Y7 March 2017

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Y7 MAGAZINE celebrity l luxury l diversity l aristocracy Issue 12 | March 2017


Who lies more, men or women?



WOMEN'S DAY Global Hypocracy or no?





Is it possible?

Contributions Issue 12 - March 2017 Publisher HSF Media Inc. Editor in Chief Hassa A Farhat MD Editorial April N Khan Dr. Laurence Ajaka Proofing Saood Mukhtar Layout and Design STAX Media Contributors Dr. Laurence Ajaka, Dr. Toufic Ajaka, Carla Al Haddad, Misha Yakobi-Shvili, Edy Hourany, Dr. Randa Saliba Chidiac, Father Tony El Khoury





Who Lies More: Women or Men? No one would deny that lying is a bad habit. Unfortunately, lying can become an unconscious and destructive habit. There are different kinds of lies, but whatever the type it may be, the fact remains that by the end of the day it is still one, and people who lie will lose credibility. By Randa Saliba Chidiac The types of lies may vary; there are white lies or fibs, which are often considered the least serious of all lies and harmless in nature. People tell white lies to be polite and to avoid hurting other people’s feelings, like saying “I’m fine” while they are not fine at all, or saying they appreciate a gift while there don’t. There are also fabrications; people say things to others that they are not sure about, and this can lead to rumors that may damage others’ reputations. Lying in exaggeration is another type. It is when someone lies and after a certain time, the exaggerator begins to believe in his/her lie and considers it as a fact. Compulsive lying is done to seek attention; in fact, the compulsive liar finds it impossible to put an end to his/her lies. A compulsive liar turns around the bush even when telling the truth would be easier and better. The question is who lies more, men or women? It's true! Men lie more than women for many reasons.

Men and women lie about different things. While women avoid honesty to save someone's feelings, on the other hand, men lie to save them money or win an argument. Also men are more likely to be dishonest to get someone else out of trouble, get them something they want or make them sound more interesting or better than they really are. In addition, men tend to tell women they look good in an outfit which doesn't really suit them, just to make them feel happy. Moreover, men also lie in job interviews, in writing their resumes, when dealing with insurance claims or applications, pretending to have sent an email or letter when they haven't and where, or who they have been with. It is more common for women to lie when it comes to mentioning their ages. Women dislike getting old, so they stick to a certain age for many years. Sometimes being dishonest can lead to losing friendships forever. Some people say they lost confidence in their friends, they do not trust them anymore, or lost their job or relationship because of lying.

Do you ever wonder if a person can get away with lying? I don’t think so. You may be able to lie sometimes, but in the end it will come back to haunt you, and you can never get away with it. Almost half of adults, whether men or women, admit they have been caught out when not telling the truth, usually by their partner, parents or their boss. What starts as simple white lie over time can turn into a life-destroying routine. It might be difficult to tell the truth all the times, as the truth sometimes hurts, but believe me, you will feel the freedom, relief and peace of mind if you do so.

Copying Data to Your Brain: A Myth or Reality EDY HOURANY

onnections are made and C strengthened in a process called neuroplasticity. It turns


cientists at HRL Information and System Sciences Laboratory in California have been working to make real life imitate art, very much in the style of The Matrix, by developing what is termed low-current electrical brain stimulation to modulate a person’s learning of complex, real-world skills. r. Matthew Phillips, who led the HRL D Labs research team, used a neurostimulation technique known as transcranial

direct current stimulation (tDCS) to excite areas of the brain responsible for learning and skill retention. tDCS is a non-invasive, painless technique that uses a constant, low electric current to stimulate specific brain regions. Dr. Phillips said when interviewed by techworm: “Our system is one of the first of its kind. It’s a brain stimulation system. It sounds kind of sci-fi, but there’s a large scientific basis for the development of our system. The specific task we were looking at was piloting an aircraft, which requires a synergy of both cognitive and motor performance. When you learn something, your brain physically changes.

out that certain functions of the brain, like speech and memory, are in very specific regions of the brain, about the size of your pinky. What our system does is that it targets those changes to specific regions of the brain as you learn. The method itself is quite old. In fact, the ancient Egyptians 4,000 years ago, used electric fish to stimulate and reduce pain. Even Ben Franklin applied currents to his head, but the rigorous, scientific investigation of these methods started in the early 2000s and we’re building on that research to target and personalize stimulation in the most effective way possible. Your brain is going to be very different to my brain when we perform a task. What we found is that in specific circumstances, brain stimulation seems to be particularly effective at actually improving learning.”


hey studied the electric signals in the brain of a trained pilot and then fed the data into novice subjects as they learned to pilot an airplane in a realistic flight simulator. The study, published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, found that subjects who received brain stimulation via electrode-embedded head caps improved their piloting abilities and learned the task 33 percent better than a placebo group. The experiment showed improvement in both motor and cognitive skills.

The Pathway to True Happiness! DR. LAURENCE AJAKA

Even when my heart was still young, I knew my relationship with pain was of the everlasting sort. I used to cry out to be left alone after being torn asunder. And still, it kept nipping more of my heart and soul. Pain has deprived me of the best parts of me that have bled away as the world consistently hammered down on me. I realized I had to fight back or risk losing all that is me. I had to find the power to withstand the gales. I reached the place where it dawned on me that what tore me asunder was what embued me with the strength to fight the world with nary a smile on my lips. I discovered that true tenacity is the product of surviving agony and twisting it into submission. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice. Lucky are those who suffer because they are given the chance to be reforged with a steel armor protecting an inner peace born of knowledge and insight of this world and beyond.


imes of trial and pain are a gift because only then are we truly alive. We ought to embrace the precious trials of pain instead of dreading them. So let's have grace and dignity when bearing our cross. It's the pathway to true happiness.


Mayo Clinic's Mediterranea If you're looking for a heart-healthy eating plan, the Mediterranean diet might be right for you. Y7 Staff The Mediterranean diet incorporates the basics of healthy eating — plus a splash of flavorful olive oil and perhaps a glass of red wine — among other components characterizing the traditional cooking style of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Most healthy diets include fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains, and limit unhealthy fats. While these parts of a healthy diet are tried-and-true, subtle variations or differences in proportions of certain foods may make a difference in your risk of heart disease. Benefits of the Mediterranean diet Research has shown that the traditional Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart disease. The diet has been associated with a lower level of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol — the "bad" cholesterol that's more likely to build up deposits in your arteries. In fact, a meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million healthy adults demonstrated that following a Mediterranean diet was associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality as well as overall mortality. The Mediterranean diet is also associated with a reduced incidence of cancer, and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Women who eat a Mediterra-

Lose Weight. Feel Great! nean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil and mixed nuts may have a reduced risk of breast cancer. For these reasons, most if not all major scientific organizations encourage healthy adults to adapt a style of eating like that of the Mediterranean diet for prevention of major chronic diseases. The Mediterranean diet is a delicious and healthy way to eat. Many people who switch to this style of eating say they'll never eat any other way. To the right is the breakdown of the die!!!

an Diet 101 FRUIT, VEG, NUTS, GRAIN The Mediterranean diet traditionally includes fruits, vegetables, pasta and rice. For example, residents of Greece eat very little red meat and average nine servings a day of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.

