Xueyang Miao's Portfolio for the Part II Architectural Assistant of Populous

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ARCHITECTURE PORTFOLIO Xueyang Miao Application for the Part II Architectural Assistant of Populous at London office Tel: +44 7536 345 755 Email: miaoxueyang1998@gmail.com


01 Thermodynamic Wetland Museum

Individual work, 1/3/2021-22/6/2021, finished at Tongji University Undergraduate graduation design

02 Nourishing CBD

Group work, 1/10/2021-1/9/2022, finished at University College London Postgraduate graduation design

03 Urban Regeneration of Hongkou Riverside Historic District

Individual work, 1/9/2019-25/12/2019, finished at Tongji University

04 Mini-Dwelling for a 3-Generation Family

Individual work, 8/9/2018-15/11/2018, finished at Tongji University

Internship Work


Projects 10 26 32

01 Rongdong No.1 lands in Xiongan New District 20/9/2020-20/10/2020

02 Smart Industrial Zone in Quzhou High-speed Railway New City (Phase IV) 15/10/2020-18/11/2020

Other Work

The Diagramming of Helou Xuan Individual work, 6/1/2020-18/2/2020, finished at Tongji University Published in CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE, 2020(11)

38 39 40

Project 01


Location: Chen Town, Chongming Island, Shanghai, China

Thermodynamics has gradually become the focus of attention in the architectural field. With the rising global energy crisis and climate issues, it is urgent to explore a sustainable architectural system model. The project aims to find out a thermodynamic prototype in the environment of Shanghai. The final target is to transform the thermaldynamic prototype into an architectural form and design a mediumscale wetland museum.


In Chen Town, the hottest weather occurs around July, at about 35 °C, while it is only 3-5 °C in winter. To deal with this weather, the residents mainly use air-conditioner to adjust the indoor temperature.

North-west is the main direction of the wind in winter, and south-east wind is the main type of wind in summer. Both of them are at a speed of over 8m/s.

City Center of Shanghai Shanghai (main city) Area: 290km2 Population: 5,708,005 Density: 19,682.78/km2 YangtzeRiver Chen Town (Site) Area: 82.31km2 Population: 62,395 Density: 758.04/km2 58.5km City Road Area: 5071.4km2 Population: 23,603,400 Chongming Island Project Site Wetland Boundary of Shanghai City road Area: 1269.1km Population: 637,921 West-bund Wetland Area: 15.3km2 N 40 30 20 35 26 3 5 10 0 Jan July Dec Month °C Site Situation Highest & lowest temperature at one year Wind direction at each month Ecological environment feature Reasons for the destruction of wetland & the advantage of wind The site lies in Chen Town in Chongming island, Shanghai. It is far from the city centre with a distance of 1-hour driving, and the population is less than half of that in the city center. Wetland is its biggest feature, and the project will be set on one of the wetlands in Chen Town.
It provides adequate water and green resources and creates an ecosystem. Greenhouse effect is the main reason for destroying the wetlands. Natural ventilation 26% Birds breed here from November to Febuary every year. Wind is the potential resource to be used to lower the temperature of the room, having much less impact on the environment than the air conditioner. Wetland Greenhouse effect Cultivation Overuse Sedimentation Others Migrant Birds highest temperature Jan July Feb Aug Mar Sep Apr Oct May Nov June Dec lowest temperature most suitable temperature for human hot air 2
1. Simple Model 4. Constructal Law 3. Particles of Porous Media 5. Physical Model 6. Extract a Basic Unit Horizontal Channel Plan 2/3 Porosity 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/6 Pass Stay Channel Interstice Storage Space Void Solid 1/2 Porosity Channel / Interstice POROSITY PLAN FORM FUNCTION Channel / Interstice Storage Space 1/3 Porosity 1/6 PorositySection Storage Space PROTOTYPE Interstice (Inside the model, Secondary Channel) Vertical Channel 2. Porous Media Budle of capilary tubes Fit with hexagonal prism Fit with cylinder Hexagonal dense paving is the most stable evolutionary structure of rheological material developed around a core Insert channels and interstices to de ne the void space Dense particles Stack of capilary tissures Packed spheres Fit Form to Flow Thermal Prototype Gereration Mind mapping Generation of prototype Decomposition of the prototype Function of the prototype with different porosity Horizontal channel: Space for thermal coming in Interstice: Thermal moves through it Storage space: Space for storing thermal Vertical channel: Space for surplus thermal going out 3

Test and Adjustment on Prototype

Sunlight test

west Big top Small top

east Turn


More sunshine in the morning but less sunshine in the afternoon.

