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record breaking day for chapman
Matthew Chapman this weekend willrunoutforthe409thtimeinthe yellow and black surpassing the Garth Willoughby’s 408 game recordwhichhasstoodsince2018.
There is an old saying that football doesn't build character, it just eliminates weak ones. This is why Chappy has reached this amazing feat. His fierce commitment, relentless effort, uncompromising approach, team first demeanour and discipline in all areas of his game are inspiring to his team and club. Not only does he shape the way his teammates play with his voice, attack on the ball and opponent, training intensity, weekly preparation, positive and caring attitude, underpinned by an unequivocal pride in his own performance He will leave this legacy well beyond his own playing days. Loved by peers, respected by his opposition, and admired by his club he epitomises everything good aboutNorthGambier
Youmightnotfindhisnameonbest and fairest honour boards or on mark of the year highlight reels, but ask any player who has played alongside him - Who is your most trusted teammate? Who do you want beside you? Who do you love playing with? The answer would be MatthewChapman!
North Gambier North Gambier Yellow & Black
Well, we have done one of our Millicenttrips,sothatisapositive, as was the warm fire in the shed the fat snags as usual A few couldn't come up after Wobbles 60 celebrations Friday night, but for those that got there, given the conditions, many chose to play andgethometothewarmth.
Our only win came in the U18s, with Kevs boys getting off to a great start before the ball got slippery Best players were regulars in Zayne Young, Angus Allen, Aaron Dally, Trae Hamilton, Deacon Ilsley and Richie Kinyabugma.
The U14s got Millicent stirred up, having arrived at the oval before they did. Unfortunately, that just spurred the fast improving young saints on to a convincing win Awards were given to Ethan Brook, Sam Baron, Charels Waters, Cody Blanck and Mason Rogers.
Our U16s didn't handle the wet track, and while they toiled away all day, their inconsistent season continued Best players were Aaron Dally, Cooper Turner, Kade Allen, Ben Braithwaite and Iowani Coleman. With such players we arehopingforbetterresultsasthe seasongoeson.
The reserves game was very entertaining, particularly for those following the South Easts bestressiesreporter,AidanCurtis, who put on a real show, including 2 goals – perhaps he has been playing out of position? We left too much too late, but the boys willbehuntingforawininthenext couple of weeks Best players were named Tyler Harris, Declan