The magazine… XOLOitzcuintle, a free online magazine, was created to share our love for the Xoloitzcuintle with other Xolo lovers in the world. This magazine for Xolo lovers, made by Xolo lovers. Not only can you share your love for the breed, but also you can share pictures of your Xolo to illustrate the pages or cover of this magazine, or even advertise a kennel, dog, rescue or handler. The ads are completely free for those who support this magazine by sumiting an article, otherwise the ads have a cost of 10 USD, which will be donated to help take care of xolos in need.
~Giovanna Suedán~
Chichen Itza Emporio Ebén & Daisy Dite Dora des Quatre Jeudis Bred by Roger Esparcieux (Ebén) & Serge Aviot (Dora) Owned by Loïc Hochstrasser ©Vanessa Calvez
The magazine… Feel free to join our Facebook group “XOLOitzcuintle”, submit an article about any topic related to the breed or share pictures of your Xolos to illustrate the next issues of XOLOitzcuintle! This issue wouldn‟t have been possible without the help of: Anna Wetterlöw, Angel Garcia, Angeles Toledo, Dina Limankina, Domenico Santoriello, Elena Svetlova, Elida Vega, Into Blinov, Joe Patalano, Kristina Gervinskaite, Loïc Hochstrasser, Makaela Admonson, Magnus Svensson, Mona Friberg, Ove Pohl, Raymundo Flores, Roberto Alvarez, Sergio Aguilera, Sergio Peraza, Shannon Roberts, Sharon Roberts, Siegfried Jacques, Sintija Karlane-čerņakova, Sonja Koljin, Tegan Cawley, Tina Svensson, & Ute Schörnig All the articles are the responsability of the author and reflect their own opinion. All articles and pictures were published with the authors’ or owners’ permission. 3
On the cover
Pohlhöjdens Jalapeno
Pohlhöjdens Jalapeno Bred and owned by Ove and Suzanne Pohl Co-owned by Ulrika Jansson
Pohlhöjdens Jalapeno, or Bonzo as he’s called at home, was bred by Kennel Pohlhöjden in Sweden. This sweet Intermediate boy, who loves people and other dogs, is the proud son of Cacaoya de Korrantoh from France and SeCh Hijo Hermoso from Mexico. He is co-owned by Ulrika Jansson and his breeders Ove and Suzanne Pohl. 4
Table of contents
The magazine On the cover Table of Contents The Xoloitzcuintle The Xolo Times The curse of the Xoloitzcuintle Russian National Club of the Xoloitzcuintle Care and Maintenance of the Xoloitzcuintle Deformed ears and Closed ear canal Friend of Soul Junior Handlers and Xolos Xolotl, dual and transformist god People of Xolos
1 3 4 5 6 9 15 20 26 34 38 49 54
Look into those eyes and you will see. The past, the spirit, the mystery. They heal, they guard, they protect your soul. They stay by your side as you grow old. Look deep inside and you will see. What they possess. The Xoloitzcuintle -Joe Patalano Local Hero‟s Evita Bred and Owned by Mona Friberg ©
The Nahui’s first show
Times Tenango did it again!
By Sergio Aguilera
Miniature puppies in Sweden By Ase Persson
During the 3 day circuit show of the Club Canofilo Mexicano-Japones, Nahui-Ollin (Retana) Mex. a Standard male bred by Miguel A. Retana and owned by Sergio Aguilera made his big debut. Shown and trained by Luis Angel Garcia, Nahui got two Best Junior of Breed, and the Junior BIG-3!
Tenango (Arena) Mex. bred by Lupita Arena and owned by Begoña Gimenez-Valdes got the award of Dog of the Year in Mexico for the second time (2008 & 2010), with an unprecedented record of 79 Best in Shows. Besides being the Dog of the Year in Mexico, Tenango, also got this award in Guatemala and Cuba!
We are very happy to announce an upcoming Miniature litter that will be born in Kennel Warner Bros in the beginning of May from our French Import, Eragorn du Mont des Serfs and M’Opii La Violeta, imported from Spain. 7
The Fernando’s big win By Dina Limankina
Times Best in Group for Oscar
New AKC Champion By Terri Reindl
By Szabolcs Bazula
On April 24, our miniature male, Fernando du Coeur des Ténèbres , bred by Kennel Le Coeur des Ténèbres, participated in his first show where he won Best Baby in Show!
We are very happy to say that Oscar (Coliman Avalos) won a BOB and BIG-1 in Luxembourg with the excellent handling of professional breeder and handler Katarina Majdlenova. Now our boy is Champion of Luxembourg.
