XS10 Magazine - Feb 2020

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Staff listing : Founder Michael Neely CEO Rasheed J. Neely

Writers Martha Samasoni Misty White David R. Navarro Aidem Media Group

Chief Editor Aidem Media Group

Email X10magazine@gmail.com

Graphics @iamronniewalka

Copyrights Xs10magazine is sole property of Aidem Media Group / AMGmusic.Net which is owned by Michael Neely and any article and pictures are sole property of Xs10magazine and any likeness. Xs10magazine has been copyrighting sense 2012

Art Editor @iamronniewalka Advertising Manager Cat Peterson







cela west


pg11 laced in blue







Who is Michael Troy Collection? “ Michael Troy Collection 1965 ” is a world-renowned, award-winning indie designer of luxury accessories and ready-to-wear. His namesake company, established in 2017, currently produces a range of products under his signature Michael Troy Collection 1965, Michael Troy Collection 1965 lis not just a name it’s a brand. These products will include accessories, footwear, watches, jewelry, women’s and men’s ready-to-wear, wearable technology, eyewear and a full line of fragrance products.directly or through licensing partners, in some of the most prestigious cities in the world, The company prides itself on hiring and retaining diverse talent and providing an inclusive work environment for all, while celebrating global events and

cultures that reflect the diversity, experiences and perspectives of people around the world. Behind this burgeoning empire stands a singular designer with an innate sense of glamour and an unfailing eye for timeless chic. Michael Troy Collection 1965 with in the fashion industry is striving to bring the news designs from its designers, Michael Troy Collection 1965 has been honored for his philanthropy, and earned the respect and affection of millions. Wholly dedicated to a vision of style that is as sophisticated as it is indulgent, as iconic as it is modern, he has created an enduring luxury lifestyle empire with a global reach. #MichaelTroyCollection1965



Ashley Brinton aka Aye B, a young successful female rap artist has just released her newest single “Wednesday Thought”, produced by KP DID IT and recorded at EMG STUDIOS in Los Angeles, CA. Aye B is a talented writer as well and co- wrote her current track “Wednesday Thought”. Did the rhyme come natural or did you have to learn and practice it? Rhythm has definitely always been in my bones and in my blood. I’ve felt music and dance all my life even though I definitely have to practice choreography LOL Do you recall the days of Yo! MTV Rap with Doctor Dre and Ed Lover? How do you feel hip-hop has changed? Honestly I am way too young to even remember the MTV Rhapsody is LOL! But I definitely feel a hip-hop has changed in the time that I am growing up because it’s the sound of the worlds now hip-hop is everything it’s the core of the music at this time in History. Whereas Rap has a violent history, it seems to be calming itself down and being written for the good of the world, what’s your viewpoint? There’s always the good and the bad in the world and people feel very passionate about some things and I wouldn’t necessarily say that it’s violent Anymore but it’s definitely still full of passion What inspires the rhyme for you? Honestly everything in my every day life inspires my music it can be the randomness thing like the strip club and it will definitely inspire my music. Is there someone you wish to collaborate with? I love love love lil uzi vert his flow and style of music is amazing his words are also really good too. Do you have a quote or theme that you live by? I wouldn’t necessarily say that I live by this but I would say that I always follow my dreams and I don’t take no for an answer because there’s so many people that are jealous I want to tear you down and make you not believe in yourself and I basically just say fuck them all because I believe in myself and I know I’m gonna win

Who most influenced you while growing up? Will.i.am was a big big big influence for me growing up with his production and helping Fergie in the industry, she was my favorite, he was a major influence for me growing up Do you have a specific challenge that you had to overcome, and how did you accomplish that? Every day is a challengE PERIOD I will go through ups and downs and negativity on a daily basis and I think that I overcome negativity by being positive and staying with the right mindset What thrills you about playing live? Performing live is one of the most exciting and fun times ever! I go on stage I’m so so so nervous but the energy of the crowd immediately hits me and I’m just so excited to give my all every night it’s such a blessing I feel so blessed every time I perform. What new projects are you involved in? I just drop my single Wednesday thought I have another single dropping in January that is fire Lake Straight fire and I’m going on a major tour for two months this year If you could tour with anyone on the universe who would it be? I would really want to tour with bad bunny because his concerts are so lIt and also Travis Scott just because of the same reason his concerts are so lit and they go off Do you have any advice for the planet? My advice for the planet is do you better be kinder to people be nicer to people the world is thriving off of negativity these days and it needs to stop it needs to get back to a place of happiness and positivity and wishing each other the best instead of the worst Any advice for the future hip-hop artist? Just get ready for a lot of negativity thrown at you and also work on your craft like every single day you should be growing you should never have a day where you’re not writing or focusing on the art because that’s what it all comes down to is the art.

