THURSday, APRIL 28, 2016 |
Kenya-Uganda oil pipeline CS Keter explains why the country missed out on the deal that would have created thousands of job opportunities
NEWS Liverpool faces a stern Villarreal test in Europa league semis tonight
State slams Governors as rift grows
he souring relationship between the national government and the Council of Governors (CoG) reared its ugly head once again yesterday after the county chiefs chose to give a wide berth to a function organised by the state. The national government through the
Devolution ministry had organised a forum where the two levels of governments were to jointly launch public participation guidelines and civic education curriculum aimed at eliminating public apathy to development projects. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Devolution Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri at a past function. The CS yesterday hit out at Governors terming them the ‘biggest distractors of devolution’.
State’s rift with Governors escalates THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2016
From Page 1
But the governors, in an apparent vengeance to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s decision to skip the devolution conference organised by governors in Meru last week, failed to show up. CoG chairman Peter Munya only sent his director of programmes even after confirming he would attend. And Devolution Cabinet Secretary used to opportunity to hit out at the Governors terming them the ‘the biggest distractors to devolution’. He accused the county chiefs of micromanaging the counties and pretending to be all-knowing. He argued that governors have in most occasion’s undertaken projects without consulting key players in their counties which have led to a pitiable use of the devolved resources and denying the citizens their watchdog role. “You cannot have all ideas as an individual to run a county. No one is all knowing and that’s is why we must incorporate everyone to spur development. Kenyans must question what we are doing,” Kiunjuri said. The CS underscored the importance of public participation saying that it has been guaranteed in the constitution as a premise to democracy and sovereignty of the
Governors at a previous function. The national government yesterday accused them of micromanaging counties in what will serve to only heighten the bad blood between the county chiefs and the state.
people. “Article 10 of our constitution recognizes participation of the
Most Nairobians still believe in patronage: Survey shows More than half of Nairobi residents believe that having a personal relationship, giving a bribe and enjoying the same ethnic background with a public officer guarantees you better or faster services from the county administration. A survey by the Society for International Development (SID) also shows that the number of Kenyans who feel that the counties are doing well has significantly reduced compared to last year. “54 per cent of Nairobi City dwellers still believe having a personal relationship with an officer guarantees you faster or better services. 46 per cent believe a bribe is necessary while 36 per cent think it would help to come from the same ethnic background as the officer,” read part of the study report. According to the 2009 census, Nairobi County hosts an estimated 3,138,000 people who are now dependent on the services from the county government. The survey further revealed that a fairly high proportion of the population have little or no access to public or private essentials services ought to be provided by the county government. Only 18 per cent have access to proper sanitation, 12 per cent have access to water and eight per cent to proper housing. In dismal figures only two per cent feel
that county government is providing the right health care services. “Majority of the locals want the county to prioritize the provision of quality health services and sanitation,” Joan Njagi, SID policy researcher noted during the release of the survey at the KICC Nairobi. Further the study indicated 63 per cent of the population feel they do not have sufficient information to track county budget allocations, while 14 per cent are not sure of what information they need from their counties. 17 per cent of the residents are not aware of the feedback or complaints mechanisms Only 18 per cent think public participations are effective means of raising issues concerning them while 11 per cent declared they did not involve themselves in the participations. In a separate report card from the Devolution ministry, there are great improvements in the realization of integrity, equality and devolution of services in 2016 compared to the previous years. Nairobi governor Evans Kidero has vowed to stamp out corruption and incompetent officers out of City Hall to pave way for transparent and efficient service delivery. wilson_x254
people as one of the national values the public participation guidelines and civic education curriculum are
the principles of any democratic governance which can only be actualized through civic education
frameworks,” he added. On her part, Devolution Permanent Secretary Mwanamaka Mabruki said that despite the legal provisions guaranteeing public participation, the process is clogged with immense challenges ranging from intellectual to participatory skills. “We lack a common understanding of what really constitutes public participation, methods and the processes to ensure effective public engagement,” she said. She said with the launch of the guidelines her ministry will embark on a nationwide campaign to create awareness and ownership of the norms and procedure of civic education that the country has missed over the decades. “We shall embark on a mission to make sure that Kenyans own the guidelines and understand what public participation entails,” Mabruki added. She added: “If citizens are to exercise their rights and discharge their responsibilities as members of self-governing communities, they not only need to acquire a body of knowledge, they also need to acquire relevant intellectual and participatory skills,” she said.
Nakuru’s bloated workforce consuming Sh5bn annually The Senate Public Accounts Committee wants the Auditor General and the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) to conduct a thorough audit of Nakuru County staff after it emerged that the county has more than 7,000 workers being paid Sh5 billion every year The committee’s chairman and Kisumu Senator Anyang’ Nyong’o said the audit should ascertain how the 7,000 were employed, their salaries and academic qualifications in the various positions they hold within the county. “It could be that some of these people employed do not even have the required academic qualifications and, therefore, we want full details of everyone employed by the County Government,” Nyong’o said. The committee also wants SRC to conduct an audit of the County’s wage Bill and determine whether it’s operating within its budget. Nakuru County receives Sh8 billion in sharable revenue annually. Findings of the 2013/14 financial audit report by the Auditor General indicated that Nakuru County has inadequate allocation of Development Funds due to its bloated workforce. The report also indicated that the County Government breached section 107(2) b of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 on threshold set for development funds. Kiambu Senator Kimani Wamatangi warned the County executive to be careful on how it’s spends its allocations, saying most of the money should be channeled to development projects. The committee raised concern that the bloated workforce from the defunct local authority and devolved units of
the national government is consuming 54 per cent of the total budget thereby leaving very little money for developments. The committee’s vice chairman John Lonyangapuo said Sh5billion going to only salaries is too much and part of the money should be channeled towards development projects. “You cannot have a county where Sh5billion goes to salaries what then remains to be spent on developments,? Asked Lonyangapuo Nakuru Governor Kinuthia Mbugua who appeared before the committee explained to the committee that he might not be privy to the full academic credentials of all the county employees as some of them were seconded by the National government. He absolved the County government from any wrongdoing, saying most of those employees were from the national government. “Some of these things are beyond us as Governors as we receive employees from the national government and, therefore, cannot turn them back,” he said. The governor said Nakuru County has 7,271 employees with most of them being employed by the National government. Of the 7, 271, Mbugua said 1,671 were inherited from the defunct local authorities, 3,800 were posted by the National government and only 1,800 hired by the county government. “It could be that some of the staff have fake academic credentials or are not qualified to be in their current positions but as for now, I don’t have more details but it will be make them available soon,” Mbugua told the sam x254 committee.
MPs pass law to shield them against court injunctions
Women reps blame male MPs for failed gender Bill vote Two female members of parliament have heaped the blame on their male counterparts accusing them of pretence, deception and dishonest behaviour in the failed attempt to raise required numbers to pass into law the two-thirds gender rule. Kiambu Women Representative Annah Nyokabi and her Wajir counterpart Fatuma Ibrahim blamed the male MPs of sabotaging their efforts to marshal enough members to vote in favour of the Bill yesterday. Nyokabi told the male Mps to stop pretending that they are with women and the same time plotting their downfall. “Let’s them not be vague on matters women but instead let them be explicit so that we know what side of history they are standing on,” Nyokabi said. She lamented that the gender bill could have passed if only their male colleagues were to be sincere and honest in supporting women endeavours. @hillary_x254
MPs yesterday voted overwhelmingly to a Bill seeking to bar the judiciary from interfering with Parliament and the 47 County Assemblies in the course of their work. The Bill, which will become law if approved by the Senate and assented to by President Kenyatta, will give the lawmakers immunity against court action in discussing issues pending before them. The Bill sponsored by Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma (pictured) was strategically placed first on the order paper Wednesday afternoon just before tabling of the bill sponsored by Majority Leader Aden Duale on behalf of the Executive to pass into law the two-thirds gender rule enshrine in article 81 of the Constitution. The gender bill was shut down after it failed to marshal the numbers required to pass into law the twothirds gender parity.
