Xs10magazine issue 7#

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NEGRO HISTORY WEEK (1926) The precursor to Black History Month was created in 1926 in the United States, when historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History announced the second week of February to be “Negro History Week.” This week was chosen because it marked the birthday of both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. From the event’s initial phase, primary emphasis was placed on encouraging the coordinated teaching of the history of American blacks in the nation’s public schools. The first Negro History Week was met with a lukewarm response, gaining the cooperation of the Departments of Education of the states of North Carolina, Delaware, and West Virginia as well as the city school administrations of Baltimore and Washington, D.C.. Despite this far from universal acceptance, the event was nevertheless regarded by Woodson as “one of the most fortunate steps ever taken by the Association,” and plans for a repeat of the event on an annual basis continued apace. At the time of Negro History Week’s launch Woodson contended that the teaching of black history was essential to ensure the physical and intellectual survival of the race within broader society: “If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated. The American Indian left no continuous record. He did not appreciate the value of tradition; and where is he today? The Hebrew keenly appreciated the value of tradition, as is attested by the Bible itself. In spite of worldwide persecution, therefore, he is a great factor in our civilization.” By 1929 The Journal of Negro History was able to note that with only two exceptions officials with the State Departments of Educations of “every state with considerable Negro population” had made the event known to that state’s teachers and distributed official literature associated with the event.” Churches also played a significant role in the distribution of literature in association with Negro History Week during this initial interval, with the pages of the mainstream and black press aiding in the publicity effort.

Negro History Week was met with enthusiastic response; it prompted the creation of black history clubs, an increase in interest among teachers, and interest from progressive whites. Negro History Week grew in popularity throughout the following decades, with mayors across the United States endorsing it as a holiday.

BLACK HISTORY MONTH (1976) The expansion of Black History Week to Black History Month was first proposed by the leaders of the Black United Students at Kent State University in February 1969. The first celebration of the Black History Month took place at Kent State one year later, in February 1970. In 1976 as part of the United States Bicentennial, the informal expansion of Negro History Week to Black History Month was officially recognized by the U.S. government. President Gerald Ford spoke in regards to this, urging Americans to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”

UNITED KINGDOM (1987) Black History Month was first celebrated in the United Kingdom in 1987. This establishment of Black History Month is generally attributed to the work of Ghanaian analyst Akyaaba Addai-Sebo, as well as the Greater London Council.

CANADA (1995) In 1995, after a motion by politician Jean Augustine, Canada’s House of Commons officially recognized February as Black History Month and honor Black Canadians . In 2008, Senator Donald Oliver moved to have the Senate officially recognize Black History Month, which was unanimously approved

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Today we had a chance to talk too Celebrity Chef Leroy about his style of cooking. HOW ARE YOU DOING? I’m doing fantastic. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to sit down with you today to discuss my style of cooking and how it’ is different from the traditional style of cooking. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN COOKING? When ask this question I usually ask officially or unofficially. Most people laugh and ask officially first… I officially started my culinary career at age 17; my first cooking job was at Harry’s Farmers Market working in the prepared foods department. I assisted the head chef with the Chef Showcase and hot food bar, and then I was trained on making pizza. My unofficial start was at the age of 7. I would assist my father who is also a chef in the family restaurant. At the age of 5 I already knew I wanted to be a Chef. DID YOU GO TO SCHOOL TO BECOME A CHEF? I did attend culinary arts school to further my knowledge. WERE DID YOU GO TO SCHOOL? I choose Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Tucker, Georgia. The Le Cordon Bleu Program is quite awesome. The amount of experience the instructors had when I attend was fascinating, I felt I was learning from some of the best professionals the industry had to offer at the time. I would recommend Le Cordon Bleu to anyone out there who is looking for a Grade A culinary school. WHO WAS THE FIRST CELEBRITY YOU COOK FOR? It’s hard to tell the first celebrity I’ve cook for as I’m one individual who doesn’t watch television much, I rather read. So I would cook for many individuals and not know who they where until afterwards. The one celebrity I did enjoy cooking for was Etan Thomas (former NBA Player) and his family. The Thomas’s are very down to earth people and easy to please, I also cook for Kat Williams and he is hilarious! HAVE YOU COOKED FOR ANY FOOD CRITICS YET? I have cooked for many food critics, some of them I didn’t know they where critics until after the meal. I enjoy being graded; it makes me an all around better person. Cooking is my passion; I enjoy seeing others enjoying my food. I believe food runs the world… You hardly see an event without some type of food. Food brings people together! IF YOU COULD HAVE YOUR OWN RESTAURANT WHAT WOULD IT BE? I actually teamed up with my parents in our family restaurant named Caribbean Flavors our slogan is “You’ve Tried the Rest now Come Try the Best” My father founded the restaurant in 1993. We had locations in Alabama, North Carolina, and Georgia. The restaurant is not currently open as we closed our last location in Lawrenceville in 2011 due to the property that was leased was foreclosed on so that was a valuable lesson learned in business. Be your own landlord, do not allow another person to control your destiny. We do have plans on re-opening the restaurant but finding a good location is the key. Many of our followers are patiently waiting and we will make their