HEALTHY FATS Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, such as canola oil and some nuts, contain the beneficial linolenic acid (a type of omega-3 fatty acid). These fats lower triglycerides, decrease blood clotting, are associated with decreased sudden heart attack and improve the health of your blood vessels. and

FISH AND LIMITED MEAT Eat fish once or twice a week. Fresh or water-packed tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel and herring are healthy choices. Grilled fish tastes good and requires little cleanup. Avoid fried fish, unless it's sauteed in a small amount of canola oil.

casual “How are you doing?” is no long answered A with a generic “Fine”. People take the opportunity to complain and say “Slammed”, “Buried”, “Desperately trying to keep our heads above water” and so on with lamentations of woe and misery. It has become a fad to one-up others with just how miserable and wrecked we are.

t seems excessive to claim that one is too busy even Ishort to make a reservation for a meeting because one is on time. Such a task takes less than a minute thanks to organizers and planners that tell us exactly when we are free. So why something as simple as making an appointment is considered so earth-shattering that it threatens to compromise our very existence? It’s all about the image we want others to believe about us. The busier one is, the more important we will appear as we are too caught up winning the rat race to pay attention to such petty matters. It means we are more in demand and thus more successful than others. o one is really taken in with such theatrics; on the N contrary, such extravagant displays of drama are harming the way we communicate with each other.

There are few people who do not have a demanding schedule, but that is no reason to immerse and saturate every minute of our waking hours with activities that make us too self-absorbed to give all areas of our lives the due consideration. If we steer every conversation towards bragging about how busy we are, we lose the chance to connect with friends and family. Our talks become devoid of any real exchange of feelings and comfort, something vital in the world of uncertainty we have molded. hat we should be doing is working smarter not W harder. Pulling of f endless hours at the of fice doesn’t necessarily mean we are getting so much ac-

complished. There are many studies that claim spending too many hours will lower productivity as the brain becomes sluggish and depleted of energy. And that is considering the best case scenario when work is all that’s being done instead of slipping in and out of the Internet and social media. There is a reason why those cat videos are so popular other than what some conspiracy theory advocates claim about the feline race being here to enslave us all. It can be because we have fallen into the trap of obsessively organizing our schedules. We organize our organization and micromanage our time into the millisecond. Some of us spend more time getting ready to work than they actually work. anagement is our salvation. We should assign M deadlines to finish all the tasks we have accumulated. Breaking down tasks should not be so minuscule; instead group together tasks you can mentally accomplish in your organizer and go from there. The more fat we can trim, the better. Some things can be accomplished in a simple Skype meeting instead of going into the formality of assigning one in person. After all that is accomplished, we will earn the right to brag about how good we are for actually accomplishing things.

"What we should be doing is working smarter not harder. Pulling of f endless hours at the of fice doesn’t necessarily mean we are getting so much accomplished."

Bragging Rights DR. LAURENCE AJAKA

The True Meaning of Easter Carla Al Haddad

Have you ever asked yourself what is the real meaning of Easter? Am I celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead or am I overwhelmed by all of the eggs, the bunnies and the beginning of spring? Walk by any store’s Easter display and I guarantee that you will only see bunnies, eggs, and candies. The fact that Jesus Christ was arrested, beaten, crucified and resurrected from the dead is barely given any attention. During this holiday, you will see that people are excited by coloring eggs and going to eggs hunts. They are also busy with planning Easter’s day lunch with the family. People also go on shopping sprees to buy new clothes for the new season, etc. Sadly, they forgot about the true meaning of Easter… Easter did not always symbolize Christ's resurrection from the dead and the meaning of Easter was quite different than what Christians celebrate today. The feast day of Easter was originally a pagan celebration of renewal and rebirth. Celebrated in the early spring, it honored the pagan Saxon goddess Eastre. When the early missionaries converted the Saxons to Christianity, they merged the holiday with the pagan celebration, because it fell around the same time as the traditional memorial of Christ's resurrection from the dead. Later it was known as Easter. In fact, the true meaning of Easter is Jesus Christ's victory over death. His resurrection symbolizes the eternal life given to whoever believes in him. The meaning of Easter also symbolizes the complete verification of all that Jesus preached and taught during his three-year ministry. If he had not risen from the dead, if he had merely died and not been resurrected, He would have been considered just another teacher or Rabbi. However, his resurrection changed all that and gave final and irrefutable proof that he was really the Son of God and that he had conquered death. Today, the main idea of Easter, for millions of Christians, is that of honoring and recognizing Jesus Christ's resurrection from the death, and his glorious promises of eternal life for all who believe in him. Sadly, we still come across people who do not give the true meaning of Easter importance and are overwhelmed by the superficial and silly traditions of this holiday. herefore, understanding Easter from a Christian persTdeath, pective is vitally important. The celebration of Jesus’ burial, and resurrection from the death is crucial for believers in Jesus’ Christ. Without this doctrine, there is no Christianity and no Christian Easter.

o as the specialists’ D advice and follow the 80/20 plan: 80% of the year

Tricks To


exercise and 20% of the year is reserved for holidays and work deadlines.

Are you feeling down? Are you feeling all stressed out? Is your body out of shape? Are you wishing for a toned, trim body in the fastest way possible? By Carla Al-Haddad

DON'T DREAD THE TREAD "According to Michael George, trainer, and owner of Integrated Motivational Fitness in Los Angeles, there is an easy way to save time at the gym with a 10 minutes cardio/ sculpt session."

Well‌ we went straight to the top personal trainers, exercise physiologists and fitness instructors for the ultimate moves and motivation tricks to kick a fitness routine into high gear. Put a few of these tips into action each week and you will have amazing results in just a few weeks! Boost Your Treadmill Workout According to Michael George, trainer, and owner of Integrated Motivational Fitness in Los Angeles, there is an easy way to save time at the gym with a 10 minutes cardio/sculpt session. All you have to do is to hop on a treadmill holding a threeto five-pound dumbbell in each hand and set the speed to a brisk walk. Do a one-minute set each of shoulder presses, biceps curls, triceps extensions, side laterals, front laterals and standing triceps kickbacks one after the other as you walk. Michael claims that it is an amazing upperbody challenge that also gets your heart pumping. Do this series two or three times each week. As you improve, work up to doing four-minute sets.


