international Permaculture Conference Jordan 2011

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Presenation for PDC Year training at Eetbaar park, The Hague: http://www.eetbaar By: Xavier San Giorgi



Programma Thema water Against the odds (elegantie)

Urban water harvesting (gemeenschap)

Greening the desert (pionier & beheer)

Permaculture organisatie & Discussie Permaculture organisatie & Discussie (Intern / extern)

Open sessie Toekomstige conferenties

JORDANIE Populatie


Vluchtelingen uit: Irak, Palestina, Afganistan, S Somalie li en andere landen d l d



Jordanie 1900 – 450.000 1935 – 900.000 1967 – 2.000.000 1992 – 4.000.000 2010 – 6.600.000

Israel Saudi Arabia Jordan

Amman 1924 – 2000 1945 – 50.000 2010 – 2.800.000

Ecologische corridor Europa Rusland (Z W Azië) Midden Oosten Afrika Af ik



Dode zee Dode zee Laagste punt op aarde 33.7% Zout concentratie 1970 – 395M beneden zee niveau 2006 – 418M beneden zee niveau = 23m daling Heden 1M daling per jaar Pijpleiding vanuit rode zee

Aquifer ontginning 1970 – Arab oil export embargo

Graan productie: Saudi Arabia 1970 – Zelfvoorzienend 1970 Z lf i d 2008 – Aquifer uitgeput 2007 – 2010 2/3 productie verlies 2012 – laatste oogst Heden – Landgrabbing in o.a. Ethiopië en Sudan

Yemen 2001 – Piek 2001 2010 – 1/5 productie verlies

Irak 2002 – piek 2010 – 1/4 productie verlies

Jordanie 1970 – 10% graan import 2010 – 90% graan import 2010 90% graan import

Center Pivot irrigation, Ma’an, Jordan



16 Sept

Conference Gala Opening Dinner Amman

17 Sept 17 Sept

Conference Day Conference Day Amman Princess Basma bint Ali of Jordan Opening sprekers o.a. Bill Molison

19 22 Sept

Convergence (PDC) Wadi Rum 3 dagen lezingen 1 dag open sessie Tours

23 Sept 24 Sept 24 26 Sept 26 Sept – 2 Oct

Petra Greening the desert Palestina Israel

Conference day Amman Conference day

Convergence – Wadi Rum Wadi Rum

Understanding water – Terra Preta – Functional sustainable kitchens – Micro organisms – Seed saving – story of primary water – Biological agriculture – social permaculture Biochar stoves – Water sytems function & Dynamics in Landscape – Grey water in Jordan

Open session Open session Compassion in Permaculture Pattern understanding A New Economic A New Economic Paradigm to fund Permaculture Projects Permaculture at Universities The Cross fertilization of International The Cross fertilization of International Aid and Permaculture Practical Permaculture for Home



Greening the desert II


Against the Odds. . Against the Odds Reversing desertification in Arid and Semi Arid lands. Niger Republic, West Africa

Tony Rinaudo Research & Development Advisor, h& l d i Natural Resources, World Vision Australia.

Vijandig klimaat Vijandig klimaat Verdamping overstijgt transpiratie Bodem temperaturen over 60 C° 150mm – 150 500 500mm regenval l (NL 690 900mm) ( ) Herplanting 5 8 keer (uit etensvoorraad) Windstormen begraven planten Insecten en ziektes I t i kt Ratten plaag Vogels vinden zaadjes 4 maanden regenval 4 maanden regenval Dit jaar kwam de regen laat en hield ook eerder op en niks bereikte volwassenheid Geen eten voor vee

The Underground forest The Underground forest

“ We wrecked the environment the beautiful creation you have given us. N Now people are suffering, please show us what to do? ” l ff i l h h tt d ?”


Welk gevecht? Welk gevecht? Eigendom geen eigendom geen eigendom staats eigendom Houdingen waarom zou ik erom geven geen eigen voordeel uit bescherming Geloof en overtuigingen geen moeilijkheden veroorzaken met de conventie boom geeft competitie Praktijken professionals het moeilijkste te overtuigen importeren van exotische bomen Beleid goede intenties, maar averechts effect d h ff

FMNR: Systematische FMNR: Systematische regeneratie van bomen van bomen vanaf boomstronk, wortels en zaad Select desired tree stumps and for each stump, choose number of stu p, c oose u be o (tallest and straightest stems to leave

