Digital Design Portfolio Semester 1, 2018 Xiaohan Mei 873713 Junhan Foong Studio 13
Education: 2017 - current 2014-2017
Bachelor of Design UNSW foundation
In the first module, I study the linberskind pavillion and the idea of folding shocked me very much, and with the folding, interesting lighting and threshold will be created, and the idea of rich the threshold influence me very much, because I think architecture should have some connect to the outside and also influence the people.
Work Experience: /
Awards / Exhibition:
Therefore in the second module, in task 1 I make on e fish on each side of the waffle structure, so it can be the attractive part to the people also the panelings are wave shaped which is to make a match with the fish, in task, although the shape is relatively easier, but the main idea is the threshold.
In module 3, I combine both attractive factors and threshold together, and developed it into my design.
Skills: Rhino Grasshopper Unreal Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Fabrication Hand Drawing
When I first touched the grasshopper, I thought it is really complex and hard to understand, but after the workshop, and self learning online, I thought it is really useful tool to built some alien structure, also another wonderful experience is Unreal engine , It just like playing game, when I doing my m3, and it is really funny, I also try to insert a movable charactor in the map. My design concept is to create some archtecture, which is useful and beautiful, which will attract people to enter, like the M3, the outllok of octupus will attract visitor. I still think the skill of rhino modeling, grasshopper, and photoshop skills need to e improved, as they will be really useful inthe future study.
Precedent Study
Generating Design Through Digital Processes
Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion
Module 1 Linberskind Pavillion
North-west Steel Board structure
This is the north-west Steel board strcture, the reason why I choose this kind of form to make people understand the relationship between each elements-main structure, steel board structure and the ground condition, and I use the sun to show how the pavilion works with the sun. For the circulation: because eash pathway of through the pavilion can be way to entry and to go out, the further to the entry, the fewer people will be, and the center area will the most important place,as it is the place where human stream begin to divergent. For threshold: I seperate the model into 4 parts, the first is the outer steel cover, which is used to seperate out space to the inter private area, next picture is the steel main structure, it can be seen that the connection between inside and outside, and it will help people understand the threshold, the third one is the steel board arrangement, it clearly shows the relationship between the main structureand and the out steel board, the last one is the ground condition, it shows how the whole structure is fitted on the plan, and there are three overlap between, this is important, because it is the factor to influence people walk in the inter space. And by modeling this pavilion, I know how the building influence the people moving, and also each part of the tructure have its own function, this concept will help me in later design work.
NE Isometric of Linberskind Pavillion
This V-ray rendering clearly shows how the lights and shadow play with the pavillion.
Imgae of Linberskind Pavillion This Linberskind concept gives the idea of folding, and from this way, there are many thresholds, this gives many possibilities for people to entering and going out the architecture, therefore people will not get boring with the fixed path, also the folding structure make the light and shadow inside the building interesting, because each piece of the paneling covers another panel.
Inside structure of Pavillion 07
light and shadow
After I finish the structure modeling, I find that the outer shell is covered by steel board, and the size of each boboard is around 3000*600, so with the size of it I cover the board on each side of the Pavilion.
Next, I make the steel frame structure of the whole Pavilion, and it will be much clearer to make people understand how it really looks like in the structrue view.
Then I trace the steel board structure to make it cleaner, and it will be easier to sweep the steel board structure later
With the structure in the last step, and The I sweep all the steel board structure, this image will show how the main steel structure is connect with the steel board on it surface in a clear way.
As it shows above, I make the deck plan, and at the same time I hide the layer for the steel board to make it easier to show the relationship between the uper structure with the ground condition.
Within the circle shows on the image above, there are three overlaps between the up structure and deck, the overlaps are really import, as they will influence the walking path of people, also I hide the layer of steel board structure to make it easier to see.
These are some rendering stuff which I did in the first week.
Module 2 Task1
The pattern on both sides shows the idea of wave, and the most unique part of the pattern is the fish, and the core idea of this is the fish swiming on the surface of the water, each two of the left side pattern can form a new shape of wave,and each one of the left side pattern got higher on the side closer to the fish. for the right one, the pattern is made by two pyramids and the also the further to the fish the lower height of the fish it will be.
waffle structure is less interesting to the 3d pattern and as it shows on the picture above it looks like a tornado, and with the 3d pattern on it, it will shows the idea of the a fish swimming on the water tornado .