Azuwyn’s Ix chel, bred by Kay Lawson and owned by Terri Reindl got her AKC Championship! Kitty, as she is called at home, is the first Standard female to place. Also in the show in Las Vegas in March 12 & 13, she took Best of Breed and a Group Forth both days! 8
~ Kennel Warner Bros ~ We are proud to introduce our newest star…
Warner Bros Güero This lovely Miniature male is son of our Mexican Import Akab Tatéi (Suedan) and Divin Mammour du Mont des Serf from France. Watch for him in the show rings of Sweden this year! Proudly owned and bred by Ase & Janne Persson Sweden
9 Diseño: Giovanna Suedan
The Curse of the Xoloitzcuintle By Elida Vega “They say that, if once in your life touch and look into the eyes of a Xoloitzcuintle, it will caught you, it makes you an adict and you can’t live the rest of your life without them”
Elida Vega and with her Standard female MultiCh MultiBIS Kabah (Vega) Mex. ©Hugo Pascual
Breeding Xoloitzcuintles, for me, has been a wonderful experience that started with the fun of it, and has become a very strong commitment from me to them. The first time I saw a Xolo, of course it called for my attention how different a hairless dog is; and thereafter, upon learning the existence of the coated Xolo, I though it was very original all that combination of colors in different coats. However, seeing the Xolo like this, is normal in a start, because the knowledge one has of the breed in that instant is superficial. 10
The moment you start living with a Xolo, where you can observe their own unique and special personality, in that precise moment, you are amazed with what a xolo can transmit and make you feel with its simple attitude. The experience of touching their skin, of seeing how their eyes look at you, and the magic of their character is indescribable. They have a lively spirit and a joy that will inevitably spread, because their spirit is young no matter how old they are, they are always full of energy ready to play at anytime, and, the most interesting, they know exactly what to do to make you play with them. They are very active, of great personality (I would even say that they consider themselves magestic), intense in their emotions, a little bit cuddly and extremely intelligent
Cozcatl Element of Desire Bred by Ia Bäckström Owned by Anna Wetterlöw
Once a Xolo belongs to a home, they are very jealous of it, and even though the breed doesn’t outstand for being aggressive, they will always distrust strangers and they will have them fully superviced on them until the moment they determine the stranger is“harmless�.
Izel (Gimenez-Valdes)Mex. Bred by Rafael Gimenez-Valdes Owned by Len Szajko
I can tell that, even though they respect their owners criteria regarding strangers that frecuent the house; they are a little bit stubborn, they have their own will, but they can be educated and they adapt well to lifestyle of the family with whom they live with. 12
During my life I grew up with many other dog breeds, and without pretending to compare, I can assure that the Xolo is different. From the instant a Xolo perceive you seems they already chose you, problably it is, because once you know them more, you discover they “read your mind”, and that emotionally there is a real connection between both exists. They are very perceptive and intuitive; they have a strong attachment to their master, to such degree that, sometimes it seems they understand very well your emotions and, they behave appropiately to the situation.
MultiCh MultiBIS Kabah (Vega) Mex. Bred and owned by Elida Vega ©Hugo Pascual
I’m convinced that the character of the Xolo has captivated me, I can not imagine my future without the company of one of them, could it be that the “Curse of the Xoloitzcuintle” fell on me, and I have become addicted? I think that many of the friends that I know have also been infected by this beautiful addiction which none of us, I’m sure, wants to be rehabilitated.
Nierika (Vega) Mex. Bred by Elida Vega Owned by Clone Trooper & Iryna Khamayko
MC’ROC Kennels Breeding top quality Miniature & Intermediate Xoloitzcuintles With 5 generations of World Winners of the Miniature size, Mc’Roc is the home of several champions, including the #1 Miniature and Intermediate Xolos of 2010 in Mexico.
Puppies and youngsters available occasionally
Diseño: Giovanna Suedan
Roberto Alvarez Mexico
Russian National Club of the Xoloitzcuintle By Into Blinov The Xoloitzcuintle first appeared in Russia in 1990, those Xolos were imported from Cuba and had a height of around 40-45cm. Six years after, in 1996, the Russian Club of Naked dogs was founded, and comprised three hairless breeds: the Chinese Crested, Peruvian Hairless dogs and the Xoloitzcuintle. In 1998 the first Xolos from Mexico were imported to our country, and no new bloodlines were imported until 2003.
MultiCh. Petit Prince Iz Sozvezdija Streltsa Bred and Owned by Dimitri & Natalia Drutsa ŠPhoto courtesy of the Russian National Xolo Club
Little by little, as the Xoloitzcuintle gained the interest of the Russian breeders and dog fanciers, people actively began to import new dogs from reputed kennels from different countries like Mexico, USA, France, Scandinavia and others. The number of dogs grew dramatically and in 2009 the National breed show had an entry of 40 dogs. That was an amazing result!
Ch Monica Mechta Zhinzy Bred by Vita Lyashenko Owned by Dina Limankina ŠPhoto courtesy of the Russian National Xolo Club
The increasing number of Xoloitzcuintles in Russia gave the opportunity of creating an independent Xolo Club. In February 2010 the National club of Naked dogs splited into three freestanding clubs, one of them was the National Club of the Xoloitzcuintle, headed by Oleg Yantchev, an internationally certified judge (FCI all breed) and Member of the Bureau of Russian Cynological Federation. 17
The Russian National Club of Xoloitzcuintle elected its Presidium consisting of 6 people united by love and respect for this breed. Amongst them there are professional judges, breeders and Xolo owners. Nowadays, the National Club of the Xoloitzcuintle is a volunteer noncommercial organization, joint center for all breed‟s lovers. Many wellknown kennels, professional breeders and Xolo-fanciers are members of the Club. Having breed‟s popularization as the main goal, club‟s members, by combined efforts, look after the Xolo‟s interests and work for the breed‟s good!
