Xs10 issuu 11

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issue 11

STAFF Michael Neely - Founder Kandi Dales - Co Founders Iris Perkins - writter Misty Lynn - Senior Writter Ronne WALKER - Graphic design Rachel J - Music lingo Katherine Peterson - Business advisor Tomeka Lockett - Business Advisor Michael Neely - Reporter John “ DoughBoy “ AlberT- Music Advisor Cheri Simmons- Music submission Tara Thomas - Tara Thomas Agency - Talent Scout

Xs10magazine is owned and operated by Aidem Media Group, LLc 2016 - 2017 Xs10magazine want to thank it’s staff and the readers for keeping the magazine going and seeing into the future. We want to give thanks to a few family and friends, Kani. D, Ronne WALKER, Rasheed.N, Aaliyah.N, Nathan.N, Joshua.N, Lorenzo.N, Tomekia.L, Wise Mcgriff, Florina.K, John.A,Leonard.A, Cheri.S,Lexis.M, Misty.L, Mom,Bud, W.Synthis.M, Tootie,Humphrey,Angie.B, Jackie.B,Lucien.B, Iris.P, God, Allah, Rachel J,



Facebook Fan page: Baddnewz | Facebook: Latori Gentrez Williams | Instagram & Twitter: @Baddnewz334 | Soundcloud: Baddnewz334


How did you get the name Baddnewz Tori? As a kid staying in school and around the neighborhood. What city do you come from? Phenix City, Alabama How long have you been rapping for? Four years What your motivation? God, my kids and family. Did you ever thing you career will move as fast as it has been? No i did not Whats ur favorite color? Green Pepsi or Coke? Coke When you was growing up who was you listening to as far as artist? C-Murder, Soulja Skim, Boosie and Webbie What was the name of the first single you put out? Hustler And how did you get the name for the single? From the life I lived Are you going to drop a new single? Yes We were told you are related or good friends with some one big can you tell us who? I’m affiliated and cool with Mr. ServOn, Pastor Troy and Boosie And has his/her work ethic rubbed off on you in any way or form? Yes their grind and motivation inspired me If you can do a callabo with any artist who would it be and why/? Boosie because we lived similar lives and I believe we could make hits together How do you feel about the way the music industry is slowly changing every minute of the day? It is definitely changing daily, we have a lot of artists that are trying different things. It’s definitely not the same as it was when I first started. What is your opinion on the Beef with Drake and Meek Mills? No opinion they don’t effect me any


Afften DeShazer



How is your day been today? Great, everyday above ground is amazing. Can you tell our readers a little bit about your self? I am a model and actress originally from Indiana, and have been living in Chicago since I graduated military school. I love the outdoors, animals and just

staying active. What’s your favorite color? Purple Favorite food? Tacos Coke or Pepsi? Water

Who is your inspiration? My grandfather. He really is amazing and my father figure. Why did you turn to model? My mom got me hooked by taking photos of me at young age. What is your motivation when it comes to modeling? I love listening to music during photo shots. Anything to get good vibe going. What is it that you are trying to achieve in modeling? I would like to be a role model for women. Show them its ok to be yourself and love yourself. What are your long term goals? would love to star in movies on the big screen, and host an awesome show. What advice can you give others who follow in your foot steps? Stay focused. Believe in yourself even when you fail because that is part of the process. What is your favorite artists and why? I can’t name a specific favorite, but I love when people get me thinking and inspire me. What is your ideal of a perfect date? I would say at an obstacle course so you can see how the person does under pressure and how they are with teamwork. Plus your active and having fun. :-) So we were told you featured on a few reality shows? How was it and their names pleases?


