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Actress - Director - Humanitarian - global philanthropist

LisaRaye Mccoy Download the App



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Photo Credit:D’Andre Michael

There was a “one hit wonder” song many, many moons ago, entitled: “Somebody’s Watching Me” by Rockwell. The bridge of that song included these lyrics “I always feel like somebody’s watching me…” And so it goes, we are all on a journey; whether we are on the job, traveling, walking or just sitting. Yes, we are all on a journey, with eyes always on us. While on this journey we must make decisions for ourselves. Decisions, decisions, decisions; and yet we are still questioning. Decisions regarding where we are, what we are doing, and if we are following the average yellow brick road (i.e., Dorothy in The Wiz or for some, The Wizard of Oz); or being watched (i.e., Rockwell) while making illegal U-turns of life; or if we are seeking better by attempting to travel the pristine streets paved with gold. On this journey we all will ultimately come to understand our travels will all lead to a specific something. Our choices and decisions will determine whether or not our journeys have been somewhat successful, pleasant and worthwhile; thus yielding a productive life with sunshine and happiness. Or, dead-end stop signs, from choices and decisions that were not in our best interest. Understanding that pencils have erasers and technology has mechanisms for trace erase; we must not think that our mistakes are final blunders of deceit, danger, or doom. Turn that thing around! There is always time for renovation and renewal. Just because the past did not turn out how you wanted it to, doesn’t mean that your future can’t be better than you have ever imagined. There is a colloquialism that reads something like this: “If you always do what you always done, you gon’ always get what you always got.” Again, turn that thing around! The late First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt would share regularly in her tea parties with the ladies: “We must do the thing we think we cannot.” So I share with you, no matter your race, creed, gender or travels in life, we must work to excel. With being the best we can be and while working to travel as many pristine streets paved with gold, as we can! Dr. Sharrie Dean Collins

LisaRaye Mccoy

Editor In Chief

Fall In Love.

Photo Credits: Rolls Royce Source: rolls-roycemotorcars.com

EXPLORE PHANTOM Inspired by the J-class racing yachts of the 1930s, Phantom Drophead Coupé epitomizes romantic motoring. It is Phantom’s free-spirited alter ego. Sociable in character, it offers passengers a dual experience – intimate and cocooning or embracing the elements, depending on whether the roof is up or down.

Madison Jo McClintock

Photo Credit: Howard Hou | MUA: Patricia Aguirre | Wardrobe: MJM Wear

YM Featured Model:


Issue 11 - Spring Edition




Issue 10


YM ⎜EG Editorial Team Dr. Sharrie Dean Collins Editor In Chief Editorial Team: D. Peterson C. Meikle M. Palmer N. Jean B. Mcneese M. Peterson C. Calloway L. Skinner Account Executives: L. Sampson R. White L. Smith Public Relations: C. Spivey K. Littlejohn D. Haliburton K. Thomas Y. Yahweh A. Smith

$1.6 Million

Source: myfirstclasslife.com

FOOTWEAR YM showcases some of the most expensive shoes in the world beginning with this lovely gold pair crafted by British jewelry designer Christopher Michael Shellis and made from solid gold and encrusted with diamonds, the simple and elegant satellites are one of the world’s most amazing pair a woman can have. This pair of stilettos is no less than a piece of expensive jewelry that you can wear on your feet. Made from solid gold and 2,200 diamonds, they were crafted by a team of goldsmiths who worked in the temperature of 1000ºC and is truly worth for $319,460.) 8




Air Jordan Silver Sneakers ($60K)

This was a gift from Nike to the greatest basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan, on his birthday, and also serves as appreciation for helping the Nike brand launch into the stratosphere. Only 10 pairs were made, with each shoe weighing 10 pounds. Made out of sterling silver, you can’t actually wear these shoes. When the original Air Jordans were released, they were only $40 each, but Nike sold enough of them to make this special edition silver shoe thousands of times over. It isn’t practical, but it would be the perfect gift for a Michael Jordan fan that has a lot of cash to blow.

Nizam Sikandar Jah Slippers ($160K) These slippers belonged to Nizam Sikandar Jah. If the name doesn’t ring a bell, it might be because he was the ruler of India… in the early 1800’s. Jah enjoyed the finer things in life and the shoes on his feet were no exception. Slippers are supposed to be comfortable and the insides of these were very much so. The outside of the slippers, though, were encrusted with both rubies and diamonds. After Jah passed away and a new ruler was named, the slippers made their way from one royal to another. Eventually, the slippers made their way to a museum for all to see, but that didn’t last very long. The slippers were stolen from the gallery, and they haven’t been seen since. If you are currently in possession of these shoes, don’t try to sell them as they have a pretty distinct look and you’ll get caught by authorities pretty quickly.

Kathryn Wilson’s Diamond Pumps $418K These diamond pumps designed by Kathryn Wilson look amazing, but you can’t actually wear them without breaking them. Wilson made these shoes purely for an auction. After laboring away for about 20 hours, Wilson was able to sell them for a cool $418,000. There are hundreds of diamonds that adorn these shoes, and even a large gemstone on each toe to really draw the eyes in. It’s a shame that they can’t be worn, but there’s no doubt the lucky winner of the auction has them on full display in their home. If you want your own pair, you’ll have to call Kathryn and ask, but it’s not going to be cheap.

FOOTWEAR, CONTINUED Stuart Weitzman Diamond Dream Stilettos ($500K) The Academy Awards are a time for actors and actresses to show off their wardrobe, specially made by top-of-the-line designers for the occasion. The 2007 awards were no exception with Stuart Weitzman dazzling many with his Diamond Dream Stilettos that were encrusted with over 1,400 diamonds. To top it off, the diamonds on the shoes were set in platinum. The actress that was lucky enough to wear the shoes in front of a national audience for Weitzman was Anika Noni Rose. The 2007 awards included many nominations for the huge hit, “Dreamgirls” , of which Rose was one of the stars. It just goes to show you that if you want to wear a Weitzman shoe, you better make it in Hollywood.

Original Ruby Slippers In “The Wizard of Oz ($612K) The slippers that were worn by the character Dorothy in “The Wizard of Oz” are perhaps the most iconic in movie history (or just history, for that matter). While the design of the shoes is nowhere near the most expensive, it is the value of being so iconic that makes them worth nearly three quarters of a million dollars. Looking at the design, what makes the shoes really shine is nothing more than red sequins. The design gets a bit fancier with three crystals and bugle beads on the shoes, but the cost to recreate the same exact shoes these days would be just a couple hundred dollars at most. Everyone wanted these shoes when the movie became a huge success and fans to this day will click their heels together and say, “There’s no place like home”.

