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Eric & The Jazzers


Aaliyah Ford REST IN STYLE




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Dear Reader, There was a “one hit wonder” song many, many moons ago, entitled: “Somebody’s Watching Me” by Rockwell. The bridge of that song included these lyrics “I always feel like somebody’s watching me…” And so it goes, we are all on a journey; whether we are on the job, traveling, walking or just sitting. Yes, we are all on a journey, with eyes always on us. While on this journey we must make decisions for ourselves. Decisions, decisions, decisions; and yet we are still questioning. Decisions regarding where we are, what we are doing, and if we are following the average yellow brick road (i.e., Dorothy in The Wiz or for some, The Wizard of Oz); or being watched (i.e., Rockwell) while making illegal U-turns of life; or if we are seeking better by attempting to travel the pristine streets paved with gold. On this journey we all will ultimately come to understand our travels will all lead to a specific something. Our choices and decisions will determine whether or not our journeys have been somewhat successful, pleasant and worthwhile; thus yielding a productive life with sunshine and happiness. Or, dead-end stop signs, from choices and decisions that were not in our best interest. Understanding that pencils have erasers and technology has mechanisms for trace erase; we must not think that our mistakes are final blunders of deceit, danger, or doom. Turn that thing around! There is always time for renovation and renewal. Just because the past did not turn out how you wanted it to, doesn’t mean that your future can’t be better than you have ever imagined. There is a colloquialism that reads something like this: “If you always do what you always done, you gon’ always get what you always got.” Again, turn that thing around! The late First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt would share regularly in her tea parties with the ladies: “We must do the thing we think we cannot.” So I share with you, no matter your race, creed, gender or travels in life, we must work to excel. With being the best we can be and while working to travel as many pristine streets paved with gold, as we can!

Big Daddy Kane

Dr. Sharrie Dean Collins Editor In Chief

Vanquish is a brand new British sports car.

Photo Credits: ASTON MARTIN Source: autoevolution.com

EXPLORE VANQUISH It’s a bit wider and also much lighter thanks to the use of carbon fiber than its predecessor. Powering the Vanquish is a revised version of the 6-liter V12 found in the DBS, which has gotten an extra 55 hp for a total of 565hp (573PS) and a peak torque of 620Nm (457 lb-ft). The supercar-GT will accelerate from 0 to 100km/h (62mph) in 4.1 seconds and can achieve a top speed of 295km/h (183mph). 4



Issue 10


Issue 10


YM ⎜EG Editorial Team Dr. Sharrie Dean Collins Editor In Chief Editorial Team: D. Peterson C. Meikle M. Palmer N. Jean B. Mcneese M. Peterson C. Calloway L. Skinner Account Executives: L. Sampson R. White Public Relations: C. Spivey K. Littlejohn D. Haliburton K. Thomas Y. Yahweh A. Smith



Luxurious Baldacchino Supreme Bed, $6.3M

Currently, this is the most expensive bed available in the market. It was hand carved by Stuart Hughes. It’s made from three types of wood namely: Ash, Cherry and Classy Canopy. The interior of the bed is accessorized by 24 carat gold that weighs more than 200 lbs. There are only two Baldacchino Supreme’s ever created.

Unique Magnetic Floating Bed, $1.6M This magical bed floats in the air. The designer, from Netherlands, has incorporated magnets, weighing more than 1500 lbs to keep the bed floating. There are also strong wires that tie the bed to the wall to prevent it from drifting away.



REST, CONTINUED Jado Steel Style Gold Bed, $676,550

Made from gold and Swarovski crystals, the Jado Steel Style Gold Bed offers unmatched comfort ability. It has features like: Internet connection, PlayStation, DVD Player and a sound surround system. The design brilliantly combines technology and luxury.

“Smile more, cry less.”

FINE DINING for the discriminating taste





YM Presents: Eric & The Jazzers Live Interview & Jazz Showcase on the YAHWEH MAGAZINE SHOW

How did Eric & The Jazzers come to be? Many years ago, I, being born and raised in New York, I always had a passion for the drums and Jazz. When I speak of Jazz, I speak of the real Jazz, the Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Coltrane Louie Armstrong, Duke Ellington, that type of Jazz. I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart. Although I grew up in the 70’s in New York, and most of my friends were more into R&B, then, Hip Hop was coming to a revelation, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Jazz. I’d find myself going into the city of Manhattan and sitting in and listening to some of the greats, Max Roach, Gene Krupa, Dizzy Gillespie play in these small cafes.

that I was not going to perform or sing anymore, let alone listen to music, but God got me through it. Once I recovered I asked that God send me a great band to work with, and to do work in abundance and I came across Eric and the Jazzers. I was working at a restaurant where the keyboarder Ken Burkhart and he let me know they were looking for a vocalist Eric and the Jazzers and I went and sat in with them for a couple of gigs and the rest is history. It’s almost a year now I’ve been performing with them, it’s been a wonderful, wonderful experience.

