Diseño, Automatización y Centrifugas S.A. de C.V.
HIGH CENTRIFUGAL MACHINERY LEVEL Equipment for demanding production processes
The DACSA centrifugal seek to homogenize results in quantity and quality, our secret, lies in the personalized treatment, handling .and precise use of resources
Technical Assistence
PREFACE With the knowledge gained over the years in the automation of various equipment, across the country and the world, we feel able and proud to unify this experience in spinning equipment with the highest quality in Mexican engineering, presenting our Centrifugal line Intermittent DAC and Continuous Centrifugals DAC, machinery that competes in the market with exceptional performance, outstanding use of resources that cares to satisfy the needs of the client, demands of the process and achieve autonomous .retribution of the investment
The Centrifuges DACSA seeking to homogenize results in quality and quantity, the main advantage of this equipment is the particular .personalized mass treatment
By knowing the raw material of our process, it is inevitable to know the variables and factors that inluence .the results of our production
DAC BATCH Diferentes capacidades: 1000 |
The Centrifugal that makes more efficient the process of Centrifuging cooked dough of white and raw sugar 1300
Great Production
Excepcional Quality
Dacsa 1750
Basket Measurements )mm) Diameter x Height x Surface
Basket Measurements )inch) Diameter x Height x Surface
Real Loading capacity in Liters
Real Loading capacity in Kg
Real Loading capacity in Liters considering 12% pre-purge
Real Loading capacity in Kg considering 12% pre-purge
Volume in cubic meter m3
Cycles per hour depending of dough quality
Cooked dough per ton per jour )per real volume real depending of dough quality)
Cooked dough per ton per hour )Considering an additional of 12%)
Ton of processed sugar per hour considering a loss of 40% of sugar honey )Considering an additional of 12%)
From A to Z Centrifugal DAC has full control of the product
Through the stainless steel feed chute that maintains the safety of the product and favors the maintenance of the same pipeline, in charge of inserting the raw material and irst part where the percentage of quality is compromised, however, with the batch DAC there is no need to worry about the alteration of this percentage of quality, since the passage through our feed chute is precisely regulated by our butterly valve system who controls the direct insertion to the machine. Manufactured with Stainless Steel and Sealing EPDM (food grade KTW) ensures the best handling for sugar.
The objective of our equipment is to achieve the highest numbers in quantity and the best quality in sugar that can be obtained.
Production yields providing improvements in all components. The mechanisms of action of our teams ensure the best control of the product and precision; thanks to the algorithm that ensures the equipment receives the right amount that the equipment can control: in this way it is invested in the total and maximum use of performance capacity without causing an efort that damages the equipment
Achieving optimal results at the limit of operation The DACSA Batch centrifugal works through a precise and strategic link between its components, this is favorable when starting the cycle
Better Component Performance
Better use of the dough
Better Production results
Better treatment in the quality of sugar
The centrifuge operates the load control by means of a closed link between the energy current to which the equipment operates and the product to be centrifuged; a customized process is generated since the necessary quantity that the equipment can operate in relation to the engine energy is regulated
The control and knowledge of metrics, regarding the execution of closed loop between product load and engine energy that is expressed during feeding and before the product is unloaded; ensures the analysis of processed quantity This metric brings new resources to the operator, centrifugal and ingenuity. The way how its process has developed; retribution of the same and how the planning of the use of resources will favor our objectives It is possible to capture, in the previous lines, the faithful commitment of our team to the product as the smart opening of the process that is manifested during the feeding that is our correct starting point for a successful centrifugation that needs to obtain the results that the ingenuity and sugar deserves
The correct application of water in the wash, has beneficial effects on the quality of sugar
We have pointed out a lot in the smart use of resources and what it means for the deinition of the process. In this particular part of the process, water control is an important factor since if the just amount that the process needs is not applied it could be chaotic for the quality of the product and the eiciency of the process that is sought.
Improves the quality of sugar
Reduces humidity Increase the efficiency of the machine’s performance. Decrease the amount of impurities Avoid variations in the color of sugar.
The treatment that the product receives during the whole process is prevailing either accurately and always in favor of obtaining better results
Complete washing system with pressure switch and rinsing system of the feeding duct.
38mm (1-1 / 2 “) diameter wash system, consisting of a water ilter, pneumatic actuator with special counter low valve to prevent water hammer and give longer life, high pressure food grade hose 25mm (1 “), lute ixation bracket and washing lute with stainless steel spouts to achieve the correct sugar washing with high eiciency and durability with water pressure switch for fault detection during washing and thus avoid an unnecessary download.
