logbook Three forms of construction: 1. Mass construction (small module & large module) 2. Frame construction 3. Tensile construction
Terminology PPE: personal protective equipment UB: universal beam PEC: parallel flange channel UC: universal column MDF: medium-density fiberboard
Scale: the relation between the actual size of sth and its size on a map, diagram or model that represents it( eg: 1:100 do not show detail 1:5 show any details)
Event 1
Event 2
Force ( gravity) dead force: wind/ water→force on object live force: →force on people
Material 1. Strength: Steel is much stronger material ★in both compression & tension 2. Stiffness: some materials are flexible, stretchy, floppy ★Concrete is a very stiff material 3. Shape: mono-dimensional (linear), bi-dimensional (planar) & tridimensional (volumetric, eg: brick, concrete) 4. Material behaviors: isotropic & anisotropic ★sometimes material are equally strong in compression or tension pulling apart, pushing together 5. Economy &sustainability
Bluestone Bluestone = basalt
Load Paths ★has direction & scale ---Is simply the direction in which each consecutive load will pass through connected member ↑ the apply load have reaction So the all structure is stable ★The reaction has equal and opposite to the apply load in order to be stable
ESD (Environmental standard design) ★Strategy:
①Thermal mass ③ water harvesting
② Solar energy ④ night air purging
Joint roller joint
pin joint
fixed joint
★ Three ways to make the structure more stable 1. Fixed joint 2. Bracing 3. Shear panel
Concrete 1. Cement 2. water 3. aggregate → fine (sand) → course (rock,stone&marbe)
Basic metal Base → elemental → aluminum ★ Iron + Carbon = steel
Bronze → alloy → copper → zinc
Week 1 Aim: create a building as high as we can and with a door that is enough large to let a toy dinosaur get in. 1. We measured the height and width of the dinosaur and then made the
substructure into a square with one side open as a door.
2. In order to reinforce the foundation, we made a wall base. At the two sides of the door ,we built two block of stone used as seats and put heavy bricks on the each side to make them steady
3. We staggered the bricks to make the wall stable
4. Then we built the door like a inverted ladder
5. Once we covered the top of the door, we built the other part of the building, and gradually made it high.
Week 2 Aim: to create a building as high as possible. 1. In order to make the foundation stable, we built a triangle shape as the base. We built the triangle by taping the joints \ together. Then we framed the model upward and vertical to the base.
2. Only built the structure by repeating first step was unstable when the structure getting higher and higher, so we added some battens followed the diagonal line of the rectangle to prevent any movement.
3. Then we repeated the first step and second step again and again to make the building higher.