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WEEKEnD EDITIOn, JUnE 17-19, 2016 | WWW.x254.cO







Heavy security as 8 MPs face incitement charges E

Police officers at the Milimani Law Court where eight lawmakers have today been charged with incitement to violnce. Chief Magistrate Daniel Ogembo was set to rule on their bail terms at 4pm.


ight Members of Parliament who were detained by police were today charged with incitement to violence amid heavy security presence at the Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi. They were arraigned before Chief Magistrate Daniel Ogembo in a packed courtroom early today with the legislators looking as the charges were read to them. Machakos Senator Johnson Muthama, Busia Women Representative Florence Mutua, Kilifi’s Aisha Jumwa and Moses Kuria (Gatundu South), Kimani Ngunjiri (Bahati) Ferdinand Waititu (Kabete), Junet Mohamed (Suna East) and Timothy Bosire of Kitutu Masaba were all charged with incitement to violence. Immediately after the charges were read, lawyers of the accused led by senior counsel James Orengo, John Khamniwa, Cliff Ombeta and Okong’o Omogeni put a spirited fight to have the MPs released with all of them fronting an argument that their basic rights have been violated through denial of bail. By the time of going to press the ruling had not been delivered. The Magistrate put 4pm as the time he would deliver his verdict. Orengo asked the court to grant bail to Bosire, Jumwa, Mutua and Junet saying it was their constitutional right. “What is before the court are allegations. We do not have compelling reasons of sworn affidavits with evidence before the court. I have utmost respect for the rule of law. Let us not use the law selectively,” he argued. “As far as I can see, there are no compelling reasons to deny the accused bail. Matters on the charge sheet are still before the court. There has been no additional investigations. The prosecutor is still giving us what is written on the charge sheet,” he added. Earlier on the court session was halted for few minutes after Mr Kimani Ngunjiri said he was feeling unwell. He had to be taken outside for .fresh air’. Khamniwa representing Machakos Senator Johnson Muthama urged the court to speed up the process so that the accused do not go back to Pangani police cells. “I was moved close to tears at the primitive conditions the senator was detained in at Pangani police station. Let us speed up this hearing so that the accused do not go back to that place again,” Khamniwa said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2



Heavy security as MPs face incitement charges From Page 1

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is helped into the Milimani Law Courts after he was briefly barred by security officers from accessing the area. There was heavy police presence in the area as supporters of the lawmakers facing incitement charges were barred from the precincts of the court.

State opposes bail for 8 MPs facing hate speech charges

Eight lawmakers from the Jubilee Alliance and the Opposition Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) were on Friday charged over hate speech. Cord MPs Florence Mutua, Aisha Jumwa, Timothy Bosire and Junet Mohamed denied charges that they uttered statements bordering on hate speech during a news conference held at Capitol Hill Centre on

Tuesday. They were represented by Siaya Senator James Orengo, John Khaminwa and Okong’o Omogeni says the prosecution’s claims that they will interfere with witnesses lacked merit. The prosecution led by Leonard Maingi opposed the application saying it was concerned that the eight would repeat the same

offences they were charged with if the court granted bail. The court has meanwhile ordered that Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri seek urgent medical attention after his condition deteriorated during the hearing. And when their turn came, both Moses Kuria and Ferdinand Waititu also denied their charges. Chief Magistrate Daniel Ogembo

was set to rule on their bond applications at 4pm. The lawmakers have spent the last three nights at the Pangani police cells and Muthaiga police cells for males and females respectively after the court on Tuesday allowed police to detain them for four days to complete their investigations. MORE ON THIS STORY www.capitalfm.co.ke

Cliff Ombeta representing both Kuria and Waititu also said there is no evidence that the two interfered with witnesses before and therefore should be given bond. Ombeta said the accused persons have indicated that they will court once granted bail. “Dignity of the accused persons is eroded every time they are brought in handcuffed and escorted by security agencies. We must understand that human rights belong to an individual and not the state,” Ombeta said They were detained in June 14. Ombeta said the two even voluntarily went to record statements at the police station. If the ruling goes against the politicians, then the damp, smelly and filthy cells at Pangani and Muthaiga police stations will continue to play host of the unlikely guests until Monday. Supporters of the policians gathered outside the Milimani Law Courts. A contingent of police officers drawn from the General Service Unit, Regular Police and the Kenya prisons was also deployed in the area for any eventuality as the supporters waited for the court’s verdict. “I’m here in solidarity with my MP (Junet Mohammed), I want him released because he has not committed any crime,” one of the supporters told XNews. Most of the supporters, members of the public, journalists and a host of other legislators were barred from getting into the precincts of the court.

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President Uhuru Kenyatta holds a child during his meeting with Kenyans residing in Belgium and Luxembourg in Brussels, Belgium last evening. The Head of State said the government will not entertain politicians inciting the public to violence and that he will ensurte they are firmly dealt with according to the law.


NCIC wants politicians vetted for hate speech

The National Cohesion and Integration Commission now wants all political aspirants to acquire a certificate of compliance before being cleared to contest for any elective seat in next year’s general election. While appearing before a joint Parliamentary Committee on National Cohesion, NCIC chairman Francis ole Kaparo said the condition is part of a number of proposals being put in place to curb the rising cases of hate speech ahead of the 2017 elections. “All candidates should get a certificate of compliance from NCIC just like they are required to get a clearance certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board and also required to adhere to chapter six of the constitution,” Kaparo said. He urged the committee chaired by nominated MP Johnson Sakaja to adopt the proposal in order to tame the rising political temperature in the country. “We must take drastic measures, things are bad, our country is going to burn over the seeds of discord and hate we are currently seeing,” Kaparo warned. Kaparo also said that the commission is set to meet media owners and editors on Tuesday next week in order to urge them to stop publishing hateful remarks made by politicians.

“The media should stop publishing these remarks so as to stop the spread of negative messages to people who were not even aware of it. I’m meeting media owners on Tuesday so that we have a way forward on that,” he said. NCIC renewed calls to be given prosecutorial powers if it is to effectively play its role. A similar proposal was presented last year in September but it is yet to be approved by MPs. Mr Kaparo also revealed that his commission is currently engaging with Safaricom to bar sending of balkanized messages that may fuel animosity among communities. Kaparo wants all balkanized messages sent especially by politicians to be first approved by NCIC before being disseminated to the intended receivers. “We want to close all the existing loopholes used to send hate messages. We want Safaricom not allow such messages to go through until they are approved by the commission,” he said. NCIC further wants the Communication Authority of Kenya to closely monitor vernacular radio stations which Kaparo said have been used to spread hate messages. “When a local radio in Turkana broadcasts in their own language, majority of Kenyans may not know what they advocate for. We want assistance from the Communication Authority and also

NCIC chairman Francis Ole Kaparo during a press conference at the commission’s offices in nairobi on Tuesday. Mr Kaparo yesterday told MPs that they want all politicians aspiring for various elective seats vetted before being cleared to contest.

the National Intelligence Service (NIS) to closely monitor these stations,” Kaparo said. The committee is set to look at the proposals next week Tuesday and provide a way forward on how to curb hate speech in the country. “There is need to create systems that will ensure that the people of Kenya live in unity, we can assure NCIC that we will carefully study their proposals and present our findings to the house,” Sakaja said. Kaparo also decried of lack of resources as one of the major factors that has hindered the