Less sunshine in the morning but more sunshine in the afternoon.

Different adjustments on the prototype

More sunshine in the morning and in the afternoon.

Less sunshine in the morning and in the afternoon.

Wind test



Larger storage, more bu er zone is formed by air ow.

rotate enlarge minify expand

Changing the direction of the chimney to nd the best angle of letting the sunshine in.


Setting more chinmeys to see the impact on the ventilation.

Enlarging the top of the chimney to test the change of sunshine and ventilation inside.


Increasing the length of the channel to see the change on air ow in it.

Making the top of the chimney smaller to test the change of sunshine and ventilation inside.


Removing the wall of the channel to add more interstices to see the change on air ow.

Changing the size of the storage to see the change of the air ow inside.

add or remove

Adding or removing the walls to adjust the direction of the interstice to see how air ow changes.

prototype that takes sunlight test prototype that takes wind test

Final choice of the adjusted prototypes



v=0.6m/s top bottom t/b=1:4 t/b=1:9

It is easier to emit thermal when the propotion of top and bottom is about 1:4.

More channels, the lower speed of the air coming into the storage.

More interstices do not help more wind come into the storage.

A large top chimney can be used in the rooms that need more sunshine.

The small top chimney is the best form of promoting the indoor thermal out.

The air speed in each chimney is almost the same.



The rst and second ones make the air come into the storage easier.

A huger storage is suitable for rooms demanding a stable thermal condition.

A longer channel can slow down the speed of the wind.

Direction Ratio Number Direction Storage Chimney Channel Interstice Chimney Interstice Ratio 9:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 Conclusion
1 channel 2 interstices 2 interstices 2 channels 3 channels 9
t/b=4:1 v=1m/s v=1.5m/s v=1.7m/s v=1.6m/s v=1.6m/s v=1.8m/s
3 chimneys v=1.2m/s v=0.8m/s

Covering the site with 2 layers of hexagon grids. The size of each hexagon grid is like above.

Function Population

Space needed to share thermal

The south-east mass is designed multi-step to welcome the warm south-east wind, and the north-west mass is designed entired to block the cold north-west wind.

south-east wind

north-west wind

Some southern grids are removed to let more wind in. An eco pool is designed to adjust the temperature.

More space can share more thermal. There are 3 thermal sharing conditions, so 3 sizes of space are designed.

Aerial View

People come to the museum from the north-west. Thermal chimneys, birdwatching terraces, and inner eco-ponds are its biggest features.

The small top helps to let out heat while the large top can let in more light.

Birdwathcing terrace Eco-pond

Migratory birds often appear in wetlands, and the terrace is for observing them.

Q=cm(t-t0). The specific heat capacity of water is high, so an eco-pond can absorb thermal in hot days and let out thermal in cold days.

3m3m 21m² Thermal perference south-east wind south-east wind river pool north-west wind Needs less heat Needs more light 3m 3.6m bar shop display lab shop lab lobby bar display lobby 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prototype-based Form Generation
Activity sitting standing walking 55J/m2 70J/m2 100J/m2 1.375 1.75 2.5 136.125J 220.5J 450J 75.625J 122.5J 250J Thermal generated Correction factor Adult (surface=1.8m2) Adolescent (surface=1m2) Function Activity preference Population Size of space unit bar shop displaylab lobby N People generate different amount of thermal in when doing different activities. After finding out the activity preference in each space, the size of space unit for every function could be decided. The Scale of Each Function 1 12 3 3 5 6 7 4 4 4 8 9 10 9 a Thermal production of human Ground floor plan >4500J 2400-4500J <2400J Size of space unit of each function Thermal distribution in the museum 2 1. lobby / exhibition hall 2. permanent exhibition room 3. temporary exhibition room 4. front lobby 5. shop 6. kitchen 7. bar 8. teenager centre 9. viewing platform 10. eco-pond 0 m2 4 6 8 10 6

thermal chimney

NMuseum in the Environment
0 m2 4 6 8 10 1 2 3 3 3 3 First floor plan 1. permanent exhibition room 2. research lab 3. viewing platform 7

Different Modes in Different Seasons

The museum is in different mode in summer and winter. In a room, hot air goes up and cool air lies in the bottom because the density of hot air is low. In summer, the roof boards of each room will open to let surplus thermal out, and more cool air will come in, while in winter, the roof boards and window will close to store the thermal.