Unpolished Lamu Port blamed for loss of oil deal with Uganda The decision by Uganda to go the Tanzania route on the oil deal was informed by Kenya’s failure to develop the Lamu Port under the South Sudan Ethiopia Transport (Lapsset) corridor, Energy Cabinet Secretary Charles Keter revealed yesterday. While appearing before the Senate Energy Committee chaired by Baringo senator Gideon Moi, Keter also blamed Tanzania for locking Kenya out of final talks that sealed the deal. He further blamed France-based Company Total Oil for misleading Uganda on the construction cost of the oil pipeline from Lamu to Uganda. Keter said Kenya only learnt that Uganda had already sealed a deal with Tanzania to take the Tanga route and to let oil firm Total E&P of France fund and operate the pipeline during the Northern Corridor Heads of State Summit last week. “I cannot deny that we have lost the deal for some reasons among them the delay in doing the Lamu port which should have been done a long time ago. Lapsset had died until December when President Uhuru Kenyatta went there and saw the need to revive it,” Keter said. “We now have Sh5 billion allocated in the mini-budget to revive it. If we had done the Lamu port and the road network, may be it would have helped Uganda to make the decision to transport its crude oil through Kenya,” he explained. The CS told the committee that Kenya
had not shifted its attention and will be focussing in building its own oil pipeline from Lokichar-Isiolo-Lamu which will be ready in the second quarter of 2021. He revealed starting next year Kenya will be exporting its first 2,000 barrels of crude oil per day by rail and road as it expects to complete its own pipeline in five years at cost of $4.2 billion (Sh425 billion). “Tullow will be able to produce about 2,000 barrels per day. But they are not going to go into fullscale production for commercialisation,” Keter said. The 2,000 barrels per day will translate to Sh8.3 million ($82, 000) daily based on World Bank crude forecasts $41 a barrel. This will translate to Sh3 billion annually, assuming the plants will run daily. The cabinet secretary further disclosed that Kenya will be embarking on plans to commence small-scale production by next year, and that roads connecting the oilfields in Turkana to Eldoret were being enhanced, along with a railway from Eldoret to the port city of Mombasa. CS Keter said the planned transportation of oil from Lokichar to Mombasa by road was arrived at after Uganda ditched Kenya’s route and questioned the port development, constructability, construction schedule, land acquisition, and financing. @hillary_x254
Only 195 MPs voted in support of the Bill, 28 voted against while a number of them abstained, but did not record
their abstentions. The MPs will vote again on Thursday next week. However, passage of the Kaluma Bill
now extends immunity to members of Senate and county assemblies. Kaluma who spoke after the passage of the bill, told X news that that they will be no longer be gagged by the courts issuing court injunctions but will give legislators an opportunity to play their oversight role. “We now have a free hand to discuss and oversight on matters before us without the unnecessary court injunctions,” Kaluma said. All the 242 members present voted in favour of the Bill, exceeding the constitutional requirement of 233 members. Members of the public, civil society and even the opposition have time and again ran to courts to seek injunction on some matters before Parliament, such as MPs illegal increase of their salaries, unlawful amendments of the constitution and many more. @hillary_x254
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‘Global citizenship rising’, poll suggests People are increasingly identifying themselves as global rather than national citizens, according to a BBC World Service poll. The trend is particularly marked in emerging economies, where people see themselves as outward looking and internationally minded. However, in Germany fewer people say they feel like global citizens now, compared with 2001. Pollsters GlobeScan questioned more than 20,000 people in 18 countries. More than half of those asked (56%) in emerging economies saw themselves first and foremost as global citizens rather than national citizens. In Nigeria (73%), China (71%), Peru (70%) and India (67%) the data is particularly marked. By contrast, the trend in the industrialised nations seems to be heading in the opposite direction. In these richer nations, the concept of global citizenship appears to have taken a serious hit after the financial crash of 2008. In Germany, for example, only 30% of respondents see themselves as global citizens. According to Lionel Bellier from GlobeScan, this is the lowest proportion seen in Germany since the poll began 15 years ago. “It has to be seen in the context of a very charged environment, politically and emotionally, following Angela Merkel’s policy to open the doors to a million refugees last year.” The poll suggests a degree of soulsearching in Germany about how open its doors should be in the future.
It says 54% of German respondents approved of welcoming Syrians to their country. In the UK, where the government has resolutely capped the number of Syrian refugees, the figure was much higher at 72%. A significant proportion of Germans also sat on the fence when they were asked about issues to do with immigration and society. On the question of whether intermarriage was a welcome development, for example, 46% of German respondents were not sure how to respond or they tried to qualify their answers by saying it depended what the circumstances were. This is in stark contrast to other European countries, such as France, where people were much more emphatically in favour of marriages between people from different racial or religious backgrounds. These grey areas on the bar charts could suggest Germany is still grappling with whether it wants to welcome newcomers or not. “There is a lot of uncertainty there,” says Mr Bellier. “German respondents are showing a high level of indecisiveness when they are asked if they approve or disapprove of these developments and whether they accept the fact that their country is taking a lead on refugees.” According to the data, there are some clear divides in attitudes within continents. In Europe, it is Russia which has the strongest resistance to intermarriage, with 43% of Russians actively
disapproving of marriages between different races and ethnic groups. Compare that with Spain, where only 5% would be opposed to such matches. Spain also noticeably has the most respondents who see themselves as
global citizens. Russia appears to have the strongest overall opposition to immigration. Only 11% of the Russians polled would approve of accepting refugees from Syria, for example. On the other hand, Spain would be the
most welcoming of all the countries polled when it comes to receiving refugees from the Syrian conflict. There, an eye-catching majority - 84% - believe they should take in more of those fleeing the five-year civil war. The figures suggest there is also an interesting divide emerging in North American attitudes to refugees. Of those Canadians asked, 77% said they would approve of accepting Syrians fleeing their home country. But in the United States that figure drops to 55%. Indonesia has the weakest sense of national citizenship (4%). Instead, it seems Indonesians have a much stronger sense of localism, with over half of respondents seeing their immediate communities as the most important way of defining themselves. In general, religion plays a much smaller part how people define themselves compared to nationality. The big exception to that rule is Pakistan, with 43% of Pakistanis appearing to identify themselves first and foremost by their religion considerably higher than any other country. The polling on religion also reminds us of one of the defining differences between old-world Europe and the United States. In the US, 15% of those asked would who define themselves first and foremost by religion. In European countries that figure is only 5%. Table showing percentage of respondents per country who said they feel more like global citizens. SOURCE: Globescan Poll for BBC
Top stories from X News global partners After losses, Sanders Donald Trump unveils Cuts Campaign and Why Apple needs another smash: “Our product pipeline has ‘America first’ foreign Cruz Retools: Reeling from amazing innovations in store,” Tim Cook, policy plan: Donald Trump promised their losses in Tuesday’s Democratic and the boss of Apple, declared on April 26th. to save “humanity itself ” on Wednesday, arguing he would “shake the rust off America’s foreign policy” if elected president with an unashamedly self-interested approach to world affairs. He tried to claim the mantle of Ronald Reagan as he made claims to be developing a foreign policy strategy that would “endure for several generations” by seeking peace through strength. In his first major policy address since becoming frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, he also foreshadowed his likely campaign attacks against Hillary Clinton by holding her and Barack Obama jointly to blame for “reckless, rudderless and aimless foreign policy” in the Middle East.