Smaller parties now want to be included in IEBC talks

Small parties have asked to be included in the dialogue table that will agree on a possible way out of the stalemate surrounding the electoral body, IEBC. They have told both Jubilee and Cord to favour an all-inclusive dialogue structure that will ensure the views of as many Kenyans as possible are taken into consideration. While addessing a press conference at the La Mada hotel in Nairobi, the political outfits’ under the banner of National Political Parties Liaison Committee (PPLC), supporter an out of parliament process saying it will guarantee the realization of comprehensive electoral reforms. “We support dialogue on wider issues of electoral reforms in a structured, all-inclusive manner through multilateral representation” the political parties said in a statement read by Alfayo Agufana, Agenda Party of Kenya chairman. The parties proposed that IEBC talks should particularly include religious organizations, civil societies, trade unions, political parties, business community, professional groups, marginalized groups and constitutional experts. They also warned that both Jubilee and CORD

coalitions could capitalize on the IEBC impasse to postpone 2017 elections and hand MPs more days in office. PPLC also alleged that there are some selfish interests keen on hijacking the dialogue to reform the electoral system of the country ahead of the 2017 polls. “We want to oppose the heinous plot and denounce its authors as the biggest enemies of the constitution and saboteurs of the electoral reforms the country is yearning for,” they said. They warned the two coalitions that though they enjoy the largest representation in parliament, “they should not think they have any exclusive infrastructure and laws in Kenya monopoly.” “We therefore oppose the deceitful attempt to restrict the electoral reforms to a forum of parliamentarians» the parties explained. The parties told Kenyans to be wary of political actors threatening to destroy the country along reckless and divisive politics. “For Cord and Jubilee, Parliament has become a contestation arena, they are completely unable to execute its legislative mandate,” they said. @hillary_x254

IEBC chairman Isaack Hassan and commissioner Thomas letangule with the agency’s chief executive Ezra Chiloba. Small parties have asked to be included in dialogue on reforms at the commission.


commission from effectively playing its role. He said the commission requested for Sh971 million in the last financial year but only received sh311 million. Part of the money Kaparo said was to be used to train police officers on how to differentiate hate speech from others, buy recorders and employ at least two people per county to collect information on hate speech and other allowances. “We are completely underfunded maybe this commission is not liked by the government,” Kaparo remarked. @sam_x254



Fida lawyers to be prosecutors Some lawyers from FIDA, the Federation of Women Lawyers, may soon have powers to prosecute following a directive from the Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko. While meeting new Fida council members at his office yesterday, the DPP observed that in many instances his office has collaborated with the organization, it has achieved convictions in various cases thus his satisfaction that the lawyers are competent and deserve prosecutorial powers. “I have the mandate to gazette qualified, interested and competent professionals as prosecutors,” Tobiko said. He asked the council to forward the names of qualified, interested and competent lawyers in their organization to be considered as prosecutors. “I have confidence that such powers will help bring justice to many people. During our collaborations on various matters I have seen competent lawyers in Fida and I’m willing to share with them my prosecutorial powers,” the DPP added. Only last month, Mr Tobiko opposed calls by the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission to be given prosecutorial powers arguing that the move would weaken his office. Appearing before the Justice and Legal Affairs Committee, Tobiko said the Anti-Corruption Commission is already overwhelmed in effecting Chapter Six of the Constitution on Leadership and Integrity “Any move to give prosecutorial powers to the EACC would end up killing the office of the DPP. My view is for the two offices to continue existing independently as we have drastically improved our working relations,” he said. However, yesterday, that argument was missing as Tobiko encouraged Fida to work closely with state prosecutors in order to ensure that society have access to justice.

Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko at a past press conference at his office. The DPP has said he is ready to gazzette qualified Fida lawyers as prosecutors to help expand justice to many Kenyans saying most cases handled by the lawyers have been very successful.

“My office has over 700 prosecutors serving in all the 47 counties and 17 sub-counties, let your officers work closely with them for the sake of justice,” he told the council. The new Fida Chairperson Josephine Wambua said the office of the DPP has assisted the

federation especially on handling sexual gender based violence cases. She called for more partnership and capacity building between the police, prosecutors and Fida members.

No 2015 winner for Mo Ibrahim Sh500 million prize The Mo Ibrahim Foundation yesterday announced that there would be no winner for the 2015 Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African leadership. The Ibrahim Prize which celebrates excellence in African leadership will not be awarded for last year following a decision made by the Independent Prize Committee. This makes it the fifth time that the award will go without a winner. Launched in 2006, the African Leadership prize is awarded to former Heads of State or Government by the seven-member Independent Prize Committee composed of eminent figures including two Nobel laureates. Sudanese born British tycoon Mo Ibrahim, chairman of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and the award’s founder said he respected the decision of the prize committee saying the awarded should only go to candidates worthy of the honour. “When we launched the prize 10 years ago we deliberately set a very high bar,” Ibrahim said. “We want the prize to shine a spotlight on outstanding leadership to provide role models right across society,” the award founder added. To win the prize the candidate must have been democratically elected, have left office in the last three years, have served his/her constitutionally mandated term and demonstrated exceptional leadership. Tanzania’s Jakaya Kikwete who retired in October last year was being touted for the award. But it now means Mr Kikwete alongside Armando Guebuza of Mozambique and Goodluck Jonathan both of whom left office recently failed to prove they had left a legacy worth rewarding. @harrison_x254


Top stories from X News global partners Dozens of US Diplomats Shock at killing of British Urge Obama to Strike Nigeria’s currency is free last: Bare shelves in supermarkets and MP: The grieving husband of Jo Cox, the Assad in Syria: More than 50 at soaring inflation would worry any centralLabour MP shot and stabbed to death, has called on people to fight “the hatred that killed her” as detectives investigated whether her killing was politically motivated. The 41-year-old mother of two young children was the victim of a daylight attack outside her West Yorkshire constituency surgery by a man who, according to two witnesses, shouted “Britain first” during the assault. The first killing of a serving MP since Irish Republicans murdered Ian Gow in 1990 stunned Westminster on Thursday and led to the suspension of campaigning for next week’s EU referendum until Saturday. Cox had taken part in a high-profile event on Wednesday supporting the Remain campaign on the river Thames. www.theguardian.com

State Department diplomats have signed an internal memo sharply critical of the Obama administration’s policy in Syria, urging the United States to carry out military strikes against the government of President Bashar al-Assad to stop its persistent violations of a cease-fire in the country’s five-year-old civil war. The memo, a draft of which was provided to The New York Times by a State Department official, says American policy has been “overwhelmed” by the unrelenting violence in Syria. It calls for “a judicious use of stand-off and air weapons, which would undergird and drive a more focused and hard-nosed U.S.-led diplomatic process.” www.nytimes.com

bank governor. For Godwin Emefiele in Nigeria, the added twist is that both problems are partly his fault. The central bank’s policy of trying to maintain the value of the naira, Nigeria’s currency, in the face of a slump in the price of oil, which used to account for about 90% of the country’s export earnings, has failed miserably. Now it is being scrapped. Mr Emefiele tried heroically to conserve the country’s dwindling reserves of foreign exchange. In effect, he banned the import of a huge range of goods, from tinned fish to toothpicks; arbitrarily rationed the supply of dollars from the central bank to importers; and threatened to clamp down on people trading dollars on the black market. www.economist.com

Britain in Shock after killing of Labour MP Jo Cox: The fatal shooting of a British MP has shocked the country’s political establishment, bringing an abrupt halt to the increasingly heated campaign for next week’s referendum on UK membership of the EU. Jo Cox, aged 41, a supporter of the campaign for Britain to remain in the EU, was shot and stabbed several times in her constituency town of Birstall, near Leeds in northern England, on Thursday lunchtime outside a local library where she had been meeting residents. Both the Remain and Leave sides immediately suspended campaigning. Prime Minister David Cameron cancelled an appearance at a Remain rally in Gibraltar as the country mourns the Labour MP.

