Geek round 1: Games 1. What kind of animal is Donkey Kong? A gorilla 2. How many movies have been based on the Tombraider games? 3 - Two with Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft, and one with Alicia Vikander 3. What is the name of the purple suspect in Cluedo? Professor Plum 4. The Netflix adaptation of the videogame The Witcher stars which British actor? H enry Cavill 5. Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo starred as which video game characters in the 1993 film of the same name? The Super Mario Brothers. 6. What board game was originally called La Conquête du Monde (The Conquest of the World)? Risk 7. The character Cavity Sam features in what game? O peration! The game was first released in 1965 and is estimated to now be worth $40million dollars, but its designer was paid only $500 for the idea. 8. Not for the politically correct and definitely not for children or innocent adults, which party game came out in 2011? C ards Against Humanity 9. Which video games mostly take place on the fictitious Wumpa Islands, south of Australia? Crash Bandicoot 10. Which construction game allows players to collect, assemble or destroy a variety of blocks in a three-dimensional world? Minecraft