Stuart Weitzman Platinum Guild Stilettos ($1.09 Million) These platinum stilettos are one of the rare shoes on this list that are functional in more than one way. Just like Weitzman does with most of his shoes, there are total of 464 Kwiat diamonds included in the design. The diamonds are removable so the shoes can be worn to occasions beyond the Academy Awards. The lucky recipient of the platinum stilettos was Laura Harring, who was named Miss USA in 1985 and attended the awards thanks to her role in “Mulholland Drive”.



FINE DINING for the discriminating taste




Millionaire Money Tips Secret Habits Of Self-Made Millionaires: How To Save Money And Achieve Financial Freedom Source: briantracy.com The decisive factor in the achievement of financial freedom is the development of specific habits. Self-made millionaires have already learned these habits and as the result of practice and repetition, have reached financial freedom. You can learn to save money and think like self-made millionaires to become financially independent yourself. The First Habit of Self-Made Millionaires Perhaps the most easily identifiable habit of self-made millionaires is the habit of frugality. Wealthy people are careful with every penny and every dollar. They know how to save money and allocate their funds carefully. They never buy new when they can buy used. They never buy if they can lease, and they never lease if they can rent. They never rent or lease if they can borrow. Free Wealth Building Report: The Way to Wealth For example, most self-made millionaires do not buy new cars. They save money and wait until a good quality car is about two years old before they buy it. Even then, they have the car thoroughly checked out by a reputable mechanic. Once they feel confident that it is an excellent buy, in good condition, they buy the car and then they drive it for five or ten years before replacing it. Most new cars drop 20% in value as soon as you drive them off the lot. After two years, many cars have lost 30% – 50% of their value. They are still in excellent condition, and often they are still covered by factory warranties. When you buy good quality used car, you can save many thousands of dollars, all of which can be saved and invested and allowed to grow at 14


compound interest toward your ultimate goal of financial freedom. Self-Made Millionaires Know How to Save Money Self-made millionaires develop the habit of regular saving and investment from an early age. Human beings are creatures of habit. We very quickly adapt to almost any external condition or circumstance. If you save 10% off the top of your paycheck, and discipline yourself to live on the other 90%, you will soon adjust your lifestyle downward slightly so that you are quite comfortable on the lesser amount. In no time at all, living at this level becomes a habit and you stop thinking about it. Many people are deeply in debt and the idea of saving 10% of their income, off the top of each paycheck, is too difficult for them even to consider. In this case, which is quite common, I recommend a gradual process of learning to save money where you begin by saving 1% of your income and living on the other 99%. For example, if you are earning $2000 per month, make a decision today to save $20 per month, or 67 cents per day. You can then live on the other $1,980. Save money in the long run by going down to the bank and open up a separate account, your “financial freedom” account. Money that goes into this account only flows only one way- inward. Once you put money into this savings/investment account, you never, ever take it out or spend it for any reason. It has only one purpose: to enable you to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible. Once you have become comfortable living on 99% of your income, increase your monthly savings

rate to 2% off the top. Within one year, you will find yourself living quite comfortably on 10% of your current income. Continue this process until you are saving 15% and then 20% of your income, off the top. You will not even notice the difference in your standard of living because it will be so gradual. But the difference in your financial life will be absolutely extraordinary. Activate the Law of Attraction for Financial Freedom Here is an extraordinary discovery. When you begin to save money, and you feel positive and happy about your growing account, these positive emotions imbue that money with a form of energy that begins to attract more money into your life, and into that account. Old friends will pay you back debts that you had forgotten a long time ago. You will have opportunities to earn additional amounts of money that had not occurred to you. You will sell things that you had had for a long time that you thought had no value. And as you add these amounts to your account, your account will develop even more positive energy, and attract even larger amounts of money. I had heard about this concept for many years, but I was always broke and there was never anything I could do about it. Then, about two years after I got married and started my own business, I ran out of money. I had been able to buy a house with my lifetime of savings, but now I had to sell the house to get the cash, and then move to a rented house. At this point, my wife Barbara demanded that I turn over to her $10,000 from the proceeds from the sale of the house. After some arguing I gave in. She took the money and deposited it in another bank account to which I did not have access. No matter how many financial problems we had in the months ahead, she refused to even consider the possibility of spending that money. This was her security blanket. The most remarkable thing happened. From that day forward, we were never broke again. Even though it was the midst of a recession and businesses were going bankrupt all around us, we were never again out of money. Every week, every month, business came in, the bills were paid, and opportunities opened up and exciting possibilities seemed to be attracted into our lives. Within a couple of years, we were able to move out of the rented house and buy a beautiful new home in a lovely neighborhood. Two years later, we were able to buy a home that cost five times as much on a

beautiful golf course, overlooking two lakes with the ocean in the distance. Save Money and Love It There is an especially special habit that self-made millionaires and financially successful people learn or develop over time. It is the habit of responding to incoming money in a particular way. When we are growing up, we are encouraged to save money from our allowances. However, as children, we look upon money as a tool with which to buy candy, toys and other things that make us happy. As a result, we naturally begin to look upon saving as a punishment, something that hurts us and deprives us of the candy, toys and enjoyable things we desire. At an early age, most people begin to associate savings with pain, with sacrifice, with loss of pleasure, satisfaction and happiness. As adults, this negative habit is manifested in our desire to spend money as soon as we make it. Many people in their late teens and twenties look upon every paycheck as an opportunity to go out and spend as much money as they can. This is why it is generally known in the restaurant business that they will be the fullest at the middle and at the end of the month, on paydays. People very early begin to associate spending with happiness and saving with pain. Since the basic human motivation is to move away from pain toward pleasure, from discomfort toward comfort, and from dissatisfaction toward satisfaction, most people develop the habit of associating spending with enjoyment and saving with unhappiness. Rewire Your Thinking and Gain Financial Freedom Your job is to reverse the wiring on this habit. It is to detach the wires from one set of attitudes and reattach them with a different set of attitudes. Your job is to begin thinking in terms of pleasure whenever you think of saving and accumulation, and pain whenever you think of spending and getting rid of your money. Developing habits of self-made millionaires is the clear cut way to gaining financial freedom in your life.


