2 minute read
Gen. George Washington’s Bodyguard
Imagine a schoolboy thumbing the library shelves for a history project when he comes across a list of Revolutionary War soldiers from his home of Wilkes County. His eyes are drawn to one particular name, William Harris, “bodyguard of General Washington.” Could it be, wonders young Stephen Harris, this is my family? The question was planted and 40 years later after miles of research and a providential discovery, Stephen found his answer.
Stephen Harris calls State Road home; a place geographically intertwined with Elkin and Carter Falls, both straddling the Wilkes/Surry County line. Harris says, “This area, this ground, is my home as it was to my 4th great grandfather, William Harris and there is a deep connection. When I learned he was one of Washington’s guards I was fascinated. That is what eventually led me to compiling my research into a book. For me, it’s important to remember and honor him, to document his extraordinary life and to ensure he is not forgotten.”
After graduation from Carolina, Stephen landed his first job in Catawba County. It was during this time he stumbled across The Land of Wilkes book for the second time, which mentioned William Harris. It had been many years since that first encounter as an eighth grader at CB Eller School near Elkin but this time was different. This was the start of a serious pursuit of his family roots.
Raking through courthouse and census records, microfilm reels, old newspapers, writing letters, making phone calls and fishing the internet Stephen found documents supplying the facts and evidence that William Harris was indeed his 4th great grandfather. The research also proved his Revolutionary War service and clues to his life in Wilkes County. He died in December of 1848 at the age of 96. One remaining puzzle though, where was William’s grave? No one knew. Would it ever be found?
In the spring of 2015 after a long, tiring day Stephen checked his messages. “I never get messages from strangers, but on this day I received a curious one. It was from a Realtor in Winston-Salem who was listing some land up my way. Walking the property Stephen Harris with fellow descendant Brenda Harris Hill of Charleston, W.Va

Stephen Harris discovers an ancestor...
William Harris, Patriot Soldier and one of General Washington's Guards WRITER & Photographer Mary Bohlen
Yadkin • Valley PEOPLE