The plow rinse and flushing system of the supply duct consists of the same system of counter flow valves which guarantees automatic operation
FAST AND EFFECTIVE SUGAR COLLECTION Innocuousness The indicated separation of the product from the basket thanks to our DACSA discharger that executes the discharge in a precise and eicient way.
This part of the process is vital to take advantage of the maximum potential of the machine, once the proper treatment has been given to the product and that the centrifugation cycle has been successfully carried out, it is inevitable to remove the mass that is already listed in the Basket. In order to respond to this need, the centrifuge includes the DACSA discharger to release the sugar properly and take full advantage of the production. This mechanism is located on the lid of the centrifugal, the design is very compact, its maintenance and the change of worn parts is easy and simple. It is constructed of a stainless steel hollow bar, on which the stainless steel blade of more than one meter is fastened, equipped with food-grade polyethylene scraper ends, this combination completely eliminates the fear of fabric breakage during the discharge of product.
The food grade nylamid blade ensures product safety while fully discharging.
With this reliable, precise and practical system it is possible to carry out the complete discharge of the sugar, thus avoiding the recirculation of the same to the system again; has a mechanical devicepneumatic high security to prevent accidental entry of the plow, has safety guards to prevent accidental contact of personnel. Its system consists of three standardized pneumatic cylinders (horizontal, vertical and safety). This allows to calibrate the unloader for optimal operation, it helps to make its entry smooth. This system is safe and efective for the total collection of sugar that has been produced.
Safety Mechanical insurance is implemented, which, in conjunction with the software, will prevent the unloader from entering at high speed.
Practicality Refurbishment Due to its technology and its operation system it allows its spare parts to be easily acquired.
Due to the structure and design of the unloader, its operation is practical and eicient.
DACSA reinforces the centrifugation process to reach limits
Electro pneumatic board Our systems make use of electro pneumatic technology, for this reason we have simpliied the base of these components and assembled it in a stainless steel cabinet Nema 4 (IP65) with two manifolds of 12 electro valves, their coils with light signaling of easy manipulation and high performance, covering all pneumatic performance
Stainless Steel Discharge Valve System with Centering
Manufactured totally in stainless steel, our unloading and centering system consists of a valve located in the lower part of the basket, it is activated by pneumatic cylinders from the upper part of the basket through a stainless steel sleeve that is ixed to the bell ; It also includes a dough distributor that is ixed to the main axis of the machine at the height of the fall of the dough to achieve a fast load and uniform distribution to the height and width of the basket. It also consists of a system of centering between four bearings to avoid that during the unloading process any type of oscillation or movement of the basket occurs and causes irregularities leaving areas with sugar.
The oscillation sensor is ixed to the bearing housing and to the main support, it detects the displacement of the axis of the .machine
The system includes a water separator, air iltering in two stages (40 and 5 microns) with lubrication and automatic purge stage, closing valve 3/2 with manual activation and exhaust outlet to avoid counter-pressure
It consists of two bases for the connection of sensors, placed in an accessible way to the physical parts of the machine, which allows easy installation of sensors and easy maintenance
Includes 4 LED lamps which are placed so that they illuminate the interior of the basket to monitor both the mass load and color of the sugar
Flexible coupling system to the oscillation formed by a special coupling with steel pins and rubber bushings that resist the acceleration and braking torque without transmitting vibration
Implementation of sugar honey sorter in stainless steel, including valves and pneumatic actuators
LUBRICATION IN BALL BEARING BOX Highly efective lubrication system to increase the service life of the bearings, this gradual care improves the performance of the equipment. It consists of a mist type lubricator that regulates the oil output and the injected air pressure towards the bearing box, it also includes oil recovery tanks and pressure regulator for a proper calibration of the air coming from the maintenance unit .
What makes the batch DAC a smart device?