Cosandra Calloway 16



Le Grand Bleu is one of the largest private yachts in the world at 113 m (371 ft) in length. She was built at the Bremer Vulkan yard in Bremen, Germany, and was launched in 2000. She was designed by Stefano Pastrovich and constructed by Kusch Yachts.[2] She was previously owned by John McCaw, Jr., an American businessman, who sold her to Russian businessman Roman Abramovich in 2002. Abramovich had her refitted to his own preferences by HDW in Kiel, Germany. This included an internal refit and the addition of a 16-foot (4.9 m) swim platform. In June 2006, Abramovich gave Le Grand Bleu to her current owner, friend and business partner Eugene Shvidler. Le Grand Bleu is powered by two 4,570 bhp Deutz engines. Details about the interiors are scanty as Abramovich is protective of his family's privacy and highly security-conscious, but they were designed by Terence Disdale. Source: Wikipedia





Master the Unseen By: Clovette Meikle

In all of my studies of human behavior I have come across one fundamental truth-a knowing that's so unearthing it rocked me to my core: human beings as a whole are fundamentally unbalanced (mentally, spiritually, and now with the epidemic of the overconsumption of food; physically). Most of what we know about “self” and the operation of consciousness is derived from handed down stories, life experience memories for which we have created meanings, and the functions of being divine, infinite, supreme intelligence in human form. Our disconnection to truth and the remembrance of who we are from birth has left us all in a disillusioned state: not just us sentient beings; the whole entire planet. Rest in that for a moment... Our entire planet and its inhabitants are out of alignment-detached from remembering it's true purpose. We have animals in zoos. People residing in six by eight boxes. And spirits influx. In the face of this, how does one remember? How 20


can we get back to the essence of who we are? How do we expand spirit? Assuming that you believe / commit to a cause of spiritual currency, would you agree that this life we're living is bigger than we have trained ourselves to take on? That's where I "The Confident Da Vinci" comes in. I am committed to honoring TRUTH by bringing to the forefront all of the intangibles-the inner workings of our magnanimous universe. To facilitate you learning how to attain wonders beyond your current being. BEING: A living thing A state of existence The most important part of a person's mind or SELF, I am committed to renewing my mind, body, and spirit. In this commitment I pray you will join me.

Master the Unseen, Continued The willingness to become aware of our smallness is the first step to healing our karmic debt, first individually, then collectively. Below you'll find simple pathways to mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Mental Therapy

Be kind to yourself. Increasing our awareness is not a green light to negatively criticize or judge yourself. The most genuine form of kindness is self acceptance. Receive all of who-where you are. No matter what that is. Physical Therapy Love Your Body. As a burn survivor I know first hand how easy it is to lose yourself in the love of food. Food at one point in life was the one thing I could count on its joy. Truth is I still do. In this day my enjoyment has evolved past the plate. My best meals are earned. Not given. I find mySELF in movement. Ditch the “You Need To”: lose weight, change your eating patterns stories, work out...there's a saying, a yogic way of being I love to reference: Don't concern yourself with the things you need to stop doing. Simply focus on what you desire to do. If you desire to dance. Dance. If boxing floats your boat...BOX!

Spiritual Therapy

SELF REALIZATION is our greatest ally. In all our getting let us "collectively" get understanding. In order to come back to yourSELF and true nature you must be willing to be SEEN. If not already, you must become diligent in your efforts to uncover any and all concerns, doubts, and or worries that you carry on a daily basis. For I have yet to encounter a high achiever who did not have one.

Crystal Therapy

Crystal Healing Crystals are one of the best forms of healing I have found. Crystals encompasses the power to transmute negative (thoughts and behaviors) into something positive and workable. Working with crystals creates the possibility for us to raise our mental, physical, more importantly your spiritual vibration. Knowing which healing crystals to use increases not only our knowledge base, it puts us in the seat of power, our personal experience with crystals teaches us how to become SELF healers, SELF teachers.

Healing Crystal of The Month: Opal

The state of this healing Crystal is PEACE. Opal harnesses the power to reflect light of all dimension and shades, i.e sunlight and. moonlight. By utilizing its vibrating power we can develop a connection to peace outside of our own bodies, which ultimately creates a sense of emotional balance and well-being. Something I know all of us would benefit from attaining. Keep it Simple: Hold a piece of Opal while sitting under the moon. Doing so affords us the ability to intensify our ability to feel, know, and to claim the divinity we seek. Next Issue: SELF REALIZATION: The Art of Choosing You! Clovette Meikle aka "The Confident D’ Vinci" is Holy Fire Reiki II Certified, Womb Health Practitioner, Crystal Alchemist, and a High Level Professional Coach, meaning, she coaches the extremely sensitive, icky, emotional-stuff that comes up for spirited individuals during the process of becoming A CELESTIAL BEING! Connect with her on FB, Google+, by email @ clovettem@gmail.com YAHWEHMAGAZINE.COM ⎜21

Photo Credit:D’Andre Michael


Actress - Director - Humanitarian - global philanthropist

LisaRaye Mccoy 22


⏐ YM EXCLUSIVE ⏐ LISARAYE MCCOY YM sat down with the phenomenal Ms. LisaRaye Mccoy In an exclusive, one on one interview, here’s what she told us: Tell us more about Life Rocks. Tell you about Life Rocks? I would love to. That's my venture right now, that's my baby, that's my ministry, so to speak and when I say ministry I know sometimes when we speak religion, a lot of people get scared. It's almost like I'm talking politics. When I say ministry, ministry means just a story and a testimony to share with people. Just an avenue to be able to uplift and motivate people. I do Life Rocks and it came from L-R, Life Rocks, L-R. LisaRaye I really feel like life rocks more than life not rocking. I think that because our mindset has to be geared towards that process that if you keep continuing saying life rocks, life rocks, then you don't let any grass grow up under your feet. That's the way that I live my life. What Life Rocks is, is a vision board workshop/seminar. What a vision board is, is it's that things to-do-list. It's the New Year's resolution that we write down at the end of the year. I just don't believe in waiting into that opportunity. I feel that that can happen and should happen at any time in your life where you feel that it's needed. So often it's needed more so than what we realize. It's like when you write down your grocery list and you go to the store, you don't want to run around that store like a chicken with your head cut off. You run around that store because you have your list and you say, "Okay I'm going to get the flour, okay got it. I got my eggs, okay cool. Let me get my soup over here, okay I need some vegetables. Okay I got everything?" Now you go up to the counter, you pay your money, you out of the store, you're at home, you're putting everything away and you say, "Yep, I got everything." Because that's your checklist. That's what a vision board is. It's a visual list on a picture form that you have chosen out of magazines or admiration's or affirmations or words that hit you. The vibrancy, the sight of it, the feeling and emotions that you get from the things that you chose to put on this poster board, are things that you look at everyday as a reminder of those goals that you said that you want in your life. No one else told you this is what you should put down or this is what you want. This is the things that you connect with and when you put it in a place that you see everyday then you start manifesting and start looking at it and start