"Get yourself moving and burn 400 calories per hour by shoveling the snow during winter. This exercise develops muscular endurance and power. "

Use a Shovel Why pay someone to clear snow from your driveway? Get yourself moving and burn 400 calories per hour by shoveling the snow during winter. This exercise develops muscular endurance and power. Be careful to reduce the amount of snow that you are shoveling each time and bend your knees and hips, not from your back to prevent any damages in that area of the body. Workday Work Out Sit on a stability ball to strengthen your core, and keep dumbbells or exercise tubing at your desk. Squeeze in 12 to 15 reps of exercises like dumbbell curls, overhead presses, and abs crunches; aim for two or three sets of each. This gives you more free time to fit in fun workouts like biking or tennis.

ADD A BOOSTER "Mindy Solkin, owner and head coach of the Running Center, New York City says that adding wall sits at the end of every run will strengthen your quads and improve speed and endurance."

Boost Your Runs Mindy Solkin, owner and head coach of the Running Center, New York City says that adding wall sits at the end of every run will strengthen your quads and improve speed and endurance. All you have to do is to lean against a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart, then squat until your knees are bent at 45 degrees. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds; work up to doing 10 sets. Add a challenge by including heel raises: Lift your left heel, then the right, then lift both together twice.

o Fitness All in One Toner Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a three to four-pound medicine ball in your hands. Bend your arms up so that the ball is at eye level over your right shoulder. As you bring the ball toward your left knee, step out with your left leg and bend it no further than 90 degrees, keeping your right leg straight. Return to the starting position and do 10 to 15 reps and repeat on the other leg. Jump Rope Challenge The best cardio workout is the jump rope double turn maneuver. You will burn about 26 calories per minute! Do basic jumps for five minutes, then jump twice as high and turn the rope twice as fast so it passes under your feet twice before you land. This takes timing, patience, and power, but you will get in great shape just by working at it.

JUMP INTO A CHALLENGE "Do basic jumps for five minutes, then jump twice as high and turn the rope twice as fast so it passes under your feet twice before you land. This takes timing, patience, and power, but you will get in great shape just by working at it."

Sculpt Your Butt Do high-intensity squats, such as jump squats. Then, blast off butt flab with cross country skiing, bleacher running, and stair climbing. Give Yourself a Break These squats will shape your body beautifully if you do them on a daily basis. Carbs Reach for fruit or high-fiber crackers an hour beforehand. If you are exercising for 90 minutes or longer, include some protein so that the carbs break down more slowly, giving you longer lasting energy.


"Do high-intensity squats, such as jump squats. Then, blast off butt flab with cross country skiing, bleacher running, and stair climbing."

Your best buddies are low-fat cheese and crackers, trail mix or half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You don’t have to be a fitness freak and get carried away with working out hard just so you can have a better-shaped body faster.


o as the specialists’ advice and follow the 80/20 plan: 80% of the year exercise and 20% of the year is reserved for holidays and work deadlines.


hen you accept that fitness isn't an allor-nothing proposition, you're more likely to stick with it for life.


inally, all dream of having the per fect body at some point. But let us be realistic, no one can achieve per fection. We are only able to work out, eat healthier foods and take care of our body. We recommended talking to a professional trainer that can help us with a fitness program adapted to our body.

LOW-CARB IT "Reach for fruit or high-fiber crackers an hour beforehand. If you are exercising for 90 minutes or longer, include some protein so that the carbs break down more slowly, giving you longer lasting energy."



GUCCI Coach, Inc. is a luxury leather goods company from America. The company was founded in Manhattan, New York, in 1941. Coach is currently run by CEO Lewis Frankfort.

Coach, Inc. is a luxury leather goods company from America. The company was founded in Manhattan, New York, in 1941. Coach is currently run by CEO Lewis Frankfort.

LOUIS VUITTON Louis Vuitton Malletier, often referred to as Louis Vuitton, or LV, is a French fashion house, that was founded by Louis Vuitton in 1984. Crowned the most valuable luxury brand in the world, Louis Vuitton is worth $28.4 billion. BURBERRY Burberry Group plc, mostly known as Burberry, is a luxury fashion house from Britain. The company was founded in 1856 by Thomas Burberry. It started up in Basingstoke and now it has headquarters in London.

PRADA Prada S.P.A., mostly known as Prada, is an Italian fashion house that was founded in 1913 by Mario Prada. The company has the headquarters in Milan, Italy, and is run by CEO Patrizio Bertelli.

HEREMES Hermès International S.A., mostly known as Hermès Paris, or just Hermès, is a French luxury manufacturer that was founded in 1837. The company is the second most valuable luxury brand in the world.

Battle of the Brands

Y7 Staff

The luxury market has been growing significantly over the past couple of years and is still continuing on an upwards trend. Experts forecast an annual growth rate for the luxury goods market of 5-6% between 2013 and 2015. The Brain & Company estimated the luxury market to be valued at $274 billion, with a potential to reach an astonishing value of $290 value by 2015. Whilst the luxury market has been dominated by Louis Vuitton, which continues to be the most valuable luxury brand on a global scale, other names have been emerging as potential market leaders. Gucci and Prada have experienced the most significant growth. With great growth and potential, brands like Prada, Gucci and Hermes may one day overtake the market. and reach the number one spot. It is believed that Prada and Gucci experienced such high growth in brand value

due to an increase in Asian customers, at home and abroad. Gucci is mainly operating in North America and Western Europe, whilst Prada has been proactively expanding and opening stores worldwide. However, both brands put efforts to tap into the Asian market and much of their growth was due to the success of those efforts. On the other hand, in the past year Louis Vuitton dropped its brand value by 12%, but it sill maintaining a top 30 position in the world’s most valuable global brands. Some experts are questioning the potential of growth for Louis Vuitton, even though it remains the most powerful luxury brand on the market. This growth in the luxury market has led experts to believe that the luxury goods commerce is immune to economic fluctuations, as it has been growing sharply, in spite of the recession.

Gucci has experienced a significant growth since 2012, as it increased its brand value by 48%, from $8,6 billion to $12,7 billion.


Stop the B

I had the pleasure of participating about women's rights that broug makers and women from all the w themes were the typical cries for rights. By Dr. Laurence Ajaka

It dawned on me that these slogans are carbon copies of those from the last 50 decades or so, and yet no change has come forth. I refuse to concede to living in a patriotic society where women need to submit to men's will as the heads of the family and state. Any solution starts from eradicating certain misconceptions. Men and women were not made to be equal because they differ in their physical and mental anatomy. She is an empathizer and he is a systemizer as God commanded. It's the keystone for society evolving to the point it did and having women relinquish their identity is spelling our doom as a species. We need to stop heaping the blame on men's shoulders alone; we should target women and especially mothers who are responsible for incepting any idea in the minds of future men and women.