A-a section -- Museum in winter A-a section -- Museum in summer

Project 02


Location: La Défense, Paris, France

La Defense is a great CBD in Paris. By removing the local production in the 1960s, lots of high-rises for office have been built. However, as more people choose the remote work, office in La Defense is faced with high vacancy rate, and the removal of urban activities is making the CBD lose vitality. The project intends to renew the supply chain to connect the urban life and rural life. Generating by computer programming is one of its unique methods.


The increase of high-rises for offices took away the urban events from people, and the removal of urban production increased the steps in supplying, leading to the segmentation of rural and urban environments.

were moved to

far from

area in recent 60 years.

and the



while the

also influenced this

The vacant

environment. These space can be

as new functions that offer more choices to people.

42% in 2020, with barely 1.38 million sq m of office Region. average, is the worst in the last 20 years. This pandemic and the lack of visibility on the health and economic first lockdown, and remain focused on preventing health redefining and implementing a real estate strategy. 3,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 7.7 % 6.5 % 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 6 7 8 9 48% 45% Available areas 50% 60% 70% 78% 89% 65% take-up(2010/2019) Greater Paris Region What will be the impact of COVID-19 on the future workplace and real estate strategy? *(2021-2023), as a% 0 10 20 30 10-year average -40% Vacancy rate in the Greater Paris Region End 2020 Vacancy rate in Immediate supply (sq m) Digitalisation rise of tech Uncertain conditions Implementation of grand paris Covid-19New ways of working Greater Paris vacancy rate 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 EFFECTSO N COMPANY DEMAND EFFECTSO N OFFICE PROPERTY More choices90% O FFICE S Ones izef itsall, or nobody ? 10% REMOTE WORKING offered t o employee s Workplace as a service Innovation or client/community engagement hub Local or regiona office Meeting or education centre Working from hom Loca co-working/café or branch working TRENDS UNDERLYING More flrxibility Productivity Flex office Boom Well-being At work Attraction Of talent/CSR Priority givrn to Well served districts Reduction? Merging? Surroundings accessibility Search for SavingsProposal: A new food supply chain system that links the rural and urban living patternsThe Proportion of Functions & the Vacancy Rate of Office of La Defense First Masterplan First Skyscraper La Dalle Les Quatre Temps Grande Arche New Plan AWP Masterplan Urban Production New Transports Remove of Farm Remote Production Spread Warehouse Multiple-Steps in Supplying Delivery 2022 FUTURE1958 1966 1970 1981 1989 2006 2012 3,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 7.7 % 6.5 % 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 6 7 8 9 5 4 3 2 1 0 Immediate supply (sq m) Greater Paris vacancy rate 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 The change of vacancy rate in Great Paris 3,571,890 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 2006 2007 2008 Take-up(m ) Take up change in the Great Paris Region 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Number of deals > 5,000m 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 -40% 6.5% 10-year average in Great Paris end 2020 Take up of officeTake up change in the Great Paris Region The change of vacancy rate in Great Paris Vacancy rate Current Problems and Proposal La Defense was tranferred from a farming area to a CBD
were built
original producing areas
of office cause spatial waste, and it reduces the vivid of urban
Office takes a large porportion in the funcitons of La Defense. However, the vacancy rate of office is increasing now and lots of offices are not being used, and this situation causes the waste of space usage. The Development of La Defense and Supply Chain Existing area: 3343200㎡ Occupancy rate: 68.24% 561000㎡ 11.45% O ce Commerce Restaurant Residence Education 234100㎡ 4.78% 685100㎡ 13.99% 75900㎡ 1.55% 11