feeling it everyday and you start thinking, "What am I doing?" Every day that is making all of these things connect the dots to my puzzle of my life. That's what I believe, that's what Life Rocks vision board workshop is. How did Life Rocks come about? I would do New Year's resolutions: I would have it on a piece of paper, stick it somewhere, and lose it, maybe two or three months down the line. I would never say, "Where's that list?" Because I would forget about it, because I'm in a business where in life that happened so fast, everybody writes down things. Everybody, even if it's your journal, even it's your day planner, everybody writes stuff down. I realized when I started jotting stuff down and I started checking it off, it made me feel good. It gave me a sense of accomplishment. We all feel good when we can look at something and go, "Oh I did that, I forgot I did that, yes I did, yes I did." That makes you feel good and now you can go on to the next thing. I have been doing vision boards for a couple of years now, and I started teaching them and doing them with my friends at home. They kept saying to me, "You know what, you need to take this on the road girl because this is so much fun." Think about it, what's the last time or when's the last time you've played with markers or glue gun, stickers and pasted stuff on a poster board besides when we do projects with our kids. It's fun, it's a powerful tool and when I came back off of my divorce from being the first lady of [inaudible 00:05:13] islands, my divorce was a rough ride for me. What happened was, I had to sit in this house, sit on my butt, get on my knees and figure out how did I get here, how do I get out and which foot was I going to move with first. As I did that I needed to know what direction I was going in. I started writing down the things that I wanted to accomplish, opposed to the things that I had accomplished. I just kind of crossed and connected those two and said, "This is where I've been, this is who I was. Who is it that I want to be, I want to connect this girl to the new person," and I just started connecting the dots of the things that I had accomplished and I guess the things that I want to do. As I did then that I started thinking of the people that I could connect with that helped me with

this connection. I started realizing the research that I had to do, the people that I had to reach out to, the things that I had to read for my life to move. We always move in a direction in a way of which, if we get up crawling, hopping, skipping, jumping, running, but the point is, is to keep moving. How many cities have you been able to travel to with your new ministry? I've been to maybe five or six cities now. Houston, Chicago, Atlanta, D.C. I've been to a couple of places and I wanted to try it out, I want to see how people would perceive it and take it and it actually gave me the confidence to know that I can go into a place that I had not gone before and be able to reach and teach and share with people. For me, it's instrumental for me because it allows myself to practice what I preach. It also allows me to give a little bit of LisaRaye different than I used to before. Before it used to be me at a club and see me in the VIP and take a picture, and all of that. I'm not so much doing that, so much now. I want to be able to give something more instrumental to people and more of an experience and more of me to be able to walk away with and say, "Oh, you know what? I really learned something here, I really got something from this experience." That's what Life Rocks is for me. Will you give us a taste of what a seminar is like? Absolutely. It's a four hour seminar. You come and you check in, you sit down. You pull your shoes off, first of all, because it's an experience like coming into my living room. It's something about us that when we are dressed up and we have our shoes on and we got our jewelry on, we come strutting. I don't want you to come strutting, I just want you to come gliding. The socks help that. You sit down and I give a little blur of what Life Rocks is about, why I started it, a little bit of my experience on what began it for me. We share, I go around the room and I allow you to speak on whatever it is that comes to your heart. Whatever the reason that you're there and what you want to get out of it. I get so many testimonies on, I did not know that I was going to even say this or I wasn't really even ready to share this or you get someone to just vomit up everything because they want to be


⏐ YM EXCLUSIVE ⏐ LISARAYE MCCOY able to get help. What that really does is it allows people to hear what the other person is going through because you find strength in numbers. When you know that you are not the only one that has gone through the same thing that you hear this person speaking of, you're like, "Oh my God, you too? Me too." Now there's an automatic connection between those two people that's there. When we share we also meditate, we also break bread together. When I say that we have food, we have a little brunch. We start off with a guest speaker as well that comes in. It's normally someone that will be able to shed a little light on us as far as being able to dig deep and figure out why are you here and to be able to help guide you. We start that vision board and we take a break and do the brunch. We'll come back and we'll finish and complete the vision board. I supply all the supplies for that and then when we're there, I go around to each person and I see where they are and where they're starting with and kind of have a one-on-one conversation with them and kind of help them put down, alleviate some of the things that they already know and really tap into the things that they don't know so they can write those things down on their list to begin to cut out the pictures and the words and the colors and stuff that they would put on their vision board. Then after that we have a photo opportunity. We'll take pictures and we'll celebrate, and we listen to a type of celebration music that gets you that natural high and then we hug, we love, we celebrate and we say goodbye. Then you get a follow up call from me a month or two later just so I can see if you are still proceeding with your vision. That's the program. That was like mind candy. Thank you so much for that! Let's talk about your big, most recent project: the movie “Skin”. Yes, let's talk about it. It is my directorial debut and it was aired on TV once, this January. It really got a lot of noise. It's about the epidemic of skin bleaching. What that means, is that in Africa, in the Caribbean, there's creams, over the counter creams, that potentially causes cancer and infertility. We don't know that because when you go and buy an over the counter drug, we don't really turn it over and see those long words and what they mean and what they would do to our body. We just trust that, hey, it's over the counter and the FDA approved it and so it's okay. This has happened over there but now it's happening over here. The topic for me that made me tackle it was not just only skin bleaching causes cancer, 24