Yes. I was on the tv show “Naked and Afraid”. Where I lived naked in Guyana, South America with a stranger. And also I was an Ultrasound Tech on Fox Network new show “Empire”

Measurement: 34-26-36 Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Shoe size: 6

Life After 20 years in


the MAN after the LEGEND


Xs10M: Alrighty. Well, thank you for allowing me to do this interview with you today. Again, my name is Iris B.G.: Ok thank you welcome. You’re welcome. Xs10M: I would like to start off by asking you what is your name? B.G.: My name, my full name is George Jacob Jung and it’s spelled last name J-u-n-g. Xs10M: Ok. And where is that from? B.G.: Pardon? Xs10M: Where does your last name originate? B.G.: Oh. It’s ummm, it’s actually German the German, but uhhh, during the, uhhh when Germany had a major depression my father’s side of the family move to Holland and met my grandmother there who was a Hollander and they fell in love, got married and moved away and came through Ellis Island to Massachusetts. Xs10M: Oh wow! Ok, very interesting. B.G.: My mother’s side of the family is please Irish and her name is O’neill. Xs10M: Mmmmmm, so you’re a pretty interesting mix, huh? B.G.: (laughing) Yeah. German, Dutch and Irish. Yes, it’s a helluva combination. Xs10M: And you don’t even have red hair. What’s up with that? B.G.: Pardon Xs10M: You don’t even have red hair. What’s up with that? B.G.: (laughing) No. No I got sandy blonde. Xs10M: (laughing) Nod red hair. gotcha, gotcha. what Well, I wanna ask you what is your typical day like? B.G.: Well, I do a lot of work went with Tremendous Films appearances and what have you and when I’m not doing that I just kinda lay back and take it easy and I, I live on a lake a man made lake and it uh, it’s ummm,it’s a hundred miles south of Lake Tahoe. And uh, It’s quite enjoyable to uh after 20 years in hell to get up and open up the patio door and have a

coffee overlooking the lake. Xs10M: (laughing) Okay. Ummm, did you really just say “20 years in hell?” B.G.: Yeah Xs10M: Okay. Alrighty then. Well, since you’re out of your “20 years in hell” B.G.: (laughing) Any place I go is a vacation to me now. (still laughing) Xs10M: Alright then. Interesting (over talking each other) B.G.: You know after you’re locked up for 20 years, you know, it’s like being reborn again. It’s like being a child. Everything is a wonderment. Xs10M: Well, what was it like before you were locked up? B.G.: What was it like? Xs10M: Yes, what was life like before? B.G.: It was like..It was..well, I, I made close to a hundred million dollars which at that time was, was uh equal to what is now a billion and I had a damn good time for myself. That’s what it was like. I had yachts and a jet and a, and any and everything else I wanted. Xs10M: Ok B.G.: And ummm, you know but as they say all good things come to an end. Xs10M: Gotcha. Well, within that time before, the 20 years, did you have a, a family? You know like a wife and a child? B.G.: The 20 years while I was locked up? Xs10M: No, before you were locked up. B.G.: Oh yeah. Before yes, I have a daughter. Xs10M: Oh ok. B.G.: Yeah you know I, I have an ex-wife and a daughter who uh, you know she’s older now and she was mad at me for quite some time. Having gone to prison and uh, now that she is older she realizes that it’s easier to forgive than to be and as hell for the rest of your life so we get along really


well now. B.G.: What makes me happy? I’ve heard from you know I need to be at the price during the night. I don’t suffer from any type of severe depression or anything like that. I’m basically a very pretty happy mellow guy. And you hello just. Just, just going places and doing things. Even going to a nice restaurant in a treat. And you know to be able to, to, to, to have a scotch on the rocks and enjoy myself in and watch beautiful women walk by and play golf. You know I have a friend who has a sail boat and I love sailing. And uh, that was my hobby really. And when you don’t sail for twenty years and you walk the hallways of hallways just back and forth. Everything is wonderful.

B.G.: I think that everybody that goes there kinda leaves their heart. Cause it’s a great city. Xs10M: Interesting. Well, since Tony Bennett left his heart in San Francisco, do you sing or play any musical instruments? B.G.: NO. I mean I use to play a blues harm. A harmonica. Xs10M: Uh huh B.G.: And...and you know fool around with some of the bands and whatever. You know after I had a couple drinks, I’d get up there. Xs10M: chuckles B.G.: And they’d kind of usher me off the stage Xs10M: laughing

Xs10M: Understood. Understood. And since you mentioned a restaurant, do you have a favorite restaurant? B.G.: No, but I like mostly seafood. Like lobster and crab...what have you. Oysters and uh, there’s one particular I like in Sausalito. I don’t know if you’re familiar with that. That’s in San Francisco.