MultiCh Chichen Itza Chi Baba Bred by Roger Esparcieux Owned by Elena Svetlova ©Photo courtesy of the Russian National Xolo Club 18
Every day the Xoloitzcuintle attracts more interest among the people in Russia. For the last few years more than 20 new dogs have been imported to our country, and nowadays it can be said, without exaggeration, that the quality of the Russian Xolo breeding takes pride of place among other countries and, certainly, we pursue new objectives.
Ch. Ormiel Iz Sozvezdija Streltsa Bred and Owned by Dimitri & Natalia Drutsa ŠPhoto courtesy of the Russian National Xolo Club
We are looking forward to exchange information with National Xolo Clubs from other countries. In this respect we would be pleased to receive contact details from those clubs to be able of keep in touch. We also will be glad to regularly provide you with informative reports containing the up to date news about the Xolo in Russia. Please visit our website, we are always glad to meet new friends! 19
Chinese Cresteds, Pet portraits & Handling
We will do our greatest to get the best out of your dog We have handled numerous breeds to BP, BOB, Group Placements, Puppy Group Placements and to Crufts Qualifications at both Open and Championship show level in the UK and in other countries of Europe. Besides handling we also offer great Portraits of your favorite Xolo painted by Shannon Roberts, this year’s “Young Kennel Club Artist of the Year “. Sharon & Shannon Roberts United Kingdom
Diseño: Giovanna Suedan
Care and Maintenance of the Xoloitzcuintle By Roberto Alvarez Márquez Mc’Roc Kennels
If it‟s the first time you have a Xolo, you must consider different factors that determine the type of care that is needed for the new member of the family.
Ch. Mc‟Roc Pancho Cachondo Mex.FCI Bred and Owned by Roberto Alvarez
In the case of the hairless Xolos, in cold climates or during the winter months it is needed to cover them, for this you can find a freat variety of sweaters, shirts, coats, etc. in pet and department stores. The hairless variety, as humans, has certain types of skin: dry, oily, rough, smooth, etc. To achieve a soft and smooth like the one the breed standard describes, we must evaluate the type of skin of each dog and search for the product or products that gives the best results. 21
In some puppies skin problems are presented, which in most cases end when the adolescence passes and they reach maturity. Like us humans, the soaps and special lotions may help them. This products are the same us humans use, because in any pet store are soaps for hairless Xolos and even less for those with different types of skin problems. The diet also plays a primordial role in the outcome of the skin. A general recipe for good skin doesn‟t exist, the best is to consult the breeder of your dog and ask what has been done with the parents. The truth is that adult dogs with nice skin, produce in general puppies that will have nice skin, because heredity is another important factor. Don‟t be surprised if your puppy wakes up one day full of pimples, it‟s normal in puppies and young dogs, but learn to differentiate if it‟s an age problem or due to either food poisoning or insect bite.
Averia Amoroso Angel Maju Saulé Bred by Violeta Ringevičienė Owned by Sintija Karlane-čerņakova 22
The third factor is the cleanliness, a Xolo should bathe at least once a week, if it‟s exfoliated, it will be better, for this you can use from the simplest loofah, or exfoliating sponge, to the most sophisticated exfoliating product you can buy. It can be used, from an ainti-bacterial or neutral soap in cases of normal skins, or an astringent or antiseborrhoeic in cases of oily skins, or a moisturizing soap for the cases of dry skins.
MultiCh. Mc‟Roc Miss Mexico Mex.FCI Bred and Owned by Roberto Alvarez
After the bath you have to dry it very well with a clean towel, takin care that there is no moisture is inbetween the interdigital membranes to prevent fungi. Afterwards rub the cream of your choice, and wait it to be absorbed, if the weather is cold cover it with the corresponding coat; but if you plan to go out to the son, it‟s recommended to use a sunscreen of the numer 100, the Xolo loves the sun, and this may damage its skin if it‟s done too much, specially in dogs of brown or copper color. 23
Before evaluate different skin creams, in the case of puppies I believe that the creams with elastine or aloe help a lot. Very oily creams and oils are not good for all of them, since in some cases they clog the pores and produce pimples. Be careful not to get cream in their eyes because, as in humans, it may produce infections. At least once a month squeeze the anal glands. Don't forget to clip their nails, because if they grow too much the feet will start to deform. As for necklaces, the hairless Xolos are more delicate than other dogs and one must look for a fabric or slim leather collar that won't hurt them. The ears can be also cleaned with a piece of cotton, dipped in alcohol, well wrung, and without penetrating beyond where we can see. For the dentition, in order to avoid the risky dental cleaning under anesthesia the veterinarian makes, you can give them once a month a piece of beef knee, so the dog gnaw it, and thus remove the tartar. Don't worry about the teeth loss, if a teeth falls, it„s due to the natural process and not to the bone.
Farah (Alvarado) Bred by Jorge Alvarado Owned by Angeles Toledo
Breeding top quality Intermediate and Standard Xolos
D’Obaolo Onilu did it again! “Oni” our Intermediate male, bred by Luis Laza and co-owned by our partner in Mexico, Gabriel Mestre got Best of Breed at the World Dog Show 2010. Making him, once again, World Winner!