can cause cancer, but also that we're not happy with the skin that God gave us. We don't feel that we're beautiful enough in our skin that we have to now change it to another color. That deals with insecurities and low self-esteem. Although I've never bleached my skin, I thought that would be another topic of discussion, why a light skin woman would actually take to and direct a movement that is about dark skin. For me, my girlfriend, Sharon Tomlinson from studio eleven films in Atlanta, called me and said, "I think it's time for you to direct." I said, "Oh, is that what you think?" She said, "We got this project, you had done this short with us before, in the summer before. Why don't you take on this project?" To be quite honest, I was nervous. I didn't think that it was my time that I could handle a whole film by myself. I said, "You know what ..." and I actually heard very loud and clear, "Yes you are. I am bringing this in your path for a reason. Jump on it." Got on that phone, I called her, I said, "I'm going to do it." At least I knew I am a woman of my word, that if I say I'm going to do it, then I'm going to do it. That's exactly how it happened. I knew calling her, saying I would, would make me do it. Months later I flew down to Atlanta and first day of shooting, I knew that I was in the right place. I knew. I felt this sense of strongness, actually, empowerment. I knew what I had to bring to the table. I knew being an actress and now being a director would allow me to connect differently with the actors and get a different performance out of them. I was sensitive, I was bottle feed and I was there. I really enjoyed it. Do you like it in front of the camera or behind the camera? LR: To be quite honest, right now it's behind the camera. It's definitely behind the camera. I'll tell you this, I did not have to get into hair and make up for two, two and a half hours, before I get to the set. I could show up with my hat and whatever and be prepared and just come and be ready for action and cut. Where do you see yourself as LisaRaye the brand for 2016? Just that more of a brand, in allowing my brand to work more for LisaRaye. Meaning, I've been in the business now for a while and passing the torch over to the next generation is something that I really am looking forward to doing and collaborating with them as well. I feel that my platform I have know that I can use it in a much more strategic way and a more of a humanitarian way and a more helpful way of being able to stand in the gap and bridge that gap between the

things that we are dealing within our society and our community and in our world. I want to be able to be a role model in a different way. The mother in me, I really enjoy that role and I think that I am a nurturer by nature and I think that's why Life Rocks came about because I realize through my friends, of them saying to me, "You always giving advice, you always helping somebody, you always putting someone before you." Sometimes that can sound like a bad thing but for me that's actually been a great thing and it's allowed me to tap into who I am and where my heart is and I just want to share that with the rest of the world. I believe that I've shared my beauty and my body with the world after players club. Now I want to share my brain. Are there any projects you're currently working on that you would like to share with all of your fans? Absolutely, I just finished the Mickey Howard story for TV one. I just completed a very exciting interview with Centric, with BET's Centric called Beans. I'm looking forward to seeing that, that's going to be a great interview. It's like a master interview. A day in the life of LisaRaye. You'll find out something's about me that people don't and haven't necessarily known about me, that I'm sharing. I am looking at a cooking show in the future.I have a hairline, I do have a flat iron by Redcrow, that's LisaRaye flat iron that's fantastic. I'm looking to start writing my book in the next month or two. I am actually doing a play next month that will run from March to May called Married but Single. Another thing that's on my vision board is friends. I'm praying for friends and when I say friends I mean different friends that I have now. I have friends that I've grown up with for forty years and they aren't going anywhere. Friends that I can also enjoy that being around them and being able to explore their life. Vicariously live though them sometime. Not being the only one that picks up the check a lot. That they can bring value to my life in a way in which I bring value to other's lives. My friends, I'm the Hollywood one, they come to my house, they get on my boat, they fly on my plane. They come to my island, they come to my movie premiers and most of them are nine to five women or house women or independent women that are doing the corporate thing. I want us to be fierce and wowed and be able to dream in ways that we're in Greece on a yacht somewhere because we all could get there and not because I can just pay for you to come. I pray for them to be able to have prosperity,

⏐ YM EXCLUSIVE ⏐ LISARAYE MCCOY abundantly. When I say that I'm praying for other friends, I'm praying for my friends to have toys. When I say toys, I mean planes, trains and automobiles. How does it feel to be the first actress to have her own reality show. To set the trend of it and how was yours different from all the ones that's out right now? I knew that reality had been taken over when I first came back off from my divorce and everyone wanted to know the story of what happened in my divorce, but my fairy tale turned nightmare, if you will. I said the only way that you'll know that is if you hear it from the horse's mouth and I'm that horse. Let me sell it because if you can't beat them then you need to join them. I was instrumental in making my reality show true to what was going on in my life. I do believe in TMI and I don't believe that the reality shows now believe in that. There is a disconnection with what the networks are competing against because now to be on air and have a successful show, there's this drama that's selling. I think it's just TMI and I think it's a shame. I think that they need to pull back, I think that now the parents can't even censor what's on TV because it's everywhere. Now we're showing these kids that too much of a grown up life. Now, you get women that's walking across tables and throwing champagne bottles and glasses at each other and fighting your friend and not understanding what a

friendship really is. Just really just showing them things that their minds may not be ready to process. They're glorifying this life that's making the kids believe in a get rich quick scheme. If I need to be famous or rich, I need to do this or I need to do that and that's not necessarily true. We're not pushing education anymore. We're not pushing respect anymore. For me, two years of doing my reality show was enough because you would have never and you will never get LisaRaye clowning and acting a fool on TV. That's not to say that I don't have disagreements and arguments and that I don't set the tone for who I am and how I'm respected and how I respect people and how I do business. You may get that but you're not going to ever get me walking up to my girlfriend, cursing her out, using words I would use behind closed doors, or telling you the pillow talk that I would have with my pillow person, that's too much, no. I'm not down for that, I don't respect it, I don't like it and I would never be a part of it. I just want to mention, since you've left single ladies, it has not been the same. Are they asking you to come back? Would you consider going back to bring the show back to the caliber that it was when you were there? I can't say that I would or wouldn't. I would have to know how that would happen and I

would have to be more instrumental and have more, a bigger role and not as an actress. As a producer and perhaps direct as well. I would love to have that opportunity. Let's face it, I've done Keisha for four seasons, for four years. How much more can I do her? I have to think is that a career builder for me or is it really time for me to step into another character. I may be have not gotten that role that would make me shine in a way. Just let's think about Ms. Taraji P Henson with Cookie. She had a role that she stepped into that's like, "Bam honey. I can play this because this is me." That isn't to take away the body of work that she has done so brilliantly as well. This role right here, baby, this is her and we're loving it. Maybe I have not gotten that role, although Keisha was pretty close. Maybe I'm looking for something else and I don't know what that is but I'll tell you one thing, what I'm waiting on. I'm waiting on Him and when I say Him, I mean God to take the reins so he can guide me to where I'm supposed to go. I'm not going to move until that happens. What's for me is for me. Until then I'll be working on the things that He has put on my plate, which is Life Rocks because life does rock. Connect with LisaRaye by visiting her website www.lisaraye.com and through Twitter and through Facebook, Instagram:RealLRaye1 and The Real L Raye 1.