You’re on the front page of the newspaper, what is the title of the article and why? Aye B Number one streamed rapper just because I’m a female and everybody in the industry wants females to not succeed so I just want to show everyone that I can do it and that they can’t tell me know and that they can’t stop me. What bridges are you glad you burned? Old friends that weren’t Friends they were just super jealous that I was succeeding more than they were and they had a hard time dealing with that so I don’t like to keep fake people in my life so I like to cut everybody that’s fake off because I don’t need them surrounding myself and in my enerGy

CELA WEST When it comes to Celai West, one word comes to mind—#girlpreneur. This 11-year old mogul is not showing any signs of slowing down and making an incredible positive impact as a Runway Model, Producer, Actress, Philanthropist, and Entrepreneur who embraces her culture and confidence.

propelling to high-profile fashion shows around the world! There are no limits to what this role model and icon will achieve next. She is the epitome of the adage “Big Hair, Don’t Care!” Her look, courage, vibe, and talent is immeasurable and a true inspiration to kids and adults alike.

Celai West offers an innate talent from her instinctual catwalk, poses, magnetic personality, and playful charisma since the single digits. Breaking boundaries—Celai is the only runway model walking “at an adult level,” closing out the show at NYFW and

XS10 caught up with the unstoppable powerhouse to learn more about her journey, projects, and what’s to come in this one-on-one interview below.

What is your role as a fashion influencer? Well, I am the youngest professional runway model, so I walk with all adults in NYFW. What 3 things does anyone starting in your industry need to know? Well first I’d say that you need to learn how to walk in heels and get your feet used to them. Next, you have to keep practicing so you can get really good at it. And finally, you need to have lots of confidence when you get out on the runway because that is super important.

Talk about the biggest failure you’ve had. What did you learn from it? That’s a good question. I think my biggest failure or mistake is thinking everyone on social media is a good person, like how I try to be. But I found out how mean people can be (even to a kid) when my first video went viral at 9 years old. The comments were pretty mean so mom wouldn’t let me read them all. At first it would hurt my feelings, but now we just laugh about them and keep it moving. We don’t take them personally anymore.

What would you do differently if you were starting in your industry now? I don’t think I would do anything differently. I kind of created my own lane from the beginning, and it happened to work for me.

What has been your biggest success story? Why do you think it was a success? I would definitely say it was my viral runway videos because it helped me get seen bymajor people in the industry, like Naomi Campbell, so she followed me.

Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why? I’m really inspired by Naomi Campbell because she’s so good at runway. I’m also really inspired by Liris Crosse and her book “Make The World Your Runway,” because she’s super sweet and gives me the best advice. Her book is also really good. I also read “Follow That Model” by Miss Jay Alexander, and I learned so much—even stuff that doesn’t have to do with modeling.

What turns you on as a fashion influencer when you are looking to support a designer? It’s definitely their clothes. I like pieces that are different, unique, artistic and sophisticated.

What color would be the worst to wear at a major event? I guess it would just depend on the event, but actually, there really is no wrong color to wear unless the event has a specific color theme, or if the color just doesn’t look goodon you.

What keeps you going when things get tough in your business? Mom is really positive and that helps me out a lot, plus she makes sure I find new “Self care” things to do. We also get lots of messages from people who send me words of encouragement or tell me how I inspire them, which feels good.

What does Fashion mean to you and why? Fashion means being able to express myself however I want because it’s like wearable art. Some people may like a certain art piece but others won’t, and that’s OK, it’s me. What would you say is the #1 key to success in your business? I would definitely say it’s being myself. I think there are lots of people on social media who pretend to be like something else, but it’s so much better when you just love who you are and you just focus on being that person.

What does a typical day in your week look like? Well, I get up and start on my school work because I’m homeschooled. When I’m done, mom let’s me watch TV. If we are working or traveling, my schedule gets crazy, so I sometimes do homework at the airport.

What advice can you give others? I would just say to always be yourself, have fun, set goals, and never give up on your dreams. What is your website and social media handles? My website is www.CelaiWest.com and my handle is @celaiwest on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.



Reflecting on Another Successful Year & the Meaning Behind Music for “Laced in Blue” “Laced in Blue” delivers a high presence of rock, while staying true to music deepest roots, the Blues. The band’s lead singer, Kaylee Robin, mesmerizes audiences with a raspy and unique voice that leaves you wanting more. Guitarists Jerry Valle and Will Smith have rifts that ‘go on for days,’ and we can’t forget about Drummer Ian LeBlanc.

Anyone who can get us into a stadium gig! Were you destined to be a rocker? Of course! As a band, we’ve all got it in us, and if you’re into numerology, then we should talk. What genre of music can’t you stand to listen to? Any music where the connection is directed straight at your wallet. I don’t think genre is the problem. I like music from every genre. I also dislike lots of music in many genres, Hahaha.

