, VisualisierTE aRBEITSproben ‘
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,isierTE Visual,aRBEVisualisierTE aRBEITSproITSproben ‘ ben ‘
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„The relevance of knowledege“- Central Station Urumqi, Xinjiang Region
\\\\\\Passion for architecture and passion for being an architect of the track\\\\\ ‚Visualisierte Arbeitsproben‘ ist eine Selektion an Arbeiten die ich während meiner Ausbildung an der TU Wien, der Tongji University Shanghai, in Amsterdam für VenhoevenCS Architecs und in Istanbul zusammen mit ONORTHODOX gestaltet, entworfen, organisiert bzw. visualisiert habe. Die Reihung ist nach Städten geordnet, Wien-Amsterdam-Istamnul-Shanghai und soll einen ersten Eindruck vermitteln in meine Arbeiten und Herangehensweisen . Die dahinter steckenden Konzept, Ideen, Pläne, Filme und Erfolge sind entweder verlinked oder in extra Arbeiten gebunden.
Shortlist:: 3 hervorzuhebende Projekte >> Projektresultate >&> Erfolge
- CS…… Creative System>, HB2-TUWien mit Manuelle Gautrand, Entwerfen, 02/09 Entwurf und Visualisierung eines Urbanen Blocks, Konzeptuelle Änderungen des Aspern City Masterplans >>Ausstellung und Publikation TUWien und Aspern Developer, Nennung BauForum 03/09 -
Amsterdam Lelylaan für VenhoevenCS Architekten, Amsterdam Konzept- Entwurf und Visualisierung, Auftrag DRO (Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening) >> Auftrag für Studie und Vison, folge Studie >> Auftrag für Entwurf und Ausführung -
Hoek van Holland für VenhoevenCS Architekten, Amsterdam Konzept- Entwurf und Visualisierung, Auftrag DRO (Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening) >> Auftrag für Studie und Vison, folge Studie >> Auftrag für Entwurf und Ausführung
Table of content:
- educated and designed in Vienna @www Vienna UT - Creatvie System- Aspern City urban design page from 9 - to 17 - Verlust der Zeit. Spa situated on the east bank of the beautiful Traunsee architecture page from 19 - to 27 - Sotschi, Winter Olympics 2012 visualisation page from 29 - to 29 - Nice View. Observation deck and restaurant overlooking the historic, old town of Salzburg, Austria architecture page from 31 - to 33 - Chinatown Vienna, 1050. strategies to acquire the public space page from 35 - to 37 - the New Metropolitan Mainstream. lNURA VIENNA, international network for urban research an action mapping the NMM, VIE page from 38 - to 41 - Fix it Fast. 4 students, a galelry, a niche and a collection of waste material hands on page from 42 - to 43 - WE’R AMSTERDAM. internship@Fabric + internship plus employmed@VenhoevenCS - Amsterdam Lelylaan. infrastructure node in a social diverse neighbourhood urban design + architecture page from 46 - to 55 - Hoek van Holland. extend- densify- acupuncture- hybrid urban design page from 56 - to 63 - Amsterdam Stadionplein- Citroen monuments. re-use the space, re-use the structure urban design + architecture page from 64 - to 71
- Istanbul, salt and teargas by ONORTHODOX - Eyes on|of Tarlabasi. visuel, urban research in an inner city ghetto of Istanbul artistic research page from 74 - to 77 - Workshop, Istanbul by ONORTHODOX let the interdisciplinary bubble burst page from 78 - to 79 follow up - SOHO in Ottakring. exhibition and participatory projects page from 80 - to 83 - Das sensitive Auge. visuel, urban research in a gentrified neighbourhood in Vienna artistic research page from 84 - to 87 - Big, big China, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University Shanghai -Shanghai, ‘Der zerstörerische Weg einer werdenen Weltstadt’ Honkou ::Wide and Close::, highspeed replacement and densification in China. photo documentation page from 90 - to 93 - no LoGo. how to atract customers in a chinese shopping street interior design page from 94 - to 95
Projekt Beschreibung: Titel: CS... Creative System- Creatvie Complex Projekt: essentielle Modifikationen des Masterplans der Seestadt Aspern & Entwurf eines st채dtischen Blocks. Jahr: 2009 GastbetreuerIn- Institut: Manuelle Gautrand, Paris- HB2 Projektresultate und Erfolge: Ausstellung- Prechtelsaal TU Wien, Publikation- Ergebnisbrosch체re der Wien 3420, Aspern Development AG, Nennung Bauforum 03/09
/////MODIFICATION, //////////////////////////MASTERPLAN ////////////////////////AsPERN //////////////CITY ////////// place of interest
Generell: urban desing: Das größte Stadterweiterungsprojekt Europas mit der Zukunftsidee eine Region zu stärken die länderübergreifend entwickelt werden soll. Reisbrettstadtplanung unter Hoheit der Europäischen Union. Als Grundlage der symbolisch, konservative Masterplan des Architekten Tovatts. Schritt_1: essentielle Modifikation des Mp.: von der Seestadt zur Kanalstadt, aus der Ebene in Richtung Hanglage. In einem direkten Vergleich, Dichte und Größe zwischen dem Masterplans Asperns und dem west Zentrum Amsterdams fällt der Unterschied zwischen urbanem und ländlichem Flair extreme ins Auge. Der Vorschlag also. Verdichten und den im Zentrum gelegenen „See“ gegen Kanalsysteme zu tauschen, diese mit direktem Wasser der Donau zu verbinden und Gewässer gegen Grünfläche umwandeln. Den Aushub der Kanäle dazu verwenden eine spannende Landschaft zu modellieren, Klammen, Schluchten und Hügel, um für das Stadterweiterungsgebiet ein starkes Image zu branden.
/////MODIFICATION, //////////////////////////MASTERPLAN ////////////////////////AsPERN //////////////CITY //////////
/////PHASE /////////////1,////URBAN //////////////DEVELOPMENT /////////////////////////////////////////// /////AMSTERDAM, ///////////////////////DENSITY ////////////////AND /////////URBANITY. ///////////////////OUTLINE /////// ASPERN CITY PHASE 1
Architektur: Schritt_2: Der Bauplatz liegt in Phase1 des Entwicklungsplanes und grenzt nördlich an den Ring. Vorgabe: Blockbebauung. Fragestellung:“ In wie weit ist der urbane Block modifikationsfähig um den architektonischen Anforderungen des 21ten Jahrhundert gerecht zu werden und Gestaltungsfreiraum für „future living“ zu ermöglichen, dennoch als klaren, städtischen Bautypus zu adaptieren? - Nutzergruppen: young creatives, young families -Urban block modification in 3 steps: auf der Ebene des öffentlichen Raumes, EG, öffnen um städtischen Leben in den Baukörper zu integrieren. Den Baukörper schneiden, wörtlich sprengen um lokationsbenachteiligte Bereiche des Blockes mit genügend Licht und Luft zu versorgen. Drittens, neuartige Räume, Raumerlebnisse entwerfen sowie an Schnittstellen den privaten und öffentlichen Raum kreuzen.
/////SECTION, /////////////////CS.... ///////////CREATIVE ///////////////////S///////////////////////////
/////URBAN /////////////BLOCK /////////////MODIFICATION //////////////////////////////////////////////// LIVE WORK LIVE WORK LIVE
ome offices h s/ e ic ff o ll a O, sm CONCEPT SOH
-Concept Flexibility; SOHO: Small offices, Home offices: die Idee besteht darin Leben und Arbeiten, Büro und Familie miteinander in Einklang zu bringen und beide Räumlichkeiten innerhalb eines Komplexes zu verbinden. Dabei sind die Units flexibel und adaptierbar, soll heißen, je nach der momentanen Situationen des Haushaltes (Familienstand und Größe) und des Business ist die Möglichkeit gegeben zu wachsen, sich auszubreiten und weitere, benachbarte Units zu adaptieren bzw. diese bei nicht gebrauch abzustoßen, je nach der aktuellen familiären und geschäftlich Lage. Die Förderung der kreativen start ups mit Gemeinschaftsbereichen und kollektiven Bereichen die Infrastruktur vieler Arten beherbergen ist vorhergesehen. Präsentationsräume, Meetingpoints, OPEN offices etc. Be Flexible building!
