QUARANTINE QUIZZES Geek round 2: Games 1. In the Zelda games, what is the name of the hero? Link 2. In the board game Scrabble, how many points is the letter J worth? 8 3. In Trivial Pursuit, what topic is represented by the colour yellow? History 4. What kind of creature is the character Yoshi from the Super Mario series? A dinosaur 5. In what casino game might you be asked to bet on ‘rouge ou noir’? Roulette 6. In the original Donkey Kong arcade game, Donkey Kong faces off against a character called Jumpman. What is Jumpman now better known as? Mario / Super Mario 7. The four ghosts in the 1980s arcade game Pacman are called: Inky, Blinky, Pinky and...? Clyde 8. Which game comes with a mat with six rows of circles in bold primary colours? Twister 9. Pogs, which are based on the game 'milk caps' originated in which American state? Hawaii 10. What is your main playing piece in 'The Game of Life'? A car