Xhulio Kola
T W A // V i s u a l D e v e l o p m e n t G u i d e
Xhulio Kola // Spring 2021
Nature of Identity // Visual Development Guide
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T W A // V i s u a l D e v e l o p m e n t G u i d e
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Visual Analysis
Raw Sketches
8 // Brand Evolution
14 // Raw sketches Phase 1
10 // Rebranding Objectives
28 // Raw sketches Phase 2
11 // Mission Statement
32 // Raw sketches Phase 3
12 // Energetic 14 // Futuristic 16 // Bravado
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Xhulio Kola
T W A // V i s u a l D e v e l o p m e n t G u i d e
Refined Sketches
Computer Drafts
Similiar Logos
38 // Refined Camps R1
50 // Computer Drafts R2
72 // Similiar Logos
56 // Digital Refinement R3
74 // Inspiration
64 // New Logo Concept R4 68 // Final Logo R5
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Visual Analysis Previous logos, representation of the new mission statement and our rebranding objectives.
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Visual Analysis
Brand Evolution Before moving to the new Visual Development Guide based on our new mission of pushing the limits of the new possibilities, we want to present the previous logos of TWA throughout the years. Here you can see where we were before moving into the progress and advancement of our new TWA Visual Identity.
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T W A // V i s u a l S t y l e G u i d e
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Visual Analysis
Rebranding Objectives We are striving to develope our new style based on the cutting edge character and the bravado spirit of TWA. We are striving to create a brand that can coexist in the future and can push the boundaries of the new possibilities. Below are the final keywords that I developed during the proccess that are connected with TWA brand soul and our rebraning objectives.
Rebranding Final Keywords Energetic
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T W A // V i s u a l S t y l e G u i d e
Mission Statement “Pushing the limits of the new possibilities”
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Visual Analysis
“Adventure is the essence of life.” —Howard Hughes
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T W A // V i s u a l S t y l e G u i d e
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Visual Analysis
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T W A // V i s u a l S t y l e G u i d e
“It is only the future in which I am really vitally interested.” —Howard Hughes
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Visual Analysis
“I am willing to go beyond all limitations.” —Howard Hughes
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E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
Raw Sketches Creating rough sketches based on the three keywords choosen to represent the new brand mission, but connected with the brand’s soul.
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Raw Sketches
Raw sketches // Phase 1 In this phase, I started creating rough sketches based on the three keywords chosen to represent the new brand mission but connected with the soul of the old brand. Here are the three camps of the raw sketches, one camp for each keyword before advancing into refined ones below to the refined sketches chapter.
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Raw Sketches
E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
Xhulio Kola
T W A // V i s u a l D e v e l o p m e n t G u i d e
Raw Sketches
E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
Xhulio Kola
T W A // V i s u a l D e v e l o p m e n t G u i d e
Raw Sketches
E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
Xhulio Kola
T W A // V i s u a l D e v e l o p m e n t G u i d e
Raw Sketches
Raw sketches // Phase 2 This round we have to find the right keyword to move forward and create computer drafts by refining refined hand sketches chosen to move forward with. Here are some raw sketches before moving to refined computer drafts.
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Raw Sketches
Xhulio Kola
T W A // V i s u a l D e v e l o p m e n t G u i d e
Raw Sketches
Raw sketches // Phase 3 This round I chose three driections to go with digital refinement. Lion, bull and graphic shapes + the type I created for the brand logo. Here are some raw sketches before moving to refined computer drafts.
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Raw Sketches
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Refined Sketches More refined sketches, imported and improved form raw sketches camp.
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E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
R1 // Refined Camps Create rough sketches based on the three keywords choosen to represent the new brand mission, but connected with the soul of the old brand.
Initial Keywords Energetic Logos, shapes, wordmarks that transmitts energy, speed, power and confidence.
Futuristic Logos, shapes, wordmarks that are very modern and can coexist in the future.
Minimal Logos, shapes, wordmarks that represent simplicity and refinement.
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Conclusion after R1 After this round I understood that I needed to bring more of the bravado spirit and a bit of swagger into the brand. I decided to go with Bravado as a keyword for my R2 explorations.
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E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
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Ref ined Sketches
Keyword One // Energetic Logos, shapes, wordmarks that transmitts energy, speed, power and confidence.
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E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
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Ref ined Sketches
Keyword Two // Futuristic Logos, shapes, wordmarks that are very modern and can coexist in the future.
