QUARANTINE QUIZZES Animals round 6 1. What are the only mammals to have one toe per foot? Horses, zebras and donkeys (animals in the equus genus). The remains of tiny vestigial toes can still be found on the bones above their hoofs but they aren't functional. 2. What type of animal is a Sarcastic fringehead? A fish 3. When white faced capuchin monkeys greet each other, they stick their fingers in each other's a) mouths b) noses c) bottoms b ) noses 4. What kind of animal did Cormorant, Minnesota, elect as its mayor four times in a row? A dog (Duke the great pyrenees). 5. Armadillos always give birth to... a) twins b) triplets c) quadruplets c) quadruplets 6. How long does a giant panda's annual mating season last? O nly a day! 24 - 72 hours 7. Ornithophobia is a fear of what kind of animal? Birds 8. Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla is the latin name for which animal? a) Western lowland gorilla b) cross river gorilla c) Eastern gorilla a) Western lowland gorilla 9. Welsh, and Tamworth are breeds of which animal? Pigs 10. Platypuses have venomous spurs on which part of their body? Their feet