Quarantine Quizzes: Food and drink round 8

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QUARANTINE QUIZZES Food and drink round 8: Cheese 1. What causes the blue colour in blue cheese? ​Mould 2. Halloumi cheese traditionally comes from which medditeranean island? Cyprus 3. Which country is paneer from? ​India 4. The Italian cheese Casu Marzu is outlawed because it contains, what? a) a psycho-tropic drug b) live insects c) human milk ​b) live insects - specifically maggots. You’re supposed to eat it with your eyes closed as the maggots can jump!! 5. What is used to give red leicester and american cheddar its orange colour​? a) saffron b) annato seeds c) carrot juice b ​ ) annato seeds 6. Fondu, or melted cheese, is a national dish from which country? Switzerland 7. Which mild Norwegian cheese has holes in it caused by carbon dioxide produced by bacteria? ​Jarlsberg 8. The leaves of which plant are wrapped around Cornish yarg? a) dandelion b) tomato c) nettle ​c) it’s nettle leaves 9. What type of cheese did Samuel Pepys bury in his garden to protect it from the Great Fire of London? ​Parmesan - it was so valuable it used to be used as collateral for bank loans, so he buried his to protect it 10. What type of British cheese is sometimes called “the king of the cheeses”? ​Stilton

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