Blame Game!

g in an important conference ght together many decision walks of life. The common gender equality and women's

Equality is when we all learn to deal with each other as human beings instead of evoking that endless man versus women battle which has remained stagnant for centuries on end. We are all demigods because we create and nourish future generations and continue the cycle of life. I conclude with a question for those concerned with women's rights: isn't it time you ask your wives and husbands to abandon discrimination between boys and girls? Let's be brutally honest with ourselves to admit that no one can wrap a collar around your neck without you first giving them the exact circumference of your neck and the key to that collar.

Should We Forgive our Sp Cheating? By Randa Saliba Chidiac You have been betrayed by the only person you trust. The one you considered as your best friend, your lover, the shoulder you cry on, the last person on earth you might think will do you any harm, the father/mother of your children: your spouse. You feel angry, traumatized, scared and you completely lose your self-esteem. Such a feeling is indescribable; it is disturbing and scary. The foundation of a solid marriage no longer stands. What happened to happily ever after? Till death do us part? What happened to the sealed love that once was strengthened by God’s love? Nothing can heal your wounds. And those who may say: “Forgive and forget”, you can tell them: “it is easier said than done!”




pouse for

Your marriage that once was the intimate union and equal partnership between you and your partner, the one coming from the hand of God, built on trust, the marriage that made you with your second half one unified person, is now broken. This is probably the worst thing that could ever happen in a relationship. However, for the sake of the kids, you have decided to put everything behind and move forward in your life. Are you able to do so? You feel a deep pain inside, and inexpressible feeling that is strong and impossible to describe. You lost trust in your spouse and you are not totally sure if he/she will do it again. You are conscious that you won’t be able to undergo such pain ever again. But if you don't forgive, then this is the end of your marriage. Of course you feel that you just want things to go back the way they were, you just want to wake up from such horrible endless nightmare, you want your relationship to be even better than it was before, you want to go back in time and erase bad memories, but you are unable to forgive and forget for the moment.

If you decided to forgive your spouse there are some steps to follow. First, to forgive alone doesn’t make any sense; you need as a first step to accepting things as they are. This will allow you to cope with your anxiety and help you rebuild the trust again. It is true that you are traumatized, and you feel shocked that this thing happened to you at a time you thought that everything was fine. You can't just erase this reality. It happened and if you are honest with yourself, you will know that things weren't so great then. Accepting the bitter fact will not happen in a day, a week, or even a month. This awful feeling will not disappear soon. Accept what happened and do not try to ignore it. As a second step, you must try to work on a better relationship than ever. Once you are able to do that, you will be able to move forward by getting rid of obsessive images and negative thoughts and even rebuild the trust back to your marriage. Finally, give your spouse a second chance, give your relationship another chance for the sake of your family, but never forget the old saying: “If he fools me once shame on him if he fools me twice shame on me!”

Lusting on the Trail of the Hunt Dr. Laurence Ajaka

The heart wants what the heart wants, and that is usually what it cannot, and in some cases should not, have. In the midst of the turmoil and complexity of our human nature and emotional layers, we equate between the person being unattainable and our own sense of inferiority as unworthy of having such a person. This plot is the basis of thousands of romance novels where one person pines for another that is oblivious for one reason or another. Despite having been played out over and over again, it still mesmerizes all those around that thirst for even the smallest tidbit because we are always in awe of this particular plot as it unfurls in front of our eyes. This goes a long way to explaining why we seem to lose interest in those who express interest in is. There is no mystery or challenge in such a dynamic. With all signs of intellectual refinement, at our core, we are all about the thrill of the chase. We relish the spoils of victory of a successful hunt far more than a free meal. The emotional reward is more pleasurable and valuable when it has been attained through suffrage. Science has an interesting perspective on this topic; humans instinctively want to enhance their genetic heritage which is why they look to breed with those they consider to be superior to them so that the resulting offspring are stronger, healthier and more intelligent. Values such as protectiveness, loyalty, and nurturing tendencies are also admired especially among women who are vulnerable when pregnant and therefore need a partner that will remain vigilant during this sensitive period. The difficulty people have is being able to discern the signs that point to these attributes. In this day and age, individuals glamorize themselves in every way possible, so we tend to assign characteristics that may not necessarily be true based on false presentations. The intimacy of social media creates the illusion of knowledge, and we spin our own tale out of loose strings.

Some psychologists believe that we all have a deep feeling of being unworthy of love. The same sense of insecurity we felt while living in the wild has transmogrified itself to manifest in emotional security. We are fed and safe, so now we yearn for more. By default, we consider those paying homage to us as inferior and therefore not an avenue to explore. Inversely, those who ignore our advances must be superior and worthy of investing the time and effort to attract. And should we be lucky enough to secure their affections, we start seeing them as inferior, and soon the lust of the hunt claims us again. We fail to notice that slapping down the advances of those who pursuit us is not a triumph, but a recognition of ourselves as flawed and inferior. We are rejecting them because we do not recognize ourselves as individuals who deserve to have a loving and supportive partner. We relish the rejection because it solidifies and validates all the misconceptions and insecurities we have about ourselves. And we love to observe these failed romances because they echo our own experience and perhaps provide some companionship in the form of knowing that others suffer just as much as we do. So while it’s a natural impulse to want someone who will elevate your genetic heritage, at some point, it goes beyond that to challenge the way we see ourselves and the value we attach to it. It interferes with our chances to find happiness with partners that genuinely appreciate us with all the imperfections that make us perfect. So before assuming that we can do better, we ought to reel in that egomaniac in us all and give the ones who love us, and in turn ourselves, a chance of finding a haven in this crazy world.

VIRTUAL SICKNESS Tech evangelists predicted that 2016 would be “the year of virtual reality.� And in some ways they were right. Several virtual reality headsets finally hit the commercial market, and millions of people bought one. But as people begin immersing themselves in new realities, a growing number of worrisome reports have sur faced: VR systems can make some users sick. Scientists are just beginning to confirm that these new headsets do indeed cause a form of motion sickness dubbed VR sickness. Headset makers and software developers have worked hard to combat it, but people are still getting sick. Many in the industry fear this will be a major obstacle to mass adoption of virtual reality. Around 25 to 40 percent of people suffer from motion sickness depending on the mode of transport, scientists have estimated, and more women are susceptible than men.