M2 task1 Matrix
It is clear to see that I make a lot of attemplt to make a beautiful and meaningful surface, and also try a lot of 3d patterns, for example, the left two, I just use the points attractor to make the difference on the surface, for the third one I make a little bit complex which is to use three point as the reference point for the point attractor , the last one is what I make for the final one, the reason why I choose the last one is this one is the most meaningful, I make a fish to seperate the fish into 8 part and lead it to the grasshopper to makek the fish, it is really unique.
Isometric of the M2 task1
waffle structure is less interesting to the 3d pattern and as it shows on the picture above it looks like a tornado, and with the 3d pattern on it, it will shows the idea of the a fish swimming on the water tornado .
Laser cutting For the 3d pattern, I got some probelms when I unrolled the 3d patterns, there are some overlaping, and I delete lines which are wrong and redraw the correct line, also I can’t unroll the whole pattern, so I need to seperate the pattern into two parts, so it will be alright to make.
Modeling Progress
waffle in the first
The first two rolls of on side of the 3d pattern
process of the other side 3d pattern.
connecting the 3d patterns roll by roll
fish Pattern
Final 3D model
M2 Task1 grasshopper script
3d Pattern
Module 2 Task2
19 17
First I make shots on two of the isometric views, as a result the model will be looked more clearly, for example, the internal areas, and the thresholds on the surface, the whole 3d model can be imagined as a pavillion, the holes on the surface can be defined as doors and windows. Also there are some columns in the model You can imagine you work through it , the light pass trough the holes on the top and each side of the model , it will be intreseting , because the size and shape of the hole are all different. as a result, the whole model will make people ahce a wonderful journey inside.
M2 task2 Matrix
For the first one,I combine the radom attractor and the Cruve Attraction, Plantonic octahedron as a basic shape to make it, the second one is to use the Cruve Attractor and Rodam Attractor and Plantonic Icosahedron, the third one is to combine point attractor and cruve attractor and sphere to make the boolean, final one is what I think is most interesting , I use point attrator and Radom Attraction and plantonic Icosahedron and final 3d model to show the threshholds connect to the outer space.
Image of M2 task2
M2 Task2 grasshopper script
3d pattern
Basic box
Effect points
Makerbot after cauculation
Module 3 Alien octopus
Plan and Exploded view
Isometric of the Pavillion The Key concept is clearly , which is a Alien octopus spaceship, for the lunchtime seminar, there are two levels in the pavillion, so people can eat on both level, there are fence on the upper level so they do not need to warry about safety problem. For evening performance, if it holds inside the pavillion, the upper part and the landscape part will be the sitting area. I tryed to build the landscape looks both naturally and match the theme of my pavillion, so tentacle shaped landscape is created, and it get deeper and deeper when it be closer to the pavillion. This pavillion is made by several material, like the lighting material of the smooth surface, which is be an attracting point, and the voronoi structure is made of carbon fiber, which is hard enough to support the main structure, there is a glass surface covered inside the voronoi structure, one is to rainproof, the other is to make some reflection to the environment.
Exploded Isometric
Lighting shell which to create a scientific feeling to attract people, and the sheel structure is easy to make reain floating down the pavillion.
concave voronoi structure to make a feeling of entering. Also become a roof.
Shell structure with voronoi, and under the voronoi there is a glass shell which make the light shine through the pavillion.
ground sheel wall to bounding the area of pavillion. First level of pavillion with voronoi structue people can see through the groud. voronoi fence: an organic shaped fence and the lower part, people can lying on it, and saw through the grass to the sky. The under ground level: which make people get another feeling in the pavillion journey.
stairs inside the pavillion and people can get down to the under ground by it
water texture future material which is a solid , and this is the largest area in the site and become the entrance to the pavillion.
Tentacle landscape: which can work as stairs and seats.
Perspective Render
Perspective Render This view is taken inside the pavillion and because the main idea of it is the alien spaceship, so this view look s like the exit of the whole spaceship, the voronoi structrue will make it more scien
M3 Grasshopper script
Basic nurbscruve formed by points
Scale and move nurbsc 33
Map voronoi to the surface
M3 Iteration
Too big to builtt as a pavillion
Entrance is too low for people to enter
360 Image Output
Digital Design Semester 1, 2018