Magnus & Tina Svensson Sweden
Diseño: Giovanna Suedan
Deformed Ears and Close Ear Canal By Sonja Kolijn
Why this article?
Peruvian Hairless youngster with one deformed closed ear ŠFullmonty
To start I want to emphasize that this article is not based in any way on any solid scientific research. It has solely been written from my own personal experience in order to share all I have learned with others. It should be noted that this is not the definite version. The final article will be written when firstly all scientific evidence concerning the involved genetics has been made available to me and secondly when all breeders are sincere in sharing their knowledge of this problem with each other and the general public. 26
In one of my litters two puppies were born with one-sided closed ear canals (CEC). At first I was deeply disappointed and very upset. I could not believe that, after all the research I have done in order to prevent it, this happened to me. Despite of every precaution I took for my choice of a male from Peru (whose background I carefully checked and who passed all possible health tests) it still happened to us. However, after my initial disappointment, I realized that this was part of the hazards of breeding too and started with my research on this health problem to try and prevent something like that happening again.
Peruvian Hairless youngster with one deformed closed ear ŠFullmonty
Not alone To my great surprise within a couple of weeks I learned that my situation was far from unique. In fact, there were many more breeders in the hairless breeds world (Chinese Crested, Xoloitzcuintle and Peruvian Hairless) who encountered the same problem. It amazed me as well that at the time I had my puppies there were 2(!) other hairless dog litters in Holland with the same or a related problem (one with closed ears and one with deformed ears and a smaller ear canal). I strongly believe that we can speak of a common problem in all our breeds. At first the breeders I spoke with, thought that CEC or deformed ears were an anomaly of our hairless breeds only. But a Dutch specialist informed me he had seen a lot of closed ears in all different breeds (i.e. Cane Corso, Sharpei). Following my conversation with him, I spoke to two veterinarians who also saw coated dogs in their practice with the same problem. At this moment there is one Chinese Crested breeder I know of, who had a puppy with CEC (both ears) from a powderpuff x hairless mating. So this deformity is not exclusive only to the hairless dog breeds.
Peruvian Hairless youngster with one deformed closed ear ŠFullmonty 28
To cull or not? So there the pressing question remains: should puppies (or adult dogs) with this problem be left alive or should they be culled? Some people and some breeders told me to cull every affected puppy. But after discussing this with several people, of which some have lived with deaf dogs, and a number of specialists and veterinarians we finally decided this puppies in spite of their handicap earn a good life too. But I am convinced it makes a huge difference if a dog is impaired on one side only or on both sides. A totally deaf dog may cause great difficulty living in a normal family because it needs very special care and special training. For instance, a totally deaf dog in a family with small children could cause severe problems in daily life due to the fact that children can be very unpredictable in their movements and behavior.
This puppy has closed and deformed ears on both sides. His breeder and new owner decided he deserved a happy family life as well. ŠCourtesy of Sonja Kolijn
Any dog can bite out of fear and hearingimpaired dogs therefore are no exception to this. One-sided impaired dogs are able to hear everything but they can have problems with detecting the direction of a sound and won’t be able to hear very well in very noisy surroundings. However, they don’t always look the right direction when called and they may be rather uncomfortable in noisy surroundings. Therefore it is the responsibility of a responsible breeder placing a hearing-impaired dog in the right home and he or she must always warn the new owners for occurring problems. Apart of the characteristics of any breed and the character of the individual dog, this specific problem will also be taken into account by placing a dog. 29
CEC and health The health of the dog is another important issue. I was concerned whether the dog would develop pain or inflammations later in it’s life. One breeder told me she had two puppies with closed ears and after culling them, she had sent them for an autopsy. The pathologist told her the puppies had a white fluid in their ears which could cause inflammations in the future. However, I have spoken several breeders with puppies with CEC in the past and some of those dogs were older than seven years and none of them ever experienced any ear-related problems. None of them developed inflammations or any other problems.
A puppy with a closed and deformed ear. One can see skintags on the ear and on the cheek. ŠCourtesy of Sonja Kolijn
I also spoke with a woman who operated two puppies with CEC. She found nothing even remotely resembled hearing organs under the closed skin. We did a BAER test on all the puppies of the litter and had them also tested to see if there was anything under the closed skin that might detect sound. But there was no evidence of even rudimentary organs. It is the opinion of the before mentioned specialist and of one other specialist I spoke with that if there is nothing under the inner ear’s skin, there is also nothing that can be inflamed either. By the time I finished this article my puppies are eight months old and doing perfectly all right. They do not have any other health issues apart from their closed ear. 30
Some experts suspect a relationship between their appearance and dogs suffering from CEC but there is no scientific evidence for that. All CEC dogs that I know of have or had skin tags. But, thankfully not all dogs with skin tags have CEC. It is said that mating two dogs with skin tags can produce puppies with CEC. However this is not a scientifically proven fact and there are a lot of healthy litters born from parents having skin tags. But this issue is too important to ignore in the future when breeding.