Republican primaries, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas abruptly reordered their campaigns on Wednesday, aiming to preserve some small hope that the race might yet turn in their favor. Mr. Cruz named a running mate, Carly Fiorina, to help bring down Donald J. Trump, the Republican favorite, and both spoke of Mr. Trump in the language of relentless opposition, casting him as a sinister figure who must not be allowed to become president. On the Democratic side, Mr. Sanders said he would scale back his upstart bid for the White House and lay off hundreds of workers.
He hoped to sound reassuring after the company reported its first year-on-year quarterly revenue decline since 2003. But he was not convincing enough. Shares of Apple fell by around 8% in the hours after its results emerged, erasing more than $46 billion in market value. Investors’ immediate concern is the popularity of the iPhone. It accounts for the bulk of Apple’s revenues and profits; sales were 18% lower than a year ago. The broader smartphone market is sluggish, says Mr Cook. Apple hopes that the flashy new features of the iPhone 7, which it is expected to introduce in September, will convince customers to abandon older models.
Zuckerberg seeks to tighten grip as Facebook results surge: Facebook has
proposed an arrangement that will allow Mark Zuckerberg to maintain long-term control while pursuing his charitable giveaway, by creating a new class of stock with no voting rights. The company announced the proposal at the same time as it beat earnings and revenue expectations, after posting a 52 per cent surge in first-quarter sales, bucking a trend this earnings season that has seen Apple, Twitter, Microsoft and Google’s parent company Alphabet disappoint investors. Shares jumped as much as 9 per cent in after-hours trading to more than $119 each. Facebook has proposed a class C of stock.
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xnews | THURsday, APRIL 28, 2016 |
PwC in Sh6b deal to revive Pan Paper Mills, create jobs: Uhuru PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a multinational professional services network headquartered in London, is in league with an investor in a bid to revive Pan Paper Mills, President Uhuru Kenyatta has confirmed. In a statement released this morning, the President stated that Pricewaterhouse Coopers, who are the joint receivers of Pan Paper Mills, had reached an agreement with a strategic investor to purchase the assets of a plant that would have otherwise gone to waste. The handover of the Mill to the new investor is scheduled to happen next week; and plans are to re-start its operations within the next three months. The investor has also pledged to inject $60 million (over Sh6 billion) over the next few years. PwC is the largest professional services firm in the world, and is one of the Big Four auditors, along with Deloitte, EY and KPMG. The PwC agreement, set to create as many as 1,500 new jobs, provides not just for the purchase of the mill, but also for the revival of an industrial icon in western Kenya and a major source of livelihood for the region, Kenyatta said. “For Kenyans born in the 60’s and 70’s, Pan Paper represented a symbol of Kenya’s progress. Webuye was a vibrant town, with a diligent, productive population of workers, traders and their families. Over the years the mill suffered a number of business setbacks --- in spite of spirited efforts by the previous Administration, which
“I am informed this investment will yield close to 1,500 jobs for the people of Bungoma and Western Kenya within the next 3 years. The good news also is that the investor has given an assurance that former employees of Pan Paper Mills will be given priority as the initial employees to be re-absorbed into the business,” Kenya’s Head of State confirmed. He said the Jubilee Administration will fully support the revival of the mill. In this regard, I direct all relevant agencies of Government to expeditiously play their role in the process. “As a Government, we were, and remain convinced that empowering the private sector is the surest way
CBK in move to restore investor and depositor confidence in banking sector Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) has announced plans to restore both investors’ and depositors’ confidence in the Kenyan banking sector. According to CBK Director of Bank Supervision Mr Gerald Nyaoma, the regulator has requested Members of Parliament (MP) to amend the law giving its department powers to publicly name and shame rogue banks. “What we are after is for harsh chastisement for errant banks and we are seeking the help of the Members of Parliament to amend the law which will give us jurisdictions to name and tame rogue lenders,” Nyaoma said. His request comes just after his department was accused of laxity in its duties leading to closure of some of the leading banks across the country. Nyaoma says this might be the only solution to ensure that
all bankers adhere to the rules and regulations of the CBK. The drive also follows an increase in rates at which Kenyan lenders are being put under receivership, a move that is shaking depositors’ and investors’ confidence in the country’s banking sector. Nyaoma has, however, blamed poor Information Technology (IT) within banking sector for the woes facing banking institutions, saying greedy directors are taking advantage of the situation to confidently lend themselves billions in unsecured cash. He further said that CBK lacks ICT system auditors making its role tougher. The Director said that the regulator has taken steps to recruit experienced auditors. In recent years, many local banks have spent billions of shillings upgrading their IT networks, thereby reducing their reliance on
paper work in their transactions. CBK’s latest move comes almost a week after the regulator urged bank shareholders to look into statements and governance of their respective institutions in a bid to keep them accountable. In a statement released just days ago, CBK Governor Patrick Njoroge encouraged shareholders to be keen to query the numbers at Annual General Meetings (AGMs) “They need to ask the questions. How did you get all these NonPerforming Loans? Who are you lending to and what are the rules?” he said. Njoroge urged shareholders to check whether their banks are tightening their credit policy and how decisions are made on lending to insiders. The CBK boss blamed the volatility in the financial sector on a lack of transparency in the banking industry. enock_x254
BUY SELL 101.1100 101.2959 147.8494 148.1433 114.5500 114.7822 7.0099 7.0301 33.0221 33.1817 21.6791 21.8178
Atlas African Industries posts Sh1.5b loss, blames turbulent market
President Uhuru Kenyatta when he met Western Kenya leaders at State House, Nairobi. In a statement this morning, the President said that Pricewaterhouse Coopers, who are the joint receivers of Pan Paper Mills, had reached a deal with an investor to purchase assets that would have otherwise gone to waste. injected billions of shillings. This took a toll on the economy of the region and rendered many of our people from this region without reliable source of livelihood,” the President explained. Kenyatta, who was speaking in Webuye, was accompanied by Members of Parliament, the Governor of Bungoma, Government officials and private sector players, all of whom were gathered to witness the first step of the revival. The mill has for the last decade been plagued by massive debt, and improper management, all of which have deprives Bungoma, and Western Kenya of the jobs and prosperity it deserves, the President said.