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UK in shock as MP is killed on the street WEEKEND EDITION, JUNE 17-19, 2016

British politician Jo Cox died in a street attack on Thursday, a brazen and startling assault in a country where attacks on politicians are extremely rare and the slaying of a lawmaker is without parallel in recent history. Described as a rising star of the opposition Labour Party, the 41-yearold is the first British lawmaker to be killed in office since Conservative MP Ian Gow was assassinated by the IRA in a 1990 car bombing. Cox was shot and stabbed in Birstall, near Leeds in northern England, the Press Association news service reported, citing eyewitnesses. She died as a result of her injuries. She had just finished a regular public meeting with constituents and came out of the meeting on her own. British politicians at her level are rarely if ever accompanied a security detail. Her colleagues took the news of the death hard. Alison McGovern, a Labour Party politician, praised Cox’s influence and cited her role as a leading campaigner seeking a solution to the Syrian conflict. “Not everyone gets to Westminster to represent their hometown and makes

Labour Party MP Jo Cox while making a contribution in Parliament in London in a past sitting. She died yesterday after being shot three times by an assailant.

the impact that she has,” referring to the House of Commons. Many constituents were dumbfounded and distraught over the death. “Dreadful, dreadful. Poor girl,” one

constituent said. “For the first time in many many years we actually had an MP that was interested in Birstall, and interested in us, and interested in the people and the businesses here.”

After the assault, a man was detained close to the scene of the attack, said Dee Collins, Temporary Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police. Weapons, including a firearm, were recovered, she said. The Press Association said West Yorkshire Police have detained Tommy Mair, 52, for questioning in connection to the shooting. Police have not commented on the circumstances surrounding the attack and a motive wasn’t immediately clear. But one witness, Clarke Rothwell, who runs a cafe near the crime scene, told the Press Association: “He was shouting ‘Put Britain first.’ He shouted it about two or three times. He said it before he shot her and after he shot her.” The gunman fired three shots, the final one at Cox’s head, he told the Press Association. Both the Remain and Leave sides immediately suspended campaigning. Prime Minister David Cameron cancelled an appearance at a Remain rally in Gibraltar, saying: “It’s right that we are suspending campaigning activity in this referendum and everyone’s thoughts will be with Jo’s family and her

U.S gunman texted his wife during gay club massacre

The Orlando shooter and his wife exchanged text messages during the Pulse nightclub rampage, a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation has said. Around 4 a.m. on June 12, about two hours after he started the attack and while holed up in a bathroom, Omar Mateen texted his wife, Noor Salman, asking if she’d seen the news, the official said. At one point, she responded with a text saying that she loved him. Salman also tried calling her husband several times during the standoff, a second law enforcement official said. The timing of her calls came after reports of the attack had emerged, and apparently after she realized her husband might be responsible. He didn’t answer, the official said. Salman is coming under increasing scrutiny as police investigate the killing of 49 people and wounding of at least 50 at the gay nightclub in Orlando. Authorities say Mateen carried out the killing with a Sig Sauer MCX semi-automatic assault-style rifle and a pistol. Salman apparently gave conflicting accounts about

what she knew of Mateen’s intentions in the hours before the attack. authorities said. She also told investigators that in the weeks before the attack, Mateen spent thousands of dollars, including for the guns used in the attack. Mateen and Salman married in 2011. They have a 3-year-old son and lived in Fort Pierce, about two hours from the massacre. A U.S. attorney plans to bring evidence before a federal grand jury to determine whether charges will be filed, two law enforcement officials said. Mateen also vented on Facebook before and during the massacre. “America and Russia stop bombing the Islamic state,” the gunman wrote, according to the chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. “You kill innocent women and children by doing us airstrikes ... now taste the Islamic state vengeance.” Then, in his final post, an ominous warning: ‘’In the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic state in the U.S.A.”

Deadly shooting spree in Uganda barracks A Ugandan soldier has killed seven people, including three children, in a shooting spree at a military police barracks in the capital, Kampala. The soldier, Sgt Isaac Obua, was then shot dead himself. Military police spokesman Maj Edward Birungi said Sgt Obua had had a dispute with his wife. He is reported to have got drunk and then started shooting while searching for his wife, who managed to escape. As well as the three children, Sgt Obua killed a female soldier and three soldiers’ wives. Two

others are said to be injured during the shooting at Makindye barracks in the south of Kampala. Army spokesperson Lt Col Paddy Ankunda tweeted “Sgt Obua... has just gone bonkers killed seven people”. He then tweeted: “We are all mourning.” Correspondents say that there have been several incidents of soldiers going on the rampage in Uganda. In May, three people were killed and six injured in a bar. And in 2014, a soldier killed 10, also in a bar.


constituents at this terrible time.” Another witness, Hichem Ben Abdallah, said the attacker kicked Cox as she lay on the ground until a bystander intervened and the attacker produced a gun and shot her, the Press Association reported. “There was a guy who was being very brave and another guy with a white baseball cap who he was trying to control and the man in the baseball cap suddenly pulled a gun from his bag,” Abdallah said. The gunman was wrestling with Cox “and then the gun went off twice,” Abdallah told the Press Association. “I came and saw her bleeding on the floor.” Footage circulated of a man on the ground after being apprehended by uniformed police officers. At 1:48 p.m. local time, less than an hour after the attack, Cox was pronounced dead by a doctor working with a paramedic crew. Police said no one else is being sought in relation to the attack. A 77-yearold man was assaulted after the attack on Cox, but his injuries were not lifethreatening, Collins said.

WEEKEnD EDITION, JUNE 17-19, 2016 | www.x254.co



KDIC to cushion depositors amid bank liquidity woes In the wake of liquidity challenges hitting Kenyan banks, the Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation (formerly Deposit Protection Fund Board) has stepped up its efforts to provide a safety-net for savings, banking and payments systems in the Republic of Kenya. At a media workshop yesterday, KDIC revealed that the role of protecting depositors against losses has not been a walk in the park in the last twenty years of the Corporation’s existence. While giving a status report on the position of banks currently under receivership, Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation Acting Chief Executive Officer Mohamud A. Mohamud said to date, only 10 per cent of Dubai Bank’s depositors have been paid their dues, unlike Chase bank, which got a lifeline from Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB). The CEO also said confidence had been restored in Chase Bank with more than 1,300 new accounts set up since it was reopened. The Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation commenced operations in 2014, taking over the reins of the former Deposit Protection Fund Board, which was a department of the Central Bank of Kenya. It offers insurance to depositors in financial institutions to help restore confidence and stability in the banking sector as well as acting as a ‘risk minimizer’. The now fully-fledged state corporation is currently liquidating 16 institutions, including Postbank Credit Limited, Trade Bank Limited, Kenya Finance Bank Limited, Reliance Bank Limited,


been made through the system since it was reopened, with 1,343 new accounts opened, an indication that depositor confidence in the institution had been restored. With regard to Imperial Bank, 87 per cent of depositors had accessed their accounts, withdrawing up to Sh1 million. However, the process had been slowed by a suspension of payments by the courts. Central Bank of Kenya Governor Dr.

