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This Day In History

08 February 2023


Mary, Queen of Scots, rival of Queen Elizabeth I of England, was beheaded this day in 1587 at Fotheringhay Castle, her execution a chilling scene redeemed by the great personal dignity with which she met her fate.

Indian learner obtains IsiZulu distinction

By Xpress Reporter

A bright young lady of Indian descent could soon become the first non-IsiZulu speaker to teach IsiZulu. That is the dream of Stanger Secondary School's Ria Lisa Govender who, incredibly, obtained a distinction in IsiZulu in the 2022 National Senior Certificate examinations.

For an English-speaking student, this was indeed a major feat. The only child of Renita and Logan Govender, Ria attributes her accomplishment in isiZulu to two educators, Mrs Precious Manganyela from Nonoti Primary School and Ms I Zondo from Stanger Secondary School.

Ria dreams of becoming either and interpreter or a primary school IsiZulu teacher.

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