MEAN 101.2029 147.9964 114.6661 7.0200 33.1019 21.7484
to hasten economic transformation, and to achieve this noble goal for every Kenyan. Uchumi and usawa, are indeed, our watchwords,” President Kenyatta reiterated. He added that his administration has put in place elaborate programmes to make Kenya’s business environment more attractive and globally competitive. Some of the initiatives the state is implementing include: a 40-month programme to substantially expand power generation, largely from environmentally friendly and less expensive sources in order to reduce its cost, as well as the fast tracking of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) . Dennis_x254
Atlas African Industries Ltd has posted a loss before tax of $14.7 million (Sh1.478 billion) for the 18 months ended December 31, 2015. “As shareholders will be aware, the 18-month period under review has been both turbulent and transformative,” the group’s Non-Executive Chairman Ian H. Mann said in a statement. “Together with the entire board, I believe that Atlas has navigated this period in a sensible manner and is now heading in the right direction to generate shareholder value. The collapse in the oil price, which persisted throughout the period under review, dramatically changed our operating environment, particularly in Kenya, and with oil companies aggressively cutting exploration budgets, our original core support services business was affected deeply,” he stated. In response, Atlas’s Board proactively implemented a strategic review and made a number of fundamental decisions to lessen the impact of the adverse oil and gas industry dynamics; an aggressive cost cutting programme was initiated to streamline the business. The group said it identified areas where it could utilise its existing knowledge, expertise and relationships to generate shareholder value beyond its historic core offering. The group also raised additional capital to strengthen the balance sheet. “With significantly better economic dynamics and market opportunity, we have transferred our focus to Ethiopia. Dennis_x254
Sweet news for Mumias as firm gets another Sh1 billion bailout Mumias Sugar Company has received another bailout worth Sh1.1 billion from the government as part of the State’s efforts to revive the ailing sugar firm. This makes it the second time the government is injecting cash into the sugar miller, totaling to Sh2 billion. The money will be used for its restructuring plans, which are set to take place within a period of one year. The amount, according to Mumias Sugar Company Chairperson Mr Dan Ameyo, will be used for the purchase of new equipment, payment of farmers as well as remuneration of staff. “The funding by the National government has come at a right time when the firm has laid strategies including a spending plan to restructure the factory and bring it back to profitability,” said Mr Ameyo. He said the money will not only help the company but also rescue farmers from the burden of high production costs.
Ameyo has thanked farmers and suppliers who remained patient making the miller to stay alive despite delayed payments from the firm. The firm also seeks to raise more money through a right issue. In June 2015, the government which owns 20 per cent stake in the sugar factory injected Sh 1 billion into the firm. The president has, however, cautioned the management of the firm not to be involved in embezzlement of the funds as it has been a trend observed in the recent managers. “The current challenges Mumias is facing are as a result of corrupt managers. I therefore urge the management to take note on the matter to ensure such vices won’t be witnessed again,” President Uhuru said as he commented on the developments. Mumias last year laid off more than 100 of its workers as part of turnaround initiatives. The firm is eying a Sh2.26 billion half year loss.
BIZ BRIEFS ‘Please Call Me’ inventor set to become millionaire Kenneth Nkosana Makate, the inventor of the mobile phone application popularly known as “Please Call Me”, is set to become a millionaire after a South African court ruling granted him compensation for his idea. The service, which is currently being used in different networks including Safaricom, is Makate’s brainchild, according to the court ruling in which the inventor was pitted against telecommunications giant, Vodacom. Makate said he had developed the idea as a way for him to be able to communicate with his girlfriend with whom he had a long distance relationship. The court order, which was delivered on Tuesday, demanded the parties to negotiate and come to an agreement within 30 days.
Home Afrika Ltd announces changes as directors resign The Directors of leading real estate investment company Home Afrika Ltd have announced a raft of changes in the company’s Board of Directors and Management that will take effective immediately. In a statement released yesterday, the realtor confirmed that Dr Mbira Gikonyo, Mbugua Kamau, Lucy Maina, Yagah Kithinji, Jane Adam, Paul Nguru and Doris Murimi have resigned from the directorship of the company. Mr. Lee Karuri will be resigning as the Board Chair and Director at the upcoming AGM in June. We are thankful to them for the contribution to Home Afrika Ltd during their directorship. Linus Gitahi, Peter Nduati and Rachel Mbai have been appointed as Directors of the company. Joshua Kihoro has been appointed as the Chief Finance Officer.
KQ gets court order blocking pilots’ strike The High Court has blocked a planned strike by pilots of the Kenya Airlines Pilot Association (KAPLA) following a case lodged by Kenya Airways (KQ). The order blocking the strike remains in force until an inter-partes hearing on May 9. “An interim order is hereby granted restraining the respondents, its members, agents, servants and or sympathisers from calling, participating or engaging in any form of industrial action,” Justice Nduma Nderi directed. Kenya Airways had also asked the court to prohibit KALPA from issuing media statements or making any public announcements touching on the affairs of the airline until the suit is heard and determined.
WPP Scangroup posts Sh875.3m before tax profit as revenue falls WPP Scangroup Ltd, the largest marketing and communication group operating a multi-agency model in sub Saharan Africa, has posted a profit before tax of Sh875.3 million for the Full Year (FY) ended 2015. The number is down from Sh912.3 million the previous year. The firm also posted a Full Year revenue of Sh5.02 billion versus Sh5.13 billion a year ago. According to a company statement, the group faced a tough trading environment in 2015 in Kenya, which is its largest market. As a result, the group’s revenue fell by 2 per cent. “Kenya now accounts for 66 per cent of the group’s revenue (down from 70 per cent in 2014) and we anticipate to reduce further to 60 per cent in 2016/17,” WPP Scangroup said in its announcement. “Performance of operations outside Kenya was strong as we continue to develop these new markets,” added the group. The group noted that results in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda were particularly pleasing. Scangroup Limited, last year changed its name to WPP Scangroup Limited. Making the announcement in June of 2015, WPP Scangroup CEO Bharat Thakrar said that the change of name
WPP Scangroup CEO Bharat Thakrar said the firm’s change of name signifies that WPP Scangroup and WPP plc are “now fully together, with a shared vision, values in Sub Saharan Africa.” signifies that WPP Scangroup and WPP plc are “now fully together, with a shared vision, values and core principles for developing marketing communications across Sub Saharan Africa.” “The synergy from the coming together of these two great firms will significantly transform the future of marketing communications across this fascinating
continent. This is aptly captured by the famous African proverb that says: ‘If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together,” Thakrar said. WPP Scangroup, which is a subsidiary of WPP, is the largest marketing and communication group operating a multi-agency model across multiple disciplines in sub Saharan Africa.
WPP-Scangroup offers a comprehensive and integrated range of advertising and communication services in traditional advertising, media investment management, field marketing and event management as part of the firm’s services portfolio. Dennis_x254
Tech firm sets up East African headquarters as solar power solutions demand expands Azuri Technologies, a company that deals in solar power solutions, has announced the creation of Azuri East Africa, its new subsidiary which will be based in Nairobi to consolidate its growing presence in the region. Azuri has appointed mobile industry leader and former Regional CFO of Eaton Towers, Snehar Shah, to lead its East Africa operations. The Nairobi office will bring together Azuri’s East African activities under a single operating entity in order to best share the organisation’s knowledge of Pay-As-You-Go best practice while maintaining the responsiveness of local representation, the group said in a statement released yesterday. As a pioneer of pay-as-you-go solar power solutions when it first entered the Kenyan market in 2011, Azuri has since expanded its reach outside the home of Africa’s ‘Silicon Valley’ to serve some 80,000 households across multiple African countries. Azuri East Africa will be a launch-pad for further expansion across the burgeoning East Africa region, the tech firm noted in its statement. The appointment of Snehar Shah as the General Manager of Azuri East Africa brings 20 years of expertise in investment, finance, and business development to Azuri. Until recently Regional Chief Financial Officer of mobile towers business, Eaton Towers, Snehar has a strong history in the telecoms and consumer services
Azuri’s latest products include HomeSmart, a machine-learning technology that adapts to each customer’s individual needs to guarantee light at night, even in cloudy conditions. markets including with mobile operator Orange where he was head of the company’s mobile money business unit. Azuri’s latest products include HomeSmart, a machine-learning technology that adapts to each customer’s individual needs to guarantee light at night, even in cloudy conditions.
