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PORTFOLIO 2014/2015


2014... From


For me, 2014 is a dramatic year came into my life. With 7 years Taiwan(Asia)perspective in design major, what would happen next to me when came to a new culture? new language? (from Chinese mother tongue)

to to



Started an exchange programme in Germany. Approach to different languages, cultures, perspectives, resources...

Contents About About Me Background/ Awards/ Skills

Design Mindset Area/ Perspective

Graphic Design Pocketown App Design/ Visual Design/ Gamification

Visual Mao-Kong Disaster Hide and Seek Information Service Design/ Design/ Experience/ DisasterTourism

Bucket List App Interface Design

Service Design Bo-Hai Cottage Service Design/ Strategy/ Tourism

Asia Smart Living Service Design/ Sustainable Development

Global Service Jam Service Design/ 2015

About About Me Background/ Awards/ Skills

Design Mindset Area/ Perspective

About Wei-Ting Wu Education National Tainan Girl’s Senior High School 2005 National Kaohsiung Normal University 2008 -Department of Industrial Design National Taiwan University of Science & Technology 2012 -Department of Industrial and Commercial Design -Service Design Research KÜln International School of Design 2014 -Master Exchange Programme

Experience IDA Congress Taipei Workshop - student 2011 Youth Innovation Design Festival -exhibitor 2012 Yodex Desgin Exhibit - exhibitor 2012 Userxper -user experience research - Intern 2012 Asian Summer School: smart living and social development- staff 2012 Global Service Jam: Taipei- Assistant 2013 5% Design Action Workshop - participant 2013 Asian Summer School: smart living and social development- student 2014 MaoKong Sustainable Development Project -service designer 2013-2014

Awards Bone Award bronze award winner 2011 Gigabyte Design Competition outstanding design award 2013 iF Design Concept Award 340 entries 2013 iF Design Concept Award 340 entries 2013 Reddot design concept award: entries 2013 Reddot design concept award: winner 2013

Skills Photoshop Illustratior After Effect Indesign Dreamweaver 3ds Max Axure

Design Mindset S i n c e b e i n g i n t h e s e r v i c e d e s i g n a re a , f o r m e s e r v i c e design can build a bridge for different design specoalities. Because service is not only a bridge for stakeholders but a sustainable development system to make all relevant touch poi nts (i n te r fac e , pro du c ts , i n f o rm ati o n e ct ) an d h u man beings create value. Therefore, as a ser vice designer, who should play a considerate role to listen to people's voice and connect experts from differnent areas.






Service Design Mindset

Graphic However, ser vice is a invisble design. Many people don't really understand what kinds of work service designers do. As a result, visible touchpoints design are necessary technique for me and evidence for customers. I also work hard on interface, information, graphic and product design. It is not only to elevate the quality of ser vice but also a better way to communicate with costumers(users). Sometimes, a good prototype can develop service more effectively.

Graphic Design Pocketown App Design/ Visual Design/ Gamification

Visual Disaster Information Design/ Disaster

Bucket List App Interface Design

Pocketown A gamification concept to s timulate customers to consume items on vending machines with their mobiles. Users can collect more items for their pocket men through buying real products on vending machines. co-designers: Hsiao, Liu, Liu & Chen

Concept A vending machine company said that they would provide electronic-transparent-screen vending machines for universities to promote and sell souvenirs or some design products from students. However, the company has no idea how to stimulate people to consume on the machine. Therefore, our team came up an idea: Pocketown. It's a gamification concept to stimulate customers to consume items on vending machines by playing game on their mobiles. Users can collect more items for their pocket men after buying products on vending machines.

Three main ideas about Pocketown: 1) Unique avatar for yourself 2) Besides shopping on the mobile, you can explore your campus by collecting the plants or animals items in the campus 3) Visit your friends and see what he has. Compare with your social network and raise your shopping intention.

Value Personalised characters: to personalise your character, you will desire for more items.

From virtual to physical reality: not only you can get the items but also your character will have the same ones as you

Friends interaction: to use the gamification concept to raise the users' stickiness. Users can visit their frineds and compare with them.

From virtuality to reality explore: Pocketman leads users to discover plants or animals in each corner of the campus, and collect them to the pockets.