Xs10M: Would you still attempt to play your harmonica now? B.G.: Would I play it now? I... I asked uh, Jose at Tremendous Films to get me one, but I think he’s uh he think maybe probably if he ever gets me one that I’ll never stop playing it and it would drive him crazy.

Xs10M: Noooooooooo. Not, I’ve only been to Los Angeles. I;m going to have to get out there. B.G.: Ok. Oh well, it overlooks the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge and, and directly across from it is, is Alcatraz. Are you familiar with that?

Xs10M: (laughing) Wow. That’s...I think that would be quite interesting. You can use that when you go out to do your appearances. B.G.: You’re is Atlanta?

Xs10M: Yes B.G.: Ok well you know it’s a museum now and I like sitting out on the patio and looking at the Golden Gate Bridge and...and watch the people go by and they have some wonderful raw oysters and a bottle of wine and some raw oysters makes my day. And the San Francisco is a wonderful city, too. I don’t know. Have you ever been there? Xs10M: No, no never been to San Francisco. I’ve seen some beautiful pictures. B.G.: Yeah, well, if you ever get a chance do it. Alright. You know like that Tony Bennett saying how he left his heart in San Francisco. Xs10M: Yes

Xs10M: Me? B.G.: Yes. Xs10M: No, I’m way on the East coast. Way on the east coast, Virginia. B.G.: You’re in Virginia Xs10M: Yes B.G.: If I come to Virginia, I’ll play the harmonica for you. How’s that? Xs10M: And I will be there to see it B.G.: (chuckling) Ok it’s a deal. Xs10M: I will. I will be there. So. B.G.: Ok. I promise the next time I’m in the Shenandoah Valley or if you;re close to that. I have several friends who live in Charleston and North Carolina.


Xs10M: Oh Ok B.G.: I kind of love it there too. Xs10M: It is beautiful. It is beautiful out there and they have some great food. B.G.: I know they do. You know I love the southern speak too and the antebellum homes and the antiquity. You know it’s beautiful. It’s paradise there. Xs10M: Absolutely. Absolutely. So, what has changed since you have been out? B.G.: Pardon? Xs10M: What has changed on the outside since you’ve been out? B.G.: Well, when I first went in there were, uh, there were payphones and when I got out and I was at the airport and I couldn’t find a damn payphone and everybody was talking on these phones. Just walking around You know. Nobody was talking to in front of them or with them. They were just talking on these phones. You know and it was like...and then it was amazing to me. And once I got into the airport and some freinds met me and we passed throught the gates and there was a restaurant and we sat at the restaurant and I haven’t seen these people in twenty years ok, and we ordered and I got up and went to the restroom and when I cam back they were all sitting there and they had these laptops on the table and they weren’t talking to me and they weren’t talking to each other. You know and I just...what the hell is wrong with you. I said, “You haven’t seen me in twenty years, but you want to talk to me.” ( chuckles) Xs10M: (laughs) Yeah, that would be awkward. What response did they provide you B.G.: Well, they put ‘em away and we engaged in conversation (chuckles), but the technology is...is amazing and incredible to me. It’s like I have a 8 year old granddaughter. She can do all of these things on the phone. Check this and check that. I’m still working on trying to make a call on the damn thing. (chuckles) Xs10M: (laughs) Understood. Understood.

B.G.: When I went in, you know, we used road maps to get where we wanted and now the car talks to you and tells you where to go. (chuckles) Xs10M: (laughs) True. I still think, I still think the road maps are a little more useful than the car talking to you because sometimes you can end up in a circle You know trying to figure out where I am supposed to go. B.G.: A lot of times that little feminine voice will take you on the highway to hell or all around. (chuckling) Anyway, you know it’s just amazing. So, you know I’m enjoying every moment of it. Xs10M: That is wonderful. Now, since you like seafood, do you cook? B.G.: No, I’m not a big cook, but’s it’s east to throw some lobsters in a pot. I love Maine lobsters and I have a friend who has a lobster boat up in Maine. He’ll airfreight them out to me. You know every so often. Then i’d invite everybody over and we’re just having a party. So... Xs10M: Ok, ok. What are you most passionate about? B.G.: Well, I was pretty damn passionate about women at one time. Now that I’m 73, but I’m still passionate about them, but (chuckles) you know it’s like... an over the hill guy isn’’t have much of a chance so, I just watch. Xs10M: chuckels Gotcha. Gothca. B.G.: And I like to play golf. You know and but...I’m like an 18 handicap and if the ball isn’t...or if nobody is looking I’ll just kick it, you know, into the hole. Xs10M: (laughing) Well are you better on the front 9 or the back 9? B.G.: I always like to play the back 9 because it is closer to the bar. Xs10M: (laughing) Nice, nice. Do you have a favorite club? B.G.: There are some great clubs around here. I mean really nice and the weather is always...you know California weather. It rained today which is highly unusual and they needed it, but now the sun’s come back out so I’m gonna take a walk around the pond.


