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Mock Beroth Tire’s What Is That?

presents: What IS That?

Send in your quess and if you’re the first correct entry drawn from all the correct guesses, you’ll win $100

The next two correct entries drawn win a copy our One Last Sweet Bite Cookbook. Enter by postcard, letter or email, be sure to include your:


And if you’d like, tell us about your experiences using or collecting this item. Entries must be received no later than 2/4/22,

Winner will be drawn 2/5/22. The winners will be notified by mail and announced in the March/April 2022 issue. All entries become the property of Yadkin Valley Magazine.

Turn to page 91 read about the November-December 2021 contest.

If your guess is the first correct entry drawn WIN Mail your guess to: “What is That Contest” $10000 Yadkin Valley Magazine 413 Cherry St, East Bend, NC 27018 or e-mail: barbara@yadkinvalleymagazine.com You can also enter on-line at: yadkinvalleymagazine.com, then click on “The What Is That” page.



5780 Shattalon Dr. Winston-Salem (336)661-9646 STOKES TIRE

King-Tobaccoville Rd. King (336) 983-4352 BEROTH TIRE MOCKSVILLE 132 Interstate Drive Mocksville (336) 753-8473 BEROTH TIRE KERNERSVILLE

731 E. Mountain St. Kernersville (336)996-2033


834 S. Stratford Rd. Winston-Salem (336)774-0081 MOCK TIRE ROBINHOOD

5385 Robinhood Rd. Winston-Salem (336)924-1499 BEROTH TIRE MADISON MOCK TIRE LEXINGTON

711 N. Highway St. Madison (336)548-3672 2012 Cotton Grove Rd. Lexington (336)357-3421


1037 N. Main St. Mooresville (704)799-3020 MOCK TIRE COUNTRY CLUB

4752 Country Club Rd. Winston-Salem (336)768-1010 NORTH ELKIN TIRE

2050 N. Bridge St. Elkin (336)526-1340 MOUNT AIRY TIRE

1380 Carter St. Mount Airy (336)786-4137


Vintage Valentines

My mother worked outside the home in the 40s when I was born. Being an only child gave her more time to record and preserve lots of childhood memories.

Ready for this? Momma actually kept a separate scrapbook of first birthday wrapping paper swatches! I still have the huge burgundy scrapbook of my classroom and family Valentine’s Day cards and who they were from. Is it still an event where in one afternoon a classroom of 25 kids gets to take 25 Valentine’s Day cards home from classmates in a brown paper bag?

Some traditions hang on for decades. Thank goodness Valentine's Day is one that has remained with us for centuries. History shows Valentine greetings were exchanged as far back as the Middle Ages when love was expressed verbally or sung.

Written Valentine’s appeared in the 1400s. Leaving fancy Valentine’s with ribbon and lace for another article, childhood memories are predominately the palmsized kids’cards.

Nearly 150 million cards are exchanged each Valentine’s Day with or without candy, flowers or jewelry! With the exception of Christmas, Americans exchange more cards celebrating the love of Valentine’s Day than any other time of the year.

If you have some vintage cards, you can check ebay for prices for post cards, fold-out cards and moveable cards. There seems to be an abundance of 50s cards on the market but some cards for sale go back to the 20s. A single unused card/ envelope can go for $5 to $10. There are single cards for sale but most offerings seem to be in multiples. I was excited to see two cards I have from my childhood scrapbook…simple little cards with innocent humor to bring smiles to young and old.

What IS That?

We almost tricked you this time… but we finally drew two correct guesses. The item is a rain bonnet

in its plastic case.

The first correct guess drawn for $100 was from Linda W. Quesinberry from Fancy Gap, VA. Sorry, but the second correct guesser did not include a name or address so we are waiting for a response to mail a copy of a Yadkin Valley Magazine cookbook!

This small item had a sacred compartment in my mother and grandmothers’ hand bags… Momma would have been 103 on her 2021 birthday. It’s rare but plastic rain bonnets are still around today.

A request, please …YVM asks for your physical mailing address because we use our East Bend US Post Service to mail the winning check and prize cookbook. Trust me, if I could send everything online, I would!

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