Their latest singles, “Do What I Want” and “Wake UP” have been capturing the hearts and listeners across the country! Whether you are into rock, blues, alternative, and/or hip-hop... this band will not disappoint.

What do you do when you’re not doing music? Boxing, painting, surfing, working on cars, yoga, meditating, building, spending time with friends, working. Ian also has a cat.

XS10 Magazine had the chance to sit down with these incredible Rockers to learn more about their journey, reflections on music, and what to expect next in this personal interview.

A soundtrack of your life was just written, what songs are on it and why? Probably ‘Truckin’ by the Grateful Dead. We are four individuals, so we have different tastes and experiences. The song mentioned was a pick from one of the guys, I’m guessing Ian or will. I, Kaylee, am not even familiar with that song... so my song pic is feeling good Michael Bublé, because that’s how I’m feeling right now.

What prompted you to join the music industry? We love making music and sharing it with people. Live shows where you connect to the audience, or connecting through a recording, is what it’s all about. Music is magical, it’s mantra, it’s powerful. We do it for the listeners. Do you write your songs and if so, what inspires your musical insights? We write our own songs, though inspirational provenance is tough to pin down. We approach the song from different places, but we each put into it what the song needs from each of us. Life inspires our music just like it inspired everything else. Our experiences, moments of glory, our downfalls… all of it inspires music. Lately we’ve been working on manifesting through music.

What do you enjoy most about playing live? The connection is the most important thing. You’re in your flow state, totally present, and so is the audience, and you’re both feeding off of each other. It really is amazing, and some wonderful things can happen there. At least that’s how it feels to us when the lights are on! The energy in the room becomes so abundant. We put out good energy and the crowd responds. We receive good energy, and it becomes a cycle and just stronger as the night progresses. By the end of the night, everyone is on cloud nine—no other feeling like it.

What bands or singers most inspired your style? We’re using the same toolkit that most rockers started with—the blues. We put our own mark on it, so we’re like your best friend that you’ve never met. But to answer the question, we all get our musical influences from different artists, some being: Led Zeppelin, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Janis Joplin, Black Keys, Etta James, and Rage Against Machine.

Did your family encourage you once you decided on music as a career? Not really for some of us, but we still have day jobs, so they are placated for now. Will’s aunt actually happens to be one of our biggest fans, so go figure. Again, we are four individuals so different experiences. Kaylee’s parents seem to be rooting for us! They just want us to be happy and follow our dreams.

Is there anyone you’d love to perform with?

If you could choose two famous parents who would they be and why? This may take some research. I need to see the success rate of the children of these parents... the Baldwin’s all seem to be doing pretty good… maybe their parents. If you could be anyone in history who would you choose to be and why? That’s a lot of people to choose from.. can we just be ourselves, only everybody knows our music, and we’re influencing the world and traveling everywhere already. Music is ever evolving, what do you see for the future of music? Just like most trends, I feel that history has a tendency to repeat itself. I’m hoping Rock n’ Roll makes a strong come back. I like how music has been unfolding, but I feels it’s been losing a lot of the depth and emotion that music was had. Some of it has literally just become cool sounds all clipped together, but with no purpose behind it. I hope for music that creates

expansion, opens minds and eyes, finds it way back into the pop scene. How have you seen music change historically? I suppose I answered that in the last question, but to go more in depth, music has brought joy to many throughout history. It has been used for ritual, prayer, meditation. It has been used to soothe pain and calm minds. It has also been used to program the minds of many, as well as been filled with propaganda to feed consumerism. I think where we are now, music is a little lost. Music has been used as a tool for healing for centuries, but now it’s being used as a marketing tool to sell you things. Personally, it’s a little sad what music has turned into, but there’s still hope. When we were kids, you could form a band with a few friends, and if you worked hard enough, modest success would surely follow. Of course hitting it big has always taken a good dose of luck, but these days, it seems like you either lose money or you make millions, and there’s no in-between.


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Cathlene Miner – Manifesting Magic In Your Everyday Life Cathlene is a #1 Bestselling Author, International Speaker, LIVE Radio and Podcast Host, Course Creator and Founder and President of Hopefull Handbags, Inc. Non Profit,501c3. Cathlene loves her life as an entrepreneur, homeschool mom, wife, mother of four and grandmother (Sea) to two amazing granddaughters and a love of anything that brings a smile and joy, and a self-professed glass half-full kinda girl. She believes from her own experience and those of her clients that with a healthy Self Perception anything is possible to truly Manifest your life on purpose and allow your dreams to unfold. “Never Underestimate the Power of Hope” What prompted you to write a book? I have been helping people heal from the inside out for so many years one on one. I knew it was time to reach a broader audience so that I could help so many more people live the life they were put on this earth to live. What genre would you characterize your writings? Real-life Why should people purchase your book? Your Self Perception is the base of everything in your life. Your Self Perception dictates the chances you take, the choices you make, the relationships, personal and professional that you stay in and the ones you leave because you know that you deserve more. Does your book have a story or a message that you would like to planet to be aware of, or is it just for fun? Definitely a message but more a lifestyle. What inspires you to find a creative way to get your writings out there? By looking at different people’s points of view and opinions. Everyone has a different way of doing things that work for them long term. That is why I designed the 30 Day Self Perception