Corporates spend billions on training with no results, says report Kenyan organizations have spent billions of shillings on training without realizing tangible results, a new report from research group, Training Talent has revealed. According to the report, released yesterday in Nairobi, there is currently a gap in the training offered to job entrants, entrepreneurs and young managers. The report, carried out in 25 countries in Africa over a span of six months, sheds new light on Africa’s talent gap and presents insights from over 130 Kenyan companies on how to improve the impact of workplace learning and development. “Effective young managers and entrepreneurs hold the key to Kenya’s future prosperity and achieving Vision 2030. Our young managers and entrepreneurs need a fresh approach to drive forward their organizations and the country as a whole,” said Jonathan Cook, Chairman of the African Management Initiative (AMI). The report shows that organizations must look beyond individual skill-building to the embedding of organizational habits. It highlights that successful Kenyan organizations are pushing beyond traditional training approaches.

“Most corporate training programmes do not meet management, employability and entrepreneurship needs, 60 per cent of Kenyan companies find training to be too theoretical with a similar number advocating for a greater focus on people skills,” read part of the report. Eighty per cent of Kenyan Human Resource managers in the report cite tangible change in their company as the leading requirement from their workplace learning investment. The report further indicate that traditional management courses have, in the majority of cases, failed to achieve this. The report highlights the emergence of blended learning, which integrates online and face-to-face learning. This new programmes combine face-toface interactions with peer-to-peer learning and accountability. “Kenya has one of most highly developed digital ecosystems in Africa. We are not fully utilizing this to improvepractices in the HR profession and in how we deliver workplace learning,” said Samson Osero, Executive Director for the Institute of Human Resource Management. @Lenah _x254

Patrick Njoroge has however intimated that Imperial Bank could soon be back on its feet. These protracted legal battles -both during receivership and liquidation, as well as slow uptake of reimbursed deposits and poor corporate governance in some institutions -- were cited as the major challenges the KDIC is facing in implementation of its mandate. @kevin _x254

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UAP Old Mutual Group to begin operations in merged branches

Kenya Depositors Insurance Corporation Acting Chief Executive Officer Mohamud Ahmed during a media sensitization workshop yesterday. Photo: Edwin/Xnews Trust bank Limited among others, with Dubai Bank, Chase Bank and Imperial Bank all under receivership. In his presentation, KDIC Ag CEO Mohamud .A. Mohamud disclosed that 99 per cent of the loans issued by Dubai Bank have been categorized as non-performing. His analysis on the status of Chase Bank was less gloomy however, noting that transactions worth Sh5.4 billion had

MEAN 101.2514 143.6142 113.6903 6.6356 33.0860 21.6590

UAP Old Mutual Group will begin operations in its newly-merged branches this month as it seeks to entice its existing clients while growing its customer base, the insurance and financial services provider has confirmed. The Group business, now one of the largest financial services providers in Kenya, confirmed its new executive structure and strategy last July following a merger between insurer UAP and investment company Old Mutual. “Following the acquisition of a 60.7 per cent stake in UAP last year, we continue to make progress towards our goal for integration,” UAP Old Mutual Group Head of Operations Asman Mugambi said in a statement yesterday. “Besides bringing our staff and product offerings together, we have been working to serve our customers in a one stop shop setting. This would be realised through the provision of central branches,” Mugambi added. “The growth and expansion potential of our merged business is huge, and there is no doubt that together we are greater than the sum of our parts,” Ralph Mupita, CEO of Old Mutual Emerging Markets, said as he addressed the press about the future of the Group last year. “Our vision is to build an African financial services champion and the future has never looked brighter for our business on this awesome continent,” he added. “Effective June 2016 we will be operating in merged branches in the Western and Central region. This includes Kisumu, Kisii and Nyeri,” Mugambi said. @Dennis _x254

Tanzania’s Bank M branches into Kenya as lender buys majority stake in Oriental Bank A Tanzanian bank is set to become the first to enter the Kenyan market after the Central Bank (CBK) approved its purchase of localbased lender, Oriental Commercial Bank. Tanzania’s Bank M now owns a 51 per cent stake in Oriental Commercial Bank. KCB yesterday said in a statement that the move would help the country consolidate its lenders after three banks had failed to meet industry standards over a period of nine months, indicating weaknesses in the sector that had grown robustly over the past few years. “Bank M is the first bank from Tanzania to enter the Kenyan banking sector. Its entry will strengthen the ongoing East Africa Community (EAC) integration,’’ KCB said in a statement. However, KCB has not disclosed the value of the deal but ascertained that the entity will be named M Oriental Commercial Bank Limited and the acquisition would be completed by September 2016.

While some Kenyan lenders have branched out across the region over the years, their counterparts from the six-nation East African Community have not started operations in Kenya. Kenya has a large banking sector, with Oriental ranked 37 out of 42 banks by market share. The lender has a total of nine branches. The consolidation of Kenyan banks began after Dubai Bank Kenya, a small lender, was put under receivership by the CBK in August 2015 after it failed to meet its obligations. This was followed by the closure of mid-sized Imperial Bank in October the same year due to graft. In April, another mid-sized lender, Chase Bank was closed temporarily after its auditors gave a qualified opinion on its earnings, sparking a run on deposits. As at the end of March, Bank M had $406 million (Sh41.1 billion) in assets and itsowned by several shareholders, with the largest listed as Sanjeev Kumar on its website. @enock _x254

Inaccessible surgical care wreaks havoc on economy



Insufficient access to safe, affordable surgical and anaesthesia care is wreaking havoc on Kenya’s economy, a new report from the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery has revealed. Data from the Commission indicates that universal access to said care saves lives, prevents disability, and promotes economic growth. Citing Kenya in one of its international case studies, the Lancet Commission found that less than 10 per cent of the surgical procedures required to save lives and prevent disability are currently performed in low-income countries. The analysis has shown that there is a marked correlation is seen between specialist surgical workforce density and life expectancy. Most countries with a life expectancy over 70 have a specialist surgical, anaesthetic, and obstetric (SAO) health worker density above the Commission benchmark of 20 per 100,000 population, though we undoubtedly have much to learn from the countries that achieve this life expectancy with fewer surgical specialists. The data has revealed that in Kenya, there are only 1.9 surgical workers per 100,000 people. It has also revealed that in Kenya, life expectancy therefore stands at an average of only 60.95 years compared to China, where life expectancy stands at an average of 83.83 years – one of the highest rates in the world. “Around the world, more than twothirds of people still cannot access safe, affordable surgical and anaesthesia

Health Workers administering anesthesia. Less than 10 per cent of surgical procedures required to save lives and prevent disability are currently performed in low-income countries. care when they need it. The impact of surgical disease is not trivial; 30 per cent of the world’s burden of disease is estimated to be caused by conditions requiring the care of a surgeon. Such conditions are estimated to cost lowand middle-income countries up to USD 12.3 trillion in lost economic output by 2030,” the Commission said in a statement released this week. The Commission confirmed that moreover, 81 million individuals face financial ruin due to expenses incurred while receiving surgical care each year.

