New Graphic Design-Form Follows Function

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Content An explanation of Modernism and post Modernism

Modernism what is Modernism?


Post-Modernism what is Post-Modernism?


Modernism Graphic design Modernist graphic design movement-Bauhaus


Neville Brody influential typographer, graphic design and Art director


Book review on the graphic launguage of Neville Brody by Yahya Delair


Issue 1


what is Modernism? In boradest definition, it is modern thoughts, practice or character. to be more spacific the term modernist movement describes in the arts. cultural movements orignally arising from wide scale and far changed to westorn style and society, this happen in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement affected the cities and industrial societies quickest. Modernism din’t just affect design but it affected a lot of areas.

I am going to look at how it had a impact on grahpics and changed the syle of graphics. Within ‘Modernism’ there were a lot of movements and artist involved, these are a few i have looked at: American Louis Sullivan, William morris, cubism, and bauhouse. these are only a few i have looked at as there is a lot more that were invovled in this.

Looking at this sorce which talks about Modernism gives me a better understanding on what this is all about. Looking at some of these images, this modernism is about grids, everything in perfectly lined up form and very clean layout.



what is postmoderism? Postmodernism is a movement away from the viewpoint of modernism. The term ‘postmodernism’ was first used around the 1870s. As a generalization, postmodernism is a style and concept characterized by distrust of theories and ideologies, and of drawing attention to conventions.

This research helped me realised that post moderism is bascially design with no rules. scrapping the whole grid system, rules, white space and all that. Its more about emotion and do whatever you want.

Post modernism changed design a lot and a lot of big movements were part of this, for example: Pop art, Dada movement, minimalism, and Assemblage art. These are some only a few examples of some movements with in ‘Post modernism’.


ModernismGraphic design

Bauhaus 1919-1933 What us Bauhous? ‘Bauhous was a school in germany that combined crafts and the fine arts, and was famous for the approach to design that it publcized and taught. The Bauhaus school was founded by Walter Gropius is Weimar. The Bauhaus stlye became one of the most influential currents in Modernist arcitecture and modern design.

The Bauhous has a profound influence upon subsequent development in art, acreitecture, grpahic design, interior design, industrial design and typograpgy.

The Bauhous style, also known as the international style, was marked by the absence of ornamentation and by harmony between the funcion of the object or a building and its design.’

I am going to start by looking at some bauhous designera, going to look at differect sorces and pick the most approprite ones, From them i will think about modernism and see how this has affected the design work. This should give me a better understanding of how it affected the graphic indistary.


Neville Brody was born on 23rd April 1957 in london, Brody is an English Graphic designer, typographer and art director. Neville is known for his work on the face mageine in 1981 to 1986, and also the Aerna magezine in 1687-1990. He is the the founding member of the dontworks. and the new head of the communication art and design department at the royal college of art.

Neville Brody is one of the most celebrated graphic designers of his generation – a leading typographer and internationally recognised art director and brand strategist. The founder of design agency Research Studios, Brody established his reputation working with record labels, magazines and a range of international clients from Apple to Dom PÊrignon. His hugely influential work has been the subject of numerous exhibitions and publications, most notably the two-volume monograph The Graphic Language of Neville Brody, which was accompanied by an exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum


The graphic language of Neville Brody

For my book review that I needed to do, I choose Neville Broody and his book called ‘The graphic language of Neville Broody’. The reason for this is because I like books that have more visuals rather then pages full of just writing, Images stick better in my head. Neville Brody wad born in 23 April 1957 in London, he is an English graphic designer, typographer and art director. From learning this I knew straight away this designer will be very relevant to what I’m doing. Neville had very simple typography work which caught my attention, simple but effective.

When looking at the cover of this book I dint find it as appealing as I though it would be, the design look like a design a kid would find appealing and not a designer. The type that was used on the cover isn’t catchy and Neville has some really strong typography work so this was a bit shocking for me. Neville Brody is a very influential designer so his cover should really grab a designer’s eye. Reading this book what I really liked about it is that it has a lot of images, a very wide range of his work, which I enjoyed spending time and looking into.

This is how a designer’s book should look like. The layout was clean but in some part of the book it was very busy, a lot of information and images cramped into one page. However it still works, the pages are busy in some area but it works well with the way it’s been all placed together. Overall I think this book is a very ideal book for a designer, and also for someone who wants to what ‘graphic design’ is. It was a very relevant book and his styles of work really appealed to me a lot. I like work that looks complexes and full of skill, that’s what sort of design I am into. The book is full of ideas and is a good start to get inspiration also, mainly for typography work, a wide range of typography work at its best.


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