Ms. Gaines is the personal financial planner for Dr. Sharrie Dean Collins International Ambassador, CFY
YAHWEH MAGAZINE 1415 Highway 85 N. Suite 310-107 Fayetteville, GA 30214 MAIN: 855-YHWH-MAG (855-949-4624) WEBSITE: YAHWEHMAGAZINE.COM ARTICLE SUBMISSION: articles@YahwehMagazine.com QUESTIONS: staff@YahwehMagazine.com SUBSCRIPTIONS: sales@YahwehMagazine.com ADVERTISEMENT: ads@YahwehMagazine.com
YAHWEH MAGAZINE is a national publication designed to promote the works of outstanding individuals that are making a positive difference in their community, as well as businesses and organizations. It is also designed to support the call to a wealthy and moral lifestyle. YAHWEH MAGAZINE publishes articles that provide optional solutions to the problems of reality such as: Marriage, family, business, friendships and self improvement. YAHWEH MAGAZINE is distributed across the country. YAHWEH MAGAZINE specializes in exclusive interviews with celebrities and dignitaries across the country who have made valuable contributions that are truly changing their community.
Torrei Hart
“Where is your faith?“
BILL Page 24 Dear Reader, It’s time to re-invent yourself! Another day is another chance to elevate your thinking for the better. Never before in history have you been at this point of your life. Time only moves forward and so will you. This is what YAHWWEH MAGAZINE is all about: evolving in perfection. We have chosen to call our publication by this powerful name to represent the world’s evolution to perfection. There is a time and a season for everything. In this issue, we also invite every reader to take a stroll through the garden of the history of the Legendary Doug E. Fresh. We also are up close with author and film producer Bill Duke. It’s time to unlock the unlimited power of your mind and use it to help others do the same. YAHWEH Magazine is a gift aimed towards the betterment of the quality of life for everyone who reads it. We anticipate that you accept this gift and share it in the manner in which it has been given to you. With the fullness of the power that holds this entire Universe together. The Power of LOVE. Daniel Yahweh Editorial Director YAHWEHMAGAZINE.COM | 5
Vol. 2 Issue 2
Divine Consciousness 7 The Living God 8 The Three are One 11 Did You Know? Character Building 16 Open Your Eyes
Exclusive Interview 24 Bill Duke Body & Soul 33 Still Standing 37 Science of Mind
YM Music 17 Doug E. Fresh
DOUG E. Page 17
THE LIVING GOD W h o i s YA H W E H ? S t r i c t l y speaking, YAHWEH is the only “NAME” of God. In Genesis, wherever the word “NAME” is associated with The Divine Being, that name is YAHWEH. When Abraham or Isaac built an altar, “he called on the name of YAHWEH” (Genesis 12:3, 13:4, 26:5). Reference: The New Bible Dictionary, by J. D. Douglas, page 478. “YAHWEH - The Covenant God of Israel, YHWH, in the Original Hebrew. According to Jewish custom, because of reverence, The Divine name was not to be spoken, so the words LORD and GOD were SUBSTITUTED. Whenever the words “LORD” AND “GOD” appear in LARGE and small CAPITAL letters, the ORIGINAL Hebrew reads YHWH (YAHWEH).” Reference: King James Version of the Bible by Thomas Nelson, Inc. “God’s self, His real person, is concentrated in His name. Unless God’s name is known, it is impossible to have a relationship with Him.” Reference: The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, by Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN, page 408. “YAHWEH” is called the Divine Name and the Tetragrammaton, or four-letter word, because it has four letters in Hebrew (YHWH). Most Jewish people will not say
“Yahweh”. Instead, they say “HASHEM” —a Hebrew word that means “The Name”, or they say “Adonai” —the Hebrew word for “Lord”. Yahweh is also called The Ineffable Name, or The Unspeakable Name, but God’s Name is not unspeakable. According to Matthew Chapter 6 verse 9, which is the Lord’s Prayer Christ said: Matthew 6:9 King James Version (KJV) “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” Christ gave the ultimate reverence to this one name by conferring the name as Hallowed, which mean “holy”. This is the one name that Christ would come in - to be The Son of this great name -because the Father and Son are One. Since They are One, They must also have one name. Although the name YAHWEH in Hebrew is placed upon various temples across the world, such as the temple (North Yorkshire) shown in this picture, Yahweh’s Name does not appear (even once) in the text of the three most popular English Bible translations on the market today. The King James Bible, the New American Standard Bible, and the New International Version substitutes the titles “LORD” and “GOD” with capitalized letters in the place where God’s Name -
“YAHWEH” actually belongs - the ORIGINAL Hebrew reads YHWH (YAHWEH). Jewish religious leaders introduced this tradition in the mid-2nd century B.C., and it has continued since that time. This man-made tradition—which achieved near-universal acceptance in 1611 A.D. (when the King James Bible editors failed to include the Name “Yahweh” in their inaugural edition) — is wrong and dangerous for two reasons. First, it nullifies Yahweh’s explicit command to tell the world that we have only One God—YAHWEH. Second, according to the Bible, YAHWEH is the only name in which we have salvation. Most people that have taken on man’s religion have never heard the name YAHWEH or heard a preacher say it from the pulpit, but research shows that this is the only true name. Matthew 28:19 - King James Version (KJV) “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father (YAHWEH), and of the Son (YAHWEH), and of the Holy Ghost (YAHWEH)” To learn more about Yahweh and the global family of peace visit our website: http:// www.cfycorporate.org and email us at info@cfycorporate.org. You may also contact the office of The Colonel at 855-339-2929 Ext. 6.