Supervision capacity and total control of your Centrifugal
We assembled the control system in an elegant stainless steel cabinet Nema 4 (IP65) with PLC with digital and analog inputs and outputs, Ethernet port for network communication and monitoring, 12-inch touch screen with .USB port for programming
This equipment is located on the centrifuge by means of a support that allows to manipulate the board and position it in the most convenient way
FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT The basket is a primordial component of the centrifuge, is where the magic appears and where the transformation of quality sugar is performed, for these and more reasons the attention and focus that DACSA dedicates to this component goes beyond a mechanical piece, it is the very heart of the team
Robust and durable Mechanical construction worthy of a high level of performance
Assembled with a rolled and perforated casing in 3/4 “thick duplex stainless steel, so the loor and lid are made of stainless steel castings, the Fabric, Entretela and Contrata are also included. to its irm 2205-22% Nickel and 5% Chrome duplex steel design, with safety protection factors, high mechanical and chemical resistance, that this material provides, protecting it from the efect of mechanical fatigue The perforations of this basket are no longer conventional holes, but elliptical cuts that allow a greater open area and at the same time greater mechanical resistance to stresses
Efficiency in operation, treatment and purge of the dough.
We seek to provide everything necessary to achieve a team with the highest standards of quality and production, covering the processes of treatment and automated purging we focus on building an armor for eicient and lasting battle that means the harvests, presenting the intermittent DAC as the ideal equipment for the sugar mills
Main Support for Ball Bearing Box
Tetrapode where the central part of the support is located to the rotating assembly, including the bearing box, drum brake, suspension and cushioning, made of carbon steel
Covers in Stainless Steel for Centrifugal Body
It consists of a front cover, two side and one back; all in stainless steel sheet and drilled to screw to the envelope
Ball Bearing Box
Made of carbon steel with bronze seat, it includes ball bearings that can be lubricated. The main shaft is adapted to the bearing housing by means of a coupling that allows excellent ixing and grip
Stainless Steel Envelope Lids
It consists of two split covers with inspection window in stainless steel 5/16 “for the coating of the entire centrifuge
Stainless Steel body
Carbon steel cylinder 1/2 “thick, with 1 1/4” thick upper and lower plates supported by a strong proile at each corner They include helical delectors to separate the poor honey
Brake system
Its application consists of a braking drum made of gray iron cast iron resistant to high temperatures with friction-resistant balatas, the braking ofered is very eicient since it has enough contact surface
Suspension System
Tripod in Carbon Steel with Aerodynamic design
Chromed Carbon Steel Arrow ))Axle
It consists of a bipartite ring of rubber that allows excellent damping, in addition to being adjustable by means of screws and interchangeable on the outside, without the need to disassemble the machine
Basket Center made of carbon steel casting, consists of three aerodynamic arms to avoid the incrustation of sugar, lange to the loor of the basket
Made of carbon steel with a hard chrome inish, it is ixed to the tripod by means of a conical coupling and for the extraction of the arrow it has grooves for injecting oil pressure
Representative energy savings
The frequency driver and regenerative unit from 350 HP to 422 amperes, are ideal for batch centrifugal with high performance, are new generation of the DRIVES SSD line. They are integrated in cabinets, has ultra-fast fuses for the general power of 440 volts and thermo magnetic main switch. Ultrafast fuse protection in the DC BUS between drive and regenerative, it has integrated its ventilation system in cabinets. Thermal protection for forced ventilation of the engine in centrifuge, the cabinet has LED lighting for easy maintenance. 350 HP drive where all dynamic regenerative braking is used by means of the AFE (Active Front End) system, returning the clean energy of harmonics thanks to its double iltering.
Three Phase Motor 350HP
Three-phase induction motor - cage rotor Power: 350 HP - 267 kW Nominal rotation: 900 rpm Rated voltage: 440V Rated current: 420 amp
DACSA during its journey of technological development, takes advantage of these advances to ofer solutions for the sugar mills factories through the implementation of improvements in the equipment, it will remain faithful to obtaining a quality sugar, they are worthy equipment of the 21st century. The mass of A and B are a raw material with peculiar characteristics and composition these resources must have certain control in the treatment and process of it DACSA understood about the terms and conditions that this product is for its existence and correct transformation. However, the mechanisms and equipment delimited the scope and production potential without mentioning how laborious it could be for the operators to take charge of .a production line
DACSA verify these complications and turns them into a challenge to homogenize high production and quality performances, diminishing the fatigue of human resources and taking full advantage of the capabilities of the machinery
DAC CONTINOUS Different capacities 1000
Great Production
Exceptional Quality
Dacsa 1300
Outer diameter of the basket )mm) Sieve Surface )cm2) Necessary Base surface )mmxmm) Motor measurements )mm) Body equipment height )mm) Feeding system height
The centrifuge that makes more efficient the process of centrifugal mass A and B
Maximum Speed )1/min) A Mass production with 350HP engine )t/h) B Mass production with 350HP engine )t/h)
For more than 15 years, DACSA has focused on these purposes and proudly presents the fusion of years of experiencence in a single team.
