, 307 632 4835 ALLSTATE YOU'RE IN GOOD HANDS DON Budd, serving your insur ance needs in Wyoming and Colorado Auto home life,
REAL GOOD condition 111 000 miles N A D A price: $12,000 307 632 4077
Blue and tan, new tires, rust free, good condition, 193k miles, $9500 509 554 7519
runs well, good tires, needs work, $1800 Call Barb, 307 630 6754
ex cellent c o n d i t i o n , o n l y 4650 miles, lots of ex tras, asking $6500 Call 307 214 0285
for around $1000 Please call with what you have to sell, 307 286 7860
F 150, MANY good parts, transmission still good $900 OBO 307 214 2655 2014 SUBARU FOR ESTER 2 5I TOURING, 76,460 miles, $15,000 Contact 307 369 6878 L EG ACY T R ACTO R SALES AND SERVICE, 1845 N College, Fort Collins, CO, 970 482 4803 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS, trucks, SUVs and RVs 307 630 6545 HEAVY DUTY ENGINE OIL , 55GAL DRUM OF SAE 15W 40, unopened, $900 OBO 307 287 6953









Page 34 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 ON THE ROAD 2003 Hummer H2 76,300 original miles, excellent shape inside and out, remote start. Asking $19,000 (307) 286-7319 2013 Toyota Prius Hybrid Real good condition, 111,000 miles. N.A.D.A. price: $12,000 (307) 632-4077 2007 Chevy Suburban Runs good! $3,800 High Country Truck & Auto 215 S. Greeley Hwy. (307) 637-5845 or (307) 630-6545 Have a veHicle for sale? call (307) 634-8895 Show & Sell Where Car Buyers Shop First! • Full Color • 7 Day Exposure • Ads Grouped on One Page • Picture of Your Car, Truck, RV, Motorcycle or Boat • Full Color Photo • FREE Classified Ad • FREE Internet Listing • FREE Signs • 20 Word Description Only $1999 WE SE RV ICE WH AT WE SELL & ALL TYPES OF TRAILERS FALL SPECIALS! 307-632-0600 • 4194 W. 5TH STREET • AND SAT BY APPOINTMENT K’ S TR AILER PA RT S & SE RV ICE, LLC #N1258831• 16’ Tilt Bed, 6’ Stationary • Black 2022 DIAMOND C #N1258885• 16’ Tilt Bed, 8’ Stationary • Black 2022 DIAMOND C #N6026115 • Slide In Ramps & Side Ramps 2022 DELCO 6½’X16’ UTILITY TRAILER #PTO44212 • Barn Doors 2023 CARGO EXPRESS 6’X10’ V-NOSE TRAILER 2022 DIAMOND C 16’X81’ HEAVY DUTY DUMP #N1258881• Full Tilt Bed • Black 2022 DIAMOND C Slid I R Experience Quality Service Haller's Repair Foreign & Domestic Auto & Motorhome Service Under Car Care Dyno Service Available for All Cars and Trucks! Suspension Repairs • Shocks • Struts Front End Alignments • Brakes & More! 521 West Lincolnway (307) 778-8880 Experience Quality Service Haller's Repair Foreign & Domestic Auto & Motorhome Service Under Car Care Dyno Service Available for All Cars and Trucks! Suspension Repairs • Shocks • Struts Front End Alignments • Brakes & More!1983 2022 H LLERS REPAIR CHEYENNE W Y39th A A 521 West Lincolnway (307) 778-8880 1983 2022ALLERS REPAIR C ENNEYEHYW 39th AN R A YOUR BEST STOP For Snacks, Drinks Groceries and Gas 8 Convenient Locations in Cheyenne • 4373 E. Lincolnway • 534 Vandehei • 2414 Dell Range Blvd. • 820 Randall Ave. • 5539 Yellowstone Rd. • 1922 E. Lincolnway • 3920 E. 12th St. • 1610 S. Greeley Hwy. HiCountry Insurance • Auto Insurance • SR22 Payment Plans (307) 632-0576 Est. 1971 CHEVY COLORADO 2010 CREW CAB, 4WD, new transmission newer tires, 96,000 miles, drives great, minor dents, $7000 847 406 6079, please leave message or text H A L L E R ' S R E PA I R, FOREIGN AND Domes tic Auto and Motorhome Service Do you want bet ter diesel performance? Injector cleaning, EGR system cleaning, diagnos tics, turbo upgrades, diesel engine repairs Alignment now available Dyno services for all cars and trucks! www hallers repair com, 521 W Lin colnway, 307 778 8880