Xs10M: Oh ok. Nice, nice. B.G.: And...and right across from me is Eddie Murphy’s house. Xs10M: Oh wow B.G.: It was. It was his house. He married a model and she was from the Sacramento area and so you know the women always want to live close to their parents so, and the guy gives in right, so he built this house for her and they lived there. I think that...he was more of a Beverly Hills guy and so they eventually got divorced and that’s the big selling point when they take you around the places where I live and they point out Eddie Murphy’s house. (chuckling) So that’s the most exciting thing that happens around here. Xs10M: Gotcha. Gotcha. B.G.: Yeah Xs10M: Do you read...books...often? B.G.: Well, I spent 20 years reading enough (laughing) And so, I’m done reading now. Xs10M: laughing B.G.: Yeah that’s the end of that business. Xs10M: (laughing) Did you have a favorite book from reading over the years? B.G.: I..Some of the great books where, now…I like Tom Clancy and ummm, and uh, let’s see uh, I loved that book Moby Dick and Jack Kerouac “On The Road,” I don’t know if you’re familiar with that or not. Xs10M: I’ve heard of that book. I haven’t read that one. B.G.: Well, umm I read that when I was uhh, in college and then, you know, that’s what kind of drove me to going on the road. Jack Kerouac went on the road, I went on the highway to hell. (laughing) Anyway, when I, when I first met Johnny Depp, you know he came to the prison to meet me. Xs10M: uh huh

B.G.: And he, I said, “Jesus Christ, it looks like you slept in a dumpster.” I said, “What’s happened here?” He said, “Was up all night thinking of what to bring you. I didn’t know. So I just didn’t have any idea and he said, “I brought you this and this is my bible I carry it everywhere I go.” And it was “On The Road” by Jack Kerouac. And I said, “You know what John, I think we’re gonna get along pretty damn good.” Xs10M: (laughing) Do you still have that book? B.G.: Yes I do. Yes. Xs10M: Nice B.G.: He turned out to emulate me and when I first saw some of the clips, in the prison they had a little viewing in the chapel for me, and not the entire film but just some of the clips and uh, it was amazing that he became me. And he looked at me and he said, “You’re one of the only people in the world that has his own personal time machine.” Xs10M: Laughing... Nice. Very nice. So, speaking with Johnny Depp or any other people, do you have a favorite saying or quote? B.G.: Well, yes: Life is full of madness, sadness and gladness. Try to have more gladness than sadness and the madness will take care of itself. Xs10M: Nice. Very nice B.G.: That’s an original from me. Xs10M: That’s an original from you. Ok. Ok. B.G.: Yeah Xs10M: Very nice. Have you seen your entire film, yet? B.G.: You know what, I tried to watch the entire film, but there were parts in it with my dad and all that and I didn’t really want to watch that. Xs10M: Gotcha. Ok B.G.: I’ve never seen the entire film. What’s amazing is Johnny Depp has never seen the film. Xs10M: Oh wow.