Scenarios Before - GET POCKETOWN

WELCOME TO POCKETOWN Please help me ! I need this T-shi rt

To see the label on the product and get the app

TIP:Scan QRco de 1 Download POCKETOWN ap p 2 Little guy will put on this T-shirt 3 Try it!

WELCOME TO POCKETOWN Hello, Come to catch me me! ee!!


TIP:Scan QRcode e 1 Download POCKETOWN OCKETOWN OC N app ap a pp p 2 Squirrel will be yours 3 Try it!


To trigger customers curiosity by spreading the clues in the campus















Online shop Besides real items, pocketman also can gets one virtual one



Campus map Virtual map leads users to explore and collect special items in the campus


Friends popularity Follow new items from pocketman's friends


Live in the Pocketown with your pocketman and friends

Mobile App

Promotion Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je84w7caDAs&feature=youtu.be

Visual Disaster Infographics for the Center for Natural Resources and Development (CNRD) I n s t i t u te f o r d e s i g n i n g i n f o c l i p s f o r specific topics in the field of natural desasters. co-designers: Daniel Dormann, Lee & Zhuang

About Case Study This case study features the “Room for the River p r o g r a m m e ”, t h e D u t c h g o v e r n m e n t ’s m o d e r n approach to flood management. It includes the steps and measures taken to achieve increased protection against high water levels and improved spatial quality in the riverine region.

Problems in Process The storyboard should definitely be the first thing to finish before we started anything else or doing any kind of animations — besides rough testing — is a bad idea and most likely twice the work afterwards. When working with other people on the same project, the concept will grow bigger and faster than expectation. Constrain ourselves to always order and organise the files in a senseful way.

Visualise & Animation Take much time to know the tools for the final delivery. It’s hard to google what you don’t know about, but if the workflow feels clumsy or inconvenient most likely there is a better way to do it.

Clips https://vimeo.com/117402244

Bucket List Things to do before you die. co-designers: JJ, Liu., Wen-Fan, Hsiao., Shane, Liu.

Background Many people are likely to tr y something crazy in their entire life, but how could they find someone else to adventure or how to make new friends who have the same preference of the activities.

Concept As a result, we define an app called Bucket List. It combines the ideas of social network and crazy activities. Different from other list apps which only show the events, Bucket List emphasize the practice by the users.

Prototype At first, Bucket List consists 4 main functions: List, Profile, Album and Message. Finally, through several the discussions, we defined the main two pages are profile and list.

Service Design Bo-Hai Cottage Service Design/ Strategy/ Tourism

Asia Smart Living Service Design/ Sustainable Development

Global Service Jam Service Design/ 2015

Bo-Hai Cottage “ B o - H a i C o t t a g e" t o e x p e n d t o u r i s t ecological and cultural experience and achieve sustainable development for MaoKong tourism. Team members: Rodulf, Chen & MeiLing, Chen

Background Taiwan Maokong area is at the edge of Taipei city, and it covers rich ecological and cultural resources which are potential for the development of eco-tourism. However, tourism in MaoKong is facing a dilemma. Nowadays Tourists couldn’t have ecological and cultural experiences at most of tourist attractions in MaoKong. As a result, our team defined a new attraction as “Bo-Hai Cottage" to expend tourist experience and achieve sustainable development for MaoKong tourism.

Service Design Method Our team designed a new experience through the service design methods and processes: 1) field research; 2) the interview; 3) service gap analysis, and then design of service developments. Service Design Process Discover– Field Research & Interview Define–Service Gaps Develop–Design Strategy Deliver–Two tourist groups experience design Field Research & Interview

Group Discussion

Discover The graph of customer journey fluctuates up and down dramatically, and it drops down when tourists finish their dishes. In other words, tourists are confused about nothing to do next and end their journey.

Customer Journey Map

Define Due to the location which is far from the bus station and poor corporate identity systems of the Bo-Hai Cottage, tourists are hard to attach the service encounters. Therefore, we defined service gaps to find design opportunities.

No international ser vice and s to re i n f o r m a t i o n ; N o of f i c i a l website, tourists can only get the informations from government's page.