2-2 1-1
/////FLOORPLAN, ///////////////////////GROUNDFLOOR ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////RENDER, ////////////////COURT //////////////YARD ////////////////////////////////////////////
/////RENDER, ////////////////OUTSIDE/ ///////////////////CORNER ///////////////////////////////////////
Projekt Beschreibung Titel: Verlust der Zeit. Projekt: Entwurf einer Therme/ Spa am FuĂ&#x;e des Traunsteins mit Zugang zum Traunsee Jahr: 2006 Institut: HB2 Team: Andreas Romaner
FLOORPLAN: left: Island and Pool
right: Spa, Thermal Bath
Generell: Aufbauend auf der Fünf- Elemente- Lehre wurde ein Konzept entwickelt, dass sich mit dem Genius Loci der einzig artigen Lokation verbindet. Dabei wurde beachtet den Bauplatz so zu belassen wie ihn die Natur über die Jahrhunderte geformt hat. Empfang und Eingang befinden sich auf einer vorgelagerten Insel die per Shuttle- Boot von der Ortschaft Gmunden erreichbar ist. Danach wir abgetaucht und eingetaucht. Es geht per Förderband unter den Seewasserspiegel ins Innere des Berges. Wie Dome im Fels präsentieren sich die drei verschiedenen Zonen der Thermenlandschaft: Sauna, Erlebnis- sowie Thermalbereich sind nach den 5 Elementen: Holz, Feuer, Metall, Wasser, Erde designed und ausgestattet. Verlust der Zeit, wie der Titel des Projekts, lautet wird zum neuartigen Erlebnis. Die Kraft des Steines und die Kraft des Wassers verbinden sich auf magische Art und Weiße.
Projekt Beschreibung Titel: Sotschi, Winterolympiade 2014- Russland Projekt: Visualisierung- Diplomarbeite P. Straubinger Jahr: 2010
Generell: Freiraum in einer Höhe von 50 m, fliegend über den Dächern von Salzburg. Das raumbildende Fachwerk steht auf den Kopf und umklammert die darin schwebenden Ebenen aus Glas. Diese sind auf 4 verschiedenen Niveaus angeordnet um an jeder Stelle des Restaurants den 270° Ausblick zu erfahren. Horizontal als auch vertikal. Besonders sind auch die frei schwingenden Stühle an der Spitze des Nice View Flügels. Ähnlich des Buges eines Bootes genießt man einen schier unendlichen Ausblick über Stadt und Berge und den Horizont. Die über dem Restaurant liegende Aussichtsplattform ist extensiv begrünt und fungiert als Erweiterung des öffentlichen Raumes auf der Spitze des Mönsberges. Einheimische wie Touristen sind eingeladen die Ausweitung des Berges zu nutzen und auf ihre Stadt herab zu schauen.
Projekt Beschreibung Titel: „Nice View“ Projekt: Entwurf einer Aussichtsplattform/ Erlebnisgastronmie situiert am Mönsberg über der barocken AltstadtSalzburgs Jahr: 2005 BetreuerIn- Institut: Chalabi- HB1 Team: Visualisierung von Markus Huber www.openfootage.net
Chinatown/ Wien, 1050 Einleitung:
„Für die Zukunft wünsche ich mir eine lebendige Nutzung der Chinatown/Wien, 1050 [ehem.Kettenbrückengasse], vor allem auch möglichst viele Besucherinnen und Besucher in den umliegenden Kunst- und Kultureinrichtungen.“ Bürgermeister Michael Häupl
Hiermit freuen wir uns ihnen mitzuteilen das sich die Stadt Wien mit der Umwidmung der Ketternbrückengasse in Chinatown/Wien, 1050 arrangieren konnte; Das erste und wesentlichste Zeichen, das Drachentor [Paifang, finanziert durch die Chinesische Gemeinde Wien] wird am 1. Juni 2009 errichtet. Die Festliche Einweihung, durch Wiens Bürgermeister, Michael Häupl, erfolgt um 16 Uhr. Weitere Informationen entnehmen sie bitte unserer Website_ www.wien. gv.at Wir freuen uns auf ihr kommen.
Projekt Beschreibung Titel: Triggering Chinatown- eine provozierende, städtebauliche Simulation Projekt: Analyse, Kritik und Strategien für eine Chinatown in Wien Jahr: 2009 Institut: HB1
Generell: Strategien zur Aneignung des öffentlichen Raumes: Kritik an Konzernen die ihre Produkte aus den Geschäften in den Raum projizieren. Von Repräsentationsarchitektur über Shops zu Flagshipstores, Markenerlebnisparks bis Marktenstädten. Daraus abgeleitet eine Strategie um in Wien, Kettenbrückengasse, spielerisch über eine Chinatown nachzudenken.
view the booklet on ISSUU:
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Projekt Beschreibung Titel: NMM, New Metropolitan Mainstream Projekt: mapping Vienna Jahr: 2010 INURA Wien
Urban Renewal: Aspern City (Vienna´s urban Lakeside)(
Urban Renewal:
Flagship Project & Exclusionary Zones:
& Museums Quarter Hauptbahnhof (VIE Central Railway Station) Renewal: Brunnenviertel Flagship Project & Exclusionary Zones: Urban Urban Renewal: & Museums Quarter Hauptbahnhof (VIE Central Railway Station) City (Vienna´s urban Lakeside) Purpose: Construction of( a new central railway station, in (Original) Purpose: At Aspern the disused Aspern airfield, situat (Original) Purpose: The realization of a contemporary art Purpose: Prime example for the Sanfte Stadterneuerung ed to the north-east of Vienna, will be built a new district in cluding underground links to the city and ring road high-way systems together with fast train connections to Bratislava.
cluding “BahnhofsCity” and urban development Dimensions: 13 tracks, estimated 1,000 trains and 145,000 passengers per day. Total area of new urban development
museums complex with international recognition Dimension: exhibition space 58.000 m² on an 80.000m² area, approx. dimensions 400x200 m, 3.2 million visitors
(soft urban renewal) in cooperation with SOHO in Ottakring (art project festival). Dimensions: Approximately 7000 inhabitants, 0.2km².
Description The complex now hosting the ‘MuseumsQuartier’ (MQ) was originally the Emperor’s horse stables built in 1725, after the First World War until 1998 it was Vienna’s fair ground. Following on a circuitous planning process, the MQ opened in 2001. Today the area consists of 3 major museums, a variety of smaller contemporary art spaces, various cultural organizations and a broad open chill out area in the courtyard. The MQ, intended as a counter weight to Vienna’s overwhelming historical monuments, meant to transport contemporary art and to be a focal point for 21st century creative issues. In terms of city planning and architecture the complex lay under constant siege of the monument protection and faced various planning problems (e.g. capping of the height of the buildings, omission of rear entrances, lack of barrier-free accesses, poor design of front door area and no open call for bids) – resulting in a baroque fortress with its piazza. While the piazza functions well as a public space, it faces daily struggles between the Facility Management, the gastronomy and, a suspiciously homogeneous, urban youth. In short the MQ shows how projects at such a scale are approached and dealt with in Austria.