B.G.: Because he told me, he says, “I never watch my films.” He said, “You know, I think it would make me self-conscious.” Xs10M: I can understand that. I can definitely understand that. Ummmmm, hmmmmm. B.G.: We’re pretty good friends. I talk to him ever so often. I was down in L.A. two months ago to meet his new wife and I talk to his sister all of the time. She takes care of, uh, she’s his manager. And she’s a pretty special lady. Xs10M: Very nice. Very nice. Well, being out now, is there any person that you would like to meet, celebrity or otherwise? B.G.: Let’s see. Celebrity or otherwise. I don’t know, really who I’d like to meet. Maybe the Pope. Xs10M: Maybe the Pope. B.G.: Yeah. I think I’d like to meet the Pope. Xs10M: Any particular reason or just because he is an interesting person? B.G.: Well, I think he, is you know, a pretty special guy from what I’ve seen in the media of him and, and I think it would be a treat to sit and speak with him for as much time as he would give me. And I’d really enjoy that. Xs10M: Nice. What do you think the greatest challenge has been in your life? B.G.: The greatest challenge was, I was a thrill junkie and you know in the beginning I started smuggling for money and at the time I went to college and when you graduated from college you, you started at $10,000 a year and then I realized that I could make $10,000 in a couple of days. And (chuckle) not get to pay taxes and that wore off and I suddenly realized that I wasn’t doing it for the money any more, but I enjoyed the money. I was doing it because I was a thrill junkie. I became obsessed with it. I wasn’t happy unless I was doing it. And being under the fear of doing it. And that was a high within itself. And I was addicted to that high. And now I’ve cured myself and that’s over with. So (chuckles)

Xs10M: Ok B.G.: You know I think, I think being over the hill is part of it too, but you know it was, you know, rollercoaster to hell and back. But I’m over that. (chuckles) Xs10M: Gotcha. Ok, since you say school what was elementary or grade school like for you? B.G.: Actually, I grew up south of Boston near Cape Cod. Xs10M: Ok B.G.: And you know I was kinda like Ritchie Cunningham of Happy Days. Xs10M: Oh B.G.: You know I was sort of a little child on the ocean. You know there was no violence. There were no guns. There were no drugs. You know probably the worst thing you could do was get caught with a can of Budweiser when you were in high school. That was about it. Or a cigarette. (chuckles) So, I had a really good childhood. You know and like, I realized that A lot of people, especially in the cities and what have you, you know turned to drugs because they had no other opportunities and...and but I had all the opportunities in the world and I did it by choice. And I, you know, it’s... hopefully, it’ll eventually they will come to their senses and legalize it everywhere and uh, stop putting all of these kids in prison. You know especially with that crack epidemic. I met 19, 20 year old black kids that would come to my room and cry 20 years, 25 years for nothing. It’s sad. Xs10M: Wow. Well, with you saying that, do you think that being incarcerated helps to rehabilitate prisoners? B.G.: No, it doesn’t rehabilitate. That’s nonsense. You know, those kids don’t need to be rehabilitated. They just need a, they just need a future. You know, and like they should have like Kennedy started the Peace Corps, then they should start something like that again and gives these kids a chance and train them in trades and what have you and give them a break. Prison doesn’t rehabilitate anybody. In fact, prison fosters crime cause all of these kids are there together and they just, you know, they know when they get out they have nothing out there and no where to go and so they make new friends and better connections and you know, it’s a crime school.


Xs10M: Ok. Interesting. Well, now that you’re out, do you find that people treat you differently? B.G.: Yes, it’s pretty amazing. Everybody, the movie... I mean who would have ever thought that, you know, it’s been 16 years since the movie came out and it came out in 2001 and I mean, I can be coming out of a restaurant and walking down the street or whatever and people will recognize me and want to take a picture with their little cell phone and this and that like and (chuckles) it’s an amazing thing. You know it blows my mind some times. (over talking each other) Xs10M: Interesting. How do you feel about that? B.G.: It’s my Irish... Pardon? Xs10M: How do you feel about that celebrity status? B.G.: Well, you know there are times that I get frustrated about it, but it also give me a form of income, too. So, you know I have to love it. Ok (chuckles) Xs10M: Ok. I understand. I understand. B.G.: But you know, after doing some of those shows or whatever and signing hundreds of books and this and that, I’m trying to go home and hoping the day comes to an end. (chuckling) Alright. Xs10M: Understood. Understood. B.G.: It’s a fact that the people loved the movie so much that you know, I mean their heart goes out to you and they hug you and whatever and they want to take a picture with you, you know it’s my job to do that and respect them for it. Xs10M: Understood. Absolutely understood. What have you done that that has made you the most proud of yourself? B.G.: I think when I look at my daughter, I’m the most proud. She’s beautiful. Smart, beautiful. And I think that’s the best thing that I did. You know in my entire existence on the planet. And now I can interact on an adult level. You know, I can give her the wisdom that I have and, and that’s my job any way. That’s everybody’s job when they get older is to give back. Give the wisdom back to the youth.