Skin tags ŠCourtesy of Sonja Kolijn
In the past skin tags where thought the be common in hairless dogs only. That’s not true. Although I never saw a coated hairless dog with skin tags, according to some professional groomers there are other coated breeds which have a higher occurrence of skin tags. i.e. Cocker Spaniels. I hope in the future there will be more evidence made available that combining two dogs with skin tags that might lead to CEC. If that is the case, I might be able to change the assumptions I make in this article to scientific facts. In addition to this, I would be very happy if different stories and/or point of views about this issue would be send to me. 31
Related issues There is very little known on the subject of deformed or closed ears. In my research I have found a few dogs with CEC who had littermates or family with a higher occurrence of malformations. The malformations consisted of abnormalities such as two different ears (a small and large ear), thick cartilage in one of the ears. They have smaller openings in the ears and of course, the skin tags are present too. I also found that severe malformed puppies can have a relation to CEC as well as being born with a shark head. It is painfully obvious that this puppy cannot live a normal happy life.
A newborn puppy with a shark head (undeveloped underjaw). Born without ears. You can see skin tags on the place where his ear had to be. ŠCourtesy of Sonja Kolijn
When breeders are open about this problems, even about this kind of puppies which usually are put to sleep after birth, we can record this and keep an eye on littermates and their parents and their offspring. This is necessary to obtain a healthier breed in the future. Please note these things! 32
Breeding and CEC For future of breeding I cannot emphasize enough that every breeder should be open and forward on this problem. I can only assume that both parents must be a carrier of this abnormality in order to pass it to their offspring. I know a couple of stud dogs who gave CEC or related problems in one litter and never in another litter. However, we have to be very careful using these dogs for breeding because they have proven to be carriers of CEC. Logically it follows that some of their offspring might be carriers as well. Littermates of CEC affected dogs should be marked as carriers as well. They don’t have to be, but as long as we do not have the DNA markers available it will be safer to mark and treat them as carriers. One can use them in their breeding program, just as their parents, but only to possible safe dogs (only in lines where there is much known or line breed dogs). If we use (expected) carriers in our breeding program we might be able to breed this problem out of our breed. In future hopefully every mating we will produce less carriers in our offspring when mating expected carriers to (expected) safe dogs. Needless to say we should never breed affected dogs. Note: I want to thank all the people who helped me gather the information and give me their opinions. I would be happy to hear any additional or new experiences or facts or to discuss my findings so far. I do not use any names of dogs or breeders because many breeders didn’t want that.
This stunning lass doesn’t seem to have any trouble with her deaf ear at all. You can see the long skinmark on her cheek she already had at her birth ©Fullmonty. Courtesy of Sonja Kolijn
Qurra Tul Ain Number 1 Kennel in Germany of Miniature, Intermediate and Standard Xoloitzcuintle Chinese Crested and Pharaoh Hound
Design: Giovanna Suedan
Ute Schรถrnig Germany
Friend of soul By Kristina Gervinskaite It is said “People don’t choose their dogs, dogs choose their owners”. My story is about that. Everything started as one sunny summer day 5 little lives came to this world. Then I had no idea that I will have one more Xolo, however, life showed me another way. As I remember, the first connection was felt in few weeks old of these puppies. It was strange feeling as you looked at the little dog and you felt that she was different than others but you could not understand why. It was something like magnet which was attracting you to one baby. In this way you saw all puppies were cute, but one was cuter. All were beautiful, but one you just could not stop looking at. And this story started in this moment. Xochiquetzaltzin Naglis Bred and owned Kristina Gervinskaite
Every moment, every time Xochiquetzaltzin moved, acted, even the good relationship with her grandmother; the little girl was not very friendly with others, showed clearly that she was born to be with me. Xochi already knew where her place was even in young days, while I needed some more time to realize.
Xochiquetzaltzin Naglis & Poco Naglis Owned and bred by Kristina Gervinskaite
Today Xochi, as she is named at home, lives with her grandmother and me. The little girl grow to an elegant, intelligent Xolo, sometimes crazy, but always playful. You can be woken up by her toy placed on your head at midnight because she can’t sleep, but you will never get angry because of her funny look staring at your face. 36
It is fun to wake up with her nose in your eye, or hear her muttering as you are changing your sleeping position. It is the best mornings in weekends as you are still drowsing and you can hear as between plays one of your dogs comes to see if you are still sleeping. This is friend of your soul who makes you happy every moment as you remember or look at her.
Kristina and her friend of soul Xochiquetzaltzin Naglis Owned and bred by Kristina Gervinskaite
Also, who let you believe that there is somebody who is always waiting for you, because you are the one who is called Friend from the big letter, you are friend of your dog soul as your dog is friend of yours. 37
Camino al Mictlán - Xolos Vega -
Breeding top quality Miniature & Standard Xoloitzcuintle of both varieties. ∞ Home of MultiChampions and Multiple Best in Show Winners. ∞ Puppies available occasionally
Elida Vega Mexico
Design: Giovanna Suedan
Junior Handlers showing Xolos By Dom Santoriello, Tegan Cawley, Makaela Edmonson, Shannon Roberts & Giovanna Suedan
Junior Showmanship is a competition for children, up to 18 years old, intended as an evaluation of the handler‟s skill. It‟s about how to present themselves and make dogs look their absolute best! Sometimes Junior handlers are underestimated, but some junior handlers are as skillful as some professional handlers. Here some Junior Handlers who have shown Xolos will share their experience with the breed and the success they‟ve had with them. Tegan Cawley & Iztaccihuatl (Hoover) Mex.FCI Bred by Patty Hoover Owned by Donna Cawley
Makaela Edmondson I first saw the Xolos last year when I saw Kim Cross handled them and thought “OMG what unusual looking dogs”. Then one day I got a phone call to handle the dogs, I said yes as I thought it would be good to handle a different breed. They are different to what I show because I show Shetland sheepdogs and they are small and fluffy. I never get bored when I am holding them because people are always asking what breed they are and other questions about the breed. At school I am bombarded with questions about them because I have photos of them hanging up in my locker so all my friends can see them.
