5 minute read
North Gambier 54 (M. Renko, B. Walters) d East Gambier 31 (E. Cole, A. Beveridge)
Millicent 94 (T. Sanderson, L. Duldig) d Casterton Sandford 20 (M Cleary, M, Paon)
West Gambier 69 (T. Bryant, L. McGregor) d South Gambier 43 (G. Dalton, E. Bouchier)
North Gambier 67 (A. Pitson, A. O’Shaughnessy) d East Gambier 30 (B. Hicks, L. Murray)
Millicent 65 (N. Facey) d Casterton Sandford 54 (P. Murrell, S. Fidler)
West Gambier 60 (G. Petersen, C. Ransom) d South Gambier 45 (J. O’Neil, C. Muller)
East Gambier 41 (S. James, N. Smith) d North Gambier 37 (B. Lush, K. Dyson)
Casterton Sandford 50 (T. Cleary, K. Harvey) d Millicent 34 (J. Lovino, M. Fleming)
South Gambier 51 (K. McIntyre-Clark, M. Glynn) d West Gambier 41 (E. Gillies, M. Dalton)
East Gambier 54 (B. Jean, G. Ferguson) d North Gambier 32 (H. Fox, T. Flemming)
Millicent 51 (L. Goodfellow, E. Bonde) d Casterton Sandford 14 (E. Mutch, M. Mutch)
South Gambier 56 (J. Jennings, B. Winterfield) d West Gambier 35 (A. Koch, E. Sutherland)
17 & UNDER
North Gambier 55 (L. Roulstone, S. Mobbs) d East Gambier 26 (I. Dwyer, A. Beveridge)
Millicent 50 (K. Lindner, L. Van Eeden) d Casterton Sandford 42 (C. Hulm, M. Paon)
West Gambier 56 (L. Simpson, M. Pearson) d South Gambier 31 (S. Wight, M. Walmsley)
15 & UNDER A
North Gambier 72 (M. Human, R. Mitchell) d East Gambier 8 (J. O’Dea, S. Clark)
Millicent 79 (P. Paul, K. Dunn) d Casterton Sandford 7 (O. Nolte, A. Luers)
West Gambier 45 (L. Pearson, M. Pearson) d South Gambier 30 (G. Dalton, S. Grassi)
15 & UNDER B
Millicent 18 (T. Grosser, J. Hibberd) d Casterton Sandford 3 (C. Gorman, N. Cornish)
West Gambier 58 (A. Reid, L. Buck) d South Gambier 8 (L. Sneath, K. Awill)
13 & UNDER A
North Gambier 45 (G. Collins, J. Baron) d East Gambier 16 (I. Mee, M. Lile)
Millicent 42 (A. Thomson, L. Crowe) d Casterton Sandford 13 (M. Robbins, A. Murphy)
West Gambier 27 (E. McKenny, C. Hunter) d South Gambier 18 (T. Sims, E. Merchant)
13 & UNDER B
East Gambier 30 (I. Nelson, T. Olsen) d North Gambier 16 (P. Lucas, A. Schloithe)
Casterton Sandford 22 (Y. Grigg, R. Gorman) d Millicent 17 (P. Johnson, B. Madden)
West Gambier 19 (H. Jackson, M. Thomas) d South Gambier 13 (E. McCracken, L. Dening)
11 & UNDER
East Gambier 22 (A. Perry, S. Creek) d North Gambier 11 (F. Wakefield, S. Yeates)
Millicent 18 d Casterton Sandford 6
South Gambier 18 (L. Howard, W. Bowering) d West Gambier 12 (E. Parham, A. Stubbings)
The Cats hosted the Saints at the weekend and started with another new look – partly to try some new combinaons and partly tocoverinjuryandplayerunavailability
It was a new look defensive combinaon with Meg Smith taking on the unenviable task of trying to limit the influence of Tabatha Sanderson, with Madalene Cleary out the front to take on playmaker Demi Verbena.