Xs10M: Gotcha. Well, do you have any short term goals right now? B.G.: (chuckles) No, I don’t have short term goals. I am trying to work out with the Speakers Bureau out of Boston to speak at colleges and universities. Hopefully, that’s going to work out for me and i’d really enjoy that. Xs10M: Awesome. Awesome. So, you received the nickname “Boston George” because you’re from Boston? B.G.: Well, when I first came out to California, we were in this little beach town, in ah Long Beach, ok. And it’s ahh, I went out there to go to Long Beach State and it’s called Belmont Shores and my friend Tuner and I, in the movie, the black guy, we were driving around the little beach town looking for a small place to rent. A small apartment. And we saw a sign for rent and we pulled up and on the second balcony there was a group of college girls standing on the balcony in their bikinis. They don’t have bikinis in Boston in those days so that was pretty special. (chuckles) Xs10M: Laughing B.G.: Ok, and they looked down and said, “What’s your name?” And I said, “George.” And they said, “Where are you from?” And I said, well, I wasn’t going to say Weymouth, so I said, “Boston” And they said, “Boston George!!” And that’s how that started. (chuckle) Xs10M: Wow. That’s how that started. Ok. (chuckle) Interesting B.G.: So, that’s how, you know, I ended...I probably put it on my tombstone, too. What the hell. Ha ha (chuckles) Xs10M: Gotcha. Gotcha. Since you like to ride around a lot, do you have a favorite car? B.G.: Pardon? Xs10M: I said, do you have a favorite car? B.G.: Well, throughout my life I had just about any damn car I wanted from Lamborghini’s to Ferrari’s, Aston Martins, and Rolls Royce’s and now any car is fine for me.


Xs10M: What advice could you give to the new generation out there? B.G.: Well, don’t do what I did. (chuckles) You know and to be good, you know and if they can’t be good, be good at being bad. Alright Xs10M: (laughing) Alright. I appreciate your time. B.G.: Alright, well, it’s been a pleasure speaking with you and when I get to Virginia like I said, I’ll keep that promise to play the blues harp for you, ok. Xs10M: I will be looking forward to that. B.G.: Alright sweetheart, thank you. Xs10M: you take care. Jose: Thanks sir. Hi Ms. Perkins are you still there? Xs10M: Yes, thank you so much for this, Jose. Jose: Yeah, yeah no problem. Believe it or not, he has to go to a parole meeting this morning, like usually when we get back to town they call him or either surprise him and today they surprised him and said he’s gotta be there. So he’s gotta go check in and stay on the up and up. Xs10M: Absolutely. Absolutely. Jose: It sounded like a good interview. I mean he’s definitely willing to share his story. Xs10M: I wholeheartedly appreciate that. And I’ll be looking for that Virginia trip in a few years because I want to hear this harmonica. Jose: Believe it or not, it’s kind of random, nut he has been getting booked just about everywhere you know, Miami, Long Beach, Denver, Chicago, New York, so I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before we’re in that area. He will do it. He means what he says. He will play it. There might be some truth in not getting him the harp yet because, yeah if he plays that thing in the van for 6-7 hours, we can’t, we can’t do that. Xs10M: I understand. I understand. Well, you have lovely day as well. I thank you so much. Jose: Ok thank you. Likewise. Xs10M: Have a great one.



