Food and drink round 2 1. Which animal produces 'veal' meat? Young male cows 2. Champagne is traditionally made from a blend of three grape varieties; pinot noir, pinot meunier and...? a) sauvignon blanc b) chardonnay c) merlot b) chardonnay 3. From 1689 to 1751, London experienced a crisis due to what beverage? Gin. The government introduced The Gin Act in 1751 in a bid to reduce the consumption of spirits in the capital 4. Hedgehog, Black Trumpet and Morel are types of what? M ushroom 5. Which takeaway food is so popular in Japan at Christmas that it often has to be ordered weeks in advance? a) Sushi-Hut b) Taco Bell c) KFC c) KFC - KFC have been running their 'a Kentucky Christmas' advertising campaign every Christmas in Japan since 1974 6. What are rollmops made from? P ickled herring 7. In which British county can The Rhubarb Triangle be found? Yorkshire (West Yorkshire) 8. The German Reinheitsgebot, or beer purity law, was put into place in 1516. It outlines the 4 permitted ingredients that can be included in German beer. These include water and what other 3 ingredients? B arley, hops and yeast 9. Why should you not eat honey made from rhododendron pollen? It can cause ‘mad honey disease’ in humans. The symptoms are dizziness, excessive perspiration and vomiting 10. Americans call them scallions. What do Brits call them? S pring onions