Description / Reason for this choice / Background context: The Brunnenviertel is a small part of the 16th district (Ottakring), located at the west of the city center. Nowadays the former working class neighborhood holds a high share of immigrant population (40%). Until the mid-1990s the area was affected by disinvestment and had a bad reputation. As
Purpose: Construction ofAt athenew railway station, in (Original) Purpose: Atsite the disused situat (Original) Purpose: The realization of a contemporary art 59airfield, hectare, 550,000 sqm service sector and office space, Dimension: A 240 Hectares including 800 000Aspern sqm per year. time of central its realization the Museum’s Quart Project costs: Around 40 million € 5,000 housing units, for 13,000 persons, social infrastruc (means 8500 apartments) and 1 100 000 sqm com ier was the 8th largest museums complex worldwide Investors: city/ urban district, co-financed by EU funds cluding “BahnhofsCity” and urban development ed tohousing the north-east of Vienna, will be built ature new district in care), 20,000 museums complex with international recognition (2 schools and child jobs (all estimations mercial, retail and research, everything situated around a Project costs: 300 Mil € (UTN II, CADSES); Conwert variing!) 90.000 sqm artificially produced lake; a daily population of Investors: Republic of Austria 75% , City of Vienna 25 % Architects: none Dimensions: 13 tracks, estimated 1,000 trains and 145,000 cluding underground links to the city and ring road high-way Dimension: exhibition space 58.000 m² on an 80.000m² Project costs: 1,199 billion euro for station and infrastruc 45,000 people living and working there. Architects: Ortner&Ortner passengers per day. Total area of new urban development systems with to(recent Bratislava. area, approx. dimensions 400x200 m, 3.2 million visitors estimates) Projecttogether costs: 4 Billion Euro fast - . . . train connectionsture Investors: City of Vienna, Federal Government Austria, Au Investors:Magistrat Wien, BundesImmobilien Gesellschaft, 59 hectare, 550,000 sqm service sector and office space, Dimension: A 240 Hectares site including 800 000 sqm per year. At the time of its realization the Museum’s Quart strian Rail (ÖBB), private investors Wiener Wirtschafts Förderungsfonds & Wohnfonds Wien Hotz/Hoffmann Architects: Masterplan: architects and and planners, 5,000 housing units, for 13,000 persons, social infrastruc housing (means 8500Tovatt apartments) 1 100Architects: 000 sqm com and Wimmer ier was the 8th largest museums complex worldwide Stockholm ture (2 schools and child care), 20,000 jobs (all estimations mercial, retail and research, everything situated around a Project costs: 300 Mil € variing!) 90.000 sqm artificially produced lake; a daily population of Investors: Republic of Austria 75% , City of Vienna 25 % Project costs: 1,199 billion euro for station and infrastruc 45,000 people living and working there. Architects: Ortner&Ortner ture (recent estimates) Project costs: 4 Billion Euro - . . . Investors: City of Vienna, Federal Government Austria, Au Investors:Magistrat Wien, BundesImmobilien Gesellschaft, strian Rail (ÖBB), private investors Wiener Wirtschafts Förderungsfonds & Wohnfonds Wien Architects: Hotz/Hoffmann and Wimmer Architects: Masterplan: Tovatt architects and planners, Description/Reason for this choice/Background conStockholm text
Description / Reason for this choice / Background context Aspern is one of the biggest urban expansion areas in Europe. A new district for housing, science, art, leisure and innovative projects is planned and promoted under the slogan ‚work-life-balance’. Urban design shall be modern and flexible and at the same time based on ecological and social criteria and provide space for future inhabitants from different generations and origins to ‘realize their dreams’. The idea for the project emerged in the course of the EU-eastern enlargement in 2004, in order to create a new prestige project as a solution for the growing society. At the same time the new urban development is part of the City of Vienna’s effort to engage in the new cross-border region CENTROPE and create a visible link between Vienna and Bratislava. Significance for New Metropolitan Mainstream The projection of the new town Aspern creates a new utopian model space to imagine ideal “new ways of living” – which is powerfully filled with dominant conceptions of normativity (little bit open society.., but still closed). At the same time it expresses a strong commitment by the City of Vienna to the development of a competitive, prospering and growing metropolitan region CENTROPE in which Vienna is seen as a nodal point. And the construction of the new district is closely linked to the extension of the subway line (U2) – and vice versa. Stakeholders and their interests Beside the City of Vienna, who focuses on the masterplan and the subway extension, and apart from some families and the technological park, where the Vienna University of Technology holds the majority, it is not clear right now who the stakeholders will be altogether, because especially in the second of three building legs, starting in 2015, a lot of private investment is flowing into the project. Deals There is a crucial deal between the City of Vienna and the ASFINAG (Austrian Highway Building Company). After a new ecological law was enacted, the costs for the projected highway connection exploded (from 428 million up to more than one billion euro) – which provoked a conflict whether the completion could be guarantied until 2016. There are as well some deals made at the tertiary sector with the Vienna University of Technology. Yet, until now, the aim of these deals apparently is to promote the whole project towards new potential users. Impacts As the project is only in its planning stage, possible impacts can only be estimated theoretically. However, it could have an enormous regional and international, positive or negative impact on Vienna in the future.
After the demolition of the former dead-end station (Südbahnhof) a central through station will be constructed. The project includes new track orientation, the adjacent “BahnhofsCity” (shopping, gastronomy, hotels, parking, services, offices, entertainment) and a mayor urbanisation (housing, offices) of Austrian Rail estate (former freight terminal). The project has strategic significance in two important ways. First, being part of the nation wide programme “Bahnhofsoffensive” it aims to trigger urban development through enlargement and modernisation of railway station buildings. And second, embedded in the City of Vienna’s effort to leave behind its dead-end position from the Cold War times and play an active and competitive role as a nodal point in Central Europe, the project performs also a visual integration into the Trans-European Network (TEN. This ambition is also related to Vienna’s engagement in building up a CENTROPE region. Meanwhile the infrastructural significance remains questionable. Instead of improving the subway system (subway passes at long walking distance), an expensive cable liner (automated people mover) is planned to connect the subway station, the railway station and the new neighbourhood. And throughout the country deficitary lines are closed down.
Description/Reason for this choice/Background context After the demolition of the former dead-end station (Süda consequence there was a high rate of building vacancy, which was Description then used by an art project to create temporary Significance The bahnhof) a central through station will be constructed. exhibition possibilities. Bit by bit, SOHO turned into an for New Metnow hosting establishedThe festival.complex Since the city development plan of 2005the ‘MuseumsQuartier’ (MQ) project includes new track orientation, the adjacent r o p o l i “Bahntan the Brunnenvi ertel is defined as to be upgraded through soft horse stables built in 1725, was originally the Emperor’s Mainstream urban renewal (sanfte Stadterneuerung). hofsCity” (shopping, gastronomy, hotels, parking, services, T h e after the First World War until 1998 it was Vienna’s fair unde rlying offices, entertainment) and a mayor urbanisation (housing, Significance for New Metropolitan Mainstream: ground. Following on a circuitous planning process, the s t r o n g The Brunnenviertel has become part of the `creative city`. ambition to offices) of Austrian Rail estate (former freight terminal). opened in 2001. As a placeMQ of creativity and innovation, it was Today discoveredthe area consists of 3 major form a cultural Significance for New Metropolitan Mainstream by cultural workers and now gets consumed by the new f l a g s h ways. ip museums, a varietywasofsupported smaller contemporary art spaces, Theofproject has strategic significance in two important urban middle class. This development Shift of priorities from improvement spatially inclusive qualifies the MQ to be top listed as NMM. In fact the MQ is by the municipality ofcultural Vienna andorganizations private investors. and a broad open chill out various transport systems to spectacular flagship projects. By this now used as a brand to promote itself internationally as a hip First, being part of the nation wide programme “BahnhofsofDescription / Reason for this choice / Background conThe interconnection between (soft) urban renewal and urban area with a multitude of cultural diversity. Additionally symbolically orchestrating competitiveness, international area inasthe gentrification as well the courtyard. importance of private-publicMQ shows in recent years a tendency tothrough censor the enconnectivity and nodal functionsfensive” within CentralitEurope aimsas to the trigger urban development text partnership mechanisms within this process make it MQ, intended as a counter weight to Vienna’s smaller participants of its “self-chosen symbiosis” since the well as stimulating urban redevelopment and valorising exsignificant The for the NMM in Vienna. holding is handling all contracts. and modernisation ofrental railway station buildings. Aspern is one of the biggest urban expansion in Eu-Physical largement overwhelming historical monuments, meant to transport istingareas neighborhoods. and symbolic eradication Especially the restriction of it’s public spaces created of theleisure old images and of inner and outer (demolition discontent the younger generation ofeffort visitors to which Andperiphery second, embedded inamong the City of demonstrations Vienna’s leave rope. A new district for housing, science, art, contemporary art andStakeholdto be a focal point for 21st century concluded in a series of organized on of Südbahnhof). Festivalisation of the construction place ers and their creative issues. Facebook againstfrom the banthe of selfCold catered War drinks on the ‘hip’ and its dead-end position times innovative projects is planned and promoted(Bahnorama) under the slo- of an behind and featuring expensive Cable Liner (by interests: public furniture. T hande architecture the complex lay this activating NMM tool kit of Berlin Potsdamer Platz and In terms of city planning It underlines the point complex seems play an active and competitive rolethatastheawhole nodal point in toCengan ‚work-life-balance’. Urorganizers Hauptbahnhof). Entrepreneurial engagement of City of Vipromote a way of life exclusively for those who are able under constant siege of of the monument protection and faced SOHO enna and Austrian Rail (ÖBB). tral Europe, the project to afford performs or are willing to also live under surveillance of the a the visual integration ban design shall be modern and others various planning problems capping of the height of the management and their house rules. Homeless people are c u l t u r(e.g. al prevented to accessinto the areathe during late night, as well as Trans-European and flexible and at the same Stakeholders and their interests The City of Vienna tries workers are buildings, omission of rear entrances, lack of barrier-free all informal entrepreneurship (e.g. sale of beer and films) interested to improve its position in interurban competition. The enNetwork (TEN. This ambitime based on ecological and accesses, poor designin of front cheap door area and no open call for trepreneurial restructured Austrian Rail hopes to profit from Stakeholders livingand fortress with its piazza. While bids) – resulting in a baroque the valuation of its property. Big deal for the construction intion