Quarantine Quizzes: Food and drink round 2

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Food and drink round 2 1. Which animal produces 'veal' meat? ​Young male cows 2. Champagne is traditionally made from a blend of three grape varieties; pinot noir, pinot meunier and...? a) sauvignon blanc b) chardonnay c) merlot ​b) chardonnay 3. From 1689 to 1751, London experienced a crisis due to what beverage? Gin. The government introduced The Gin Act in 1751 in a bid to reduce the consumption of spirits in the capital 4. Hedgehog, Black Trumpet and Morel are types of what? M ​ ushroom 5. Which takeaway food is so popular in Japan at Christmas that it often has to be ordered weeks in advance? a) Sushi-Hut b) Taco Bell c) KFC c) KFC - KFC have been running their 'a Kentucky Christmas' advertising campaign every Christmas in Japan since 1974 6. What are rollmops made from? P ​ ickled herring 7. In which British county can The Rhubarb Triangle be found? ​Yorkshire (West Yorkshire) 8. The German Reinheitsgebot, or beer purity law, was put into place in 1516. It outlines the 4 permitted ingredients that can be included in German beer. These include water and what other 3 ingredients? B ​ arley, hops and yeast 9. Why should you not eat honey made from rhododendron pollen? ​It can cause ‘mad honey disease’ in humans. The symptoms are dizziness, excessive perspiration and vomiting 10. Americans call them scallions. What do Brits call them? S ​ pring onions

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