“The Three are One”
Who is the author of the book that you have in your homes, offices, churches, hotels, courthouses, and that sits on the President’s desk of the United States of America -- The same book his hand was placed on when sworn into office? Have you ever considered WHO is the author of this worldrenowned book written in more languages than any other book in history? This book the Holy Bible is the world’s standard spiritual resource reference and has single handedly influenced more civilizations, world events, and personal lives than any other book in existence. How can a book of such magnitude have an author whose name is not openly recognized? Well, let’s see what the book has to say about his name. Psalms 148:13 “Let them praise the name of the Lord: for his name alone is excellent; His glory is above the earth and heaven.” What a powerful scripture here! The Author says His name alone is excellent. Well to any astute and sagacious student of the word I know a bell had to ring in your head. What is this excellent name? All who are intellectually honest will do their 2nd Timothy 2:15 which reads: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” I encourage all readers to go to your libraries search out this truth in the Random House dictionaries, Webster’s, Encarta, Oxford, Britannica Encyclopedias, Bible dictionaries and look this name up: YAHWEH. This is the Name that is excellent above all names and the scriptures bear
witness from Genesis through Revelation. Let us read 1st John 5:7: “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” The word ONE denotes a single person or thing, in a state of unity or harmony, complete, whole, unified and married. Now let us reason together: How can The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost be ONE with different names? How can the three be in unity or in harmony with three different names? How can they be unified under different names? Even when a man and woman marry, they become ONE they share the same name. According to John 5:43 The Son - which is described as the Word - reads “I am come in My Father’s name, and ye receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” In John 14:26 The Holy Ghost has the same name as the Son and it reads “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” So here we have The Father’s name recorded as YAHWEH and the Son’s name is YAHWEH and the Holy Ghost name is YAHWEH which makes the THREE “ONE”: YAHWEH the Father YAHWEH The Son and YAHWEH the Holy Ghost.
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Did You Know?