is also related to Viensocial criteria and provide workspace and their industry. The neighborhoods fear disturbances due to higher the piazza functions and well asana public space, it faces daily terests na’s engagement in building space for future inhabitants activities in the area and threats to its historical monuments inspiring The Republic struggles between environment. The municipality of Viennathe wantsFacility to positionManagement, the gastronomy (approved by UNESCO). Strong criticism from the Austrian of Austria and up a CENTROPE region. itself as a destination from different generations the cultural class and simultaneously City of Vienna and, aforsuspiciously homogeneous, urban youth. In short the court of audit for cost explosion, omission of an open tenderavoid the possible social and reputational costs of the are in strong ing procedure and Meanwhile the infrastrucand origins to ‘realize their discursivelyMQ anticipated slumification the neighborhood. shows how ofprojects at such a scale are approached need for a poor public transLandlords and real estate funds seek rent-gaps. Local modern urban tural significance remains dreams’. The idea for the proand dealt with port project. Very (ethnic) entrepreneurs hope for new customers. image. Further little resonance or in Austria. to be named questionable. Instead of ject emerged in the course of Deals are major resistance from With the tool of soft urban renewal the municipality of Vienna art collectors improving the subway systhe EU-eastern enlargement the rest of the city. expects to benefit from the advantages of private reinvestment such as Rudolf Significance while at the same time avoiding its possible disadvantages. Leopold and the Family Ludwig (MUMOK) who got much tem (subway passes at in 2004, in order to create a DealsStrong The high public fundings for the renovation of old buildings of the share of public planning attention. Leopold even for New Metgrowth alliance are therefore linked to relatively rigid conditions concerning managed to tip the plan and to place his house in the most an long walking distance), new prestige project as a solution for the growing society. the possible rent increase after the renovation. Yet, in the prominent position. ropolitan communicating Brunnenviertel major landlords and real estate funds byA minority of approx. expensive 15 state owned apartments, its few(aucable with liner At the same time the new urban development is part of the mainly through pass this conditions by focusing on loft conversion and new Mainstream tenants who heavily oppose every form of nightlife activity glossy brochures. constructions, both not subject-matter of the regulation. in their ‘backyard’. tomated people mover) is planned to connect the subway City of Vienna’s effort to engage in the new cross-border reT h e Impacts Possible and probable impacts on adjacent workImpacts Though seem to have failedAnd station, the railway station andthe theproject newdoesn’t neighbourhood. gion CENTROPE and create a visible link between Vienna underlying – it’s acceptance is remarkably high. It is a very good exing class neighbourhood and public expenditure priorities. ample of how the state lines led planning with the down. potential s t r o n g the country deficitary aredeals closed and Bratislava. Poor impacts on public transport throughout system. Poor architectural of certain areas and is neglecting the precise qualities that quality compared to former station. ambition to made the choice of the development in the first place. Significance for New Metropolitan Mainstream form a cultural Synthesis overtown all 4 projects and outlook a new utopiSignificance for New Metropolitan Mainstream The projection of the new Aspern creates flagship Shift of priorities from improvement of spatially inclusive an model space to imagine ideal “new ways of living” – which The dominant narratives about the city of Vienna are populated by three main features: qualifies the MQ to be top listed as NMM. In fact the MQ is the built environment and to generate internationally recognised flagships of modernity often Firstly the glorious empire, today still present in numerous historical monuconflicts with concerns to preserve historic monuments (often protected by UNESCO hi- this transport systems tothespectacular flagship projects. By is powerfully filledHabsburg with dominant conceptions of normativity now used as a brand to promote itself internationally as a hip ments throughout the city and sold to tourists. Secondly, the heritage of the “Red Vienna” storical heritage status), which (both) serve as as selling factors for tourists. urban area with a multitude of cultural diversity. Additionally symbolically international (little ofbit society.., butnumber still closed). Atprojects the same time the open 1920s, incorporated in a large of social housing (Gemeindebau). The Brunnenviertel is a orchestrating recent example, how acompetitiveness, revaluation process of a neighbourhood is And thirdly, the allegedly `high living quality`, progated in all kinds of international ranthe MQ shows in recent years a tendency to censor the powerfully pushed forward with `creative city`, “creative class” and “diversity” features – and connectivity and nodal functions within Central Europe as it expresses a strong commitment by the City of Vienna to kings – in a recent Mercer quality of living report positioning Vienna as top one worldwiat the same time cushioned and legitimised by echoing constantly “there is no gentrification smaller participants of its “self-chosen symbiosis” since the de, above Zurich andof Geneva. stimulating urban redevelopment and valorising exinwell Viennaas because of soft urban renewal”. the development a competitive, prospering and growing holding is handling all rental contracts. At the same time, since the Second World War, Vienna struggled against an image of The projected urban expansion area `Seestadt Aspern` expresses the dedication of the city neighborhoods. Physical eradication metropolitan CENTROPE in atwhich Vienna is– internalseen being a small,region slow and backward oriented country the very edge of Europe toisting prosper and grow physically and perform its nodal and functionsymbolic in the cross-border region Especially the restriction of it’s public spaces created disrupted after the loss of its former empire. Since the 1990s – with the fall of the Iron CENTROPE (comprising czech,of slowakian, and austrian regions) also via the Impacts discontent among the younger generation of visitors which of the old images inner hungarian and outer periphery (demolition as a lyCurtain, nodal point. And the construction of the new district Austria‘s EU accession and the EU eastern enlargement – Vienna strongly tries The municipality of Vienna, SOHO, cultural workers and the built environment. At the same time the therewithin featured ways of modern “modell-living” new urban concluded middle class benefitin fromathe series vibrant atmosphere of demonstrations organized on to shapelinked a `new image` of a extension country/city whichof in fact on prosperous traditions, of on Südbahnhof). Festivalisation ofconservative the construction place is closely to the thecounts subway line (U2) – focus innovative features, while being deeply rooted in ways of living (white, and the rich cultural life in the neighborhood. Landlords and but which is modern, internationally competitive, and tries to position itself actively as a middle-class families). against banrents. of self catered drinks on the ‘hip’ real estateFacebook funds make a profit on highlythe increased (Bahnorama) and featuring of an expensive Cable Liner (by and vice versa. new nodal point in Central Europe. The central railway station looks like a bad copy of (contested) international experiences While some local (ethnic) entrepreneurs rose socially, the public furniture. In this context, the selfdefined slogan ‚Vienna is different‘ (Wien ist anders ) refers two (other station projects or thetool Berlin kit Potsdamer Platz) and expresses the urge to get and majority of the generally poor local residents faces the thiscentral activating NMM of Berlin Potsdamer Platz Stakeholders and their interests Beside the City ofto Viseeminly contradictory features. On the one hand the city engages desperately in the danger of displacement and remains It underlines theinvisible. point that the whole complex seems to rid of historical images of inner and outer periphery and, instead, orchestrate modernity and Hauptbahnhof). engagement of City of Viof images of on modernity competitivenessand – expressed by a high priority enna,production who focuses the and masterplan the subway excompetitiveness. Also strikingEntrepreneurial is its neglect for infrastructural considerations (while being an promote a way of life exclusively for those who are able for flagship projects and steel-glass-front skylines, and supported political-economically infrastructure project) combined with a large-scale urbanisation project. enna and Austrian Rail (ÖBB). tension, and apartelites from to afford or are willing to live under the surveillance of the by internal corporatist agreements and strong alliances between dominant and After the financial crisis and consecutively heavy bank saving programmes, since 2010 the the role of the construction industry. On the othersome hand the families city profits strongly its well known discourses of household consolidation is back on the political agenda and remanagement and their house rules. Homeless people are andfromthe Margot Deerenberg, Roland Hemedinger, tradition and reputation as a socially inclusive place. The high stock of social housing, performed – much emphasis being put on cuts in social expenditures and limiting abuse of preventedBettina to access the area Köhler, Franziska Lind, during late night, as well as Stakeholders and their interests The City of Vienna park, still comparatively strong rent control regulations technological and the Viennese model of ‚soft urban social welfare. In the context of upcoming local elections, the politisation of social securitytries Johannes Puchleitner, all informal entrepreneurship (e.g. sale of beer and films) renewal‘ (sanfte Stadterneuerung) still make the city ‚different‘ to other places. But at issues is mainly pushed forward in a nationalistic way by the right-wing party, countered by to improve its position in interurban competition. The enwhere the Vienna UniThomas Stini, Felix Wiegand. the same time this seemingly `being different` conceals the fact, that these features are the socialdemocrats only by populistic and symbolical inclusionary actions (like pro forma leftovers from former times, which are constantly versity hollowed out and reperformed only suplebicits on secondary issues). In this context the further cut downhopes of sociallyto inclusive pro-from trepreneurial restructured Austrian Rail profit of Technology INURA VIENNA, June 2010 Stakeholders perficially – giving way and priority to various `new metropolitan mainstream` features. jects, while focussing on flagship projects and a politics of international competitiveness can valuation of its property. Big deal for the construction inholds how thethemajority, it is The ambivalent planning process of the MQ demonstrates, ambition to reshape bethe expected. and their industry. The neighborhoods fear disturbances due to higher not clear right now who terests activities in the area and threats to its historical monuments the stakeholders will be The Republic (approved by UNESCO). Strong criticism from the Austrian altogether, because esof Austria and City of Vienna court of audit for cost explosion, omission of an open tenderpecially in the second of are in strong ing procedure and three building legs, starneed for a poor public transting in 2015, a lot of primodern urban port project. Very vate investment is flowing into the project. image. Further
and Bratisla Significan The project an model sp Trendy: is powerful Brunnenviertel (little bit op it expresse Purpose: Prime example for the Sanfte St the develop (soft urban renewal) in cooperation with SO metropolita (art project festival). as ainhabita nodal Dimensions: Approximately 7000 is closely li Project costs: Around 40 million € Investors: city/ urban district, co-finance and vice ve (UTN II, CADSES); Conwert Stakehold Architects: none enna, who