Steps of Generation


Functional Space Buildings


10 New Food Supply Chain Resource
Redistribute the function of buildings by computer programming Distribute the indoor farming space for each species Generate the form of the buildings to the farm Use algorithms to realize the dynamic changes of the outdoor environment Generate new type of space inside the buildings New type of space (void space) Position and form of the second-level warehouses (building warehouses) Outdoor walking pavements
Lettuce Area Carrot Area Onion Area Tomato Area Potato Area Mushroom Area
The generation of the new supply chain is decided by re-planning the transporting routes and buildings' function distribution, and designing the new outdoor environment and indoor space. 12
The 'Regional-Building' Warehouse System 1 -- Devide La Defense into Clusters 1. Use K-means to cluster the grids of the site (cluster number = 0~14) cluster = 14, radius per cluster ≈ 200m 200m 2. Keep caculating the result when cluster number = 14 'Regional-Building' warehouse system is used to improve the goods transportation among La Defense. The site is planned to be divided into several clusters. Goods can be transported among buildings in the same cluster or among different clusters, so that the resilience of La Defense could be improved. The plan of La Defense is divided into a number of grids, with each grid of 10m*10m. By doing this, computer algorithms could be used to deal with site. cluster=1 cluster=11 cluster=6 cluster=16 cluster=2 cluster=12 cluster=7 cluster=17 cluster=3 cluster=13 cluster=8 cluster=18 cluster=4 cluster=14 cluster=9 cluster=19 cluster=5 cluster=15 cluster=10 cluster=20 K-means is used here to cluster the buildings. The radius is about 200m when cluster=14. This scale enables buildings in the same cluster transport goods to each other immediately. The centre of each cluster will become the location of regional warehouse, which enables goods to be transported among different clusters. Since the result of each caculation was different, 100 caculations were run at the condition of cluster=14. Delaunay triangulation algorithm was used here to caculate the shortest path of going through all the centres of each cluster. Finally the emphasized one was chosen for subsequent design. 13

warehouse system

Buildings in the same cluster

of the Warehouse



Building warehouse

Transportation routes

New pedestrian routes are built based on the new warehouse system. After simulating by Pedsim, new routes (red lines in the right picture) are generated, and the darker ones mean people are more likely to go on these routes. After removing the lighter routes, a result is gotten as follows:

Regional warehouse

Items will be collected and sorted by the regional warehouse, and then distributed to the building warehouse. Items can be stored in the building warehouses, and when people in the related building want to get them, they just order them and they will be transported to them from building warehouses.

