1 minute read
Millicent Millicent
Red, Black & White
West Gambier West Gambier
Big shout out to Hamish Reilly, another dependable and reliable stalwart, on reaching 150 games. Nodoubt,hiscloseknitfamilywill be there (in vocal earnest) cheeringhimon.
Sponsors Day this week against the Roos, so get there for what shouldbe2crackinggames-both clubs undefeated so far this seasoninSeniorsandReserves.
The road trip to Island Park saw the Rezzies having a big win over the Cats. Plenty of multiple goal kicking targets up forward with Mitch Reilly having 5 majors, Digga with 4, Coach Consistent Josh Peters with 3 and the enigmatic Tom Chant also with 3. Aus Fuller continued his good form being named best on ahead of Dredgie. Blake Werchon had a good one and continues putting solid 2 game efforts each week. The lads that back up a second game each week will be benefitting from the experience of Nat Robbins, Brad Tilley and others. Scruff Shanks was also namedinthebest.

The Seniors continued their winning form Across the 4 quarters, the best passages were thosecreatedfromquickhandsin