Tourists don’t know what services can be obtained, don't know the plan of the area, don't know what activities may have in the cottage.

No network or wifi share for the tourists; reservation system can't satisfy the instant tourists.

Service provider doesn't have the inconsistent items in the menu; the cottage isn't maintained well (tourists don't know the activities in the area); tourists can't get the informations after they got off MaoKong Gondola

(retrieved by: http://www.brainmates.com.au/brainrants/the-customer-service-gap-model)

Transform Inferiority into Superiority (A) Bridges & People imagery: the elegant environment (B) A rich natural environment: the plants in the cottage doesn't have any pesticide, so it is rich of natural creatures such as fireflies and special species in each season. (C) Cottage Images: we design a visual identification for the name of "Bo-Hai Cottage" to define the new meaning of the store and experience for tourists.

Transform Passivity into Initiative We se t t h e t arge t to u ri s t s a s l e i s u re to u r i s t s an d familie s . Then, we proposed a design strategy with three stages which are hardware maintenance, ser vice improvement and literar y experience. The goal is to enhance the satisfication of customer service experience from the current simple style upgrade to the idyllic landscape of the literary life experience.

Service Improvement

Literary Experience Slowly idyllic landscape Lifestyle experience

Hardware Maintenance exquisite


(A) Leisure Tourist They like to stay in the quiet atmosphere and are interested in discovering the unique but nonmainstream stores and spots.

(B) Family Parents care of education and interation for their child. They believe some natural experiences have good impacts on their child for growing. Also, they are willing to spend much expenditure on child's education than their daily use.

Step 1: Hardware Maintenance Although the cottage has a good environment, we still saw some personal stuffs and littered waste around. Therefore, the first step we recommand to clean them up and maintain the equipments.

We divided the cottage into different uses. From the highest pavilion to the stairs are the places for the leisure tourists to drink tea, have meals and immerse in the secret places and quiet atmosphere. On the other hand, the places near the river and the service center are set for family groups. They demand a safe ecological experience, and there are well-maintained.

Step 2: Service Improvement Secondly, we aim to design a CIS for Bohai Cottage to improve the value for ser vice encounters. With appropriate designs, customers may establish a clear recognition of the visual impression.

New Touch Points Designs: the store sign, the information counter

DM Design

four seasons ad cards

Create Facebook page to provide more immediate news

DEM design

Step 3: New Experience Menu contains the dishes they offer and the activities they can do in this place.

Tea experience for leisure tourists Tea canister design for tourists' drinking tea experience

Map for deep experience Tourists can explore the spots through the map.

DIY activities for families Families can have the natural experience by some hand-made activities. Due to the natural environments, children can pick many different kinds of leaves and make into special shapes by their creativity.

Animal cottage app We developed an app called "Animal Cottage" to offer a platform for the tourists. They can upload the creations to the platform by DIY activities. In other words, tourists are co-creating their experiential value and having more unforgettable memories.

1. Opening page

4. Write the feelings

2. Shot the creations

5. Browse others' creations

3. Choose a background

6. Profile page

Customer Journey: Family

Customer Journey: Family

Asia Smart Living Congman Lixiang is a well-known Ta i w a n e s e b r a n d o w n e d b y D o n g Hai Lin for green onions and organic products. Now, Mr. Lin is thinking about how to achieve his ideal farmland which is innovative, educational and sustainable. team members: Eui-Chul Jung (mentor), Huang, Wu, Bogers & Liow

Background Exploration The Congman Lixiang Farm is a famous organic Sanding green onion farm in Taiwan. The founder Mr. Lin Donghai realised that, as he grew older, he would not be able to continue agricultural production in the future. For the sake of sustainable management, Mr. Lin hoped that the farm could be gradually switched from a production-oriented farmland to an education-oriented and sustainable field. Urbanisation has caused the long-existing material and spiritual gaps between urban and rural ares, as well as the communication and interaction gaps between older farmers and younger generation. The younger generation lacks agricultural knowledge and rarely has opportunity to be educated in the farm. Our team discovered three key needs of the farm. They are: 1) to design considerations for leisure farm transformation; 2) to protect the sustainable development of the natural environment; 3) to fill in gaps between urban and rural areas and between older and younger generations.