The 'Regional-Building' Warehouse System 2 -- Form
& New
System 3. The operation mode of the new
4. Pedestrian
Function Redistribution by 3D Cellular Automata 1 -- Rules 1.Putting the new road routes on the ground. Grande Arche and CNIT are historic buildings and they will keep their original appearance. 3.Buildings are re-arranged into 14 new clusters according to the K-Means result when forming regional warehouses. 2.New roads cut the buildings and form the initial state of the generations. 4.The 3D-CA is run in each cluster seperately, and a stable function distribution pattern can be gotten after several generations of running. Office, residence, commerce, restaurant and education are the 5 main types of functions in La Defense. The 3D-CA algorithm is used here to regenerate the function distribution and to generate new spaces inside buildings, which are called 'void space'. By running for several times, the new function distribution will reach to a stable result. Neighbors<=7 Return ‘O ce’ Maintain 8<=Neighbors<=9 Insu cient Stable Transfer Transfer to ‘Residence’ 10<=Neighbors<=12 Overcrowd Neighbors<=3 Return ‘O ce’ Maintain 4<=Neighbors<=10 Transfer to ‘Market’ or ‘Education’ 11<=Neighbors<=13 Neighbors<=3 Return ‘Residence’ Maintain 4<=Neighbors<=7 Transfer to ‘Restaurant’ 8<=Neighbors<=17 Neighbors<=6 Return ‘Commerce’ Maintain 7<=Neighbors<=10 Return ‘Void’ Neighbors>=22 Transfer to ‘Commerce’ 11<=Neighbors<=17 Neighbors<=3 Return ‘Residence’ Maintain 4<=Neighbors<=10 Return ‘Void’ Neighbors>=19 Return ‘Void’ Neighbors>=18 Return ‘Void’ Neighbors>=20 Return ‘Void’ Neighbors>=20 Transfer to ‘Residence’ 11<=Neighbors<=18 O ce Residence Commerce Restaurant Education Neighbors<=7 Return ‘O ce’ Maintain 8<=Neighbors<=9 Insu cient Stable Transfer Transfer to ‘Residence’ 10<=Neighbors<=12 Overcrowd Neighbors<=3 Return ‘O ce’ Maintain 4<=Neighbors<=10 Transfer to ‘Market’ or ‘Education’ 11<=Neighbors<=13 Neighbors<=3 Return ‘Residence’ Maintain 4<=Neighbors<=7 Transfer to ‘Restaurant’ 8<=Neighbors<=17 Neighbors<=6 Return ‘Commerce’ Maintain 7<=Neighbors<=10 Return ‘Void’ Neighbors>=22 Transfer to ‘Commerce’ 11<=Neighbors<=17 Neighbors<=3 Return ‘Residence’ Maintain 4<=Neighbors<=10 Return ‘Void’ Neighbors>=19 Return ‘Void’ Neighbors>=18 Return ‘Void’ Neighbors>=20 Return ‘Void’ Neighbors>=20 Transfer to ‘Residence’ 11<=Neighbors<=18 O ce Residence Commerce Restaurant Education Steps of redistributing building functions Transforming rules among 5 functions 15
generation=1 generation=2 Function Redistribution by 3D Cellular Automata 2 -- Procedure 67.36% 14.66% 12.18% 4% 1.80% 42.01% 35.42% 11.59% 9.63% 1.36% 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% 100.00% officeresidencecommercerestauranteducation From the beginning of the generation, the transformation happens dramatically, and after several generations, the result becomes stable, and finally a relatively stable one is chosen. In the new function distribution, a drop on the proportion of offices can be seen, and the amount of residential areas increases more than doubled. office before residence after commerce restaurant education void Output Result of each generation Location of void space Detail of void spaceChange of function proportion 16
commerce restaurant o ceo ceo ce residence residence residence residenceeducation education ProductionProcess of food supply chain Vertical Farm Sharing KitchenFarm Restaurant Farm Picking + Markets Edible Landscape Collection & Storage Processing Retail Consumption First step: Second step: Third step: Function distribution of void space by 3D Cellular Automata Example: building void space of the building function distribution of void space if layer A/B/C>3 layer A layer B layer C Randomly distribute public and farm public space vertical farm empty return return return *2 > *2 ≤ if if Apply New Functions to Void Space Void space can be an important part in the food supply chain, such as for vertical farms. In addition, functions related to farming like farm restaurant can also be applied to void space. In this part, 3D Cellular Automata is used again to distribute the public space and vertical farms in the void space. 17
Original Original Original Original OriginalVoid Void Void Void VoidNow Now Now Now Now Activation of Void Space 18
Function in void spaceForm of void spaceForm of di erent functions Farm in void space o ce residence commerce restaurant education Farm Space Functional Space Building Void Space Resting Space Selling Space Entertainment Space Eating Space Lettuce Area Carrot Area Onion Area Tomato Area Potato Area Mushroom Area Indoor Space--Details and Forms of the Void Space 19