wait worthwhile. We where #1 in Gwinnett County and # 3 in the State of Georgia for Caribbean food as our unique Virgin Islands style of cooking mesmerized our clients and left them wanting more. Since the restaurant closed, I have maintain our clientele via catering and we are working on getting us a food truck for 2014 since we are in such high demand to return. PEPSI OR COKE? To be completely honest, I’m not a soda drinker, but if I had to choose … Coke WITH A GOOD SALAD WHAT WOULD YOU COOK FOR A MAIN COURSE? If I’m having a traditional Caesar salad which I love.. I would make a Jerk Shrimp Alfredo. It’s a fusion of Caribbean and Italian that would leave your taste buds flustered and looking for more. The heat from the Jerk and the creamy consistency of the Alfredo blended together will knock your socks off… WHO INFLUENCED YOU TO GO INTO COOKING? Well my father is a Chef and since he owned restaurants, I wanted to continue our legacy. My mother is quite a good cook herself. I took a little of each of their styles and created my own. My father background is British and West Indian and My mother’s background is Hispanic, British, and West Indian so it gives me quite a cultural mix. THEY SAY ALL JAMAICANS COOK THE SAME? IS THAT TRUE? Well, all Jamaicans do cook similar, but I’m from the United States Virgin Islands so my style and Jamaicans style are different. All Caribbean Islands are not created equal when it comes to cooking and food. Everyone has their own style and niche that is different from one another. Jamaicans are famous for their Jerk, which is quite an art. Whereas, Trinidadians are good at creating curry dishes which I love their Roti dish as for me being from the Virgin Islands we make potato stuffing, and we also have a dish called fish and fungi, heaven on a plate if you ask me! WHAT IS YOUR SPECIALTY DISH TO MAKE? Over the past three years, I’ve created a dish I call Jerk Chicken Alfredo and I created the Jerk Shrimp Alfredo. I sell these dishes a lot in my catering. I just one day wanted Jerk and I wanted a creamy sauce with it which I chose Alfredo with linguine noodles and it was dynamic! WHAT TYPE OF SEA FOOD YOU LIKE COOKING? Being from the Caribbean I love experimenting with all types of seafood. My favorite fishes to cook and eat is Red Snapper and King Fish. WHAT MAKES A TRUE JAMAICAN MEAL? I’m not sure what make a Jamaican meal really true..I’ve ask some of my Jamaican friends and they say it’s the bold flavors of spices and you must have the Coco bread… Shout out to all my Jamaican buddies..Bless up! WHAT IS YOUR SIGNATURE DESERT?

Well, desert is not my strong point but I can make a few. I make a mean bread pudding and I can make all types of cheese cake. It’s actually my favorite dessert, so I learned how to make it great for me. I also enjoy making rum cake. I’m not the best,but it is enjoyable. Baking is an area I want to master more in my culinary career as I feel once I have it under my belt I can become a master chef. WHAT WOULD YOU TELL PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BE A CHEF LIKE YOU? For anyone who loves to cook and seeing people extremely happy after tasting a master piece you created. My best advice is to go to Culinary Art School and further your education. Make it a career and not just something you do. The income possibilities are endless as you see more and more Chefs are being recognized for their skills and talent. Who knows you could be the next Chef Ramsey, or Bobby Flay. I choose this career because I enjoy every minute of it. It does get stressful, and the amount of work you have to do is mind blowing but at the end of the day if 1,000 people tasted your masterpiece and enjoyed it the feeling you have is indescribable. You just have to go out there and do it. Stay humble and everyday work on self improvement. You have the capabilities of being the next best Chef! Also remember to have fun! AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SOCIAL SITES PEOPLE CAN REACH YOU AT? I am all over social media

My personal website: www.chefleroyinc.com You can follow my facebook pages: www.facebook.com/chefleroyinc (Chef Leroy Inc Business Page) www.facebook.com/chefleroywalwyn (Public Figure Page) www.facebook.com/chefleroyjr (Personal) You can follow me on Twitter: @Chefleroy You can follow me on Instagram: @Chefleroy

Tasia Sherel


HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY? Wonderful, I can’t complain....thanks for asking HOW DO YOU START YOUR DAY? I start my day with coffee and french vanilla cream AND CAN YOU TELL YOUR FANS YOUR NAME? My name is Tasia (pronounced Asia w/a T) Sherel AND WHAT WAS YOU DOING WHEN YOU FOUND OUT THAT YOU GOT THE PART AS CHILLI MOM? Sleeping. I received the great news EARLY via text from my agent in ATL on a Sunday morning WAS YOU READY FOR THE ROLE THEY GAVE YOU? Absolutely. I auditioned for both Chilli and T-Boz mother....BTW. WHAT WAS GOING THREW YOUR MIND? After I woke completely up I was like “WOW” this is gonna be cool....Thank you Jesus! WAS YOU NERVOUS? My only concern was how were they gonna “AGE” me to play a 19 year olds’ mother considering I look so young, lol....so I’m told HOW DID IT FEEL TOO PORTRAYS THE MOTHER OF A LEGEND SUCH AS CHILLI? It was an honor considering I grew up loving TLC. Unfortunately I never met Ms. Ava (Chilli’s Mom) but I hope I did her justice.