It turned out to be a tough oung for the experience had working duo as Millicent put on a clinic in every area of the court ensuring they had a lion’s share of possession and were able to carve their way through the court to score a stunning 94goals.
Young Saints defenders Pora McRae and Lauren Van Eeden were able to make life tough for the new look shoong combinaon of coach Dani Russell and Chelsey Galpin, with Chloe Foster moving to the aacking wing and Madeline Paon takingthecentrebib.
The pressure applied by Lisa Duldig and Lillie Paul on the Cats feeders was relentless and helped McRae and Van Eeden create the turnover ball and then with ball in hand, Millicent moved the ball with speed and precision through Paul and DaisyTunkintofindtheirshootersinspace.
The Millicent shooters need those 95 goalsfrom114opportunies.
The Cats just had no answers to the polished Saints and in the first three quarters were only able to generate 22 scoring opportunies although the last quarter with Ivy Lane and Galpin in the shoong circle, they need a perfect 10 from 10 as a combinaon, doubling the outputfromthepreviousthreequarters.
Paon was also a shining light with her hard running in centre and willingness to keep presenng as an opon for her under pressure team mates, while Cleary also baled hard to stem the flow, while also helping bring the ball through the mid court.
Aer a ght opening quarter where South Gambier was able to match it with the reigning premiers, the Roos started to take control, forcing the young Demons into enough errors to work their way to a 26 goalvictory
Missing star shooter Sarah Rier, who rolled her ankle during the week at training, West called on Tahlia Earl and she didnotdisappointwithherstrengthonthe holdandaccuratefinishing.
HavingplayedmanyseasonsalongsideLisa McGregor, the makeshi combinaon didn’t miss a beat, despite some good pressure from Demons defenders Mykaela Thiele and Ellie Bouchier, with McGregor upping her output on the scoreboard as wellinabestoncourtperformance. The bale through the middle between Tara Bryant and Sophie Wight was one for the ages as both used their speed and athlecism to great effect and both were keyfeederfortheirrespecvesides.
In the end it was a game of supply with West generang 94 scoring opportunies to South’s 63, and while the shoong combinaon of Gracie Dalton and Alyssa Duncan connued to show promise, there is sll some work to do in terms of connecon with the mid court and ensuring they can generate more and easierscoringchances.
Of course when the likes of Zoe Malseed, Amy Cram and Jade Rier are applying the relentless pressure for which the Roos are known, it was always going to be a tough ask.
It started as an arm wrestle when East Gambier hosted North Gambier at the weekend and for the most part it was an even contest, with the excepon of a
Tigers won the quarter 15-4 to set up what turnedouttobea23goalvictory.
Leading by only two at the first break, the Tigers clearly regrouped at the quarter me huddle, to just sharpen up some of their errors with ball in hand and inaccuracyintheshoongcircle.
ThefirstquarterwasthefirstinAGradefor young Bulldogs goaler Ambah Beveridge andsheshowedgreatcomposuretonetsix from eight, making the most of the opportunity an ankle injury to Casey Horriganthepreviousweekhadprovided. The connecon between Brianna Walters, Mel Renko and the North shoong combinaon of Grace Pos and Macey Griffith was on song in the second and the Tigers goalers rewarded their team, converng 15 from 16 to set up that impressive13goalhalfmebuffer.
Aerstrugglingtoscoreinthesecond,East added Sarah Allen to the mix in the shoong circle, to play alongside Beveridge, and while she did not miss an aempt, the issue for the Bulldogs was supply so while they stayed in touch with the Tigers in the second half, North was abletoslightlyextenditslead.
Beveridgefinishedthegameasshestarted – with confidence – neng nine from 11, as she showed she can make her mark in the top grade, while new recruit Eliza Cole was solid on the defensive wing, geng some important touches as well as providing good drive through the mid court.
Renko and Walters were best for the Tigers, while Pos was again a strong target and Griffith connues to up her outputasascoringopon.