The DAC 1300 stands out mainly for its excellent performance thanks to the preparation of the cooked dough since its introduction to the process, we present a robust equipment that expresses safety in its composition and stability in its execution.
Feeding System Improvement of product treatment since its introduction to the process
The DAC 1300 fulills its mission from the irst contact of the mass with the equipment, in the phase of feeding, our machine starts up the improvement of product treatment from its introduction to the process, the dough already meets the correct treatment that will inluence in the total production performance. This supply of food cleans the product waste and its contamination, as well as .the bad treatment of the product
With the implementation of foot valves of mixer and mass control valve manufactured in Stainless Steel and with EPDM sealing that maintains the innocuousness that the process deserves this implementation in our equipment ofers a closed loop actuation system which allows to have the machine at full load taking full advantage of its performance
CONE RECEIVER OF MASS This piece in stainless steel controls the insertion of the product with the butterly valve, due to its peculiar design it concentrates and slides the dough towards the next component, which is the defragmenter with its amortization gasket to keep the food sealed.
DEFRAGMENTER When reaching the mass this piece in Stainless Steel enters uniformly and with its particular pin design is given a triple treatment that gets the defragmentation of the mass this with the sole purpose of preparing the dough for its proper distribution within the equipment and Make the most of the reach of centrifugation and constant purging.
PEEPHOLE OF MASS It ofers a direct supervision regarding the treatment and incursion of the product towards the equipment, the operator can evaluate the feeding through this component, and it is possible to visualize how thanks to the treatment a swirl is generated that avoids the saturation of this window.
MASS DISTRIBUTOR At this point the DAC 1300 has already guaranteed the highest purge performance of up to 15% to 25%, with a mass preparation that does not damage the grain but that does get the correct stimulation to obtain the necessary consistency to improve the centrifugation. At the same time ofers a constant purge and provide greater life for the screens by the smooth and uniform distribution that covers 100% the capacity of the equipment.
Dacsa reinforces the centrifugal process to reach limits
One Single Angle Basket The demands of the market require components of the highest quality and performance, same reason why, we ofer our single angle basket to improve the continuous performance of continuous purge, with our design and diameter of 1300 mm (depending on the model), makes the stage of purging a continuous performance, manufactured with materials that are governed by demanding quality standards during its manufacture, each basket requires a rigorous testing process to provide safety, debug risks and obtain .optimal performance
This piece has an angle of 25 ° which increases the retention time of the sugar more and in this way we obtain the adequate purging and washing of the sugar with chromo nickel screens. We ofer the possibility of implementing Johnson-type structural baskets, it is not necessary to make adjustments or acquire diferent fasteners, since with the model of mixed fastener rings it allows fastening screens such as nickel or Johnson type.
FOR MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE The DACSA centrifugal serves as an intelligent team for the total control of the process, thus taking advantage of the energy resources, information to achieve the optimal administration process and the .opening of analyzing the information and facilitating the generation of a report
Control Mode The DACSA centrifugal is installed with PLC for greater control this ofers a wide scope of monitoring, having total control of accessible operation is ofered the capacity of PLC for analogous readings like vibration, feeding positioner and .motor current It has a touch screen where you can easily operate the lubrication in relation to current and motor, allows to have all the security as real speed control of the machine, starter currents or even automatic cleanings with water vapor according to deined parameters by the operator. The work is on foot of stainless steel machine that allows the operator .to control and manage
Efficiency in operation, treatment and bleeding of the mass.
The use of energy is an important issue for the operation, however it is considered as an important factor for the proitability of the sugar mill. A power board with an included 150 HP speed drive is implemented. With this option it is possible to place the centrifuge in “A� doughs, regulating the speed from the operation screen, without the need to change pulleys or belts and, above all, have even softer start ramps than a starter, giving greater life to the belts. at each start and intelligently using energy.
CARE AND ATTENTION TO EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT It includes the automatic system of washing screens with water, with the integration of backlow valves to avoid the annoying hammer blows
The treatment of sugar is an important issue for the machines that are manufactured in DACSA, as well as keeping the equipment and its components clean to maintain the quality standard that the product deserves and DACSA ofers The automatic system also includes washing screens with steam, these washes can be programmed according to what is required by the mill and from the touch screen Once the wash cycle has been completed, the centrifugal automatically returns to its normal operating parameters
Active Programm Monitor
WATER CONTROL We seek to achieve the best spin performance by correctly applying these parameters by regulating the amount of water low in conjunction with the motor energy and the percentage of opening of the feed valve. To avoid excess of water we designed this system that works by closed cycle automatically feeds back allowing controlling the proportional water mass lubrication, based on the motor energy.