Makeover to be uniquely individualized. Do you have a favorite book author? No favorite, but I love books of quotes. What is the premise of your book? People are living their lives wondering why the things that they desire are not happening in their life… They are missing one key factor...A Healthy Self Perception… A healthy Self Perception will change the lives of everyone and the ones around you…. And these books will show you how. Are you presently working on anything new? Yes! I am almost complete with the 6-week Makeover Method, your Self Perception. Writing a book can be a lonely project what kept you going while you were writing it? I have 4 children. 2 that we homeschool and two grown children and 2 grandchildren, a husband and a non-profit. When I write it is around the rest of my life so it never gets lonely. (laughing emoji) Do you see your book becoming a film one day? Yes, I do. The life before a healthy Self Perception and the huge changes of life with a Healthy Self Perception. https://www.cathleneminer.com


PONDHAWKS The PondHawks: The Top Of The Indie Music World by Eileen Shapiro Often recited as being reminiscent of The Beatles, the Chicago based duo, The PondHawks are quickly rising as one of the biggest Indie factions in the world. Their vocals and harmonies continue to bend genres and delight fans. Their newest song, “Afraid of Love” continues to create a buzz and fans are anxiously awaiting to see what’s next. I spoke to Jorie and Mario regarding a psychedelic, fluorescent 50 year anniversary festival celebrating Woodstock as well as exactly what they were up to.... Mario is a jokester while Jorie just seems to entertain his comedy. Together they make an incredible sound that touches the hearts of fans and listeners.. So what have you guys been up to since we last

spoke? Mario: Just making it happen. We did a radio show this morning. It was called CRIS, and it was interesting because they were blind. Jorie: They are in Chicago and it’s with Lighthouse for the Blind. They are really into PondHawks music. We had to bring all of our albums in, they wanted to be able to hear all of our music. Mario: Spectacular What did you talk about? Jorie: Basically, what we went over with you, the beginnings of the band, and about our music, and songs that they talked about, were they hard to do or easy....

Mario: Our favorite amphibians and reptiles....the usual, you know... You just came off doing a festival of some sort? Jorie: We did the Woodstock tour. That was actually pretty good. Everyone was dressed up like hippies.....

it is. Jorie: I love it, but nobody can beat The Beatles. I think it’s doing the more pure harmonies stuff where you’re not using all these effects to make your voice sound better or to have some sort of weirdness to it, auto tune and stuff like that.

Mario: They told me to come dressed the way I always Mario: I’ve got enough weirdness. do...the thing is Eileen, I pick a decade and I stick to it. Jorie: He’s weird altogether. ....But I don’t think you Well you picked a pretty cool decade. need all that gimmicky stuff if you can sing. Jorie: Oh yeah he did.

Mario: Just a paisley tie and that’s good enough.

Are you writing or recording anything new?

Well you two can sing!

Mario: Oh yeah! We were on our way to the interview this morning and I was playing our new demo for

Mario: I make dogs cringe

Jorie: Our new song. We’ve got about 25 songs in the queue. So it’s like “what do we want to do next?” I’ve been reading your reviews, and the consensus is thinking you sound like The Beatles. Mario: It’s A misnomer but God bless him for that. We’re into the John and Paul formula, but that’s what

Jorie: Yeah they howl. Do you you do covers or only your own originals? Mario: We do covers, yeah. The last show we did was almost a five hour show, so you know we’re doing at least 3 1/2 hours of covers. We were doing our originals at the end for the people that were fortunate

enough, wait I mean unfortunate enough to miss our first set. That was a long day. It’s was a groovy thing. Jorie: We had like six encores or something. They just wanted more. It was like a marathon. Mario: Picture this, it was outside Chicago....have you ever seen Billy Madison? Remember every time he graduated kindergarten his dad would throw him this huge elaborate party. That’s what it was like except the pinada didn’t have any Rolexes in them. They didn’t give out any bad ant- acid.

Twitter https://www.twitter.com/ThePondHawks Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ThePondHawks YOUTube https://youtube.com/user/jpondhawk/videos SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/the-pondhawks/

Jorie: It was Woodstock alright. People really got into it. They had wigs on, all the tie-dye. That’s it 50 years later.

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/2nmP1PiRxJ8uPqp2sdZQU5

Mario: They had all the psychedelic lights and they tried to make it as groovy as they could, within the realm of legality. They called it Woodstock Festival 2019.