“God Lives within You” People have been taught to look up in the sky or in the Heavens for God, when actually He is much closer than most think! In the book of Jeremiah 23:23: “Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?” Question: Who is this God at hand, and what is His name? Proverbs 30:4 “Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is His Son's name, if thou canst tell?” According to the King James Ve r s i o n o f t h e B i b l e , dictionary section, published by Thomas Nelson, God’s name (according to the bible dictionary definition) reads: YAHWEH - The Covenant God of Israel, YHWH, in the Original Hebrew, According to Jewish custom, because of reverence, The Divine name was not to be spoken, so the words “LORD” and “GOD” were SUBSTITUTED. Whenever the words “LORD” and “GOD” appear in LARGE and small CAPITAL letters, the ORIGINAL Hebrew reads YHWH (YAHWEH). The fact that God lives in every human being should n o t b e a m y s t e r y. Researching several reference tools such as the Catholic Encyclopedia, Bibles Interpreter Dictionaries, Hebrew – Greek Key Study Bibles, and many
other reference tools, it becomes absolutely clear that God’s name is YAHWEH. Higher teachings in other religions such as Islam all lead up to a reference to God’s Essence, a title for His name, with the meaning as the title. The point is, regardless of what people choose to call God, it’s important to recognize that He lives inside of us. YAHWEH LIVES WITHIN YOU The Spirit of God lives in each and every person. 1 Corinthians 3:16 “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God (YAHWEH), and that the Spirit of God (YAHWEH) dwelleth in you?” John 4:24 “God (YAHWEH) is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” Since God (YAHWEH) is a Spirit, and His Spirit dwells in you, then all the power of God is in you as well! John 1:12 “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God (YAHWEH), even to them that believe on His name (YAHWEH):” Luke 17:21 “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” The Kingdom of God within you is the temple in which the Spirit of God (YAHWEH) dwells! How does it make you feel to know that God loves you and is inside of you? This means every righteous desire of your heart shall be
given to you once you fully come to understand and become one with the Spirit that lives inside of you! As you become conscious of this unlimited source of divinity and laden power that exist within, you it will unlock all the keys of the universe. Creation of the air, sun, moon proves that God is unlimited. The process of reproduction where a child is conceived, developed in the womb, grows and constantly evolves in knowledge and understanding, proves that God is unlimited. Look in the mirror, and you will see a person that is unlimited. Automatically from birth, You have access to this unlimited self-realization now!!! It is not a fantasy, you really do have access to unlimited love, peace, health, prosperity and much more…. You are only limited to the limitations you place on your mind with your thoughts of doubt. You can change the world today and it all begins with you. To learn more contact The Celestial Federation of YA H W E H , o n l i n e v i a www.cfycorporate.org and come join The Royal Family of Peace and learn how to become one with your God Consciousness. You can also tune into Genesis 1 ON 1 Hosted by Colonel Boaz every Sunday @ 12:00pm Eastern Standard Time, in the comfort of your own home (857) 232-0476 Access Code 333937. YAHWEHMAGAZINE.COM | 11
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LIVING A DRAMA FREE LIFE “Open Your Eyes” Written By Y. Yahweh Its not the glitz and glamour or pretty eyeshadow expensive nights on Ocean Drive image portrayed via expensive bags or The Tanzanite Heels the up-dos that take hours to get extreme effort to maintain its not knowing who’s who nor is it the image of power, control, authority influence or clout climbing Jacob’s Ladder never to reach the top what is the measure of success? Veneno Roadster? or the American dream lavish life or perceived thought of “making it”? all of these things are nothing mean nothing and are incapable of creating happiness Open your eyes release the vanity, haughtiness, and negative attitude submit yourself to being moral humble, meek and kind honest and open minded without being loveable, caring and considerate, being stubborn will leave you lonely trying to buy happiness through material things ~
DOUG E. FRESH Doug E. Fresh is dubbed the “World’s Greatest Entertainer,” but over the course of his 30 year career he has established himself as much more including: an artistic icon, a trailblazer, a businessperson and an activist. Fresh forever became part of music history as hip-hop’s originator of the human beatbox (vocally simulating the sound of drums and other musical instruments). Today his skill and talent has resulted in an enduring international hip-hop legacy that continues to break new ground. As a pioneering entertainer, Fresh possess the rare and gifted ability to captivate an audience. As a businessperson he has established several successful enterprises. As an activist he has set an example of the power of hip-hop and celebrity to address social ills. Born Doug E. Davis in Barbados, Fresh made his professional recording debut in 1983 on the single "Pass the Budda," with Spoonie Gee and DJ Spivey. One year later, his buzz within hip-hop circles elevated with a memorable performance in the film “Beat Street” behind the Treacherous Three composed of Kool Moe Dee (Mohandas Dewese) and L.A. Sunshine (Lamar Hill), plus DJ Easy Lee (Theodore Moy'e). 1984 also saw the release of his first solo features with "Just Having Fun" and "Original Human Beatbox.” By 1985, Fresh became one of the biggest stars within hiphop due to his unrivaled ability to rock a crowd and masterful skill. His first single for the label, Reality was "The Show/La Di Da Di," recorded with his Get Fresh Crew, including MC Ricky D (a.k.a. Slick Rick), along with Barry Bee and Chill Will. The song became an instant hiphop classic that remains a global show-stopping tour de force highlighted by Fresh’s virtuosic beatboxing. The single is credited with influencing a legion of beatboxing successors. Fresh’s debut album, 1987's “Oh, My God!,” featured most of his show staples, like "Play This Only at Night" and "All the Way to Heaven.” The album also revealed Fresh’s ability to seamlessly fuse genres as seemingly disparate as reggae, jazz and gospel with hip-hop. His sophomore album 1988's “The World's Greatest Entertainer,” broke into the Billboard charts with the hit single, "Keep Risin' to the Top." In 1989 his song, “Spirit” was featured on the soundtrack to the box-office smash,