Instead of an upfront cost, Azuri systems are purchased through a Pay-As-YouGo model, providing access to essential power to rural off-grid households. In Kenya, Azuri’s Quad solar home system provides customers with four LED lights with mobile phone charging and a rechargeable radio all for KES 50 per
day. The new Duo product with two lights and charger is requires no deposit and equivalent daily payments as low as Sh31.50 per day. “As the country continues to grow, greater demand is placed on the national grid due to increased economic activities. Strategic alternatives like those promoted by Azuri Technologies are instrumental in providing necessary clean and affordable solutions for both rural and urban consumers,” said Kenya’s Deputy Director of Renewable Energy, Faith Wandera Odongo in an earlier announcement. “As GM East Africa of Azuri I am looking forward to building upon my experience within the telecom industry. I was brought up in the Rift Valley where my grandfather was the pioneer in supplying battery operated radios, TVs and torches and am proud to be part of the growth of the pay-as-you-go solar products to the mass market in the same region,” Snehar Shah commented. On his part, Simon Bransfield-Garth, Chief Executive of Azuri said: “The creation of Azuri East Africa marks a further milestone in Azuri’s journey and demonstrates our continuing commitment to serving our customers in East Africa. I am delighted that leading industry figure Snehar Shah will be joining us to drive the next stage of our growth in the region.” Dennis_x254
Kenya launches ‘#yallakenya’ campaign to attract tourists from Gulf Kenya has officially launched an initiative dubbed the #YallaKenya (Lets go to Kenya) campaign, a consumer movement targeting the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) market to drive more tourists to Kenya. The move, which was unveiled in Dubai this week, is a joint venture between the Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) and Conde Nast, one of the largest luxury travel platforms /magazines in the GCC countries. It is also part of a raft of programmes set to support Kenya’s come back to the Arabia Travel Market (ATM) after a 3 year break from this international. The campaign involves a three month incentive programme to the trade, which will see the incorporation of special fares and packages promoted directly to consumers GCC wide in both Arabic and English languages to encourage travel across all the segments of the market. The campaign will run across the GCC market and will highlight key products that are popular such as wildlife, beach, and culture as well as highlight points of comfort within these markets that are specific to the Halal travel aspects. It is a campaign built on the largely successful #Choose Kenya consumer campaign which ran last year. Speaking at the official launch of the campaign, Tourism Principal Secretary, Mrs. Fatuma Hirsi noted that Kenya is positioned extremely well in the UAE. “We are certain that the efforts in this campaign will bear fruit in this market that enjoys good connectivity to Nairobi, a key hub in Africa. Dennis_x254
Commodity prices to dominate 2016 World Energy Congress THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2016
The 23rd World Energy Congress, slated to run from October 9 to 13, 2016 has announced the first key highlights of its official event programme. Headline sessions will include weathering the commodity price storm and the impact of the COP21 agreement on the energy industry. The four day programme will address the most important energy issues facing the entire global energy leaders’ community as the world maps the transition to a low carbon energy future. Prominent leaders such as Jean-Bernard Levy, Chairman and CEO of EDF; Amin
for the future, day two: Identifying the business opportunities, resources and technologies, day three: The Energy Trilemma, with day four focused on Africa and its role in securing a stable energy future. “We are on the frontier of a massive energy transition. As industry and governments address the impact of commodity prices, the dynamism in renewables, uncertainty in the CO2 price, the integration of China and India into international energy institutions and a new spirit of innovation, we wanted to ensure that this Congress did
The 23rd Energy Congress will open on Monday, October 10 in Istanbul, Turkey.
Global charity asks drug maker to slash price of pneumonia vaccine Global charity, Medecins Sans Frontieres has urged pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc, to slash the price of its pneumonia vaccine in half for the sake of saving the lives of poor children. Pneumonia killed some 920,000 children globally last year, according to United Nations data, and many regions of the world cannot afford to vaccinate children against the acute respiratory infection, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said. Fifty-five nations, including Kenya, Pakistan and Myanmar, currently can obtain pneumonia vaccines at cutrate prices through a public-private partnership called the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI). Medecins on Wednesday delivered a petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to the drugmaker Supporters of a proposal to cut the vaccine price to $5 (Sh506). per needy child took their petition, and a baby’s crib covered with signatures,
H. Nasser, CEO of Saudi Aramco; Zhenya Liu, Chairman of SGCC; Johannes Teyssen, CEO of E.ON; Strive Masiyiwa, CEO of Econet as well as Ben van Beurden, CEO of Shell, will deliver speeches, in what promises to be a spectacular and thought provoking Congress. Discussions will be on a diverse range of issues from understanding how innovative business models are shaping the electricity revolution to what key actions are required to meet tomorrow’s energy goals. Each day of the congress will be dedicated to a theme. Day one: Vision and scenarios
to the company’s New York City headquarters on the eve of its annual shareholder meeting. According to a report fron the Thomson Reuters Foundation, they made the same request of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which also makes a vaccine to prevent pneumonia. Those prices are about $10 (1,011) for the Pfizer vaccine, which comes in three doses, and about $9 (910) for a vaccine made by GSK. But MSF and supporters want those prices cut roughly by half in all developing nations and for humanitarian groups. “Millions of babies and young kids around the world are left unprotected against pneumonia because Pfizer and GSK charge such high prices for the pneumonia vaccine,” said Greg Elder, a MSF spokesman, in a statement. In response, Pfizer said producing its pneumonia vaccine, Prevenar 13, is costly and time-consuming.
not shy away from the difficult decisions. This year’s event is the perfect platform for the global community to come together and shape the market of the future,” said Christoph Frei, Secretary General, World Energy Council. The Congress will open on Monday, October 10 with a special address from Ahmet Davutoglu, Prime Minister of Turkey, followed by the opening session with Fatih Birol, Executive Director IEA; Isabelle Kocher, Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer ENGIE and Guler Sabanci, Chairman and Managing Director of Turkish Sabanci Holding, discussing what the challenges the world will face on its grand energy transition trajectory to 2060. “The calibre and experience of our key note speakers is exceptional and we are delighted to welcome Ministers and Heads of States such as Rainer Baake, State Secretary from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy who will lead proceedings on day three of the Congress; The Energy Trilemma: Policy Solutions to Secure Prosperity. This is a must attend event for the global energy community,” Hasan Murat Mercan, President of the Turkish Member Committee, World Energy Council commented. The 23rd World Energy Congress is under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Turkey, H.E Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who is personally looking forward to addressing and welcoming up to 10,000 of the world most influential energy sector delegates to the historic city of Istanbul. kevin_x254
The new off-grid Beartooth gives you ‘service with absolutely no signal’ Communication via a mobile network service provider’s network is great until you try to make a call and your cell signal gets blocked by thousands of other people doing the same at a crowded event such as a concert or a graduation parade. Or you may just be naturally away from a network coverage area and urgently need to communicate. Well, the Beartooth is here to reconnect you. The device is an off-grid transmitter that pairs with your smartphone - via a Bluetooth 2.0 connection, naturally - turning it into a two-way radio for texting and calling over a 3km radius. Beartooth’s signal uses a public-radio frequency that goes over the crowd like an umbrella. Nearly the size of a deck of cards, it weighs less than 5 ounces, looks like a thin hard drive, and has enough range to cover about 2 miles. It links only to other Beartooth users which is why the company sells it in pairs. Whats more interesting about this gadget is that it allows you to Push
to talk for instant communication to a group and share offline location and maps with other beartooth contacts. The ultimate winner on this device is that it is also a power bank and acts as a backup battery charger for your
cellular. The Beartooth is iOS and Android Compatible and is able to cover 5 Miles for Voice, 10 Miles for Text its MHz Digital Transceiver ranges between 902MHz - 928MHz with Up to -148dBm Receiver Sensitivity, 178dB Link Budget. It is built with Mesh Networking for Extended Range and uses an AES 256-Bit Encryption. The Beartooth’s 3000mAh Battery ensures 4 Day Battery Life and it comes with a USB Type-C Port with Fast Bi-Directional Charging. Backcountry hikers and skiers use the Beartooth too, which makes sense since its two founders are Montanabased skiers. In case you get lost or are stuck in a snowslide, Beartooth locates you, pinpoints nearby landmarks, assists you with navigation, and sends SOS signals to others. With all that brilliance in such a small device, this is one gadget that could save a user from an unreliable network provider. kevin_x254
ACCESS topstory
Batman consistently uncovers the truth Behind mysteries no one else can decipher with little evidence at his disposal.
