1 minute read
The purpose of this work is to demonstrate that visual art is a very effective tool to work on identity in pupils and that this also helps in cases of bullying To work on identity, the project focuses on deconstructing stereotypes, celebrating differences. In order to deconstruct stereotypes, I work with self-portraits to influence identity. However, these proposals do not have an immediate effect, so the profound effects on the development of identity cannot be seen at first glance or in such a short time frame. Independently, I have worked with certain assessment markers as well as observation factors used.
a) Do the designed art proposals influence the individual and group identity of the pupils?
b) Can the designed visual art proposals help in the deconstruction of stereotypes related to: skin colour, body types, cultural roots and gender roles?
c) Can the designed proposals improve the case of bullying?
d) Do they promote coexistence and cooperation in the classroom?
e) Are the proposals understood?
f) How appropriate are they for pupils aged 6-8 years?
g) How appropriate are they for the context and the classroom?
h) What are their advantages and disadvantages?