General Motion

Women Affected




Men Affected


Everyday Users


Not Effected



Cellphones Changing Our Brains

Of course, nearly everything changes the brain. Musical training reshapes parts of the brain. Learning the convoluted streets of London swells a mapmaking structure in the brains of cabbies. Even getting a good night’s sleep changes the brain. Every aspect of our environment can influence brain and behaviors. In some ways, digital technology is no different. Yet some scientists suspect that there might be something particularly pernicious about digital technology ’s grip on the brain. “We are information-seeking creatures,” says neuroscientist Adam Gazzaley of the University of California, San Francisco. “We are driven to it in very power ful ways.” Today’s digital tools give us unprecedented exposure to information that doesn’t wait for you to seek it out; it seeks you out, he says. That pull is nearly irresistible. Despite the many unanswered questions about whether our digital devices are influencing our brains and behaviors, and whether for good or evil, technology is galloping ahead. “We should have been asking ourselves [these sorts of questions] in the ’70s or ’80s,” Krubitzer says. “It’s too late now. We’re kind of closing the barn doors after the horses got out.”

Microbots for Optimizing Medicine 26



or the past few years, worldwide researchers have been studying ways to incorporate micro robots in medicine. These robots, having characteristic dimensions less than one millimeter, are designed to access or explore environments that are too dange rous or inaccessible to humans or larger machines. The intent of using micro robots is to optimize me dicine. These miniature devices are able to enter the human body, convey drugs at specific locations, perform accurate operations, and possibly replace invasive and complicated surgery. Scientists at the Zurich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne are developing “mobile micro machines” inspired by origami that can be remotely manipulated and powered using magnets. According to them, the aim is to use this technology for therapy and diagnosis by traveling through the body and performing specific actions, reaching areas and doing tasks that are difficult with existing techniques. According to the article ‘Remote controlled micro-robots using electromagnetic actuation systems’, microrobots specialized in biopsy and drug administration can be developed and integrated to reach a more precise diagnosis. In addition, in their article ‘Microrobots for Minimally Invasive Medicine’, Ioannis K. Kaliakatsos, Bradley J. Nelson, and Jake J. Abbott state that these free, wireless devices will render therapeutic and diagnostic procedures less invasive and will enable operations never before possible.

avoid obstacles using electric fields allowing it to sense its environment.

hat are these microbots composed of?

urthermore, this technology promises to reduce toxicity involved in cancer therapy. Traditional delivery of therapeutic agents offers limited control over dosage and distribution. These drugs accumulate in low concentrations at the tumor site, and what remains is distributed to healthy tissues and organs that are deteriorated by them. Fortunately, microbots allow more control over drug delivery, making it more targeted.


hen robots are mentioned, one probably imagines devices with a complex metal and plastic structure. However, when it comes to medical miniature robots, the design must abide by safety standards. Taking into consideration the fact that these devices will travel through the human body, one logically expects them to be motor-less, flexible, and soft. They are mainly composed of magnetic nanoparticle and a biocompatible hydrogel.


ow are they constructed?

o begin with, nanoparticles are set inside layers of a biocompatible hydrogel. Next, these particles are properly orientated using an electromagnetic field, and the hydrogel is solidified using polymerization. Finally, the robot needs to obtain its 3-D architecture. For that, it is placed in water where it folds and forms its shape depending on the nanoparticles’ orientation.


ow does the robot move inside the body?


hese devices are able to spin at 60 revolutions per minute and drive entities at 5 micrometers per second. Researchers find the results promising in cases where drugs should be delivered to targeted areas in the human body with better-controlled timing and delivery rate.


n addition, different configurations of nanoparticles make it possible to have several robot designs. This implicates different modes of locomotion and different applications including drug delivery, treatment, wound patching, diagnosis, removal of foreign objects, and surgery. One of many applications is a robot that can travel inside the stomach and grab a tiny battery. Every year, 3500 cases of swallowed button batteries are reported in the United States. These small batteries could be normally digested. Nonetheless, they can burn the tissue of the stomach in case of prolonged contact. The robot allows removal of the battery without surgery. Once ingested, it could be directed to attach to the battery, lift it, and eliminate it through the digestive system. This example demonstrates how the use of microbots allows the replacement of invasive and complicated surgery. Another example is the clearing of clogged-up arteries which is a very precise operation.


t’s undoubtedly an unusual technique to have remotely piloted, untethered devices travel within the body to per form medical operations. Policymakers are questioning the safety of such materials for medical uses. However, new discoveries and the vast, never seen before advantages that this technology is introducing are turning heads.


hy are microbots such a hot topic? It’s all about size. Human biological systems work on the micro and nanoscale. This implies that microdevices are able to interact with physical processes in ways that larger-scale materials can’t. Added to that, medicine and disease treatment require being up to date with new inventions and being open to new ideas.


inally, such a technology deserves to be further studied and implemented while eliminating any possible side-effects in parallel. Researchers are looking forward to conducting more experiments, adhe fabrication technique described above allows ding sensors to the robot, and redesigning it so that it building tiny bots that imitate the movement is able to control itself without the need of an exterof bacterium that causes sleeping sickness. This nal magnetic field. There is so much to look forward aforementioned bacterium can drive forward using its to, and the 21st century should get ready to embrace flagellum but hides it once in a human’s bloodstream miniaturization. for survival purposes. Similarly, the biobot is designed to swim using a flagellum which wraps around it and hides when heated with a laser. The direction and movement of the robot are remotely controlled using an electromagnetic field. The magnetic nanoparticles constituting the device are affected by the field and allow the bot to move and swim. On its way to a spe27 cific destination, this bacterial biobot can detect and

Letters to

CARLA AL-H I was broken… lost…my life was meaningless. I was confused… wandering like a little girl that lost her mother. I was craving for care and happiness from someone. I was sad… facing my problems all along silently. No one ever knew what I was really going through. Everyone was blaming me and asking me why I was always sad. What can I say? ‘I am fine… A few problems like a typical person… it will pass’. Truth is… I was broken…. By Whom? … HIM I loved him and agreed to keep us a secret… I tried to be there for him whenever he needed me… he had a tough past… I understood and agreed to help him get over it. A few months later… he changed… I discovered that he wanted only one thing… my body… my feelings were nothing to him… we broke up… because I refused to give in to his demands… He left me shattered, broken… I hated myself… hated everything that I was… Yet I didn’t give up… I faced the problem on my own without any help even from my closest friends… Two years later…. I was better… yet fragile… I was always aware… scared of everyone.... Two years later… I met HIM… I don’t know how to describe HIM… I don’t know what to call HIM… He entered my life unexpectedly and conquered my world without permission… Is he an ANGEL? Is he a FRIEND? Is he a LOVER? What is he? He is everything that I have ever wanted… he’s my angel, my friend, my lover, my supporter, my future dream… I loved him in every possible way… I loved him with every single feeling I had in me… my heart was his, beating only for him… when he is around I feel as if something was missing and when he is around I am in heaven… 28

