The jeep warrior race 2

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Mud sweat and beers The Jeep Warrior Race continues to ride the obstacle racing craze

The shot: The cloudy skies and blasting the subject with both flashes delivered this eye catching shot where the subject almost looks photoshopped The Spec: 1/160s @ f6.3 flash and remote fired Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens two SB910 flashes

Obstacle Racing

Story and Photos: Zoon Cronje / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

That Warrior spirit The shot: Ricardo Gressel fondly known as Warrior Ric amps up the crowd rearing to go at the start of their Warrior Race The spec: 1/125s @f5.6 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



The men’s elite race came down to the wire with lead changing hands a couple of times over the last 6 obstacles after early leader Claude Eksteen stumbled at his nemesis obstacle the “extreme monkey”. rica’s largest obstacle course racing series Eksteeen had a massive lead going into the last couple of kilometers but simply the Jeep Warrior Race took place at the Big Red Barn this past weekend. The event could not complete the obstacle in the was sold out as with the first Jeep Warrior pouring rain. Bennie Roux and winner of the last Jeep Warrior Deysel exchanged and saw 7200 take up the challenge. blows over the last obstacles. The elite Black Ops event on Sunday saw It was Deysel who ran the last two kiloma repeat win for both Jay Jay Deysel and eters barefoot who crossed the line first to Carla van Huyssteen. The rain played a major role in the outcome of the race mak- claim his second consecutive win. Deysel ing the already challenging obstacles even an avid MX racer sacrificed racing at the motocross Nationals in PE to take part. more treacherous to navigate. Second place went to first time Black ops elite Thomas van Tonder took second.

There seems to be no slowing down in the growing phenomenon that is obstacle course racing. The second event of South Af- / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

At least my teeth are clean The shot: It never ceases to amaze me just how must people enjoy getting dirty, not even the dreary conditions could dampen the spirits The spec: 1/500s @ f5.6 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2





The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Sheridan Morais via twitter:

“What an event!”

“I do things now that I never thought I could do. And conquering myself

Catherine Ferreira via Facebook

and my own fears by doing the warrior

race has left me now feeling even more motivated to exercise, and keep doing what I’m doing”

Fun factor The shot: I was looking to capture some of the laughter and the sheer enjoyment people experience out on the obstacles, I felt that this shot through the cargo netting did just that The spec: 1/200s @ f9 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens two

The Jeep Warrior Race 2





The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Warrior races have become an addiction for me and as soon

Desiree Bezuidenhout via Facebook:

as its done im ready for the next one. And its a great way on top of the running to motivate me to become strong and push myself to new levels. Ill see you on sunday for the commando. After ops! Its a must. #bebrave

Leap of faith The shot: The “Tower of Rage� is always a talking point, athletes have to jump off a 6m platform into a hole filled with water conquering their fear and having fun at the same time The spec: 1/200s @ f 7.1 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



“Jay Jay was just so fast, I would see him after every obstacle and just push a little harder to catch him but at every corner he would just be further ahead” van Tonder

be focusing on the Jeep Warrior Race this year, I just love the spirit at these events and that sense of accomplishment” commented Viljoen.

The elite women’s race came down to a battle of attrition with all three top ladies getting stuck at the third last obstacle commented afterwards. He also added called the “unchained monkey”. Previ“big credit has to go to the organizers ous winner Carla van Huyssteen was the and sponsors of the event making all of first to arrive with a solid lead. The slipthis possible, the vibe and spirit at these pery conditions ground her to a halt and events really motivate you to push harder.” it wasn’t too long until she was joined by Chris Viljoen rounded off the podium in Hanneke Dannhauser and Jetaime Ribbink. his second elite Black Ops event. “I simply The cold wet conditions and rapidly setting couldn’t conquer the extreme monkey in fatigue soon started to take its toll with at the last race and I’m really happy I the three locked in a head to head battle to managed to get through it this time” an complete the obstacle. elated Viljoen added. “I decided that I will / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