My mentor was Max Roach, a jazz drummer. I seen him play, and he was doing things remarkable. I couldn’t believe the total independence he had, he would do things with his right hand, and do something else with his left hand, and doing something completely different with his right foot, and with his left foot something else - it was total independence. If you write with your right hand, and you try to write with your left hand, you can imagine how different that is. Thats what I’m talking about. In order to do something like that, you really have to practice the craft, or just be born with it. I was hooked. I loved the drums, but of course, life takes you in different directions, and I wasn’t able to pursue my passion for the drums, and so I put it on the back burner for many years. It wasn’t until I left New York to come to South Florida in 1990, I met a woman who I eventually married with whom I had three beautiful children. My wife convinced me to have a stress test, and I ended up having to have a triple bypass surgery. after that, your life changes. Your eating habits change, you definitely have to exercise. After about 2 years, 2004-2005, she notice I wasn’t going to the gym as often as I should. She knew I always loved the drums, and someone told her that drumming is a great means of cardiovascular, since you’re working out all of your limbs, so she thought she could knock out two birds with one stone. One day I came home from work (I was doing real estate at the time) and to my surprise I saw a drum kit all set up in my living room. At first, I was taken back, I thought one of my boys had brought it. She came over with the drumsticks and said “here you go”. Ms. Yvette, tell us how you came to be part of this amazing band? Well, About three years ago I was diagnosed with brain tumor and before then I was a professional jazz singer, I’ve been singing jazz for about 10 years now, but it wasn’t a steady thing. When I was diagnosed with the brain tumor, received treatment for it and the treatment it made me basically thinking



Ken, tell us how you started playing the piano, sir? Actually, I was six years old and I started out on accordion. I grew up in Pennsylvania, and my mother wanted me to take accordion lessons and I didn’t want to do that; as a six year old boy I wanted to be a drummer, and my mother, to make the long story short, said well if you do real well for a year then you can play whatever you want. [Although] I started with accordion due to my mother’s request, but after a year I decided to stay with it because I realized I can play songs on the accordion and I couldn’t do that being a drummer. At the age of 15, I taught myself how to play Hammond B3 O organ and then at the age of 22, I taught myself how to play piano. That’s it, I’m a pretty much self-taught although I can read music. That’s how long ago I started playing, I’m not going to tell you how long that’s been. I do I write as well, I love writing music, I think I like writing just as much as I do playing. Basically I feel like I’m relating my love for my music from the universe to the people that listen to it, sharing that makes me feel loved and fulfilled when I’m playing.

YM Presents: Eric & The Jazzers Live Interview & Jazz Showcase on the YAHWEH MAGAZINE SHOW, Continued

[Yamin] Mustafa, tell us alittle bit about yourself? To give you in a nut shell about myself, I come from a musical family. My dad is a well renowned Melton Mustapha; his father is Jeffrey Jones and my older brother is also a musician he is twice nominated for a Grammy, educational Grammy, and myself coming out stuck in a classic family in music, I had no choice but to follow suit and here I am right, I think I’m the king of stage. I’m working right now with a few aces and I feel real good.I come from a very involved family as far as music is concerned and is a pleasure to be in the likes of such company as Eric and the Jazzers, Duck Allison, Ken Burkhart, Yvette Norwood-Tiger, and we have so many other people that are involved with us but not with us. My thing right now is to let you I love music and I love performing. Okay, let me do this thing, let me do this thing. I’d like to give appreciation to some very important people in my life, number one my best friends my dad Milton Mustapha, number two his rock my mother Zakir Mustapha. My older brother Milton Mustapha well my younger brother Jahad Mustapha and as well my sister. Then I want to go out and give a shout outs to everyone that listens to music and appreciates the art, its people like you guys that are listening to what we are talking about right now, that’s why I’m in business, that’s why I love what I’m doing right now, if I can continue to share my music with people like you guys then my dream is fulfilled so glory be to God.

Duck, welcome to Yahweh Magazine the Show, please share a little about yourself with our listening audience. Well, some people ask me why did I chose the drums, and the reality is I didn’t chose the drums they chose me. All the way from the time that I was a child, I guess I was beating on something whatever I could get in my hands and to beat up against and so I knew from the time I was a child exactly what I wanted to do was I came up through junior high school. Elementary school I played in the school band and I just knew that’s what I wanted. I started playing football and everything but everything kept drawing me back to playing the drums. I was blessed to be able to play it with Gladys Night when I was a young teenager. I was at school one day and there was a band that came in - the United States Harmony

Band. After the assembly, I went up to them and I said, “You mean to tell me that you guys are playing this and you get paid to do this?” They said, “Yes, we get paid to do it,” and I’m saying, “Okay, well how do I get involved with this?” Right from that point they told me, “Well, we’ll give you an education and you will be able to do everything that you wanted to do and you can go where you want to and we will teach you whatever you don’t know.” I felt that was a good move for me at the time, and my parents had been saving up money for me to go to college. I went back to them and I told them and they were devastated because of course they didn’t want me to join the military because the only thing they could see was me after fighting and I’m like, “Well, I’m not going to be fighting, I’m just going to be playing music” and so I told them, I said, “You don’t have to worry about the money that you saved up for me to go to college, you take that and you guys retire with that because I can pay for my own education.” I left from there and started touring in Europe. I did everything with them, and then I started playing my own band on the side. Throughout my whole life, that’s basically what I have been doing - playing music: and I just love it. It’s been able to sustain and support me up to the present time. I remember when I first saw this group, Eric and the Jazzers, I felt that these guys were doing something that nobody else was doing in this area. I was so impressed with the sound that they had there and I was even taken a back when Eric had asked me to join the band. I felt really humbled and honored for him to step aside and do that of which he does a fantastic job at marketing and doing everything for the band. He’s just a very, very strong point person for us. We have some very strong players. A band is only as good as this weakest link, and we don’t have any weak links in our band. Everybody is just as equally strong and so that was great. What also helps us is that when we get the energy from the crowd and I see it just thinks that everybody just flashes and plays that much better. That was the case when you guys packed the house the other day, there was just so much energy in the place that we could just feel it and it was just so much, not only energy but love type of energy. We were able to draw off of that and I think that just feasted it up and that touched our souls and just warmed our hearts and we feel honored for you to recognize us on your national show, Amen.