Cull emerging Remove

new stems and

d d unwanted stems and side branches

prune side branches from time to time

1 ste jaar

2 tot 4 jaar hergroei

Waarom nemen ze het op? Waarom nemen ze het op? Eigendom legaal geld verdienen legaal geld verdienen Houdingen eigen verantwoordelijkheid eigen verantwoordelijkheid direct voordeel Geloof en overtuigingen Geloof en overtuigingen 2$ + zakmes zelf experimenteren Praktijken eigen markt 2hout markten toegevoegde waarde creĂŤren Beleid geen restricties en keuze vrijheid iedere boer eigen strategie mond op mond reclame

Grotere resilience resilience (veerkracht )tijdens droogte

Gewas opbrengst: Geen FMNR

Gewas opbrengst: Met FMNR

Gewasopbrengsten en veeteeltproductie t lt d ti

Diversiteit van oogst en toepassingen t i

Biodiversiteit en natuurlijke roofdieren t lijk fdi


2003 2003

5 miljoen hectaren in 20 jaar tijd = 250,000 ha/j = enigste Afrikaanse land met net toename van bos enigste Afrikaanse land met net toename van bos Gebeurd met bijna geen regering of NGO hulp

"This is probably the largest positive "This is probably the largest positive environmental transformation in the Sahel and perhaps in all of Africa.“ Chris Reij Geographer FMNR campaigner Chris Reij, Geographer, FMNR campaigner.


Schema voor globale FMNR promotie

2014 2013


2014 2013


Urban Water Harvesting

Brad Lancaster Brad Lancaster

Floods that occurred every 100 years begin to occur every 10 years begin to occur every 10 years

Irrigation with imported water High in salt High in salt

Water truck pumping water up to rooftop tanks downtown Amman, Jordan

17% of the national energy production in Jordan used for pumping water.

Water is pumped 330 km Water is pumped 330 km from Disi to Amman and an elevation rise of 1,300 m from Jordan Valley to Amman

A degenerative ruin. Is that the story of this place? Is that the story of this place? Is that its purpose? Is that its purpose? Its calling?

Water consumption in Amman The average water consumption per person in Amman, Jordan is 130 liters per person per day

Free rain falling on Amman Average annual rainfall (272 mm or 272 900 000 liters/ square km) Average annual rainfall (272 mm or 272,900,000 liters/ square km) multiplied by surface area of Amman (1680 sq km) divided by 365 (days of the year) di id d b divided by population of Amman (2,919,000 people) equals l i fA (2 919 000 l ) l 441 liters per person per day

A different story A different story

• Path to Scarcity Path to Scarcity

• Path to AbunDance Path to AbunDance

Plan the rain and the plants will the plants will plan themselves

Before - the planting of rainwater, stormwater, and trees 1996 Lancaster household, Tucson, AZ, USA (304 mm annual rainfall) Lancaster household, Tucson, AZ, USA (304 mm annual rainfall)

After the planting of rainwater, stormwater, and trees 2006 Lancaster household, Tucson, AZ, USA (304 mm annual rainfall)

My neighborhood street receives over 3 million over 3 million liters of rainwater per kilometer That is enough rain to passively irrigate p trees spaced every 8 meters on both sides of the street

For every 100 mm of rainfall… • • •

A 3 m wide paved street will drain 300,000 liters of rainfall per 1 km A 6 m wide paved street will drain 600,000 liters of rainfall per 1 km A 9 m wide paved street will drain 900,000 liters of rainfall per 1 km

Growing local food local food with local rainwater


Nadia & Geoff Lawton Nadia & Geoff Lawton Permaculture Research Institute Australia Permaculture Research Institute Jordan & Middle East

Permaculture organisatie Permaculture organisatie & Discussie




Intern Permaculture as design sience "Why have you planted roses among your grapes?" "Wh h l t d ?" "Because the rose is the doctor of the grape. If you don't plant roses, the grapes get ill." “That doesn't do me a lot of good. But if I can find out that the rose exudes a certain root chemical that is taken up by the grape root which in turn repels the white fly (which is the scientific way of saying the same thing) then I have the white fly (which is the scientific way of saying the same thing), then I have something very useful.� Traditional knowledge is always of that nature. Traditional knowledge is always of that nature.







(WPN) The Worldwide Permaculture Network Kunt eigen profiel aanmaken. Je eigen projecten en werk demonsteren Netwerken k met andere d permaculturisten Cursussen adverteren Adverteer je eigen werk Kennis, ervaring en uitdagingen id i d l delen. Globaal inzichtelijk voor niet permaculturisten Grote kaart waar iedereen op wereld schaal kan kijken wat er gebeurd. En veel meer‌.





Afhankelijkheid Spiritualiteit


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