Aus. Ch Besito‟s Naca (Imp USA) Bred by Patty Hoover Owned by Jacqi Dinis ©Animal Images
I am pleased to be part of this exciting new breed to Australia and along with Tony Mallia we have titled two Xolos and the first ever in Australia history with class in groups, class in shows and runner up in-group wins. My greatest success with them was when I won Best Intermediate In Show with Naca. Every chance I get to show them I just love to do so, and it is get to be able to do that. I have grown so fond of them now and it great to be able to see them when ever I get the chance to. 40
Domenico Santoriello I was thrilled when Sian Gordon and Catherine Davies allowed me to handle their stunning Xoloitzcuintle, Mexican Ch, Cuban Ch, Grand Cuban Champion Apancingo (Gimenez-Valdes) at Ammexbiche who was imported into the UK from Mexico in late October 2010. Cingo has had to adapt to a lot since his arrival; the weather, the English language and a new family. But he has taken it all in his stride and has settled very well. Iâ€&#x;ve had to work very hard to create a bond with Cingo and I think we are improving at every show. In February, we attended the Eukanuba/Dog World Training Workshop in which it gives Junior Handlers extra practise before the Young Kennel Club Handling Finals to be held at dfs Crufts. Here I felt we worked as a great team. We were given advice by one of the UKâ€&#x;s top handlers, Michael Gadsby on how to show Cingo. We would normally show him by running around the ring, but Michael suggested walking.
MultiCh. Apancingo (Gimenez-Valdes) Mex.FCI Bred by Rafael Gimenez-Valdes Owned by Sian Gordon and Catherine Davies 41
At the beginning Cingo would not cooperate with me, he wouldnâ€&#x;t even take any bait off me, but by the end of the day, he was quite happy to! He even managed to do some of the patterns that Junior Handlers are required to do; the standard triangle; Letter T, Letter L and even work with other handlers. We were finally getting somewhere! I felt much more confident for the finals yet to come.
MultiCh. Apancingo (Gimenez-Valdes) Mex.FCI Bred by Rafael Gimenez-Valdes Owned by Sian Gordon and Catherine Davies
It is hard to get practise in with Cingo as he lives with Sian in Wales so the only practise we get is before we go into the ring. March soon came around and I was very grateful for Cath, Sian and Mike for making the journey to the NEC, in Birmingham for me. There were 17 entered in my YKC Finals (Utility and Toy breeds) & I was very happy to be SHORTLISTED to the Final 7! This is the furthest a Xolo has gone in competition at Crufts! I look forward to the future with the beautiful Cingo. 42
Tegan Cawley My name is Tegan Cawley, I am 8 years old and I live in Derbyshire, England. I have been showing Xolos since I was 2 ½ years old. I started showing with a dog called Izzie at a Fun Day Dog Show, she is an Intermediate Xolo. In my life I have shown Frida, Spirit, Izzie and Scooby-Doo, they are all Intermediate Xolos. Izzie had a litter of puppies, we named two of the puppies Spirit and Frida, Spirit is my own dog, she is black and white, we named her Spirit after our dog called Bess died because she looks just like her, Spirit is 3 years old, she is a really nice dog, I have shown her a few times at training, I love her so much.