Photo Credit: losanjealous.com

FIRST CLASS Which yacht is right for you? Many factors contribute to the selection of a yacht. At the root of any sound yacht purchase decision is the core performance factors that are essential to consider long before you review interior decoration or layout. • • • • • • •

Motor or Sailing yacht High speed performance, Semi-planing hull shape or slow full-displacement? Size restrictions: Will you need access to a location with draft, beam, length or height restrictions? Does the dock behind your home have X feet available water or a fixed bridge limiting access to yacht with an air draft of less than Y feet? Guest carriage requirements: Number of guests cruising onboard and sleeping onboard? Maintenance issues: Are parts readily available in the intended cruising areas? Crew: Will the yacht accommodate a suitable number of crew to match your service expectations? Range: Where in the world do you wish to travel? If those ports are not serviced by a yacht transport service then the yacht will need to have an ocean passage making range and hull shape.

Full-displacement vs. Semi-displacement? The pros and cons of semi-displacement compared to full-displacement are:




18-25 knot cruising speed

10-12 knot cruising speed

Fuel Consumption

Very high fuel consumption. Often four to six times the fuel consumption of a similar sized full displacement yacht.

Fuel efficient when compared with a semi-displacement.

Transatlantic passages

Not self powered, but possible using yacht transportation at a cost of $850-$1,200 per foot each way.

Capable of self powered transatlantic passages. Costs range from $250 to $600 per foot depending upon crew size and engine size.

Engine Maintenance

Specialist engineering. High powered engines require more maintenance from outside companies and specialists.

Lower power rating and crew engineers should be capable of maintaining 95% of all engineering needs.

Stability / Comfort

Hard/fast roll due to hard chine hull shape.

Slow roll. Generally more comfortable at anchor.


When designed initially for speed semi-displacement models generally have shallower draft and less interior volume than full-displacement models of the same length.

Volume considerations have less impact on performance so hull shapes generally contain more interior volume than the similar length in semi-displacement.


Generally louder interiors whilst underway due to desire to reduce weight in construction and larger engines and faster water movement.

No restriction on build weight allows full implementation of noise attenuation. (not all manufacturers employ the necessary construction to minimize noise). Source: The Luxury Yacht Group

How to Buy a Yacht Source: The Luxury Yacht Group

There is a standard sequence to buying a yacht that is accepted by the global yachting community. Variations from these steps are possible but fairly rare.

so it usually takes a week or two to receive an accepted offer. Step 4: Survey

Step 1: Search and selection

Depending upon the size of the yacht the survey can take from one to 14 days to complete. During Working with a yacht broker from Luxury Yacht the survey all mechanical, electrical and Group your requirements are refined and suitable electronics equipment is tested. The objective of yachts reviewed and inspected. Inspection can be the survey is to get an accurate understanding of made at a the current r e g u l a r l y vessel condition scheduled boat and precisely shows or by how much the s p e c i a l yacht will cost to appointment for maintain in the a personal next few years. inspection As part of the subject to the survey it is y a c h t ' s s t r o n g l y availability. recommended that the vessel is Step 2: Offer hauled out of the water for “Ambrosia” Once a suitable inspection. The Price: $119 M yacht is found a cost of the This isn’t the first yacht on this list owned by an undisclosed billionaire formal offer is survey is paid for (this time from Hong Kong), but it is a good bit cheaper than the rest. made by the by the buyer. Source: List25 buyer. This is presented by your broker on an industry standard contract to Step 5: Sea Trial buy the yacht. This sales agreement outlines the timing for the sea trial, survey, acceptance and At a convenient time before, during or after the closing. When you make your offer it is normal to survey the prospective buyer is able to take the deposit 10% of the offer price into escrow with yacht out to sea to establish the vessel's your attorney or broker. It is essential that your performance underway. This sea trial, usually offer includes an accurate inventory of the vessel. limited in duration to 4 hours, is normally at the At Luxury Yacht Group we always take a seller's expense. During the sea trial the engines photographic inventory of the vessel and include are tested to verify cruising and maximum speed that with the offer to buy. and it is a good opportunity for the buyer to verify the motion of the vessel and noise levels Step 3: Offer accepted throughout the interior whilst underway. The seller will accept, reject or counter your offer to buy. It is rare for the first offer to be accepted

Step 6: Acceptance YAHWEHMAGAZINE.COM ⎜29

Following successful survey and sea trial the buyer submits written acceptance of the vessel. From this point onwards the 10% deposit paid is at risk should the buyer not close the sale at the agreed upon closing date. It is very normal for deficiencies found during survey to be included in a conditional acceptance that gives the seller time to make repairs or allow a financial allowance for the buyer to make repairs after the closing. For example a deficiency is found in the air conditioning system that cannot be repaired prior to closing so a conditional acceptance is signed by both buyer and seller giving $20,000 off the previously agreed price in consideration of the non - functional air conditioning. Step 7: Closing

owner is simply the majority shareholder in the corporation. In most cases, by flagging your vessel offshore, taxes can be avoided on the value of the hull. The savings can be significant when compared with the value of the sales tax (TVA or VAT) that would have to be paid. Maintenance costs? The costs of yacht ownership are significant and it is incredibly rare for a yacht owner to make money by chartering their yacht. Be very leery of any yacht broker telling you that you will make money buying and chartering a yacht. The Luxury Yacht Group management team has created the operating cost calculator that gives a general idea r e g a r d i n g operating costs. This can be found here: Operating Cost Calculator.

Just like real estate the act of a closing is a fairly straight f o r w a r d exchange of Crew costs? signatures on i m p o r t a n t The crew team at “Project Mars” documents. The L u x u r y Ya c h t Price: $161.8 M protocol of Group has Originally built by Fincanteri, the Italian shipping yard, this delivery and developed a megayacht comes with swimming pools, a spa, and a designated acceptance formula for salary business area. clearly lists the ranges based Source: List25 location and time upon the number of the ownership of crew onboard. exchange. At closing the buyer should have new The table also gives the standard crew registration and insurance already lined up. The breakdown with regards job titles. Luxury Yacht Group yacht management team will happily assist any new buyer in establishing Crew cost calculator is located here: Crew Cost the necessary official papers and insurance Calculator required. Our top 5 recommendations to new yacht Flags of convenience? buyers? The large majority of yachts are flagged (registered) offshore. The most popular registries are the Cayman Islands, Marshall Islands and St. Vincent. These three registries offer relatively protected and inexpensive yacht registry services. Most offshore registries require that the new owner establish a corporation in their jurisdiction that owns the vessel. The beneficial 30