AND IF YOU COULD BE ANY SUPERHERO WHO WOULD U BE? Wonder Woman w/a Foxy Brown twist AND WHY? I grew up watching and wanting to see an African American version of Wonder Woman and I somewhat found that in Foxy Brown but w/o the lasso. Both characters were extremely Attractive, Intelligent, and Sassy with the ability to DEFEND themselves w/o breaking a sweat. That’s my kinda Chic! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? Cream WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? My Grandmothers’ Mac N’ Cheese COKE OR PEPSI? Pepsi....I’m drinking some now AND IF YOUR FANS WANT TO REACH YOU WERE CAN THEY GO? Tweet me @TasiaSherel THANK YOU FOR TAKEN TIME TOO DO THIS INTERVIEW WITH X10MAGAZINE. My pleasure


TELL THE READER WHAT IS YOUR NAME PLEASE? My name is Jonathan “Swole” Dumas HOW DID YOU GET THAT NICK NAME? My brother’s name was Big Swole as a producer so growing up they used to call me Lil Swole. After you grow up though, the lil part has to fade away. HOW OLD WAS YOU WHEN YOU GOT STARTED IN THE MUSIC BUSINESS? I honestly can say that I was born into it. When I was little I used to watch my father on the drums. I soon adapted his skills and began playing myself around the age of 4. I made my first track when I was around 8 or nine years old using a Roland 8 track sequencer and a four track tape recorder. My father was a pretty famous drummer. He played for a couple of greats such as James Brown, Otis Redding, and a couple of others. WHO WAS YOUR MENTOR? My older brother Jerod “Big Swole” Dumas was the one who practically taught me the ropes of becoming a professional musician and a more profound producer. He showed me how to make things mesh, and if i weren’t good enough, he would kick me off the instrument. THE LIST OF INSTRUMENTS SWOLE LEARNED TO PLAY ? I play drums, piano, organ, bass guitar, lead guitar, accoustic guitar, trumpet, sax, xylophones, vibes, percussion,and a couple of woodwind instruments. WHAT WAS YOU DOING IN 2000? Around that time I went on a tour with another talented artist by the name of Hannibal leq. We performed with a lot of acts such as 50 cent, Lil Mo, Bone Crusher, The Clipse, Three Six Mafia, and a couple others. We were working on our albums at the same time. It was a wonderful experience. Being around industry professionals

in that capacity definately opens your eyes. With the tour I got to work with The Lab Productions which at the time was a rising production company in Phoenix,Az which is where I was located at the time. I left home at an early age. PEPSI OR COKE Gotta say Pepsi because coke don’t have the stuff in it that it used too. Don’t have that same kick. But really I’m a Shasta pineapple-orange type of guy. MCDONALD OR BURGER KIND? Man! Have you seen what’s in the Mcdonalds chicken nuggets? I think I’ll go with the burger king situation. That’s not real meat at Mcdonalds. They put a chicken nugget under a microscope and it had all types of lint and everything else in it. I advise people to watch what they eat. It’s some crazy stuff we finding in our foods these days. NAME A FEW OF THE ARTIST YOU HAVE WORKED FOR IN THE PAST? I’ve worked with Soulja Boy, Fergie, Avant, V.I.C,Ying Yang Twins, Mike Jones, Lloyd, Young Berg, Sebastian Bach, Playboy’s Kendra, Shar Jackson, Apple Gabriel from Israel Vibrations, Bobby Valentino, Watch the Duck,Too Short, Rah Digga, and a couple of others. All are awesome to work with. HOW WAS IT TO WORK WITH MR COLLIPARK IN 2006 Working with Mr. Crooms was more than an experience. It taught me the music business in so many facets. It taught me how to simplify things and work with the minimal to make things big. I guess they say less is. THANK YOU FOR TAKEN TIME OUT YOUR BUSY DAY FOR THIS INTERVIEW? Imore. I got to travel and work hands on with a variety of artist. Now some of that experience wasn’t good, but it made me a smarter business

man. I think him for all experiences good and bad. HOW WAS IT TOO WORK WITH THE SEXY MODEL KENDRA? Kendra is a character. She has such a funny personality. She was a lot of fun. We actually had to develop her as a rapper. She was a very good listener. When you get in the studio, everyone thinks it’s an easy job just to make a record but they soon see that it’s way more technicalities to the process. Kurupt, Too Short, and Mc Lyte were vocal coaches for her. They made the process exciting and workable. Also MTV has an awesome crew. They are easy to work with. IF YOU WAS A SUPER HERO WHO WOULD YOU BE,AND WHY? I think I’m more of a villian. I’m the Joker. I live life with every bit of situational irony that comes my way and handle it with a laugh. I always get the last laugh too. MAY WE ASK WHAT LABEL YOU WAS AN A&R FOR? As a producer that placed records for so many labels, you start to feel like you’re sort of A&R for all of them when you give them a hit record. I worked with Warner. HOW WAS IT WORKING FOR THAT LABEL? A job in this industry is different from any job. I feel like keeping the consumer happy is always a high pressure situation. You deal with a lot of different personalities and moods on a daily basis. You have to make sure you always keep yourself grounded and focused. It was another experience that taught me a lot about how the real system works of releasing a project. It doesn’t just happen overnight. AND WHAT WERE YOUR DUTIES AS A A&R? My job was to practically make sure that hits were turned in the the guys further up the ladder.

WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO RELEASE YOUR DEBUT ALBUM ? I’m working on that as we speak. The single “Dream Girl” I’m releasing will be pushed first quarter. I’m expecting a release of the whole album no later than mid summer. The album really has a different feel to it. If you asked me what genre i would classify it as, i would say “genre”. It feels like it has elements of all music to me. I have also launched a new label called Bacyard Bang Inc. With my Co-CEO Freon Phelps. We are an independant which have picked up very talented artists. Some of the artists are Scatback Alabacon Booncoon Music Group, which consist of myself and Freon Phelps. Nicole Krinsky, our 18 year old pop/country sensation. Hannibal Leq has had numerous placements on MTV. Cekita Janee, a soulful talented singer. Richie No Doze has a very unique style. Vai, my nephew has an extensive catalog. Expect to hear alot from my production and the projects that I am releasing. AND WHAT WILL THE NAME OF THIS ALBUM BE? My first album is self titled Jonathan “Gift of God” IF YOU COULD PIC ANY ARTIST TO WORK WITH WHO WOULD IT BE? There are a lot of talented artist out there but I wish I could’ve worked with Michael Jackson. AND WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE DIRECTION THE MUSIC INDUSTRY IS GOING TODAY 2000 TO NOW? The evolution of the music industry has definately took a turn. No one is selling physical copies of their album anymore. If you have no sense of the digital world, you will fail. There are so many outlets to broadcast and sell your music on the internet and at the same time, create a humongous fanbase. Whereas, in the past the motivation would be to sell your album out of the trunk of your car, no you could sell 10k records a day from a popular tweet. It is a good

thing though because it gives the artist a little more control over their career. AND IF YOU COULD CHANGE ANY THING IN THE MUSIC BUSINESS WHAT WOULD IT BE AND WHY? I wish that I could change the subject of what people talk about on their records. I’m getting bored of everyone talking about all the garbage that makes no difference. It’s definately not empowering our kids with some of the messages. Some of the records that’s out right now, I can’t even understand what they are saying. It’s rediculous. If you like my records or want to just hit me up you can go to www.mtv.com/artists/jonathanthegift . My twitter pages are @officialswole and @jonathanthegift. Don’t forget to check out me and Freon Phelps with Scatback @darealscatback . If you are trying to hit me up for business, feel free to email me atswoleproductions@gmail.com AND WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TOO THE NEW PRODUCER COMING UP BEHIND YOU? Make sure that you have an individual sound. Don’t do what everyone else is doing, that’s their thing. Find your own niche and individuality and go for the gusto with that. Make sure you have a decent lawyer when stepping into situations because you will get raped out here. The game is full of sharks and just because you think it may sound good, it doesn’t. Get outside opinions from other people besides your family and friends. Real feedback is the best feedback. That’s your consumers. Keep your head up and don’t stop working hard. WHAT KIND OF MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO IN THE CAR AND AT HOME? I’m a real eclectic type of person. You might catch me listening to Jazz, Country, Rock, Classical, or Pop. I try to stay away from the “mainstream” and stay closer to the “soul” of the music. Music really is a circle like ev erything in life. All phases eventually repeat themselves.

WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE ARTIST RIGHT NOW? Scatback Alabacon Booncoon Music Group and Stevie Wonder WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON THE VIOLENCE THAT HAPPENS IN THE HIP HOP COMMUNITY? -Like I said earlier. If we are feeding our youths poison, we can’t expect anything besides someone to get sick. Think about it. A one week old baby will bob his/her head to music when it comes on. That tells you that music has it’s own influence in everyone’s life. You may hear someone say they don’t like hip hop music or country music, but they will never say they don’t like music. Millions of people listen to songs about poppin’ bottles when they can’t even afford one. Most people are in poverty but they selling this whole dream of look, I’m a star you should be like me. It’s rubbish... I think that we need to be mindful of the message we are broadcasting and then things will change. It starts with us. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT DOE B DEATH? -It’s always bad to see a talented person fall. You really got to watch people. It’s some real snakes out here man. I thinks it’s rediculous that even the fool that shot the man didn’t even have the damn common sense not to do it in front of everyone. I don’t know. Two live’s got thrown away that time. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE RAPPER LIL BOOSIE STYLE OF MUSIC? Boosie is a legend in his own right. He did his thing for where he was from. Everyone has their sound. He came out with some pretty relevent records that kept your head bouncin’.