According to Benjamin Clymer [askmen.com], there are watches meant for sport, there are legacy watches meant to be passed down through generations, and then there are watches meant to inspire nothing but pure jealousy and lust. These luxury watches differ from others by virtue of unprecedented complication and the price that goes along with it. And real luxury watches are not appreciated by the vast majority of people that see them on the street but rather by a calling card for those true connoisseurs. This list will give you 10 of the very best and most coveted luxury watches on Earth. Note: MSRP values are approximations.

No. 10. Richard Mille RM027 Rafael Nadal

No. 9. Breguet La Tradition Fusee Tourbillon

Does it make sense for a watch to feature a tourbillon and cost $525,000 if it was designed to be worn while playing tennis? Absolutely not, but that’s part of the charm of the RM027. This watch weighs less than 20 grams and was actually sculpted to Rafael Nadal’s wrist and game so that he could wear it mid-match. The watch is so light that Richard Mille was forced to use plastic instead of glass for the crystal -- because using sapphire would have doubled the weight of the entire watch. Only 50 RM027s will see the light of day, and even at a half a million dollars, they are likely all accounted for.

Breguet is known as the master of the tourbillon, and La Tradition Fusee is one of the most innovative models. It features a silicon balance wheel that is p r a c t i c a l l y impervious to such annoying things as gravity, and uses a chain and fusee transmission system rarely found in wristwatches. Couple all that with the effortlessly chic Breguet name, and you have a seriously fawn-worthy watch.

MSRP: $525,000

MSRP: $158,550

No. 8. Thomas Prescher Flying Triple Axis Tourbillon

No. 7. Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Grande Complication

Handmade by one of the w o r l d ’s g r e a t e s t - l i v i n g independent watchmaker, t h e F l y i n g Tr i p l e A x i s Tourbillon is nothing short of poetry in motion. To see the tourbillon rotate on not one or two but actually three separate axes is breathtaking. Each piece is custom built to the owner’s specifications and you will not find a Thomas Prescher Flying Triple Axis Tourbillon in any store in the United States. This is a watch that only those in the know know about. And in this case, knowing is all the battle. MSRP: $500,000

The Grande Complication from Audemars Piguet takes the classic and sporty Royal Oak case and puts it around one of the most incredible pieces of m e c h a n i c a l craftsmanship in the world. The in-house AP movement features not only a minute repeater, which tells the time by the hitting of a cathedral gong inside the case, but also a perpetual calendar that tracks the time, date, month, year, and moon phase for over 100 years without having to be reset. MSRP: $702,000

TOP TEN TIME PIECES, cont. No. 6. Urwerk CC1 King Cobra

No. 5. MB&F HM3 Frog

Modeled after an early Patek Philippe prototype that never made it to production, the CC1 King Cobra closely resembles the dashboard of an old American automobile. It features completely linear gauges that display the hour and minute, and the finishing of this watch is world class. While Urwerk’s other watches may get a lot of attention, the CC1 is a true luxury watch.

Easily the most playful of the luxury watches, MB&F’s HM3 Frog variant takes an already interesting and complicated watch and makes it even more so. Called the frog because of the two large crystal and aluminum domes that protrude from the case like an amphibian’s eyes from the water, this magnificent piece of haute horology is perhaps the most buzzed about watch on the planet right now. The best part about the Frog is that most people won’t even know it’s a watch just by looking at it, and explaining what makes it so great is half the fun.

MSRP: $100,000

MSRP: $100,000 No. 4. Patek Philippe Sky Moon Tourbillon The name Patek Philippe is synonymous with luxury watches, and at the pinnacle of the Patek range is the Sky Moon To u r b i l l o n . T h e S k y Moon is so rare and valuable that there is no estimated retail price, and only three are produced each year. Like the Enzo Ferrari, each owner must be a longtime and influential client of the company before securing one of these astronomical timepieces for his own collection. When one of these uber-complicated watches does come up for sale, they usually sell for around $1.3 million. If that isn’t luxury, what is?

No. 3. A. Lange & Sohne Tourbograph "Pour le Mérite" Quickly gaining a reputation as one of the world’s preeminent watch manufacturers, even on par with Patek Philippe, is A. Lange & Sohne. The limited Tourbograph features an incredible A. Lange tourbillon coupled with a split-second chronograph capable of measuring one-sixteenth of a second. Like the Breguet above, it uses a fusee and chain transmission, and in 2006, the Tourbograph won the Special Jury Prize at the Watchmaking Grand Prix. MSPR: $500,000

MSRP: $1.3MM No. 2. Maitres Du Temps Chapter One What do you get when three of the greatest living watchmakers get together to produce one very special timepiece together? The answer is the Chapter One, from Maitres du Temps. This $395,000 timepiece is the work of Christophe Claret, Roger DuBuis and Peter Speake-Marin, and it is hailed as one of the most impressive timepieces to have been built in the last decade. There are some slight variations on the Chapter One, including one with a round case, but the original is no less special -- and certainly no less luxurious. MSRP: $395,000

Gourmet Vegan

Three years ago, Vida Amuah was chosen by the Ghana Government as the only vegan chef to Cater the vegan foods in representation of Ghana and all of the entire African Countries during the United Nations World Tourism Day. She was judged as the best Vegan food. According to Vida, cooking is her and steps are ordered by the Creator of the Universe to help in the health of people. Her dream is to have cooking shows on an international television broadcast as well as a chain of international catering locations to provide food so that people can again experience everlasting life with her gourmet dishes. Pictured above: Kale wrap with BBQ Non-Ribs. Pictured to the Left: Kale salad, veggie rolls, veggie fried rice, non-shrimp, collard greens, bbq non-ribs. For health books, food orders, catering and additional Information, Please contact: Vida’s International Cuisine (404) 453-1686