Rules for generating new farms


is made into a






PearLe�uce Potato Jan [pear] [pear, walnut, corn] [Le�uce, corn] [pear] [le�uce] [walnut] Feb Mar Dec Corn Walnut Apple Wheat Broccoli Farming scope of 8 species in one month Overlay of scopes in 12 months ‘Singlefarm’ ‘Interfarm’ Overlaying ×12 months .... Farm with only one species inside. Has become a suitable area for planting Farm with mul�ple species inside. Needs to be further seperated for planting 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 Areas close to the centroid are chosen in priority Use K-means to seperate the farms K-means clustering (number of clusters=80) Clusters with no plant from last month [le�uce, broccoli] [le�uce] [le�uce] new le�uce [broccoli] Judge what plants can be grown Judge what plant is planted the most Decide the type of plant to be grown in the next month Plant the existed plants from the last month Plant the new plants if it is possible Random choose one species Plant 80% of the cluster Centroid Clusters with plants from last month Outdoor Environment--Changeable Farms Monthly growing scope of different crops (e.g., corn & strawberry) Growing scope of corn Farming scope in one month K-means clustering (cluster = 80) Overlay of scopes in 12 months Farm with only one species inside Has become a suitable area for planting Farm with only multiple species inside Needs to be further seperated for planting x12 months 'Single-farm' 'Interfarm' Growing scope of strawberry OutdoorIndoor Jan Jan July July Feb Feb Aug Aug Mar Mar Sep Sep Apr Apr Oct Oct May May Nov Nov June June Dec Dec
Urban production is brought into La Defense to bring events to the people, tiding urban and rural environments together. The farming areas are generated by computer, based on the suitable growing scope in every month for each species. The scope area is decided by sunshine and wind analyse.
plants are divided into indoor and outdoor crops, taking into account
space availability of la defense and
growing conditions.
growing scope
each species in the year
QR code. Finally 8 species are chosen--potato, wheat, walnut, apple, broccoli, corn, lettuce and pear. Their farming scopes are overlayed, and space that suitable for farming in each month is gotten. The space can be devided into 2 types according to how many types of species can be planted inside. Here takes the farming scope in March as an example. The scope is first seperated into smaller clusters by using K-means clustering. Some new clusters are with plants from last month, while others are empty. Based on these 2 conditions, different methods are used to deal with them. 20




lettuce corn pear wheat app e po ato walnut Result
of Changeable
Based on the rules that have been set, the programme can offer a variety of randomly generated planting plans. Residents can select one of them as their planting plan of the year. By using Cellular Automata, range for functions related to farming is also set aroung the farms. The growth status of each crop can also be tracked. 1. Transformation among plaza, farm and function farm neighbor<4 Return 'plaza' plaza plaza Time=2 Time=1 Time=0 farm function function A built-in counter is set to simulate the growth of crops. The darker the color, the more matured the crop is. farm neighbor≥4 Return 'function' farm neighbor≥4 Return 'function' farm neighbor≥4 Return 'function' Matured crops will be removed from the farm. 2. Transformation between function and plaza 3. The display of growth status 3D view of the transformation of outdoor environment plan in the first year of April potato walnut function wheat apple broccoli lettuce corn pear The transformation of the farm can be seen by scanning the QR code! One of the outdoor environment situations in April The change of outdoor environment in the first year The change of outdoor environment in the second year Jan Jan July July Feb Feb Aug Aug Mar Mar Sep Sep Apr Apr Oct Oct May May Nov Nov June June Dec Dec Video of the outdoor transformation can be seen by scanning the QR code! 21


Output -- Aerial View



Output -- Scene & Section


Final Design Output -- Prospect


Final Design Output -- Model


Project 03


Location: North Bund, Shanghai, China

It is an urban design project in Hongkou Habour. The historic terraced houses are still being used now and it is the only small-scale waterfront space in the downtown. However, the poor infrastructure and the worsen environment make the place become backward and isolated.How to maintain the characteristics of the site and revive the decaying district are the two purposes of this project.


Site Problems

The site is located in the North Bund in Shanghai, China. Though it is near the river, the ruined factories occupy the riverside so people can’t get accessed to it. The historic residence is the main feature of the site and it is relatively closed due to the design. The project this time aims to improve the accessbility among all the blocks and to make the riverside a more active area.

The site is located in the North Bund in Shanghai, China. Though it is near the river, the ruined factories occupy the riverside so people can’t get accessed to it. The historic residence is the main feature of the site and it is relatively closed due to the design. The project aims to improve the accessbility among all the blocks and to make the riverside a more active area.

We are trapped here!

First barrier Closed houses Heavy tra c High-rises

Second barrier Third barrier

3 barriers block residents' way to the waterfront

The view for residents living in the lane houses is not good because of the obstruction of vision by closed houses and high-rises. Besides, the heavy traffic and improper arrangement of land make it hard for people to get to the waterfront area.

The width of the road is about 15m. t=s/v=18.75s

So the aged people has 18.75 seconds to cross the street without disturbance.

factory modern house o ce

house hotel commercial

adults elderly children

factory modern house o ce

lane house hotel commercial

An average aged person’s walking speed is 0.8m/s. The width of the road is about 15m, t=s/v=18.75s


road green

public lawn (3.5% of the site) river weed



86% site

interior sidewalk exterior sidewalk Dead end(23%)

road green

public lawn (3.5% of the site) river weed

road accessibility

So the aged people needs 18.75 seconds to cross the street without disturbance.