HOW DID YOU GET STARTED IN TO ACTING? I majored in theater in college at SMU and University of mizzou. My last year in college I told my friends that I was going to LA and hang out with Stallone “nem” and the next time they see me I was going to be on tv. So when I left college and when I got to LA the first movie I did was with Stallone and the next time I seen my friends I was on Martin. Go figure! TELL OUR READER YOUR NAME PLEASE My name is Reginald Ballard AKA Bruh Man! LOL HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN ACTING? I’ve been acting since 1989 and I’ve been on so many TV shows and movies,but people seem to know me from Martin only. LOL I’ve only done 12 episodes of Martin,but I’ve done 4 years on the Bernie Mac show. HOW DID YOU GET THE NAME BROTHER MAN? The name Brother Man was created by Bennie Richberg, He had to turn in the script for the Martin show the next morning and he couldn’t think of the name of the character so he just called it brother man and he said he was going to figure out the name later, so when I came in the audition I said “ What’s up my name is Bruh Man from the fif flo” and they loved it and the rest is history. WHAT PROJECTS YOU ARE CURRENTLY WORKING ON? Well I fished a movie called Kony Montana. A spoof of Scarface, and I did an episode of Ant Farm for Disney. But Im on the road about 38 weeks a year doing standup Which project is going to release first in the coming days? Kony Montana, Ant Farm already aired. IF I GAVE YOU AN ELEPHANT WHERE WOULD YOU HIDE IT? It depends on how big it is! Lol WHAT WERE YOUR DREAMS OF FUTURE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? I knew I wanted to be an actor when I was in the fourth grade.When I was in college at Southern Methodist University and we had to go see a WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR FREE TIME? I love Golfing with my buddies and going to the movies. WHAT TV SHOWS DO YOU LIKE? I still love Sanford and Son, Martin and the Bernie Mac show, and I love older stuff likeTwilight Zone.≠

WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR SELF IN “5,10” YEARS? Here still grinding ISN’T IT HARD TO STAY FIT? HOW DO YOU MANAGE THAT?! Yes in deed. It is very hard to stay in shape, and this year I promise to do a better Job, right after this last snickers cheesecake.Lol AWHAT DO YOU SAY TO YOUR FANS?! I love my fans, and whenever I’m on the road I always stop and take a moment out of my day to talk and take pictures with them, cuz Its still hard for me to believe that they find my interesting! Lol DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES? I collect Blaxploitation movies, I love them and I grew up on them, and I love Bruce Lee, If It wasn’t for Return of the Dragon I probably wouldn’t be doing what Im doing now, So i have always collected Bruce Lee Stuff. WHAT WOULD YOU BE IF YOU WERE NOT FAMOUS ? I probably would have played in the NFL. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF TODAYS’ TRENDS Its so hard to keep up with today’s trends, just last night my daughter had to correct me on the term “turnt up” because I used it wrong, so I didn’t want to be wrong so we debated that stupid phrase for 15 mins. Lol FUTURE PLANS? To produce my one man show. TELL US MORE ABOUT YOUR TYPICAL DAY. well my day usually start out by watching First Take on ESPN with Steven A Smith and Skip, Then I may go golf come back home cook for the fam.( oh yea I cook) and just chill with the family. IF YOU COULD MEET ANYONE IN THE WORLD DEAD OR ALIVE WHO WOULD IT BE AND WHAT WOULD SAY TO THEM? definitely Bruce Lee. and I would just ask him about Jeet Kun Do IF YOU WERE A BISCUIT, WHICH WOULD YOU BE? I would be a country flakey buttered biscuit with a splash of honey. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE WAY KENYA WEST HAS BEEN ACTING OUT? I think he is a marketing giant, He knows How to keep his brand fresh and always on the lips and minds of the power that be, Look we are talking about him now right? WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE WAY MUSIC INDUSTRY IS GOING? The music indy is going backwards to me, but Im bias to this topic because I love real jazz, My son is a Jazz pianist and I influenced him on real Jazz, So to me Im not really into what the mainstrea play so I should not comment on it, However I do enjoy some of the Kats out there in the hip hop world. I took my daughter to see a Chris Brown concert and I must say I was very impressed by the way that dude

perform. Wow. I like Eminem, Snoop, Rakim, Tribe called Quest, Janet, Kem, But give me Barry White, Isaac Hayes and Curtis Mayfield and that is all I need to go with Miles, Monk and all the old school Jazz Kats. AND WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE ARTIST IN RAP,BLUES,COUNTRY,RNB? Rap is Rakim, Eminem, Snoop, Tribe, Cube old, stuff, Blues would be Johnny Taylor, Joe Simon. R&B would be Kem, Janet, Badu, Barry White Curtis Mayfield and Isaac Hayes. And I like the neo soul group like Floetry , Music, Jill. WHAT THE LONGEST YOU’VE GONE WITHOUT A SHOWER IS? 4 days Lol WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR OF SOCKS TO WEAR? Black baby. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT THREE ITEMS WOULD YOU TAKE WITH YOU? Ok now this my fantasy so let me go where I want. I would take Pam Grier, Tamara Dobson and Sheila Frazier all from their 70s days. LOL, So I wouldn’t need any “ Items” IF YOU WERE AN ANIMAL, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? A bald eagle because they don’t get Effed with and they are protected DO YOU PREFER COCA COLA OR PEPSI? Pepsi of course. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR OF SOCKS TO WEAR? Black baby. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT THREE ITEMS WOULD YOU TAKE WITH YOU? Ok now this my fantasy so let me go where I want. I would take Pam Grier, Tamara Dobson and Sheila Frazier all from their 70s days. LOL, So I wouldn’t need any “ Items” IF YOU WERE AN ANIMAL, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? A bald eagle because they don’t get Effed with and they are protected DO YOU PREFER COCA COLA OR PEPSI? Pepsi of course.