Tegan Cawley & “Frida” (IMA Sacred Spirit) Bred and Owned by Donna Cawley 43
Tegan Cawley & “Sipirt� (IMA Kindred Spirit) Bred and Owned by Donna Cawley
Frida is a Bronze Xolo with a bit of hair on her head, tail and feet, as soon as we saw her when she was a puppy we knew we had to keep her, I have taken Frida to training a lot and I have shown her at Open and Championship Shows. Frida is so funny as she follows the mop everywhere at home, I love her so much. I have qualified for the Junior Handling Semi Finals at Richmond this year at my last 4 shows with Frida. I am a member of the Young Kennel Club, I joined on my 6th Birthday, I would like to go to the Summer Camp with Frida, my Mum and Dad. I like training with Frida because she is so calm, I would like to take Spirit to Flyball, Agility or Obedience one day. I enjoy going to ringcraft and training most weeks and I am looking forward to having fun with my dogs as I grow up.44
Shannon Roberts
Chichen Itza Dune de Dior Bred by Roger Esparcieux & Delpont Owned by Donna Cawley
'The first time a handled a Xolo it was a great experience. We met Donna and Diva about 3 years ago at Discover Dogs at Crufts. From then I knew I would love to handle and show this breed and maybe own one if I was lucky enough as they are such wonderful dogs. We got chatting about showing them and how they are on the import register at the moment. We got onto the subject of Crufts and how they do not have import register classes at Crufts and the only way for a Xolo to be shown at Crufts would be in the YKC (Young Kennel Club) Handling Finals (as you can handle any breed in the handling classes at Crufts). These handling finals take place over all 4 days of Crufts with 3 age groups competing each day. As I had qualified for the YKC Handling Finals at Crufts 2010, this is when we got speaking about me handling Diva. Donna was kind enough to say yes to this. Leading up to Crufts 2010, we travelled to Donnaâ€&#x;s house so I could spend the day with Donna and train with Diva. Me and Diva soon gained a close relationship. I also practiced with Diva, when I met up with her and Donna at a few of shows before Crufts. 45
The day came when we were to show at Crufts. When I took Diva into the ring it was an amazing feeling I felt so proud to show her. She is the 1st ever Xoloitzcuintle to mine and Donna's knowledge to be shown in YKC handling classes at Crufts. Unfortunately we did not get placed in our class, but we both had a fantastic experience and we made a little bit of Xolo history here in the UK.
I am now fortunate enough to coown Divaâ€&#x;s daughter – Solana, and I am already training with her to compete in the handling classes at championship and open show level.' IMA Little Miss Sunshine for Shanshal Bred by Donna Cawley Owned by Shannon Roberts
Giovanna Suedan I started showing dogs when I was 12 years old at Junior Handling competitions mostly with Golden Retrievers and Shibas, but it was until a few years later that I met a Xolo breeder that I showed a Xolo for the first time. That breeder encouraged me to keep showing dogs and was very kind to let me show one of his miniature females without knowing me, that man was Rafael Gimenez-Valdes. I kept showing dogs since then, and a few years after starting to show I was able of competing with a Xolo of my own. During my last year as Junior Handler I met Victor Alvarez, another Xolo breeder, who teached me more about showing dogs and under his guide and with the help of a lovely Standard female bred and owned by Patty Hoover, named Opoa, I retired as Junior Handler with a 4th place in the Junior Handler competition. Retired as Junior handlers, a dear friend of mine, great xolo handler and trainer, Angel Garcia, helped me a lot to improve my handling skills. With his advice and help I finished my Maya‟s Panamerican Championship with 3 BOB in a row at Expocan Guadalajara.
Bolontikú (Suedán) Mex. Bred and Owned by Giovanna Suedan 47
I think I‟ve been very lucky to have had such good mentors that helped me improve my handling skills and also encouraged me to keep showing Xolos, but also I‟ve been very lucky to have met kind people who have trusted in me and let me show their dogs, like Renata Magaldi who let me show her Intermediate female Nana, together we got BOB at a Support Specialty in 2008; Gabriel Vargas, whose Standard male I showed at the Support Specialty in 2008; Ute Shörnig who let me show her beautiful Standard champion Nahuanin at the WDS; also Janne and Ase Persson who were very kind to let me show their World Winner India at the Miniature BOB judgement at the WDS, among other Xolo lovers who also let me show their dogs as a Junior Handler or at other shows.
Ch. Yashte Candox (Hernandez) Mex. Bred by Marco Hernandez Owned by Mirka Rautio
The experience of showing Xolos is completely different to showing another breed. Each Xolo is special and different, their look and temper makes them a breed apart from others! 48
Kennel Naglis Our goal is to breed high quality, healthy, well socialized Miniature & Standard Xoloitzcuintles. Our kennel has Russian and Mexican bloodlines from well known kennels such as Harmeks, Tecuani and Caliente.
We have been members of Lithuanian Cynological Society since 1995 and of Fédération Cynologique Internationale since 2008 (FCI No- 50/08).
Diseño: Giovanna Suedan
Kristina Gervinskaite & Alberta Gervinskiene Lithuania
Dual and transformist God By Raymundo Flores Melo. Identified sometimes with plante Mercury[1], Xólotl, the dog god, twin of Quetzalcóatl, is the one that accompanies the feathered snaked to the underworld to steal the bones that, milled and mixed with blood, will give place to the man. Referential episode thanks to which we know why the dog is necessary in the funerary offerings that some of the Mesoamerican people, the reason of why the presence of a dog is important so the man can enter the underworld, to the kingdom of Mictlatecuhtli, lord of dead. Fray Bernardino de Sahagún (S. XVI), religious of the order of Saint Francis, -word more, words less- counts in their story that in Teotihuacán, the city of Gods, a divine meeting was held to create the Sun that will enlighten the world[2].
[1] Gonzáles Torres, Yolotl.
