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Taking the Right Foot Forward

Who and/or what inspired you to pursue an acting career?


I started acting at the age of eight years old. I took acting classes to see if I would like it and I enjoyed it. I said I can do this and went for it. I thought it would be really cool to see myself on tv one day. I really got into it and was inspired when my family saw the potential I had to succeed in this industry. My acting coach would always say to my mom after class, this guy is going to be something.

Now, I see going forward four years later GOD continues to bless my career every year to a different and higher level. I have been able to see myself on many tv shows, commercials, documentaries and movies and I know that is because my mother did not allow us to turn down anything but our collars. God has truly blessed me within a short period of time the opportunity to work on some amazing projects and with amazing productions, cast and crew members. I love the path GOD is leading my career to. No limits.

Do you have a favorite aspect of the various disciplines of acting? If so, what is that and why?

My favorite aspect of the various disciplines of acting is preparing to become the character for the role you are betraying because it helps me to have to come out of my comfort zone sometimes which helps to build me for new roles. Another favorite aspect for me is improving because it allows me to speak freely whatever comes to mind but at the same time it needs to flow and make sense with the storyline you are trying to display which helps to keep your brain sharp and on your toes.

You have already played many roles throughout your acting career, which one(s) were the most fun for you and why?

I would say the most fun role was the Sammy’s fish box commercial because everybody there was so nice, the set was super organized, the food at Sammy’s was delicious and it was a Christmas commercial which is one of my favorite holidays. Other fun roles for me was the Good Morning America commercial because the staff and crew was super nice, professional and that was also relating to Christmas. The Bic commercial which the staff and crew made it fun and was professional, plus we received a lot of Bic supplies and it educated us on what teachers sometimes have to experience when teaching us which was not easy. My most recent role I really enjoyed was the documentary for Mr. Kai Green which is a professional body builder for those who do not know of him. I really enjoyed working with the cast and crew because they were very professional and have very loving spirits. I really loved and enjoyed the loving knowledge, generosity and support Mr. Green and Miss Pauline poured into me. I am forever grateful for that and thank GOD for placing them in our lives.

What is the best piece of advice you have received on set and from whom?

Best advice I’ve ever had was from my mom, because my mom always told me, when people see you I want them to see GOD through you to know where your blessings come from. She also says, ”It might take a thousand no’s to get that 1 big yes.”. She always says to me stay focused and remain professional at all times because you never know who is watching. Another piece of advice she gives me is what we put in is what we will get out of it so we are not waiting for anything, we have to go and get it. Her favorite advice is, work hard now so I can play harder later.

You recently played a role in the Reebok CROSSED UP, Heart Over Hype commercial with Josh Richardson. What was your reaction when you first saw your promotional picture hanging in Foot Locker?

I was excited and overjoyed because whenever I got sneakers from Foot Locker I would always see pictures of other people hung up, and say to myself I would love to walk in Foot Locker one day and see a picture of myself and look what GOD did, he allowed it to happen for me. It was at that moment I felt blessed and highly favored. The staff showed so much love which made it even more special for me. They asked me to autograph my name on the picture which I did. They were even shocked because they said “we thought people in these photos are in California” and my mom said “nope we are right here in our community representing”.

How did you feel when you saw that same Reebok promotion playing on the Big Screen in Times Square?

I was super excited because it happened unexpectedly. Even the person who hired me for the job had no idea that Footlocker was going to release it on Times Square. I felt like that was a big opportunity for me, And I always say, It feels good to do acting, but it’s gonna feel even better when you see your work come to life. My mom said we have to go to NY just to see it for ourselves. It was then when it really hit me, standing under the monitor with myself flashing on it that I realized what my mother says all the time is true. What we put in is what we will get out of it and hard work pays off. I thank GOD so much for his blessings.

What are the positive affects, if any, has the current situation with the global COVID-19 pandemic had on you as an actor?

The only positive affects the COVID-19 pandemic has had on me as an actor is, that it is allowing me to sharpen my skills and keeping my profiles updated to continue to be successful in the entertainment industry.

Do you have a producer, director, or actor/actress that you would really love to work with? If so, who and why?

I would really love to work with Denzel Washington, because when I am on set sometimes, they call me little Denzel, and I know if we did something together, It would be a great film. My mother and brother often listen to some of his motivational speeches which continues to inspire me. The most inspiring speech for me is when he spoke at the awards and said, without commitment you will never start and without consistency you will never finish, it’s not easy, if it were easy there would be no Denzel Washington or little Denzel (lol), fall down 7 times and get up 8. My favorite words are when he said “ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship”. It all makes sense because it lines up with the quotes my mother always instills in me.

You were most recently nominated for Best Actor in a Short Film Role at the 41st Annual Young Artists Academy Awards and YOU WON. First of all, we would like to offer our sincerest Congratulations and second, how does that make you feel or has it had time to really “sink in” yet?

Thank You! It didn’t really sink it yet for me, but the future awaits! I know as I grow in this business I will realize how huge this is. I know it is huge, it just has not sunk in yet like it should, but it will.

How do you think winning this Best Actor Award will impact your future in the acting business?

I feel like sooner or later, this is gonna have a big impact on my life, and change everything. I do realize this is where stars are made. Actors and actresses such as: Leonardo Dicaprio, Regina King, Scarlett Johansson just to name a few, began here. This will open up many opportunities and doors for me. The Young Artists Awards are the Mini Oscars which is huge. My mother says this speaks volume and carries a lot of weight and we thank GOD for the blessing.

What words of encouragement would you offer a young person who is considering becoming an actor or actress?

Don’t be scared to fail. It’s ok to fail because you learn from your mistakes and get better! Stay constant, Keep striving, grinding, and hustling. and always stay moving! When starting out, don’t turn down anything but your collar. This is the rule my mother stood by starting out because it is about branding and getting your name out there. She always says it is not about the money because the money will come and we will never sell our souls. Impossible is I’m possible!!!!

What quality would you most like to be “know for” and “remembered by” in the field of acting?

The 3 qualities I would like to be known for are: personality, character, and confidence. I believe I am being recognized for those qualities already because directors have said they see those qualities right through the photos when submitting for roles.

What do you like to do for fun in your spare time?

I like going outside, socializing with friends, playing sports, video games, spending time with family, learning how to cook, and traveling.

Where can our readers find you on Social Media and other Digital Platforms?

You can find me on Instagram and Twitter; @therealta j1 and LinkedIn: ta’j-boyd-blain-906398193

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