QUARANTINE QUIZZES Geek round 3 1. Although Jabba the Hutt appeared in the first Star Wars film, we didn't actually see the giant green space slug until the third film. Why not? a) we only heard his voice b) they didn't have the budget c) he was grey in the first film b ) they didn't have any budget for a costume so he was played by a guy in a furry jacket 2. Which sci-fi film is based on the novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' Blade Runner 3. In the movie Alien, Sigourney Weaver's character Ripley has a pet cat. What is it called? Jones / Jonesy 4. In which sci-fi blockbuster do we see a pilot say, “I picked a helluva day to quit drinkin" before attacking the alien invaders? I ndependence Day 5. Which Star Wars movie is currently the highest grossing sci-fi movie of all time (accurate as of 2019)? The Force Awakens 6. Which sci-fi author developed the “three rules of robotics”, which are now actually used by engineers? Isaac Asimov 7. Which sci-fi adventure book opens with the lines; "Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the galaxy lies a small, unregarded yellow sun.” - The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy 8. What species was Spock’s mother in Star Trek: The original series? Human. His dad was a Vulcan. 9. Who wrote and directed the 1971 film THX 1138? George Lucas - it was his first big film before Star Wars 10. Who wrote the first major novel about a war with alien invaders? H.G. Wells - The War of the Worlds. The book came out in 1898