6 minute read
Under 12E - Another great team effort on Saturday Great to see the kids sharing the footy andgettingtheirteammatesinvolved.
Awards for round 4 went to Flynn Moyle, Sam Copping, Max Young, Layken Kenny, Kurtis Lorigan.BenJohnson-Coach
Under 12D - Round four for the U12 D’s was approached with much anticipation. Players were well rested from a bye week and this game we witnessed the release of caged tigers hungry for the football. Welcoming back Oliver Liddle, he showed why he is a threat to the opposition in his ability to glide through packs, connect with handballs and marking some rippers!
FirstquarterwewitnessedthebrillianceofRyanDavisonshowinghowtocarry,andlockthe footballintheforwardzonewhilstFlynnBuckleyusedhisagilitytopickupthefootball,run, andlinkpassageofplay(strangelysimilartraitstoMarcusBontempelli).
PlayerscontinuedtoshowsignsofgrowthanddevelopmentandoneinparticularwasBrax Edwards. His contribution was seen in each quarter with his outstanding tackles and continuedefforttomovethefootballintherightdirection.
Overall,theteamhadmultiplecontributorsandprovidedanexcitinggameoffootball. Awardwinnersfortheround–MitchellLovekin,JimmyCrozier,BeauWhelan,RyanDavison andOliverLiddle.JoeyRenko-Coach
Under 12C - This week we played at McDonald Park, in glorious conditions. We couldn’t have asked for better weather for this time of the year Nearly had to break out the sunscreenbecausetheweatherwassogood.
The boys came up against a very determined East Gambier, who displayed some great skill and tenacity at the ball, they got the jump on our boys, and this was a little unexpected for the boys. The East side were very physical, which resulted in a few clashes that shook the confidenceofourboys.
To their credit our boys gathered their composure and began playing the North Gambier brand of football, one of respect to our opposition and the game. They never gave up and executedtheskillsthatwesetouttoachieveforthegame,theyweretoexecuteatleastfive shepherds and five hand balls to our teammates to advantage. I was really proud of how theyrespondedtowhatwasaverydifficultmatch.
ThankstoU12Dthathelpeduswithnumbersonceagain.Withoutthese4-5 boysstepping up each week we wouldn’t be able to field a team. Thanks also to the parents for allowing themtoplayasecondgameaswell.
ThebetterplayersforthedaywereRyleyJudd,LincolnSawley,PrestonBadger,FinnRoscow andWillGannon.
Thanks to all our sponsors for their continued support with allowing us to give out the awardseachandeveryweek.DannyVinko-Coach
Under12B-WehadabeautifulsunnymorningforourgameagainstEastandtheteamwas switched on and ready from the get go, putting on a great display of team orientated football with the whole team looking to bring each other in the game and help each other outwhenevertheycould.
It was great to see the team really starting to get some link up passages of play happening from marks or free kicks which is somethingwe've been working hard on, so it was great to seesomereward.
BestplayersonthedaywereJarrahDurbidge,BanksStephen,CooperStephen,LeviHunter, JackDavisonandWillMullens.StacyMullens-Coach
Under 12A - The conditions were fantastic on Saturday for the first hit out against East Gambier With Mother’s Day on Sunday this was the motivation to match the effort our Mums, Nan’s, Grandma’s and Step-Mum’s put in all day, every week keeping us dressed, fed,clean,organisedandactuallyattrainingandatthegame.Anddelivertheteamdid!
The contribution from the entire team this week was evident, our normal ball magnets were at their best with Eddie, Ronny and Kane putting in solid performances. In addition to these guys we had our girls, Jenni, Moonshine and new player Eliza Herring getting their handsontheballshowingthattheirgamesweredevelopingwell.Thehighlightplayersand award winners this week put on an impressive display of both individual effort and improvement in their own right. BOG went to Jobe Lynagh, Jacob Cox for courage and determination, Henry Montgomery for great ball use when he had possession, Owen Flowers for skill development and captain for the day Hardie Stafford for excellent play readingandleadership.
Theteambeltedouttheclubsonginthesunshineandrightfullyheldtheirheadshigh,itwas anoutstandingeffortandresultforthehardworkputinbyall.AbigthankyoutoCreekyand Fruitfortheirumpiringandasalwaystothemanyothervolunteersthatmakeitpossiblefor ustoplayouramazinggame.HopealltheMumshadagreatMother’sdaytoo.
North Gambier North Gambier
Yellow & Black
Whatadifferenceaweekcan make in football. This week we had some long awaited information out of the SANFL, great weather and an improved performance by theseniorfootballers.
There is a bit to play out before we can be sure of whatishappeningin2024,so my advice is we concentrate on what we can control, whichatpresent,isthisyear!