vate invest Deals The and the AS After a new Description / Reason for thisprojected choice / Bah text: up part to more The Brunnenviertel is a small of th whethe (Ottakring), located at the westflict of the city ce the former working class neighborhood hol There are of immigrant population (40%). Until the mid theaVie was affected by disinvestment with and had ba aim of thes ject toward Impacts As le impacts could have ve or negat
The domin Firstly the ments throu of the 1920 a consequence there was a high rate of b thirdly which was then used by an artAnd project to c – in a exhibition possibilities. Bit bykings bit, SOHO established festival. Since the city developm de, above Z the Brunnenviertel is defined as to be upgra At the sam urban renewal (sanfte Stadterneuerung). being a sm Significance for New Metropolitan Mains ly disrupted The Brunnenviertel has become part of the Curtain, Au As a place of creativity and innovation, it by cultural workers and now to gets consum shape a urban middle class. This development but which by the municipality of Vienna and prii nodal The interconnection betweennew (soft) urba gentrification as well as the importance In this conto partnership mechanisms within this pro seeminly c significant for the NMM in Vienna. production for flagship by internal the role of tradition an still compa renewal‘ (s the same ti leftovers fro perficially – The ambiva
environment. The municipality of Vienna w itself as a destination for the cultural class and avoid the possible social and reputation discursively anticipated slumification of the Landlords and real estate funds seek re (ethnic) entrepreneurs hope for new custom
Significance for New Metrop the municipality of Viennathroughout and private s t r o n g theinvestors. country deficitary lines are closed down. ava.internationally as a hip by self The Brunnenviertel has beco The interconnection between (soft) urban renewal and diversity. ambition to otural generate internationally recognised flagships of modernity often nce for New Additionally Metropolitan Mainstream gentrification as well as the importance of private-publicAs a place of creativity and i a tendency to censor the form a cultural partnership mechanisms within this process make it Significance for New Metropolitan Mainstream by cultural workers and now tion of the new townhistoric Aspern creates a new utopi- (often osen symbiosis” since the reserve the monuments protected by UNESCO hiflagship significant for the NMM in Vienna. urban middle class. This d racts. Shift of priorities from improvement of spatially inclusive pace to imagine ideal “new ways of living” – which qualifies the MQ to be top listed as NMM. In fact the MQ is s public spaces created by the municipality of Vie hich serve as asofselling forsystems tourists. transport to spectacular flagship projects. By this lly filled(both) with dominant normativityfactors now used as a brand to promote itself internationally as a hip Stakeholdeneration of visitors whichconceptions The interconnection between urban area with a multitude of cultural diversity. Additionally symbolicallyersorchestrating competitiveness, international pen society.., but stillonclosed). At the same time onstrations organized and their gentrification as well as the cent example, a revaluation process of a neighbourhood is catered drinks on the ‘hip’ how the MQ shows in recent years a tendency to censor the connectivityinterests: and nodal functions within Central Europe as es a strong commitment by the City of Vienna to partnership mechanisms wi smaller participants of its “self-chosen symbiosis” since the T h e tadterneuerung as stimulating urban redevelopment valorising exGenerell: significant for the NMM in Vie pment of a competitive, prospering and growing with `creative city`, “creative class”welland “diversity” features –andand whole organizers holding is handling all rental contracts. OHO in complex Ottakringseems to y for those CENTROPE who are able in which Vienna is seen isting neighborhoods. an region SOHO Physical and symbolic eradication of Especially the restriction of it’s publicWien spaces created INURA, international network for urban research an action, Gruppe derand the surveillance of the d legitimised by echoing constantly “there is no gentrification and others of the old images of inner and outer periphery (demolition l point. And the construction of the new district discontent among the younger generation of visitors which ants, 0.2km². les. Homeless people are cultural concluded in a series of demonstrations organized on NMM: derconstruction New metropolitan of Südbahnhof). of the place mainstream uring late as well as of the subway line (U2) – inked tonight, the extension workersFestivalisation are urban renewal”. g. sale of beer and films) Facebook against the ban of self catered drinks on the ‘hip’ i n tand e r e sfeaturing ted ed by EU funds (Bahnorama) of an expensive Cable Liner (by ersa. INURA Common Research Project Metropolitan Mainstream” over 40 cities contributed on public“New furniture. in cheap nsion `Seestadt expresses the dedication of the city this activating NMM tool kit of Berlin Potsdamer Platz and ders andarea their interests BesideAspern` the City of Vilivingand It underlines the point that the whole complex seems to 5continents Hauptbahnhof). engagement of City of Vifocuses on the masterplan and the subway exw o r k sEntrepreneurial pace promote a way of life exclusively for those who are able ically and perform its nodal function in the cross-border region and an (ÖBB). enna and Austrian Rail tension, and apart from to afford willing to live underlike the urban surveillance of the realisation of There are several processes going on or in are metropolitan regions regeneration, inspiring management and their house rules. Homeless people are czech, slowakian, hungarian andof austrian also via the some families the Impacts environment. Theand municipality Vienna wants to regions) position prevented area during urban late night, as well as have become flag ship projects, gentrification, increase toofaccess gated communities, sprawl. Cities itself as a destination for the cultural class and simultaneously Stakeholders and their interests The City of Vienna tries technological park, The municipality of the Vienna, ame time the therewithin featured ofcosts “modell-living” all informal entrepreneurship (e.g. sale of beer cultural and films) workers and the avoid the possible social and ways reputational of the to improve itsmodern position in interurban enwhere the Vienna Unicultural competition. centres withThea new huge urban range ofmiddle pleasant class offers tobenefit spend time and money and have good discursively anticipated slumification of the neighborhood. from the vibrant atmosphere trepreneurial restructured Austrian Rail(white, hopes to profit from versity ofrooted Technology Landlords and real estate funds seek rent-gaps. Local s, while being deeply in conservative ways of living Stakeholders (ethnic) entrepre neursithope times for those canrich affordcultural it. The background of many developments areLandlords tied to the and the customers. valuation of its property. Big deal for at theleast construction in- that holds the majority, is for new and the life in the neighborhood. and their industry. The neighborhoods fear disturbances to higher not clear right now who doctrin of the due entrepreneurial city and investment policies on a global on level.highly increased rents. Deals real estate funds make a profit terests activities in the area and threats to its historical monuments the stakeholders will be With the tool of soft urban renewal the municipality of Vienna Republic looks like a bad copy offrom(contested) international experiences WhileThe some local (ethnic) entrepreneurs roseenvironment. socially,Thethe expects to benefit advantages of privateby reinvestment municipality (approved UNESCO). Strong criticism from the Austrian altogether, becausethe esof Austria and while at the same time avoiding its possible disadvantages. (MUMOK) who got much itself as a destination the cul cts or the Berlin Potsdamer Platz) andof audit expresses theThe urge City of Vienna majority of the generally poor local residents faces thefor court forbuildings cost explosion, omission tenderthe second of The highinpublic fundings for the renovation of old aim to ofof anget theopen “New Metropolitan Mainstream” project is to compare the mentioned phenomena attention. Leopold even pecially avoid the possible social an are in strong are therefore relatively rigid ace his house in the most three ing conditions procedureconcerning and buildinglinked legs,tostardanger of displacement and remains invisible. discursively anticipated slumi nner and outer periphery and, instead, orchestrate modernity and need the possible rent increase after the renovation. Yet, in the and processes on a global level and for bring atogether. INURA since its origins is commited to share poorreal public ting in 2015, amajor lot of landlords priLandlords and real estate f Brunnenviertel and estatetransfunds byed apartments, with its few modern urban port project. Very (ethnic) entrepre neurs hope fo tment isofflowing into the project. pass conditions by focusing on loft conversion and new (while ng its neglect forthis infrastructural considerations beingtoan ry formis nightlife activity experiences understand the problems that affect our areas. image. Further constructions, not subject-matter of the regulation. little resonance or ere is a crucial deal between the City both of Vienna to be named bined with a Highway large-scale urbanisation project. Deals are major resistance from SFINAG Building Company). esn’t seem(Austrian to have failed With the tool of soft urban rene art collectors high. It is a verylaw good ex-enacted, the programmes, rest of the city. w ecological was the costs for saving the d consecutively heavy bank since 2010 the expects to benefit from the adva such as Rudolf ng deals with the potential ackground conconnection exploded (from 428 million ghighway the precise qualities that while at the same time avoidin Leopold and the Family Ludwig (MUMOK) who got much household isa back on agenda and reD e athe l s S political trong e than one billion euro) – which provoked conment in the first place.consolidation The high public fundings for th of the share of public planning attention. Leopold even he 16th district Margot Deerenberg, Roland Hemedinger, growth alliance are therefore linked to relative er thebeing completion could becuts guarantied until 2016.expenditures enter. Nowadays managed to tip the plan and to place his house in the most sis put on in social and limiting abuse of lds a high share the possible rent increase aft prominent position. communicating as well some deals made at the tertiary sector Bettina Köhler, Franziska Lind, d-1990s the area Brunnenviertel major landlord A minority of approx. 15 state owned apartments, with its few ext of upcoming local politisation mainly through of social security enna University Technology. Yet,elections, until now, the the ad reputation. As of often agships of modernity pass this conditions by focusin tenants who heavily oppose every form of nightlife activity glossy brochures. se deals by apparently is to promote the whole proJohannes Puchleitner, protected UNESCO hiconstructions, both not subjec in their ‘backyard’. rward in a nationalistic way by the right-wing party, countered by ds new potential users. or tourists. Stini, ess ofpopulistic aproject neighbourhood isits planning Impacts Possible and probable on adjacent workImpacts Though the project doesn’tThomas seem to have failed Felix Wiegand. s the is only in stage, possibby and symbolical inclusionary actions (like impacts pro forma – it’s acceptance is remarkably high. It is a very good exd can “diversity” features – and theoretically. However, it ing class neighbourhood and public expenditure priorities. only be estimated ample of how the state led planning deals with the potential ues). this context the further down ofonsocially inclusive proy “there isIn no gentrification impacts public transport system. Poor architectural e an enormous regional and international, positi- cutPoor of certain areas and is neglecting the precise qualities that INURA VIENNA, June 2010 quality compared to former station. tive impact on Vienna in the future. agship projects and a politics of international competitiveness can made the choice of the development in the first place.