“The delivery of surgery is critical for the realization of many of the Sustainable Development Goals: Good health and well-being (Goal 3); No poverty (Goal 1); Gender equality (Goal 5), and Reducing inequalities (Goal 10). Describing access to surgery as a treatment modality or platform of care, with relevant country-level data requires a rigorous deconstruction of the components of access upon which national governments can intervene,” read the statement. The data found that in the world’s poorest countries,

over 80 per cent of individuals face impoverishing expenditure (being pushed below the poverty line) if they need surgery, thanks to the direct medical expenses of surgery alone. The World Bank has set an ambitious goal of 80 per cent health coverage for basic medical care by 2030. “To achieve this, we must invert the current coverage ratio for surgical care in the next 15 years,” said the Commission. @Dennis_x254

Health PS urges medical students to take advantage of foreign markets as Kenya deploys 100 nurses to Namibia

Health Principal Secretary, Dr. Nicholas Muragurihas has urged medical students to take advantage of opportunities in foreign markets just as the Ministry of Health moves to deploy 100 nurses to Naimbia in July 2016. The nurses will be tasked with offering much-needed health services to the country. Speaking during the Nairobi Campus, Kenya Medical Training students Lucheon yesterday, the PS noted that Kenyan health workers have been highly rated worldwide due to the quality of training offered by medical colleges in the country and the discipline they exhibit in their career. “Our Kenyan nurses are respected all over the world, where they have been offered jobs due to the discipline and high professional qualifications offered in our health institutions,” the PS said. The PS chllenged the medical students to aim higher and take advantage of the foreign market where opportunities are plenty. Kenyan nurses offer services globally in countires such as the United Kingdom, The United Emirates, Lesotho and The United States among others. Currently, the PS said that the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) has 56 campuses in 35 counties out of the

47. The expansion, has offered training opportunities, to many health workers countrywide, who offer vibrant services to the sector both nationally and internationally. Dr. Muraguri noted that to meet the country’s present and future health needs, it is imperative for the sector to opt fornewoptions for education and in-servicetraining for the healthcare workforce, to enable them deal effectively with crisis as they occur. He advised the students to avoid risk behavioursthat can jeopardize their career such as alcoholism, drug abuse, indulgence in sex and violence and embrace teamwork, discipline and sacrifice,impetus for success. KMTC Board Chairman Professor Philip Kaloki said the college is the largest in Africa, with 26,000 students, training over 80 percent of health worksforce in the country. He said in the last three years, 25 new campuses have been opened. Professor Kaloki urged the college staff and students to establish channels of communication to avoid conflict and disturbances in their learning programmes. @Dennis_x254

BIZ BRIEFS Tour operators liaise with Ministry to pump new life into sector A team of Nakuru County Tour Operators has liaised with the country’s Tourism Ministry in a bid to pump new life into the sector. The operators paid a courtesy call to the Ministry of Tourism offices yesterday to discuss ways that can help spur development within the industry. They appealed to the Ministry to ask the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to consider giving schools a standard fee when visiting local parks, a move that they say will help reinvigorate the tourism sector. At the meeting, Tourism Principal Secretary Fatuma Hirsi discussed areas of concern including tarmacking of roads in Narok to ease access to the Maasai Mara National Park.

Health Ministry warns of SCD dangers ahead of Awareness Day

The Ministry of Health today commemorated World Sickle Cell Awareness Day in a bid to help increase public knowledge and raise awareness of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Every year, on June 19, the African Region joins the global community to commemorate the Day. This year’s theme entitled “Let’s Talk Sickle cell” aims to increase awareness about the disease and give hope to patients who have been diagnosed with sickle cell. It is estimated that 75 to 85 per cent of children with SCD are born in Africa, where mortality rates for under 5 years range from 50 to 80 per cent. In Kenya, 2 out of every 10 newborns have the trait and disease, with 60 to 80 per cent of them dying before their fifth birthday. The disease has potential to interfere with many aspects of the patient’s life, including education, employment and psychosocial development.

Airtel celebrates Iftar with Muslim communities

Health Principal Secretary, Dr. Nicholas Muraguri confers a crown to Tina Masibo, who was named the most Beautiful KMTC student during a students luncheon on June 16, 2016.

In the spirit of the Ramadan festive season, Airtel Kenya will this afternoon be handing over water and dates, which will be distributed to 30 Mosques across the country. The company will also be hosting a special Iftar dinner for the Muslim community this evening at the Jamia Mosque in Nairobi. Bharti Airtel Limited is a leading global telecommunications company with operations in 20 countries across Asia and Africa. Headquartered in New Delhi, India, the company ranks amongst the top 3 mobile service providers globally in terms of subscribers.



State urged to improve transfer systems WEEKEND EDITION, JUNE 17-19, 2016

Africa’s governments have been advised to improve partnerships between post and money transfer operators for better remittance services to rural Africa. Marking the International Day of Family Remittances yesterday, the World Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI) and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), in their joint efforts to support Postal Operators in Africa, have issued a call for the “improvement of partnerships between Post and Money Transfer Operators for better remittance services to rural Africa.” The organisations’ call comes just as Kenyans living abroad sent home $141.1 million (Sh14.3 billion) in March 2016, representing a 12 per cent rise when compared with the same period in 2015, according to the Central Bank of Kenya. The money was 3 per cent higher than that sent in February. Also known as remittances, the money is a leading source of foreign exchange for Kenya, together with tea, horticulture and tourism. Meanwhile, officially-recorded remittances to developing countries amounted to $431.6 billion (Sh43.7 trillion) in 2015, with the African continent alone receiving an impressive $65 billion (Sh6.6 trillion). The level of remittance dependency for many African states remains extremely high. In four African countries (Liberia, The Gambia, Comoros

and Lesotho) remittances comprise around 20% of their GDP, and in another 10 countries remittances are higher than 5% of GDP. According to the World Bank, the global average cost of sending a $200 (Sh20,000) remittance was 7.4 per cent in the last quarter of 2015, and is slightly declining. However, Sub-Saharan Africa remains the most costly region in the world to send remittances to, with an average cost of 9.5 per cent in 2015 and with the presence of many of the most expensive remittance corridors. In Western Africa for instance, costs in many south-south remittance corridors remain above 10 per cent. The G20 called for a reduction of the global average to 5 per cent and, more recently, the UN Sustainable Development Goals set 3 per cent as the goal to be reached by 2030, also adding that in no corridor the cost should be higher than 5 per cent. Post offices often offer remittance services close to this price and in some cases already below the 5 per cent. In many African countries, a large part of remittances are paid by bank branches which are mainly present in urban agglomerations. This has higher cost implications for rural people in terms of travel, work time lost, risks and time required to collect their remittances. There are nearly as many post offices as bank branches in Africa. Since 80 per cent of post offices operate in rural Africa, these two existing physical channels complement each other. @Dennis_x254

According to the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), Kenyans living abroad sent home $141.1 million (Sh14.3 billion) in March 2016, representing a 12 per cent rise when compared with the same period in 2015.