SPECIAL 2015 F250 diesel with 80gal fuel capacity 70k miles, 2017 Arctic Cat 500 ATV, low miles, 2019 Coachmen Catalina Leg acy model 273BHSCK All for $55,000, serious only 307 630 6352 MOTORHOME, 1994 MINNIE WINNIE, 29 5', rear queen, wide body, class C, 460 engine, 48 000 miles $20 000 307 630 9903 REESE KWIK SLIDE 5TH WHEEL HITCH 5 0 0 g a l wat e r t a n k o n h o m e m a d e t ra i l e r Fo r m o re i nfo r m at i o n c a l l 970 2 1 3 0 4 5 4 YO U R O N E STO P S H O P FO R B R A K E S ! Fre e b ra ke i n s p e c t i o n s , l i fe t i m e wa r ra nt y, b e st b ra ke s , b e st s e r v i c e s , b e st p r i c e s N o w o ffe r i n g f re e a l i g n m e nt c h e c ks ! T h e B ra ke S t o p, 1 6 2 2 E L i n c o l nway 3 07 51 4 6 2 3 1 , b ra ke st o p c e nt ra l c o m CHEYENNE AUTO & METAL , WE BUY CARS and trucks, running or not! Organized inventory, over 900 vehicles 3001 S Greeley Hwy, 307 634 5859 NATIONWIDE WAR RANTY ON PARTS AND labor! We honor most warranty companies Meineke Car Care Center of Cheyenne, local family owned, 1627 Dell Range Blvd, 307 224 6569 All past and present military members honored with a military discount SWANNY'S WINDOW TINTING AND AUTO Detail We specialize in commercial and auto window tinting, pro fessional detailing and vinyl graphics 212 W 5th St, 307 221 0687 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS, trucks, SUVs and RVs 307 630 6545 2001
crew cab, 1/2 ton, $2600 307 638 2960 no texts
glasses, quarter glasses, back glasses 307 514 0901 AndersAutoGlass com
4x4, s p e c i al i zi n g in classics, inspections and maintenance, quick check inspection diagnostics and repair, fleet discounts, ASE certified, locally owned Jasper Engines 3 year warranty and Napa Auto Service Center 2 year, 24k nationwide warranty Four Mile Garage, 10500 E Four Mile Rd 307 256 9224 Open Mon Fri 7am 5:30pm and Sat 9am 3pm HAVE A GREAT HUNT ING SEASON! Need winches tow ropes hitches, grille guards, bumper replacements, push bars, Weathertech floor mats? Get them at D's 4 Wheel Drive, 210 E 15th St, 307 634 1736 ds4wheeldrive com
31 , 8800lbs, double slides, fully wired, heavy duty tandem pull hitch system on back, other up grades beautifully main tained, must see, $13,000 970 324 5869, located in Cheyenne DO YOU HAVE A CAR, BOAT, ATV, motorcycle or motorhome for sale? Place a Show & Sell ad with a full color photo 20 word description, free classified ad and internet listing for only $19 99 per week Prepayment re quired Visa MasterCard Discover accepted Call 307 634 8895 for details
stock, 10', 12', 14' utility and 18'x20' car trailers Also used toolboxes, job boxes fuel tanks and headache racks Welding Shop, 508 E 1st St, 307 632 3294
Heavy duty utility trailer, 8'x10' new axle wheel bearings and tires 307 286 8569