s the dedication of the city n the cross-border region Synthesis rian regions) also viaover the of modern “modell-living” ativenarratives ways of living (white, nant about the
all 4 projects and outlook Impacts
The municipality of Vienna, SOHO, cultural workers and the new urban middle class benefit from the vibrant atmosphere
city arelife populated by three main features: and of theVienna rich cultural in the neighborhood. Landlords and realtoday estate still funds make ain profit on highlyhistorical increased monurents. glorious Habsburg empire, present numerous international experiences While some local (ethnic) entrepreneurs rose socially, the ughout the and tourists. thepoor heritage the “Red Vienna” expresses thecity urge to sold get tomajority of Secondly, the generally local of residents faces the 0s, incorporated in aand largedanger number of social housing projects (Gemeindebau). of displacement and remains invisible. orchestrate modernity building vacancy, iderations (while being y, the temporary allegedly `highanliving quality`, progated in all kinds of international rancreate aoject. recentinto Mercer turned an quality of living report positioning Vienna as top one worldwiogrammes, since 2010 ment plan of 2005 Zurich and Geneva.the aded through soft and ree political agenda me time, since the Second World War, Vienna struggled against image of Margot Deerenberg, Roland an Hemedinger, ures and limiting abuse of Bettina Franziska Lind, mall, slowofand backward edgeKöhler, of Europe – internallitisation social security oriented country at the very stream: Johannes Puchleitner, d afterparty, the loss of itsby former empire. Since the 1990s – with the fall of the Iron t-wing countered e `creative city`. Thomas Stini, Felix Wiegand. ry actions pro formaand the EU eastern enlargement – Vienna strongly tries ustria‘s EU(like accession was discovered n `new of socially inclusive by image` the new amed of a procountry/city which in fact counts on prosperous traditions, INURA VIENNA, June 2010 was competitiveness supported ional can is modern, internationally competitive, and tries to position itself actively as a ivate investors. point in Central an renewal and Europe. of private-publictext, the selfdefined slogan ‚Vienna is different‘ (Wien ist anders) refers to two ocess make it contradictory features. On the one hand the city engages desperately in the of images of modernity and competitiveness – expressed by a high priority Stakeholdp projects and steel-glass-front skylines, and supported political-economically ers and their l corporatist agreements and strong alliances between dominant elites and interests: theT construction industry. On the other hand the city profits strongly from its h e nd oreputation r g a n i z e r sas a socially inclusive place. The high stock of social housing, SOHO rent control regulations and the Viennese model of ‚soft urban of aratively strong and others sanfte ) still make the city ‚different‘ to other places. But at c u lStadterneuerung tural are imeworkers this seemingly `being different` conceals the fact, that these features are terested omiinnformer times, which are constantly hollowed out and reperformed only sucheap – giving and priority to various `new metropolitan mainstream` features. living- way and w o planning r k s p a c e process of the MQ demonstrates, how the ambition to reshape alent
and an inspiring wants to position d simultaneously nal costs of the e neighborhood. ent-gaps. Local mers.
the built environment and to generate internationally recognised flagships of modernity often conflicts with concerns to preserve the historic monuments (often protected by UNESCO historical heritage status), which (both) serve as as selling factors for tourists. The Brunnenviertel is a recent example, how a revaluation process of a neighbourhood is powerfully pushed forward with `creative city`, “creative class” and “diversity” features – and at the same time cushioned and legitimised by echoing constantly “there is no gentrification in Vienna because of soft urban renewal”. The projected urban expansion area `Seestadt Aspern` expresses the dedication of the city to prosper and grow physically and perform its nodal function in the cross-border region CENTROPE (comprising czech, slowakian, hungarian and austrian regions) also via the built environment. At the same time the therewithin featured ways of modern “modell-living” focus on innovative features, while being deeply rooted in conservative ways of living (white, middle-class families). The central railway station looks like a bad copy of (contested) international experiences (other central station projects or the Berlin Potsdamer Platz) and expresses the urge to get rid of historical images of inner and outer periphery and, instead, orchestrate modernity and competitiveness. Also striking is its neglect for infrastructural considerations (while being an infrastructure project) combined with a large-scale urbanisation project. After the financial crisis and consecutively heavy bank saving programmes, since 2010 the well known discourses of household consolidation is back on the political agenda and reperformed – much emphasis being put on cuts in social expenditures and limiting abuse of social welfare. In the context of upcoming local elections, the politisation of social security issues is mainly pushed forward in a nationalistic way by the right-wing party, countered by the socialdemocrats only by populistic and symbolical inclusionary actions (like pro forma plebicits on secondary issues). In this context the further cut down of socially inclusive projects, while focussing on flagship projects and a politics of international competitiveness can be expected.
Impacts The municipality of Vienna, SO new urban middle class benefi and the rich cultural life in the real estate funds make a pro While some local (ethnic) ent majority of the generally po danger of displacement and r
Margot Deere Be
Projekt Beschreibung Titel: FIX it FAST Projekt: 1 Atelier und eine Nische. 4 Kreative. 2 Tage. 4 Sitzgelegenheiten. No Budget & a collective exhibiton Jahr: 2007 Team: Tanja Gombotz, Mia Mechler, Katherrina Putzer Projektresultate und Erfolge: Ausstellung Atelier KUNSTMARKE
FINISH: WE made it
Generell: Die Aufgabe die wir uns stellten bezog uns selbst und den Raum stark ein. Wie können wir 4 uns in Szene setzten, dass sich das innen und außen des Ateliers vermischen. So wurden wir zu Schaupuppen als Repräsentation unserer Arbeit und des Raumes. Das Material für die Sitzgelegenheiten fanden wir in den umliegenden Gassen der Gumpendorferstraße, 1060 Wien- Hands ON hieß es nun. Ohne Verbindungsmittel aber mit konstruktiven Ideen wurde der Fall bearbeitet und gelöst. Alle fanden ausreichend und komfortablen Platz in der nicht mehr als 100auf50auf200cm kleinen Nische. Ausgeleuchtet und mit guter Laune bewaffnet wurden wir positioniert und die Kollektive Ausstellung bei Kunstmarke eröffnet.
Projekt Beschreibung: Titel: Bedrijfsverzamelgebouw Lelylaan, Slotervaart- Amsterdam Projekt: st채dtebauliche Studie und Nachnutzungskonzept eines Infrastrukturknotens in einem sozial diversen Bezirks- Slotervaart Jahr: 2008 F체r: VenheovenCS architecten- Hoogte Kadijk 143 F15- NL1018 BH Amsterdam Auftraggeber: DRO, Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening (Stadtplanungsabteilung Amsterdam) Projektresultate und Erfolge: Geladener Wettbewerb, Auftrag einer urbanen Studie, Auftrag Entwurfsplanung (aktueller Stand)
PR.3: building as plinth
PR.2: no sepperation between plinth and building
PR.3: plinth and Add On
Generell: Der überwiegend von türkischen und marokkanischen Einwanderern bewohnte Amsterdamer Stadtteil Slotervaart ist im Umbruch - dank couragierter Sozial- und Bildungsprogramme und der Sanierung ganzer Straßen- und Gebäudezügen. Der Bürgermeister des Stadtteils, Ahmed Marcouch zumsammen mit DRO mussten nach den wüssten Ausschreitungen, 2007 die entbrannten als Jugendlicher durch die Polizei erschossen wurde, handeln. Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppen wurden gebildet und VenhoevenCS wurde beauftrag einen der sozialen Brennpunkte, Amsterdam Lelylaan, einen Infrastrukturknoten bei dem sich Bahn, Metro, Tram und Busverkehr überschneiden, neu zu überdenken.