Monetary Fund advises Oracle and Snapchat partner in government to deliver campaign to support advertising sector quality public services Kenya’s government should focus on delivering quality public services by effectively managing their wage bill, through adequate fiscal planning, competitive compensation, and employment flexibility, an International Monetary Fund (IMF) staff paper says. The paper, dubbed “Managing Government Compensation and Employment,” which builds on new data sets and 20 country case studies, shows that governments can accommodate changing demands and deliver high-quality public services by better managing their wage bill. Speaking to IMF Survey, the research branch of the International Monetary Fund, Mercedes Garcia-Escribano, Deputy Division Chief, and Teresa Rose Curristine, Senior Economist, in the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department, discuss ways in which governments can improve their management of pay and employment. The research comes less than a month after Kenya secured a $1.5 billion (Sh152 billion) loan from the International Monetary Fund. The IMF announced in May that its board approved the precautionary loan, formally described as “standby,” meaning Kenya won’t use it unless it needs to, unlike many standard bailout loan programs the IMF gives. “Government pay and employment policies are important for the delivery of quality public services, which

are crucial for the functioning of economies and prosperity of societies. Since the wage bill is a major item in government spending (on average it represents about a quarter of the budget), its management is a priority in all countries,” said GarciaEscribano. “The challenge is even more pressing when aging populations demand rising health and pension spending. This is the case in many advanced economies. Many emerging markets and lowincome developing economies face demands for expanding access to key services, such as education and health care, to support inclusive economic growth and poverty alleviation,” the Deputy Division Chief added. Garcia-Escribano has said that in addition to these lessons, which are relevant for policymakers, the paper provides new data sets on government wage bill spending and employment and institutional arrangements for wage bill management. The Deputy Division Chief noted that these lessons, data sets, and 20 country case studies will enrich IMF policy advice and inform our review and technical assistance work. The data sets will be made public in the coming weeks. Governments will be able to compare the size of their wage bill and employment levels with their peers. A wage bill refers to the total amount that an organization pays its employees during a particular period.

Oracle, an international cloud computing company with operations in Kenya, and Snapchat, a leading image messaging and multimedia mobile application, have announced a partnership to measure the impact of digital advertising in the physical world. Cloud Computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer. By working together, Oracle Data Cloud and Snapchat will measure incremental store sales resulting from marketing campaigns run on Snapchat. By analyzing the impact of campaigns on in-store sales,Oracle Data Cloud will help consumer packaged goods (CPG) advertisers quantify and improve their ongoing marketing efforts on Snapchat. The computing company has also released new research, which indicates

that 92 per cent of Snapchat ad campaigns drove a positive lift in in-store sales. It was also noted that Snapchat ad campaigns exceeded Oracle Data Cloud norms on all key metrics with sales lifts being the primary driver. “We are delighted to be working with one of the fastest-growing platforms in history to help Snapchat advertisers understand and improve the effectiveness of their campaigns,” said Eric Roza, Senior Vice President of the Oracle Data Cloud. “By combining offline sales data with cutting-edge analytics, we can help Snapchat advertisers maximize their return on investment and drive higher profits.” Oracle Data Cloud is the largest global data-as-a-service solution, with access to more than $3 trillion dollars in consumer transaction data, 2 billion global consumer profiles, and 1,500+ data partners. Oracle Data Cloud

integrates that data with more than 200 major media companies, including publisher exchanges, ad networks and agency trading desks. “We’ve been listening closely to advertisers and delivering the data they need,” said Clement Xue, Global Head of Revenue Operations at Snapchat. “This research shows that Snapchat is more effective at driving sales for advertisers, and we’re delighted to offer this measurement solution going forward.” The growth in enterprise cloud software has allowed businesses to interact with their customers in a more realtime, scalable, user friendly way. The adoption of cloud has been especially strong across marketing, sales and CRM applications. Local service providers like Kenya Airways are using a number of Oracle clouds to engage with their customers. @kevin_x254

African flower growers threaten to dethrone Netherlands Flower growers in Africa and elsewhere are increasingly selling their product directly to buyers, threatening The Netherland’s horticulture sector. According to recent reports, the Netherlands is therefore fighting to retain its crown as the world’s top auction house for flowers. The country is the second-largest agricultural exporter behind the United States. For decades the FloraHolland cooperative has acted as the hub from which planeloads of flowers from around the world are distributed from vast, air-conditioned warehouses in

Aalsmeer, near Amsterdam airport, Reuters reports. Research indicates that for growers in Kenya or Ethiopia, being among FloraHolland’s 4,600 members helps maintain stable prices in the face of powerful buyers such as Europe’s top supermarket chains. Roughly 50 per cent of Kenya’s flower exports are sold via FloraHolland. The company says it distributes almost 50 per cent of all flowers sold worldwide and last year it reported sales of 4.6 billion euros (Sh524 billion), mostly from matching growers and buyers at its

famous early-morning daily auctions. But worryingly for FloraHolland Chief Executive Lucas Vos, sales of flowers by growers directly to buyers have overtaken those sold through FloraHolland’s auctions. Last year, auction sales stood at 2.1 billion euros (Sh239 billion), down 1 per cent. FloraHolland is looking to make changes to an auction system that dates back more than 100 years. It is investing up to 90 million euros over the next five year and plans to develop a 24-hour online dealing platform.





FASHION SCOOP 10 @christine_x254

Collins Kemboi, Michael Mwikamba and Ken-Albert Orwa are the new kids on the block. Dubbed Third Hand Music they are on a mission to give new definition to the word ‘boyband,’ and they want to make their audience fall in love while at it. X – Access caught up with band leader Michael Mwikamba who shed light on ‘being Third Hand’.


Describe your sound It’s music of the soul. We are mostly an RnB/soul band but we usually experiment with so many sounds like reggae, house, more upbeat music and even pop when we’re up on stage. When we’re recording in the booth it’s definitely mostly RnB and soul. How did you get your start? We came together in campus. We were originally part of a bigger band called Phy and The Band, but in October of 2014 that particular band broke up. After that we

turned i n t o Third Ha n d M u s i c because Phy entered into a competition that required her to be a solo act. We formally became Third Hand Music the band after that. While we were in campus we would just jam, go to open mics, nothing serious. We hadn’t sat down and decided that this is what would be doing but here we are. What would you say is the message of your music? It’s basically a diary of what we are going though. That is what we try to channel as a band in the hope that it will impact somebody out there. So if we’re going through a love phase we’ll write about that. Falling in love, falling out of love, heartache; exactly what we go through is what we write. With the first two projects we’ve done it’s been all about love. Sometimes we do have political themes, like with everything that’s happening in the country, these things affect



Bieber and Kourtney started spending a lot of time together amid rumors that they may just be dating. The “Sorry” singer partied with Kourtney at The Nice Guy, a celebrity hot spot in West Hollywood, California, later attending Universal Studios Hollywood’s “Halloween Horror Nights” together. Two months later, Kourtney attended one of Justin’s impromptu performances at the same venue. But in the latest episode of KUWTK, Scott seems to be in it to win it. He is making an effort and may just win Kourtney back.


Is it too late to say sorry for Scott Disick ?