Do you need trailer parts? Or are you in the market for a new trailer?

Call K's Trailer Parts and Service at 307 632 0600 for all your trailer needs Available Mon Fri, 7:30am 5pm and Sat by appointment K's Trailer Parts and Services, 307 632 0600 to schedule your trailer

2000 CHEVY PICKUP, 4X4, PS, PB, HEATER, AC, fully lined long bed, 6 0L, trailer tow package, gooseneck and bumper pull, can be seen by ap pointment only, $8999 307 631 0268

Week of October 7, 2022 TRADER’S Page 35ON THE ROAD 2021 Warren Avenue 634-8895 Call in your ad today! 634-8895 Your ad will not only reach thousands through print, but thousands more on our web site! White Loaded 39k Miles Miles SALE PRICE: 2018 Honda Ridgeline RTL-E A Cajun Red 2.0L Turbo 4 Cyl. Engine 59k Miles SALE PRICE: 2019 Chevrolet Equinox AWD Premier 3265 STK #6792B White Loaded 7,800 Miles0 SALE PRICE: 2020 Nissan Rogue SL AWD Tungsten Metallic EyeSight Popular Package 48k Miles ckage e SALE PRICE: 2018 Subaru Outback Limited V-6 AWD STK #6851A STK #6814B 2999 Nationway 775-012 3 Open: M onday-Saturday 戟 8am-7pm See our complete inventory online at All units subject to prior sale.Customer responsible for D&H, taxes and fees. AUTO REPAIRMR. DIE SEL and 2518 S. GREELEY HWY. • 637-4000 Mon.-Fri.: 7:30-5:30 • Sat.: By Appt. • Rebuilt Engines • T ransmissions • Service & Repairs • Edge T uners in Stock AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE AND SUPPLY, Tune ups fuel and emission systems, starting and charging systems, electrical parts and repair on switches, wipers, wind ow motors, door locks and lighting, trailer wiring, air conditioning and heating, computerized control sys tems 600 E 19th St, www aechey com, 307 632 5511 H A R L E Y DAV I D S O N 2022 ROAD GLIDE bike, black denim paint with custom green pin striping, chrome accents, hard saddlebags, cruise con trol, Bluetooth, USB char ging and more, very low mileage, asking $32,000 Call 307 220 0070 leave message PERFECTION MUFFLER AND EXHAUST Custom performance, 3 and 4 systems, stainless steel, classics, street rods, trucks, cars, pipe fabrica tion available Perfection Muffler, 616 Crook Ave #3, 307 634 6510 HEAVY DUTY ENGINE OIL , 55GAL DRUM OF SAE 15W 40, unopened, $900 OBO 307 287 6953 YO U R O N E STO P S H O P FO R B R A K E S ! Fre e b ra ke i n s p e c t i o n s , l i fe t i m e wa r ra nt y, b e st b ra ke s b e st s e r v i c e s b e st p r i c e s N o w o ffe r i n g f re e a l i g n m e nt c h e c ks ! T h e B ra ke S t o p, 1 6 2 2 E L i n c o l nway, 3 07 51 4 6 2 3 1 , b ra ke st o p c e nt ra l c o m 2015 COUGAR X LITE 5TH WHEEL , MODEL 29RET very good condi tion, new tires, everything works great, $22,000 OBO 307 214 7535 LOOKING TO BUY STEEL OR ALUMINUM? We have a large selection and will cut to size Welding Shop, 508 E 1st St, 307 632 3294 HEAVY DUTY AIR COM PRESSOR, INDUSTRIAL grade has been main tained regularly, $475 OBO Call JR for more in formation 307 286 8569

Selection & Service

Page 36 TRADER’S Week of October 7, 2022 WESTLAND ROAD 307- 638-3335 WWW.KENGARFFW YO.COM WWW.W YOUSED.COM Spooktacular Sale-A-Bration All payments based on 20% down cash or trade equity, 4.0% APR, W.A.C. All vehicles are subject to prior sale, advertised prices are plus $799 dealer handling fee and any applicable sales tax. Pictures shown may not reflect actual vehicle designated. 19k Miles #GA08857P ‘19 ford explorer platinum $41,061 72k Miles #EA38679P ‘20 ford expedition max ltd. $47,122 29k Miles #BL04425P ‘20 lincoln nautilus black label $48,702 85k Miles #G375969T ‘16 hyundai santa fe sport 2.4 $16,95869k Miles #R212989T ‘18 gmc yukon xl slt $41,889 128k Miles #EF12041T ‘13 ford expedition el ltd. $16,947 75 Mo. 62k Miles #KD11384P ‘20 ford f-150 xlt per$467 mo. 66 Mo. 122k Miles #G412734P ‘15 cheVy silVerado 1500 high country per$363 mo. 84 Mo. 8k Miles #NH419586T ‘22 hyundai santa fe sel per$369 mo. 48 Mo. 102k Miles #A114295P ‘07 land roVer range roVer per$181 mo. 24 Mo. 111k Miles #R391664T ‘14 dodge grand caraVan sxt per$234 mo. 48 Mo. 28k Miles #5166373P ‘08 ford mustang gt bullet per$392 mo. 75 Mo. 10k Miles #H660461T ‘20 honda ciVic lx per$299 mo. 75 Mo. 2k Miles #3178185P ‘21 subaru outback ltd. xt per$477 mo. 75 Mo. 15k Miles #H879850P ‘20 land roVer discoVery sport s per$464 mo. 84 Mo. 22k Miles #W287257P ‘20 Jeep Wrangler sahara per$471 mo. 75 Mo. 28k Miles #A031431P ‘19 audi a5 2.ot premium plus per$437 mo. 84 Mo. 10k Miles #M396225P ‘21 toyota tacoma trd sport per$494 mo. 48 Mo. 144k Miles #R279728P ‘11 ford fusion sport per$165 mo. 84 Mo. 2k Miles #U430026P ‘22 hyundai palisade limited per$554 mo. 60 Mo. 119k Miles #J208524P ‘14 gmc acadia slt-2 per$237 mo. 72 Mo. 90k Miles #GB45757T ‘18 ford explorer limited per$360 mo. 72 Mo. 76k Miles #GC28286T ‘17 ford explorer xlt per$315 mo. 75 Mo. 3k Miles #P312584P ‘22 toyota corolla le per$292 mo. 66 Mo. 93k Miles #D007023T ‘13 VW toureg Vr6 fsi per$227 mo. 75 Mo. 34k Miles #S009330P ‘19 toyota sienna ltd. premium per$499 mo. 37k Miles #G385835T ‘18 ram 2500 poWer Wagon $50,353 114k Miles #G045037P ‘13 hyundai santa fe sport $14,145 55k Miles #R142296P ‘18 cheVy tahoe lt $42,375 131k Miles #C205539P ‘12 Jeep grand cherokee srt8 $23,568 We Scared Up the Best Deals,

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