Cosandra Calloway 18



Cosandra Calloway a native New Yorker was crowned Miss Black Teen New York and became a centerfold story in the New York Daily News paper and henceforth started her journey on her path to success in the entertainment and radio broadcast industry. Cosandra earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree at South Carolina State University. With those credentials she has ameliorated to a well known internet radio talk show host, Hollywood Red Carpet Personality and social media savvy favorite of throngs of audiences worldwide. Cosandra has interviewed, worked and interacted with some of the top “A” list celebrities in Hollywood, like Will Smith, Howard Hewitt, Freddie Jackson, Toni Braxton, Carl Anthony Payne, The Boys, New Edition, Backstreet Boys, Shae Jones, and a host of daytime soap opera personalities. Cosandra was the first female to host a radio show at SCSU, (stage name; Dynasty). She was thoroughly convinced that entertainment and broadcasting would take her far into her dreams. And it has. Cosandra, a warm hearted philanthropist extends herself to help others in a variety of ways. She has produced celebrity basketball games with Hollywood’s “next generation of stars”, raising funds for scholarships and books for underserved children. She is one of the founders of the SAFE organization (Sisters Advocating Further Education). Cosandra is gifted with lots of positive energy and goes the extra mile to get the job done. She is an excellent team leader and player. She’s become loaded with a treasure chest of knowledge of the business of show business, Modern day Disc Jockey savvy, artists management, and road management. It was her successful experience in the music industry that prompted her to begin her radio show, red carpet shows and appearances and interviews. Cosandra’s much talked about and

continuously growing social media entertainment derived from her celebrity laced radio and media programs where “Callywood” nation was born, boasting some 3 million downloads. Since Cosandra’s “Callywood Live” launching some six years ago she has birthed: Mystery Mix Monday’s, Neo Soul Tuesday’s, Callywood after Dark and Callywood Live. Cosandra interviews some of the biggest stars in music, television, film and business. “It has truly been a rewarding experience to be able to interview so many amazing people over the past several years,” says Calloway. “Creating an outlet that allows my guest to say and truly be who they are has been a dream realized,” “Callywood” also serves her philanthropic efforts. Cosandra started a ”Feed the street mission”.With millions of downloads weekly Cosandra is able to gather resources for her giving endeavors from her fans enjoying to her shows. “Giving back is part of who I am, says Calloway. As Dr. King said, “You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.” This modern day Media personality delivers interviews with the perfect sound bite. Cosandra asks the “tough” questions. With her witty personality and respected relationships in the entertainment business, it is difficult for stars to say no to her bubbly personality and astute intelligences. Cosandra’s amazingly spectacular music mixes entertains audience of many backgrounds. Cosandra keeps some of the biggest Hollywood parties jumping with her pumping keep the party live performances and savoir fare. “I love what I do, and I feel truly grateful for what I have been able to accomplish. I believe the best is yet to come.”



Le Grand Bleu is one of the largest private yachts in the world at 113 m (371 ft) in length. She was built at the Bremer Vulkan yard in Bremen, Germany, and was launched in 2000. She was designed by Stefano Pastrovich and constructed by Kusch Yachts.[2] She was previously owned by John McCaw, Jr., an American businessman, who sold her to Russian businessman Roman Abramovich in 2002. Abramovich had her refitted to his own preferences by HDW in Kiel, Germany. This included an internal refit and the addition of a 16-foot (4.9 m) swim platform. In June 2006, Abramovich gave Le Grand Bleu to her current owner, friend and business partner Eugene Shvidler. Le Grand Bleu is powered by two 4,570 bhp Deutz engines. Details about the interiors are scanty as Abramovich is protective of his family's privacy and highly security-conscious, but they were designed by Terence Disdale. Source: Wikipedia




No. 1. Jean Dunand Palace The talk of last year's BaselWorld was the Palace by Jean Dunand. The Palace was inspired by a handful of global landscapes, structures and even a raceway or two to create one of the most complicated and impressive timepieces in the world. It features a flying tourbillon at the heart of the timepiece, and even the chain that drives it is designed to look like that of one on a vintage motorcycle. This eclectic and amazing watch can also be customized to your every whim. The Jean Dunand Palace is as impressive and luxurious as a timepiece can get. MSRP: $410,000

YM SPOTLIGHT Rolex GMT 116769TBR This expensive watch features a wave diamond dial with luminous hour markers. The bracelet is made of white gold (18K). This self-winding automatic watch features an Oysterlock clasp. The case and locks are encrusted with 76 brilliant round diamonds. MSRP: $500,00

Exclusive Big Daddy Kane 24


⏐ YM EXCLUSIVE ⏐ BIG DADDY KANE YM sat down with one of the greatest legends and pioneers of Hip Hip - Big Daddy Kane. In an exclusive, one on one interview, here’s what he told us: How does it feel to be a legend? I don't know how it feels to be a legend. I'm just me, I'm very very happy to still be relevant, still do what I do today, still have the opportunity to tour on stages with all my peers like Doug E Fresh, MC Lyte, Rakim, Public Enemy, so many others. I just really feel blessed. How does it feel to be the influence of other artists? It's beautiful to hear people speak of songs from my catalog or saying they were influenced by my music because that's one of the reasons why I got into hip hop. I wasn't a young dude who had this dream of putting out a record and being able to buy a bunch of Lamborghini's and Ferrari's and Bentley's and all this. My dream was to be the dopest MC and have respect in the industry of being a great MC so when I see people that say, "I'm the reason they started rapping or how much they used to listen to my music or I named my son after you." That's really a blessing, I think it's beautiful.

happens is quantity comes in and quality goes out. That's pretty much what it is. You mentioned your young menthe, who is also an artist. Will you share more about him? Yes, I was talking about Omar Wilson, he's a very talented kid with a great voice. I really wish nothing but the best for him because he deserves it, he has a good, pure heart and he has a raw talent. Will you share with us a little bit about your band? My band, Las Supper… It’s spelt almost [the same] it's just that there's no "T" in the word "Last" and that doesn't symbolize anything, it's just that when I was trademarking the name somebody already had the name trademarked. That’s all, there's no deep meaning behind the spelling. But yeah, basically we're a soul band that does 60's, early 70's type soul music like Motown or Stax records or that type of vibe. Everything is all live instruments, it's that feel.