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E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
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Ref ined Sketches
Keyword Three // Minimal Logos, shapes, wordmarks that represent simplicity and refinement
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E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
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E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
Computer Drafts This round we have to refine or find the right keyword to move forward and create computer drafts by refining refined hand sketches chosen to move forward with.
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Computer Draf ts
R2 // Computer Drafts After my first explorations I decided, I need to aim more at the soul of the brand less at the technical aesthetics of the marks we wanted to create, so we went from this space round one to round two and came up with a new keyword to move forward. I sketched new ideas and trying to explore more on the bravado spirit of the brand.
Keyword Bravado A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress.
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Conclusion after R2 This round I figured out that I has some well working shapes that I might have left behind, I started drawing bigger logos and refine them well before going to computer. I also started drawing my wordmarkwith sticks and circles so it became authentic to the brand.
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E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
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Computer Draf ts
Refined Computer Drafts // Bravado A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress.
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Computer Draf ts
R3 // Digital Refinement This round I chose three driections to go with digital refinement. Lion, bull and graphic shapes + the type I created for the brand logo.
Conclusion after R3 This round I recognized that I need to do more digital renderings based on lion faces, bull horns and well formed shapes, I also carried some other shapes from the previous round sketches that might have some potential to explore more.
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Computer Draf ts
Refined Computer Drafts // Bull Forms and shapes featuring bull as a symbol.
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Computer Draf ts
Refined Computer Drafts // Lion Forms and shapes featuring lion as a symbol.
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Computer Draf ts
Refined Computer Drafts // Abstract Abstract dynamic forms and shapes.
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Computer Draf ts
R4 // New Logo Concept This round I came up with a new logo concept exploring with equilateral triangles and some dynamic shapes that could be an extra possible direction before moving to the final logo direction.
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Computer Draf ts
Compter Drafts // Equilateral Triangle I pushed one more round with a new logo concept experimenting with equilateral triangles as a basic shape and moved it forward with some computer drafts.
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R5 // Final Logo After all the explorations and much experimentation with different shapes, this was my best logo to represent the brand spirit of TWA. This is the final logo, a bull constructed as an abstract graphic shape and a crafted wordmark under it. Everything is based on an isosceles right triangle as a basic shape to build the entire logo shape and wordmark. The triangle stands for power, dynamism, reliability, confidence that enhances the bravado spirit of TWA.
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E n e r g e t i c // F u t u r i s t i c // M i n i m a l
Similar Logos By looking at other companies with similar concepts for their logos, we are able to ensure that the rebranding of TWA does not end up too similar to another logo already in existance. This way I made a visual research for real existing companies that might have the same logo.
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Similiar Logos
Similar Logos
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Inspiration New Identity Introduction This way of presenting the new Identity by making a comparison between the new and the old by shrinking them together for a better visual differentiation It’s inspiring and succesful. We can clearly see the difference and where the new brand identity is going.
Logo Anatomy This is a very detailed and successful logo anatomy exploration, where you can clearly see why things are designed that way. Where everything is connected with x height, alignement is properly made in every part of logo, we can also see clearly that the logo wordmark height aligns in the middle of the cirlce which makes it consistent and functional.
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Type Specs Type choice presentation I think here it’s working quite well, because it is easy to understand, you get the Idea without having to get a lot of attention on it. The simplicity and the idea of being straightforward in this type spec is inspirational for me.
Main ID colors (logo colors) This color presentation is well composed. All colors are put in their specific brackets of Primary Secondary and Neutral colors with numbers of CMYK, RGB and the color code. It is very specific , readable and easy to understand. Nice layout composition.
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Inspiration Logo Dont’s This Logo Dont’s page it is very specific and has a lot of examples to show how not to use the logo and makes it clear with all the different examples included. If we as designers sometimes are not sure how to use the logo at a certain moment this is a great example where we can look back to be sure how to use it.
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Alternate versions of the logo This alternate version of the logo is also very helpful for the designers when they are in front a new situation where they are confused how to use the logo. This example is very specific also and a great example how designers should treat the logo variations and get out of difficult situations.
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Sources wikipedia.com yesterdaysairlines.com britannica.com astrogrowth.com nytimes.com twamuseum.com unsplash.com
Copyright 2021 Xhulio Kola This book is a non-commercial work produced as a student for educational purposes. All content for Visual Developement Guide was collected, conceived, written and designed by Xhulio Kola Design Consultation Hunter Wimmer, GR 604 Nature Of Identity, Academy Of Art University
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