15s to change from green to red

function& age pro le pedestrian-vehicle con iction

86% site

tra c isolation huge mass


view interference

tra c isolation huge mass

green water high wall big obstacle interior sidewalk exterior sidewalk Dead end(23%)

22% of the exterior sidewalks are with vehicles

moterway with vehicles


sidewalk pedestrian-friendly


sidewalk pedestrian-friendly

to change from green to red There is no tra c light

green water high wall big obstacle

of the exterior sidewalks are with vehicles

view interference

function & age pro le pedestrian-vehicle con iction

low road accessibility moterway with vehicles

An average aged person’s walking speed is 0.8m/s.

Distribution of the Urban Improvement Strategies



Blue structure

Set footbridge

design a footbridge to connect the


Make green land Make boulevard

grow plants to make a land become urban green grow plants at the sides of a single road


Adjust road net

redesign the road net to lower the number of

Make waterfront plaza Lower high dams

demolish the buildings or open up a land

remove the unnecessary

Knock through dead ends Demolish Remove obstacles

element remove the walls to

demolish the abandoned


remove the obstacles that

the eyesight

Accessibility Open space View demand

create entrances or exits
leave space
dams dead end rate: 23% 3% public lawn rate: 3.5% 18%number of turns: 2 04 new people-only roads
are made according to people’s demand and other 3 elements. By using these strategies, people are more accessible to the riverside. Besides, as there are less dead ends in the historic residence, the residents can move directly to where they want to be, and thus enhance the communication between them. 28


A new viewing point.

I don’t need to cross the street hurrily now

We can nally see the river scene.

Let’s take a sel e!

The Waterfront Plaza

Changes have been made on the riverbank, and now it has become an area to connect the people with the river.

There is place to jog now. Less pedestrians on the street is also a good news for me.

The Footbridge

People can go across the street without concerns on the tra c now with the help of the skybridge.


Function Distribution and Spot Feature

The changes made on the project reflect not only on the form and the status, but also on the social, behaviour’s and environmental dimensions.

Community yard

It creates grennery to the alley and also becomes a place for the residence gathering together.

People from

People from residence

Waterside terrace

It connects the blocks and becomes a rest place for people from both sides.


It connects the blocks as well as becomes a point to appreciate the historic buildings.


It is a scenery, and it also absorbs harmful substances from the river.

10m ±0.00014m -3.300 -4.300
o ce Na+ K+ P+

The Events' Variation

The Events Variation

The project iinspires the activity potential of the site. People have more destination choices than before. The pyhsical and social boundaries of different blocks are removed and people are easier to gather toghther.


Scene 2 Community square exercising/chatting/appliance reparing

Scene 3 Foorbridge crossing the street/sightseeing


Scene 1 Riverside platform shopping/performing/sightseeing



Scene 4 Waterfront plaza exercising/relaxing/meeting


adults elderly children

Scene 5 River view plaza relaxing/meeting/viewing

The project inspires the activity potential of the site. People have more destination choices than before. The physical and social boundar ies of di erent blocks are removed and people are easier to gather thogether.



Location: Zhishanli Lane, Shanghai, China

The site is located in a Shanghai old-style lane, with only about 96m 2. However, it is still possible for a 3-generation family to live a cozy and comfortable life here, and the project tries to fulfil this. Besides, the project also tries to enhance the connection between every generation through several ways.


Site Information Clients Information and their Wish



Zhishan Community Area: 5293m2

FATHER(40) is a white collar. He goes to work very early in the morning and sometimes comes back late at night.

FATHER(40) is a white collar. He goes to work very early in the morning and sometimes comes back late at night.

We want to see my mum!

We want to see my mum!

Building density: 74% Jiaozhou Rd.

Zhishan Community Area: 5293m2

MOTHER(36) is a college teacher, and she spends most time working at home. She has to work as well as to look after the whole family at day time.

How can we take care of our kids at any time?

Building density: 74% Jiaozhou Rd.