Who inspired you to get in the rap game? I was actually inspired to get into rap by my cousin, Murdock, out in Brooklyn, he started rapping and I looked up to him, he's my older cousin that I looked up to so once he got into it, I started trying to do it to be like him really. But then as time went by, I heard the Cold Crush Brothers and I heard this guy Grand Master Caz, I was just like, "Wow!", this dude is amazing. This is who I want to be. Where were you the first time you heard your song on the radio? The first time I heard my song on the radio - I was with my boys, Mad Money Murph and Voddy. We were hanging out on somebody's steps drinking beer and Mr. Magic played it on Rap Attack and we went crazy— ran back to the store, bought a couple of more forties and you know how the night went after that. What is your opinion of the industry now? The industry's a lot different now, the industry is more of a corporate structure now as opposed to a music business, its more of a corporate structure and with any other corporation what

Who is one of your favorite artists now that's in the industry that you like? One of the few artists in the industry right now, probably, Janelle Monáe. I think that she is just an incredible artist, she's one of the few people that get it from this new generation, that understands how to be an artist, how to relate with your fans and make them appreciate you. What are you up and coming projects? I did a movie with Keanu Reeves last year and it comes out in January. It was originally Daughter of God but they renamed it Exposed and it comes out in theaters in January so that's with Keanu Reeves and Mira Sorvino and myself. Also, I just finished a film with Lorenzo Lamas called Movie Madness. I believe that will be coming out next year as well. For more information on Big Daddy Kane, including updated tour dates, check out Big Daddy Kane’s Website: www.bigdaddykane.com



Photo Credit: losanjealous.com

FIRST CLASS Which yacht is right for you? Many factors contribute to the selection of a yacht. At the root of any sound yacht purchase decision is the core performance factors that are essential to consider long before you review interior decoration or layout. • • • • • • •

Motor or Sailing yacht High speed performance, Semi-planing hull shape or slow full-displacement? Size restrictions: Will you need access to a location with draft, beam, length or height restrictions? Does the dock behind your home have X feet available water or a fixed bridge limiting access to yacht with an air draft of less than Y feet? Guest carriage requirements: Number of guests cruising onboard and sleeping onboard? Maintenance issues: Are parts readily available in the intended cruising areas? Crew: Will the yacht accommodate a suitable number of crew to match your service expectations? Range: Where in the world do you wish to travel? If those ports are not serviced by a yacht transport service then the yacht will need to have an ocean passage making range and hull shape.

Full-displacement vs. Semi-displacement? The pros and cons of semi-displacement compared to full-displacement are:




18-25 knot cruising speed

10-12 knot cruising speed

Fuel Consumption

Very high fuel consumption. Often four to six times the fuel consumption of a similar sized full displacement yacht.

Fuel efficient when compared with a semi-displacement.

Transatlantic passages

Not self powered, but possible using yacht transportation at a cost of $850-$1,200 per foot each way.

Capable of self powered transatlantic passages. Costs range from $250 to $600 per foot depending upon crew size and engine size.

Engine Maintenance

Specialist engineering. High powered engines require more maintenance from outside companies and specialists.

Lower power rating and crew engineers should be capable of maintaining 95% of all engineering needs.

Stability / Comfort

Hard/fast roll due to hard chine hull shape.

Slow roll. Generally more comfortable at anchor.


When designed initially for speed semi-displacement models generally have shallower draft and less interior volume than full-displacement models of the same length.

Volume considerations have less impact on performance so hull shapes generally contain more interior volume than the similar length in semi-displacement.


Generally louder interiors whilst underway due to desire to reduce weight in construction and larger engines and faster water movement.

No restriction on build weight allows full implementation of noise attenuation. (not all manufacturers employ the necessary construction to minimize noise). Source: The Luxury Yacht Group

How to Buy a Yacht Source: The Luxury Yacht Group

There is a standard sequence to buying a yacht that is accepted by the global yachting community. Variations from these steps are possible but fairly rare.

so it usually takes a week or two to receive an accepted offer. Step 4: Survey

Step 1: Search and selection

Depending upon the size of the yacht the survey can take from one to 14 days to complete. Working with a yacht broker from Luxury Yacht During the survey all mechanical, electrical and Group your requirements are refined and electronics equipment is tested. The objective of suitable yachts reviewed and inspected. the survey is to get an accurate understanding of Inspection can the current be made at a vessel condition r e g u l a r l y and precisely scheduled boat how much the shows or by yacht will cost s p e c i a l to maintain in appointment for the next few a personal years. As part inspection of the survey it subject to the is strongly y a c h t ' s recommended availability. that the vessel is hauled out of “Ambrosia” Step 2: Offer the water for Price: $119 M inspection. The This isn’t the first yacht on this list owned by an undisclosed billionaire Once a suitable cost of the (this time from Hong Kong), but it is a good bit cheaper than the rest. yacht is found a survey is paid Source: List25 formal offer is for by the made by the buyer. buyer. This is presented by your broker on an industry Step 5: Sea Trial standard contract to buy the yacht. This sales agreement outlines the timing for the sea trial, At a convenient time before, during or after the survey, acceptance and closing. When you make survey the prospective buyer is able to take the your offer it is normal to deposit 10% of the offer yacht out to sea to establish the vessel's price into escrow with your attorney or broker. It performance underway. This sea trial, usually is essential that your offer includes an accurate limited in duration to 4 hours, is normally inventory of the vessel. At Luxury Yacht Group at the seller's expense. During the sea we always take a photographic inventory of the trial the engines are tested to verify vessel and include that with the offer to buy. cruising and maximum speed and it is a good opportunity for the buyer to verify Step 3: Offer accepted the motion of the vessel and noise levels throughout the interior whilst underway. The seller will accept, reject or counter your offer to buy. It is rare for the first offer to be accepted Step 6: Acceptance


