QUARANTINE QUIZZES Science round 2 1. Terra is the Latin name for which planet in our solar system? Earth 2. What scale of zero to 14 is used to measure acidity or alkalinity? T he pH scale 3. Which form of cloud has an anvil shape and is associated with heavy showers and storms? C umulonimbus 4. Which way does earth rotate? Counter-clockwise 5. Double Nobel prize winning scientist and famous for her work on radioactivity. What is her name? M arie Curie. 6. Which organ produces Insulin in the body? The pancreas 7. William Sturgeon was an English physicist and inventor who made the first electromagnets, and is credited with inventing the first practical electric - what? a) Toothbrush b) Radio c) Motor c ) Motor - these are now used in everything from electric cars and drones to vibrators 8. Which is the most flexible muscle in the human body? The tongue 9. What do 1,000 gigabytes make? A terabyte 10. Which mineral forms the lead in a pencil? G raphite