“What an amazing experience! So

Larochelle Gouws said via twitter

much fun, will recommend it to any and everyone!� Down and dirty The shot: The mud monster obstacle brings many competitors to a grinding halt and it is estimated that each athlete carries off at least a kilogram of mud after completing this challenge The spec: 1/500s @ f5.6 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



Two to tango The shot: The truck and trailer obstacle requires athletes to drag a heavy truck tyre 500m, who could have thought it could be so much fun The spec: 1/160s @ f6.3 flash fired Nikon D610 Nikkor 14-24mm f2.8 with two SB910 flashes Lightroom levels and vignette / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2 / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Hanging around The shot: Getting right in the thick of the action to get a different perspective sometimes means getting right into the obstacle itself, shooting from below just means you have to keep an eye on falling debris and watch out for that surprise kick in the head. The spec: 1/200s @ f13 Nikon D610 Nikkor 14-24mm f2.8 lens two SB910 flashes

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



03 Head Out

The Shot: Top age group athlete Neil Vallance heads out of the water at the end of the first swim loop. More Information:

Muddy and happy The shot: I noticed this naturally face painted warrior that reminds one of a female version of William Wallace from Braveheart waiting to tackle another obstacle and couldn’t resist firing the shutter The spec: 1/500s @ f 5.6 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens Photo: Chris Hitchcock / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

and set them off in the order they and Supersport champion arrived at the obstacle after some competed in his first Jeep War“burpees�. rior Black Ops after getting a and spectators and the warrior taste at the Commando event male counterparts were all imCarla van Huyssteen took the win in February. Morais and his wife pressed by the sheer tenacity of followed by a storming Jetaime Adelene competed together and these women simply refusing to Ribbink who passed Hanneke she managed to cross the line in give up in the face of such adver- Dannhauser in the last couple a time of 1:51:52 making her the sity. The Jeep Warrior organisahundred meters to steal second. fastest Black Ops woman on the tion in agreement with the three Saturday. women decided to call it even Sheridan Morais SA SuperBike

The battle that ensued lasted nearly an hour / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Warrior race has given me so much hope and inspiration. I am looking forward to the day that I can stand on the

podium, next to my friend Michael and say: Thanks... We did it! Oan De Waal via Facebook

Battleground The shot: The epic scale of the obstacles and the masses are difficult to capture but getting some distance between yourself and the obstacle as in this case helps showcase it The spec: 1/500s @ f5.6 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



“my 2nd Jeep Warrior and it just gets better every time!” Deriaan Venter via Twitter: / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Team spirit The shot: The Warrior Race is not only about overcoming adversity but sharing the experience with friends and strangers alike The spec: 1/125s @ f5.6 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2


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The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Via Facebook:

“My name is Bryce I used to weigh

119kg’s beginning of at 2012 . I started to

set my self right never played any sports and never did anything active, started running, stared gyming, in 2013 participated in my first warrior and loved it ever since I train 5-8 times a week and now happily weigh 76kgs and just wanna inspire others to get out and get moving”

True colours The shot: It only takes a couple of obstacles until everyone is the same colour The spec: 1/320s @ f4.5 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



Take your bag and go The shot: These bags got heavier as the rain came down at the aptly named “Wounded soldier” obstacle The spec: 1/125s @ f5.6 Nikon D610 Nikkor 1424mm f2.8 lens two SB910 flashes Lightroom levels / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2 / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

“Rocked my 5th Jeep Warrior and 2nd Commando and like always loved every minute! The Jessica Raye via twitter:

Jeep Warrior Race never disappoints”

Skin deep The shot: Nothing quite like a mud bath and a facial The spec: 1/500s @ f 5.6 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2


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The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Run along The shot: People tend to forget that there is a fair amount of running between obstacles The spec: 1/200s @ f 7.1 Nikon D610 Nikkor 14-24mm f2.8 lens two SB910 flashes

The Jeep Warrior Race 2


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The Jeep Warrior Race 2

I proved nothing to no one, just to myself... Thank you

The best of all:

