Digital design module 2 journal

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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Xiaohan Mei 873713 Junhan Foong 13

Week Three

Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)

there are three fabrication techniques in the readings which are Subtractive, Additive, and formative Subtractive is to remove the parts from whole part, like laser cutting is one of it Addiditive is ti acrually build, like 3d printing formative is to use computer numeric Controlled machinery to put the things to right place, and reshape it. they have immeasurable possibilities so it is used to make complex design.


Week Three

Surface Creation

{0,0,150} {60,0,150} {90,0,150} {30,150,150}



{0,150,0} {60,150,0}








change the index to make different surfaces



Week Four Panels & Waffle

The pattern on both sides shows the idea of wave, and the most unique part of the pattern is the fish, and the core idea of this is the fish swiming on the surface of the water, each two of the left side pattern can form a new shape of wave,and each one of the left side pattern got higher on the side closer to the fish. for the right one, the pattern is made by two pyramids and the also the further to the fish the lower height of the fish it will be.

waffle structure is less interesting to the 3d pattern and as it shows on the picture above it looks like a tornado, and with the 3d pattern on it, it will shows the idea of the a fish swimming on the water tornado .


Week Four

Laser Cutting

For the 3d pattern, I got some probelms when I unrolled the 3d patterns, there are some overlaping, and I delete lines which are wrong and redraw the correct line, also I can’t unroll the whole pattern, so I need to seperate the pattern into two parts, so it will be alright to make.


Week Five

The left image shows the script of grasshopper and they are all task 2 come from, the right on are the different attempts by different attractor and basic shapes , and what kind of attract will be talk in next several pages.


Week Five


First I make shots on two of the isometric views, as a result the model will be looked more clearly, for example, the internal areas, and the thresholds on the surface, the whole 3d model can be imagined as a pavillion, the holes on the surface can be defined as doors and windows. Also there are some columns in the model You can imagine you work through it , the light pass trough the holes on the top and each side of the model , it will be intreseting , because the size and shape of the hole are all different. as a result, the whole model will make people ahce a wonderful journey inside.







{0,0,0} {0,150,150}

{60,0,150} {150,0,150} {0,0,60}





Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves


Grid Points


{0,150,0} {60,150,0}

{Index Selection}




{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}




{Index Selection}

2.4 {-47,55,117}

{214,93,123} {204,127,95} {132,39,0}


{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor Point Location}

{Index Selection}





Task 01 Matrix It is clear to see that I make a lot of attemplt to make a beautiful and meaningful surface, and also try a lot of 3d patterns, for example, the left two, I just use the points attractor to make the difference on the surface, for the third one I make a little bit complex which is to use three point as the reference point for the point attractor , the last one is what I make for the final one, the reason why I choose the last one is this one is the most meaningful, I make a fish to seperate the fish into 8 part and lead it to the grasshopper to makek the fish, it is really unique. Lowest Pattern.

8 Second highest pattern.

Module 02 - Task 02

1.1 {90,0,150}

Paneling Grid & Attractor Point


Task 01


atrix 1:5

Week Six

Week Six Task 02

Grid Mulipulation







Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves


Grid Points



{Radom Attraction}

Sphere Distribution


{Cruve Attractor}

{Point Attractor}

{point Attractor}









{81,166,0} {175,126,0}


3D model Transfermation

{Cruve Attractor}

{Radom Attraction}

{Cruve attraction}

{Radom Attractor}









esign Matrix 1:5

Task 02 Matrix As I metioned Before, I will discuss the attempts clearly, for the first one,I combine the radom attractor and the Cruve Attraction, Plantonic octahedron as a basic shape to make it, the second one is to use the Cruve Attractor and Rodam Attractor and This part of the Icosahedron, model, connect the hollow Plantonic the third one is to combine point attractor and cruve attracspace of the model, and with the help of this, ths whole model looks more integrity. tor and sphere to make the boolean, final one is what I think is most interesting , I use Higher part on the edge will make internal space more privacy. point attrator and Radom Attraction and plantonic Icosahedron and final 3d model to show the threshholds connect to the outer space. Points at which geometry almost touches but does not creates a feeling of uncanny heaviness to the above structure.


The hole on the side of the 3d model make the internal space look not so dark,

Week Six

Final Isometric Views

Task 01

Task 02




waffle in the first

The first two rolls of on side of the 3d pattern

process of the other side 3d pattern.

connecting the 3d patterns roll by roll

fish Pattern

Final 3D model


Appendix Process

attempts of the boolean

attempts for 3 d pattern

Grasshopper attampts for different kinds of attractors for the 3d pattern

make the surface different by changing the data




how to make a fish

seperate the fish into 8 parts and each with one base tomake it easier to conect to the 3d pattern

some steps to show how to make a boolean( from right to left


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