Iam the


Disappointments are Temporary, but Dreams Live Forever�, The Motto of a Georgia Teen who Advocates for his Generation. Activist, Actor and Entrepreneur, Dwayne Mitchell II


WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR ADOLESCENCE AS YOU ARE WORKING ON BIG PROJECTS FOR THE FUTURE? What I really enjoy about my adolescence is how I can live the best of both worlds. Meaning that I have the opportunity to obtain great experiences with some of the greatest people who share the same talents as I do, while being able to stay in public school, and living as a regular teenager as well. As I work on many of the great projects for the future I often feel accomplished that I am fortunate to be the age I am, and still be able to take an active role in projects that unfold for the future. DESCRIBE LIFE IN LAWRENCEVILLE, GA? Life in Lawrenceville, Ga is very community based which I love very much. I say this, because I have the honor to have a personal connection to the mayor of Lawrenceville Ms. Judy Johnson, whom is very connected to the city of Lawrenceville. The people here are friendly and kind. We have many attractions that include the Down town Lawrenceville area, and things to get residents involved like The Aurora Theatre and The Flea Market held every Saturday; not to mention the great shops and historical sites such as the court house which was built in 1824. I am involved in many community activities and outreach programs. I have been honored in leadership to be a mentor to various elementary, middle and high schools in the county by becoming the director of theater for many of their programs and the voice of youth advocacy. WHAT WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE LIKE PLAYING THE ROLE OF NORMAN IN “CHRONICLES OF JANE”? Well first off the play “Chronicles of Jane” was what you call a one act theatrical play, because it is only one act, where we competed at the One Act Competition in Gwinnett County. This play was basically a story within a story, which revolved around the character Jane who tells the story of her research paper that was due the next day, that she had not done. My character Norman was “Jane” in the story within the story. This play, allowed me to win the title of “Best Supporting Actor” out of 9 schools. WHAT ABOUT TONY IN THE REMAKE OF “WEST SIDE STORY”? First I just want to say how much of an honor it was to even set my hand on the script of “West Side Story”! This AMAZING musical is by far is my favorite to have acted in. Being able to be an African American “Tony” made an even more impact on my life as such a huge accomplishment; although this play did have its challenging moments due to time period of the play, which was set in the 1950’s and 60’s, it made me strive to (in my words) “Kill it”! It was such a surreal moment to have a packed house at every show and to receive a standing ovation was mind boggling. I feel very blessed and know that there is so much more in store for me. I am looking forward to the day I make it ON BROADWAY! I WISH I WAS YOUR AGE AGAIN. HOW DO YOU MANAGE ALL THAT YOU HAVE ON YOUR PLATE AT THAT YOUNG OF AN AGE? Honestly by the Grace of God, and with the help of all of the great people in my life. I have such a great family, and that also includes all of my Lawrenceville family, especially the ones who support me in everything that I do. I feel that with a great support system, I have the ability to do anything. God doesn’t make mistakes so I believe anyone that I meet is for a reason to help me go to the next step in my life. FAVORITE MUSIC TO LISTEN TO? I honestly love all genres of music, but I have to say that I really do favor pop, rock, neo soul and R & B.

FAVORITE MOVIE? Because I am so musically inclined I love any movie that is a musical lol. I would have to say the one right now is “Joyful noise”. FAVORITE DISH? Parmesan Shrimp Alfredo Pasta and SWEET POTATOE PIE!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaas! ANY HOBBIES ASIDE FROM YOUR SCHOOLING AND PROFESSIONAL ENDEAVORS? Beside my school and work related activities, I love to give to my community by volunteering for many things like Relay for Life and work at the community theatre, The Aurora Theatre. I am a choreographer, singer, aerialist and circus actor with the Imperial OPA Circus (who knew?) WHAT‘S YOUR OPINION OF THE TRAYVON MARTIN INCIDENT AND VERDICT? The upsetting case of Trayvon Martin has sparked a huge uproar to teens in society as well as me. As a teen I can relate to him; especially one’s of African American decent who face profiling daily, whether it be racial or not. I am personally upset about the case not only because he was an African American teen who was wrongly accused and profiled as a disruptive teen, but by the simple fact that justice was not served from taking a child’s life, not considering what goals Trayvon may have set for himself. HOW DIFFICULT IS IT FOR YOU AS A YOUNG MAN TO MAINTAIN A POSITIVE ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE JUSTICE SYSTEM WHEN WE HEAR VERDICTS LIKE THE NOT-GUILTY VERDICT FOR MR. ZIMMERMAN? Verdicts such as the Trayvon Martin case makes me view the country where we reside in many ways. The Trayvon Martin case not only affected me politically, but also personally. Politically I am upset, because of the court’s decision stating