Design Target Positioning To help Mr. Lin to achieve his ideal leisure farm, the team proposed four core goals. 1)to establish a new brand identity based on the ideals of the Congman Lixiang Farm’s owner, in order to match with the leisure farm transformation; 2) to provide travelers with a unique travelling experience design; 3) to increase travelers’ knowledge about environmentally-friendly farming through the design of educational events; 4) to allow the Congman Lixiang Farm to become a model for environmentally-sustainable operations and promote the successful operation model to further help the development of Taiwan’s environmentally-friendly agriculture.

Design Details The Congman Lixiang Farm is a famous organic Sanding green onion farm in Taiwan. The founder Mr. Lin Donghai realised that, as he grew older, he would not be able to continue agricultural production in the future. For the sake of sustainable management, Mr. Lin hoped that the farm could be gradually switched from a production-oriented farmland to an education-oriented and sustainable field. Urbanisation has caused the long-existing material and spiritual gaps between urban and rural ares, as well as the communication and interaction gaps between older farmers and younger generation. The younger generation lacks agricultural knowledge and rarely has opportunity to be educated in the farm. Our team discovered three key needs of the farm. They are: 1) to design considerations for leisure farm transformation; 2) to protect the sustainable development of the natural environment; 3) to fill in gaps between urban and rural areas and between older and younger generations. The leisure farm experience itinerar y design is as follows. First, customers obtain information from multiple channels, such as the online store or marketing activities. It not only creates brand awareness, but also continues to provide ser vices to loyal customers. Later, when customers decide to go to the farm, they can get information and receive education at the “Information Center ” to learn knowledge related to organic farming and agricultural cultivation. Then, customers can go to “Organic Land” to have personal contact with nature and experience organic farming methods with obser vational and experiential activities. Finally, customers can see all the stages of green onion cultivation, including planting, fertilising, harvesting, trimming and washing, at the Green House farming experience area. Later customers can choose to continue with onions from the former customer and continue planting at the next stage.

Service Design Concept

The touch points design before the physical service

Organic Farm visiting experience

The stages of green onion prantation in green house

Beyond that, customers can pick the produce they like from the Green House and cook it in the open kitchen. After the customers experience the service provided by the Congman Lixiang Farm’s signature Sanding green onions that service as a reminder of their farming experience, allowing them to carry the sensation from farming experience back to share with more people.

The layout from the farm to the fork green house

The map of Congman Lixiang Farm experience

Global Service Jam 2015 Playful Descision: What if making choices was playful? Team members: Eduardo & Piotr Place: Cologne, Germany

Global Service Jam 2015 The second Global Ser vice Jam I've par ticipated was held in March 2015, where more than 1200 par ticipants in more than 50 cities created around 200 unique ser vice designs around the Theme "Undefined meaning image".

Discover / Define We found that sometimes people consider making a decision is a serious job and take too much time to estimate the effects for each decision we made. H o w e v e r, s o m e t i m e s i t w o n' t c o m e u p w i t h t o o te r r i b l e re s u lt s e ve n we ch oos e n ot e x act ly rig h t decision. Therefore, we'd like to provide ser vice for playful decision making.

Develop After watching how people make descissions in different places (hairdresser, tourist office, restaurant we dcide to help tourist make descision what to see in the city. We try to give people chance to see city in a different way ( through the eyes, experience of famous people from that city). You can now see and visit places where this person spent time, was living, party, worked. Tourist can make desicion depends on: how long he/she is staying in the city, what are her/his interested (film, music, dance...) When he/she have chosen time, interests and person who she/he want to be s/he recived application on mobile phone or printed version of the map with places where the famous person was being. At the end he/she is watching movie in 3D to move to the time when the famous perosn was living. Now he/she is ready to discover city in a different way, learn more about famous person, her/his life and explore city in creative way! In some places will wait for them some books, materials which help them to feel time, and famous person life. In order to make the progress go through smoothly, we did a rough prototype to ask real tourists who visited Cologne.

Final Deliver http://planet.globalservicejam.org/jamsite/12091/project/12783

look forward to new experiences


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