Following successful survey and sea trial the buyer submits written acceptance of the vessel. From this point onwards the 10% deposit paid is at risk should the buyer not close the sale at the agreed upon closing date. It is very normal for deficiencies found during survey to be included in a conditional acceptance that gives the seller time to make repairs or allow a financial allowance for the buyer to make repairs after the closing. For example a deficiency is found in the air conditioning system that cannot be repaired prior to closing so a conditional acceptance is signed by both buyer and seller giving $20,000 off the previously agreed price in consideration of the non - functional air conditioning.

vessel offshore, taxes can be avoided on the value of the hull. The savings can be significant when compared with the value of the sales tax (TVA or VAT) that would have to be paid. Maintenance costs? The costs of yacht ownership are significant and it is incredibly rare for a yacht owner to make money by chartering their yacht. Be very leery of any yacht broker telling you that you will make money buying and chartering a yacht. The Luxury Yacht Group management team has created the operating cost calculator that gives a general idea regarding operating costs. This can be found here: Operating Cost Calculator.

Step 7: Closing Crew costs? Just like real estate the act of The crew team at a closing is a L u x u r y Ya c h t fairly straight Group has f o r w a r d developed a exchange of formula for salary signatures on ranges based i m p o r t a n t upon the number “Project Mars” documents. The of crew onboard. Price: $161.8 M protocol of The table also Originally built by Fincanteri, the Italian shipping yard, this delivery and gives the standard megayacht comes with swimming pools, a spa, and a designated acceptance crew breakdown business area. clearly lists the with regards job Source: List25 location and time titles. of the ownership exchange. At closing the buyer should have new Crew cost calculator is located here: Crew Cost registration and insurance already lined up. The Calculator Luxury Yacht Group yacht management team will happily assist any new buyer in establishing Our top 5 recommendations to new yacht the necessary official papers and insurance buyers? required. Hire the best crew that you can find. Most Flags of convenience? problems that we see yacht owner's experience could be overcome by a good crew. Luxury The large majority of yachts are flagged Yacht Group's crew placement team has over (registered) offshore. The most popular registries 22,000 crew to choose from and has the best are the Cayman Islands, Marshall Islands and placement guarantee in the business. Please call St. Vincent. These three registries offer relatively +1 954 525 9959 or send an e-mail to protected and inexpensive yacht registry crew@luxyachts.com for more information on services. Most offshore registries require that the our crew placement service. new owner establish a corporation in their jurisdiction that owns the vessel. The beneficial Take your time buying a yacht. Yachts that are owner is simply the majority shareholder in the for sale at'great ' or 'giveaway' prices are rarely corporation. In most cases, by flagging your a good buy. The cost of refitting a distressed 30


vessel can far exceed the capital savings that you think are present on day one. Our brokerage staff can direct you to a good value vessel and away from a money pit. Charter prior to owning. Yachting is very expensive and owning a yacht is a truly unique vacation experience. Chartering a yacht is a great way to sample yacht ownership with a fixed cost and minimal time commitment. Luxury Yacht Group can charter you a very similar yacht to the one that you are looking at so that you can be familiar with the brand or style of the yacht that you are interested in buying. Understand the cost of ownership. The cost of yachting is fairly tough to justify in the real world however it is an amazing luxury experience that is only within reach of the truly successful. Please speak to a yacht management professional prior to purchasing a yacht so that you have a clear understanding of the operating costs associated with that yacht.

“Ecstasea” Price: $200M The only thing cooler than this yachts name is the fact that no one knows who owns it. While it was formerly in the hands of Roman Abramovich, it has been sold to an undisclosed buyer.

Source: List25

operate the vessel from your existing offices please call us to help with the setup. We are happy to train your existing accounting or Payroll Company in some of the intricacies of yacht operations.

Have a strong shore support team. Yachting is a luxury pastime with ups and downs. The Luxury Yacht Group yacht management team is available to support your operations to smooth over any issues that may arise. If you chose to

“Streets of Monaco” Price: £700M (http://www.dailymail.co.uk) It’s essentially an entire country on a boat. Complete with roads, mini cars, and even an “airport”, Nigel Gee’s floating city is in a league of its own.

Source: List25







YM: We are live with the legendary Howard Hewett. All the top producers in the country and people who love music know you. Fill our readers in a little bit. HH: I've been singing since I was 10 years old, this is all I've ever done. I first got on here to LA in '76, put a group together 6 or 7 months or so, then I got the offer to join Shalamar. It was an honor I got the offer to join the group on a Friday and then Monday I was in front of the TV camera. From that point on it was just one hit after the other with the group you know, Make That Move, A Night To Remember, For The Lover In You, all that stuff. In '85 I started doing my soul thing. YM: You've recorded some of the greatest, well in the same background. HH: I became friends with Stanley Clarke, legendary bass player, we had the same accountant at the time, and our accountant introduced us. Stanley then introduced me to George Duke, and the three of us then became friends. It always seemed like I would always kind of gravitate towards the Jazz guys like, Brian Culbertson, Joe Sample, Gerald Albright, and all those people, with female artists Anita Baker, Dionne Warwick, a lot of different people. YM: What is it like performing overseas? HH: I do shows overseas. Over there people are really, really into the history of stuff. There's been a couple of times people come to the show, I do autographs after, and they bring me a CD of stuff that I have done, and there's things on there sometimes I forgot I even did them. YM: You mentioned at 10 years old, was that the age when you first realized that you can sing?