Spoiler alert if you are yet to watch the movie!
hen Batman V Superman was first announced, the casual superhero fan likely had one question in mind: How could Batman, a superhero who possesses no superhuman abilities, possibly battle Superman? Here are six reasons Superman can never defeat Batman.
A trait that is often overlooked in the film portrayals, Batman possesses genius-level intellect that comes in handy when he finds himself up against foes he can’t defeat with sheer strength. And given that Batman possesses no true superpowers, it is wit and not brawn that generally leads him to victory over his foes. This is one of the primary reasons Batman is often a leader of the Justice League. Batman would seek to avoid a fight at all costs unless he had something up his sleeves, which he usually does.
Detective skills
Closely related to intelligence, and another aspect of the superhero overlooked in the films, is Batman’s detective skills. Often referred to as the “World’s Greatest Detective,” Batman consistently uncovers the truth behind mysteries no one else can decipher with little evidence at his disposal.
Do you know why
can never defeat
Lupita, Victoria, Swift among world’s best dressed travelers
Now that we’ve outlined a scenario in which Batman could fight Superman without worrying about getting obliterated by super strength, let’s make something perfectly clear: Batman would destroy Superman in an equal fight. When it comes to pure human ability unaided by superpowers, Batman is off-the-charts in all areas.
All that Wayne money can be put to good use when fighting off Superman. If there’s a way to beat Superman without the use of kryptonite, you better believe Batman could put his money to work to make it happen. In fact, in the classic comic The Dark Knight Returns, Batman is able to go toeto-toe with Superman using a powerful mechanical suit before ultimately besting him when Superman is shot with a kryptonite-tipped arrow. And if Batman is capable of doing that sans kryptonite, imagine all the fancy toys he can create with the mineral at his possession. Members of the Justice League along with superheroes like Nightwing and Robin who would be ready to find a way to take down Superman.
There’s always the original: kryptonite. Everyone knows at this point that when Superman is exposed to the mineral he is drained of his superpowers making him an easy target for a straight-
Beyoncé did her best to put the Lemonade-fueled rumors of marital troubles to bed last night, dedicating a performance of her heartfelt anthem, “Halo,” to husband Jay Z. “I want to dedicate this to my beautiful husband,” the singer told the crowd in Miami, the first stop on her Formation World Tour, before performing her final song of the night. “I love you so much.”
Fighting style
Beyoncé dedicates Halo Performance to Jay Z
up brawl with Batman. That being said, the question of how Batman could not only discover this weakness but acquire some to use against Superman is tied to his intelligence and detective skills. Furthermore, in many iterations of the Justice League, Batman keeps kryptonite on hand just in case Superman were to lose control of his powers.
Victoria Beckham has been named the best-dressed celebrity traveller. With her effortless ability to turn the airport arrivals lounge into her personal fashion runway, Victoria pipped Amal Clooney to the coveted top spot. Lupita Nyong’o was ranked number nine in the list that has Victoria Beckham, Amal Clooney, Kendall Jenner, Angelina Jolie, and Gwen Stefani holding the first five slots in that order. Charlize Theron, Taylor Swift and Marion Cotillard follow ahead of Lupita and Heidi Klum.
Meet Sakaja the rapper…
Who would have thought that TNA nominated MP and Nairobi Gubernatorial hopeful Johnson Sakaja could spit some sensible rhymes? Well, he did. Celebrating 11 years and themed ‘Come as You Are, the 2016 Groove awards nomination night attracted the gospel music industry players as well as corporate and political leaders. When Sakaja stepped on stage to appreciate the event, he was challenged to freestyle and he nailed it. On a beat box rap beat Sakaja went ‘Kwani name naishi kwa hali gani/juu mara ni kanisani/ na mara sipatikani/nataka nimebaki ndani ya neema niwe wima lakini natenda dhambi/ na kunena si hekima/ since mimi sina, self-control at times it seems mimi sina/ I am just a man’
@Time 100 gala
Caitlyn JenneR: Radiating spleandor.
ercy @m
54 _x2
kaRlie kRoSS: Royalty Purple.
aRiana GRande: Perfect ball gown.
Gina RodRiGuez: How to make a resounding statement.
Celebs who have been misTresses angelina Jolie
Jenifer anisTon
fter the Brangelina incident, Jenifer managed to move on with her current husband Justin Theroux but the two started dating when Justin was engaged to Heidi Bivens. What is wrong with Hollywood?
e all know the Angelina-Brad-Jenny love triangle. Brad Pitt met Angelina Jolie when filming the movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith and started having an affair with her while he was still married to Jenifer Aniston. Eventually he divorced Jenifer and married Angelina.
PRiyanka CHoPRa: She looked angelic in white.
The besT among equals… Each year, Time magazine releases a list of the top most influential people in the world. This is usually in recognition of innovators and entertainers and this year, all your favorite celebs were in attendance of the Time 100 Gala including; Leonardo DiCaprio, Priyanka Chopra and Nicki Minaj who by the way made the top 10. Our eyes were on the red carpet…
Jennifer loPeZ
o you remember when J Lo and P Diddy were an item? Word on the streets of Hollywood has it that Diddy left Kim Porter, his three-babiesmama for J Lo in what Kim calls ‘falling for a booty and a smile’.
all round news and updates from universities
Science boost for Embu University College
High school students to receive university steering Co-operative Bank of Kenya Foundation and MoneyGram Foundation have come together to create a program that will benefit 350 underprivileged high school students countrywide by boosting academic performances, helping them make better career choices, and giving them the skills to succeed in university and beyond. The program will be launched in countrywide workshops this month.
Embu University College is set to receive a boost worth Sh13 million in science equipment. The apparatus, donated by Seeding Lab’s 2016 Instrumental Access Program will strengthen the quality of the science course that the university and 16 others offer.
Co-op bank and Money gram representatives sign a deal.
UoN still shines bright Justice for gunned down Mombasa Poly student
Just when we think they couldn’t possibly redeem themselves, it seems UoN is still tops.Time Magazine has ranked the University of Nairobi among the best universities in its ranking of Africa Universities. The institution stood at number eight among the best 15 universities in Africa, 2016. @mercy_x254
A Bungoma High Court judge has ordered for the presentation of photographic evidence of the murder scene of a Mombasa Polytechnic Student which occurred in 2014. The student, Mitchi Kibiti, was the son of a Bungoma Chief and he was shot dead while at a birthday party with friends. The order was made after disputes arose over the credibility of crime scene pictures earlier taken by the prosecution.
hot date
,NGARA AT SARAKASi DOME 29. 04.2016 4PM-10PM ENTRY: KSH 100.