The PondHawks All Songs playlist https://www.reverbnation.com/thepondhawks/playlist/-4

Jorie: It was A private party with only invited guests, but a lot of invited guests. It was on this Estate. There was a sound system and everything. There was food and you could just walk around, that’s how big it was. Mario: I hit the pinada but I didn’t get a Rolex. We were rolling with the punches. We thrive on the humor of the situation. Because you know that’s what life is all about anyway. If you don’t have humor in life you’re just missing the boat. Jorie: The audience was entertaining for us to watch while we were singing. Mario: Life in general they are going to be thunderstorms and lightning but you got to laugh in between.... Follow The PondHawks on the web: https://www.thepondhawks.com https://www.pondhawksmusic.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thepondhawks ReverbNation https://www.reverbnation.com/thepondhawks

EPK https://www.reverbnation.com/rpk/download_ bio/1241547


Jimmy Star and Ron Russell – Hosts of the #1 Webshow In The World

Jimmy Star: 100% Coke….I will drink anything else available as I do not like the taste of Pepsi at all...

The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell is the #1 Webshow (TV/Radio) in the world, with 4.5 million weekly viewers/listeners. They interview celebrities from the world of music, film and television and their podcast ranks in the TOP 100 podcasts in the world on iHeart Radio on a regular basis.

Ron Russell: I do not drink a lot of soda, but if I do I definitely prefer Pepsi.

King of Cool Jimmy Star is a well- known Celebrity Clothing Designer, actor, producer, and was recently named 5 th most influential radio personality to follow in social media in the world. He is also an Award Winning PR maven who was named Best Entertainment Publicist in the United States, and a social media influencer (@drjimmystar) with over half a million active followers. Cool Outrageous Man About Town Co-Host Ron Russell has a history with his Time Warner TV Show “Set The Record Straight”, where he interviewed Hollywood Legends like Lauren Bacall, Elizabeth Taylor, Tony Curtis, Bette Davis, John Waters, Renee Taylor, Joe Bologna, Jane Russell, Tab Hunter, Cliff Robertson, Arlene Dahl, Tippi Hedron, Cloris Leachman, etc....He is also an accomplished Theatre/Film/TV actor and writer. We got the chance to speak with the legendary talk show hosts Jimmy Star and Ron Russell for the cover story in Xs10 Magazine. How long have you two been talk show hosts? Jimmy Star: I have been interviewing celebrities for 14 years, 3 years as part of an ensemble show on different networks and 11 years with my own show. Ron Russell: I have been working as a talk show host for 21 years, starting out with my show “Set The Record Straight” that was on Time Warner Cable on Channel 11 in Palm Springs, California. I joined the Jimmy Star Show 8 years ago and we renamed it The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell. Coke or Pepsi ?

What kind of music do you guys listen too on your down time? Jimmy Star: I love all kinds of music, all genres. If I am working in the office I listen to vocal music, 70’s rock ballads, Barbara Streisand, R&B, anything mellow and soothing….when driving I love to listen to hip hop and hard rock….or anything with a great hook that you can sing along too. Ron Russell: I listen to the music of my generation….Johnny Mathis and Peggy Lee are my favorites. I also enjoy listening to the music of our friends CeCe Peniston, Wendy Moten, Lillie Nicole McCloud and B Angie B. Tell us a little bit about Jimmy Star? Jimmy Star: I started my career as a celebrity clothing designer, working on films, music videos and dress celebrities for appearances. I have dress almost every major horror movie star on the planet, as well as George Clinton, Elton John, David Arquette, Expose, Norman Reedus, Malcolm McDowell, Lance Henriksen, Clive Barker and tons more. I was asked by Y-100 in Miami Florida to be the fashion guru on the radio version of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and I had a blast…. from there I was part of an ensemble entertainment show that was on several networks, and eleven years ago I started my own show on W4CY Radio in Wellington, Florida. It was the 13 th largest internet station in the world, the owner Dean Piper was a visionary, ahead of the streaming curve. We were the top show on the East Coast of the United States, and after being on the air for 3 years, I met Ron. He came on the show and once we got our groove together, we became the #1 Webshow in the world. Ron is literally one of the funniest people on the planet, and bringing him on the show made us blow up worldwide.

