Xs10magazine issue 18# Edition

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Staff listing : Founder Michael Neely

Advertising Manager Cat Peterson Aidem Media Group

CEO Rasheed J. Neely

Email X10magazine@gmail.com

Chief Editor Aidem Media Group

Copyrights Xs10magazine is sole property of Aidem Media Group / AMGmusic.Net which is owned by Michael Neely and any article and pictures are sole property of Xs10magazine and any likeness. Xs10magazine has been copyrighting sense 2012

Graphics @iamronniewalka Art Editor @iamronniewalka


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Busker Nadi Deseree


trey willis

Ms. Noreiga


Carol Maraj


Boy Band: My favourite male band would definitely be UB40 Girl Group: Destinys Child, by a long shot And why? I have so many artists that I listen to and look up to and thy are just a few examples, I feel like the huge variety of music that I listened to has kind of shaped my sound

Busker Nadia Deseree

What part of the world are you from? I’m from Dublin, Ireland! What age was you when you got into music? I’m pretty sure that I was about 3 or 4 when I started singing and then I didn’t start with guitar until I was 16!

How are you doing? Hey, I’m actually doing great at the moment! Age? I’m 21! Genre of music you sing? I love to sing everything, but I suppose pop would be my main genre when I’m writing! Is your music a Passion or hobby of yours? Music has been a huge passion of mine since before I can even remember What is your main reason for getting into the music business? I can’t imagine myself being happy if I was to do anything else! Do you feel being a woman is a competitive market is some what hard? Not necessarily, but I feel like is a male dominated industry! Even in terms of busking, there seems to be a lot more men at it then women! Who is your favorite Male Singer? I love such a range of male artists, such as Bob Marley to Johnny Cash, to Blackbear and most recently I’ve really gotten into YungBlood Female Singer? Beyoncé and Halsey would be a hugely influential to me and many others

Who are some of your mentors and why? In terms of support and guiding me they would be my parents and my girlfriend! They’re always there supporting me and helping me make decisions What started you to getting in to the business of music? Just the whole idea that I could do something I love for the rest of my life! What was the name of your first single and how did you come up with the name? It hasn’t been released yet, but I’m hoping for it to be realeased before summer is over! Two tracks will be available on Spotify; Deep Love and White and Black What would you want to tell our readers about the music you sing? Just listen to it and if you like it that’s great, if you can relate to it or identify with it, that’s even better! If you don’t like it that’s cool too, everyone has different taste! Did anyone tell you have a amazing voice? Haha a few times, but I suppose that’s also down to personal preference

Joaquín Blanco Joaquín Blanco; is a premium cigar brand based out of the city of Danlí, El Paraíso Department of Honduras. Our cigars are fully hand-made by master Honduran rollers, who works with the highest quality components from Honduras, Nicaragua and Ecuador.In 2010 the Joaquín Blanco brand was launched at Honduras most prestigious commercial event “Honduras is Open for Business”. It was here that business persons around the world first tried our products, which have helped position Honduras as a foremost cigar producer. Our name comes from an extensive family legacy rooted in Europe, and which has now firmly installed itself in the Honduras business world. Our current aim is to continue developing our premium cigar brand in Honduras by making it available across the world. Joaquin Blanco Cigars; it’s a Honduran cigars brand that was created in 2010 as a premium brand, made with the purpose of offering a new experience to amateur cigars smokers. Each Joaquin Blanco Cigar is made by hand.

age and confidence to face this ever changing industry. Knowing the depths of “stay blessed, stay humble, stay positive”, is a real advantage to a new comer that is seeking the right way.

trey willis How long have you been doing music? 23 years now How did you getstarted and why? My Mom kept a piano in the living room and I would try and play the songs that I would hear on the radio. By the time I got to high school I was involved in arts, english, writing, and literary competitions. I Had the chance to win a literary competition at the high school and was offered to perform at a talent show that was being presented by Schools in which I won first place. Who are some of your mentors past and present? I met Bill Zarnoph and he was the first person to “take me under his wing” Chill Bill allowed me to learn from him, knowledge in studio recordings, mixing, barcodes, and different techniques To promote, branding skills and communication. In the present Mr Michael Neely (music executive) and Former Def Jam A&R, has been leading and guiding me with the knowledge of the music business. Learning from him has given me the cour-

