2 minute read

Protestors demand reliable water supply Outgoing Mabuza told to stay put

PROTEST: Protestors have demanded reliable water supply from Umgeni Water

Constant water supply interruptions have prompted the community of Hlomendlini (Mandeni Ward 04), led by the ANC Youth League branch, to take to the streets, demanding better services from Umgeni Water.


On Friday last week a group of community members marched to

Umgeni Water's Lower Uthukela Bulk Water Supply Scheme, located adjacent Uthukela River, to deliver a memorandum.

Topping the residents' memorandum was a demand for Umgeni to deliver potable piped water to the community. He protestors also outlined in their memorandum, which was accepted by the plant manager, the need for the company to prioritize local labour and to consider offering internships and bursaries to empower local youth.

The company was given seven days to respond to the memorandum.



Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 127 (5) (a) (i) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) that the 2021/2022 Annual Report of the iLembe District Municipality, including the 2021/2022 Annual Report of iLembe Economic Development Agency (Enterprise iLembe) is available for public inspection and comments. st

A copy of the Annual Report may be viewed at the Reception area, situated on the 1 Floor, iLembe House, 59/61 Mahatma Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza, between the hours 08h00 to 15h00, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, a copy of the Report may be viewed on the Municipality's website: www.ilembe.gov.za.

Members of the local community are invited to submit written representations in connection with the Annual Report to the Municipal Manager, iLembe District Municipality, iLembe House, 59/61 Mahatma Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza or P O Box 1788, KwaDukuza, 4450.

Written electronic submissions must be emailed to sifiso.ngubane@ilembe.gov.za for attention of Mr. S Ngubane.

Such submissions should be delivered or posted to reach the Municipal Manager by no later than 03 March 2023. st Any person who cannot write may come to the Reception area, 1 Floor, iLembe House, 59/61 Mahatma Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza, between the hours 08h00 to 15h00, Monday to Friday where Ms Philly Zulu will assist that person to transcribe his or her representations.


06 February 2023


Isaziso sikhishwe ngokulawulwa kwesigatshana somthetho - isigaba 127 (5) (a) (i) soHulumeni waseKhaya, kanye nowokulawula ngokuphathwa kwezimali zomthetho ka, 2003 (Isigatshana 56 ka 2003), ukuthi umbiko wonyaka ka 2021/2022 okungumbiko wonyaka weLembe uMasipala wesiFunda, okuhlanganisa umbiko wonyaka ka 2021/2022 we iLembe Enterprise usukhona ukuze ubukwe futhi uhlolwe umphakathi.

Umbiko wonyaka ka 2021/2022 ungabonwa endaweni yokwamukela izivakashi, iLembe House, 59/61 Mahatma Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza, phakathi kwehora lesi 08h00 kuya ku 15h00 ntambama, ngoMsombuluko kuya kulwesiHlanu.

Umbiko uphinde utholakale kwi sizindalwazi sikaMasipala: www.ilembe.gov.za.

Umphakathi uyacelwa ukuba ulethe imibono ku Mphathi kaMasipala, iLembe House, 59/61 Mahatma Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza noma uthumele ngeposi; P.O. Box 1788, KwaDukuza 4450.

Imibono ingathunyelwa futhi nange i-meyili kuMnuz. S. Ngubane kule imeyili; sifiso.ngubane@ilembe.gov.za.

Izethulo kumele zilethwe noma ziposwe zifike kuMphathi kaMasipala weLembe ngaphambi kuka 03 kuNdasa 2023.

Noma ubani ongeke akwazi ukuzibhalela engeza endaweni yokwamukela abantu, kwi Ground Floor, iLembe House, 59/61 Mahathma Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza, kusukela ngo 08h00 ekuseni kuya ku 15h00 ntambama, ngoMsombuluko kuya ko Lwesihlanu lapho ezothola khona usizo ku Ms Philly Zulu nozombhalela isethulo sakhe.

Outgoing Deputy President David Mabuza's request to tender his resignation has been put on hold, after President Cyril Ramaphosa told him to stay on in his role, for now. The Presidency aid Ramaphosa asked Mabuza to remain in his position, until the “management of his departure and transition” has been finalized.

Mabuza announced on Saturday that he had tendered his resignation, in order to make way for someone elected at national conference, in an apparent reference to Paul Mashatile who emerged and the ANC's new Deputy President.

Mashatile was this week sworn in as a Member of Parliament, apparently in preparation for his ascendancy to the position of Deputy President.

Ramaphosa is expected to soon announce a major cabinet reconfiguration. Tomorrow (Thursday) he is expected to deliver the State of the Nation Address in Cape Town.

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