Kourtney with Bieber

us and so we’ll write about it. Who inspires you? We are inspired by other bands that have been successful, that have been the voice of a generation like Boyz II Men, Coldplay, Bruno Mars and locally Sauti Sol because they’re a real success, Just A Band and the late E – Sir. Do you listen to your own music? It depends, especially if I’m not the main vocalist on the track I might be more open to listening to the song. Collo plays to our music a lot. I don’t listen to it as much because I feel like it’s awkward. For me, it’s strange but Collo does it quite a bit. It’s mostly to see where he can improve and what he can change that needs changing. What are you working on currently? We are finishing our album that’s our number one priority. We have recorded so many songs and we’re trying to create a discography. We just want to churn out more music and set the pace for boybands that are just getting their start. Since so many people are in bands these days we’d like to revolutionize the whole idea about being in a boyband. We are always in studio or rehearsing. Which artistes would you love to work with? We are not specific, just anyone who’s amazing. Fena Gitu is amazing, we would also not mind working with Phy now that

The devolution of Industry Nites

Popular monthly event that showcases the best talent in the country has expanded it’s reach. Industry Nite is gearing up for a 5-County tour that spans two months starting June, 2016. The tour is slated to hit off in Machakos (Club Euphoria) on June 18, then head out to Meru (Venus) June 25. This will be followed by Nakuru (Club 64) on July 2. The fans in Kisumu will have the chance to enjoy Industry Nite on July 9 at a yet to be announced venue. The tour of the counties will culminate in Kenya’s coastal town, Mombasa at Sheba Lounge on July 16. Industry Nite series of events will be marked with a two prong approach; concerts and a workshop.The workshops will be held during the day in partnership with CMOs and other partners. They are geared towards imparting knowledge into the artistes in these regions, with focus on digital marketing.

she’s a brand on her own, Patricia Kihoro and Taio formerly of Camp Mulla that’s the list for now. What do you think of the Kenyan music industry? I feel like it’s growing. I never thought I would ever say this but I feel like the industry is developing. We are becoming an actual industry, artists are taking their work more seriously, they are putting a lot more effort in giving an audience a great performance. When we started people weren’t listening to live music as much as they do now. We would play live and all anyone wanted was us to do was cover songs but these days we perform and guys actually want to hear our new material. There’s a difference between a recording artist and a live performer and people are slowly understanding that. Where do you see the band in 3 years? We hope to be a household name. We would love to be a voice, to be a brand. People should associate the band to social commentary, to associate daily life with our name. we should be synonymous to pop culture. Catch them Saturday, June 18 at Alliance Française from 6pm for World Music Day. @christine_x254

New Photoshop man looking for sponsor

Gathungu wa Muthoni

After Seveline Kinya who successfully got sponsored to tour China, Gathungu wa Gathoni another Facebook user has photoshoped himself on a photo of the United Kingdom Parliament in a bid to land a sponsor to send him to UK. He has however been trolled with social media users asking him to style up and not hope that what worked for Kinya would work for him.A man can try heh?





Coats for the cold weather

Only wear sequin coats if you can pull them off.

A raincoat is a stylish option when you don’t want to carry an umbrella.

A quick look outside and you realize the dreaded July cold season is almost here. No need to panic though. With lots of layering and a variety of coats, you will be just fine. Dressing for the cold season may rattle a fashionista’s brain though, which is why we have rounded up the best outerwear options for your sampling. Read through the tips and hit the fashion stores before everything is sold out! ●Belt coats to give them new life. ●Embrace faux fur for more drama. ●During light showers, throw in a show stopping hat. Experiment with scarves. @mercy_x254

To make a statement, invest in a stylish trench coat.

Puffy jackets trap air hence keep you warm.

Do not loose your personality while trying to keep warm.

Remember printed material is the new denim.









1 2

In common My house

Alycia keys Flo rida

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Let me love you

Mario Broods Veronicas Skepta Bryson tiller Weeknd John legend Fetty wap

Heartlines In my blood Man Don’t All of me Trap queen





Red Acapella








WHERE: Alliance Franรงaise the Band WHO: Third Hand Music, Zikki TIME: 6pm ENTRY: Free

Mi Casa




WHERE: The Alchemist WHO: Mi Casa TIME: 7pm ENTRY: Sh.2000 Advance, Sh.3000 at the gate


ALISHA WITH ELVIS WHERE: Tamambo, Village Market WHO: Alisha Popat TIME: 8:30pm ENTRY:: Sh500.


WHERE: Nairobi Arboretum WHO: Zikki Kenya, Red Acapella, KIU, Shanky, Miss Kemunto TIME:11am ENTRY: Sh.800 Advance, Sh.1000 at the gate.




Chronixx WHERE: K.I.C.C. Grounds WHO: Chronixx, ZJ Heno & Empire Sounds TIME: 6pm. ENTRY: Sh1000, Sh3000 VIP.



Party tonight

BABY DOLLS All the beautiful ladies 3rd Floor, Ngong Road.

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21ºC 66%

SATURDAY 18/6/2016


21 6:32 AM 6:35 PM

20ºC 69%

6:32 AM 6: 35 PM



Fill in the blanks with the numbers 1-9. every row, column and 3x3 box must contain all nine digits with no repeated number. Yesterday’s Solution


FRIDAY 17/6/2016



First goalless draw at Euro as Poland hold Germany Germany and Poland played out the first goalless draw of Euro 2016 as both teams took a huge stride towards qualifying from the group stage. Both now have four points, and will be guaranteed a place in the last 16 if they avoid defeat in their final Group C matches on Tuesday. Poland striker Arkadiusz Milik wasted by far the best chance of the night seconds after restart, scuffing a header wide from four yards when he seemed certain to score. It was one of few clear openings from a game that failed to produce a single shot on target in the opening half. Mario Gotze and Mesut Ozil were both denied by Lukasz Fabianski, in for the injured Wojciech Szczesny, after the restart while Polish forward Milik scuffed another good opening on what was a largely frus-

Northern Ireland claim first win as Ukraine is eliminated

trating night at the Stade de France. One definite consequence of the draw was that pointless Ukraine are eliminated from the tournament. Mario Gotze scored the winner for Germany in the 2014 World Cup final against Argentina in Brazil but has had a tough time since, often starting from the bench for Bayern Munich and struggling with a series of niggling injuries. He was disappointing against Ukraine in his country’s opening Euro 2016 match, with speculation that he would lose his place to a rejuvenated Mario Gomez against the Poles. Gotze did start in Paris - the return of defender Mats Hummels was the only change - and he did force one save shortly after the break with a crisp strike from 14 yards but he was a peripheral figure and hauled off after 65 minutes.


Germany’s Mesut Ozil is shielded away from the ball by Polish players during their Group C encounter at the Euro 2016 finals in France last night. The two teams saw out a barren draw.

Deploying him in the false nine role has not worked, with his side lacking some kind of focal point at the end of their measured approach play. Gomez came on with 15 minutes left but had little impact, and Low needs to figure out how to sharpen his attack. His Germany side have been indifferent since winning the World Cup, losing seven times. “I was quite pleased with our defence but our attack did not really create many chances. I did not start Gomez because the Polish central defence is strong in the air, so I wanted low passing with Götze,” Germany coach Joachim Low explained after the match. “Group stage matches are attrition battles. I expect more openings in the knock-out stages,” he added. Poland went into this tournament as one of several teams considered

Northern Ireland beat Ukraine to earn their first win at a European Championship and remain in contention for a place in the last 16. West Brom defender Gareth McAuley headed in Oliver Norwood’s perfectly delivered free-kick before a hailstorm in Lyon forced the players off for two minutes. When they returned, Niall McGinn finished a rebound in stoppage time to give Northern Ireland their first victory at a major tournament finals in 34 years. Germany’s 0-0 draw with Poland late last night eliminated Ukraine, meaning Northern Ireland will finish at least third in Group C. A win against Germany in Paris on Tuesday in their final match would guarantee their place in the last 16, while they might already have done enough to qualify as one of the best third-placed teams. O’Neill gambled by making five changes, including relegating top scorer Kyle Lafferty to the

dark horses in a field devoid of any stand-out favourite. They were good value for their victory over Northern Ireland in their opening fixture on Sunday and the high fives at the final whistle on Thursday suggested they were satisfied with a point against a team they had beaten once in their history. And whereas Germany clearly have problems in attack, Poland do have two excellent and mobile forwards in Milik and Bayern Munich’s Robert Lewandowski, who top scored in Euro 2016 qualifying with 13 goals. Sadly for Milik - who scored six goals in qualifying - it was a night to forget, particularly with regard to the header he missed. The low cross from Kamil Grosicki picked out the Ajax striker in space and with just Manuel Neuer to beat.