Apps every woman should have on her
ell it is about time women embraced the tech world and for their own good; Here are some apps we absolutely endorse. Kill Switch: Because break ups are hard enough, this apps helps you erase all traces of your ex from your phone from contact details to social media links. My Pill: Staying on track with birth control can prove to be quite the task especially when using oral contraceptives but not
when using My Pill. The app reminds you when its time to swallow a pill, scheduling checkups and predicts period dates. Opi: This is a nail polish app that helps tell whether a polish color will look good on you by analyzing your nail shape and complexion. It also provides the names of a myriad mix of colors. Ruby by glow: The app is an all-purpose tool to help women take control of their
sex lives. It offers tools for keeping track of sexual activity, symptoms, health and timing their menstrual
cycles. My Fitness Pal: Killer figures are not easy to form and maintain, which is why this app is a woman’s best friend. It serves as a diet tracker and a calorie counter so that you can maintain a balance between eating and exercising.
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Fill in the blanks with the numbers 1-9. every row, column and 3x3 box must contain all nine digits with no repeated number. Friday’s Solution
THURSday 28/4/2016
Stima electrocute Ingwe to pile more pressure on AFC THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2016
Fredrick Shimonyo scored with three minutes left on the clock as Western Stima beat AFC leopards 2-1 at the Moi Stadium in Kisumu to move fourth on the SportPesa Premier League standings. Fredrick Nyarombo had given Stima a 27th minute lead before Clifton Miheso restored parity five minutes after coming on in the second half, but Shimonyo’s sucker punch meant Leopards went for the third straight match without a win. Head coach Ivan Minnaert had brought in the lanky Kevin Migunde in defence, taking the place of suspended Eugene Ambulwa who saw red in the match against Ulinzi Stars last weekend. However, Migunde struggled to get his feet into the game and Stima were threatening to use the weak link to punch in scoring opportunities. In the 10th minute, goalkeeper Lucas Indeche was forced to come to Ingwe’s rescue to put out an effort by Francis Ochollah after being played through by Victor Ochieng. AFC continued playing second fiddle to the hosts
with Minnaert frustrated on the touchline. Stima got a reward for their early resilience, Nyarombo tapping home a goal bound effort from Ochollah which beat Indeche. Minnaert couldn’t have any more of Ingwe’s poor start to the game and in the 38th minute pulled out the unconvincing Migunde for Allan Katterega. At the start of the second half, Minnaert pulled out Alfred Wekesa for Clifton Miheso and the speedy winger needed just five minutes to make his presence felt, shooting into the net from a rebound after Evans Bengo had blocked his cross into the area. AFC now played with a bit more confidence and Minnaert threw in his last dice with 15 minutes to go, bringing in Lamin Diallo for Omune. As they threw bodies upfront in search of the winner, Shimonyo weaved his way into the box, rounded Indeche to tap in the winning goal and earn Stima a second consecutive three points at home. “Despite the win, I’m disappointed with how we
AFC Leopards midfielder Bernard Ongoma (left) attempts to win the ball under pressure from Western Stima’s Fred Nyarombo during their Sportpesa Premier League match in Kisumu yesterday. PHOTO: CAPITAL FM
played in the first half, our tactics never worked out well and we were heavily pressed. In the second half the changes we made worked well and the best we made was Bernard Ondiek coming in. He added the numbers upfront and we got the goal,” Western Stima coach Henry Omino said after the match. Minnaert on his side could not his displeasure with the manner his side played. “It hasn’t been a good show, not good at all. We dominated the second half, pressed well but our
tactics just couldn’t get the second goal. At the start of the game some players couldn’t even get the basics of football and that’s what irked me in the first half,” Minnaert said after the match. Immediately, AFC will embark on a journey back to the City and they will be facing Ulinzi Stars for the second time in the space of one week, this time in the Kenya Premier league Top 8 Cup at the Nyayo Stadium on Sunday. MORE ON THIS STORY
Hellen Obiri now eyes Olympics after strong comeback
Hellen Onsando Obiri of Kenya celebrates after taking the third place in the women’s 1,500m final at the 14th IAAF World Championships at Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, Russia in 2013. After a two year absence, the athlete made a strong comeback yesterday with her eyes trained on the Olympics. PHOTO: SERGEI ILNITSKY/EPA
After successfully earning her comeback from a two-year maternity leave, 2013 1500m world bronze medallist Helen Obiri is eying a second appearance at the Olympics when the Kenyan trials will are conducted in July. The 26-year old reached the 1500m final in the last Olympics in London in 2012 but she finished a disappointing 12th. However, looking on to the 2016 games in Rio de Janeiro in August Obiri is keen on making amends. “I’m back after a long time but I’ve been training hard since January and I feel very strong. I want to keep going at it until I hit top form which will help me get through Kenyan trials,” Obiri said on Wednesday afternoon after competing at the Kenya Defence Forces Athletics Championships in Kasarani. Obiri announced her return in style, running in two races, the 5000m where she won and her favourite 1500m race in a space of four minutes between each other. In the higher distance, Obiri powerfully split up a highly competitive field to win in 14:56.07, beating seasoned athletes Selah Jepleting and Gladys Chepkirui. Just four minutes after the 5000m race, the Laikipia Air Base (LAB) soldier lined up for the 1500m race but she could only contend with a third place finish behind the fresh legs of Winnie Chebet and Judith Kiyeng. Despite a powerful start Obiri faded to third place as she could not sustain a blistering pace despite the conducive weather conditions. Obiri says her next focus is on the
Shanghai leg of the IAFF Diamond League next month where she says she will be running in her preferred 1500m adding she only stepped up to the longer distance to buff up her endurance and fitness levels. The opening day attraction of the Defence Forces championship though was the 10000m where a stellar cast of athletes fought off for the title. Emmanuel Kipsang, Stephen Arita, Kiplimo Mutai and Leonard Oloitiptip served a thrilling contest throughout the 25-lap race. Kipsang emerged best from the elite field, stopping the clock in 28:28.1, 16 seconds faster than second placed Arita. “I feel very strong and hopeful of winning something this year. I’ll vie for a place in the Olympic 5000m team but during the national championships I’ll run the 10000m.” Kipsang said after winning the race. The 400m heats saw Alphus Kishoyan, Boniface Mweresa, Solomon Mutai and veteran Mark Mutai progress to the next stage as Pricila Tabunda easily won the women long jump and 400m hurdles without much competition. In the 100m, legendary sprinter Elikana Nyang’au’s sons Walter Moenga and Mike Mokamba will clash in the finals after sailing to easy wins in the heats. Moenga has been out for two years with a leg injury but is raring to face his younger sibling who broke both 100m and 200m records last year. MORE ON THIS STORY
Liverpool in stern Villarreal test
Jurgen Klopp will tonight lead his Liverpool charges against host Villarreal in what analysts believe will be his biggest tactical test so far. The Reds overcame Klopp’s former side Dormund in a thrilling quarterfinal but soccer analysts believe the victory was more about emotion and passion and not tactics. That Liverpool were outplayed for long periods and that the result can hardly be a template for success. And if that is not enough, Klopp’s two pillars for that success, striker Divork Origi and defender Mamadou Sakho will not be taking part in the encounter at the Camp El Madrigal tonight. Origi is out injured while Sakho has been left out following UEFA investigations that he tested positive for a banned substance. Klopp has already acknowledged that his opponents are tough. “Villarreal shows highest level of football each week. They have good balance, good defending and if you give them opportunity, then that’s it,” he said ahead of the encounter. But his opposite number at Villarreal Marcelino Garcia insists that Liverpool are a “legendary team” and will be seen as favourites ahead of the match. “It is possible that they are tipped as the favourites because of their history and the club that they are and the chances they have. Also because they have
eliminated Dortmund, one of the favourites to win alongside Sevilla. But we don’t think we are lesser than them and we will do all we can to try and eliminate them,” Marcelino said. Villarreal have never won a senior trophy, having only becoming a force domestically and in Europe over the last decade or so. Meanwhile, Liverpool have won 18 English league titles and five European Cups, as well as lifting the UEFA Cup trophy in 1973, 1976 and 2001 and the Cup Winners’ Cup in 1966. However, on current form, Villarreal are a well-organised, compact and speedy side, with Marcelino preaching a philosophy comparable to that of Atletico Madrid or Leicester City. The main contests are expected to come from Villarreal’s main goalscoring threat Parisian-born, Congo international striker, Cedric Bakambu who may cause trouble for the visitors defence given his intelligent runs into channels, particularly the inside-left position. Villarreal has been known for quick counter-attacking football this season with Bakambu the best example of those moves. Villarreal also boast of one of Europe’s most sturdy and dependable defensive midfielder in Bruno Soriano. With his excellent positioning, he is expected to screen out any Liverpool threats by intercepting through balls and dispossessing opposition No. 10. Roberto Firmino will be tasked with providing the navigation for Liverpool. The other semi-final match will see defending champions Sevilla travel to Ukraine to face Shakhtar Donetsk at the Donbass Arena.