and I could hold a note, then she put together the Hewett singers and literally kicked me out on the stage. YM: What has been one of the keys to your longevity in the business? HH: Majority of the people out there, they listen to music and chronologize their lives according to what was happening, at the time that the music came out. When you have the honor to become the soundtrack of somebody's life, that's something you take very, very seriously, something that you respect. The best way to kill that whole thing off is to be rude to somebody when you're out there in public, because they literally are the reason why you're doing what you're doing, because it's not guaranteed, none of this was guaranteed. YM: Is there a difference now between being on the road back then and being on the road now? HH: Big difference now, back then you chase it, back then that's what I was doing, I was building that foundation. We were on the road sometimes eight, ten months out of the year. It was cool because the day that, "oh man, we just got out of the road did a tour," I say, "that's cool, we're here three weeks," three weeks, I believe that's an outing. YM: How would you describe your show? HH: Energetic, romantic, nostalgic, and just fun.

HH: It was my mom. She was a professor, a gospel promoter, once she found out my sisters


GADGETS GALORE The iDiamond iPod Shuffle is definitely for anyone who love diamonds. This diamond encrusted iPod shuffle. This over the top diamond iPod is unique and has been sold in an auction. The price of this incredible 430-diamond encrusted iPod is estimated to be somewhere around $40,000. Source:begorgeous.com

The iPhone Lamp is an innovative and interesting desk lamp designed by Ukrainian designer Ivan Zhurba. As its name implies, the lamp doesn’t have integrated LED lights, but it features a custom dock to hold your iPhone in order to use the exposed iPhone’s LED flash to illuminate, and since the bottom of the phone remains exposed, you can easily charge it via a charging cable. Moreover, the iPhone lamp sports an eye-catching minimalistic design that works well with your iPhone 6/5/5s/4/4S, and its integrated audio amplifier enhances the sound from your iPhone. Just having one question, where to buy the desk lamp? BTW, also don’t miss i Speaker Light dock speaker and other great stuff by following tags. Source:gadgetsin.com

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Aaliyah Ford

Comedian, Host & Producer

Aaliyah learned the power of humor early in life. She has built her stage performance from finding the humor in her overall life experiences. The Multi-Talented Comedian Some of her appearances include: • BET Apollo Live • Anthony Brown (“J Spot”) Comedy Club, LA • Good Nights, Raleigh • Riddles, Chicago • House of Comedy, Charlotte



Michel’le Toussant is an R&B recording artist and songwriter who will forever hold a place in music history as one of the most important female voices in the history of the West Coast Hip Hop Movement. Signed to Ruthless Records as a teenager, her label mates included pioneers such as Eazy E, NWA and the D.O.C. Unlike the gritty, hard hitting rap music previously produced by Ruthless Records, Michel’le’s melodic, yet powerful vocals offered an amazing contrast on her debut album “Michel’le” which was produced entirely by Andre “Dr. Dre” Young and Executive Produced by Eric “Eazy E” Wright. A native of Compton, CA, it’s clear that Michel’le had her own unique vision of combining the street influence of urban culture, r&b / hip hop music and intertwining it with sultry vocals and powerful lyrics. Her voice was unquestionably one of the most unique instruments ever heard in music, a high-pitched speaking voice and a beautifully aggressive singing voice. Michel’le was discovered by Dr. Dre, then a member of World Class Wrecking Cru, who at the time needed a female vocalist on what became one of their biggest hits “Before You Turn off the Lights.” Continuing her pursuit of a career in music, Michel’le signed with Ruthless Records. Ruthless Records made History when it released their first Urban Contemporary project, the self titled “Michel’le” which went platinum selling over 2 million copies, and garnering several hit singles including the now classic “Something in My Heart,” “No More Lies,” and the funky anthem “Nicety.” She brought together rap music and soulful R&B in away that no one had ever done before. Clearly ahead of her time, her dynamic voice and electrifying performances were the launch pad for several other urban influenced vocalists such as Mary J. Blige, Faith Evans, or Lauryn Hill, who all had strong ties to Rap, and Hip Hop music. Michel’le was definitely a force in the music industry during her time with Ruthless Records. With a move to Death Row Records she recorded a second album, but she chose to put her career on hold due to creative differences with the once prominent music label. Now the mother of two, in the midst of true career resurgence - she has new music on the horizon, a book in the works, voiceover projects, and performances across the country; she is making her move back into the spotlight. Her first major endeavor was joining the cast of the TVOne reality show “R&B Divas LA”, where she quickly showcased her fun loving personality, and witty humor, making her an unexpected fan favorite. Michel’le who has been termed appropriately as “One of the true, West Coat Urban Music Icons”, is preparing to share her story the only way she can, from her unique and singular point of view. She will let her fans into her world in a way she has never done before and allow her fans to see the highs and lows of being the First Lady of West Coast Rap.