an Angel

HADDAD We became lovers… he was my fairytale… I was willing to defeat the whole world just to see his beautiful smile… OH, THAT SMILE… it was my happiness… His scent was divine… when he used to kiss me… I was at home… when he used to hug me… I was at peace. Everything was perfect… I was falling in love with him each day more than the previous one. A few months later… he couldn’t handle my problems… he gave me everything that he had… he tried to help me get over my problems… but… sadly… I was drowned in my negativity… he became weak… we broke up. No words can describe how I felt back then… I tried to fix things… nothing worked. He doesn’t love me anymore… he doesn’t want me anymore… His feeling changed… he still cares… but in a friendly way… As for me… well… The love that I still have for him is too big that it is still growing each day…. I will be always his but he will never be mine… Only God knows how much love and adoration I hold in my heart for him… no one will ever understand how I am feeling and what do I feel when he is near… even when he is far… he is right there… in a dear place… in my HEART… in my Soul… in every breath I take…. in my MIND… He will find someone else… I am certain … but no one will ever love him as I do… no one will sacrifice as I do… no one will ever… not even him… know what he is to me… Actually… he found someone new… I am hurt… broken… yet… all I want is for him to be happy… and if she is able to make him happy… I am at peace. But if she breaks his heart, I will destroy her in every way possible… He claims to know me well… if he really does… why did things turned out to be like that? He wants a friend to talk to… I will always listen… He wants a shoulder to cry on… I will wipe away his tears… I cry every night regretting what brought us to where we are now… because I was the reason… Now he moved on… he even found another… it is ok… as long as he is happy… It is somehow weird how the love that I have for him is that big… It is GREAT LOVE… nothing will ever change that… Other men are trying to come into my life… I am refusing them… I am blocking them away from me… because his image is always there… in my mind… I am searching for him in every guy… but I won’t find him… because no one is like him… In the end, words will change things between us… letting him know how I feel will never bring him back to me… I only wrote this letter to express what I am feeling… just to pour everything out… In the end…. All that I can say… I ADORE you, my little ANGEL…. I love you in every way possible… you will always be in my heart… I will be YOURS for eternity… SOUL… BODY and MIND….

Thoughts... Some people will believe their own truths and refuse any other version. This is blatantly obvious when they are reflecting about past indiscretions. Dr. Laurence Ajaka They never consider that they had any part to play in how matters ended up. They only see the end result when someone else lashed out at them or refused to pander to their selfish needs. The build up to the calamity where they argued, said and did their fair share of nasty things is all but forgotten as they wallow in self-pity. They relive the final act so many times that they start to believe their own version of the truth and nothing else. They become the victims of their own imaginations and delusions, and they paint themselves as martyrs of a cruel world and unjust people. As the truth of what happened becomes distorted, their own perceptions and even personalities can become as deluded as their memory. If only they all take a closer look at themselves and reflect upon their own actions and words, then maybe we have a chance as a species to evolve. ************************** Self-perspective and perception can enrich the world with beauty, but sadly it’s the case of individuals being closed-minded and limited. People don’t think alike, and they refuse to see what lies beyond the narrow tunnel they live in. They look but only see whatever falls into their own perception of how others and even the world should be. They consider themselves to be the ones privileged with the wisdom and insight to see the truth, and the rest are just misguided. Individuality is a great quality that is vital to enhance the human experience; however, being obstinate means imprisoning oneself in a very narrow space that suffocates any chance of growth and maturity.


"I always consider myself responsible for what I say and not what others understand or how they interpret my words. If anyone is waiting for some form of justification, they have a long wait because I believe that each person twists words and facts to suit their own interest."

************************** Generalization is the cardinal theme for advice junkies. They give the most inane and ridiculous advice, and woe be anyone who doesn’t exalt in their wisdom and follow their words to a tee. It’s easy to spout words when one is far and unfamiliar with the intimate details of circumstances. We could all experience death or illness, but each of us deals with loss and sorrow in an individual way that is not appeased by universal pieces of advice. So as advice to advice junkies: stop pushing your own brand of reality on a situation that only God can know the truth of. If your advice is solicited then, by all means, give it; otherwise, you can hold your peace. ************************** We spend 9 months cocooned within our mothers' wombs without realizing the real reason behind this. They aren't considered part of our lives and not even recognized on our birth certificates. We aren't questioned about it neither are there any demands about it. Have any of us considered it as the purest part of our existence? We have no concerns, fears or enemies; all we have are nine months of blessing with no company but our souls. Our lives should include these 9 months because they are the first landmark on a long journey called life. It's when we were at our best experiencing nothing but the warmth and love our mothers feed us. It's the nirvana before we are cruelly taken away and thrust into the cycle of hate and turmoil that makes life. *************************** I always consider myself responsible for what I say and not what others understand or how they interpret my words. If anyone is waiting for some form of justification, they have a long wait because I believe that each person twists words and facts to suit their own interest. They see it in a way that best fits their lives, beliefs, and circumstances. Whatever that is said can be considered from many perspectives; some might rationalize it, others might see it from an emotional aspect and others still could put a sexual spin to it. I don't consider myself indebted to a society that chooses the worst possible interpretation for anything. It's exhausting and very taxing to be constantly explaining every last word time after time. Why can't we all be spontaneous and just say what we mean? Life would be much simpler and much clearer if we stop trying to weigh every word being said and analyzing everyone heard. In the end, it's what I say that matters not how others understand it.

FIXING YOUR SELF-PERCEPTION Often, we have self-perception problems because our emotions or misconceptions lead us to false conclusions. Anyone who's ever argued on the internet for more than a minute knows how easily logical fallacies can sneak in. When those leaps in logic face inward, though, they can alter how we perceive ourselves JANE DOE The main step in fixing your perception of yourself is to identify how you see yourself. One way to get started is a technique from cognitive behavioral therapy (or CBT) programs. Psych Central recommends writing ten of your strengths on one side of a paper, and ten weaknesses on the other. This exercise forces you to take an honest look at yourself: This is your Self-Esteem Inventory. It lets you know all the things you already tell yourself about how much you suck, as well as showing you that there are just as many things you don't suck at. Some of the weaknesses you may also be able to change, if only you worked at them, one at a time, over the course of a month or even a year. You may need to seek outside input from others if you can't come up with ten for both sides. Once you're done, keep the list because it will come in handy for the next thing you can do. Outside input has the ability to either validate or negate how we perceive ourselves. If you think you're not that great of a singer, but the crowd at karaoke disagrees, you might start to change your opinion. For that reason, if you really want to adjust your self perception, seeking outside input is absolutely necessary.



Celebs tips


Cheap & C

Mix your laven-rose shades! This is a style that shouldn't be matched head to toe. Mix it up a little with different shades, fabrics or throw in a little leather for an edgy look.