“Ghostbusters II” which helped to solidify his mainstream appeal. After a three-year hiatus, Fresh signed with MC Hammer's label, Bust It Records and in 1992 he issued the album, Doin' What I Gotta Do. His single "Bustin' Out (On Funk)" was critically acclaimed for its clever sample of Rick James’ 1979 single “Bustin’ Out.” In 1993, Fresh signed to the Island Records-affiliated label Gee Street and generated additional hip-hop classics with the release of songs “I-ight (Alright)" and "Freaks.” "I-ight" became a major hit and is a testament to Fresh’s role as a cultural trendsetter as the hook has now become a famous club chant, (“Heyyyyyy, YO!... I-iiiiight”). On "Freaks", Fresh paid homage to his Caribbean roots with a Dancehall tune beatboxed entirely by him and in the process created a signature club tune. This same year, Fresh made his first leading role film appearance in “Let’s get Bizzee.” In 1995, Slick Rick and Fresh reunited for a track on the latter’s album “Play,” which was critically acclaimed for its positive hip-hop lyrics during the height of gangsta rap. For Fresh the album was a statement against negativity in music and a call for greater consciousness. "Hip-hop is supposed to uplift and create, to educate people on a larger level and to make a change," says Fresh. "Hip-hop artists need to grow to use it like that—not just to get some paper." Subsequent years would find Fresh further diversifying his portfolio across platforms including film, television, literature and entrepreneurship. Notable film roles included in the hit “Brown Sugar” and “Paid in Full” plus TV appearances on “The Chris Rock Show,” “Britain’s Top of the Pops” and “The Soul Train Awards” where he created a viral sensation by teaching CNN's Wolf Blitzer the dance craze known as The Dougie. Proving himself equally adept behind-the-scenes he has written music for McDonald’s, Coors, Gatorade and Tanqueray commercials and served as producer on the TV documentaries, “Hip-Hop Cultural Odyssey: Know Your History,” and “Be Inspired: The Life of Heavy D.” In 2002, Fresh partnered with Scholastic to create the book, “Think Again.” The book was part of a series entitled, “Hip Kid Hop” and Fresh’s story promoted unity and acceptance through the tale of two kids who overcome racial antagonism to become friends.
DOUG E. FRESH, CONT. In 2010 he opened Doug E.’s Chicken and Waffles in Harlem. The restaurant has become a successful effort to contribute to the economic and cultural revitalization of Harlem. Two years later, Fresh joined the cast of “Apollo Live” on BET as a judge alongside soul music icon, Gladys Knight and Michael Bivins with host, Tony Rock. On the show he offers constructive criticism to help nurture tomorrow’s stars. It is a role, which Fresh finds reminiscent of his early career when he helped mentor talent such as P. Diddy, Biz Markie and numerous others. In 2012, Fresh made history as the first rapper to perform at the United Nations for the United Nations Day Concert, in front of 193 countries. Fresh performed alongside his longtime friend and legend, Stevie Wonder for a rousing set that opened new doors for hip-hop within the global sphere. With the same ease as he takes the mic, Fresh takes on social responsibility. A tireless hip-hop activist, he has fought against racism, drugs, illiteracy, police brutality and homelessness in communities around the world. A vocal proponent of artists' rights, he's a hands-on board member of The Artist Empowerment Coalition. Fresh also serves as co-founder of Hip Hop Public Health (HHPH), along with Dr. Olajide Williams, a neurologist from New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center. Through HHPH, Fresh’s mission is to end health illiteracy through music and foster positive health behavior changes. As part of these efforts, Fresh has appeared in several PSA’s for Harlem Hospital Center encouraging health awareness. He also manages to
directly address youth as a long-time participant of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, where he engages youth on topics such as financial literacy and voting. For his dedication to social service, he has received proclamations from Newark, NJ, Brooklyn, NY and Detroit, MI. Proving that he is more in-demand than ever before Fresh has several highly anticipated projects in the works for 2013 and beyond. After recording the health empowerment anthem, “Let’s Move” for his HHPH organization, Fresh garnered the attention of First Lady Michelle Obama. The result was an invitation to perform at the White House and shortly thereafter, Fresh was commissioned to create the forthcoming album for Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiative. In addition he is in the studio finishing up two additional 2013 releases, “Music & Me” a beatbox album with various musical collaborators and “Still (Still the World’s Greatest Entertainer).” The latter is a compilation featuring artists including Stevie Wonder, Prince, Larry Graham and Fresh’s sons, Dayquan "Slim" Davis and Solomon "Trips" Davis, better known as the rap duo, Square Off. As someone who always remains on the pulse of innovation, Fresh will continue to further expand his empire and in doing so, one thing is certain: he will always remain true to giving back through his gift. “I always lived my life saying I don’t want to be financially rich and spiritually bankrupt,” he says. “So most of my decisions lean toward what's better for spiritual growth of others and myself and to create the best celebration of life. When I make hiphop I've always been about trying to elevate the culture.”