I am also a film producer and well-known entertainment publicist. My partner Eileen Shapiro and I are the owners of World Star PR, and we are the best entertainment publicists in the world. We were name that by several different organizations. Eileen is a rock star journalist and a New York Times Best Selling Authors. She lives on the East Coast, and I am on the West Coast, we have the country covered. Name some of the people you have interviewed on the Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell. Jimmy Star: We started with 80’s icons and horror icons, and have since expanded to everyone….some of my favorites include Malcolm McDowell, Lance Henriksen, John Barrowman (we got 10 million plays), Michael Rooker, Linden Ashby, Ileana Douglas, Patrick Warburton, Matthew Modine, Stephen Lang, Richard Anderson, Fran Drescher, Robert Davi, Paul Sorvino, Lainie Kazan, Skeet Ulrich, Laurene Landon, Jake Busey, Diane Franklin, Sadie Katz, Chad Lindberg, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Joseph Cross, Doug Jones, Esai Morales, Bill Oberst Jr, Mykelti Williamson, Michael Biehn, Cerina Vincent, Jonathan Schaech, James Wan and many, many more…. Who are some of your mentor or role models? Jimmy Star: I started in radio on Y-100 with Kenny and Footy….they were terrific on air and great in real life also. They were probably the two personalities that had the biggest effect on my career in radio. It was Ron’s idea for us to get into television, so I would say that he had the biggest effect on my venture into tv. Ron we were told you’re an expert on classic films like the ones shown on Turner Classic Movies, is that correct? Ron Russell: Yes, I have worked with many of the Legends of Hollywood, and along with Robert Osborne (who passed away 2 years ago) was one of the pioneers of keeping Old Hollywood alive. Remember, it does not matter what year a movie was made, if you have never seen it then it is not an old movie. I recommend that everyone watches the classic movies that gave Hollywood it’s name. Ron show can you name some of the famous peo-

ple you have interviewed or worked with in your career? Ron Russell: I have had the opportunity to work with and become friends with so manytalented individuals, including Jane Russell (one of my dearest friends), Mr Blackwell, LaurenBacall, Tab Hunter, Sophia Loren, Cliff Robertson, Tippi Hedron, Tony Curtis, Bette Davis, Elizabeth Taylor and many more. Ron how long have you been in the entertainment industry? Ron Russell: I have been working in the industry for 61 years. My first film I did was in 1959, it was called “That Kind of Woman” and it starred Sophia Loren and Tab Hunter. What makes you two a perfect match? Ron Russell: We share the same interests, and take interest in the things that each of us like individually. Jimmy had never seen a Classic Hollywood film except “The Wizard of Oz” before he met me, and he has seen hundreds of them now. How did you guys first meet in the industry? Ron Russell: I was putting on a Halloween party for the CEO of Costco, and hired Jimmy to be an actor playing an undertaker for the funeral parlor scene. It was a huge haunted house. We had a great time and have been together ever since. Jimmy how long have you been in the industry as well? Jimmy Star: 43 years….my first tv role was as a child in 1977, and my first film role was in 1991. I started my Jimmy Star Brand clothing line in 1990, and worked heavily in television and film doing costume design, and designing clothes for celebrities to wear for appearances. What would be the hardest thing you two guys had to deal with coming into the world of social media?

Jimmy Star: I have always been a social media guru, so social media is not difficult for me, and I am very adept at it. I am very active on Twitter and Instagram , and Ron is very well versed on Facebook. We basically stick with those three main social media avenues. Jimmy Star and Ron Russell tell us something your fans and our readers may not have known about you guys? Ron Russell: I am an open book, I document everything in my life on Facebook on a daily basis, so I do not have any secrets. You can follow me on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/ronrussellstar Jimmy Star: I love cheesy movies… I have seen the “Mighty Ducks” series of films about 50 times and “Pretty Woman” and “The Lost Boys” are my favorite movies. I love B-Horror Movies also! Ron, What are your latest projects? Ron Russell: I have a film coming out on February 18 th called “Clown Fear” which is being distributed by Lionsgate, another film called “Big Freakin Rat” coming out shortly after that, and will be shooting “Clown Motel II” this summer. I have some other films I am being considered for, but since the contracts are not signed I cannot disclose quite yet. I am also working on a reality show produced by SohoJohnny and Kino entitled “New Vague City” that will be coming out soon. What do you feel about when it comes to music and politics? Ron Russell: I think that music should be discussed openly and that politics should be kept to yourself, as I don’t believe that politics should be a part of the entertainment industry. Jimmy Star: I concur with Ron. If you two could change anything in the entertainment world what would it be? Ron Russell: I think that today’s style of film is not well developed like the Classic Films of

Hollywood, and that many movies nowadays do not have a beginning, a middle and an end. I also think we need better writers and filmmakers should ditch the one second bouncing cameras on films that make people nauseous. I am all for the steady camera. Jimmy Star: I think that Hollywood needs to stop the remake train. There is a ton of original material out in the world, so I think that we need to stop bastardizing films by remaking them as none of the remakes ever do the original film justice. Where can we find Jimmy Star and Ron Russell? Jimmy Star: I am on Facebook as Jimmy Star Twitter and IG @DrJimmyStar and my blog is https://www.jimmystarsworld.com ranked #68 in the top 100 entertainment websites in the world. If you need PR Services you can email me worldstarpublicrelations@gmail.com Ron Russell: I am on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ronrussellstar Twitter and Instagram is @RonRussellShow …. Best way to reach me is on Facebook. One of your positive quotes? Ron Russell: It Will Happen, You Will Make It Happen! Jimmy Star: The World Is Filled With Nice People, If You Can’t Find One, Be One.