Mr. Zimmerman was Not- Guilty. Although he pleaded self-defense, it sends a bad message to America. He Abused OUR (every American citizen) 14th Amendment, which clearly states “…Nor any state shall deprive LIFE, LIBERTY, or PROPERTY. It makes it very difficult for ANY teenager to maintain a positive attitude, because we are our nations’ future, but not if we are constantly profiled in bad ways. WHAT DO YOU FEEL IS THE ROOT OF ALL THE VIOLENCE IN SOCIETY? I feel the root of all the violence is because some people are not willing to change. My opinion is that people are “rebelling” against the idea of change, because they are so use to tradition but the thing about tradition is that it doesn’t hurt to add on to it. HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN TANGIBLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE WITHOUT BECOMING A POLITICIAN? I feel I can make a difference through my talents. What I mean by that is that I feel I can speak through my works such as people like Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey who send messages through their work. I think its important to support local community organizations that work with kids. I am the Atlanta Youth Director for the SAVE Organization and their Save A Child Month Campaign which is a national movement to recognize January as the month to honor, and acknowledge youth for our accomplishments and provide strategies to prevent many of us from joining gangs or going to prison. WHO ARE SOME OF YOUR PERSONAL ASPIRATIONS YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE CREDIT TO? First and foremost, my mother and “momager” Janceata Rogers for paving the way as a single mother to selflessly make sure my siblings and I have everything we need. I honor and cherish her to the fullest! And my “grandmima” (grandmother),

who has always prayed for and with me, my Godmother, Tenisia who has been that anchor for me. She fusses me out all the time but keeps me on the straight and narrow! My brothers Devon and Justin for looking out for me and having that patience and understanding in knowing I am often consumed with many activities and still tolerate me. And my only sister, Chandler, who allows me to get on her nerves everyday and still love me! I would like to thank my publicist, LynK for EVERYTHING and give credit to all of those who are making a change and difference in today’s society, like my personal inspiration Usher’s “New Look” Foundation and “Wade’s World” Foundation who both give back to the community, by providing educational, health, and family programs and Cedric Dean, the founder of SAVE for advocating for at risk youth while himself a reformed Federal prisoner. Describe you non- profit organization The “Teens can Dream “organization that I have been blessed with, allows me to reach out to other teens who may face many of the issues in society that lead to Mr. Martin’s death. This organization lets teens know that we can and will prove society wrong by creating a new perspective of teens, that WE have dreams. By creating “Teens can Dream” I plan to be that voice for teenagers all over the world who want to stand up for what we believe. This organization will also help those who have dreams but cannot pursue them due to economical issues. I refuse to wait until another child’s life is taken due to what society “thinks” we are doing, because if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. Our first project for Teens Can Dream will start in my H.S., Central Gwinnett. We are holding a contest for the best design for the Teens Can Dream logo. By opening it up to the school community it will give the students an opportunity to showcase their talent and have something they designed and envisioned be an important part of the organization. It could be the first item in their future design portfolio, when or lose.

WHY DO YOU REFER TO YOURSELF AS AN “ACTIVIST” AND WHAT IS THE TOUGHEST OBSTACLE YOU FACE IN MAKING A CHANGE IN YOUR COMMUNITY AND THOSE ABROAD? The definition of an activist is someone who advocates for something they believe in strongly, and that is exactly why I call myself an activist. WOULD YOU EVER CONSIDER FORMING A COMMITTEE TO WORK ON APPEALS IN EFFORTS TO FREE POLITICAL PRISONERS, OR WRONGLY ACCUSED PRISONERS? I would most definitely do that, because you have people who are sometimes looked at differently because they are racially profiled. For example, WHAT DO YOU THINK THE OUTCOME WOULD HAVE BEEN IF ZIMMERMAN WAS BLACK, AND TRAYVON WERE WHITE? Zimmerman would have been roosters and put behind bars. DESCRIBE YOURSELF WITH FOUR ADJECTIVES. Bold, Outspoken, Blessed Loving Dwayne Mitchell, II is a H.S. Senior, youth activist, actor, entrepreneur and the co-founder of Teens Can Dream, Inc. He will be a contributing writer for XS10Magazine covering issues, events and happenings important to teenagers.