Die durch die Hochbahn darunter liegenden dunklen, unheimlichen Bereiche wurden mehrmals Ziel von Übergriffen junger Amsterdamer. Vor allem diese Bereiche sollten durch die architektonische Eingriffe mehr soziale Kontrolle verliehen werden. Auch vermehrt sollten Dienstleistungsbetriebe und Einzelhandel angesiedelt werden deren Eigentümer migrantischen Hintergrund haben. Von uns wurde verschiedenen Konzepte erarbeitete wie die Architektur auf die Problematik reagiert und konstruktive Vorschläge liefern kann. Im folgenden: Präsentationsimages aus der Studie:
nieuwe transparante perronoverkapping
bedrijfsruimten +/- 9.900 m2 bvo
bedrijfsruimten +/- 16.400 m2 bvo
+/- 1.150 m2 bvo
bedrijfsruimten +/- 7.400 m2 bvo
2 verdiepingen +/- 2.050 m2 bvo +/- 1000 fietsen bij 1-laags systeem
2 lagen parkeren onder Tooroplocatie +/- 17.750 m2 bvo +/- 634 pp (28 m2/pp)
Model1: extended urban morphology
bedrijfsruimten +/- 17.500 m2 bvo
+/- 19.147 m2 bvo over 2 verdiepingen +/- 683 pp (28 m2/pp)
+/- 1.500 m2 bvo
bedrijfsruimten +/- 7.400 m2 bvo
2 verdiepingen +/- 2.050 m2 bvo +/- 1000 fietsen bij 1-laags systeem
Model2: autonom, object
? ?
Projekt Beschreibung: Titel: Zichtflats- Hoek van Holland, gemeente Rotterdam Projekt: st채dtebauliche Studie und Nachnutzungskonzept, Verdichtung der urbanen Morphologie und Zubau an die bestehenden Hochh채user Jahr: 2008 F체r: VenheovenCS architecten- Hoogte Kadijk 143 F15- NL1018 BH Amsterdam Auftraggeber: Woningbouwvereniging Hoek van Holland Projektresultate und Erfolge: Geladener Wettbewerb, Auftrag einer urbanen Studie, Auftrag Entwurfsplanung, Auftrag Ausf체hrung (aktueller Stand)
? ?
existing situation, Zichtflats, Hoek van Holland
Generell: Hoek van Holland zu Deutsch „das Eck Hollands“ ist der westlichste Punkt der Niederlande und Stadtteil Rotterdams. Es ist eine kleine Ortschafft die dennoch ihre Wichtigkeit erlangt, denn sie liegt an der Mündung des Nieuwe Waterweg, eine Wasserstraße die Rotterdam und die Nordsee verbindet. In der Ortschaft kann man die „Zichtflats“ fast von jedem Punkt aus erkennen denn die drei 40meter hohen Gebäude überragen alles weitere in der flachen Landschaft. Um den, durch Abzug und Überalterung gekennzeichnete Population der Gebäude, neues Leben einzuhauchen wurde verschieden Strategien entwickelt um dieses Gebiet wie auch die Bauwerke für eine jüngeres Publikum interessanter zu machen.
+/- 15 appartementen
+/- 27 appartementen
+/- 8 grondgebonden gezinswoningen +/- 8 drive-in grondgebonden
+/- 4 grondgebonden gezinswoningen
+/- 8 grondgebonden gezinswoningen
totaal 239 appartementen
28 grondgebonden woningen
+/- 70 appartementen +/- 30 appartementen
+/- 27 appartementen
Model4: HYBRID
4) hybride
+/- 70 appartementen
+/- 30 appartementen
+/- 119 parkeerplaatsen
+/- 55 parkeerplaatsen
+/- 8 grondgebonden gezinswoningen +/- 27 appartementen
+/- 8 grondgebonden gezinswoningen
+/- 208 parkeerplaatsen
+/- 70 appartementen +/- 4 grondgebonden gezinswoningen +/- 27 appartementen
+/- 8 grondgebonden
+/- 105 parkeerplaatsen
+/- 15 appartementen
+/- 70 appartementen
Model1: extended urban morphology RENDER: testing the area, pedestrian view
Zuerst zum Areal: Nördlich der Zichtflats verläuft eine Landschaftspark der sich zungenartig zwischen die Zichtflats durch leckt aber durch die geparkten Autos unterbrochen wird. Die Parkplätze die rund um die Wohnungen situiert sind beanspruchen überdurchschnittlich viel Platz. Weiteres fehlt es an Versorgungseinrichtungen für Pensionisten und an Nahversorgern, dass es den Bewohnern vor allem den Älteren schwer macht in den Zichtflats zu leben. Zu Letzt sein noch die Witterungseinflüsse genannt denn die Nordsee treibt starken Wind an Land. Das ergab der erste Schritt unserer Analyse. Danach wurde das Gebiet städtebaulich getestet. 4 Konzepte wurden angedacht und getestet. Ausbreiten der bestehenden Zichtflats, verdichten, akupunktieren und ein hybrides bzw. kompaktes Modell. Alle 4 Konzepte wurden auf verschiedenen Ebenen getestet und der Woningbouwvereniging und den Bewohnern in „mitdenk Workshops“ präsentiert und diskutiert. Das gewählte und zur weiteren Bearbeitung gewählte Modell ist eine Mischung aus Ausbreiten und Verdichten.
RENDER: extra housing unit
Projekt Beschreibung: Titel: Hergebruik citroengarages, Stadionplein Amsterdam Projekt: städtebauliche Studie und Nachnutzungskonzept für die 2 Monumente östlich des Stadions Jahr: 2008 Für: VenheovenCS architecten- Hoogte Kadijk 143 F15- NL1018 BH Amsterdam Auftraggeber: Auftraggeber: DRO, Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening (Stadtplanungsabteilung Amsterdam)
RENDER: inside, north monument
Generell: Aufbauend auf den entworfenen Masterplan den das Rotterdamer Büro O.M.A. für das Gebiet „Stadionplein“ in Amsterdam Oudzuid entworfen hatte wurde VenhoevenCS beauftragt die Nachnutzung rund um das Gebiet des Stadions inklusiv der 2 Monumente neu zu überdenken denn der Vorschlag des Rotterdamer Büros war für Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening nicht befriedigend. Die Monumente die 1920 zusammen mit dem Olympiastadion erbaut wurden stehen unter Denkmalschutz und bedürfen einer sanften aber dennoch progressiven Erneuerung. Das Gebiet wurde auf den folgenden Ebene getestet: urban, verdichten oder landschaftlich, vernetzten. Die Entscheidung fiel auf eine Variante bei der hinter den Monumenten elegante, schlanke Bürogebäude platziert wurden die von der Straße aus gut sichtbar erscheinen und die 2 Monumente betonen und in neues Licht rücken. Verstärkt wurde das Ganze mit einer Medienfassade die das Stadterneuerungsgebiet besonders betonen sollen. Das nördliche der 2 historischen Gebäude wurde zum Vorplatz hin geöffnet und der darunter liegende Keller freigelegt um den 100 Jahre alten, klassischen Modernismus (genau genommen Amsterdam Schule) wieder neues Leben einzuhauchen und eine extra, öffentliche Ebene einzuziehen. Damit wird auch die im inneren liegende Rampe freigelegt die die Fassade besonders betont und der Allgemeinheit zugänglich gemacht. Das südliche Gebäude wurde aufgestockt und sanft revitalisiert. Für Nachnutzungsvorschläge wurden 2 Konzepte erarbeitet: Kulturelle Einrichtung bzw. Dienstleister.