What is your opinion on the direction music has taken? I would definitely like to see more original works. Music to me is ever changing, so to expect it means to have learned how to adapt. Being in the music do you feel it’s s competitive market? Yes I feel that every artist, label, or and anyone who works the market should be proud and supportive or their brand in order to promote it properly. What makes a hit record? Originality, Quality Recording,mix master, and Good Promotions. Being in the industry what do you see that indie artist do wrong? Being unlearned and uneducated about the business, and not trusting the people who are. To listen and learn is the key. Especially if they have met someone that has been working the business for a while producing results. What made you decide to get into the music business? Being a independent artist at the time, I could see changes in the music business that artists didn’t understand and I wanted to know what could I learn to know how to adapt and move forward with my works. I’ve always had a passion for the understanding of the music business. Working with artist and

understanding theirs needs. How long have you been working in the music business? 3 Years now. I really love what I’m learning. And having the ability to grow and understand how to navigate through the ups and downs that do sometimes arise. We also know you are a producer as well correct ? Yes What genre of music can you produce? Any genre. Hip Hop, GospelRap, R&B, Country, Alternative, Soul, Jazz, Blue Grass, Southern Gospel,Trap, Club, Blues, Pop, etc. What is the difference between a un-mix song compared to a mixed and mastered song? Unmixed song sounds like it’s in a barrel, or some big room or the sounds will be all together and distorted. With the right mix and master, the song sounds more alive, it is smooth to the ear and normal listening for radio. Compressors and different Equalizers are a plus. What is 80 music? 80 Music Is a Record Label A Group of professional individuals working together We specialize in advertising, marketing, promotions,music distribution, studio recordings, graffics, artist services needs, ect. When was 80 music founded? Originally in 2012.

Ms Noreiga Name: Age: 24 HT: 5’ 5 Hair color: Black

What makes you want to get into modeling? I’m confident in myself, I enjoy taking photos. Do you feel modeling is harder than what people may think? I’ll find out During your down time what type of music do you listen too and why? R&B. I love jamming to slow love songs, makes me feel sexy. What woman doesn’t like to feel sexy? What is some of your future goals when it comes to your modeling career? Longevity, positive exposure, possible

Hobbies: Reading, Being outdoors, Photography Pet peeves: Leaving me on read Favorite color: Black Favorite food: Pizza all day Nude / Smi-Nude: None

opportunities. What’s your opinion of today’s models? I love woman, I love seeing different woman. I’m in love with the body. I’m all for woman empowerment. What is your opinion on music and fashion? I love deep meaningful music, it’s apart of me. It’s somthing I listen to daily, I would also consider my myself a fashionista Ilove fashion, I love how the 90’s look is coming back. I love fashion, it’s such a big thing in today’s world. Ms Noreiga is available for Magazine and Video Shoots, Fashion shows, Hosting Events


Mrs. Maraj, would you please be so kind as to tell our audience a little bit about yourself? I am a praying mother of three, I taught my children to seek God in all things and keep up the faith always. We were informed briefly that you created a non-profit entity entitled CMF. Could you tell us about the “Carol Maraj Foundation� & who helped inspire it? The CMF is a non-profit organisation which advocates for families affected by Domestic Violence. We put a strong emphasis on Youth Reform. I was moved to start this foundation because I am a survivor of it Domestic Violence. I felt burdened to enhance the lives of victims, bringing awareness where necessary. What is the ultimate goal(s) for the foundation? The ultimate goal for CMF is to enhance lives. To set up safe houses and youth centres all over the USA and the Caribbean. What change are you hoping to bring with your foundation? I am hoping to see the next generation demonstrating more love to another human being. This can only happen by brining awareness and early detection to Domestic Violence. On a not so busy day-what is considered a normal day in life for you? And what are your favorite hobbies?