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Partizan vs Borac Inter Turku vs RoPs Rovaniemi Trakai vs Spyris Kaunas Lahti vs VPS Vaasa Vojvodina vs FK Vozdovac Hifk vs KuPS Kuopio FK Sparta Sarpsborg vs Stabaek Vendsyssel FF vs Silkeborg IF Zaglebie Lubin vs Legia Warsaw Radnicki Nis vs Radnik Lech Poznan vs Lechia Gdansk Zenit St Petersburg vs Kuban Krasnodar Levski Sofia vs Cherno More Schaffhausen vs Lausanne - Sport Elfsborg vs Djurgardens IF GIF Sundsvall vs Kalmar Helsingborg vs AIK Football BK Hacken vs Gefle IF East Thurrock vs Tonbridge Bognor Regis vs Dulwich Hamlet Petrolero Yacuiba vs Univ Sucre Shakhtar Donetsk vs Sevilla FC Villarreal vs Liverpool Trujillanos vs Carabobo Deportivo Municipal vs Alianza Atletico
1 1.29 2.01 1.13 1.86 1.51 1.97 11.32 3.19 3.40 1.59 2.43 1.31 1.27 3.13 2.01 2.17 2.72 1.42 1.87 1.81 2.17 2.67 2.44 1.97 1.71
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THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2016 |
LiverpooL face stern viLLareaL test
Advantage Atletico
Saul Niguez’s sublime solo goal put Atletico Madrid in control of their Champions League semi-final against German giants Bayern Munich. Niguez jinked past a clutch of Bayern defenders before curling into the corner, giving the home side a narrow first-leg lead to take to Germany next week. Bayern dominated the second half, David Alaba hitting the bar from 35 yards and Arturo Vidal’s strike forcing a save. Fernando Torres poked against the post in a rare counter as Atletico held on. “It was a fantastic night and I’m happy for all Atleticos. We’ve got the lead we wanted,” Torres said after the match. The teams will meet at Bayern’s Allianz Arena on Tuesday to decide who will meet Manchester City or Real Madrid in the final on 28 May in Milan. Atletico who for so many years have remained in the shadow of illustrious neighbours Real Ma-
drid, have never been crowned European champions, twice losing in the final of the continent’s leading club competition. Under coach Diego Simeone, Los Rojiblancos have however emerged as serious challengers to Spain’s regular duopoly of Barcelona and Real Madrid and have now put themselves in a decent position to create history by winning the Champions League. With Bayern boasting a remarkable home record of only one defeat in 24 matches, the tie is far from over. But Niguez, a Spain Under-21 international who has cemented his place in the Atletico side this season, extended the Spanish title-chasing side’s own excellent form at a raucous Vicente Calderon. The 21-year-old midfielder picked up the ball about 35 yards from goal, dancing through flimsy challenges from Bayern trio Thiago Alcantara, Juan Bernat and Xabi Alonso, then keeping his composure to steer the
ball into the bottom corner. “Their goal is a brilliant goal, but it’s our mistake. We kept standing off. I’m not happy with how we played. It was a good game overall, but we started badly. The goal was a consequence of our slow play,” Bayern Coach Pep Guardiola said. Much of Atletico’s success under Simeone has been built on defensive resilience, with his organised side conceding just five goals in this season’s Champions League. Atletico had also kept clean sheets in their previous four La Liga games but faced Bayern - the competition’s top scorers with 28 goals in 10 matches - without defensive lynchpin Diego Godin. However, the injured Uruguay centre-back, 30, was barely missed as a typically determined Atletico display shut out Bayern. Former Argentina midfielder Simeone slightly altered his side’s defensive tactics in the first half, occasionally pressing Bayern higher
Atletico Madrid’s Saul Niguez celebrates with Koke after scoring the only goal during their UEFA Champions League semifinal first leg match against Bayern Munich at the Vicente Calderon stadium, in Madrid, Spain last night. Atletico won 1-0 to give them an advantage heading to next week’s return leg in Germany. RIGHT: Atletico Madrid coach Diego Simeone gestures to his players during the match. PHOTOS: JUAN CARLOS AND JUANJO MARTIN/EPA
up the pitch, before reverting to their deep and compact shape after the break. “The first half was very close to what we wanted. In the second half they were better and got in behind but we felt comfortable, we defended well. It was a great piece of individual skill with lots of creativity, Saul Niguez is developing well which is great for us,” Diego Simeone observed. The German side, who are one win away from a fourth consecutive Bundesliga title, totally dominated in the second half as Alaba and Vidal went closest to equalising. Home keeper Jan Oblak also blocked Javi Martinez’s close-range header in-between, helping Atletico secure a 14th clean sheet in 16 Champions League home matches. Bayern coach Pep Guardiola’s three-year reign ends in the summer when he moves to Manchester City, with the Spaniard admitting his time in Germany will be judged on his ability to win the Champions
League. His side have lost to Spanish opposition at the semi-final stage in each of the past two seasons, knocked out by Real Madrid in 2014 and Guardiola’s former club Barcelona last year. Now the Catalan coach must outwit Simeone next week to avoid a clean sweep of defeats by La Liga’s big three. “I think it’s still an open tie, they will be playing at home next week with their fans behind them but we have the chance to get an away goal. It’ll be a close game like today, we’ll see who makes the most of their chances,” Simeone said. Both teams continue the pursuit of their domestic league titles this weekend. Second-placed Atletico, who are level on points with leaders Barcelona, host lowly Rayo Vallecano as they bid for a second La Liga title in three seasons. Bundesliga champions-elect Bayern also play on Saturday when they host fifth-placed Borussia Monchengladbach.
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