8 out of 15 urban proposals
Projekt Beschreibung: Titel: Eyes on|of Tarlabasi Projekt: Visuelle, urbane Recherche in einem innerst채dtische Problembezirk Tarlabasi- Istanbul Jahr: 2009-10 Mit: ONORTHODOX, tackling urban issues- Amsterdam, Wien, Istanbul
Generell: Mit geliehenen Strategien, mitunter der visuellen Anthropologie, versucht Eyes on|of Tarlabasi die Wahrnehmung der Bewohner über ihr Viertel, ihr Tarlabasi, festzuhalten. Essentiell ist der bottom- up Ansatz bei dem die Bewohner, die ‚Eyes OF‘ zu Fotografen werden und ihr tägliches Leben (sozial wie physisch) per Fotokamera festhalten. Die Fotointerviews, Freestyle Interviews und Observationen sind per Videokamera festgehalten und analysiert worden. Das Gegenstück dazu bildet ‚Eyes ON‘ Tarlabasi bei dem die Bewohner der umliegenden Viertel befragt wurden:“was sie denn über Tarlabasi denken“, um der extremen Stigmatisierung des Bezirkes etwas näher zu kommen. Mittels Videokamera wurden diese Interviews und Eindrücke dokumentiert und editiert. Das Ganze ist als eine synchrone Interviewdokumentation & als SHORT (Kurzfilm) aufbereitet und wurde das erste Mal bei SOHO in Ottakring 2010 präsentiert.
see more:: VIDEO documentation and photo interviews on: http://onorthodox.com/?page_id=20
and more information to share about TARLABASI, probably the most fascinating district of Istanbul on our Blog: www.tarlabasi.wordpress.com
see more:: information about the work on: http://onorthodox.com/?page
Projekt Beschreibung: Titel: let the interdisciplinary bubble burst Projekt: idea, concept, organisation, contribution, documentation Jahr: 2010 Mit: ONORTHODOX, tackling urban issues- Amsterdam, Wien, Istanbul
kshop in Istanbul
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Generell: what does interdisciplinary really mean beside being a big bubble which is ready to burst. not many have a grip on this question. that was the aim we wanted to tackle. getting 10 young experts together- PHD students- experts-master students, and let them work on the same research question: “Tarlabasi, how visible is the informal� Every participant out of a different field and different background. there was an economist, art student, political science, human geographer, 3D specialist, architect, Film and TV student, anthropologist, from Amsterdam, Berlin, Istanbul, Vienna. Is it possible to generate knowledge within this setting. How would the different disciplines work and act together with one week time. //An inspiring experience for all participants
TV Pix Kids Tarlabasi
Pix Kids Tarlabasi
Projekt Beschreibung: Titel: SOHO in Ottakring: Eyes on|of Tarlabasi Projekt: Ausstellung Jahr: 2010 Mit: ONORTHODOX, tackling urban issues- Amsterdam, Wien, Istanbul
Pix Kids Ottakring
Kids Ottakring
more information: on: http://onorthodox.com/?page_id=156 entrance hall
9, 1160
Generell: Das Thema des Kunst und Kulturfestivals „SOHO in Ottakring 2010“ lautete: „KICKE THE HABIT/ pfeif drauf! Ventil Rassismus- das einen passenden Rahmen für unsere visuelle urbane Recherche aus Istanbul bot. Der Ausstellungsort, die Hubergasse 9 in 1160 erschien uns wie geschaffen. Einer der wichtigsten Faktoren, das der Raum im Erdgeschoß liegt und den Bewohnern Ottakrings, Kindern und Erwachsenen, wie den Besuchern des Festivals leichten Einblick und Zugang in unsere Arbeite bereitet wurde erfüllt. Das zu renovierenden Haus, das zu der Zeit bis auf eine Partei leer stand, konnte auf jedem Stockwerk verschiedene Künstler, Ausstellungen und Aktionen beherbergen. Der Charme der Räume blieb erhalten und wir konnten unsere 3 Zimmer Wohnung plus Vorraum, Küche und Innenhof entsprechend animieren. Ein harter Beton- Ziegelmix in Raum1 rahmte die Videoinstallation und tauchte diese in ein urbanes Flair. Raum2, dekoriert mit alten, gelben Tapeten und morschen, dunkelbraunen Schiffboden eignete sich fließend für ‚Eyes OF‘ und den Blick der Menschen aus Tarlabasi’s auf ihr Viertel. Raum#3 stand uns zur Verfügung für „das Sensitive Auge“ das wir während des Festivals mit 100 Kindern und Jugendlichen aus Ottakring gestalteten. Dieses Projekt versucht die unglaubliche, kulturelle Vielfalt der jungen Bewohner Ottakrings zu durchleuchten und zu displayen.
creator creator
& “DAS SENSITIVE AUGE” http://onorthodox.com/?page_id=158
Projekt Beschreibung: Titel: Das sensitive Auge Projekt: Photointerviews, SHORT movie Jahr: 2010 Mit: ONORTHODOX, tackling urban issues- Amsterdam, Wien, Istanbul
PHOTOINTERVIEWS: small selection
EXHIBITION by the youngstars
Generell: Zusammen mit 3 Schulen in 1160 Wien, 4 Klassen und über 100 Kindern wurde das Projekt „das sensitive Auge“ gestartet. An Bord die Kooperative Mittelschule der Brüßlgasse, öffentliche Volksschule Gaulachergasse und öffentliche Volksschule Grundsteingasse. Unser Projekt ‚Das Sensitive Auge’, gibt der Öffentlichkeit und uns die Chance, subjektive Eindrücke festzuhalten und diese zu teilen und zu argumentieren. In Schulklassen mit einem Migrationsanteil bis zu 100% vermischt die eigene wie die fremde, österreichische, Kultur und vice versa. Das war unsere Recherchefrage bzw. Ansatzpunkt aus dieser wir rausfinden wollten:“ was bedeutet Österreich für euch und wie erkennt ihr die eigene und andere Kulturen im öffentlichen Raum?“ Während dem Projekt bekamen die Kinds und Jugendlichen Einwegkameras und mittels verschiedener Aufträge sollten sie ihre Umgebung festhalten. Beim Einprägen blieb es aber nicht. Wichtig war das Argumentieren der gemachten Bilder, der Austausch zwischen den unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen und das Bewusstwerden der eigenen, sehr persönlichen Wahrnehmung vor allem unter einander in den Klassen. Die Resultate wurden bei SOHO in Ottakring ausgestellt und die Kids freuten sich, zusammen mit ihren Eltern, ihre erste eigene Vernissage zu besuchen.
Projekt Beschreibung Titel: …der zerstörerische Weg einer werdenden „Weltstadt“… ::WIDE & CLOSE:: Projekt: Fotodocumentation-urban renewal area Shanghai- Location_ Hongkou District- LinpingLu 333 /SipingLU Jahr: 2007
Die Fotoarbeit untersucht die unterschiedlichen Ebenen der Verdrängung, Zerstörung und anschließenden urbanen Verdichtung des Viertels Hongkou. Symbolisch steht der chinesische Karakter chāi [gespr. tschai]. Das Zeichen bedeutet „etwas abreisen“ und in ganz China werden Gebäude, deren Abriss beschlossene Sache ist, mit diesem Charakter symbolisch markiert. Das zweite, plastische, Symbol ist das Modell der Stadterweiterung. Die farbigen Festkörper bestehen bereits, die transparenten sind in Planung bzw. in der Ausführung. Die weiteren Bilder zeigen das Gebiet und den Kampf der verbliebenen Bewohner. Fenster und Türen, der demolierten Wohnhäuser, werden verwendet um sich ein Territorium abzustecken. Krebsartige Geschwüre wachsen an den verbliebenen Fassaden und Dächern empor. Ein Kampf um Raum der den Bewohnern gerade erst genommen wurde und den sie sich zurück erobern. Romantisierend verdeckt die frisch gewaschene Wäsche die Gegenwehr der Bürger gegen die Verdrängung. Wer darf bleiben- Wer muss weichen. High Speed Urbanismus: Shanghai, China im 21ten Jahrhundert.
Titel: NO LoGo Projekt: Interior Design, Ausstattung eines Bekleidungsladens in einer Shanghaier Shopping Street- Huai Hai Lu Jahr: 2007 Universität: College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University- Shanghai, China
Generell: Popmusik, Autos, Lichter, Gerüche, Geräusche, Menschen, Menschen und noch mehr Menschen das zeichnet die Huai Hai Lu aus. Eine Shopping Street nach Shanghaier Maßstäben. Modernisiert, Westernisiert, wiederholt „high speed Urbanisierung in China“. Die Aufgabenstellung des College of Architecture war es das Interior eines 100M2 Fashion- Shops zu entwerfen. Die Aufgabe die ich mir stellte war folgende:“ wie bekommt man die Passanten in den Shop? Wie erregt ein kleiner Laden Aufmerksamkeit in einer so Licht und Sound überfluteten Straße?“ Das Konzept das ich mir zu Recht bastelte war folgendes: No Logo, Naomi Klein´s Manifest gegen die Globalisierung, gemischt mit low tech art aus Berlin von F. Eyl und G. Green (Aperture). Dezente Geräusche, aparte Lichter die über Sensoren den Bewegungsablauf vorbei schreitender Passanten „capturen“ und diesen an die Shop- Fassade projizieren. Dabei sehen sich die vorbei strömenden Besucher der Huai Hai Lu in Echt- Zeit oder in Slow- Motion, vergrößert oder verkleinert im Schaufenster. Der Gehsteig wird zur Spielfläch, Understatement zum Eyecatcher, das Schaufenster zum Catwalk und die Passanten zu Kunden. Die Idee genau das Gegenteil zu tun um sich Aufmerksamkeit zu veschaffen, frei nach dem Slogan:“ the opposit may also be true.“
,isierTE VisualaRBEITSproben ‘
thomas stini thomas@onorthodox.com www.onorthodox.com + 43 680 2049103