“Self image is everything.”
“Own Your Destiny” Written By YM Staff Sometimes, its not easy to tell when you are a victim. Some of the worst types of hindrances are the ones you put on yourselves. After all, we are our own worst critics, and we often beat up on ourselves much more than we realize. Owning your destiny means taking responsibily for your errors, and changing your attitude. It means affirming daily your beliefs and goals, and constantly reviewing your action plan. Owning your destiny means having your plan and sticking to it - not blaming others for your shortcomings. It also means “stop beating up on yourself” and see the purity behind your mistakes, as it is a necessary process to enhance your journey. The power of visualization is understood and practiced by the elite. It is overlooked and simply ignored by the common person, who are relegated to a life of mediocrity based on their lack of vision. A narrow minded person has a limited vision. Their focus extends no further than whats directly in front of them in life. Living check to check without a plan to change from being someone else’s employee to a business owner can be an example. However, business ownership is not everyone’s cup of tea. Therefore, doing the minimum on your job - not seeking to be promoted, but living in a state of complacency - is another example of narrow mindedness. If you are a CEO - you have another potential hidden issue - it’s easy to be comfortable. Have you considered how to triple your worth in wisdom, expertise, and financial status over the next three years? How do you move from having one store to hundreds? Instead of “thousands” of locations (if you have national chain), how do you globalize your market? What resources have you considered to take your brand to other countries such as Japan, Australia, or Russia? Or - like many companies, are you comfortable where you are with only being local?
What other values can you add to your brand? What markets compliment your portfolio? If you are a small business owner, lets say a chain of hair salons, could your brand benefit by adding your own hair product line in your salons and other value added services such as nails, professional makeup, spa facilities, making your salon a one stop shop? This concept applies to every business. Own your destiny - write a new one - reinvent yourself by utilizing the unlimited mind you possess. Many of the wealthiest individuals started their journey with nothing in their possession except the clothes on their back and plenty of time on their hands. The power of visualization an innate gift endowed within each person from the Creator - is the tool which facilitated the chain of events, opportunities and testimonies that lead up to today’s success. Everyone is born with it, but clearly only a few use their power of mind to manifest greatness in their lives and business. How to take control of your destiny: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Be thankful of the innate gift, and the opportunity to bring about any righteous desire of your heart just by the power of thought. Visualize your desires. Research the process of obtaining your desires. Create a vision board. Learn how to “know” - know that you will obtain these desires. Focus your energy on the desires - create your action plan from your research. Visualize the finished hundred-story skyscraper with your logo on the top by looking at a single peace of brick. Watch it happen. Enjoy the moments. Repeat this cycle over and over again. Show someone else how to do what you just did, and your success will exponentially grow. YAHWEHMAGAZINE.COM | 23
â?? YM EXCLUSIVE â?? BILL DUKE YM seized a moment with Bill Duke, legendary actor, film producer, and author. I remember first seeing you in Predator and now it's many years later and you are still relevant. You're still doing things here in Hollywood. Now you're a filmmaker. What has been the key to remaining relevant in such a complex game as far as the film industry?:Â I think a lot of it has to do with loving what you do. I enjoy what I do. Luckily for me, I was gifted with the ability to write, direct, and act. I really enjoy writing about things and directing things that I think are relevant to our culture and healing to our culture because we have some issues that we must begin to deal with. If we don't I think they are going to our demise on some levels. We call it edutainment. In other words you can entertain people at the same time you can give them something to think about.