Hire the best crew that you can find. Most problems that we see yacht owner's experience could be overcome by a good crew. Luxury Yacht Group's crew placement team has over 22,000 crew to choose from and has the best placement guarantee in the business. Please call +1 954 525 9959 or send an e-mail to

crew@luxyachts.com for more information on our crew placement service. Take your time buying a yacht. Yachts that are for sale at'great ' or 'giveaway' prices are rarely a good buy. The cost of refitting a distressed vessel can far exceed the capital savings that you think are present on day one. Our brokerage staff can direct you to a good value vessel and away from a money pit. Charter prior to owning. Yachting is very expensive and owning a yacht is a truly unique vacation experience. Chartering a yacht is a great way to sample yacht ownership with a fixed cost and minimal time commitment. Luxury Yacht Group can charter you a very similar yacht to the one that you are looking at so that you can be familiar with the brand or style of the yacht that you are interested in buying. Understand the cost of ownership. The cost of yachting is fairly tough to justify in the real world however it is an amazing luxury experience that is only within reach of the truly successful. Please speak to a yacht management professional prior to purchasing a yacht so that you have a clear understanding of the operating costs associated with that yacht.

“Ecstasea” Price: $200M The only thing cooler than this yachts name is the fact that no one knows who owns it. While it was formerly in the hands of Roman Abramovich, it has been sold to an undisclosed buyer.

Source: List25

Have a strong shore support team. Yachting is a luxury pastime with ups and downs. The Luxury Yacht Group yacht management team is available to support your operations to smooth over any issues that may arise. If you chose to operate the vessel from your existing offices please call us to help with the setup. We are happy to train your existing accounting or Payroll Company in some of the intricacies of yacht operations.

“Streets of Monaco” Price: £700M (http://www.dailymail.co.uk) It’s essentially an entire country on a boat. Complete with roads, mini cars, and even an “airport”, Nigel Gee’s floating city is in a league of its own.

Source: List25








YM: We are live with the legendary Howard Hewett. All the top producers in the country and people who love music know you. Fill our readers in a little bit. HH: I've been singing since I was 10 years old, this is all I've ever done. I first got on here to LA in '76, put a group together 6 or 7 months or so, then I got the offer to join Shalamar. It was an honor I got the offer to join the group on a Friday and then Monday I was in front of the TV camera. From that point on it was just one hit after the other with the group you know, Make That Move, A Night To Remember, For The Lover In You, all that stuff. In '85 I started doing my soul thing. YM: You've recorded some of the greatest, well in the same background. HH: I became friends with Stanley Clarke, legendary bass player, we had the same accountant at the time, and our accountant introduced us. Stanley then introduced me to George Duke, and the three of us then became friends. It always seemed like I would always kind of gravitate towards the Jazz guys like, Brian Culbertson, Joe Sample, Gerald Albright, and all those people, with female artists Anita Baker, Dionne Warwick, a lot of different people. YM: What is it like performing overseas? HH: I do shows overseas. Over there people are really, really into the history of stuff. There's been a couple of times people come to the show, I do autographs after, and they bring me a CD of stuff that I have done, and there's things on there sometimes I forgot I even did them. YM: You mentioned at 10 years old, was that the age when you first realized that you can sing?

and I could hold a note, then she put together the Hewett singers and literally kicked me out on the stage. YM: What has been one of the keys to your longevity in the business? HH: Majority of the people out there, they listen to music and chronologize their lives according to what was happening, at the time that the music came out. When you have the honor to become the soundtrack of somebody's life, that's something you take very, very seriously, something that you respect. The best way to kill that whole thing off is to be rude to somebody when you're out there in public, because they literally are the reason why you're doing what you're doing, because it's not guaranteed, none of this was guaranteed. YM: Is there a difference now between being on the road back then and being on the road now? HH: Big difference now, back then you chase it, back then that's what I was doing, I was building that foundation. We were on the road sometimes eight, ten months out of the year. It was cool because the day that, "oh man, we just got out of the road did a tour," I say, "that's cool, we're here three weeks," three weeks, I believe that's an outing. YM: How would you describe your show? HH: Energetic, romantic, nostalgic, and just fun.

HH: It was my mom. She was a professor, a gospel promoter, once she found out my sisters


GADGETS GALORE Supreme Goldstriker iPhone 32GB Source: wonderlist.com For the second most expensive mobile phone in the world, a variant of the iPhone from Apple, the Supreme iPhone 3G is priced at $ 3,200,000. The iPhone 3GS Supreme features a casing made from 271 grams of solid 22k gold and a screen trimmed with fifty-three 1-carat diamonds. The home button is covered with a single rare 7.1-carat diamond. That’s not all, though—the iPhone 3GS Supreme comes in a chest carved from a single block of granite and sports Kashmir gold and an interior lining made with nubuck top-grain leather.

GoldVish Le Million Piece Unique

This cell phone is one of the most expensive cell phones in the world. It`s cost is $1.3 million. It`s made of 18k white gold and set with 20 carats of flawless diamonds. Some of its special features are, Bluetooth, 2 GB of storage, FM radio, a digital camera and MP3 playback.

Source: luuux.com

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Aaliyah Ford

Comedian, Host & Producer

Aaliyah learned the power of humor early in life. She has built her stage performance from finding the humor in her overall life experiences. The Multi-Talented Comedian Some of her appearances include: • BET Apollo Live • Anthony Brown (“J Spot”) Comedy Club, LA • Good Nights, Raleigh • Riddles, Chicago • House of Comedy, Charlotte



Travel Times


Kona, Hawaii


Travel Kona, Hawaii Times


Up, Up, & Away by Natalie Jean

Aloha! Just imagine, sinking your toes into the cold smooth white sand, feeling the warm yet serene ocean breeze striking your face and feeling the sensation of the hot sun glistening on your face. Why not take a vacation? Whether it’s with your family, your friends, a special someone or just by yourself, treat yourself with the chance to experience the alluring island of Kona in Hawaii. Kona, Hawaii is a great place for vacationers in the month of November. If you’re looking for a place with sweater weather, then maybe this isn’t the destination for you, but for beautiful scenery, nightlife, and beach weather, you’ve come to the right place! In the month of November the temperature in Kona varies; from a high of about 83 degrees Fahrenheit and can drop down to a low of about 72 degrees Fahrenheit, so bring out your cute bathing suits and your swim trunks, its beach time! The climate in Kona, Hawaii is a tropical savanna climate, which means its swimsuit season all year round. 38


The Kona natives get some rainfall, but don’t let that ruin your trip. An average plane ticket to Kona, Hawaii is about $700-$900. That’s pretty pricey, but the experience is completely worth it! There’s not a minute spent in Kona that isn’t enjoyable. Whether it is taking a tour of a Kona coffee farm, visiting the Old Kona Airport State Recreation Area, enjoying a cultural luau, surfing on the waves, or enjoying one of Kona’s famous musical festivals, all these make Kona more alluring. The most popular beach is Kahaluu Beach which is home to the magnificent green sea turtles. Kona is also very well known for their treats and their foods. For example; Poke, Spam Musubi, Po’i, Lomi lomi salmon, Loco Moco and Mochi are some of the foods Kona is well known for. Make sure to bring your appetite! Aside from the food, beaches and all the activities, the serene feeling of actually standing in Kona, Hawaii is an experience you will never forget.