Jeep Warrior Race - Willem Erasmus via Facebook

Heads up The shot: After crawling through a pitch black tunnel the facial expressions are always priceless as they emerge from the darkness The spec: 1/160s @ f6.3 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens two SB910 flashes with wireless commander

The Jeep Warrior Race 2


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The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Determination The shot: The sheer determination in the eyes of this Warrior is what caught my eye and managing to capture that in a photo made my day The spec: 1/125s @ f5.6 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



Helping hand The shot: Many of the obstacles would not be possible for many without the cheers and sometimes helping hands from fellow Warriors The spec: 1/125s @ f5.6 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2 / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Brave bratz The shot: The Warrior Bratz race is open to kids who clearly also enjoy getting dirty just as much if not more than the adult Warrior counterparts The spec: 1/500s @ f5.6 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2


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The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Warrior woman The shot: Every now and again you see a shot you couldn’t have staged better, this was one of them The spec: 1/250s @ f8 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



“one of the most intense races I’ve ever done”

@moememi via twitter: / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Soak it up The shot: The pouring rain made going tough and this shot clearly shows just how hard the rain came down The spec:1/250s @ f4 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2


41 / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Pulling her weight The shot: Carla van Huyssteen dominated the course and showed her strength time and again by dragging a tyre nearly her own weight without losing ground o some of the top elite men The spec: 1/200 @ f 3.5 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



“In the Jeep Warrior Race I found a midlife challenge and I love it... April I don’t only want to compete in Willem Erasmus via Facebook:

the Elite race, I want to be competitive as well.” / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Claude’s curse The shot: Triathlete Claude Eksteen has been battling his demons and can’t seem to beat the Extreme Monkey, this was the second race he lost his significant lead at the demeaning obstacle that requires strong hands and a lot of upper body strength The spec: 1/160s @ f 3.2 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2


45 / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Making a splash The shot: Eventual winner Jay Jay Deysel making light work of the mud monster The spec: 1/125s @ f5.6 flash fired Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens SB910 flash

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



The Warrior Race has become a test for me to

see how fit I am. I love that the venue is always different as I find every venue a completely different experience.” Elismha Lubbe via Facebook / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Hang tough The shot: The exact moment Jay Jay Deysel knew he was going to win, the unchained monkey is the last and arguably the most challenging obstacle and after arriving at the obstacle in second he sailed past his rivals to claim yet another win The spec: 1/250s @ f4 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70200mm f2.8 zoom lens Lightroom levels

The Jeep Warrior Race 2


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The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Warriors assemble, warriors unite.

A poem by Stephen Chambers: “

The day is daunting and we will fight. Come storm,

come rain, come heat. Rookies, commandos even the elite: We will not fall we will not fail. We will raise our tags as proudest vail. In final breath our brothers and sisters we will save

All warriors Roar with me, Be brave!�

Two for two The shot: Making it two for two Jay jay Deysel takes his second win after opting out of MX Nationals in order to race Warrior The spec: 1/320s @ f4.5 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



Game face The shot: First time Warrior Hanneke Dannhauser grits her teeth making another attempt on the unchained monkey obstacle The spec: 1/250 @ f4 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70200mm f2.8 zoom lens



The Jeep Warrior Race 2 / NIKON / NIKON



The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Tough and tenacious The shot: Carla van Huyssteen shows what it takes to win giving it her absolute all The spec: 1/250s @ f4 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2


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The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Barefoot is better The shot: Winner Jay Jay Deysel removed his shoes to get better grip on the 5th last obstacle and in the moment forgot to put them back on running the last part of the race barefoot The spec: 1/160s @ f6.3 Nikon D610 Nikkor 14-24mm f2.8 zoom lens two SB910 flashes

The Jeep Warrior Race 2


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The Jeep Warrior Race 2

Drenched The shot: On her way to another win Carla van Huyssteen battles the downpour The spec: 1/400s @ f5 Nikon D610 Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens

The Jeep Warrior Race 2



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