On a not so busy day I am usually writing or studying the scriptures. My hobbies are reading and listening to music. Do you have a favorite colour? My favourite colour is turquoise. How has your life been impacted after experiencing the stardom of your mega superstar daughter? Well, life has changed drastically. I have to do a lot of considering before going out to events etc. A walk in the mall is no longer the same. Our fans constantly stop for pictures. If you had/have one message to give to the listeners/ supporters/fans. What would that message be? I will like to say to the fans/listeners Thanks for loving and supporting us. Please see our strength we display in adversities and do the same. Life is a gift live it well. Are there any other ventures in store for you presently or in the immediate future? I am getting ready to put out a play based on Domestic Violence this fall. This is also a documentary series based on my life and all the hats I wear.


was growing up. Watching her show was one of my day’s highlight. Seeing her strength tenacity encouragement and generosity towards people truly makes her an exceptional person. Oprah shows passion and ability to inspire by holding values and commitment to community, and appreciates others ability to overcome obstacles. I have a whole list of other role models and that would be too long to mention here. What made you decide to further your career in the music industry? I grew up with a great passion for music. I hear and see music everywhere. I am often deeply moved by song and have been since I was little. I always envision myself onstage : like the feeing someone like Michael Jackson or Alicia Keys must have up there must be amazing seeing everyone enjoy your art! I mean that energy exchange between you and your audience is priceless. I always cry when I go to live performances. So basically revolving around music exalts me: singing, playing instruments, dance.

MISSY FRESH Age? You never ask a lady her age, so I’ll let you guess City Born in : Catania, Italy Raised in : Montreal, Canada Music preference? I have a wide range of music preferences: from RnB to HipHop to EDM to alternative to classical music. What age was you when you got started in the music industry? I remember taking all my mom’s pots n pans out putting them upside down, filling up many glass containers with water and playing my sound! I was about 3 years old. I received my first battery powered mini keyboard at 5 and began playing songs I heard on the radio by ear. My father, who was a trumpet player back in the old country, saw my potential. He signed me up for private music lessons when I was 8: when he had the means. Who are some of your role models? Oprah Winfrey has greatly inspired me while I

Who is your favorite artist and why? I have many and it is quite hard to pick, but if I have to pick one living legend it would be Eminem. His life story and rise to fame which is often reflected in his lyrics greatly inspires me! What was the first song you ever wrote? My very first poem was written when I was in grade five. I was about people who flocked to a girl because she had flair and lived going out. I always loved rhyme: the study of literature in history opened up a new world for me when analyzing poetry. How did you come about being a producer? I spent a lot of time helping family achieve their goals and dreams. I believe it was early March 2015, I downloaded Logic Pro on my Mac and started creating according to my feelings. I said to myself, “Hey girl if you were able to help them reach their dreams, I sure as hell will reach mine!”.

Being a woman in a male dominated industry do you feel it’s much harder for you? I Don’t focus on being one of the few women in the music industry. Instead I concentrate on consistently honing my “go to war work skills” to make myself invaluable and an expert with my music. I continuously hold to a standard of excellence in order to stand out. Putting in the hours is what makes a difference in moving this business and my career forward. What is your feed back on woman being music producer in the industry? I realize that it is a male dominated industry however I view this as an opportunity. I notice that people are very intrigued when they realize I’m a woman. It helps me stand out because I’m not only a producer, I’m a musician and vocalist as well. If you can produce a song for any artist who would it be and why? Hmm well I have a few in mind. I’d love to produce a track for various artists according to genre such as : Chis Brown =RNB EMINEM = HIP HOP MADONNA =POP And many more. Why? Chris Brown is an excellent performer and a highly skilled dancer and vocalist. Madonna is a female living legend also exceptional in the art of performance who has constantly changed her look and kept growing as a star. EMINEM...well as I mentioned he is a great inspiration for, greatest rapper of our time, and a lyrical genius. What music do you listen to during your down time? I listen to a variety depending on my mood. If I need a boost I listen to hard hip hop. If I’m nostalgic I like to listen to old school RnB n rap. If Im upbeat I listen to electro dance. I listen to Latin music, French and of course Italian as well: genres vary from the ones listed above to classic to alternative. What is your opinion between hiphop and politics? HIP HOP was and is a means to bring forth awareness. Artists like Tupac (Changes) Eminem ( White America) Kendrick Lamar ( m.a.a.d city) retaliates

against a psychological terror created by the government about war on drugs, war on poverty, war on the different races targetting mostly African Americans as well as Latinos . Hip hop also highlights the tense relationship between police and poor community like for example KRS ONE and PUBLIC ENEMY amongst long long list of others. I began relating to this genre when I was very young since my family immigrated from Sicily to North America: I suffered many injustices because I was “different“. For me Hip Hop is a revolutionary movement against government oppression and its injustice : Hip hop is political. How important is it far artist to keep there masters or stems? Master Rights are the rights to ownership of the sound recording of a song. So for an artist or a producer, it is crucial to hold copyright of their material. Compensation is granted for use of the artist’s song, whether it is through traditional radio or new streaming services. The digital era has given rise to various and new outlets for music utilization. This is why master rights are an essential asset to leverage for artists in order to earn money.