Well on that topic right now what other dynamic or role do you as a filmmaker or other filmmakers need to take on as well? I think that we have to be really aware of all of the transitions and paradigm shifts from film and TV into media. I think Malcolm X said it best. He said "No matter how good a football player you are. If the name of the game is baseball you better get yourself a bat." A lot of us are still playing football and no one is going to inform us that the game is changing, you know?. If we want to reach a global audience, if we want to be able to have our own distribution, those kind of things, we have to begin to explore the online and media world.
The new film aired on the Oprah Winfrey Network just recently. We've been hearing a little bit here a little bit there about it. Just for our readers and our audience can you give us a little insight on your new film? It's dealing with the same topic ... last year I came out with a film called Dark Girls, by the way the Dark Girls book is for sale now so people should try to get it if they can ... and then Light Girls. We really are dealing what is called colorism in our own community. Racism is the preference of color outside of our race. Colorism is the same ignorance and madness occurring inside our race. These are things we are doing to each other. If you go online today and you look at #teamlightskin and #teamdarkskin, there are women in those clubs. Each club has over 350,000 women. There is bullying going on in our playgrounds where light skinned little girls and dark skinned little girls are being bullied because of the color of their skin. This is 2015, and here's the irony, while we're bickering over skin tone within our own culture, white females are going to tanning salons once or twice a week to get their skin darker, crinkle their hair, get Botox lips, and butt lifts to look more ethnic. Don't you find that a little ironic? What kind of response have you gotten from that? Because I haven't really seen too much of that online yet? As far as the response ...
⏐ YM EXCLUSIVE ⏐ BILL DUKE 90% of people love the film, touched by the film, glad that we made it. There is a certain number of people asked the question: Why are we bringing this up? Why are we airing our dirty laundry? Then there are certain people saying: This is no longer relevant. You know black people don't have this problem anymore. And they're saying this in spite of women and young girls giving testimonies that today, this is not Bill Dukes saying this, these are women saying today they still face these issues. Tell us about your new business. I have a mixer that is out right now called “Skimpy Mixers” - its a low calorie drink. You can make it alcoholic or nonalcoholic. Its also kid-friendly - you can add spice to their juice. It’s doing well. Its in Walmart right now. It is also an empowerment movement too. The company I partnered with is founded and managed by women. I partnered with them because they are women and I saw them doing positive things for their community. I love positive women coming together, doing positive things in the community. You know Yahweh Magazine applauds you for being bold and brave enough and concerned enough and caring enough to bring the issue out. Because we do have a whole other generation and generations that are coming up and even if you can touch one person or a few people to help make a change to help stop it. [inaudible 04:45] said we're not taught to value each other. Be in a position to be able to effect a change. It's a very powerful documentary. We appreciate your support. Also support the Dark Girls books that are now out there on Amazon and in book stores. You can order it or get it in the bookstore because it's an incredible tool that gives dark skinned little girls a tool to say anyone who says that they aren't pretty or they're stupid or whatever...And Lupita is on the front cover...They can take this book and give it to that idiot and say: There are people who look just like me that fought the fight and look what they've accomplished. It's a picture book. It's got the pictures of beautiful black women from all over the world and their testimonials and it just says to little dark skinned girls don't let anyone tell you you're not beautiful. We understand that you are involved in meditation, transcendental meditation? For at least I would say over forty years. It saved my life every day, Sir. And it's a healing medita;on that centers you. It takes away stress and it heals the nervous system. Is it something you have incorporated even in your films and your work? Yeah, one is the things that it teaches you is that you cannot love anything or anyone else unless you love yourself. No material thing can resolve that. You can have all the cars, the boats, the houses, the women, everything in the world, right? But if you don't love yourself, it's meaningless. SiCng down 26 | YAHWEHMAGAZINE.COM
every day, twice a day for twenty minutes, closing your eyes and just allow God's presence within you and allow the healing to take place. There is nothing that can buy that, Sir. Is there any advice that you have? You talk to a lot of actors a lot of people that are up and coming in Hollywood. For anyone out there who might be interested in getting in the game of the film industry, do you have any words of encouragement? Yes, Sir and it's about survival. I want to leave you with three of my favorite quotes. The first is from Winston Churchill. He said "True power is an individual's ability to move from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." The next one is from Anonymous: "Aspire to inspire before you expire." My final one which I love the most: "In your life;me you will never see a smaller package than a person wrapped up in themselves."