Northern Ireland’s Niall McGinn celebrates scoring his team’s second goal in their 2-0 win over Ukrain yesterday.

Alas, he failed to hit the target with a miss so bad that there was a gasp inside the stadium. “I’m very happy with the team, in particular their discipline and tactical awareness. It all went exactly to plan. We were controlling things well, even at the end. There were times when Germany took the initiative but we gave them that consciously, to allow us space to hit them on the counter attack,” coach Adam Nawalka said. “The players put a lot of heart into it. The only thing I’m not completely happy about is our failure to score but 0-0 was a fair scoreline,” he added. However, with his side on four points and facing Ukraine next, Poland is a good bet to reach the last 16 and look an organised side with a threat up front.

substitutes’ bench. Lafferty’s place went to 24-year-old Conor Washington, the QPR striker who was working as a postman and playing for St Ives in the ninth tier of English football the last time the Euros were staged in 2012. But it paid off fantastically as Northern Ireland clinched their first win at a major tournament since famously beating hosts Spain at the 1982 World Cup. Washington and Jamie Ward proved a handful for a Ukraine team who had kept 21 clean sheets in their previous 39 games. Northern Ireland’s strength from set-pieces told again as McAuley, 36, brilliantly got on the end of Norwood’s well-taken free-kick for the first goal. After a hail shower that saw the players withdrawn and substitutions, six minutes of stoppage time were added on. But Northern Ireland’s nervousness disappeared when Aberdeen winger McGinn pounced to seal victory.

Published By Xtra Publishing Limited, Chancery Building, Valley Road, Nairobi | Printed By The Standard Group,Mombasa Raod, Nairobi. Paul Marshall-CEO, Fred Bunei-Finance Manager, Josiah Musee-Advertising Manager, Peter Obuya-Editor peter_x254 josiah_x254 PDMXNEWS fred_x254



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Hodgson revels in England victory WEEKEND EDITION, JUNE 17-19, 2016

England manager Roy Hodgson says it is a long time since he celebrated a goal as much as Daniel Sturridge’s winner against Wales at Euro 2016. Substitute Sturridge poked home in the 91st minute to give England a 2-1 victory in the Group B match in Lens. Earlier, fellow substitute Jamie Vardy levelled for England after Gareth Bale’s 30-yard free-kick for Wales. “It’s a long time since myself and the coaching staff have showed such joy,” Hodgson told BBC Radio 5 live. “When the chances don’t go in and you’ve compounded your task by conceding that Gareth Bale goal, it really is a happy moment when both the substitutes score. “I thought it was on the cards all the way through the second half. We thought a lot about what the starting XI should be but I didn’t want to start breaking eggs with a big stick. I thought I would keep one or two up my sleeve,” he said before adding: “I was kind of counting on us seeing out the first half and then making a change but the goal meant it was pushed on to me a bit. “It was always in our thoughts to

bring on Vardy and Sturridge, and then bring on Wilshere or Rashford when we were looking for a goal,” Hodgson added as he explained his tactics. England conceded a stoppage-time equaliser in their 1-1 draw with Russia in their opening game on Saturday. Hodgson added: “I have great empathy with Chris Coleman and the Welsh team because he must have been looking at a good draw. He will be today as I was on Saturday night.” England, who had almost 70% of possession and had 20 shots to Wales’ eight, moved top of Group B, a point above Thursday’s opponents and Slovakia. Hodgson’s side face Slovakia in the final round of group games in SaintEtienne at 20:00 BST on Monday, when Wales play Russia. England, now top of Group B, need a point against Slovakia on Monday to earn automatic qualification into the last 16, while Wales must win against Russia to guarantee a toptwo finish. However, a point will be enough to send Wales through if Slovakia do not beat England.

England manager Roy Hodgson celebrates Daniel Sturridge’s winner against Wales in the Euro finals yesterday. Hodgson had earlier remain gloomy on the dug-out until the stoppage time strike that handed his team the lead in Group B.

Spain set eyes on last 16 slot Holders Spain will be certain of a round of 16 place with a second Group D victory against Turkey, who are looking to end a 52-year winless run against their opponents. Spain Coach Vicente del Bosque has set his sights on the last 16 even as he put the 1-0 victory over Czech republic behind him. “The important thing is that we got the three points in the first game, and we need to prepare for this game without being distracted by the first one,” he said. Turkey lost to Croatia in the first game and coach Fatih Terim would want his team to up their game against the defending Champions. “In the first match we were more like a club side than a national team. It upset us all. There was no reaction after conceding and that isn’t good. We will look more like the Turkish team we really are against Spain. Rest assured, it will be different,” he said. However, Del Bosque is aware of the possible threat from the Turks and wants his charges to be prepared for a tough match. Barcelona midfielder Arda Turan will be key for Turkey having played alongside or against most of the players in the Spain line-up for long.


Dempsey shines again for U.S in Ecuador win goal. We were unlucky not to score more.” Although Ecuador pulled a goal back from a set piece after Michael Arroyo picked out the lower left corner of Brad Guzan’s goal with a thunderous shot as Ecuador utilized crafty play deep in U.S. territory, they were not able to further breach a staunch U.S. defense manned by the duo of John Brooks and Geoff Cameron. Jones will be suspended for the semifinal along with Bedoya and Bobby Wood, who both got their second yellow cards of the tournament. The only previous knockout win for the U.S. over a non-CONCACAF team was against Spain in the 2009 Confederations Cup semifinal. The only other U.S. appearance in the Copa semifinals was in 1995, when it advanced to the final four by beating Mexico, then was eliminated by Brazil. The Americans are now assured two more games in the tournament: the semifinal and either a third-place match or the final. The Argentina-Venezuela game is Saturday night, so the U.S. will have two extra days of rest. Peru host Colombia in the other quarterfinal contest tonight after eliminating Brazil in the group stages.

Clint Dempsey continued his fine form for the U.S.A as he inspired the team to the semi-finals of the Copa America in a fine display that saw Jurgen Klinsmann’s side edge out Ecuador 2-1. The Montreal Impact forwarded headed home in the 22nd minute, meeting Jermaine Jones cross with a textbook header after some counter-attacking football by the hosts. The U.S. carried the lead into the second half where cards began to take their toll on both teams. In the 52nd minute, both sides had players sent off as Antonio Valencia received a second caution for Ecuador and Jermaine Jones earned a straight red for an after-theplay incident for the U.S. However, they both kept the high tempo despite being reduced to 10-men and the hosts were able to exploit the additional space when Gyasi Zardes tapped home what proved to be the game-clincher in the 65th minute. They will play either Argentina or Venezuela in Houston on Tuesday. Dempsey who was playing in his own Seattle backyard scored his 52nd international strike and his third goal of the tournament, before the evergreen 33-year-old crossed for Gyasi Zardes to roll in the killer second on 65 minutes in a stellar display. “I’ve been blessed that I was able to step up and, hopefully, I can keep going,” Dempsey said. “I thought we played well. I thought we created some good chances in front of

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