1. What type of paint is made from pigment and plastic? Acrylic 2. Which artist was famous for the “action painting” style, which involved throwing paint at a canvas? Jackson Pollock 3. Which word describes the gradual blending of one colour hue to another, usually moving tints and shades from light to dark? Ombré 4. What are paintings that are painted directly onto wet plaster called? Frescos 5. What name is given to a drawing of a group of everyday objects placed together? Still lifes 6. What American artist called his studio "The Factory"? Andy Warhol 7. In Botticelli's painting "The Birth of Venus", what is Venus standing on? a Scallop Shell 8. Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine chapel? Michelangelo 9. What is the Venus de Milo missing? Her arms 10. What school of art was Salvador Dalí a part of? Surrealism