More and more man-made materials with high quality are used for buildings today. However, there is fewer chance for people to appreciate the beauty of the nature. Bamboo, as a nutural “live� material, is flexible with beautiful texture and color, which is familiar to human beings. Supposing this space is in a park, by re-arranging this strip-like material with Sunbrella, a multiple-hieght space is generated. Sunshine can easily pass through gaps between layers while the bamboo shadows dance with the sun. People who want to relax and enjoy a peaceful moment can have a break here and play with the shadow.
BAMBOO DANCE Sunbrella Future of Shade Competition Time: 2017.05.11-16
Curves Control By bending the bamboo in dif ferent points we can get multiple cruves.
By changing the connection points of cruves we can redef ine the space and have different space experiences.
3D printed draft Curves Connections
Frame model of bamboo