With all football teams, including U12s playing at East, the busiest place was the driveway Credit to East, who had both ovals looking a picture, helped by the sun shining!
Theseniorshaveafewforced changes this week, giving another opportunity for a debutant in Trae Hamilton, whodidnotlookoutofplace. We also welcomed back Toby de Wit from Pioneers duty and he turned it on with 5 goals In a pretty even contest, we stuck to our task and came home strong. Best players were, Sam Stafford (6 goals), Sam Zeitz, Mackye Baron, Cam Ortlepp, de Wit and Josh Jenner. Unlike the previous couple of weeks, there were others unlucky nottogetanaward.
Coach Young had plenty of changes in the ressies, which unfortunately was reflected in the ½ time score. The boys got it together in the 2nd half to break even with some scoreboard action, so there was some reward for effort. Butters put on a bit of a show running down the wing a co u p l e o f t i m e s , b u t unfortunately he was going so fast he missed his boot a couple of times – keep taking it on and it will come, they say. Best players were Tom Flett, Zach Clark, Jay Turner, BradleyNottle-Justice,Shaun
The U18s are travelling nicely under coach Bryan. This week the highlight (nearly of the whole day) was Seb Doody with 7 goals. Seb was a bit stiff Deacon Ilsley had heaps of it to be named best, followed by Seb, Richie Kinyabugma, Angus Allen, Reece and Chad McLaughlin, who are both travelling better than Carltons twin towersatpresent.
Our only loss for the day came in the U16s who had a frustrating day Coach Zeitz knows he has a talented bunch to work with and I am sure he will work on the positives this week Aaron Dally had the ball on a string, and he was joined with other award winners in Cooper Turner,AlexanderBruce,Sam BaronandJacksonDriver
There was a ding dong battle in the U14s, with the tiger cubs holding out a fast finishing East and coming out on top. Best players were Sam Baron, Esaie Kulimushi, M a s o n R o g e r s , K o b e Roulstone, Charles Waters andEthanBrook.
This week we host Casterton Sandford, in dare I say it, an 8 point game in the seniors Who knows how many more times we will play them at Vansittart Park, so let’s make itmemorable.
Rosters are now out. Please make sure you check and fulfilyourresponsibilities.
Memberships can still be purchased. Please reach out to Mardi or Andrew Whan or head to Team App and purchase from the NGFC Store.
Thank you to our major sponsors in Stuckey Electrical ContractorsandKFC.
Welcome to another round of football Cat fans and this week we are in Tigerland, Vansittart Park, North Gambier, get yourself some chipsandgravywhileitshot and sit back and watch the bigCatsfly
Last weekend wasn't a positive one for the Cats on the winners board but by crikey the Cat fans were in attendance, the sun was shining, the tucker was hot, the beverages were cold, and so many people decked out in the blue and white with a touch of red. I'm sure a few of the people that gathered at Island Park had c o m e h o m e f o r t h e weekend to see mum for Mothers day , but it was still nice to see them at the footy
The Seniors were down a few players but had a real crack against a very well rehearsed Millicent team in the first half, but the Saints 19 scoring shots to the Cats 8 in the second half showed why Millicent are in the box seattogobacktoback.
The better players for the Cats were Michael Krieger, Matt Killey, Nick Schembri, Hamish McCrae, Dylan AytonandDiarmidCleary
The Cats Reserves had a really good first quarter but were unable to get the chocolates at the end of the day, the real positive from this game was the many players who showed that they are capable of making the jump up into the Senior sideif needed.
Better players were Thomas Searle, Jarrad Smith, Jarvis Parsons, Hamish Carlin, Fletcher Bright and Rhys Jolly.
It was a game of two halves for the Under 16 Cats, unfortunatly the first half was better than the second and it was the young Saints who came out on top. I'm confident that Coach Snake will have his Cats turn the result around next time theyplay.
Better players were Bay McKinnon, Samuel Patton, Elwood Geary, Jedd Rhook andOliverFoster.
The Under 14's were a bit short staffed but the game wasabletogoaheadthanks to a couple of young Saints givingusahand.
Better players were Harry Simpson, Billy Rhook, Nathan Robbins and Jett Lykke.
Well Cat Fans if you have read this far and you still haven't got your chips and gravy you may have missed out, now get your beeping hand ready and your vocal cordsintuneaswecheeron our Mighty Cats, CARN CATS!
Thank-you to all our valued s p o n s o r s i n c l u d i n g Boonaroo, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Bendigo Bank, and Casterton Secondary College
Upcoming Events : 1st of July Comedy night by the o n e a n d o n l y Et h a n Hocking, he gives good banter but his brother playedforEssendon.