1 minute read
Brief Description Of Activities Activity 3
This activity is carried out in the subject of values. It is based on a story, a self-made narration worked on in the 4th grade subject "artistic resources, techniques and procedures in infant and primary education".
This story serves to reinforce the previous activity, fostering a sense of belonging and group identity in the pupils. The narrative, inspired by the Big Bang theory, has two parts, one in codex (book) format and the other in tunnel book format with several layers or templates, some of which move and allow the pupils to interact and be included in the book. The story begins with a ball of energy that is approached by skin-coloured particles and explodes, generating humans who work together to make the earth a better world
Like the narration, the activity has two parts:
- The first part consists of reading the narrative to the pupils in a dramatised way
- The second part consists of being included in the narration, in the tunnel book, by moving the layers (or templates) that make it up To do this, a template or card has been created on which the pupils have to draw themselves and colour in their skin colour in order to be included in the book. To colour in, special colours from the Crayola brand called "Colours of the world" are used They have more than 24 different skin tones, and on the sides colour palettes to compare the skin and to identify and choose the right compare the skin and identify and choose the most similar own colour