Lyn K., Publicist Lynk Public Relations lynkpr@gmail.com

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WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Robert Cstyles Jackson WHAT DIVISION DO YOU WORK FOR WITH COKE BOY SOUTH? I worked for Cokeboys South as Senior Marketing Director and A&R WHAT IS THE JOB OF AN A&R? My job title consist of online promotions thru flyers. Word of mouth ..email blast . Text blast. Promotions on Facebook. Twitter. Instragram HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE FOUND A GOOD ARTIST TO GET SIGNED? I sign Talent to the label that have a Buzz on a underground circuit or Mainstream. When the artists have a lot of numbers online or the radio and is ready to work on shows. Features . Mixtape. WHO ARE COKE BOY SOUTH ? Coke boys South is Own by Boo Citi and President Ed Rice. Vp Tee n Earl. Coke boys South Djs Are Dj Action.Dj Rell. Int wig. Tru Image. Dj ahmead. Na nillz. Dj shyshy. Junie the Beast. Dj Xl. ... HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WORKING FOR THEM? .I join Last March of 2013 AS A A&R WHATS DOES IT TAKE TO BE SIGNED TOO A MAJOR LABEL SUCH AS COKE BOYS SOUTH? To get sign to the label u have to have a buzz. Be marketable HOW DID THEY COME ABOUT? WHO STARTED IT ALL? French Montana Artist n Hypeman Boo Citi started the South Region to expand the Brand.. HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN A ACTIVE LABEL? The label been active for two years. HOW MANY ARTIST SIGNED TO THE LABEL? The label artists are Bugzie The Don.keepa.Dee-I and Pistol pone NAME SOME OF THE ARTIST ON THE LABEL. Keepa, Boociti and Lil Duke ARE THERE ANY WOMAN ON THE LABEL? AND IF SO WHO ARE THEY? Coke boys South 1st lady is Keepa The Street sweeper a lyrical Genius. DO THE LABEL HAVE A WEBSITE,FACEBOOK,TWITTER,INSTAGRAM PAGE FOR THERE FANS Www.cokeboyssouth.com Do you have a social media page if artist want to reach you? Www.Facebook. com/cstylescokeboyssouth Ig Robert Jackson Cokeboys


HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY? Im great how about yourself? Complaining never did any good! No one wants to hear that anyway! Lol WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Mario Tory from Chattanooga, Tn. by way of Atlanta, Ga.and no im not kin to Joe & Guy Torry. they spell their name different anyway. I get that allot are you kin to the Torrys. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A COMIC? I’ve been blessed to do comedy 6yrs now and working full time as a comic maybe 3 yrs!! It’s been a blessing being able to do what I love because some people have jobs they hate. I love my occupation as an entertainer; it gives me a chance to be me, plus I can drink on the job!! lol WHO IS YOUR MENTOR? Well I think all comics are my mentor because you learn so much from every area of comedy. Black comics, White comics, Hispanic, blue collar, urban, clean, raw,

comedic actors and pretty much anyone who is in the comedy field has had an impact on my life and career as a comic. I love to laugh so life itself has played as a mentor role in my career. WHAT MADE YOU GET IN TO BEING A COMEDIAN? A. Well I think my ability to speak in front of crowds and my voice. People say I have a distinctive voice so it played a major role in my performances as a comic. I believe the realest things are funny. Real life situations made me do what I do today. Naw really I couldn’t find any job so, I decided to tell you guys my problems on stage for money. that’s the real reason. HAVE YOU HAD TO DEAL WITH A ROUGH CROWD? A. Yes. Every comic has!!! You just have to realize that one bad show or rowdy crowd won’t kill your career. Just fight thru and work the next show. Rough crowds make tougher comics.... that’s the truth!! AS A COMIC HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT COMIC FROM BACK THEN TO NOW? Nothing has changed except we have the Internet now. Some people are becoming funny and comics off of YouTube and Instagram. See back in the day comics had stages and venues, the grind was real then. It seems that some people become factors that come to play when we compare old school to new school. IF YOU WAS A SUPER HERO WHO WOULD YOU BE? Batman!! because he stays up late at night, he’s a millionaire, he can fight, fly, has numerous amounts of gadgets, a car, a boat, plane, submarine and a sidekick and all he wears is black and his vehicles are black!! It’s black history month baby!!! lol COKE OR PEPSI? Neither!!!! Water or PowerAde. that S@#% will

kill you. Unless you putting it in a long island then I will mess with it SPONGEBOB OR SMURF? Smurfs because they live on land. You black people don’t mess with water like that, I can swim just don’t wanna live in it. Plus the Smurfs had Smurfette. If I had to be blue at least let me be around one sexy Smurf. Bikini bottom is the only place that has Bikini in it and no women!!!! Shameful. Give me the blue pill, imam a smurf. WHAT IS YOUR BEST JOKE? A. To be honest I don’t have one!! I make all my jokes with intention to be the best not the worst. So all of jokes are the truth and I can’t speak for no one else but I’m pretty funny for a young man. IF YOU FANS WANT TO REACH WERE CAN THEY GO? They can reach me on FaceBook/twitter/Instagram all under the same name MarioTory. For booking info email mariotory28@yahoo.com WHAT ADVICE WILL YOU GIVE TO OTHER COMIC COMING UP BEHIND YOU? A. Stay on stage, number one. Also believe, have faith and keep moving everything will fall into place. Have something to gain and a lot to lose. Don’t do it for the money do it for the passion of the gift and use it to entertain others. IS BEING A COMIC AS EASY AS YOU MAKE IT LOOK? No it’s not. It’s one of the hardest jobs I have had. Controlling a crowd is not easy and being funny is a task all of its own. So nothing is easy, it’s a job of repetition. The only way you can get better is to stay focused and move. 10x. Thank you for taking time out your day to speak with us? Mario. Thanks for having me I appreciate it!! Be blessed!

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