0m 40 80 20 60 100

0m 40 80 20 60 100

The site is located at a Shanghai old-style lane, with an area of only 6.4m*16m. There is no place to do outdoor activities due to the high density community. The clients’ aim is to build a 3-floor dwelling here, and they also want to have enough open space.

MOTHER(36) is a college teacher, and she spends most time working at home. She has to work as well as to look after the whole family at day time.

Both of the CHILDREN(3) are boys and need to be looked after. Though they play and study at home currently, they have to go to school in the future.

Both of the CHILDREN(3) are boys and need to be looked after. Though they play and study at home currently, they have to go to school in the future.

The GRANDPARENTS(65) have retired. They like doing exercises and chatting with neighbors.

The GRANDPARENTS(65) have retired. They like doing exercises and chatting with neighbors.

The narrow lane causes the problem of sunshine.

The courtyard of the house is crowded with items.

Noice could be made at night when going on the wooden stair.

How can we take care of our kids at any time?

We want to know how our kids are.

We want to know how our kids are.


The family can only gather together in 4 time periods, and they are isolated in most time.

As mother has to look after the children and the edlerly at daytime, it’s important for the family members to be aware of each other.



Design Generation Interaction Strategies

Design Generation Interaction Strategies

Direct feeling

An exterior stair makes dad leave home without disturbance.

The family members can see each other directly or through windows.

Children playing on the platform can see where their mum is.

Indirect feeling

The bedrooms are set on the south side to gain adequate sunshine. The stair-like shape is to follow the shape of the house nearby.

The south boundary retreats to form a courtyard. Main rooms are moved to the west so that platforms appear in the east.

Shed roof is used to make the project t the form of other terraced houses. The lean wall on the south will get more sunshine. More room is moved to the west and a straight platform appears.

A patio is designed as it is the character of the houses in a Shanghai old-style lane.A building shell is designed to make the platform private.

The parents can see how their children sleep when they are doing exercises in the afternoon.

The voice of opening the door let mum know it’s time to pick up the children.

Feeling of nature

When the children see the smoke from the chimney, they know it is time for a meal.

The courtyard creates a conver sation area.

The light from the parents’ bedroom becomes a night light for the children.

The platform o ers an area of watching the rain.

Children can run freely among all the oors. The bamboos in the patio bring the nature indoors.

The water from the clothes makes the children know their mum or grandma is upstairs.

The low space with a small hole creates is prepared for the children to look at the street.

eyesight voice smoke waterdrop

Plan and Elevation

Ground oor plan

Plan and Elevation Ground floor plan

Living room

Dining room




First floor plan Second floor plan Third floor plan

oor plan

Second oor plan Third oor plan

Parents’ study

Grandparents’ study

Parents’ bedroom

Grandparents’ bedroom



Children’s study

Children’s bedroom

Outdoor platform


East elevation

East elevation

room 0m 1 24 35 0m0m 1 N N 3 5 2 4 1 24 35

Plan and Elevation

8:00 10:00 11:30 15:30 16:30 20:30
Parents Children Grandparents Different color stands for different time 36

Life Scenes in the Dwelling

Children have an instinct to run up and down, so a special route is designed for them to run around the house. It creates a new kind of indoor entertainment.

Starting point -- terrace

In the way -- study room

Finish point -- living room

running route stairs

Daily greeting

Gathering at the terrace Gathering at living room



Internship Work 01
Location: Baoding, Hebei Province, China It is a large urban planning project, and I was involved in part of the buildings' design. Here are some of the plans and analysis graphs I drew. 门厅 设备用房 车道 N 规划条件 0044宗地 Plan with size Garage plan Sunlight analysis 38

Steps of generation

Internship Work 02


Location: Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

It is a social security housing area for talents. In this project, I was in charge of some of the rendering pictures.

Aerial view Scenes

Other Work


Location: Fangtayuan Park, Shanghai, China

Helou Xuan is a bamboo-structured tea pavilion built in the 1980s, which is designed by Prof. FENG Jizhong, one of Chinese poineer modern architects. The whole research was described by diagrams and discovered the change of the structure in the recent 30 years. It has been published in CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE.

Survey Mapping Aerial photography The joint of the column Exploded view of the structurePlan
Section 40

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