MIND POWER Do You Believe in Magic? Excerpt from “The Magic” (The Secret Book 3) by Rhonda Byrne Remember when you were a child and you looked at life in total wonder and awe? Life was magical and exciting, and the smallest things were utterly thrilling to you. You were fascinated by the frost on the grass, a butterfly flittering through the air, or any strange leaf or rock on the ground. You were full of excitement when you lost a tooth, because it meant the Tooth Fairy would be coming that night, and you would count down the days to that magical night of Christmas! Even though you had no idea how Santa Claus could get to every child in the world in one night, somehow he did it, and he never let you down. Reindeer could fly, there were fairies in the garden, pets were like people, toys had personalities, dreams came true, and you could touch the stars. Your heart was full of joy, your imagination knew no limits, and you believed that life was magical! There is an exquisite feeling many of us had as children, that everything is good, that every day promises more excitement and adventure, and that nothing could ever thwart our joy for the magic of it all. But somehow as we grew into adults, responsibilities, problems, and difficulties took their toll on us, we became disillusioned, and the magic we once believed in as children faded and disappeared. It’s one of the reasons why as adults we love to be around children, so that we can experience that feeling we once had, even if it’s just for a moment. I am here to tell you that the magic you once believed in is true, and it’s the disillusioned adult perspective of life that is false. The magic of life is real – and it’s as real as you are. In fact, life can be far more wondrous than you ever thought it was as a child, and more breathtaking, awe-inspiring, and exciting than anything you’ve seen

before. When you know what to do to bring forth the magic, you will live the life of your dreams. Then, you will wonder how you ever could have given up in believing in the magic of life! You may not see reindeer fly, but you will see the things you’ve always wanted appearing before your eyes, and you will see the things you’ve dreamed of for so long suddenly happening. You will never know exactly how everything weaved together for your dreams to come true, because magic works in the invisible realm – and that’s the most thrilling part! Are you ready to experience the magic again? Are you ready to be filled with awe and wonder every day like when you were a child? Get ready for the magic! Our adventure begins two thousand years ago, when life-changing knowledge was hidden within a sacred text. It’s Universal Law Gratitude operates through a Universal law that governs your whole life. According to the law of attraction, which governs all the energy in our Universe, from the formation of an atom to the movement of the planets, “like attracts like.” It’s because of the law of attraction that the cells of every living creature are held together, as well as the substance of every material object. In your life, the law operates on your thoughts and feelings, because they are energy too, and so whatever you think, whatever you feel, you attract to you. If you think, “I don’t like my job,” “I haven’t got enough money,” “I can’t find my perfect partner,” “I can’t pay my bills,” “I think I’m coming down with something,” “He or she doesn’t appreciate me,” “I don’t get along with my parents,” “My child is a problem,” “My life is a mess,” or “My marriage is

in trouble,” then you must attract more of those experiences. But if you think about what you’re grateful for, like, “I love my job,” “My family is very supportive,” “I had the best vacation,” “I feel amazing today,” “I got the biggest tax refund ever,” or ”I had a great weekend camping with my son,” and you sincerely feel the gratitude, the law of attraction says you must attract more of those things into your life. It works in the same way as metal being drawn to a magnet; your gratitude is magnetic, and the more gratitude you have, the more abundance you magnetize. It is Universal law! You will have heard sayings like, “Whatever goes around comes around,” “You reap what you sow,” and “You get what you give.” Well, all of those sayings are describing the same law, and they’re also describing a principle of the Universe that the great scientist Sir Isaac Newton discovered. Newton’s scientific discoveries included the fundamental laws of motion in the Universe, one of which says: Every action always has an opposite and equal reaction. When you apply the idea of gratitude to Newton’s law it says: every action of giving thanks always causes an opposite reaction of receiving. And what you receive will always be equal to the amount of gratitude you’ve given. This means that the very action of gratitude sets off a reaction of receiving! And the more sincerely and the more deeply grateful you feel (in other words, the more gratitude you give) the more you will receive.


Expensive News

World's Most Expensive African Buffalo Valued at $11.1 Million Africa’s biggest-horned and disease-free buffalo was valued at a record amount on Saturday after South Africa-based businessman Peter Bellingham bought a 25 percent share for 44 million rand ($2.8 million). That values the animal, named Horizon for his wide horn span, at a record 176 million rand, surpassing the 40 million rand paid for a buffalo named Mystery by a group including billionaire Johann Rupert in 2013. Horizon’s horns are 55 inches wide, compared with Mystery’s 53 inches. It also doesn’t suffer from tuberculosis, a disease afflicting many wild buffalo in South Africa. Horizon the Buffalo Source: Piet du Toit “It was a unique opportunity to own the best genes in the world,” said Hendrik de Kock, a marketer at Wildswinkel (Pty) Ltd., which ran the auction. H o r i z o n ’s f o u r o w n e r s , i n c l u d i n g Bellingham, have the right to provide 40


By: Kevin Crowley Source: Bloomberg.com

him with ten buffalo cows each year and keep the offspring, De Kock said. Breeders in South Africa, the biggest market for such animals, are willing to pay record prices for the genes of buffaloes they believe can increase their herd’s horn span, which is desirable to hunters. The industry has attracted wealthy investors such as Rupert, who controls jewelry maker Richemont, the maker of Cartier watches. South African Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and Norman Adami, the former chairman of SABMiller P l c ’s l o c a l u n i t , h a v e a l s o m a d e investments in the animals. Horizon’s sale bucks the recent trend for wild animal prices in South Africa. Average buffalo prices, including females, dropped 30 percent to 334,879 rand in 2015, according to data compiled by South Africa’s North West University. Prices of sable and roan, both types of antelope, dropped 35 percent and 39 percent respectively.

Photo Credit: Serena Hartoog Photography | MUA: Patricia Aguirre | Wardrobe: MJM Wear

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