When it comes to Eugenia Kuzmina, it’s full steam ahead! As a fashion model since a young age to acting in some of the most well-known films, performing stand up comedy, or simply enjoying motherhood, Eugenia demonstrates how passion and success are not limited to one specialty. Whether by incredible coincidence or twist of fate, Eugenia recounts incredible stories of her empowering journey—growing up in food lines in Russia, being “discovered” and emerging as a sought-after fashion model as a teen, accidentally being cast in a Chuck Norris film, pursuing a career in comedy, and then embarking on a successful acting career after becoming a mother. What originally prompted you to get into the field of acting? Working as a fashion model from a young age gave me opportunity to work in a creative field and participate in silent storytelling. After having kids in my early 20s, I found acting an amazing field to expand my creativity and find my true voice. Where are fans most likely to see you, television, film, or Theater? “The Gentlemen,” “Guy Ritchie,” “Bad Moms” (directors from “Hangover” John Lucas, Scott Moore), and “Fading Gigolo” director John Turturro. TV series “Spy City” with Dominic Cooper, “The Comeback” with Lisa Kudrow, and Stand Up at The Comedy Store, to name a few. Is there a particular genre of acting that you’ve grown accustomed to? I love improvising, and I’m happy when the writer and director are open to it. The best moments in acting are not planned, and improv always brings interesting unexpected moments that are alive. There’s no one genre, as it all depends on a well-written story. Has there been a particular role that you enjoyed playing or that you were proud of more than any of the others? The lead role I just completed in the “Elevator” film opposite Eric Roberts comes to mind. A lot of times because of my accent, I get cast as a Russian Spy Girl of the oldest profession… gold digger. In this film, I’m playing a mom in Connecticut. I loved it being a drama and the variety of skills I had to bring to the

role. We worked very tight with director Jack Cook to make it as realistic as possible. What have you learned from a director or directors thus far in your career that have helped you? I learn from each director on different sets. There’s no one way to direct a film. The most important is a collaborative approach and communication. At the end, it’s all about telling the story the most authentically possible. Do you have a favorite actor? I love Shia Le Beouf, he gives acting his all. Cate Blanchett for her intelligence and interesting choices, and Nicole Kidman for her raw talent. What would be your ideal role if you had the choice? I would love to play messy, conflicted, and controversial human beings. It’s so interesting to find humanity in complex humans, and it’s rewarding if the audience sees them with empathy. Do you recall your most victorious, embarrassing, challenging, moment professionally? English is my 3rd language, and the way I express myself is very different in each language. When I first started acting in Hollywood, it was and still is an extra effort to make sure that the audience understands my words easily. Thanks god that words are not the most important part of acting. How do you handle your celebrity status on a daily basis? I appreciate being able to inspire and affect someone’s life. I’m grateful for the audience who takes their time to see a film, go to a premier, etc. We bring each other up. If you could choose two celebrity parents, who would they be and why? Princess Diana—her kindness and grace inspire me tremendously. Do you feel that acting was a destiny? Yes it’s definitely something I was never dreaming about pursuing, growing up on food lines in Russia. Also I started acting after having kids, which is not usual.

Your biography was just written, what is it titled and why? “Laughter is eternal.” I’d say being a stand up comedian, I can see how laughter unites and heals no matter what background you’re from. What is the most valuable lesson that your parents have taught you? Stay grounded and invest into work on daily basis, not what anyone thinks of it, and have gratitude daily. Are you working on any new projects? Just finished “Spy City,” “12 Pups Christmas” for Hallmark, and working on a romantic comedy, “Love Contract” playing a singer! Any advice for someone who wishes to be one an actor? I think the most important question to ask yourself honestly is “Why do you want to do it?” The recognition and success are passing and not fulfilling reasons. If you do it as a service to others, if you do it to share authentic stories, and that can change someone’s day, then it’s worth pursuing.


