Language round 1 1. If you suffer from Podophobia, what are you afraid of? Feet 2. In cockney rhyming slang what does "Hampsteads" mean? Teeth - Hampstead Heath, teeth. 3. What is the official language of Madagascar? F rench/ Malagasy 4. ‘Veni, vidi, vici’ is a Latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar – what does it mean in English? I came, I saw, I conquered 5. The English word 'noisesome' means an offensive: a) sound b) sight c) smell d) feeling c) an offensive smell 6. Which year did Oxford Dictionaries declare 'Selfie' the word of the year? 2013 7. Why do some people use a double space after each sentence when typing? T ypewriters! - Because of the spacing of the keys on a typewriter, writers needed to include an extra space to clearly define the sentence. 8. What is a mondegreen? Misheard song lyrics. The phrase comes from a commonly misheard lyric from a 17th century ballad, which many thought said; "They have slain the Earl O’Moray, And Lady Mondegreen." The correct phrasing is actually, “And laid him on the green.” 9. The word helicopter literally means? a) sun flyer b) spiral wing c) sun wing b) spiral wing 10. The word 'vomitorium' refers to a) the first aid room at a fairground b) the entrance to a Roman theatre or stadium c) a room at the side of ancient feast halls for guests to purge when they have overeaten
QUARANTINE QUIZZES b) the entrance to a Roman theatre or stadium. It derives from the Latin verb vomō, "to spew forth" as the entrances were designed to provide rapid egress for large crowds.