5 minute read
YVP: Sylvis Beam, Crocheter
Yadkin • Valley PEOPLE
above left: Sylvia Beam above: Amy Beam right: Sylvia’s knitting

Most years when this season comes around and the temperatures start dropping, my mother-in-law crochets toboggans and headbands to keep our family warm. I have always admired her crochet work and wished I could make things like that. So, a couple of years ago, I decided to try it. I began by learning simple stitches. The first time I made the first small square that was just about five inches by five inches with double crochet stitches, I was so excited. From there, I went on to making hats and am currently planning to try some more difficult stitches and larger projects soon, but I still have a lot of practice to go to catch up to my mother-in-law, Sylvia Beam, who has been crocheting for over fifty years.
Sylvia learned to crochet from her mother, who loved to make beautiful things. The first stitch she learned was the granny square stitch. Sylvia said it was hard for her to learn and she cried during her first lesson, saying, “Mama, I just can't do it!” But she kept trying and did learn it, then she kept going from there. “That's all we did way back. Crochet and sew! Mama made our clothes. She crocheted more over her last twenty-five or thirty years, though, but as I learned more, I outdid her in crochet,” Sylvia said. Over the years, Sylvia has made many things: hats, blankets, shawls, headbands, baby clothes, doilies, and so much more and also given lessons to several of her family members, including myself, my daughter, and my granddaughter. She says she loves to crochet because it's just fun. “It's relaxing, and it takes all the stress away.”
The best part about crocheting, continues Sylvia is how fun it is to give away the things you make. All of her family and friends have enjoyed all the presents, including her grandkids and great grandkids who are pictured here wearing cre-
ations made by their great grandma, whom they all call “Granny” One of her great granddaughters, 4-year- old Emma, gets really excited when she sees things crocheted, asking if Granny made them with her balls of yarn, which Emma calls “fur-balls.” Sylvia says her favorite project was a doily she made and gave to her mama for her mama's 90th birthday which Sylvia now has on her bedroom dresser. She also enjoys creating the afghans Granny’s Crochet which she has made over 50. The most difficult project she has ever done was when WRITER & PHOTOGRAPHER Amy Beam she made three sweaters using the pineapple stitch. Sylvia gets new ideas for crocheting and learns new stitches online where there are so many resources now for somebody just learning to crochet to those who crochet at more advanced levels. According to an article written by Krista Childers on allfreecrochet.com, there are now over 150 different crochet stitches so there is definitely a lot to learn. There are countless videos on YouTube, as well as social media groups that trade tips, ideas, patterns, photos and more. Just searching for crochet on Facebook brings up so many groups, some of them having close to 300,000 members. There are also groups who meet locally. One in particular is the Knitting and Crochet Circle meeting at The Arts Place in Danbury, NC, on the third Saturday of each month for two hours to crochet and share ideas. For more information on crocheting, many resources can be found on the Crochet Guild of America's website (www.crochet.org) which includes lessons for beginners, advanced crocheters and children.
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