QUARANTINE QUIZZES Animals round 2 1. Which animal has a Spanish name which when translated to English means 'little armoured one'? Armadillo 2. Which animal is famous for producing cuboid feces? Wombats 3. Pairs of sea otters are famous for doing what while sleeping? Holding hands 4. Based on the number of attacks against humans, what is the most dangerous wild animal in Africa? Hippos 5. Which insect produces milk? Cockroaches 6. What type of animal "fell in love" with a cardboard cut-out of a cartoon character in a Japanese zoo? A penguin. Grape-kun became fascinated with the promotional cardboard display which was placed in his enclosure in 2017 7. Equus Asinus is better known as what? Donkey 8. What do Tasmanian tigers, passenger pigeons and west african black rhinos have in common? They are all, sadly, extinct. 9. Cows are famous for producing lots of methane when they pass wind, but they are not the gassiest creature by (body mass) in the animal kingdom. What is? 1. Termites 2. Camels 3. Zebras 4. Sheep 5. Cows 6. Elephants 7. Labradors 8. Humans (vegetarian) 9. Humans (non-vegetarian) 10. Gerbils 10. What type of animal is a Wunderpus photogenicus? An octopus. Its bold reddish-brown and white colors also make it a favorite of snorkeling photographers, hence the “photogenicus”.