It includes Flowmeter Filter Positioner Stainless pipe Water pressure switch Emergency manual bypass High temperature hose
The automatic operation of water lubrication is as follows:
I c ha rg e = I rea l - I va a cc um (I c ha rg e) x (fa c tor) = l t s x m i n Ex: Machine with a load energy of 40A and with a setpoint of 0.1 to 1. Stands for: 40A
* 0.70 liter
28 Liter / Amper
* 0.50 liter
20 Liter / Amper
* 0.35 liter
14 Liter / Amper
* 0. 23 liter
9. 2 Liter / Amper
* 0.04 liter
1.6 Liter / Amper
MAINTENANCE UNIT SA system has been implemented for the treatment of water separation with automatic purge, ilters the air and lubricates to obtain a continuous and stable beneit that improves the gradual performance. The air is iltered in two stages (40 and 5 microns) with a lubrication and automatic purge stage. This system is made up of a 3/2 shut-of valve with manual activation and exhaust outlet to avoid counter-pressure.
VIBRATION SENSOR Our sys tem contains a vibration monitoring sys tem giving us 2 alerts •Alert (warning): this alert can be configured from HMI and it only informs us that there is a high vibration •Alert (s top): This alert can be configured and performs a total s top of the machine.
CURRENT MONITORING When the energy passes on 15% of the rated energy ins tantaneously, it is sent to automatically reduce 5 Ampere to the load set point and if this current over the s tipulated time that is ( 1 to 15 sec) adjus table from HMI, it is immediately closes the blade at the foot of the mixer. Leaving the machine in rotation , having the same closing process in the feeding duct. When the rated current exceeds 30% of the nominal current of the motor, then it is tripped ins tantaneously to avoid damage to the engine. In other words, the machine s tops and switch off everything.
SIGNAL MONITORING Our sys tem generates a his tory of warnings and alarms. And in case of sugar mills need to monitor, they are given the data or values they wish to be monitoring from their centralized sys tem (SCADA) In cases of several machines, blocking or s tarting of all machines is controlled ( When you have the same control)
Exclusive lamps of the DAC continuous these lamps are synchronized automatically with the machine, no matter what speed they have, achieving a reference vision of purge in the basket. Stroboscopic LED lamps with low power consumption (less than 12 watts)
They withstand humidity, vibrations and maintain the safety of the equipment Made of high impact resistant hard polycarbonate Manual rinsing system to wash the inspection window.
Se compone de dos cubiertas bipartidas con ventana de inspección en acero inoxidable de 5/16” para el recubrimiento de toda la centrifuga
Centro de Canasta fabricado de fundición de acero al carbón, consta de tres brazos aerodinamicos para evitar la incrustacion de la azucar, brida al piso de la canasta
SUSPENSION The machine is robust and suitable for the centrifugation process that the sugar mills deserve, we implement a spring-free suspension, avoid noise when operating, this new design maintains 4 independent supports free of maintenance.
BODY EQUIPMENT The body equipment is made of carbon steel plate that gives it a lot of strength and in the inner part where it receives the impact of the sugar is lined in stainless steel plate.
WE ARE PRESENT IN MORE THAN 15 COUNTRIES Dacsa has expanded beyond the horizons Mexicans to offer the market solutions and improvements in treatment, quality and production of sugar.
International representatives
Caribe Comercial S.R.L. Av. San Martín #253 Ediicio Santanita l. Santo Domingo República Dominicana (809) 541 7411 info@caribecomercial.com www.caribecomercial.com
Comercializadora Jamhesa S.A.S
Comercializadora Industrial de Centro America S.A.
10 Avenida 15-82 Zona 10 Guatemala
Calle 42 A No. 9A - 83 Palmira Valle Colombia
(502) 2385 3909 (502) 2385 4267
(573) 2287 4611 (573) 0065 2378 5
Diseño, Automatización y Centrifugas S.A. de C.V.
Dirección Av. El León 504# Col: El León Atlixco, Puebla México
Contacto 52 244 446 3600 52 244 446 3601
Online info@dacsa.com.mx www.dacsa.com.mx