Lavieenrose This trend, which we have notably dubbed "Lavieenrose" is one of the most dainty yet. It's one of the few trends that you can dress up and look very femanine in or accessorize with leather to look very chic. This trend first began in the Fall of 2016, but has shown no clues of slowing down! Get in on it while you can! Y7 Staff


Be still, our beating hearts! This super flattering, rich color can completely transform your look— whether you love wine-hued lipsticks or glossy purple nail polish shades. And if that seems intimidating, don’t worry; rocking this autumnal shade couldn’t be easier. We’ve put together a complete guide to how to wear berry makeup on your lips, cheeks, eyes and nails.

Berry Lipstick. Deep, vampy purples and winehued reds both make up the berry lip color family. No matter what shade you choose, it demands attention—so be sure to prep your skin to perfection with a light foundation with a matte finish. Pair it with neutral eyeshadows—think smokey charcoal greys, bronze, browns, or golds, then really load up on the lashes.

this look. We love a deeper winehued lacquer in a glossy finish, like Deborah Lippmann’s Miss Independent ($18, deborahlippmann. com) or Essie’s Berry Naughty ($8.50, beauty.com). To prevent staining, apply a base coat or a color-correcting base coat before painting on two coats of the polish. Complete the look with with a super glossy, quick-drying top coat for a super shiny manicure.

Berry Eyeshadow. If you’ve yet to warm up to the idea of berry shadow, there’s no need to leap straight into bright, graphic eyeliner—try a subtle shade first. Apply the shadow color of your choice to your entire lid and blend up to the brow bone, sheering the pigment out as you blend. Keep your lashes free of mascara for a softer look, or amp it up with liner—just pick a neutral shade, or a darker liner color in same berry color family.

Berry blush. Darker blush hues in wines and berries are super flattering, but look especially amazing on deeper skin tones. The concept of berry blush should be though of as a more intense rosy flush. The key is applying it to the apples of the cheeks and blending outwards with your fingers—and cream blushes make it especially easy.

Berry Nails. Keep your nails relatively short and either square or oval-shaped, and there’s really no wrong way to rock

RougeCouture YvesSaintLaurent

Rouge M.A.C

Nail laquer Chanel

Eyeliner Chanel

y r r e B y r Ve Blush Chanel

Parfum Pure Orchid by Halle Berry

Winter Perfection

Power o Min

Carla Al-Haddad Many types of research have proved that the power of the mind draws certain events, circumstances, and people into our lives and eliminates others. The power that each person has forms a magnet. In our daily life, some people pass through certain events and circumstances, while others pass through different experiences. Some accomplish certain things easily, and others accomplish these same things with great difficulty, or they don’t accomplish anything at all. Sometimes, they attract positive events, and sometimes negative ones.

Our magnetic mind

Your mind is composed of the thoughts you think. These thoughts are like magnetic currents. If you think positively about some event or action, you get positive results. If you harbor negative thoughts, this negativity is drawn into your life. Mainly magnets draw metal objects. A strong and big magnet draws bigger objects than a small and weak one. Also, one side of the magnet draws and the other repels. Our mind works the same way ‌ how? It attracts into your life positive and negative situations and events, according to the thoughts that you think. It also repels, most of the time, negative situations: if you do not believe that you can accomplish something, you won’t accomplish it. Therefore, thoughts of incompetence, weakness, fear and inferiority create a repellant force.

How to activate your magnetic mind?

Strong desire, concentration, and faith are a few of the important ingredients for creating a powerful mind full of thoughts. Many activate the magnetic power of their mind unconsciously, without knowing what they are doing. When you know the rules, you become able to activate the magnetic power of your mind consciously, positively and effectively. All that you need to do is to focus on what you want, have faith and desire and unleash your power. The energy that you are unleashing will draw people towards you that can help you with your plans because they simply have the same lines as you do. This process heightens your awareness and perceptiveness of opportunities related to what you are visualizing, filling you with motivation and initiative. During this process be aware of your own thoughts by choosing the beneficial ones in a wise and conscious way that will lead you to utilize the power of attraction. Finally, the power of attraction is a universal power, manifesting everywhere and in everything. It is the power that holds the Universe together and brings thoughts into manifestation. Therefore, you should know how to use your mind to attract others towards you and how to turn your negative thoughts into more positive ones, so that you will be happy with your life.


Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. It's most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems.

of Your nd


ptiumquam,santlautaccuptaquatemimillasitateoditiavelmaximestisimagnisvendesdiciliscitequooccaerasant eatinvelendamapeporiconseditharchicienisetqueRibusciisautperuptatestrumfugiacumquesequissuntursintvellamrestiocculpavendanihicatemsintasitiumnametoptasmillanonethitemrecaepedigNosarionnumnimagniendi accataelaboreptae.Itamapecomnihilincusnieniatiamre,serchilitvolentiasvolorsiassiblatestereromaiosapedunt, volutedisvolorelanistisserferectaelaborenisant,acerferibus,utexcest,temexplanihitatibusmagniquidesmaios miliciisculparumevelecusacoraerferoeaquasesserumsuntorersperfercipsam,sinihillabidquatepresasutemrem susutlaboremporeraectisporit,asquiderumquenatur?Sitaedolentquisautemaioquoditibus,quatisimenistibuseum, quiandamquatur,temnosaesumasdolentidutmagnihit,atinostoconsequecuscipideataproetdolliteumeosetaut ipsapicabo.Nam,cuptiumquoetharumestisvoluptatiorestaspiduciasratecusam,offictoconpratvolorrumquidus. Obisaborreperorruptaedoluptaqueconeaquidmollest,utvoluptaeasperitinverrovitasullaboremquam,nosant


Recent brain imaging studies are rapidly showing that the brain does in fact conform in its function to the “Law of Attraction”. Perhaps the most convincing evidence to date has been the discovery of “mirror neurons”. At first seen in monkeys, scientists eventually found a set of “mirror neurons” in humans that mirror the behavior of someone who is being observed. That is, when we observe someone doing something, the same pattern of brain activation that allows that person to do what they are doing (e.g. lifting up their right hand or smiling) is mirrored in the brain of the observer. It is as if the observer is doing those same things.


Researchers at Liverpool University revealed that reading Wordsworth, Shakespeare and other classics “lights up” the brain under scanners. However, when participants were given easier, modern translations of the books, the brain boosting effects were less, suggesting that reading trickier texts is better for you. Areas of the brain fired up included not only the left part of the brain concerned with language, but also the right hemisphere that relates to autobiographical memory and emotion.


If you like seafood, get excited, because salmon is one of the most nutritious, brain food-friendly foods out there! It's packed with omega-3 fatty acids to help keep your brain running smoothly — goodbye, brain fog — and improve memory.


Scientistis found that 'listening to music enhanced the activity of genes involved in dopamine secretion and transport, synaptic function, learning and memory. ...

Strong desire, concentration, and faith are a few of the important ingredients for creating a powerful mind full of thoughts.