Tracie Frank Mayer, although adventurous in nature left her home, friends and family to live with her husband in Germany, not knowing the language or anyone. Six months later she gave birth to her son Marc who suffered a rare birth defect having been born with only half of a heart. Ultimately the doctors told her and her husband that there was no hope to save the baby and that they should just let him die. Never giving up hope, Tracie fought the doctors decision. Marc is now 35 years old and thriving. Having carefully written everything down throughout her son’;s treatments she decided to pen her experience in anticipation of helping people in similar situations and making health care experts more aware of the possibilities. In celebration of Heart Month this February Tracie wishes to inspire the world with her optimism regarding her true life story, “Incompatible With Nature: A Mother’s Story.”; What was your inspiration for writing your book? You know I didn’t intend on writing this book. When Marc was first admitted to the hospital, I instinctively began writing notes on everything that was happening with him. Because I couldn’t understand the language and didn’t understand the circumstances anyway, my notes were the way I could keep track of and remember what was happening with him. And then one day, it dawned on me that what I was going through was so extraordinary and demanded so much strength and diligence from me that I thought if I survived this, I had to pen our story so that I could perhaps help someone else facing a mountain of adversity. From real life stories we often learn best. What or who are you hoping that your book will inspire? I’m hoping my book will inspire patients to be pro-active with their healthcare and not let the whitecoats of doctors scare them. I’m hoping that my story will inspire all heart warriors to have faith and believe in miracles. I am hoping that my story will inspire doctors and medical caregivers to be competent and compassionate with their charges. I am hoping that my story will inspire anyone to have the wherewithal to fight any battle not of his or her own choosing.

Can you describe how you felt when your baby was diagnosed? Actually not. I was simply overcome, literally overcome, by shock and fear. The kind of shock and fear that weakens your bowels. How is your son doing now? He is fantastic, thank God. He takes medication, knows his limits and does everything he wants to do–this includes swimming, flyboarding, snow-skiing and working out at the gym. He has a job he enjoys and a girlfriend he loves. What advice would you give moms? Find out what you can about the surgeons and the medical facility and be prepared for a Plan B (another surgeon, doctor, medical facility) if necessary. When in the hospital, keep watch and ward over your child–observe the medications, what they are for, when taken, etc. because anyone can make a mistake–leave nothing to chance. Pray for the strength needed to care for your child, never give up hope and always believe that a miracle is on the horizon. If we believe it, we can see it and if we can see it–we can live in hope that it will manifest itself which will give us the clarity of mind we need to survive the daily. And finally, keep your faith: whatever it is that you call on for help and support. Faith will bring you to it. Faith produces what you believe: it is confidence in what we hope for and the belief in what we cannot see. And most importantly, NEVER GIVE UP. Was there a time during your fight to save your son that you thought you might give up? Never. I simply could not imagine having to walk through life with my shoulders stooped and my head hanging in shame weighed down with the nagging question, “What if I had done more?” What was it like leaving everything you knew to move to a country where you didn’t even know the language? It was very, very difficult leaving my family and friends. I am an adventurer by nature so I wasn’t afraid of moving to a different country and not

speaking the language wasn’t too much cause for concern because I figured that I’d learn it. And at the time, I was so in love with my husband and excited down to my bones about becoming a mother–I was three months pregnant at the time of my marriage and moving to Germany–that the idea of not knowing anyone or having any friends there didn’t trouble me. Do you feel that your son’s survival prompted care givers and doctors to be more careful and more positive in their treatments? Absolutely. Here’s a specific example: one afternoon, the chief cardiologist was making his rounds with his head doctor along with several of her colleagues. In response to one of the cardiologist’s questions, this head doctor flung her hair over her shoulder and began to reel off from her incredible memory her account of my son, Marc’s treatments that day which

were inaccurate. As usual, I had written down the exact medicine Marc had taken and at what time and told the cardiologist. In anger, he told the head doctor that she should leave and let me take over her job. Additionally, several doctors have told me that they never really understood the side of their patients until reading my book. It’s helped to open their eyes to understanding for one, that communication is vital with their patients. What was your biggest challenge in writing this book? I really had no challenges in writing this book. The only concern I had was getting Marc’s approval about sharing this very personal story. If I was going to write and share it, he knew that I would tell the truth–that there would be no edited emotions or circumstances. Everything is told as it happened and I am extremely lucky that I kept all of those notes over

the years so that I could tell the story exactly the way it happened. Once I knew that Marc was good with that, then I had nothing in my way. What is the main take away from your story? In three words: NEVER GIVE UP. Do you intend to write a sequel to the book? Yes, I’ve already started writing. I could never imagine that twenty-four years after my husband and I pledged to be partners in life and love, and after all the uncharted terrain we’d successfully navigated together, that he would change course and our marriage would reach the terminal point. When I realized that the love and security which I had left my family, friends and country for, was gone, my heart filled with pure dread. Pure dread. My sheltered housewife life had seemed immune to marital uncertainty and I, unfortunately, didn’t know how to pay anything other than a grocery bill. I had to figure out a way to make it on my own. Would I? Our son, whose life I had so desperately fought for, sided with his father during our acrimonious divorce, which caused me unimaginable hurt. So, in addition of trying to land on my feet, I constantly wondered if my son and I would ever find our way back to each other. Would we? The official website for Tracie Frank Mayer may be found at https://www.TracieMayer.com

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