MIND POWER Do You Believe in Magic? Excerpt from “The Magic” (The Secret Book 3) by Rhonda Byrne Remember when you were a child and you looked at life in total wonder and awe? Life was magical and exciting, and the smallest things were utterly thrilling to you. You were fascinated by the frost on the grass, a butterfly flittering through the air, or any strange leaf or rock on the ground. You were full of excitement when you lost a tooth, because it meant the Tooth Fairy would be coming that night, and you would count down the days to that magical night of Christmas! Even though you had no idea how Santa Claus could get to every child in the world in one night, somehow he did it, and he never let you down. Reindeer could fly, there were fairies in the garden, pets were like people, toys had personalities, dreams came true, and you could touch the stars. Your heart was full of joy, your imagination knew no limits, and you believed that life was magical! There is an exquisite feeling many of us had as children, that everything is good, that every day promises more excitement and adventure, and that nothing could ever thwart our joy for the magic of it all. But somehow as we grew into adults, responsibilities, problems, and difficulties took their toll on us, we became disillusioned, and the magic we once believed in as children faded and disappeared. It’s one of the reasons why as adults we love to be around children, so that we can experience that feeling we once had, even if it’s just for a moment. I am here to tell you that the magic you once believed in is true, and it’s the disillusioned adult perspective of life that is false. The magic of life is real – and it’s as real as you are. In fact, life can be far more wondrous than you ever thought it was as a child, and more breathtaking, awe-inspiring, and exciting than anything you’ve seen

before. When you know what to do to bring forth the magic, you will live the life of your dreams. Then, you will wonder how you ever could have given up in believing in the magic of life! You may not see reindeer fly, but you will see the things you’ve always wanted appearing before your eyes, and you will see the things you’ve dreamed of for so long suddenly happening. You will never know exactly how everything weaved together for your dreams to come true, because magic works in the invisible realm – and that’s the most thrilling part! Are you ready to experience the magic again? Are you ready to be filled with awe and wonder every day like when you were a child? Get ready for the magic! Our adventure begins two thousand years ago, when life-changing knowledge was hidden within a sacred text. It’s Universal Law Gratitude operates through a Universal law that governs your whole life. According to the law of attraction, which governs all the energy in our Universe, from the formation of an atom to the movement of the planets, “like attracts like.” It’s because of the law of attraction that the cells of every living creature are held together, as well as the substance of every material object. In your life, the law operates on your thoughts and feelings, because they are energy too, and so whatever you think, whatever you feel, you attract to you. If you think, “I don’t like my job,” “I haven’t got enough money,” “I can’t find my perfect partner,” “I can’t pay my bills,” “I think I’m coming down with something,” “He or she doesn’t appreciate me,” “I don’t get along with my parents,” “My child is a

problem,” “My life is a mess,” or “My marriage is in trouble,” then you must attract more of those experiences. But if you think about what you’re grateful for, like, “I love my job,” “My family is very supportive,” “I had the best vacation,” “I feel amazing today,” “I got the biggest tax refund ever,” or ”I had a great weekend camping with my son,” and you sincerely feel the gratitude, the law of attraction says you must attract more of those things into your life. It works in the same way as metal being drawn to a magnet; your gratitude is magnetic, and the more gratitude you have, the more abundance you magnetize. It is Universal law! You will have heard sayings like, “Whatever goes around comes around,” “You reap what you sow,” and “You get what you give.” Well, all of those sayings are describing the s a m e l a w, a n d t h e y ’ r e a l s o describing a principle of the Universe that the great scientist Sir Isaac Newton discovered. Newton’s scientific discoveries included the fundamental laws of motion in the Universe, one of which says: Every action always has an opposite and equal reaction. When you apply the idea of gratitude to Newton’s law it says: every action of giving thanks always causes an opposite reaction of receiving. And what you receive will always be equal to the amount of gratitude you’ve given. This means that the very action of gratitude sets off a reaction of receiving! And the more sincerely and the more deeply grateful you feel (in other words, the more gratitude you give) the more you will receive.

Website: www.lonnielistonsmith.com

The Legendary

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Photo Credit: Russie Sanders | Russie Denay Photography


Graf von Faber - Castell The creation of the “Sanssouci, Potsdam” Pen of the Year demands the highest standards of craftsmanship. The Herbert Stephan gemstone manufactory was singularly predestined for this task. It carries on the great tradition of the Idar Oberstein gemstone workshops, which dates back to the 15th century and is still of world renown. The masters have demonstrated their incomparable skills with impressive results: the platinum plated barrel and cap are adorned by four green Silesian serpentines and a Russian smoky quartz – both ground and polished by hand. The Special Edition combines 24-carat gold plating with green serpentine and rare chrysoprase, Frederick’s favorite natural stone. Chrysoprase has not been mined for many years and is only available on the antique stone market.

Other Writing Tools

Pieces of ancient wetland oak wood, each with an extremely beautiful grain served as a model for the ten plunger-action fountain pens of the “Pen of the Year 2012 Diamond Edition”, which commemorates the 10th anniversary of the Pen of the Year Collection. The structure of each piece of wood was captured in an elaborate procedure, and then cast in solid 18 carat (750) gold. Each fountain pen is unique. Own one today for $40,000.

PERFECT PENCIL The world’s most exclusive pencil. with diamonds in a white gold extender. Paying homage to the cult object of poets and scholars there followed a luxury version of this little gem in 2001 to mark the company’s 240th a n n i v e r s a r y. I n t e r m s o f materials and exclusiveness,

and the end piece are made of 18-carat white gold. Underneath the count's coat-of-arms at the cap three diamonds symbolize the third millennium. The world’s most exclusive pencil is somewhat larger than the standard version, and appeared in a limited edition of only 99 pieces world-wide.

the new pencil beat all records. Both extender

The pleasure of writing and drawing with a classic pencil depends a good deal on it being well sharpened. But where is the best place to keep a sharpener so that it is always to hand? The Perfect Pencil provides a simple but elegant answer: just where it is needed, on the pencil itself, built into the protective cap that also serves to extend the pencil in use. With the replaceable eraser under the end cap, you have everything together in an ideally compact form and always ready for use: for writing, correcting, and sharpening. The extender is available in a platinum-plated version or in sterling silver.

For $260, you can own the perfect pencil. Order online via manufacturer’s website.



Eric & The Jazzers


Aaliyah Ford REST IN STYLE



Howard Hewett R&B Singer and Mogul

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