TIPS & TRICKS Exploit your weakness. This first challenge will seem counterintuitive, but there's good science to support it. ... Play memory games. ... Use mnemonics. ... Raise your eyebrows. ... Try new hobbies. ... Eat better. ... Exercise.


Should We Give Our Inheritances Only to Our Sons? My husband and I decided to leave to our son and two daughters only enough to back them up when they are in need, but not enough to change their lifestyles or make them lazy and cynical.

It is important not to transfer wealth to children before transferring wisdom to them. Without wisdom, wealth will not only be wasted, but it will damage our children by causing addictions, laziness and dishonesty. Grown up, children find themselves sometimes looking forward to all the money and possessions that will be theirs when their parents pass away, even though they know they shouldn’t think that way. Some children may also care little if they go into debt now because they expect to inherit a huge amount of money later. Therefore, we should explain to our children our plans from the beginning. I’ve heard many inheritance stories over the years, in which you notice how people who have inherited significant wealth became unhappy, greedy and suspicious individuals. They do not need to work hard to provide money, and that will lead to other temptations, especially when giving money to a careless spender who would drain the entire inherence in a blink of an eye. Moreover, a large inheritance might divide siblings apart as they all clamor for a bigger share of the pot. We must treat our sons and daughters equally in order not to create conflicts between them. Many parents opt to give their home to their son rather than to their daughter, and this will most probably create conflicts between members of the family. Back in old times, giving the land to our children and grandchildren was essential for farming and raising cattle. Many people were too poor to buy land for their own; therefore, inheriting a piece of land from their parents would help them from becoming enslaved and would allow them to live modestly, a decent life with other members of the family. However today, things have changed. Inheritances are additional incomes to people who even live away from their parents, have their own careers, and are already financially independent. When those people inherit a house or another real estate, what do they do about it? Normally, they sell it or use it as a further source of income. They do not need extra money and having it will simply mean increasing their standard of living, sometimes dramatically. Finally, our children should work hard and experience the joy of gaining money. A spiritual heritage and strong working ethics are a far more important inheritance than money and land, and it will serve them long after all the money and possession dry out.


Women’s Day… Global Hypocrisy! I was approached by one of my fellow lecturers who had read my blog for Women’s Day and protested my claims that this day represents nothing but a placebo pill given to placate women by shedding insincere flattery about their rights and roles in society. BY FATHER TONY EL KHOURY I was approached by one of my fellow lecturers who had read my blog for Women’s Day and protested my claims that this day represents nothing but a placebo pill given to placate women by shedding insincere flattery about their rights and roles in society. For those who aren’t aware, flattery is all about indulging and deceiving others into believing they have asserted their ideas and claimed their rights. And those who practice such strategies are honey-tongued tricksters that cheat others. To my colleague with the concerns about what I wrote, I am adamant in my stand. Women’s Day witnesses atrocious deeds of indiscretion and downright hypocrisy. I am positive there are many patrons of virtue who bring lavish bouquets of flowers tagged with poetic verses singing the praise of a love so intense, it’s driven to violence in the name of protectiveness and love. So the day dawns on oppressed women who momentarily get the chance to bask in the limelight before being thrust back into exclusion and humiliation. In that, I stand firm in my beliefs.

Had you looked further into my comment, you would have seen it as a protest to the other 364 days where women are objectified and parceled into serving the will of men allowed only a token measure of freedom and pushed into a tiny sphere of operation. In our preadolescent societies, even the most cultured and dignified women take a seat back to men, or even shells of men. Isn’t it obvious in all matters religious and secular where women are kept from the decisionmaking positions that shape the world today and draw the map of tomorrow? So my dear friend, don’t be taken back if I failed to congratulate you on your day; it is your right and our obligation. But I cannot join the procession of those seeped in traitorous intent and malice desire to subdue women. I have too much respect to those who give life, beauty, and wisdom to humanity to clock my words in such platitudes.

My dear friend, what I wrote was misinterpreted as an insult when it was my intention to sit aside from the marching parade and offer an honest and supportive stand for what the real role of women ought to be. It’s a horizon I fail to glimpse in our part of the world as we remain under the enduring regime of patriotic societies that give precedence to males’ every whim and desire enforced by inherited cultural, religious and unjust legislations that base all actions and words on the archaic rule of men over women who are expected to limit their existence as breeding vassals, pleasure objects, and submissive servants. 59



A student’s choice to pursue a career in medicine is likely the culmination of attributes including curiosity, altruism, and aspiration and can be spurred by a single experience. However, applying to medical school today is a journey that begins as early as middle school. Skills developed both in an out of the classroom throughout middle and high school can shape and solidify one’s desire to pursue careers in healthcare. One should began volunteering in a health care sector (doctor’s office or an emergency room) in middle school. This may spur initial curiosity in the field of medicine . To follow that curiosity, take biology or AP Psychology in high school, which exposes a student to yet another aspect of medicine. By the time one is accepted to college as a high school senior, one knows to pursue medicine and quickly learns grades needed to complement the experience. Medical schools admit applicants who demonstrate excellence in four distinct categories: academic prowess (high GPA and MCAT score), community service/volunteer work, experience in the healthcare field, and research. Academic prowess proves to medical schools that the applicant is prepared for the rigor of the next academic stage. Students’ overall GPA scores in addition to their science GPA classes are reviewed as an indication of how a student will perform in medical school.

interviewing physicians to fully understand the intricacies of working in the field of medicine. These experiences not only demonstrate genuine curiosity, but also help the student wholeheartedly decide on the career path. I had gone in to college knowing that I would be taking classes and seeking experiences that would prepare me for my future application to medical school. However, for those who don’t, some fall behind simply by the sheer quantity of classes required to apply to medical school. Unfortunately, some choose to abandon their desire to pursue medical schools because of that, when in fact there are many options specifically designed for those who decided a medical career later into their undergraduate careers. Do not despair and abandon the idea of medicine if this is your true calling! Post-baccalaureate programs provide students who graduated from college without completing the pre-requisite courses for medical school the opportunity to complete those classes in an escalated program. Many students enrolled to such programs also have the flexibility in schedule to fulfill the abovementioned categories and are able to become involved with research and volunteer work simultaneously. Michael (Misha) Yakobi – Shvili currently works as Healthcare Analyst at triage.com in Atlanta, GA while submitting his documents for Medical Schools.

Involvement in community service and volunteer work is the demonstration of an applicant’s altruism, one of the essential qualities medical schools seek in applicants. Medicine by nature is altruistic, and volunteer work is a tangible way to demonstrate one’s altruistic qualities. Both experience in the healthcare field and involvement in research prove the quality of curiosity, another quality actively sought by medical schools. Experiences in the healthcare field include shadowing physicians, working as a medical scribe, and even simply 61


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