“Real Talk” with Reshaunda B1anks
“I am YAHWEH, and so are you.”
“Still Standing” Poems by Atarah Now, we are standing tall rising, rising through it all taking heed to the voice that has formed us, molded us, shaped us to be strong and courageous. Growing every day; constantly graduating, and praising Yahweh with an understanding. Through hard work and diligence we stand; belief in our sovereignty has raised us with a Mighty hand; The sovereignty which forms, around us, an unbreakable band. Within the divinity of this invincible sovereignty is our whole armor; our fortress, our sanctuary and our strong tower; our shield of faith, our guiding light; on it we depend day and night. Though jeered, ridiculed, mocked and scorned; we faithfully hold on. Though persecuted for righteousness’ sake we have been we persevere, day out and day in. For, at last, all things are being brought to our remembrance and have formed, within us, the paradigm of endurance; Which, without a doubt, sure and sealed trains our minds to be cleansed and healed. We have changed our thinking and our thoughts; we have written the words of goodness in our inward parts, confidently distilling this new life o’er the vales and hills, intrepid, chiming peace because it is His will. Hence, onward with goodness we are forever bonding; steadfast, unmovable; still standing. YAHWEHMAGAZINE.COM | 31
“Dare to be different.”
⏐ y m T H E - O LO G I E S ⏐
Science of Mind
The Living Letters By: David Peterson Edifiology the art and science of instructing or benefiting the character or mind of someone morally and spiritually to uplift them to a new level of living, is the time tested and resurrected method of changing the lives of those around us. A powerful aspect of edifiology is the mastery of creating living letters within ourselves to communicate ideas, teach morals or bridge different cultures to join together for a common good. Each of us are living letters! We represent living letters to friends, family, strangers anywhere around the world! A living letter is one who exercises the ability to share knowledge, wisdom and understanding with a global audience beyond culture, race or religion! As living letters, every day presents a renewed opportunity to edify, teach, morally uplift,
enlighten and spiritually inspire all good people we come in contact with in any environment or location via telephone, email, text message and/or in person to strengthen our ties with one another. It is vital we re-establish a daily connection with all good people, rather than carrying a pony express attitude where we only reach out in emergency situations or bad news is being spread. It's time to spread good news, to change the world's vision of only seeing negative views on everything to a perpetual stream of positivity being revealed hour by hour and minute by minute. Living letters or living minds spread new thoughts, new ideas, new positive values and continue to inspire others to increase the effect of our spiritual invasion on a world searching for a comforting harbor in the stormy seas of this world.
TURQUOISE By: Sheryl Randle The color turquoise helps to open the lines of communication between the heart and the spoken word. It influence presents a personal power as a friendly and happy color enjoying life.
Some additional meanings for heal are:
Essentially, we realize that people who possess the power of turquoise are able to see life and how enjoyable and how beautiful it is and is able to help others see it but only if the other is willing to be open and listen.
This manifest it's power through turquoise which is able to rebuild, fix or improve someone who doesn’t know how to do it themselves, turquoise is able to restore someone’s emotions, helping them to be able to live and feel again.
In color psychology, turquoise controls and heals the emotions creating emotional balance and stability. In the process it can appear to be on an emotional roller coaster, up and down, until it balances itself.
Again, as a gentle reminder, we have to be able to balance ourselves before working to restore someone else’s balance.
Turquoise is able to heal and control emotions not only in his/herself but is able to help others control their emotions and heal them if they’re damaged or out of control, sometimes it may overwhelm you and you will not be able to control your own emotions, so Turquoise should focus on perfecting self emotions and balance and then seek to help others.
Alleviate, fix, improve, mend, rebuild, reconcile, regenerate, rehabilitate, rejuvenate, repair, restore, revive, settle, soothe, and treat.
Some synonyms of balance are: equity, harmony, and equivalence. In order for turquoise to bring harmony to others, they have to be at harmony with themselves and be able to center themselves if they want to help others be centered. There is no use in trying to change someone else if you haven’t changed!
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