XS10 Magazine - Feb 2021

Page 43

Do you feel that it has impacted the way you look at things now? Yes, I feel like I really appreciate the small things so much more now. I didn’t realize how easy it use to be to go for a quick trip to the store. Everyone has been forced to really slow down and think about things. What’s your biggest pet peeve? Hmmmm...I don’t think I have one. I don’t let things bother me or take too many things personal. My Mom says I just let things role off. It’s just an easy way to live I guess. I would say that one thing that bothers me is when someone intentionally hurts another person. That makes me sad. What’s your annoying habit? I have a habit of ta king pictures of EVERYTHING! Just in-case I want to draw it or remember it later. I don’t think it’s annoying because I just like to remember things that I see. It was a habit that I have though. Who is your inspiration? I’m inspired by people. I see a lot of different people and it might sound weird but I want to make them all smile. I believe that there is good in almost EVERYONE. I also want other kids to believe that they are special. If I can help one kid believe that they are special through reading one of my books or looking at my story, I feel like that’s the biggest inspiration to me. Do you speak any other languages? Currently, I don’t speak any other languages but I really want to learn how to speak Swahili, Japanese, and Spanish.

I wasn’t and actress I wouldn’t be doing auditions or filming BUT when I am on set I still have to do school hours so when it comes to school...that would pretty much be the same. I always wanted to write books of my own so I’m pretty sure that would be the same too. :) Who is the messiest person you know? I don’t think that I know anyone that is messy. Everyone that I know is pretty clean well...except for my dog. She’s pretty mess. I try to train her but that girl just doesn’t listen! It’s kind of like she’s is her happiest when her area is messy. LOL What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week? Unfortunately, I have been reading and seeing a lot of things related to the election and the government. There have been a lot of things happening that I don’t understand and that scare me a lot. My Mom tries to keep me from seeing too much of it, but she also knows that whats happening is a great way for us to talk about issues and situations that go on in our country. What is one message you would give to your fans? Well, I don’t really think of myself as having “fans” but I have AMAZING supporters. I hope that they all follow their dreams, no matter how big they are. Sometimes some of the hardest goals to achieve have the biggest rewards. You just have to believe in yourself. Do you have a website or a imdb? Yes, I have both. Well...I have a website where my book can be ordered through and it is: http://www. kickingitwithkenzie.com and my IMDb link is: https:// www.imdb.com/name/nm8645912/

Do you speak any other languages? Currently, I don’t speak any other languages but I really want to learn how to speak Swahili, Japanese, and Spanish. Where would you like to visit? As long as I can remember I really wanted to visit Paris. As the years went on I really started wanting to add a visit to parts of Africa. My plan is to do maybe an DNA ancestry type of thing and go to area or areas in Africa that my ancestors came from. If you weren’t famous, what would you be up to right now? Hmmmm...well...I don’t really think of myself as famous. I’m just a regular kid that has had some super cool and fun opportunities. I think if I wasn’t an actress and author I would be doing a lot of the same stuff that I am doing right now. I like doing the same stuff that every kid does. I play Roblox and Pokemon whenever I can. During the day I ride my bike outside or play with dolls and I LOVE art and science. If


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