Name: Antonio Simmons Nickname: Yung Juvie Birthday: January 16, 1992

Where are you from? I am from Augusta, Georgia Where are you living? I live in Atlanta, Georgia

What is your title and role in the industry? I am an artist and performer Company name (s), describe each: G Rated Ent was formed late 2013 based in Atlanta, Georgia with a roster of upcoming artist’s that are currently working on their projects to drop this winter of 2015 Talk about your journey: The journey from where I was back then to where I’m at currently was rough, but with the support of my manager and mentor, the career became easier to adapt to. I went from growing up in the streets as an adolescent to becoming a successful business man within no time. How did you get started in this industry? I began working with several club owner’s for performance’s, any to be exact whether it would be an open mic or an event for showcasing I just really had in mind that no matter what, I would attempt to get my music heard! What are your goals? My goals are set on financially taking care of my family because that’s really who I do it for besides myself, my goal is to reach out to my audience, fans, and supporters with a different sound, flow, and to let the word know I have something to say and it must be heard. Who are you currently managing? I am currently managing several artist, list of names are Lil Savage based out of Missouri, JuanHunnit who is currently based in Augusta, Bbr who is currently based in Augusta, BigGroovy who is based in Augusta and Tyranny who is currently based in Augusta, Ga


What are your current endeavors? My current endeavors are my manager Tonya Simmons, mentor Michael Neely, and my supporter/fans who listen to my music! How are you making a difference in the industry? Being in the industry is making a difference because everything I say or do that deals with music is different, I don’t sound like anyone else, very creative with my style, voice, melodies, and I adapt to whatever is going on in the world today to where I speak about the changes that can be made for the future. Who can we affiliate you with? I’ve affiliated with known labels such as supaunit’s SavageLife Entertainment, Trill Entertainment as well as Badazz Entertainment and BaddNewz Entertainment. I’ve worked with artist such as BaddNewz of BaddNewz Entertainment at which he is featured on my latest single “she ready.” Who have you helped to “break?” As of now the roster of artist I have now haven’t been broken in on any of my upcoming projects however they are working on their own projects which the world can expect to hear early 2016 of next year! What inspires you about the industry? The industry inspires all that I do, from the day by day hard work in the studio and being able to invest in my craft gives me a total business aspect of life in general. Were you ever an artist, producer, musician, etc? Talk about this: I’ve always considered myself an artist no rapper because of my creativity and craft, it is important all around to be the best at what I do so from that aspect I know and realize all of what I do is always a working progress so there’s room for perfection! Any upcoming tours or projects? I currently released my first single steady boomin October 22, 2015 at which you can subscribe and hear on YouTube now under Yung Juvie steady boomin also available for purchase download on iTune as well as amazon.com! My management and I are currently setting up tour for early 2016 for my mixtape release “Reckless Behavior,” one of my latest projects which drops this winter.

Words of advice for upcoming businessmen/women in entertainment? Independent artists? My advice for anyone out there pursuing anything that they do is to just do it, you can’t sit around and wait for it to come to you; you have to go out there and get it but the most important is to remember that in this field it requires a lot of communication, time, and dedication so be sure you know that your network becomes your net worth in that sense but also to always remain humble and keep God first at all times! How can we get in touch with you? If your wanting to get in touch with me be sure you subscribe and become a fan through our website fastlifemoneygang.com, I have a Instagram at which you can follow me @YungJuvie23 as well as my twitter @ fastliferunner or just request me on Facebook, Antonio Simmons! List a few accomplishments: I’ve accomplished so much in so little time I have opened up for major artist such as Foxx a mill of Trill Entertainment, my support team is growing faster by the day, also I am receiving a lot of credibility on several shows I have performed at such as Dreams of Atlanta, Silhouette of Atlanta, Blue Flame of Atlanta, National Expo in Atlanta, Club Ambition in South Carolina, and the list goes on! Meeting Atlanta’s celebrity moms such as K camp mother, J holiday mother, Cash out mother, I feel was a major accomplishment for me because that yet alone showed me just how much a mother’s support for their children mattered and that includes in the industry as well! List a few major projects: I have a major project I am currently working on which is my first album which date nor season will be released just yet just know I am working hard and diligently on this album because I expect the up most reaction from supporters and fans but believe me you will not be disappointed. List a few challenges you have faced in this industry: I’ve faced a couple challenges like being away from friends, family, and loved ones. See it takes sacrifice to build your career at which bothers me just a little however I know it is for the best because in due time all that effort and time will pay off just have to remain humble but be sure to always keep God first!


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