Zandunga (Hoover) Mex.FCI Bred by Patty Hoover Owned by Angel Garcia
Diccionario de Mitología y Religión de Mesoamerica. México, Larousse, 1995, p. 204 Cosas de la Nueva España. México, Porrúa, 1981, pp. 258-262
[2] Sahagún, Bernardino de. Historia General de las
Gris Montenegro Domingo Bred by Eremina Oxana Owned by Violeta Ringevič ienė [1] Ibíd.
p. 261
After the penance and the offerings, the sacrifice camed. One of the dogs, Nanauatzin, the bubous or syphilitic, became in the star and another, Tecuciztécatl, – the one who had been afraid to threw himself to the firein the Moon. However, both stars didn„t had movement. To solve the present problem decided to give their life. But there was one, Xólotl, who was afraid to die “And wept greatly, so that his eyes swelled of mouning”[1]. So when the Air that will execute the resulotion showed up, he ran away. First he hid under a corn plan, giving origin to the plant of to canes (xólotl); then he refuge in a maguey, giving origin to the maguey of two bodies (mexólotl); and finally, his hiding place was the water, were he turned into an animal named axólotl (ajolote). There he was found and killed. But still, the starts didn't moved, it was necessary that the wind began to blow and vent stoutly for the Sun and the Moon to moved. 51
Cecilio Robelo say, this myth when known by the people was restructured and applied to people, animals and objects of the everyday life. So that, when god Xólotl got into the kitchen he gave place to the “texolotl” – tejolote -, stone tool used to gring in the mortar; if he got into the pen, he was the huexolotl – turkey -; and if his residence was the body of a person, this person was named “xolopitli” – dumb, stupid -[1]. The word xólotl also gets numerous meanings, of it give account the various vocabularies and nahuatl dictionaries náhuatl–spanish and spanish–náhuatl that have been done since the colonial era to the present as those elaborated by the franciscans Bernardino de Sahagún and Alonso de Molina (1571), the one of Rémi Siméon and the one coordinated by Carlos Montemayor. Thus we have that xólotl transforms from region to region and that can mean page, companion, doble, jester, playful, deform, wrinkled and naked, las connotation that is given “in some regions of the center of the country and in Milpa Alta”, Mexico City. Hence that is complicated to give a single definition of the word xoloitzcuintle, because the only nahuatl word of which we are sure of its meaning is itzcuintli (dog). [1] Robelo, Cecilio A.
MultiCh Apancingo (Gimenez-Valdes) Mex.FCI Bred by Rafael Gimenez-Valdes Owned by Sian Gordon and Catherine Davies
Diccionario de Mitología Nahoa. México, Porrúa, 2001, p. 816. del Náhuatl en el Español de México. México, UNAM-GDF, 2007, p. 129
[2] Montemayor, Carlos (coord.). Diccionario
Chichen Itza Chelsey Le Roy Bred by Roger Esparcieux & Yves Delpont Owned by Olga Muhina
God that takes form of objects, plants and animals, companion to the underworld and twin of a deity, mythical representation of duality, could only lend its name fo help design a wonderful canine like the xoloitzcuintle, mexican breed that presents this characteristic: mixed litters, individuals with hair of hairless. In it, duality is the Mesoamerican thought become tangible. 53
We are proud to announce our upcoming Miniature litter from
Ch. Comte des Ténèbres de Xoconochco & Estakah de Korrantoh Siegfried Jacques France
Diseño: Giovanna Suedan
People of Xolos Sergio Peraza Is a mexican sculptor, considered an international artist thanks to his talent, part of the famous Peraza dynasty. His first approach to art was at a very early age, in his father’s studio, and as he grew he decided that was what he wanted to do with his life. Sergio estudied in the National School of Plastic Arts of the UNAM and in 1984 he mounted his first solo exhibition. Sergio points that a culture is needed to appreciate more this discipline, as it is very difficult to place a work or start a project, and he states that Mexico is a nest of artists. Sergio Peraza with Glifo ŠCourtesy of Sergio Peraza
Sergio has taken his Xolo sculptures to distant countries like Sweden, Finland, China, France or Russia. In 2000 he presented his Xolo-art collection in the “Museo del Templo Mayor” in Mexico City, where all the temporal exhibition room was dedicated to the mith of the prehispanic dog and his xolo-sculptures, which were appreciated by thousands of people in the heart of the Aztec capital in a great individual exhibition . In september of 2010, the Ekaterinburg Art Foundation of the Russian Federation invited him to be part of the collective exhibition “United family, united world” that is integrated by 100 sculptors of 45 countries, where he was the only mexican artist invited, and presented his work "Xolo-paternidad", which shows a man with the head of a Xoloitzcuintle.
“Xolo-paternidad” detail ©Courtesy of Sergio Peraza
Sergio offers his artistic services world wide at art exhibitions or conferences. 56
Sergio Peraza modeling “Cipactli” a Standard Xolo owned by Sergio Aguilera ©Courtesy of Sergio Peraza
“I will die and what I’ve said won’t matter, it’s important to know the life of the artist, but the sculpture speaks all languages, because it’s universal and that’s the language one seeks and trascends” © 57
Sergio Peraza’s Work
“Glifo de ayer, Glifo de hoy” ©Courtesy of Sergio Peraza
“Glifo” ©Courtesy of Sergio Peraza
“Estirón matutino” ©Courtesy of Sergio Peraza
“La fuerza del reposo” ©Courtesy of Sergio Peraza
“Xolo-vuelo” Acrylic on paper ©Courtesy of Sergio Peraza
“Bronze Xolos” ©Courtesy of Sergio Peraza