We caught up with the artist that goes by the name. C-Town from Miami What is your real name? Christopher branch How did you come up with the Stage name? my boy daddy o I was locked up with gave me the name C-Town What age did you start rapping? I started rapping at the age of 9 How would you described your sound to potential fans listening to your music? I have a flow that will grab your attention off the rip What made you follow threw with your music career? My uncle James D train Williams classic rnb singer from the 80tys pushed me into the music What did you do to get notice by the fans and your pears? I have callab with rnb singer from London J. Mitchel ‘ Gunplay ‘monsta Mitch from long Island a couple others but I’d rather wait till the music drop Sir we appreciate you spending time with us explaining the origin behind your name and music? My grind to achieve my delivery and chose of beats Who are some of the artist you have done callabos with and the single they on? Why them I have callab with rnb singer from London j.mitchel ‘ Gunplay ‘monsta Mitch from long Island a couple others but I’d rather wait till the music drop How was it to work with Mr. Ceewurld? Yo ceewurld is super dope great vibe So how was it to work with a major artist like Gunplay from MMG ? Gunplay super cool works fast love his energy great vibes family also

How was it to shot a video in Trapp Manson located in Miami Florida and who is featured in it? Shooting my video at the trapp mansion was dope got to meet some great people who are like family now What was the name of your first single as a solo artist and why did you choose that name? Add it up was my solo single I dropped I named it that because I love to count money What music are you currently working on? At the current time I’m finishing up my album and a mixtape What is your opinion on today mumble rappers? Bottom line the mumble rap came threw and did what it did but def won’t last long! What is your definition of Hip-hop to you? Hip-hop today is kind of lost its cool to have different styles of music but the art of it has no substance What would you say are some of your biggest influence when it came to being in the music industry and why? My biggest influence came when I left NYC and move to the south the vibe of the south push me to create even doped music If you had to describe who is __________what would you say? I had to describe my self I’d say one hard working go getta hustling mofo Were can you be found on social media? Fans can check my out on ig @thereal_ctown video video Add it up trending on world star single on all music platforms https://youtu.be/DeiTr1K818I @thereal_ctown @mr_trappayork @ctownlv http://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhou2k2wic6ewsnxZ1 www.soundcloud.com/newyorkctown

Are you guys competitive toward each other? We are very competitive with each other. How was going up as twins? Growing up as twins was okay, it’s mostly annoying when people can’t get our name right. You have to have known us for a long time or just spent time with us to get us apart. Tell us something most people may not no about being a twin? Twins does not have this telepathic power it’s just that we only understand each other not like normal brothers and sisters does.Most twins growing up usually can communicate with each other in a different language like a whole another language but for twins only Do you twins do everything just a like?. You usually hear twins do things alike but that is not true


What are you young men’s name? Our name is Tyson and Tyler in that order since he (Tyson) was born first and (Tyler) come second. What types of twins are you? We are Identical twins so it’s hard for most people to get us apart. What type of sports do you guys play? Tyson is older than Tyler, We play no sport but One. Hobbies? Our hobby is playing video games which when been doing since we were

Now as far as relationships go do you feel the people you are dating have a hard time trying to figure out who is who? Not really being in a relationship they will easily get the one they’re dating. Which one of you is the dominant person? There isn’t a domainat in the relationship it just depends on the situation to see who can handle the situation better. Which on of you is the rashenal person? Like i said it depends on the situation to see who will handle it rashenal. What is it like in the day and a life of twins? It’s pretty much like a normal person just that for some twins they don’t do everything together or have the same hobby, for us we have the same hobby and we get each other more than normal brother and sisters if we walk the streets or store we get asked a lot “Are you Twins?” or “Am I seeing double?” just so you know even though we don’t show it we do not want to hear that when you see that we are twins. We usually get a lot of stares but not bad, like confuse stares, but it’s usually the same like a normal day.

Get well sonn my Brother

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